March 1. |
386. Copy of Lord High Treasurer's Order for payment of
incidents of the Office of the Board of Trade to Christmas, 1702.
(See Feb. 17.) Endorsed, Recd. March 5, 1702/3. [C.O. 388, 75.
No. 68.] |
March 1. Crotchet Friars. |
387. Solomon Merrett to William Popple. I am obliged
in the first place to return you thanks for laying my letter before
their Lordships of the 25th February, as it is for the general
good of the Newfoundland fishery, especially of the inhabitants
of Trinity Bay and Bonavista. And in obedience of their
Lordships' commands, signifyed in your letter to me of the
same date, I have to the best of my judgement made a calculate
of the charge and what else is necessary for the fortification
of Trinity Harbour in Trinity Bay, humbly praying their
Lordships to pardon what errors I have made in the same as
I am ignorant of military affairs, but in the estimate of what
effects is generally left in Trinity Bay and Bonavista one year
with another. I dare presume it's little less, oftentimes more.
As to the fortification, there's no need of brick and stones for
the fort to be built at the west entrance of the harbour, as they
have turf and pallisadoes enough in the country. And as the
inhabitants will gladly work on the same that they may have
a place to secure their effects in the winter time, only there
must be sent a few brick or stone for a magazin for powder, which
the ships from Poole will carry without any freight, and the
inhabitants with assistance will compleat the fortification in six
weeks or two months, I therefore propose that 30 cannon, 8 or 9
pounders, 100 barrels of powder, 100 small arms with carridges
and shott and other things answerable to said gunns and small
arms, be sent over with the convoy that goes for the sackes, in
May, the which may amount to 2,000l., or one or two hundred
pounds more or lesse, delivered in Newfoundland, that with
these gunns, and an officer and 40 men (if a Company be thought
to much) be sent, that the chief officer have power to command
the inhabitants to work on the fortifications when the fishing
season is over about the 20th August, and to have them under
military command, on the appearance of the enemy, or on any
exigent occasion. The charge of sending over, and pay, and
maintenance for said soldiers I am informed will be yearly 1,400l.
a little more or less. So that Guns etc. will be the first charge,
which (powder excepted) may remain these many years without
an addition of that charge, the soldiers will be a constant yearly
charge and these will do more service than a man of warr, whose
charge will be 8 or tenn times more, and I humbly offer that
this charge will be but a trifle for to protect one third part of the
fishery to Newfoundland, which brings in so great a revenue
yearly and other advantages. Then Sr. as to the effects left
yearly in Trinity Bay, in the harbours called Trinity Harbour,
English Harbour, Salmon Cove. Hearts Ease, Hearts Content,
New Parlican, Silly Cove, Hans Harbour, and Old Perlican,
which are the harbours of Trinity Bay; in time of peace, there
was (and may be again when they can be secure) left one year
with another about thirty three thousand pounds, which account
I have from those that lived there and is computed as follows. In
these harbours were kept 260 boates for fishing which with boates,
cables, sailes, anchors, netts, lines, hookes, their stages and
other craft for fishing thereunto belonging ashoare at fifty pounds
each is 13,000l – –. The houses, furniture and provisions for the
famillys computed 100 houses with all charges at 90l. p. house,
9,000l. – –. The salt left is some yeares 5,000 hogshds., generally
not less than 3,000 hogshds. at 20s. each—3,000l. – –. The
fish left in these harbours hath been sometimes 20 or
30,000 quintalls, but one year with another in times of warr
may be computed at least 10,000 quintalls at 10s. per quintall—5,000l. – –. The bread, pork, beefe, malt, pease, flower and
oyle and other commodities left yearly may be vallued at least
3,000l. – –. Also the fortifying this Trinity Harbour will
secure Bonavista by land, in which harbour are as many or
more inhabitants as in three of these, the effects of which may
be computed at least worth 12,000l. – –. So that the whole
secured by this may be vallued at 45,000l. – –. And as
there's space of ground enough on the point of land at the west
entrance of Trinity Harbour, where this fortification is proposed
to be built, I humbly offer its my opinion that the inhabitants
be obliged to build their houses and storehouses within or near
the fort as the Engineer may think fitt, which will oblige them
to defend the same. Craving leave again to add that unless this
be effected this year, which may easily be done in time, the trade
of that part of the land which is more than ⅓ of the whole will
be lost. It may be reasonably feared the French who have so
great a regard to that trade will fortifye this harbour which
lyes so conveniently for them. I humbly pray you to excuse
what errors I may have committed herein. Signed, Solomon
Merrett. |
Sir, I pray you to favour me with a line when we may hope
to have the protections for the ships, in the list gave, without
which we cannot fitt out as the season comes on apace. Sir,
since the above I am informed that the Council have ordered
protections, provided that we procure our quota of men for the
fleet as other ships are obliged to do, if this be insisted on from
us, wee must give over thought of that, but I humbly hope
their Lordships will represent that wee in this fishery much
increase the number of sailers, as the landsment wee yearly carry
out become to be sailers in two years time by which they make
much more money for wages than wee give them, so this hardship on our fishery will totally discourage us. Endorsed, Recd.
Read March 1st, 1702/3. Addressed. Sealed. 2 pp. [C.O. 194, 2.
No. 98; and 195, 3. pp. 173–177.] |
March 1. Whitehall. |
388. Earl of Nottingham to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. The Queen thinking it not reasonable to allow
the former demands made by Sir Jeffry Jeffreys in his proposal
which was transmitted to you, and whereupon you made a report,
he hath now offered to H.M. another proposall, which I send
you herewith, that you may consider of it and report your opinion
to H.M. Signed, Nottingham. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 2,
1702/3. 1 p. Enclosed, |
388. i. Memorial of Sir Jeffrey Jeffreys to the Queen. Having
undertaken to pay the subsistence of the four companies
of soldiers in garrison at New York and Albany, and
having built a ship of 180 tons mounted with fourteen
guns now ready to put to sea at Cows, the Eagle,
Capt. Davison, Commander, and having some goods
aboard for the supply of said undertaking, doth propose
to make two voyages thither and black to the Is. of Wight
for six or seven months, in case your Majesty shall be
pleased to constitute the said vessel with your Majesty's
Commission in the nature of a packett-boat and protection
for fourty men for said time, with liberty to take in
such goods and passengers as offiers upon freight, together
with the advantage of the letters according to the
rates settled by Mr. Dummer's packetts, to stay at
New York not executing 30 days, and to return to the
Isle of Wight, whereby an experiment may be made
of settling and carrying on a correspondence for those
parts during the war without charge to your Majesty.
[C.O. 324, 8. pp. 220–222; and 323, 5. Nos. 7, 7.i.] |
March 1. Whitehall. |
389. William Popple to Josias Burchett. In reply to your
letter of Feb. 26, the Council of Trade and Plantations send
enclosed copies of two letters from Mr. Bridgman relating to
convoys for salt ships from Lisbon to Newfoundland, Feb. 1696/7.
Their Lordships have not yet communicated your letter to the
merchants, being desirous first to understand H.R.H. further
pleasure in reference to the salt ships intended this year from
Portugal to Newfoundland, because they are apprehensive, from
the discourses they have lately had with those merchants, lest
the want thereof should disappoint this year's fishery. [C.O. 195,
3. pp. 179, 180.] |
March 2. Admiralty Office. |
390. J. Burchett to William Popple. In reply to preceding.
Before receipt thereof, H.R.H. had signed orders to the Commander in Chief of the Convoy gone to Portugal to appoint one
of the ships of his squadron to see the ships and vessels well into
the sea, that are bound with salt from Lisbon to Newfoundland.
Signed, J. Burchett. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 3, 1702/3.
Addressed. Sealed. ¾ p. [C.O. 194, 2. No. 99; and 195, 3.
pp. 180, 181.] |
March 1. Whitehall. |
391. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Letter
from Mr. Merrit, March 1, read. |
Letter from the Earl of Nottingham as to Sir Jeffry Jeffrys'
proposal read. |
Letter from Mr. Burchet, Feb. 26, read, and the Secretary
was directed to answer. |
March 2. |
Letter from Mr. Larkin, Oct. 15, read. Enclosures laid before
the Board. Letters from Mr. Larkin of Oct. 26 and Nov. 1 also
read. Whereupon a letter was writ to Capt. Bennet, and another,
by their Lordships' directions, by the Secretary to Mr. Larkin. |
Sir Jeffrey Jeffrys' proposal was taken into consideration.
Directions given for preparing an answer to the Earl of Nottingham
thereon. |
March 3. |
Mr. Pereira laid a petition of the Jews of Jamaica before the
Board, which was read. At his request he was granted a copy of
the Jews' Memorial, 1700. |
Letter from Mr. Burchet, March 2, read. |
Memorial of Mr. John Roope, an inhabitant of Newfoundland,
read. |
Some further amendments in the draught of a charter for
the importation of Naval Stores from America were made, and
the draught of a report wherewith to lay the same before H.M.
was agreed upon, and ordered to be transcribed. [C.O. 391, 16.
pp. 1–6 and 391, 97. pp. 173–182.] |
March 1. At the Flatts. |
392. Minutes of Council of Bermuda. Mr. Larkin's letter
to the Lords of the Plantations, and their Lordships' answer,
read. Upon an application from Mr. Larkin, offering to give
security to answer in England what shall be objected against
him here, it is the opinion of this Board that upon his giving
good security to H.M. in 1,000l., he may be discharged from his
present imprisonment, and depart from thence directly on board
of any vessell outwards bound into Jamaica (being the place he
saies requires his attendance on H.M. service) if he shall think
fit, this Board being always ready to promote H.M. service,
but cannot think fit to allow his liberty of going about these
Islands to pursue his former evil and dangerous practices of
insinuating and amazeing H.M. subjects … and repeating his
unparalleled example of lewdness and debauchery. |
On reading H.M. Letter about a Thanksgiving to be made
throughout these Islands for success at Viego, ordered accordingly,
and that Robert Baron, minister, do preach a suitable sermon.
[C.O. 40, 2. pp. 53, 54.] |
March 1. |
393. Journal of Assembly of Jamaica. The House met
and adjourned. |
March 2. |
Thomas Cox, Thomas Bryan and Thomas Sutton not attending
the service of the House, ordered that they be sent for in custody
of the Messenger. |
Bill for encouraging the importation of white servants was
read and recommitted. |
Thomas Cox and Thomas Sutton attending in custody, his
excuse was approved of, and he was discharged, paying his fees. |
On debating the above Bill, it was decided to raise a fund of
1,500l. on the additional duty for that purpose. |
Gabriell Manerly was granted leave to bring in a Bill. |
And see Minutes of Council in Assembly under date. |
March 3. |
See Minutes of Council in Assembly under date. [C.O. 140, 7.
pp. 1–3.] |
March 2. |
394. Wm. Bridges to William Popple. Enclosing a copy of
the proportion of ordnance stores sent to Barbados. Signed,
Wm. Bridges. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 4, 1702/3. 1 p.
Enclosed, |
394. i. Ordnance stores sent to Barbados on the Success of
London. Ordnance Office, Jan. 1702(3). Includes eight
24 pounders, thirty-four 12 pounders, fifteen demiculverins, with carriages, shot, ladles etc., a train of small
artillery (10 iron ordnance mounted on travelling
carriages) with round and case shot etc. 3¼ pp.
[C.O. 28, 6. Nos. 95, 95.i; and 29, 8. pp. 289–293.] |
March 2. Whitehall. |
395. William Popple to George Larkin. The Council of
Trade and Plantations order me to acknowledge your letters,
Aug.-Nov. 1, and as they must refer the particular examination
of them till your return to England, so they think themselves
obliged to advise you that, wherever you come, you pay due
respect to the dignity and character of H.M. Governours, and
endeavour by ways of moderation and civility to make your
Commission and the execution of it acceptable to them, as far
as may be consistant with the being and intent of it. [C.O. 38, 5.
p. 364.] |
March 2. Whitehall. |
396. William Popple to Lt. Gov. Handasyde. The inclosed
letters being one from the Right Honble. Mr. Secretary Hedges
to Mr. Larkin, who tis' believed may be arrived or shortly
expected at Jamaica, the other writ by direction of the Lords
Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, I am ordered to desire
your care in the delivering them to him when there. [C.O. 138, 10.
p. 410.] |
March 2. Whitehall. |
397. William Popple to the President and Council of
Barbados. Enclosing letter to Lt. Gov. Bennet. [C.O. 29, 8.
p. 288.] |
March 2. Whitehall. |
398. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lt. Gov. Bennett.
Mr. Larking in several of his letters having represented to us
the hard usage he met with in Bermuda, and the very little
respect which was there paid to the Commission which he brought,
we referr the particular examination of his complaints to be
more fully heard on his returne to England, but think ourselves
obliged in the meantime to give you our opinion, that you ought
not to have imprisoned a person imployed on so important a
Commission, without great consideration, and for very extraordinary reasons, and that in case he had given you any cause
of dissatisfaction, you should have referred the matter hither,
that the Queen's pleasure might be known therein, and have
behaved yourself as much as possibly you could with kindness
and civility towards H.M. Officer, which moderation and conduct
we recommend to you for the future. Signed, Weymouth, Robt.
Cecill, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, Jno. Pollexfen, Mat. Prior.
March 25.—P.S. We herewith send you two letters from the
Earl of Nottingham relating to the French and Spaniards upon
occasion of the present warr, not doubting of your care in
observing the directions thereby given you within H.M. Islands
under your Government. We are expecting an account from
you of what Commissions you have given out to privateers, and
a copy of one of those Commissions according to what has been
formerly desired, and that you be more particular in giving us
accounts of all transactions within your Government. [C.O. 38, 5.
pp. 362–364.] |
March 2. |
399. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. Absent Members
fined. Only 14 Members appearing, the House adjourned for a
fortnight. [C.O. 31, 7. p. 36.] |
March 2. |
400. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Jamaica. Bill to
invest H.M. in land in Kingston etc., sent up with amendments, read and returned with many amendments. |
March 3. |
The Representatives desired a Conference thereupon, which
was held accordingly. |
March 4. |
A further Conference was held. |
March 5. |
A further Conference was held. [C.O. 140, 6. pp. 447–449.] |
March 3. Whitehall. |
401. Earl of Nottingham to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. I send you by the Queen's command some letters
which I lately received from Col. Dudley, and one from Rhode
Island in America, that you may consider of the several matters
contained in them and report your opinion what may be best
for H.M. service to do therein. Signed, Nottingham. Endorsed,
Recd. March, Read Aug. 13, 1702/3. 1 p. [See Cal. A. & W.I.,
Sept. 17, Oct. 15, 20, Nov. 8 and Dec. 10, 1702.] [C.O. 5, 715.
No. 11; and 5, 911. p. 126.] |
Enclosures referred to in preceding:— |
401. ii. Abstract of following. Endorsed, Recd. March, Read
Aug. 13, 1703. 2 pp. |
401. ii. Governor and Company of Rhode Island to the Earl of
Nottingham. General Assembly, Newport, Sept. 17,
1702. Acknowledging letter of May 7, 1702, in obedience
to which the War has been declared in the several
towns. Endorsed, Recd. March 1702/3. 1 p. Enclosing, |
401. iii. Loyal Address of the Governor and Company of
Rhode Island to the Queen, Sept. 17, 1702. Congratulate
H.M. succession. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p. |
401. iv. Address of the Governor and Company of Rhode
Island to the Queen. Sept. 29, 1702. Our fathers
through excessive labour and travell, hasard and charge
did transport themselves out of there native land into
these remote parts, where having made a considerable
settlement and improvements in your Majesty's province
of the Massachusetts Bay, but differing something in
their apprehensions in religious concernments, was
sorely persecuted there, some of them was banished
amongst the barbarous heathen, in the extremity of
winter, others not being able to bare the great Oppression
that was imposed upon them, did once again leave their
desirable stations and habitations and with excessive
labours and travel, hassard and charge did transplant
themselves into the midst of the Indian natives, where, by
the good providence of God upon their labours and
industry, they were preserved to admiration, and by
consent and lawful purchase from the Indian Princes
did settle themselves in this Colony. Quote Charter of
Charles II. In accordance with the powers so granted,
we did, since the Declaration of War, fit out a privateer
of 12 guns which has returned after two months with
three ships laden with dried fish taken from the French
near the mouth of Canada River. Refer to the visit of
Governor Dudley and his Commission as Capt. General
and Vice-Admiral of this Colony etc. [See Cal. 1702],
and pray to be heard before H.M. in Council. 3¾ pp. |
401. v. Copy of Capt. William Wanton's Commission to
command a privateer, July 6, 1702. Signed, Sam
Cranston, Gov. 1 p. |
401. vi. Copy of Capt. Wanton's Instructions for commanding
a privateer. July 6, 1702. 1½ pp. |
401. vii. Copy of Capt. Wanton's Bond for 1,000l., given for
his commanding a privateer. July 6, 1702. Signed,
William Wanton, Isaac Martingale, John Scott. 1 p.
[C.O. 5, 1262. Nos. 26, 26.i.–vi.] |
March 3. |
402. Letters from the Mayors of Bristol, Biddiford, Barnstable, Fowey, Plymouth, Dartmouth, Exon, Weymouth, Poole,
in answer to enquiry of Feb. 25. q.v. and March. 12. |
The Whole endorsed Recd. March 5 and 8, Read 9th March, 1702/3.
In all, 10 pp. [C.O. 194, 2. Nos. 101, 106, 106.i, 107, 108.] |
[March 3.] |
403. John Roope to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Whereas several of the Merchants concerned in the Newfoundland
trade did on this day attend the Council of H.R.H. the Lord
High Admiral to know what convoy they should have for their
fishing and salt ships that are fitting out for that country, the
said Councill did then declare unto them that they had ordered
four ships of warr vizt., two to go with fishing ships to sayle
on the 1st of April next, and the other two some time in May
to convoy the sacks, and had also ordered a ship of warr that is
now in Lisbon to sayle with what ships are ready there and
bound to Newland and convoy them 150 leagues to the westward
and then leave them. But on remonstrance that there was
great danger on the coast of Newfoundland, it is thus altered
that one of the ships of warr that were ordered to sayle in May,
should sayle with all expedition from hence to Portugall and take
all the ships that are bound from hence to those parts with him,
and so with all convenient speed convoy both them, and those
that are already at Lisbon to Newfoundland; but their Honours
at the same time informed them that they could not grant protections either to their fishing or salt ships unless they surrendered
halfe of their men unto the Queen's Service, which is the greatest
of hardships on them, and indeed in a manner impossible for them
to comply with, for the time of the year is so farr spent that
they have not time, if there were men left in the fishing towns,
for them so to do, which in truth they are not, most of the young
and able men being already listed in H.M.'s Service. and the
Newland trade wholly depending on men's labour, to deny them
men is tacitly to prohibitt the Trade, which your Honours are
highly sensible is of the greatest importance. Tis therefore
humbly desired that your Lordships will as much as in you lyeth
second the petition which the said Merchants intend to-morrow
to present to the Queen and Council on that subject. Signed,
For the rest John Roope. [C.O. 194, 2. No. 100; and 195, 3.
pp. 181–183.] |
March 4. |
404. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. In
obedience to your Majesty's Order in Councill upon the Petition
of Sir Matthew Dudley and others, praying that they may be incorporated for the importation of naval stores from New England,
we have considered their said Petition together with several
Memorials which they laid before us upon that subject; and
having likewise heard not only the said petitioners, but several
merchants opposing that design, as prejudicial to their trade,
and others desiring that the determination thereon may be
suspended untill the matter have been communicated to the
Government of the Massachusetts Bay in New England; we
humbly take leave to represent to yr. Majesty. In order whereunto we have had under our consideration the draught of a
Charter, as first prepared and desired by the petitioners, and
have inserted such amendments, restrictions and provisions
therein as seemed necessary for the publick service, (to the greatest
part whereof the petitioners also have declared their willingness
to agree), which draught we humbly lay before your Majesty,
and take leave to add the following abstract thereof. The design
of this draught being to incorporate the persons to be therein
named, and their successors, for the importing of naval stores
from your Majesty's Plantations, with such powers as are usually
granted to Companies in like cases, for the enabling them to
act as a body corporate, and for ye constituting and electing of their
officers, and the orderly management of their joynt concerns, the
names of persons and the times to be appointed are left in blank to
be filled up as shall be judged convenient whenever the same may
come to receive yr. Majesty's final approbation. The principal
conditions, provisioes and restrictions therein mentioned are,
that they shall have liberty to purchase and enjoy lands, in
England and America, not exceeding the yearly value of 5,000l.
p. annum, as likewise to alienate and dispose of the same; that
the stock to be subscribed or raised by them for the carrying
on of their undertaking shall not exceed the summ of 150,000l.
sterl, vizt. 100,000l. in England and 50,000l. in America. That
their Corporation shall not be exclusive of any other persons
from trading in the same commodities. That within two years
after the date of their Patent they shall import into this kingdome
from your Majesty's Plantations (the dangers of the seas excepted)
two ships laden with masts, yards and bowsprits, each of which
ships to be of 300 tunns burthen at the least. And every year
afterwards four ships of the like or greater burthen. That within
three years after the date of their Patent, they shall in like manner
import into this kingdome 500 tunns of tar, pitch and rosin,
and 500 tunns of hemp; and from thenceforwards, yearly and
every year, 600 tunns of tar, pitch and rosin, and 1,000 tunns
of hemp or greater quantities. That they shall not transport any
sorts of naval stores from America to any other country or place
whatsoever than to this kingdome or other your Majesties
dominions. And for the preventing as much as possible the
pernicious trade of stock jobbing, we have inserted a clause—That in case any of the members of this Company (except
Executors and Administrators in right of their executorships and
administratorships only) shall at any time within five years,
from the date of their Patent sell, alienate or transfer their share
or interest in the joynt stock or any part thereof, unto any other
person or persons than such as are members of the said Company,
all and every such part or share of the said stock so alienated,
shall from the time of such alienation become forfeited, one fourth
part to your Majesty, another fourth part to the informer, and
the remaining moiety to the said Corporation. We have likewise
inserted severall other clauses and provisions against the making
a trade of buying and selling of shares. And have further
provided that in case the Governor and Company to be thus
constituted shall not within six months after the date of their
Patent set about the said undertaking, and put the same in
practice according to the tenour and intent of the said Patent;
or in case they shall not import the aforesaid quantities of naval
stores within the times limmitted; or if they shall misuse the
powers granted unto them, so as to make the same grievous
to any of yr. Majesty's subjects, or prejudicial to the rest of the
traders or inhabitants in New England or other Plantations;
then upon an order or declaration of your Majesty's pleasure
thereupon in Councill, the Letters Patents, which may have been
granted with them, shall at the end of eighteen months next
insuing such orders or declaration in Councill, become voyd.
Which draught of a Charter is herewith most humbly submitted.
Signed, Weymouth, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, John
Pollexfen, Mat. Prior. Annexed, |
404. i. Draught of a Charter referred to in foregoing. [C.O. 5,
910. pp. 404–442.] |
March 4. St. James's. |
405. Order of Queen in Council. Upon above Representation,
referring it to H.M. Attorney General to consider the Representation and Charter, for his opinion as to the legal part of the said
Charter. Signed, John Povey. Endorsed, Recd. Read April 5,
1703. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 863. No. 12; and 5, 910. p. 444.] |
March 4. St. James's. |
406. Order of Queen in Council. Referring preceding
Representation to H.R.H. the Lord High Admiral, who is desired
to report to this Board what he conceives fitt for H.M. to do
therein, or for the better producing of Naval Stores from the
Plantations in America. Signed, John Povey. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 863.
No. 13; and 5, 910. p. 445.] |
March 4. Whitehall. |
407. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. The
General Assembly of your Majesty's Leeward Charibbée Islands,
having lately passed an Act entituled, An Act for the securing the
payment of twelve hundred pound sterling for the ends therein set
down, the intent whereof is, that the said 1,200l. be imployed
by the direction of Coll. Codrington, yr. M's. Governour of those
Islands, for buying Plate to be presented to him, as a testimony
of their respect, which they humbly desire yr. M. would be pleased
to permit; the said Governour by the constitution of that Government being not allowed to receive presents of this kind without
yr. M's leave first obtained, and in consideration that his salary
of 700l. per annum is not proportionable to his necessary expenses
in the Government, and in regard also of the late services performed by him in reducing of St. Christophers, we humbly offer
that yr. M. be graciously pleased to permit him to receive the
present before mentioned. Signed, Weymouth, Ph. Meadows,
Wm. Blathwayt, John Pollexfen, Mat. Prior. [C.O. 153, 8.
pp. 139, 140.] |
March 4. St. James's. |
408. Order of Queen in Council. Approving preceding
Representation and ordering accordingly. Signed, John Povey.
Endorsed, Recd. Read March 23, 1702/3. ¾ p. [C.O. 152, 5.
No. 17; and 153, 8. p. 156.] |
March 4. St. James's. |
409. Order of Queen in Council. Upon reading above
representation, ordered that the Lords Commissioners of Trade
and Plantations do lay before H.M. at this Board an account of
the salaries that now are or may be properly assigned to the
respective Governors in the Plantations in order to the hindring
such Governors from receiving presents from the Assemblys for
the future. Signed, John Povey. Endorsed, Read. Read March 8,
1702/3. ¾ p. [C.O. 323, 5. No. 8.; and 324, 8. pp. 224, 225.] |
March 4. Whitehall. |
410. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Nottingham. In pursuance of your Lordship's letter of the
1st instant, we have considered a second proposall offered by
Sir Jeffrey Jeffreys for an experiment of a vessell to make two
voyages to New York for settling a correspondence with the
Continent of America, by which the said Sir Jeffrey Jeffreys
desires that his vessell may be made a packett-boat and have
a protection for forty men during the two voyages, to be performed in six or seaven months; that his vessell may stay thirty
days at New York, and take in upon freight such goods and
passengers as offer out and home, without any limitation, and
that for this undertaking he may have the advantage of the
postage of all letters to be sent and returned by the said vessell.
Upon which we humbly offer that these priviledges will be of
benefit to the said Jeffrey Jeffreys, by the preference given him
in the course of his trade, but of no advantage to the publick;
for that the unlimited taking in of what goods he thinks fit will
too much retard the sailing of his ship, and the thirty days stay
at New York will frustrate the dispatch which is chiefly designed
by the setting up of packet-boats for the West Indies. This
vessell in the manner now proposed being no more usefull for
the conveyance of letters to and from those parts than any other
ship trading to New York, or other part of the Continent; whereas
in the case of his staying five days at New York and not carrying
above fifty tunns of goods as mentioned by us in our first report,
the intent of a quick correspondence was better answered and
might have been carryed on with little charge; so that upon the
whole matter, we are humbly of opinion that this last proposall
will noways contribute to H.M.'s service or the benefit of the
Plantation Trade. Signed, Weymouth, Ph. Meadows, Wm.
Blathwayt, John Pollexfen, Matt. Prior. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1084.
No. 16; and 324, 8. pp. 222–224.] |
March 4. |
411. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. A
Representation upon the draught of a Charter for the importation
of Naval Stores from America was signed, and together with
the said draught sent to the Council Board. |
Report upon an Act of the Leeward Islands signed and sent
to the Council Board. |
Letter to the Earl of Nottingham in answer to his of the 1st,
signed and sent. |
Letter from Mr. Bridges, Surveyor of the Ordnance, enclosing
a proportion of Naval Stores sent to Barbados, read and ordered
to be entered. |
Order in Council, Jan. 7, upon the petition of Mr. Lee, was
again taken into consideration, and directions given for preparing
a report. |
March 5. |
Memorial from Mr. Thomas Byerley read. He was told there
was not vacancy in the Council at New York, but that their
Lordships would offer to H.M. that the Lord Cornbury may be
directed to admit him upon the first vacancy. |
Representation upon the memorial of Robert Lee signed. |
Order of Council, Feb. 11, disallowing an Act of New York, read. |
Several letters and papers from Lord Cornbury, dated in
December, were laid before the Board. The first being read,
the Address therein mentioned was sent in a letter from the
Board to the Earl of Nottingham. Ordered that a Representation
be prepared wherewith to lay before H.M. and Act for granting
Lord Cornbury 2,000l. |
Ordered that a copy of Mr. Champante's Memorial relating
to Capt. Nanfan be sent to Mr. Thrale, and that Thrale and
Capt. Mattews on the one side, together with Mr. Champante
and Mr. Taylor on the other, have notice to attend this Board
on Wesnesday. [C.O. 391, 16. pp. 7–13; and 391, 97.
pp. 185–193.] |
March 4. |
412. Journal of Assembly of Jamaica. See Minutes of
Council in Assembly under date. The Committee of the Conference
upon the Bill to invest H.M. in lands reported that the Committee
had met, and upon debate on the amendment relating to Elias
Nazeran, it was voted that his lot and that of other gentlemen
mentioned in the amendment from the Council should be confirmed to them, they paying 10l. each parish for the use of the parish. |
Committee appointed to inquire into the proceedings of Justices
and Vestries of Port Royal in laying on their taxes by the Acts
of the last Assembly; the persons appointed to assess the Jewish
nation to give an account to the Committee of the several persons
by them taxed and assessed and in what sums. |
March 5. |
Capt. Thomas Freeman absenting himself from the service
of the House, he was sent for by the Speaker's warrant. |
Resolved, that the House adhere to theire own Bill as to the
sufferers of Port Royal being execpted from taxes. |
Bill for encouraging the importation of servants was recommitted. |
Bill for quartering the soldiers was read and committed. |
See Minutes of Council in Assembly under date. |
Bill to enable the Justices of St. George's etc. was read the third
time and passed. |
March 6. |
The Committee of the Conference reported that upon debate
about the Commissioners mentioned in the Act [? for settling
Kingston], the Committee of this House adhered to their
Commissioners, which the Gentlemen of the Council seemed to
resent as being impracticable and unreasonable for the Gentlemen
who are against the body of the Act to be nominated Commissioners
therein. And as to the exemption of the people of Kingston
from taxes for seven years, the Gentlemen of the Council insisted
mightily that it should be general, to prevent distinctions and
animosities, which the contrary would of necessity occasion,
and they declared they should never consent to the passing
of the Act on any other terms. As to the clause concerning
the filling up the swamp etc., the penalty therein laid on the
Justices they thought very unreasonable, it being a very voluntary
offer and proposal of their own, but that a penalty ought to be
laid on the persons neglecting or refusing to comply with the
orders of the Justices and Vestries. It was agreed that all the
houses built at Kingston after Jan. 9 last should be free from
taxes for seven years; that the penalty should not be laid on
the Justices; that the Commissioners should stand as they are. |
Ordered that a Bill be brought in to encourage building and
settling in the parish of St. Katherine. [C.O. 140, 7. pp. 3–8.] |
March 4. Boston. |
413. Minutes of Council of the Massachusetts Bay.
326l. 10s. 8d. paid to the Hon. Col. Thomas Povey on account
of the soldiers lately dismissed from H.M. Castle; and 426l. 14s. 8d.
on account of the standing garrison. |
12l. 15s. 3d. paid to Lieut. Nathaniel Holmes for several
utensils purchased by him on account of the garrison. |
Whereas the Great and General Court or Assembly are appointed
to convene in Boston upon the 10th currant, several of the
Members whereof probably may not have had the small-pox,
and that distemper having lately been spread through the town,
ordered that effectual care be taken by two Justices of the Peace
and the Select Men of the said town to give notice by the Constables
to the heads of familys, where that distemper has been, forthwith to cleanse and aire their houses, and to burn some tarr
therein to prevent infection. |
March 5. |
H.E. communicated to the Council letters received this morning
by an express from Lt.-Gov. Partridge, advising that the Scouts
from Dover on the third inst. made a discovery of a number of
Indians supposed to be enemies. H.E. proposed to send out
Capt. Somerby of Newbury with a party of the troop under
his command as far as Dover and parts adjacent to make a further
discovery. And also to raise a foot company of fifty or sixty
men of the Militia in the Middle Regiment within the County of
Essex for the enforceing and strengthening of the Eastern parts
of this Province. Advised, that John Foster and Andrew Belcher
do restore the moneys, sometime since put into their hands
to be employed for the redemption of captives from Salley, unto
the several persons and places from whom they received it,
there being no occasion of using it for that service, H.M. having
effected a general redemption of all the English captives
there. |
Upon reading the petition of James Bull, late captive in
Macconess, setting forth the extraordinary hardships he endured
there, by the space of eight years and two months, and wasted
that little estate he had, and praying that inasmuch as there is
a general delivery of all the English captives from thence, the
remainder of the money remitted to Mr. John I ve for his redemption and releife, and now in his hands, may be bestowed upon
him, advised, that Samuel Sewall, who was to be trusted in that
affair, do give order to Mr. John I ve to deliver the remainder
of the money in his hands aforesaid free of all charge to
James Bull. |
Accompt of Col. Daniel Peirse, for provisions sent for trade
and supply of the Eastern Indians, committed. [C.O. 5, 789.
pp. 489, 490.] |
March 4. Portsmouth. |
414. Minutes of Council of New Hampshire. Ordered that
Proclamations be sent to all the Towns of this Province for
prorogueing the Assembly till April 13. [C.O. 5, 789. p. 142.] |
March 5. Whitehall. |
415. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Nottingham. Enclosing Addresses from New York received in
Lord Cornbury's letter [? Dec. 10, 1702] to be laid before the
Queen. Signed, Weymouth, Robt. Cecill, Ph. Meadows, Wm.
Blathwayt. [C.O. 5, 1119. p. 400.] |
March 5. Whitehall (entered Feb. 5.). |
416. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. Report
upon Order in Council, Jan. 7, and previous reports upon the
matter, Aug., 1689, May, 1694 (q.v.), by which the right of the
Earl of Sterling and his executors to the arrears of the annuity
is acknowledged, but the compensation desired by them not
thought fit to be granted. "We are humbly of the like opinion,
viz., that the propriety of Long Island having been many years
by legal grants in the quiet possession of other private owners,
and under your Majesty's immediate Government, we do not
conceive it advisable for your Majesty to permit it to be separated
from the Crown; but it appearing to us that the younger children
of the said Earl have a right to a compensation for the said debt,
we do humbly recommend them as worthy of your Majesty's
gracious consideration and bounty." Signed, Weymouth, Dartmouth, Robt. Cecill, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, Jno. Pollexfen,
Mat. Prior. [C.O. 5, 1119. pp. 388, 389.] |
[March 5.] |
417. Thomas Byerley to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Whereas H.M. has been gratiously pleased to appoint Thomas
Byerley Receiver and Collector or her Revenues in New York,
it having always been thought necessary for H.M. service that
the person discharging the said office should assist and be present
in all Assemblys and Councils held for the preservation and
management of the said Government and the Revenue thereunto
belonging, submits that he should be vested in the like Commission. Signed, Thomas Byerley. Endorsed, Recd. Read
March 5, 1702/3. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1048. No. 35.] |
March 5. Plymouth. |
418. George and John Lapthorne to William Popple. Receipt
for letters for Barbadoes and Jamaica. Signed, George and John
Lapthorne. Endorsed, Recd. 8th, Read March 9, 1702/3. ½ p.
[C.O. 323, 5. No. 9.] |
March 8. |
419. Opinion of the Attorney General upon actions brought
by Col. Bayard and Mr. Hutchins against their Judges and
Grand Jury. Query, whether Bayard and Hutchins, standing
yet attainted, can have any such right of action, and whether
they could have brought such actions had their attainders
been actually reversed. Opinion:—The actions ought not to
have been brought either against the Judges or the Grand Jury,
and the same will not lye against them, for what they did as
Judge or Jury. Besides, a person attainted cannot sue, nor
in this case will any action lye after the attainder is reversed.
Signed, Edwd. Northey. Endorsed, Recd. from Mr. Champante.
Recd. Read March 23, 1702/3. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 1048. No. 47;
and 5, 1119. pp. 439, 440.] |
[March 8.] |
420. Governor Seymour to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Petition for allowance for transport to Maryland,
adducing precedents of amounts allowed to Governors of
Plantations. Signed, Jo. Seymour. Endorsed, Recd. Read
March 8, 1702/3. 1 p. Annexed, |
420. i.–v. Precedents of allowance of transport to Governors of
Plantations. 4 pp. [C.O. 5, 715. Nos. 73, 73.i.–v.;
and (without enclosure) 5, 726. p. 175.] |
March 8. |
421. Mr. Pereyra to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Memorial in behalf of the Jews in Jamaica, praying that they
may not be taxed more than any other nation. They were taxed
in the manner as the other inhabitants until Sir William Beeston's
time, when some merchants conceiving a jealousy that they
sold their merchandize cheaper than they would afford them,
prevailed on the Government to tax them in an extraordinary
manner, hoping thereby to oblige them to quit the Island and
their settlements, and then to oblige the Planters and other
inhabitants to purchase their merchandize at such rates as they
should think fit to impose. The Jews before the present war by
their industry and interest had procured the Assiento of Negroes
to be established at Jamaica, which very much promoted the
trade between the said Island and the Spanish West Indies to
the great profit of England. Whereas it is objected against the
Jews that the meaner sort of them buy anything from the negroes,
which encourages them to steal from their masters, it is humble
conceived that if the fact was true, and they alone were the
buyers, an Act would have been made to punish the offenders.
Presented by I shack Pereyra. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 8,
1702/3. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 5. No. 100.] |
March 8. Whitehall. |
422. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Order
of Council, March 4, read. |
Col. Seymour, appointed Governor of Maryland, laid before
the Board a Memorial relating to the charge of his transportation
etc., and desired extracts of what may be in this office upon the
allowances to other Governors. Ordered accordingly. |
Mr. Perera laid before the Board a Memorial relating to the
Jews in Jamaica. Report ordered to be prepared that an
Instruction may be given to the Governor of Jamaica for that
purpose. |
The remaining letters and papers received from Lord Cornbury
read. And upon a passage in that of Dec. 12, directions were
given for sending some part which relates to the cloathing of the
soldiers to Mr. Champante for his answer etc. Upon another
passage, letter to Mr. Lowndes ordered. |
March 9. |
Letter to the Earl of Nottingham relating to Mr. Byerly's being
constituted a Member of the Council of New York signed. |
Letters from the several Mayors of the Out-Ports laid before
the Board, and the accounts of ships bound thither. |
Letter from Messrs. Lapthorne read. |
Their Lordships took into consideration the Acts past at the
Assembly of New York, Nov. 27 last, and thereon made the
following remarks:—Act 14, relating to the Revenue, being
but for three years from the expiration of the former, the
Lord Cornbury should have endeavoured to have got it for a
longer time. The 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 12th and 15th, all of
them being temporary, his Lordship ought to take care that such
of them as were intended only as probationary be not re-enacted
otherwise than according to the directions contained in his
Instructions. Further, upon the 7th, which relates to the Militia,
mem. to write to Lord Cornbury to send copy of the Articles of
War. |
The third is for a present of 2,000l. to Lord Cornbury, which
is to be represented, so that he may have H.M. leave to receive
it. The 4th, 5th, 9th, 11th Acts are without exception. The
10th, relating to the repeal of several former Acts, their Lordships
directed the particular subject and circumstances of each be
looked into, in order to their considering how such of them as
are fit to be repealed may be particularly disallowed by the
Queen without confirming this Act of Assembly for so general
a repeal, which is not only an improper method, but contains
also unfit expressions (as obliterating, deleting, etc.) which ought
not to be done, because it is a destroying of a Record that may
probably be useful in some occasions, and ought to be preserved.
Upon the 13th Act, relating to a Post Office, ordered that a copy
be sent to the Post-Master General for his observations thereupon.
Upon the whole, Memorandum to desire his Lordship hereafter
to send all Acts separate under distinct seals. |
Their Lordships took again into consideration the draught
of a representation upon the general state of the Province of
New York, which was some time since begun, and gave directions
for a further proceeding to be made therein. Upon his Lordship's
letter of Sept. 27, ordered that the Secretary acquaint Mr. Weaver
that he complains of his having carried away the books belonging
to his office, and desire his answer thereunto. |
March 10. |
Mr. Cary presented to the Board the copy of an Address of the
Assembly of St. Christopher's to Col. Codrington, with a copy of
an Act of that Island, entituled an Act providing fifty slaves
to be presented to H.E., in order to begin a settlement here,
which were read, but the said Act not being under the seal of the
Island, their Lordships thought not fit at present to take any
resolution thereupon. |
Mr. Champante with Mr. Taylor on one side, and Mr. Thrale
with Capt. Matthews on the other attending according to appointment, the latter laid some papers before the Board, copies whereof
were given to Mr. Champante. Further, after some disputes
between the parties about the state of those accounts to be laid
before them of what money will be saved by the respitts from
the time that Capt. Nanfan begun to pay the Companies their
subsistence to May 9, 1702, supposing the full subsistence paid
to him till that time; and directed copies of this Minute to be
given [sic] to Mr. Champante and to Capt. Matthews. The said
parties were further advised to meet amicably and endeavour to
adjust the Lady Bellomont's accounts. [C.O. 391, 16. pp. 13–21;
and 391, 97. pp. 197–207.] |
March 9. Whitehall. |
423. William Popple to William Lowndes. The Lords
Commissioners for Trade and Plantations having received an
answer from the Lord Cornbury to what they had writ him
concerning the drawing of Bills from New York, send you enclosed
extract of his letter for the information of the Rt. Hon. the
Lord High Treasurer. [C.O. 5, 1119. pp. 414, 415.] |
March 9. Whitehall. |
424. William Popple to John Champante. The Council of
Trade and Plantations send you the enclosed extracts of a letter
from Lord Cornbury relating to the cloathing for the soldiers
at New York which you last sent thither, and to desire your
answer thereunto, together with a particular invoice and estimate
of that cloathing. The meeting appointed for to-morrow is
intended by their Lordships not only for the examination of the
Countess of Bellomont's account, but also of Captain Nanfan's.
[C.O. 5, 1119. pp. 413, 414.] |
March 9. Whitehall. |
425. William Popple to Sir Robert Cotton and Sir Thomas
Frankland, Postmasters General. The Council of Trade and
Plantations send you enclosed copy of an Act lately passed in the
General Assembly of New York for inforcing and continuing a
former Act for incouraging a Post Office in that Province, and
to desire you to consider the same, and give them your observations
thereupon, with what speed you can, in order to their laying the said
Act before H.M. [C.O. 5, 1119. pp. 412, 413.] |
March 9. Whitehall. |
426. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Nottingham. H.M. having been lately pleased to appoint
Thomas Byerly to be Receiver and Collector of her Revenues in
the Province of New York, and he having desired us to move
that he may be constituted a Member of H.M. Council there,
as his predecessors in that office have been, which we find
accordingly to be true and do conceive the same method very
fit to be continued, but there being at present no vacancy in
that Council, we take leave to offer that your Lordship would
be pleased to move H.M. that the Lord Cornbury, Governor of
that Province, may be directed to admit Byerly a Member
of H.M. said Council on the first vacancy that shall happen;
which we humbly propose may be done by H.M. under her royal
sign manual. Signed, Dartmouth, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt,
Jno. Pollexfen, Mat. Prior. [C.O. 5, 1119. pp. 415, 416.] |
March 9. Admiralty Office. |
427. H.R.H. the Lord High Admiral to the Queen. In
pursuance of H.M. Order in Council of the 4th inst., on the
petition of several merchants and masters of ships on this side
of Gravesend, humbly praying that their ships therein mentioned
being fitted out with provisions etc. for Virginia, may have leave to
pass Gravesend and proceed to the Downs, to join the convoy,
by which means they hope to be the better enabled to comply
with H.M. order, that all ships on this side of Gravesend should
deliver one half of their men into H.M. Fleet; I offer it as my
opinion that they ought not to be permitted to proceed on their
aforesaid voyage without first delivering their men according to
the late Order in Council, for that it will not only be a great
hardship on those who have already furnished H.M. ships with
their proportions of men, and encourage others who are under the
same circumstance to make the like application, but possibly
defeat H.M. intentions in the aforesaid Order in Council. Signed,
George. 1½ pp. [S.P. Naval, 7. under date.] |
March 9. |
428. Journal of Assembly of Jamaica. Col. Francis Rose
was granted leave of absence. |
Capt. Thomas Freeman attending [see March 5), ordered that
he withdraw in custody of the Messenger, and that he be heard
at another time. |
March 10. |
Bill to confirm the will of John Thomas read the first time
and committed. |
Ordered that Dr. Samuel Mayo be summoned to attend the
Committee appointed to examine the Bill for making good the
will of Anne Archer. |
Bill for settling the estate of George Read, decd., was read
and past the first and second time. |
Capt. Freeman, offering his excuses, was discharged, paying
his fees. |
Bill for quartering the soldiers was read first time and passed.
[C.O. 140, 7. pp. 8–10.] |
[March 10.] |
429. Capt. Mathew's objections to Mr. Champante's Accounts.
Signed, Peter Mathews. Endorsed, Recd. from Mr. Thrale
and Capt. Mathews. Recd. Read March 10, 1702/3. 1¼ pp.
[C.O. 5, 1048. No. 37.] |
[March 10.] |
430. An Account of Money paid to the Earl of Bellomont and
Mr. Champante by the Earl of Ranelagh. ¾ p. Endorsed, Recd.
from Mr. Thrale and Capt. Matthews. Recd. Read March 10,
1702/3. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 1048. No. 38.] |
[March 10.] |
431. Abstract and State of the Respits of the Four Companies
at New York, March 26, 1699—Dec. 24, 1702, with a comparison
between the Establishment and the surplus number of men kept
up by the Captains. Endorsed as preceding. 3 pp. [C.O. 5,
1048. No. 39.] |
March 10. Boston. |
432. Minutes of Council of the Massachusetts Bay. H.E.
communicated to the Council a letter from Governor Winthrop
of Connecticot, signifying that pursuant to H.E.'s direction for
the better security of coasting vessels from those parts bound
to Boston with provisions, he had ordered them to make up a
fleet at New London, and to be in readiness to attend a convoy
by the last of this present month, and so by the last of the
following months successively, desiring to be ascertained of the
coming of the convoy, by the time set. He also communicated
a letter from Lt.-Gov. Partridge concerning the Indians lately
seen in the woods near Dover, some of whom had been in at
Cochecha, but were gone; he having directed Mr. Waldron to
write a more particular accompt of them and their behaviour;
and therefore thought it necessary to hear further before he
dismist the company of souldiers newly raysed within the County
of Essex, but should quarter them out for two or three days. |
H.E. further acquainted the Council of the discourse he had
yesterday at Cambridge with Watanuman, one of the Pennicooke
Sachems, and that he had set him a line for him and his men
in their hunting, and directed that they come to the Tradeinghouse near Wataanuck for their supplys, and not to come to
any of the English towns or settlements; that he should give
speedy notice of any French or French Indians that should come
to debauch them, and not entertain them; that he should
forthwith speak to George Tohanto, the other Sachem, and direct
him to wait on H.E. All which he promised carefully to observe
and perform. |