Elizabeth: May 1571, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: May 1571, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp447-463 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1571, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp447-463.

"Elizabeth: May 1571, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp447-463.

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May 1571, 16-31

May 17. 1710. Sir William Drury to the Privy Council.
The Regent has held his parliament in a house of the Cannongate, which is within the liberties of Edinburgh. They have forfeited Lethington and his brother and two of the Hamiltons. Lords Herries, Maxwell, and Lochinvar, with their forces, entered Edinburgh yesternight. On the 15th inst. the Duke and the rest of the nobility went to the Tolbooth to hold their parliament, using the crown, sceptre, and sword. It is said that they have chosen four regents, to wit, the Duke and the Earls of Huntly, Argyle, and Athole. Divers within the town are slain and hurt. Without the town the master gunner and a boy are slain, and an Englishman, two women, with others, hurt. The Regent has caused proclamation that all men shall lodge in the Cannongate, and no man, upon pain of death, to withdraw himself; and not without cause, as they daily draw homewards. Gives the names of the nobility who are with the Regent. There is neither mining nor battery or any other kind of engineering used against the town. There issued out of Edinburgh certain horsemen who took twentyeight or thirty of the Regent's horses without receiving any hurt. A ship and a pinnace are hovering to and fro upon the coast.—Berwick, 17 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
May 18. 1711. Advices from Lyons.
Intended interview between the King of France and the Huguenot leaders, and marriage of Madame Marguerite to the Prince of Navarre. Match between the Queen of England and the Duke of Anjou. League between England, France, and the Protestant princes of Germany for the conquest of Flanders. —Lyons, 18 May 1571.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 1½.
May 19. 1712. Francis Walsingham to the Earl of Leicester and Lord Burghley.
They rest here in very good opinion of the matter, and if the articles were here that are to be propounded by Her Majesty it would make them more reasonable in the point of religion. They are content that that article shall be left out. Montmorency has done very good offices. They stand upon the Queen's promise to deliver her articles as soon as she should receive the King's. Beseeches, therefore, that for the putting away of all jealousy they may be sent with speed.— Vernon, 19 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
May 19. 1713. News from Rome.
Conclusion of the league against the Turk. Siege of Rocca Di Finale. Proceedings in the consistory.
Ital. Pp. 3¾.
May 20. 1714. Sir William Drury to the Privy Council.
The Regent and his company have finished their parliament and forfeited six persons, viz., the Laird of Lethington and his two brethren, the Bishop of St. Andrews' son, and the Commendator of Kilwinning and his son. They have established Acts for the remission of the Earl of Crawford and his friends for disobedience of the King's authority heretofore, and that the heirs of those who shall be killed in the King's service shall have their wardship free. The Regent, with his forces, left Cannongate for Leith yesternight. His men fall away, some for want of money, and some by practise. Skirmishes and sallies before Edinburgh. Lord Herries being advertised by the Laird of Drumlanrig of the Earl of Morton's lying in wait for him, fetched a compass, and so entered Edinburgh. On Morton's burdening Drumlanrig therewith he denied it not. The Lords of the King's party have refused to contribute money for the pay of soldiers, lest the precedent should be prejudicial to them and their posterity. On Friday the Lords Morton and Herries had conference together. The ministers and superintendents of the country, taking with them the minister of Edinburgh, called John Craig, went to the castle, and there declared before the whole company of the nobility that seeing the great desolation and ruin of the country like to ensue through the intestine wars began amongst the nobility they were come to know what cause moved some of them there present who had been principal doers in the setting up of the King's Majesty, so violently to take in hand wars against him for deposing him and annihilating the government established under his authority. Secretary Balfour and the captain of the castle answered that they were of necessity forced to do what they did, and further said that they marvelled that they would take upon them to have anything to do with the government of the State which appertained nothing unto them. The ministers replied that they marvelled most that Grange having such trust committed unto him had left so good a cause. Lethington is presently to pass into France.—Berwick, 20 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Injured by damp. Pp. 3.
May 20. 1715. The Queen to Sir William Drury.
Understanding the new troubles arisen at Edinburgh, is moved to enter into earnest consideration of what is meetest to be done, which without more certain knowledge she cannot fully determine. Directs him, therefore, to repair with all speed to the Regent, and enquire of him his whole estate and what he intends to do, and of his ability both for offence of his enemies and defence of himself. He shall also enquire of the estate and purposes of the other party, to whom he shall let the Regent know that he has some message to do. He shall tell Grange and the noblemen joined with him that she finds it very strange that they have of late attempted to come to that castle and town with such force in warlike manner and commit hostile acts against the Regent and his party when it was meant that he should hold a parliament to appoint commissioners to treat with those of the Queen of Scots to make an accord for the title of the crown betwixt her and her son, and consequently re-establish a common peace in that realm wherein she also intended to employ her labours, which purpose she has caused the captain of the castle to be advertised. Condemns him also of falsehood and untruth if it be true that he has reported to the common people that the Regent is sworn English against his country and means to deliver all the castles and strengths to her, as he never signified any such disposition towards her, nor did she ever motion any such matter to him. Is to require Grange to notify to her the truth of this. If he shall in this sort seek to increase the troubles of the realm and draw in strange forces, as is reported, she will judge that to be true which by some has been long doubted, that he and his companions are partially disposed for their own lucre and to maintain their disordered authorities, to continue these inward troubles by pretending to favour the Queen, with whom it is known that before time they could not be content. If this appear to be their intents she will be ready to avenge their ingratitude and obstinacy against the common peace. He is to impute the principal blame to Lethington, as the instrument and nourisher of these lamentable divisions. If need be he may add some sharper speech whereby the captain and his party may conjecture that she will give present aid to the Regent. After he has considered the state of the Regent and of the contrary party, he shall consider what possibility there were to recover Edinburgh Castle, how able the Regent might be thereto with his own power, and what supply of skilful men and great ordnance were necessary for that purpose; "and therein when you shall confer with him to have regard that his demands may be by you made moderate and reasonable, for we know they will ask largely, and so to use your speech that he may not conceive any certainty to have such aid from us until you shall hear from us again." He is to consider that the supply of men and ordnance must be sent from the garrison of Berwick, whereof he will be the leader. Will direct Lord Hunsdon and Sir John Forster to their charges, to the intent that the Regent's friends may be comforted and their contraries used in contrary manner. Leaves the rest to his discretion, knowing his judgment, how necessary it is for her that the Regent and his party should not be ruined. Herle is to be kept as straitly and secretly as possible, and to be examined on certain articles sent herewith, and let him "looke to be racked to all extremity if he will conceal the truth, and, contrarywise, will be pardoned with favour if he will freely confess." Is to confer with the Earl of Morton lest he conceive any jealousy of his dealings with the Regent.
Draft entirely in Burghley's writing. Endd.: 20 May 1571. Pp. 7½.
May 21. 1716. Queen Elizabeth to the Regent Lennox.
Being desirous that the parties contending in Scotland may be brought to concord, she has sent Sir William Drury, whom she prays him to credit in all such things as he shall in her name communicate.—Westminster, 21 May 1571.
Copy. Endd. P. ¼.
May 22. 1717. The Duke of Chatelherault and the Earl of Huntley to the Queen.
As they doubt not that she hears many things reported to their disadvantage by their adversaries, they take the boldness to declare to her the state of their proceedings and what their intentions are. Have long time looked for some end to these dissensions, with which the country is so miserably vexed, and have lightly passed over many injuries and indignities done to them, which they could have resisted, or at least have avenged, having heard what travail she had taken to procure a union amongst the estates of the realm. Complain of the shifts used by Morton to hinder her intentions by alleging that he was not sufficiently authorised. Although it has been offered to them that they might without molestation assemble themselves in this town and call their convention an assembly or parliament, as it pleased them, provided they should meddle in no other matter, but only a sufficient commission to be granted for concluding the treaty, they have refused this offer. They have held an informal parliament in a private house in the Cannongate, which tended only to the setting forth of their private malice against some whom they misliked, and never entered into anything for the prosecution of the treaty, but in plain language said that it was quite cut off. In consideration thereof they can no longer suffer the people to be blindly led in error upon a surmised dimission of the crown, whereon they have builded their pretended authority, which they have tyrannously exercised to the overthrow of the public state. They all know by her own words that she never could digest that subjects should take upon them to deprive their princess of their lawful authority. The pretended dimission is known to have been made in the place of her imprisonment, and extorted under fear of present death, which can by no law stand in force. Protest that they mean no disturbance of the amity between the two realms, and that they will do their uttermost to procure quietness on the Borders, and will be willing to do her all the service they may, their allegiance to their own sovereign assured. She has had experience of their adversaries to her great charges, and no advantage, and wish she would take like proof of them who seek nothing but her good favour, and that she will not aid their adversaries to their prejudice.—Edinburgh, 22 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
May 22. 1718. The Duke of Chatelherault and the Earl of Huntly to Lord Burghley.
Excuse themselves through haste for not having sent a suitable messenger with their letter to the Queen. Will give no occasion why they should not have as good a part in her favour as any other noblemen in this realm, and beg his mediation that the same may be the more easily obtained.— Edinburgh, 22 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
May 22. 1719. Benedict Spinola to Lord Burghley.
Desires to know when his cousin may come and see him, towards whom he begs he will bestow his favour.—22 May. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 1¼.
May 23. 1720. Sir William Drury to the Privy Council.
On Sunday morning the Regent, with all that remained with him to the number of 1,500, marched towards Stirling, and when they were two miles distant from Leith the castle shot at them divers pieces, which did no harm. They of the town and castle issued out, when both parties put themselves in order of battle, but did not fight. In a letter from the Earl of Morton, he says that money has come out of France to the Laird of Grange, which has greatly [strengthened] that part, and if the Queen of England does not take some order herein that all will turn from evil to worse; wishing that the Lord Home might want his living, which not only helps him but others in these actions. There is great misliking of the Regent even amongst those who concur with him, saying that he is an Englishman, cruel and extreme where he has the upper hand—nothing liberal, suspicious, and nothing affable. They little regard either his words or proclamations. On Sunday all persons were restrained by proclamation from bringing provisions to any who were not at the King's obedience upon pain of treason. Requires their directions touching Herle, who is now kept in the chamber of the wall. —Berwick, 23 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 22/3.
May 23. 1721. Lord Scrope to Lord Burghley.
Yesternight the Greames, Forsters, and other borderers, to the number of 300, set forth to spoil the goods of the town of Blaikshawe, within five miles of Dumfries. The inhabitants having warning hereof put away all their cattle, so they got very little, but on their return they seized about 50 head of nowlt of the town of Annan, which they have brought home and divided. Lords Herries and Maxwell are returned home this morning.—Carlisle, 23 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 24. 1722. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
This night takes his journey towards the Regent. Minds to procure an abstinence for certain days during his being there. Takes with him Captain Brickwell and Mr. Lovel, leaving the charge of the town to the Master of the Ordnance. Has given order for the stay of John Cobham, a Scotchman. Sends some matter from Herle in answer to the articles, and also a packet of letters from Grange. A ship with munitions for the castle has been taken. A man-of-war and a pinnace are lying off and on this coast, with a letter of marque from the Prince of Orange. Desires to know whether he [they] shall be dealt with to attend the coming of any more munition.— Berwick, 24 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
May 25. 1723. The Duke of Chatelherault and others to—.
Commanding all who profess the Queen of Scots' obedience to come to them within three days from the receipt hereof.— Edinburgh, 25 May 1571.
Copy. Endd. P. ⅓.
1724. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Burghley. P. ⅓.
May 25. 1725. Lord Scrope to Lord Burghley.
Encloses copies of a letter received from Lord Herries and of his answer thereunto. Has the rather given him this answer to keep and stay him from his purposed journey to Edinburgh. Whatsoever Burghley will have him do, either to the stay of these people or to their encouragement, if he shall set forth he will be ready to perform.—Carlisle, 25 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 24. 1726. Lord Herries to Lord Scrope.
The Earl of Lennox caused proclaim a pretended parliament to be held in Edinburgh on the 14th inst. It was given them to understand that the Earl Morton had promised in England that the same should tend to no other end but to have their agreement to such heads as were capitulated there betwixt the Council of England and the commissioners for their mistress. The captain of the Castle of Edinburgh offered that the town and tolbooth of Edinburgh should be peaceable, so that they would pretend no forfeiture or injuries to others. They being the greater party were not content therewith, and made a fashion of besieging the town, and held their convention in the Cannongate, and after their manner forfeited the Abbot of Kilwinning and the others. Has convened with the Earl of Morton, but could fall to no agreement. Complains of spoils and slaughters committed by those under Scrope's charge in Scotland. Has appointed shortly to be in Edinburgh again, and if these things be not amended he must send and declare that he may not come there for these causes. —Perregles, 24 May.
Copy. P. 1. Enclosure.
May 25. 1727. Lord Scrope to Lord Herries.
Whatsoever has been attempted by the subjects of England under his charge to the breach of peace has been done utterly against his direction and commandment, but there being no officer opposite sufficiently authorised to answer the like done against the Queen's subjects, he cannot enter into the making of any redress at present; nor can he anywise ascertain him of their future doings.—Carlisle, 25 May 1571.
Copy. P. ¾. Enclosure.
May 25. 1728. Lord Scrope to the Earl of Sussex.
A counterpart of his letter to Lord Burghley.—Carlisle, 25 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 25. 1729. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
On the 20th he repaired to Gaillon and declared at large to the Queen Mother such reasons as moved Her Majesty to maintain her first answer touching the article of religion; to which she answered that she saw very well that they were not to be lightly weighed, and that she would consult with the King and Monsieur. Afterwards he repaired to Monsieur, and showed him the great inconveniences that would follow by such permission as he required; and also that Her Majesty did not press him to such sudden change of religion as might cause him to be reputed for an atheist, but only that he should forbear the use of private mass and examine whether he might not with good devotion use the form of prayers appointed throughout her realm, the same being in effect nothing but that which the Church of Rome uses, saving that it is in the English tongue, which, if he pleased, might be translated into French; and further, that the usage of the Divine service in England did not properly compel any man to alter his opinion in the great matters being now in controversy in the church. Monsieur replied that the commendations of Her Majesty's rare gifts of mind and body (being, even as her enemies say, the rarest creature that was in Europe these five hundred years) had made him yield to be wholly hers; and therefore he wished that no inconvenience should ensue to her through him. Considering, however, that the exercise of his religion touched his soul and conscience, he hoped that she would dispense with him in that behalf, and that she would weigh what it was to do anything with scruple or remorse of conscience. On the following day Walsingham, having access to the King, showed him the reasons that led the Queen to maintain her former answer, and requested him from her that he would persuade his brother not to be so resolute in requiring a toleration that might prove so dangerous. The King desired that the articles to be propounded by Her Majesty might be sent that the whole matter might be jointly considered of. On repairing to the Queen Mother she said that as well touching religion as other points, reason should decide on their parts all such difficulties as should arise. It is thought that M. De Foix shall be sent over with the King's answer, and that Montmorency shall be sent over to ratify such articles as are agreed upon. Desires that a book of Common Prayer translated into French may be sent that he may present the same to Monsieur. Count Ludovic has desired him to move the Queen to license Hawkins underhand to serve him with certain ships.—Vernon, 25 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Printed by Digges. Pp. 5.
May 25. 1730. The Earl of Rutland to Lord Burghley.
Divers French gentlemen having wished him to follow Monsieur, he desires to have his advice in that matter. If he does not think it fit that he should do so, he will travel along the Loire to Rochelle, and so "cut over to" Lyons, whence he may either go into Italy or Germany.—Paris, 25 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
May 25. 1731. The Duke of Montmorency to Lord Burghley.
Has received his letter of the 22nd ult., and is glad to perceive his desire to forward that which has been commenced for the purpose of forming a good and lasting alliance between the two kingdoms, which he promises to aid with all his power.—Gaillon, 25 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
May [25]. 1732. Conference between Walsingham and M. De Foix.
Walsingham, after speaking of the importance of the negociations and of his good will to remove all difficulties, said that he found the only one to be in religion which by De Foix's good help might be reduced to accord. De Foix protested that he had never travailed more earnestly in any matter in his life wherein through the counter practices of divers others he found no small difficulty, Monsieur being by them persuaded that it would be his hap to march in rank with the forsaken. If the Queen continued resolute to maintain her answer in the difficulty of religion the matter was at an end, for religion being a constant persuasion confirmed by time cannot but by time be removed, and if Monsieur had no religion, then was he unworthy of the Queen and of the place and degree that he bears. As for Monsieur, he knew him to be religious in his kind, wherein he supposed him not to be so assuredly grounded but there might grow alteration and change thereof in time. After some further conversation Walsingham, touching the inconvenience which would happen to Monsieur, said that if he joined with the Protestants he would favour those whom the Queen especially favours, and gain favour with her councillors, and continue the realm in repose and quietness; if, on the other side, he persisted in his religion, he would not gain the Catholics unless they may have the like liberty as he enjoyed. Secondly, they are already devoted to the Queen of Scots, and mislike nothing more than this marriage, and on the other side it will breed some misliking of him with the Protestants. He then showed him the inconveniences which would arise to the Queen by the breach of law; offence of her good subjects, and encouragement of the evil ones, which are of more moment than anything that could happen to Monsieur. To this De Foix replied that his relenting in religion being a matter of conscience was an inconvenience of more weight than any that might happen to the Queen. In the end, after many replications on both sides, he concluded that he was well assured that in no case would Monsieur be brought upon a sudden to yield to any change of religion, yet he doubted not but that within a small time after the match the same would easily be brought to pass without any great difficulty, and declared that in his opinion and conscience nothing could more further religion throughout Christendom than this match. Walsingham answered for conclusion, that the Queen was fully resolved to maintain her answer to the second article or otherwise not to proceed.
Endd. by Burghley. Printed by Digges. Pp. 3¾.
May 26. 1733. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Languet has put them in such a fear of the greatness of the House of Austria by reason of the death of the Vaivode and the hope they have of the kingdom of Poland, that they think it policy this marriage is not to be refused. Has of late entered into great intelligence with —, who carries the sway here, by whom he is assured that nothing which can reasonably be demanded shall be denied. Being assured by divers that religion would not be cause of breach so that the Queen stood firm, he used some round speech to M. De Foix, whom he found very tractable. Besides the greatness of Spain the Queen Mother fears that the two brethren will not agree, and therefore desires this watch. These causes of their relenting he imparts to him only, for he knows that being published they would breed a kind of carelessness. The gentleman having great hope that the matter will take effect, begins already to confer with those who are acquainted with England how he is to direct himself to have the good will of the people. Burghley will do well to draw out for him some cautions. He is altogether inclined to depend upon advice, being of nature very patient, and nothing of the French humour. Prays that if any opportunity be offered to do the Prince of Orange favour he will not omit the same, as thereby the Queen may have the law in her hands to dispose of that country.—Poissy, 26 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¾.
May 26. 1734. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Encloses a memorial from the Queen Mother. Of late he finds here in like cases reasonable expedition of justice, and therefore desires that they may have like measure. The Queen Mother has willed him to signify to Her Majesty that touching the information that the Scottish Ambassador had dealt with her and Monsieur about some attempt against Ireland, that he never moved any such thing to them, and therefore to desire her to grant him the passport which he requires, as his repair to his mistress is of no evil intent. Has of late granted passports to certain Scotchmen, there being no great cause of fear as France is so well inclined.—Nantes, 26 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¾.
1735. Memorial by the Queen Mother.
Requesting Walsingham to procure the liberation of two French vessels which, with their crews and cargoes, have been detained in England.
Copy. Fr. P. ⅓. Enclosure.
May 26. 1736. News from Rome.
Provisions and arrangements for carrying out the league against the Turk. An image of the Madonna at Spoleto has raised to life a dead man, and cured a woman who has been sick for 20 years.
Ital. Pp. 3¼.
May 26. 1737. News from Italy.
Conclusion of the Holy League. Levy of troops. Naval attack on Durazzo. Great efforts of the Turks to take Famagosta. Shipwreck of 14 Turkish galleys. Soldier executed for shooting one of his comrades. Skirmish near Zara. News out of Spain and Rome..—Venice, 26 May.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2¾.
May 26. 1738. The Regent Lennox to the Queen.
Has directed the bearer to communicate to her the present state of matters in Scotland and how they are fallen out far contrary to her meaning and expectation.—Stirling, 26 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with calculations in Burghley's writing. P. ⅓.
May 26. 1739. The Regent Lennox to Lord Burghley.
Letter of credit for James Cunningham whom he has sent to declare how things have lately fallen out to Her Majesty. —Stirling, 26 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
May 27. 1740. Instructions for Jo. Cipres.
Instructions for the Spanish Ambassador's secretary to complain to the Privy Council of Dr. Story's condemation, and to demand that he shall be returned to Flanders.—27 May 1571. Signed: Guerau D'Espes.
Endd. Span. Pp. 1⅓.
May 28. 1741. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Desires his favour and good encouragement for the bearer, who is very honest, discreet, and secret, and who has given him no small light in the cause which he is dealing in.—Paris, 28 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
May 28. 1742. Madame Chatillon to the Queen.
Hopes that she will excuse her not coming in person to take leave of her before quitting her realm, as she is so ill that she has to be carried in a litter.—Canterbury, 28 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
May 28. 1743. The Regent Lennox to the Queen.
Has received her gracious letter on the 27th instant from Sir William Drury, with whom he has conferred upon such matters as he had in charge, and imparted his mind at large for him to declare to her.—Stirling, 28 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ⅓.
[May 28.] 1744. Declaration of the State of Scotland by the Regent Lennox.
Lennox is at Stirling making preparations against the attempts of the adversaries and to establish the ordinary justice there, seeing Edinburgh is now garnished with men of war under the tyranny of the King's disobedient subjects, the Laird of Grange having at last declared himself avowed enemy to the King's cause and assembled to his society the instruments of all the mischief in Scotland, and who maintained the Queen of England's rebels last year and invaded her realm with fire and sword. Lennox's soldiers, being 400 footmen and 50 horse, are with the Earl of Morton at Dalkeith attending on the enemy. The like or rather greater number are entertained at Edinburgh upon foreign money; 100 men of war with a captain are recently landed from Denmark, who being suited to for the service of the enemy, he has provided for their entertainment during some short time in hopes of money forth of England, which if it comes not in time the adversaries number will be augmented with this 100, for they will pass where they may have money. Desires that the Queen of England will send them enough money to pay 400 foot and 50 horse during May and 500 foot and 200 horse during June, and this to continue monthly until Edinburgh Castle be by her force and power recovered and delivered over to him. If there be not expedition made in sending the money, their men of war will break themselves and pass to the enemy, and the noblemen and others still neutral will for their safety knit up matters amongst them and the adversaries. Intends to reduce the realm to the universal obedience of the King and to begin with the recovery of the town and castle of Edinburgh, which is the only means whereby the rebellion is maintained. Is able not only to make a match with their adversaries but to be their master in the fields if they have no power of men or money but their own, and can continue his power as long as they can theirs. How Edinburgh Castle may be won is as well known to the Marshal of Berwick and others, as to any Scotchman. Are not able to sustain waged force on Scottish rents, and pieces of battery sent for such a purpose are not in Scotland out of the said castle. It will be meet to send eight cannon, four culverins, and two "battertis" with munitions and pioneers, and 1,000 foot and 300 horsemen. Foreign power is certainly expected on the part of the adversaries. Signed by Lennox.
Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 22/3.
May 28. 1745. Lord Lindsay to Randolph.
Complains that he has received no answer touching the Queen of England's pleasure about Swinburn and the other prisoners, who are very cumbersome and chargeable to him.— Byres, 28 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
May 29. 1746. The Earl of Morton to Lord Burghley.
Since his departure from England the troubles here have been great, the special cause whereof is by the defection of the Laird of Grange, who has made the castle a receptacle for all who are suspected to be the murderers of the King and the Regent, for whose defence he has hired bands of men of war and has received silver to that effect both out of England and France. They cannot defend against the puissance of other princes except they be aided in like manner. As it is only the castle of Edinburgh which is the occasion of all these troubles, he doubts not but that Burghley considering the weightiness of these matters will procure the Queen of England to help them.—Dalkeith, 29 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 29. 1747. Advices.
Genoa, 4 May. Siege of Finale. Number and stations of the King of Spain's galleys.
Antwerp, 29 May. Favour shown to the Duke of Alva and his sons by the King of Spain.
Endd.: 1571. Ital. P. 1.
May 30. 1748. Maitland of Lethington to the Queen of England.
The Marshal of Berwick being here with her commission, in conference with the captain of the castle and other noblemen having charged him very sharply as the instrument and nourisher of all these lamentable divisions, it grieves him very sore that the malice of his enemies should have so far prevailed as to induce Her Majesty to conceive any doubt of him. Has been this year past assaulted with all kind of wicked calumnies none of which have proved true in effect. Has from the beginning of her reign gone about by all good offices possible to procure her favour, and has for the last year and a half by his letters dealt with her ministers and frankly uttered his opinion for the maintenance of good intelligence between the two realms, which he fears has not been communicated to her. Never refused to do anything which her ministers required him to do or meddled in anything prejudicial to her person or estate, nor has he since the commotion in the North written a letter to any of her subjects except the Earls of Leicester and Sussex and Lord Burghley. Has never comforted any of her rebels to the value of one shilling. These are all the points which may justly touch her, and if in any of them he could be found guilty, he would put his person in her hands to be executed to death. As to his doings at home she has never uttered any misliking that he should serve his Queen, but on the contrary seemed to be offended that he and others had undutifully behaved towards her, and none of her ministers have ever admonished him that she would take it unkindly that he dealt for his mistress' causes. This then cannot be the fault with which he is charged. At home immediately after the Earl of Murray's death, he went about to persuade the nobility on both sides to yield some part of their particular passions for public respects, and advised them to direct two noblemen to her to put the matter and all their differences in her hand, and when this could not be brought to pass he advised as many as were content to direct a letter to her containing the same motion. His brother going in message to the Earl of Sussex was apprehended by the other party. When he was at Athole for the recovery of his health and not intending to meddle in public affairs, his resolution was interrupted by a letter from the Earl of Sussex requiring him to deal with the Earls of Huntly and Argyle for the pacification of these trouble. Complains that the other side have deprived him of his office of secretary and disposessed him and his brother of their lands and revenues. Wishes that his most conjured enemies would come forth and charge him in any one point of division practised by him if they will condescend in particular, which they cannot, and therefore only beat the general proposition in the ears of men that he is the very instrument and nourisher of all these divisions. Repents that ever he joined in fellowship with any of them seeing to what mischievous end they tend. Complains of the proceedings of their adversaries who will bring the realm to that miserable decay that when the Prince shall take upon him the administration of the kingdom he shall find no kingdom to rule, but a confused chaos and a country divided into 200 or 300 kingdoms resembling Shane O'Neil's. It is imputed to him for a seditious crime that he does not allow that five or six Earls and Lords should overrule the whole remaining noblemen, and keep silence until they have wrecked the most part of them, at least such as will not become slaves to them, intruding themselves into livings and so little by little to possess the whole realm. Has been robbed of all his goods and compelled with his brother to live by credit for more than a year. Offers his services to the Queen to procure a union of all the estates of Scotland to maintain the peace with England, and that she shall be put in trust to make a final end of all these controversies, this point reserved that she will so deal with the Queen of Scots that they may not be justly burdened to have dealt undutifully towards her Highness.—Edinburgh, 30 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 6¼.
1749. Another copy.
Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 5¼.
May 30. 1750. Kirkcaldy of Grange to the Queen.
1. Has received her letter of the 21st inst. from the Marshal of Berwick, from whom he understands to his great grief that she is offended with him and his doings, but has this consolation that the offence proceeds only from the misreports of his enemies. Where she finds it strange that he has stayed the Earl of Lennox and his party from entering Edinburgh at this time of their pretended parliament, and thereby hindered their good purposes for the common peace and quiet of the realm; he by his special letter to the Earl of Morton offered to make the town patent to them for all the intents and purposes mentioned by Her Majesty's direction given to the Marshal, providing they would surcease from proceeding in other things tending to the prejudice of the State and his friends. Morton answered him that the matter was otherwise than his writing imported, and declared in plain terms to Lord Boyd and others that the treaty was dissolved in England and clean cut off without any promise of abstinence or hope of recontinuation. If it had appeared that the Earl of Lennox and his party truly meant to have assembled to make a choice of persons authorised to carry out what Her Highness took their purpose to have been, he protests that he would have furthered the same by all possible means. As they have rejected all overtures by himself, Huntly, and others to confer amicably upon what terms matters might rest at home during the time that the treaty might be prosecuted in England, he has just cause to concur with the other noblemen to stay their disordered designs, and in so doing has not contravened any point of his promises made to the Earls of Leicester and Sussex and Lord Burghley. Never meant to begin a new civil war but only resisted to wars long continued by the adverse faction, and of late directly intended for the overthrow of himself and friends. Denies that he has ever reported to the common people by his cartels that the Earl of Lennox was sworn English against his country and meant to deliver up to her the castles and strengths which he had. Will not disavow that he has said in conference with some men that the Earl of Lennox was her subject by oath, but if any gentleman undefamed of England or Scotland will charge him that he has written or uttered any word against her honour he offers with his person to maintain that he has spoken untruly.
2. Has always meant well towards her, and though he has joined with other noblemen to oppose the disordered doings of the Earl of Lennox and his faction, he prays that she will not condemn him that in so doing he practises to increase the troubles of the realm for his own lucre and to maintain his disordered authority. A great part of the other faction are maintained by unjust lucre arising of the oppression of the poor and spoil of other men's goods, and possess at this day other men's livings whereunto they have no just title, amounting to a greater yearly rent than all the earls and lords of that side may justly expend of their lawful inheritance. Neither he nor his friends can be charged that they have had one groat of other men's livings or gone about to enrich themselves by other men's losses. Whether the adverse faction has climbed above their own degree and for maintenance of their usurped authority has nourished this civil dissension, he remits to the judgment of all indifferent persons who will narrowly examine their proceedings. It is not meant to draw any strange forces into the realm although his brother has been of late in France, but the Earl of Lennox having wrongfully dispossessed him of the revenues assigned for the sustenation of this place, they have been obliged to get powder and other munitions of war from France, of which a sufficiency to serve his turn for a good season has been brought by his brother. Although the Earl of Lennox and his party got no entrance within the town, yet they held a parliament without the walls, which if it was as they said sufficient for all other purposes it was also valuable for the intents specified in Her Majesty's said direction. If, therefore, being assembled they have not granted commission, &c., it may be inferred that they never meant to do so. The noblemen with whom he is joined are content to send commissioners into England sufficiently authorised within a month or shorter time if she shall require it, and if she will deal favourably with them they will not receive within the realm any strange forces or procure any to be sent, and will also submit all particular debates and quarrels depending between them and the other party to her decision. If there is anything with which she is not fully satisfied he offers to send a special friend sufficiently instructed from the noblemen and himself to her.—Edinburgh Castle, 30 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 5⅓.
1751. Another copy.
Endd. Pp. 4¼.
May 30. 1752. Lethington and Grange to Sir William Drury.
Have either of them written to the Queen answering specially such objections as Drury upon her behalf laid out against them, and if further be required they intend to send some gentleman to her fully instructed with their minds. Desire him to procure a passport containing no name. Lethington would go himself if the disposition of his body were able. Complains of Sussex, Leicester, and Burghley for not answering his letters, whose silence he takes for a discharge of further dealing with him.—Edinburgh, 30 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
May 31. 1753. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Returned this morning. Left the Regent at Stirling. The contrary party prepare their forces against the 8th. All that the Regent's party may do is but to defend.—Berwick, 31 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
May 31. 1754. Lord Seton to Lethington.
The Queen Mother of France holds him in great hate. Cannot get the silver owing to him by reason of his estate in the chamber, or that lent at Leith, which passes 8,500 franks. Was constrained to pray the Queen not to forget the old alliance for the new one, which she was making between her son and the Queen of England, and told her that since Charlemagne's days there was never sent from Scotland a more honourable suit than the present; and reminded her how their predecessors had offered themselves for France and left their bones behind them. As it is the Queen's will that he shall go to Flanders, begs that he will send an affectionate letter to the Duke of Alva, with many fair words with credit for himself.—Paris, 31 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
May 31. 1755. The Queen's Debts in Antwerp and London.
Note of the prolongation of the Queen's debts due in Antwerp and London. Total in the former place for money advanced and interest at the rate of six per cent., with brokerage at one per cent. for six months, 21,102l. 16s. 8d. Total in London at the same rate of interest and brokerage, 27,054l. 10s. Signed by Gresham.
Endd. Pp. 3.
May. 1756. English Ships taken by the Spaniards.
Note of complaints of English ships taken by the Spaniards, partly driven in by the weather, and partly by force, amounting to ten or eleven in number.
Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
1757. Copy of the above in French.
Endd. Pp. 2½.