Elizabeth: April 1571

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: April 1571', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp424-438 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1571', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp424-438.

"Elizabeth: April 1571". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp424-438.

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April 1571

April 1. 1630. M. Verac to M. De la Mothe Fenelon.
Can communicate with him through Edward Litill, a merchant of Edinburgh, but his letters must be in cipher. The Earl of Cassillis has surrendered himself to the Regent, as has also done the Earl of Eglinton. [The Regent] declares that if they oppose the authority of the King he will call in the English.—Dumbarton, 1 April 1571. Signed. Partly in cipher with most of the names undeciphered.
Add. Endd. by Burghley: taken in Dumbarton. P. 1.
April 1. 1631. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
1. Will, according to his advice, not fail so to work that the party he mentions shall have some encouragement to make him the more forward in furthering this match. Assures him of his fidelity to him.
2. P.S.—They desire that Cavalcanti's coming may be kept secret.—Paris, 1 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
April 1. 1632. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Has well weighed the contents of Her Majesty's letter of the 24th March, and considered the great practises which are daily put in use to impeach the match between the Queen and Monsieur, which lack not any help that can be ministered from her own subjects to breed an opinion in Monsieur that all is but dalliance, which talk Monsieur himself used with M. De Foix. Was very much perplexed what course to take, and in his proceeding with the Queen Mother has somewhat swerved from the precise course of his instructions. Mentions the points wherein he varied from his instructions, assuring her that the offer of Monsieur would be accepted in good part, and that if the Queen perceived any apparent cause of mislike that she would deal plainly with them. Recommended that M. De Foix should be sent over upon some other pretence. Forbore to touch on the matter of religion. Told her that the Queen had for the more secret handling of the matter made choice of only two councillors, namely, the Earl of Leicester and Lord Burghley. It was also agreed that Cavalcanti should be admitted as a dealer in the matter.—Paris, 1 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Printed by Digges. Pp. 7.
April 1. 1633. The Earl of Rutland to Lord Burghley.
Thanks him for his friendly warning. Is glad that by Her Majesty's favour he may remain here as yet, and hopes to be able to do her better service on his return. The Court of France is presently the richest and disorderliest court he has ever seen.—Paris, 1 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
April 1. 1634. Marriage between the Queen and the Duke of Anjou.
Articles providing for certain matters in the proposed marriage of the Queen and the Duke of Anjou, such as the form of its celebration, the freedom of conscience to be allowed to the Duke and his suite; his title, and the succession of the offspring of the said marriage.—1 April 1571.
Endd. Lat. Printed by Digges. Pp. 2.
April 2. 1635. Reformed Church of France.
Regulations for the governance and discipline of the reformed churches in France. Signed at foot by Theodore Beza.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 54.
April 3. 1636. Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley.
Has been with the Archbishop of Cashel, who desires to be restored to Her Majesty's favour, and offers to forsake King Philip's pension of 2,000 crowns so as he may enjoy only his own patrimony in Ireland. Further, he made declaration of the full manner of Stuckley's coming into Spain and his proceedings. If he may find favour he has further to disclose of the advertisements which the Ambassador of Spain sent, and certain ways by which he had intelligence of the secret affairs. If it be true what he says hardly can anything be deliberated in England which King Philip shall not know.—Paris, 3 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 3. 1637. Paul De Foix to Lord Burghley.
Sends this letter by Cavalcanti to congratulate him on his advancement in dignity, and to assure him of the goodwill which he bears towards him.—Paris, 3 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
April 3. 1638. Sir William Drury to the Privy Council.
Grange has put both men and munition into Holyrood and St. Giles' church. The Regent has by some politic order entered yesterday morning before dawn the castle of Dumbarton, and taken the Lord Fleming and the Bishop of St. Andrews.—Berwick. Signed.
Add. Endd. Injured by damp. P. 2/3.
April 4. 1639. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Has procured Captain Thomas, the Irishman, to repair to the Archbishop of Cashel, and to offer him any friendship or service he might show him in this Court, which he took in very good part, and desired the captain to procure him access to the Cardinal of Lorraine, which he did, but could not draw from him what communication passed between them. This much the Archbishop signified to him that hereafter there might be some occasion offered to employ him to some good service, and further that he should say that he was a man of noble family and great reputation in Ireland, which was but weak and easy to be got by the enemy, and such like talk to this effect. Walsingham advised him to report to the Cardinal that though the Archbishop was of a noble family yet he was of no such credit in his country, for that the heads of the house of Desmond, whereof he was descended, were under guard in England, and that anyone who should attempt anything against Ireland would find it able enough to resist a multitude. Two days afterwards the Captain was sent for by the Cardinal, and answered to every point as Walsingham required, since which time the Cardinal makes not that account of the Archbishop that he looked for. Thinks that he might be got to answer such things as he knows of this Spanish enterprise if he might be well assured of Her Majesty's favour and be restored to his former living. Has appointed another Irish soldier to mark whither and to whom he resorts, and what company comes to him. Recommends Captain Thomas to him; he is very honest and civil, and has taken profit with these civil wars besides being of good parentage, bred and born in the English Pale. On the 29th ult. his secretary had further conference with the Archbishop, who assured him that the only cause of his coming out of Spain was to obtain license to return into his country with his Prince's favour, and to eschew the name of traitor. He also said that it was time that the Queen sent some one into Spain, for that there were many traitors in Ireland of the Irishmen and of the English soldiers there, and that he might do good service in Ireland, as the most part of the nobility would be much ruled by his counsel; but if he could not obtain favour from the Queen he would return into Spain, where he has been most honourably entertained by the King. He further told him that the Duke of Alva had offered 30,000 ducats for the Earl of Northumberland's ransom. Desires with speed to know how he shall deal with the Archbishop. Harvey has arrived out of Flanders and gone into Spain, and had great conferences with the Ambassador of Scotland and Lord Seton.—Paris, 4 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Printed by Digges. Pp. 3.
April 5. 1640. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Renews his request respecting not revealing a certain matter, as he would be grieved if those of the religion received any hindrance through him. The matter requires speedy resolution and secret handling.—Paris, 5 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
April 7. 1641. Advices from Italy.
Venice, 7 April 1571; Rome, 28 March. News and reports of various kinds from different places.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 1⅓.
April 7. 1642. Negociation of M. De Zweveghem.
Conference with M. De Zweveghem sent over by Alva to negociate the release of the merchants' goods stayed in England and in Flanders. To his complaint that the goods of Spanish subjects laden in a ship which was driven into Dublin had been sold to their greas loss; it was answered that the same had been done to the Queen's subjects, both in Flanders and in Spain; also that Englishmen had been taken upon the seas on suspicion, and condemned and executed without any proof or witness of any offence by them committed.
Endd. Pp. 1¾.
April 8. 1643. The Queen to Francis Walsingham.
If he finds it likely that the Irishman naming himself Archbishop of Cashel means dutifully to ask pardon, he may assure him that he shall be restored to her favour and be provided with as good a living as heretofore he had, or at least he shall be allowed to return safely out of her realm. If, however, he finds out that he has sought to abuse him he shall procure as much intelligence from him as he can, and then deal with the French King, that he may be delivered up as an open known rebel and traitor. The Scottish Ambassadors of both parties have been long here and troubled not a little her and her council. After much debating, minding to make a final end to the cause they found that Morton and his colleagues had not sufficient commission to treat of the matter. May show this to the French King and assure him that if they only seek upon delays she will conclude with that party which will hear and understand reason.—Westminster, 8 April 1571.
Draft. Endd. Printed by Digges. Pp. 3.
April 9. 1644. Sir William Drury to the Privy Council.
Dumbarton was taken at the hour before day by the great diligence of the assailants and the negligence of those within. Captains Home and Crawford, with their bands to the number of 150, guided by a poor man near inhabiting the piece, climbing the rock little and little till they approached a couple of trees, whereat they tied certain ropes for their . . . . . . some watching upon the walls . . . . . . attempt, and threw stones . . . . . . to impeach the assault; but the [rest] were, by the suddenness of the matter, not so ready to assist; whereby one Ramsey, ensign to Captain Crawford, entered first, and being well succoured by his captain slew a couple of the watch, and by that time the rest within began to make head, but so confusedly, that in manner both the King's bands entered the piece and laid about them on every side with the slaughter of three and some more hurt. The Bishop of St. Andrew's had put on his shirt of mail and steel cap, but seeing how vain it was to contend, yielded. Lord Fleming escaped with seven more. An Englishman, who named himself Johnson, with his servant, with their swords drawn, desired passage, which was not granted. M. Virac, who was taken, confessed that there was coming from France two ships with men, munitions, and money. In the piece they found abundance of [munitions] and great wealth of money and plate. The French Ambassador desires to see the King and to have leave to return into France, which was granted. The Bishop is to be executed this day at Stirling, as well for the King's murder as for that of the late Regent. The Regent lay two nights at Dumbarton. Lord Fleming and the Earl of Huntly came on the 5th instant, disguised, into Edinburgh Castle, their habit being plaids, accompanied not with above five. The Laird of Wastle, being a Cunningham, remains with the charge. Grange levies more men, and has revoked those out of the abbey.—Berwick, 9 April 1570 (sic). Signed.
Add. Endd. Injured by damp. Pp. 1¼.
April 11. 1645. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Has, according to his instructions, informed the Queen Mother of the late proceedings in the Queen of Scots' case, who wished that there could have been some speedier way taken, and desired that the Queen would not take her earnestness in the matter in ill will. Is promised redress in Sir Thomas Cotton's matter, and also in that of one Hawkins. Somewhat that the Irish Archbishop prefers has been handled in the secret cabinet. The Irish captain gives great attendance on him. Grange's brother has received from the Cardinal of Lorraine 30,000 francs for the purchase of munitions. The English rebels are retired into Flanders, and give out great words of hope to be shortly in England. There is a report that Stuckley is already in Ireland, and that all the towns on the coast, except Waterford and Dublin, are revolted.—Paris, 11 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
April 11. 1646. Lord Scrope to Burghley.
Encloses the copy of a letter which he has received from Lord Herries.—Carlisle, 11 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
1647. Lord Herries to Scrope.
Is desired by the captain of the castle of Edinburgh and some other of his friends to come and speak with them. Because he promised the Lord Lieutenant that he would not write abroad for aid of strangers, nor resist the Queen of England's rebels, lest some of his evil willers should speak otherwise than truth shall prove, he declares that he still means to keep his promise. Desires Scrope to impart his good wisdom in writing. On the 7th instant the Earl of Lennox caused hang and quarter the Bishop of St. Andrew's in Stirling, which cruelty he trusts will rather incense the hearts of the people than advance him. The captain of the castle declares himself in great rage more than ever he did before.—Terregles, 10 April 1571.
Copy. P. 1. Enclosure.
April 12. 1648. The Queen to Francis Walsingham.
Has understood the message and credit which he gave to Beale. Directs him to say to the party who made the demand that she is sorry that she cannot satisfy their request at present neither for the place or the time.
Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd.: 12 April. Printed by Digges. P. 2/3.
April 13. 1649. Thomas Hamilton of Priestfield to William Panther.
Desires him to further Francis Linton on his voyage to France. Grangè has this day published a proclamation that Lennox has unlawfully intruded himself into the government, and also calumniously slandered him, which he offers to prove by law of arms on horseback or on foot against any gentleman of his faction. Both parties are with all diligence making for the field.—Edinburgh, 13 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 13. 1650. The Duke of Montmorency to Lord Burghley.
Letter of recommendation for the bearer, M. Dapin.— Rouen, 13 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¾.
April 13. 1651. Revenues of the Duke of Anjou.
List of the lands and seigneuries forming the appanage of the Duke of Anjou, the yearly rental of which amounted to 150,000 crowns, not including the payments from the different bishoprics and abbacies in his domain. He has besides a pension of 70,000 crowns.
Endd. by Lord Burghley. Fr. P. 2/3.
April 14. 1652. John Count of Emden to Queen Elizabeth.
Implores her assistance and protection against the Duke of Alva, who accuses him of having received his master's rebels, and also of being the cause of an expedition lately made against Holland.—Emden, 14 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2⅓.
April 15. 1653. Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley.
1. The King has disbursed great sums of money for Stuckley's maintenance. His yearly pension is named to be 15,000 ducats and 7,000 more allowed for his son at Alcala. Encloses a copy of the King's warrant to Stuckley. There is a stay made on the sea coast of ships, and soldiers are levied to go into Flanders with the Duke of Medina Celi. Stuckley discharges sundry of his followers. Has sent 50 crowns to Huggins. There is practice in hand to have an interview between the Queens of France and Spain. This day he passes into Spain. Don Juan D'Accunya, the captain of Fontarabia, has offered him much courtesy.
2. P.S.—The men who are levying are not in all fully 3,000, and it must be the end of May ere they can depart.—St. Jean de Luz, 15 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 15. 1654. Lord Scrope to Burghley.
This day received a letter from the Regent of Scotland enclosing the copy of another. After perusal whereof he sent doubles of the same to the other wardens, and commanded a stand watch to be set both day and night for the staying of all passengers unknown. Dispatches the like copies to Burghley.—Carlisle, 15 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
April 9. 1655. The Earl of Lennox to Scrope.
Sends the copy of a letter written in cipher from Claude Hamilton to the Duke his father, whereby he may perceive that the King's mother minds to be in these parts shortly.— Stirling Castle, 9 April 1571.
Copy. P. ⅓. Enclosure.
[April.] 1656. Lord Claude Hamilton to the Duke of Chatelherault.
Will ride this night to the castle to speak with the captain. Finds him very frank in the Queen's cause, and will do that thing that her Grace will be contented with. Seeing Huntly is now in the castle, he believes that her Grace and R. will not refuse to come there. Albeit R. will not come himself, yet he believes he will not refuse to make her Grace surely be conveyed here. Maxwell, Herries, Lochinvar will be this night in the castle, and many others of Fife and Lothian, and others like Buccleugh and Ferniehurst. Desires him to devise for the Queen's surety, and advertise what she wishes them to do.
Copy. P. ½. Enclosure.
April 15. 1657. Sir William Drury to the Privy Council.
Sends a copy of the Laird of Grange's proclamation. He intends to levy more soldiers. M. Virac is with him and desires to pass this way. The noblemen of the Queen of Scots' party with their followers are daily looked for at Edinburgh. Divers of the merchants of Edinburgh who followed the King's authority have left their houses.—Berwick, 15 April. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
[April 13.] 1658. Proclamation by Kirkcaldy of Grange.
Denies the truth of the calumnious injuries and reports published against him by the Earl of Lennox, and offers to fight any gentleman of his faction who will maintain the charge of treason against him. Has never acknowledged Lennox's usurped regiment. Calls upon all good Scotchmen to assist him in the defence of Edinburgh Castle.
Copy. Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 1½. Enclosure.
1659. Another copy.
Endd. P. 2/3.
April 16. 1660. Demands of the Spanish Ambassador.
Instructions to his secretary, John Cipres, to require the punishment of those persons who have been concerned in the abduction of Dr. Story, and also to complain of the encouragement and support given to the rebels and pirates of the Low Countries in England.—London, 16 April 1871.
Endd. by Burghley: 20 April. Span. P. 1.
April 16. 1661. The Queen to Francis Walsingham.
Sends the copy of certain articles propounded by the French Ambassador and Cavalcanti, together with her answers (see Sept. 7, 1575), in the debating whereof the Ambassador has misliked sundry of them, such as that the usage of matrimony according to the orders of England may contain matters which should be repugnant to the Duke's conscience, also that no grant is made that the Duke shall have liberty for himself and his domestics to use his own religion. As they will not be compelled to use the rites of the English religion, Walsingham is to require the Queen Mother to have good consideration by her own experience of the troubles growing by such permission. Mentions other objections to the articles on questions of titles and revenue, but thinks that the matter concerning religion were best determined on both parts before they proceed to the rest.
Copy. Endd. by Burghley: 16 April. Printed by Digges. Pp. 22/3.
1662. Rough draft of the above in Burghley's writing.
Endd. Pp. 3½.
April 18. 1663. Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley.
There is a stay made along the coast of ships to convey the Duke of Medina Celi into Flanders with 3,000 soldiers and Julian Romero. On the 21st January Thomas Stuckley was created knight by the King, but now his prodigality has somewhat lessened the credit that he had at first. Cannot understand of any present preparation to attempt anything in Ireland, but they will be ready when occasion offers, and the rather for that the clergy have great authority with the King and govern Spain at their will by the Inquisition. Cardinal Spinosa, the President of the Council, for devotion's sake professes to succour all the Queen's rebels. Has received great courtesy from Don Juan De Accunya. In the streets of Fontarabia they of the town cast corn and sweet water on his head, making show of their gladness to see a messenger from the Queen, this stay of intercourse having much decayed the towns of Guipuscoa and Biscay. One William Likilston has offered to be in his company professing to be a merchant, but he is informed that he is Stuckley's steward; will try if he will be shriven and be penitent, if not, he will dismiss him. The King is at Escurial at his devotions.—Vittoria, 18 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
April 18. 1664. The Earl of Morton and others to Lord Burghley.
Recommend certain people to his favour for passports to go into France.—Berwick, 18 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
April 19. 1665. Sir Arthur Champernoun to Lord Burghley.
Is entertained by the count [Montgomery] with great liberality, who makes little doubt of the continuance of this peace. The King means shortly to come to Chateaubriant, where it is thought that the Queen of Navarre, the Princes, and the Admiral will repair to him. Remains here to end the marriage between his son and the Count's daughter. Would be glad that his son should follow the Princes and Count Ludovic, to the end that hereafter he might be the better able to serve his country, but fears that he will be letted through want of means to maintain him.—Dwecy [Duce] in Normandy, 19 April 1572. Signed.
Endd. P. 1.
April 19. 1666. The Archbishop of Cashel's Requests.
1. Desires a full pardon under the Great Seal for all offences that can be objected against him, with license with eight of his train to go into Ireland and there enjoy his archbishopric as heretofore. If the Queen will grant this, he promises hereafter to behave dutifully towards her, and also to declare unto Francis Walsingham, her ambassador, all such "news" as he would have declared to the Queen's Majesty if he had himself gone into England.— 19 April 1571. Signed: Maurice FitzGibbon.
2. Being requested instead of the word "news" to put in "secrets," he replied, that unless he was sure of pardon he would be loath that by his own handwriting there should be anything extant that might prejudice his credit in Spain or elsewhere.
Copy. Endd. P. ¾.
April 20. 1667. Passport.
Passport for three Englishmen who are desirous of going to Paris for the purpose of studying, signed by the French Ambassador De la Mothe Fenelon.—London, 20 April 1571.
Endd. by Lord Burghley. Fr. P. 1.
April 21. 1668. Kirkcaldy of Grange to the Earls of Sussex and Leicester and Lord Burghley.
Intends still to follow as far as he may the pacification of these inward troubles, and the continuation of amity between these two realms. Wishes that they would procure Her Majesty to hold the balance equal to both sides, so that neither may think themselves prejudged till the difference for the title to the crown may by her means be compounded. The Earl of Lennox whom he never thought a fit person to bear any rule, has so ungently and unlawfully used him, that he has compelled him to provide for his own security, and that of the place which he has in charge, and so is forced to join with such of the nobility as would concur with him. Complains of Lennox's proclamations commanding his soldiers to leave him, and setting forth calumnious charges against him to make him odious with the people. If the Queen of England continues to prosecute the course she has begun for according the difference to title to the crown, and shall show her favour in the mean season indifferently to both parties; the noblemen with whom he has joined will be as far at her devotion and as able every way and willing to entertain good intelligence between the realms as any others, and no less able to serve Her Majesty's turn. Expresses his willingness to observe the abstinence unless the others do any injury to himself or friends, in which case Lennox shall have no cause to look for quietness, for he has resolved to use him in the same way as he shall do to him and his friends. Doubts not, however, that Her Majesty will overrule and bridle him from disordered doings. As for the common quietness of the town of Edinburgh, there is none within the compass of the same, who has received injury or violence by word or deed from him or his.—Edinburgh Castle, 21 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
April 21. 1669. Advices from Italy.
Venice, 21 April. Warlike preparations and levies of troops. Rome, 14 April. Expected arrival of Don John of Austria in Italy. Design of King Philip against Tunis.
Endd. Pp. 2.
[April.] 1670. The Turks in Cyprus.
Account of the expedition of the Turks into Cyprus down to the taking of Nicosia, and the investment of Famagosta.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 8¼.
April 22. 1671. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
1. Before the receipt of Her Majesty's letter of the 8th inst., the Archbishop's enterprise offered to this state was through the dutiful and discreet usage of "the Irish captain quite overthrown; for the same day that he should have had conference with Monsieur, the Irish captain procured him to send him to Monsieur to know if it was his pleasure that he should wait on him. Monsieur asked him divers questions about Ireland, and lastly whether the country were fruitful, and what commodity the Queen had by the same; whereunto he answered that the country was very poor, and that the Queen was at yearly charges for keeping the same without receiving any commodity from thence. Then he asked him what the bishop was. He showed him that he was banished out of his country for certain disorders, and since had been in divers countries seeking such relief as he might get. After Monsieur had heard this report, he willed him to tell the Archbishop that he doubted that he should not be at any leisure to confer with him, and that if he lacked anything that he would be a means to the King for the same, whereupon the Bishop making him acquainted with his poverty, he sent him 200 crowns. Desires that some consideration may be had of the Irish captain who has been a very good instrument for the discovery of the practices against Ireland, with the hazarding of his life. Acrording to his charge he has dealt with the Archbishop in respect of the secret practices which he promised to reveal, and also for his repair to England, showing him that the Queen had promised grace and pardon if he would humbly desire it, and offering him a safe-conduct to go and return safely, whereunto he willingly accorded, but afterwards by sinister counsel changed his mind.
2. In the end he said that unless the Queen granted him this rude request, namely, to have knowledge of his pardon within twenty days, he would repair again into Spain. On the 19th, two gentlemen arrived here from Newcastle, who have departed into Flanders. Has delivered the Queen's answer contained in her letter of 13th April to the party who awaited the same.—Paris, 22 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Printed by Digges. Pp. 2.
April 25. 1672. News from Prague.
News from Prague, of the movements of the Emperor, and of affairs in Transylvania.—25 April 1571.
Ital. Pp. 1¼.
April 27. 1673. Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley.
1. Since his coming, which was yesterday, Secretary Cayas has sent him word that the King is well pleased with his being here, and means to give him shortly audience. By the courteous usage shown to him in the places through which he passed, he finds that in the towns which depend on traffic they are desirous to be at peace with England; but here he is informed that Stuckley has been publicly favoured by the King. Stuckley is three leagues from the court, in a village, where he lives liberally. The opinion is that the Duke of Medina Celi shall go to be Viceroy of Naples. They will have it that the credit of Ruy Gomez procures the Duke of Alva's absence. William Sutton came hither out of Flanders with letters from the Queen's rebels having the Duke's passport. Vespasian Gonzaga is sent to fortify some places in Navarre. The Catholic league is not yet concluded. The Queen of Spain is known certainly to be with child. Here is no great preparation to make any present attempt into any place, as far as he can perceive. The town is full of sick people who are infected with an illness called the "Tavardillion," in Italy they name it "Petacha," which he never knew in England. By reason of this the King will not tarry here above a week.
2. P.S.—The Bishop of Cashel is a bastard of the Geraldines and a Dominic friar, who going to Rome procured this bishopric of the Pope. He was sent hence in displeasure of the King, for he defaced Stuckley, and Stuckley discovered the bishop's dissolute life.—Madrid, 27 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
April 28. 1674. News from Venice.
Venice, 28 April 1571. Continued resistance of Famagusta. Intended expedition by the Venetians for the reduction of Valone.
Imperfect. Ital. Pp. 2.
April 28. 1675. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
This knotty piece of religion is the only matter of difficulty in which he finds them here settled, which proceeds of two respects; the one for that liberty and exercise of religion was yielded unto Charles; the other for that they are put in some hope by their ambassador of relenting on the Queen's behalf. Though the Queen Mother admitted that the Queen had good reason to refuse the exercise of religion, yet she saw more cause that she should yield, for nothing could be more dangerous than for Monsieur to make shipwreck of conscience by shaking off all religion. The only scruple that Walsingham has is this exercise of religion, being not persuaded that an evil may be done, whereof good may grow. Imparts this to Burghley that he may the better know how in this present service he may be used. Has appointed Mr. Doddington, the auditor of the Mint, to repair to him with a bill for allowance of money for intelligence. Asks him to excuse the use of his secretary to the Queen, as he will answer for his secrecy. The Vidame has shown him a letter by which there is great hope of a league growing between England, France, and the Princes of Germany.—28 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
April 28. 1676. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Change of religion grows here to be the only and chief let, which he supposes proceeds rather from regard to honour than conscience. Begs that Teligny's name may be supprest. He and the rest of his profession earnestly wish the match to proceed, making no doubt of his revolt in religion, besides it is very likely to breed a revolt in this realm. Sees that the Queen is in great danger without marrying, both at home and abroad. Here they were so far forward in hope that the King appointed the Baron De la Garde to bring the galleys round to Nantes. How sincerely soever the Queen proceeds, yet if the match takes not place, all will be thought but dalliance.—Paris, 28 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
April 28. 1677. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Cavalcanti arrived on the 24th with Her Majesty's letters. On the 27th inst. by the Queen Mother's appointment, he went to St. Cloud and desired to know how she was satisfied with the answer she had received by Cavalcanti to the articles propounded by the King and her. She showed him that they seemed to her not to be direct, saving that which was made to the second article, which was very hard and nearly touched the honour of her son, and if he should yield thereto the Queen would also receive some part of the blemish by accepting for husband such a one, who by sudden change might be thought void of all conscience and religion. Walsingham replied that she meant not such a sudden change, as that he and his household should be compelled to use the rites of the church of England; but as the exercise of his religion being contrary to her laws was like to kindle such trouble as lately reigned in France, she hoped that he who was to run with her own fortune, would not require a thing which she by no means could yield to. The Queen Mother replied, that the not having the exercise was as much as to change his religion, which he could not do upon a sudden without note to be of no religion, which he was fully resolved not to do; also that the Queen could always by the way of his brother's sword, correct any evil subjects who should go about to disturb her estate. Walsingham besought her to consider as well the Queen's damage as her son's honour; first, the violating her laws; secondly, the offence of her good and faithful subjects; and lastly, the encouragement of the evil affected. As for the aid of the King's sword, the issue of civil discussions in England, falls out commonly to be sudden and short, but very sharp, they having neither walled towns or forts to retire to thereby to protract their wars. To this she answered that she feared that her son would too soon be overcome by the Queen's persuasions in that behalf, and that it was generally feared by the Catholics that this match would breed a change of religion throughout all Europe. In the end she said that neither Monsieur, the King, or herself would ever yield to any such sudden change for any respect, and desired to know within ten days whether by yielding to the said second article with all reasonable cautions, the Queen meant to proceed. M. De la Motte has given very honourable report of Her Majesty's sincerity. If she resolves to proceed, M. De Foix will come over with the King's answer to such articles as shall be propounded by her.—Paris, 28 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Printed by Digges. Pp. 2¼.
April 30. 1678. Oliver King to Lord Burghley.
Reminds him of the intelligence which he sent from St. Jean de Luz, last February, touching the preparations made by Stuckley for the invasion of Ireland, and of the ill-treatment which he suffered in consequence of his refusal to join him in his rebellion, and desires that he may be taken into the Queen's service.—Paris, 30 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
April. 1679. Notes by Randolph.
Names of three Englishmen, Swinborne, Palmes, and Smith, the younger remaining in Lord Lindsay's custody, of whom he desires to be delivered, with consideration of the charges he has been at. His Lordship desires that their lives may be pardoned, but if this may not be granted, he would be glad to be quit of them any way that he could with his honour being allowed for his charges. Recommends that the Marshal of Berwick should have commission to deal with him. He has always refused to deliver them without he may be assured of their lives.
Endd. by Burghley. P. 2/3.
April 27. 1680. Lord Lindsay to Randolph.
Reminds him of his request to keep his countrymen in surety, which he has done at great charge to himself. As he may have to take the field, he now desires to be quit of them. —Stirling, 27 April 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3. Enclosure.
[April.] 1681. The Archbishop of St. Andrews to —.
Complains of the other side holding a pretended parliament and forfeiting the estates of the others contrary to their promise. Denies that the entry of his servants into the abbey of Paisley was a breach of the abstinences, as the abbey belonged to him. Complains that Lennox killed and hurt sundry of his men, and when the rest delivered up the place under promise of their lives, they were led away prisoners to be hanged. Offers to answer for all attempts and injuries alleged against them by their adversaries.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2¼.