Elizabeth: May 1571, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: May 1571, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp438-447 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1571, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp438-447.

"Elizabeth: May 1571, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp438-447.

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May 1571, 1-15

May 1. 1682. Sir William Drury to the Privy Council.
On the 29th ult., near unto the walls of Edinburgh, there was a meeting between the King's soldiers and those of Edinburgh, when, notwithstanding the aid of great shot out of the castle, the latter returned with great loss. Virac is either from Leith returned or presently will do so. Great preparation is made for the meeting of the King's party at Linlithgow. The Queen's party, for keeping them out of Edinburgh, if they cannot answer them in the fields, is likewise occupied.—Berwick, 1 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1¼.
May 2. 1683. Henry Cobham to the Queen.
Has been admitted into the King's presence, who, after reading her letters and giving him further audience, said that he should be answered and shortly dispatched. Was afterwards accompanied to the Queen, who received her letters with a pleasant and contented countenance, assuring him that she would do good offices for the maintenance of the amity. Finds that if any negligence be used in the government of her estates they are ready to show diligence to advance their intentions. The opinion is that all the evil which moves them to any enterprise towards England or Ireland arises from thence. The King is often persuaded by letters from the Pope to attend for to enlarge the Papal power, putting him in mind of England and Ireland. Her rebels have taken on them that cloak, soliciting daily for help. The opinion is that the King has paid dearly for Stuckley's intelligence, whose accustomed manners have decayed his credit. Understands of no present preparations of value or force here able to invade.—Madrid, 2 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
May 2. 1684. Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley.
Gives an account of the audiences with the King and the Queen of Spain. In the evening, Secretary Cayas visited him, and told him that he might know that Stuckley's credit was not such, though the King had been gracious to him as he was to all Englishmen who were Catholics, and also that the King well understood how kingdoms were not so easily conquered. Is informed that the Queen's letter and his speech to the King must pass to Cardinal Spinosa, and then return to the King, which will ask some time. The two princes of Hungary shortly return towards Germany. Don John of Austria shall go to the seas with fifty galleys, which preparation the Duke of Florence doubts. The Marquis of Finale professes to deliver his state to the French, whereupon the Genoese has sent to the governor of Milan for aid, who has sent it. The Duke of Alva solicits his coming out of Flanders, dissembling his desire, and by means of Cardinal Pacheco, his nephew at Rome, the Pope persuades with the King how it imports very much for the enlarging of the Catholic faith that he should stay in Flanders. Stuckley makes suit for 11,000 ducats. He shall have money, but the account will be corrected. Can see no danger any manner of way towards the Queen. There have come three English ships very well appointed, one set forth by Osborne, "who married Huick's daughter" [Hewit]. They have brought news which has done the Queen small service. —Madrid, 2 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4.
May 1685. Thomas Bannister to Cecil.
1. Arrived in this country in November, but by reason of the winter weather and the practises used against him, it was the last of April before he could come to the Prince's Court. In passing up they sold above 1,000 pieces of kerseys for time. Complains that the company's agent and servants go about to make their doing appear as evil as others, and have not spared to attempt the use of vile poison against him. Secondly, he had for enemies all who had bought their goods and hoped, by keeping him from the Prince, never to have to pay. Thirdly, all the Armenians and other merchants who have the trade to Aleppo, and serve the country with kerseys, carrying there great quantity of silk enough to serve all Italy, and with these were joined the Italians lying at Aleppo. Saw that it was in vain to sue to the Council, and the Prince has not come abroad for these 20 years, being 74 years of age. He has placed to reign one of his sons, not being above 13 years of age, who is another young Solomon for wisdom, and whose favour, by earnest suits, Bannister won. Immediately after the Prince had opened the matter, a gentleman was sent to command him to send his gifts, which he did; and within four days, officers of the wardrobe brought him rich apparel. At his coming to the Court gates he found the young Prince there to receive him, who brought him to a great court where was the Emperor, to whom he gave the Queen's message and letters, but as he could not read them he commanded them to be put into Tartar. All his requests were granted, saving one, which was that they might pass through his dominions into the Indies. He kept Bannister in talk about two hours and a half, using him very honourably and reasoning with him of all parts of Christendom, and after licensed him to depart, saying, "fare ye well Thomas, gentleman." After he was gone there was a trench of earth cast up from the court gate to the gallery upon which the Emperor stood, and the Ambassadors of "Grosyne" brought in upon the earth thrown up, for that he would not suffer them to tread in his court, saying that they were unclean people, and when they were gone caused the earth they went upon to be thrown down into the bottom of the trench. The young Prince followed Bannister's suits, and got his books under seal and gave him his despatch. The Emperor bought 200 kerseys and gave ready money, and commanded his officers to see him well used.
2. Departing out of Casbin towards Teveris (Tiflis) on the 9th November last in company with a serjeant of arms whom he obtained of the Emperor to apprehend his debtors, and carrying 1,400l., there was good fellows laid for him to the number of thirty, but he and his men being all armed, and every man two dags, they were content to let them pass. Having got in all his debts at Tiflis, he departed towards Shamaki for the conduction of 200 camels laden with "guoles," spices, and silk, and 770 tomans, every toman being 5l. sterling. Has been one month on the journey from Tiflis. One night, by the way, certain horsemen set upon the caravan, but pieces being shot off amongst them they fled. Gives details of sales and of goods belonging to the company remaining in his hands. Complains of the robberies perpetrated by certain of the company's servants.—Shamaki, 2 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3½.
April 22 and May 4. 1686. Queen Elizabeth to the Regent Lennox.
Is glad that Dumbarton Castle is returned into his possession, and wishes that he should make good choice of such as shall take the charge thereof, that it be not surprised by fraud or corruption. Forbears the answer of certain other things in his letter until he may have conferred with the Earl of Morton, whom she trusts has now arrived. Desires that her subject Johnson, who was taken in Dumbarton, may be sent to the Marshal of Berwick.—Westminster, 22 April 1571.
May 4. The Regent Lennox to Queen Elizabeth.
Trusts to use Dumbarton to her liking and contentment. Has conferred with Morton, and understands that her meaning is that in this approaching Parliament in the middle of May some should have been appointed for conference and treaty of pacification in the matters of controversy of this State. Complains of the proceedings of their adversaries, who change Sovereigns yearly at their fantasy; also that Edinburgh the capital, where the Parliament and seat of justice ought to be, is held by waged men raised upon foreign charges. Beseeches her to look upon the cause as now being in action, and how it cannot well suffer her longer neutrality. Craves her comfortable aid and maintenance, which she may well give as the adversaries are with foreign support massing forces together to suppress the cause of the young King. Has travailed in the examination of Johnson, and finds him very dissimulate. —Stirling.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
May 4. 1687. Queen Elizabeth to the Regent Lennox.
Again requires him to send the prisoner taken in Dumbarton to Berwick. If his name is Hawle, thinks him to be a person very seditious, and who has been by her orders this last year sought for in Derbyshire.
Incomplete. Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd. P. 2/3.
May 5. 1688. Advices from Italy.
News from Rome, dated 5 May 1571, chiefly relating to the proceedings of the league against the Turk. Also reports from various places.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 5.
May 5. 1689. The Queen to Sir Francis Walsingham.
Does not so much disallow the Archbishop of Cashel's request for pardon and restitution to his bishopric as the slender manner of his suit, being void of all recognition of his offences, and therewith his desire to repair into Ireland without first coming to England. Is to inform him that if he will come into England upon warrant he will find her ready to show him grace according to his humbleness in suing for it. Understands that there is not such great account to be made of him as he pretends, neither is he of kin to the Earl of Desmond, nor of any credit in Ireland. Allows well of the Irishman whom he has employed to attend on him, and desires to be advertised in what manner he may be best rewarded.
Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
May 6. 1690. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Duke Hamilton, with 160 persons, is come to Edinburgh. They fortify within the gates. Lord Boyd is a dealer for the taking up of matters amongst them, and yesterday there is passed towards their Queen, James Boyd, a principal servant of his. Forwards letters.—Berwick, 6 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
May 7. 1691. The Laird of Grange to the Earl of Morton.
Understands by letters from England that the treaty began in that realm was deferred upon Morton's alleging that he had not sufficient authority to conclude, desiring a delay till the commission might be obtained in the Parliament which they intended to hold in May instant. Perceives by a proclamation that the Earl of Lennox and his adherents are preparing forces to come shortly to this town. If he and the other noblemen joined with him will come in quiet manner with no other purpose than to treat of a commission for the prosecuting of the said treaty without attempting anything touching forfeitures, the town shall be made patent to them, and none shall molest them; but if they come with any other intention they shall have no other entrance but such as they may purchase by force. Protests if this offer be refused that the stay of any good purpose shall not be imputed to the nobility here convened or to himself.—Edinburgh Castle, 7 May 1571.
Copy. Endd. P. 1.
May 7. 1692. The Earl of Morton to Kirkcaldy of Grange.
As his letter concerns the King's authority and the Regent and Council, he can of himself give him no direct answer. Who has been the occasion of the disturbance of the realm Grange can testify.—Dalkeith, 7 May 1571.
Copy. Endd. P. ⅓.
May 8. 1693. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
If the Englishman who was taken in Dumbarton is sent hither he will see him safely kept. One named John Spencer is already stayed here, whose confession he sends. There is a new decay of the bridge, for which they lack stuff. They are forced nightly to leave the drawbridge down. Will follow his directions touching the passengers from and to Scotland. Berwick, 8 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 8. 1694. Lord Scrope to Lord Burghley.
Yesterday afternoon Lords Herries and Maxwell and Lochinvar were assembling such force of horsemen as they can in Annandale, and mind to set forth with them towards Edinburgh on Friday next.—Carlisle, 8 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
May 12. 1695. News from Italy.
Venice, 12 May 1571. Progress of the Holy League. Capture of a vessel with pilgrims from Loretto. Levies of troops. Capture of a ship bound from Alexandria to Rhodes worth 200,000 crowns.
Ital. Pp. 3¼.
May 12. 1696. Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley.
Has not as yet received any answer from the King, who is wholly employed in dispatching the Emperor's two sons, who leave on the 27th instant. Can perceive no other occasion for his stay. The going of the Duke of Medina Celi into Flanders is not determined, and the soldiers who should pass thither to renew the garrisons cannot be shipped afore the end of June.—Madrid, 12 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
[May 12.] 1697. Benedict Spinola to Lord Burleigh.
The Duke of Alva has orders to give up his government, in whose place the Duke of Medina Celi will succeed. He wishes, before his departure from Flanders, to settle the matters touching the traffic and good intelligence with England. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 22/3.
May 13. 1698. Sir William Drury to the Privy Council.
On the 9th instant the Earl of Argyle and the Lords Arbroath and Boyd, at 5 am., accompanied with fifty-five persons, came to Edinburgh. The Regent, with his friends to the number of 4,000, came on the 11th to Leith. About the midst of the day, certain horsemen issued out of the castle and skirmished with some of his. There were on either side two taken. There have been two proclamations made within the town; the first to warn all who depend on Lennox or Morton to leave the town within one hour, at their perils; the other forbidding any of the inhabitants to approach the walls, or after 2 pm. to come out of their houses. They have repaired the walls and closed up half of the Nether-Bow. On the 9th, Grange's brother came out of France with munitions of powder and shot, morrions, and some calivers, and also money, which was conveyed up to the castle. James Macgil's stuff and plate is taken by the soldiers. Mr. Knox is quietly retired over the water, having understanding that the Hamiltons had vowed him a shrewd turn. The Earl of Argyle and Lord Boyd are dealers secretly for pacification. Lord Fleming has departed to France. Has two persons in Edinburgh and Leith. Grange has, since the return of his brother, paid his soldiers in French crowns. Berwick, 13 May 1571. Signed.
Add Endd. P. ½.
May 13. 1699. The Earl of Morton to Kirkcaldy of Grange.
Has shown his letter to the Regent and Council, and will now give him a direct answer. Knows not what his letters from England contained, but if he had conferred with him he would have made him understand that the matter was otherwise than his letter imports. He is himself the manifest occasion that the Estates of Scotland come to Edinburgh in arms, which ought to be patent to all the King's good subjects without such trouble as he now ministers. Defends Lennox's fitness for the post of Regent, in which room Grange has recognised him, as his handwriting bears witness, and cannot believe that any should mislike his regiment except such as find themselves pricked with such odious crimes, which peradventure they think he occupying the charge, cannot well remit. The withstanding of the holding of Parliament by force has never been attempted before, except by those who were plain rebels. Finds it very strange and proud that he being but a private man, should prescribe to the Regent and the Estates of the Realm what they should treat upon being convened in Parliament, and how and what manner they should convene thereto, and for him to take their surety upon himself when they are more able to make his surety than he to make theirs. If any inconvenience falls out his unreasonable proceedings will be the occasion thereof, and if any of the King's obedient subjects shall perish in the prosecution of his cause, their blood will be required at his hands, for it had not been in the power of the adversaries to have resisted the King's authority if Grange had not given over himself and the house committed to his trust for the safeguard of the disowners of his authority, and such as are suspected guilty of heinous and odious crimes.—Leith, 13 May 1571.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2½.
May 13. 1700. Carolus Danicus to James VI.
Begs that he will again intercede with the King of Denmark for the liberation of Captain John Clark.—13 May 1571. Signed: Carolus Danicus.
Lat. Pp. 1¼.
May 14. 1701. The Regent Lennox to the Queen.
Has sent the Englishman who was taken at Dumbarton to Berwick, together with such information and notes as could be had of him. Some contrariety appears in his declarations which gives occasion to try him more nearly, but being an Englishman it was not thought convenient here "to urge him by pains." If he or the Bishop of Ross declares anything touching the King or his estate he craves that he may be made participant thereto.—Leith, 14 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 14. 1702. The Regent Lennox to Lord Burghley.
Sends herewith such notes and informations as he could gather from John Hall, who was apprehended in Dumbarton, and whom he has sent to Berwick. Is lying at Leith with a good company of noblemen and others ready to hold the Parliament, from which the adversaries in Edinburgh joined with Grange think to debar them, having made all kinds of fortifications in the town, and lately received succours of money and munition from France.—Leith, 14 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 14. 1703. The Queen to the Earl of Morton.
For the restitution of certain woad belonging to Acerbo Velutelli, an Italian merchant residing in England, which has been taken upon the seas by pirates, and brought into Scotland.
Draft. Endd. P. 2/3.
May 14. 1704. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Has given the pretended Archbishop, who is now at Nantes, to understand that Her Majesty does not allow the slender manner of his submission, neither can think him worthy of favour or grace unless he repairs into England, and there with all humility sues unto her for the same. Has informed Capt. Thomas how Her Majesty has accepted in very good part his late services, who has desired to have some charge either in Ireland or elsewhere. There is very good account made of him here, and though most of the captains and soldiers are discharged he is allowed by the King 16 crowns a month pension. His father's name was Bathe, one of the justices in Ireland, and his brother is Recorder of Drogheda. Is secretly given to understand that Ridolphi had letters of credit from the Spanish Ambassador to the Duke of Alva, whereupon, after long conference with the Duke, he was despatched to Rome with letters of credit to the Pope, and also with letters to the King of Spain, promising to be at Madrid on the 20th inst. Can learn nothing as yet touching the matter committed to him. The Scots here have some enterprise in hand, as he is informed by the party whom he appointed to observe Lord Seton's doings. Virac is in hopes to return to Scotland with new forces, which secretly he says to his friends depends only on the resolution of the marriage now in hand. Lord Seton departs into Flanders, being sent for by the Queen's rebels there, who have somewhat in hand presently to be executed. They of late have been very importunate for passports, which he has thought good to make some stay of for a time. Understands that De la Roche's enterprise in Ireland was to have executed a plot of conquest devised by Peter Strozzi in King Henry's time, which, if the match go not forward, he is promised he shall go in hand withal. The Queen Mother denies now that she prefixed a day of answer. Must needs confess that in requiring the same she used such words as Her Majesty has no cause to be justly offended, which omitting to impart to her, he craves pardon. Sends a packet which he has received from Mr. Cobham.— Paris, 14 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Printed by Digges. Pp. 32/3.
May 14. 1705. M. Dupin to Lord Burghley.
Is desired by M. Montmorency to inform him of his contentation at learning the happy termination which he is about to put to the plan of the late Cardinal of Chatillon for establishing a perpetual friendship between the two kingdoms.— Paris, 14 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¾.
May 15. 1706. Lord Scrope to Lord Burghley.
On Sunday, about midnight, the Regent entered the Cannongate at Edinburgh. Lord Herries was yesternight at Biggar and cannot come nearer Edinburgh, for the Earl of Morton has laid in his way. The town of Edinburgh greatly favours the Regent's party.—Carlisle, 15 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
May 15. 1707. Sir William Drury to the Privy Council.
Has received the Englishman who was taken in Dumbarton and prays that some order may be taken for his calling from hence. On the 13th Lord Ruthven, with the men of St. Johnstone's and Dundee, came into the Cannongate, and have placed two small pieces on the hill above the Queen's College to dismount a piece or two on the walls. A gentleman of the Earl of Glencairn's was the same night slain by one of the soldiers of the same side. One who came thence yesterday about nine was not come half-a-mile, but he heard six great pieces shoot out at the castle, and all the way hitherwards so far as pieces might be heard he heard shooting. Lord Herries and his company being impeached by Morton with 800 men, is retired back again. Ferniehurst has entered Edinburgh with 80 persons. The Earl of Huntley and others are stirring up and down the streets for doubt of the inhabitants, whom they greatly suspect. It is said that they have caused the clock of the town to stay, fearing the certain time and appointment of warning to be agreed between them and those without when they should attempt to enter. The Regent has sent word that Grange having assembled the bailiffs and chiefs of the town declared that he had sworn himself English, offering with his body to prove it. Certain houses in the Potter's row were set on fire yesterday morning. There is great labour for the defence of the town, which he thinks will serve for any Scottish seige. Liddlesdale and Tividale have of late done them some displeasure.—Berwick, 15 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¾.
May 15. 1708. Advices from Germany.
News from Prague of 9 May and from Vienna of the 15 May 1571.
Endd. Ital. P. 1.
May 15. 1709. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Thanks him for his Spanish and Scottish advertisements. Is glad that Stuckley is in no better grace, yet could have wished the fear thereof to have remained for some other respect. They rest here amazed for that the answer is so long deferred. Challenges to himself no great judgment, but if this matter proceed not he sees their ruin at hand.—Paris, 15 May 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.