Elizabeth: February 1571

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: February 1571', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp399-413 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1571', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp399-413.

"Elizabeth: February 1571". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp399-413.

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February 1571

Feb. 1. 1531. Francis Walsingham to Cecil.
Understanding that the Lord Buckhurst was already departed from the Queen of England to congratulate the marriage, he sent to the King and the Queen Mother to know if there were any hope of Her Majesty's speedy recovery, whereby the said nobleman might proceed on his journey. Was answered that by reason of her sickness it was doubtful whether he could have any access to her, and therefore it was referred to his Lordship's judgment whether he will come now or stay till the other entry. Has made Lord Buckhurst privy hereof, and also of his private opinion that for certain reasons he should rather proceed.—Paris, 1 Feb. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
Feb. 1. 1532. Secretary Pinart to Walsingham.
Promises that Lord Buckhurst and his train shall be well received, but cannot assure him of an audience with the French Queen on account of her sickness.—Château de Boulogne, 1 Feb. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1. Enclosure.
Feb. 1. 1533. John Fitzwilliam to Leicester and Cecil.
Gives a summary of the contents of certain of his former letters, and an account of his negociations for the conclusion of the articles of restitution with the Duke of Alva and M. De Noircarmes, in both of whom he finds great professions of goodwill, the Duke saying that the Queen should be as sure of him as of her own soul.—Antwerp, 1 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 1. 1534. John Fitzwilliam to Sir William Cecil.
John Hamilton, the Scot, who had conference with Francis Norton, has since been found to be a dissembler. The Earl of Westthomberland repents his former offence, and seeks all means to obtain the Queen's pardons. Prestall has returned out of Scotland, whose head is as full of devices as ever. The Duke has discharged 900 of his light horsemen; there remain but 700, and the Spanish footmen would fain go home again. —Antwerp, 1 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1¼.
Feb. 1. 1535. John Fitzwilliam to Leicester and Cecil.
The Duke and the Council have resolved to send some man with commission to end the matters in controversy, whom they desire should go with Fitzwilliam. Forwards a letter from the Duke of Alva to the Queen.—Antwerp, 5 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
Feb. 1. 1536. The Countess of Murray to the Queen.
Begs that she will grant the suits and petitions of herself and her fatherless infants, in which she has particularly informed the Earl of Morton, whom she desires her favourably to hear and credit.—Edinburgh, 1 Feb. 1570. Signed: Anna Keyt.
Feb. 2. 1537. Maitland of Lethington to Sir William Drury.
Whereas he desired him to employ his credit with Lord Fleming that no garrison of Frenchmen should be received within the Castle of Dumbarton; he has received reasonable answer from him that although he has received victuals and munitions from France, yet he will not suffer any soldiers to enter the place.—Edinburgh Castle, 2 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 2. 1538. Advices from Venice.
Warlike preparations by the Turk and the Venetians. Progress of the Holy League. Earthquake at Ferrara. The Emperor has summoned the nobility of Hungary to Prague to take counsel about the war.—Venice, 2 Feb. 1571.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Feb. 2. 1539. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Has received advertisement that M. Malicorne saw at the Court of Spain the Irish who were soliciting the King to take them under their protection, for which purpose he had commissioned Julian Romero to go into Ireland with 3,000 Spaniards.—Canterbury, 2 Feb. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Feb. 3. 1540. The Cardinal of Chatillion to Cecil.
Desires that he will move the Queen to appoint Mr. John Bongay to a vacant prebend at Windsor.—Canterbury, 3 Feb. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 2/3.
Feb. 4. 1541. Sir William Drury to the Earl of Sussex.
Notwithstanding the storm yet continuing the Taits of Tivydale have burnt two houses in Downham and taken away such cattle and goods as they could get. Sends a letter from Captain Wood. The Regent in going to Stirling has fallen with his horse and somewhat hurt his leg. The Laird of Minto, provost of Glasgow and captain of the castle, is suspected to have agreed with the Hamiltons. The Laird of Ormiston and Mr. Elphinstone have been in the castle from the Earl of Morton to know what Grange's part should be, who, amongst the rest, said that there was a bond of friendship between him and the Earls of Athol and Rothes and others, who being absent, he could give no answer. Upon Sunday last (the Regent being departed the day before) [Grange] came down into the town to the sermon accompanied with soldiers. There is an intent to enclose the town from the Tron upwards, for a refuge for such as are friends to the castle. Notifies the passage of certain messengers to and from the Bishop of Ross, Grange, and Lethington. The Earls of Morton and Argyle are agreed.—Berwick, 4 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 4. 1542. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Containing similar information as his letter to Sussex of this date.—Berwick, 4 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Feb. 6. 1543. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Destruction of the bridge at Berwick. Cannot yet by boat get over, such is the multitude of ice.—Tweedmouth, 6 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 6. 1544. John Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
M. D'Assonville has told him that the Duke has sent for one who should receive commission to go over, but would not declare his name. Has learnt from one of his clerks that it is M. De Swegenham, who has been in England before. Forwards a packet for the Spanish Ambassador.—Antwerp, 6 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¾.
Feb. 8. 1545. Francis Walsingham to Cecil.
1. Understanding that M. De la Roche, who, as he learnt by Rogers, was the party who landed the soldiers in Ireland, was in this town, he caused Briquemault to ask him whether he had not been in Ireland, to whom in some cold sort he denied the same. On the 6th inst. he told the King that his mistress had been advertised from her Viceroy of Ireland how De la Roche, his subject, had landed men there who confederated with certain rebels committed certain outrages, and that she doubted not but that he would in such sort extend his authority for the redress of this inconvenience that she might have just cause to think that the new and earnest professed friendship was grounded on sincerity. The King answered that he knew of no such matter, and willed him to give the names of such as he could learn were offenders in that behalf, and he would punish them. After he had thus ended, he repaired to the Queen Mother, and declared in effect as much to her, and received for answer divers good words of assurance and continuance of amity, and that whosoever should go about to disturb the same should receive such punishment as should be to the Queen of England's satisfaction.
2. To the end that there may be some trial whether these words are well meant, he has sent into Britanny to search out the names of the offenders that he may present them to the King. One from whom Sir Henry Norris had his best intelligence has secretly imparted to him the following news: First, that the enterprise of Ireland is of great consequence and danger, and though he thought the King was not privy to it, yet the faction of Guise were great dealers in it, and that De la Roche was altogether at their devotion. Further, he showed that the Pope's Nuncio laboured what he might to draw [Monsieur] into the practice, promising for the furtherance thereof 100,000 crowns to be paid in Paris, and making no difficulty of bringing the said enterprise to pass in respect of the great intelligence that they had both in England and Ireland. Lastly, he showed that if Monsieur would not accept this enterprise yet it was fully resolved that it should go forward, and that the bills for the 100,000 crowns were already here. Is advertised by another that Stuckley presented to the King of Spain an instrument, not only subscribed by most part of the Irish nobility, but also by divers in England of good quality, ready to be at his devotion. Has learnt that the greater part of those who landed in Ireland were levied by the Earl of Argyle in the King of Spain's name, in his government, and embarked at the Mull of Cantire. Letters of some importance, as is thought, have arrived from the Queen of Scots.—Paris, 8 Feb. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3¼. Printed in Sir Dudley Digges' "Compleat Ambassador."
Feb. 8. 1546. Lord Buckhurst to Cecil.
At his arrival at Calais he heard that the King's entry is deferred till about March 5, and that the Queen's coronation stands altogether unresolved until her health be more certain. Thinks it best to attend this third appointed time of entry, Her Majesty's and his own charges therein being already in great part defrayed, but desires to be satisfied of the Queen's pleasure herein. M. De Foix shall very shortly be sent into England from the French King to treat for the Scottish Queen. —Calais, 8 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. ]2/3.
Feb. 9. 1547. Francis Walsingham to Cecil.
Informs him of the particulars of a conference which he had with the Queen Mother, in which (as a private person not having commission) he urged the advantages which would accrue to both realms of England and France, by having some firm league concluded between the two princes, and which she seemed by her answer to approve of. Was moved to use this speech because presently Spain is not very well inclined towards Her Majesty, neither has the French King any very great liking for Spain, and also because he is informed that the Admiral has lately advised the King and Queen Mother to strengthen themselves by a confederacy with the Queen of England and the princes of Germany. Desires Cecil, according to his promise, to admonish him of any errors either in this or otherwise.—Paris, 9 Feb. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 22/3. Printed by Digges.
Feb. 9. 1548. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The bearer, the provost marshal, will inform him of the state of the town and also of the proceedings in Scotland.— Berwick, 9 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
Feb. 10. 1549. Advices from Italy.
Venice, 3 and 10 February, Rome, 27 January and 3 February. Designs of the Grand Seignior. Proceedings of the Pope. Rumours from different places.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 5.
[Feb. 11.] 1550. The Queen to Walsingham.
Has received his and Sir Henry Norris's letter of the 29th ult., and very well allows of his beginning, and does not mislike his speech, and to the King for the maintenance of his edict, lately granted to his subjects for the matter of religion. Approves also of the other matter of the league with France, which she thinks so beneficial that she rather doubts some impediment may grow to hinder the success thereof. Would have Lord Buckhurst proceed, notwithstanding any sickness of the Queen. He is to tell the Spanish Ambassador that she would be glad to make use of his master's offer for ending the causes between her and the Queen of Scots, but she has already entered so far in a treaty with her that there remains nothing of any great value betwixt them in difference, so as to stay the final ending thereof. He may also say that she finds very agreeable the Duke of Alva's offer to have restitution made on both sides, as the merchants think fit. Has heard that certain savage rebels, being men of no value, have fled out of Ireland into Spain, and who pretend that their departure is for matter of religion, when they be neither of one or other religion, but wholly given to bestiality. Knows also that Stuckley has lit into the company of the aforesaid rebels, pretending by his superfluous expenses, which are altogether of other men's goods, to be a person of some quality and estimation, and able to do some great thing in Ireland, whereas he has not the value of a "marmaduc" in land or livelihood. It is reported, which yet she does not believe, that the King will send Julian Romero, or such like, with a number of soldiers into Ireland to follow some vain device of these rebels. Marvels that the King or his Council should give credit to such as Stuckley, of whom she is not disposed to say much because she cannot say any good of him. Cannot but find it strange that he or any such fugitives should be allowed or hearkened unto, for though many of the King of Spain's subjects have come into her realm for safety of their lives for matter of their conscience, there was never person of any degree who motioned matter offensive to the King and the Low Countries who was ever allowed by her. He is to solicit some answer to this case, and to use such means as he can to discover the truth. He is not to forget the attempt of certain French captains upon Ireland, and the bringing over the young boy, the son of James Fitzmaurice, a rebel.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 6¼. Printed by Digges.
Feb. 11. 1551. Jehan De Court to Cecil.
Having sent over to him by M. Raulet, four months ago, a little portrait of the French King, and having heard no news about it, he desires to know whether he has received it.— Paris, 11 Feb. 1871. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Feb. 12. 1552. John Fitzwilliam to Leicester and Cecil.
The Duke has been given to understand that a ship from Lisbon, laden for the King's subjects, and another which conveyed the Queen to Spain have been arrested in the Isle of Wight, whereof he has desired him to inform them that order might be taken therein.—Antwerp, 12 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Feb. 14. 1553. Count Louis of Nassau to Walsingham.
Expresses his gratitude to the Queen of England for her past favours and his goodwill to serve her. Has sent the bearer, M. De Taffin, with some matters of importance to communicate to him.—La Rochelle, 14 Feb. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ¾.
Feb. 14. 1554. English Ambassadors in France.
Inventory of plate delivered by Sir Henry Norris to Francis Walsingham, Ambassador for the Queen of England in France, 14 February 1571, amounting in weight to 1,668½ oz. Signed: Henry Norris.
Endd. P. 1.
1555. Modern transcript of the above.
Feb. 15. 1556. Lord Buckhurst to Cecil.
The honourable and courteous entertainment which he daily received is far beyond his expectation.—Amiens, 15 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Feb. 16. 1557. News from Venice.
1. Venice, 26 January 1571. Preparations for war by the Turk. The Turk has sent to the Emperor to demand free passage for his army into the territory of the Venetians, who has answered that the country appertains to his brother the Archduke, and has also given the Venetians warning. The Venetians find greater store of captains than of soldiers, and seek to furnish themselves with Switzers and Grisons.
2. Paris, 16 February. Cardinal D'Este was one of the Privy Council there. M. Tavannes has been created marshal.
Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 17. 1558. Advertisements from Italy.
1. Venice, 17 February.—Preparations by the Turk and the Venetians.
2. Rome, 10 February.—Intercession of the French King in behalf of Count Gayazzo, imprisoned by the Inquisition.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 17. 1559. Francis Walsingham to Cecil.
On the 14th he presented the Earl of Rutland to the King at Madrid, who embraced him, and told him that coming from Her Majesty he could not but be very welcome. The King having asked him what was done touching the Queen of Scots' matter, he desires him to inform Her Majesty hereof, and to procure what answer he shall make in this behalf. Has learnt secretly by the ambassador of Florence that the house of Guise seek to impeach the marriage of the Prince of Navarre with the King's sister by making an offer of the Cardinal D'Este, who is looked to succeed his brother, the Duke of Ferrara, who has no issue nor is likely to have any. The Queen is now well recovered, and removes from Madrid to this town on the 20th inst. Touching La Roche's attempt he can learn nothing more, nor that in Britanny there is any preparation of ships but of such as belong unto merchants.—Paris, 17 February 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼. Printed by Digges.
Feb. 18. 1560. Oliver Kynge to Sir William Cecil.
1. At the last conclusion of peace in France his company of English miners were cassed, and his accustomed pension being retained from him, he was constrained to seek into Spain for entertainment.
2. Being at Madrid a certain duke of Ireland, otherwise called Master Stuckley, gave him apparel better than he was accustomed to wear, and entertained him with great and marvellous liberality, but a short time after, calling him into his bedchamber, he declared that with diligence he must depart into Ireland with 10,000 men, and would have employed Kynge to undermine the forts of Dingle, Wexford, and Waterford, promising him more entertainment than he had of the French King. Kynge declared that he came into Spain to serve the King, and that he would never bear arms against his natural prince or country. Forthwith Stuckley called him villain and traitor, and caused him to be taken prisoner for a Lutheran, but a certain Don Franciscus who saw that every day he went to mass and knocked his breast as well as they answered for him that he was no Lutheran. When Stuckley saw that he might not put him to death by the Inquisition in the presence of his captains, gentlemen, and others, he stripped him to his shirt and banished him from Madrid on pain of being put into the galleys, and being in his journey with hunger and cold, to pass the mountains full of snow, he caused all the passages from Madrid to St. Sebastian to be laid for him. King, however, came by Navarre and St. Jean de Luz, from whence he writes, praying that "these plagues may not light in England, which he has seen in France, the goods and fruits of the earth to be devoured with soldiers, and the widows, wives, and virgins to be defiled with strangers." A number of traitors there be in these countries who gape daily for the death of the Queen. Stuckley has promised the King not only entrance into his duchy, but also possession of the whole of Ireland. He comes with the vanguard, which Kynge supposes to be 4,000 harquebussiers, who come from Grenada; "they are but rascals, the most part beggarly and illarmed like Bezonians," but their captains are old beaten men of war. The master of the camp is called Julian, who was hurt in the leg at St. Quintins, when Lord Harry Dudley was slain. He has many Italian engineers, and there be soldiers amassing in all the country of Spain who shall be embarked at Vigo. By his will a gentleman called Huggins is in prison and like to die, and Lord Morley's brother is banished from Spain. All these enterprises are done under the Duke de Irland Stuckley, for the King will not avow any of them, pretending a feigned peace. Begs his help that the Queen may grant him pardon, and that she may grant him the place of 100 men, who may serve as infantry, and also as miners, he having by continual danger of his life climbed into expe rience. Fears that this enterprise will land near the beginning of March.—St. Jean de Luz, 18 Feb. 1571. Signed.
Pp. 32/3.
Feb. 20. 1561. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
The Abbot of Arbroath has come to Dumfries and the Lords Maxwell and Herries and the Laird of Lochinvar and others of that party have concluded, at his desire, to relieve Paisley, which is besieged by the Regent, to whose aid it is thought that Drumlanrig will go.—Carlisle, 20 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
Feb. 21. 1562. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Sends copies of a letter from Lord Herries, and his answer to the same. Has received the Council's letter concerning the help to be made for the right course of the river of Eden, and has sent for the opinion of some as be skilful in such works. —Carlisle, 21 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
Feb. 21. 1563. Lord Scrope to Lord Herries.
Has received his letter containing that the Earl of Lennox is besieging Paisley, and intends to persecute the inhabitants of Clydesdale, and that he is desirous to give them assistance if Scrope believes that the same would not offend the Queen. Thinks that Her Majesty would not like that he or any other of that faction during the time of the abstinence should levy any forces in that country.—Carlisle, 21 Feb. 1570.
Copy. P. ½. Enclosure.
Feb. 21. 1564. Lord Buckhurst to Cecil.
Is most sorry to hear of his slow recovery. The news of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton's death has brought no small grief to him, not only for his private loss but for the general loss which the Queen and the whole realm thereby suffers. The King has defrayed all his charges since his coming to Paris. Has audience granted for the 23rd inst.—Paris, 21 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 22. 1565. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
Has received his letter of the 12th inst., and doubts not but that by this he is a good "footman." Sir Nicholas Throckmorton's death does not grieve the French. Neither the ambassadors of Florence or Venice will warrant him from the Inquisition in any place of Italy. Hopes that he shall not be wanted at the Parliament, as he minds immediately after Easter to travel along the Loire to Nantes, and from thence to Rochelle.—Paris, 22 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
[Feb. 22.] 1566. Memoranda by Sir Francis Englefield.
Two notes on separate pieces of paper, the one referring to certain presents intended for the Duchess of Feria which are missing, and the other to letters sent to her which have not yet come to hand. The last entry dated 22 Feb.
Feb. 22. 1567. Lord Scrope to the Earl of Sussex.
On Monday last, the Regent won Paisley, and carried them that were within prisoners to Glasgow. Is advertised that on Saturday next the Lords Herries and Maxwell mind to set forward.—Carlisle, 22 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
Feb. 22. 1568. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
The same as the above.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
Feb. 22. 1569. John Lovel to Cecil.
Complains of the placing of Captain Brickwell in his office, which he declares he has never deserved. Denies that he has sold his office without the Queen's consent. Has been ohliged to borrow money of the Treasurer and has assigned to him the profits of his office until he be satisfied.—Berwick, 22 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
Feb. 23. 1570. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. Has for divers considerations forborne to put in execution the Queen's letters for putting Captain Brickwell in the room of the gentleman porter. The bridge is again repaired and is now passable. On the 17th Paisley House was rendered to the Regent; the lives of those within were granted conditionally that Lord Semple should be set at liberty. Lord Semple thinks that he is poisoned. The Regent has charged the Duke's tenants to bring in their rents and duties within three days, on pain of fire and sword.
2. P.S.—Of Grange's offer to perform good offices, he has again to himself some testimony, with affirmation that what he shall promise in his and his friends' behalf the same shall be performed. The 10,000 crowns which came from Flanders to Aberdeen have been offered to Grange to receive. There is more to come out of France. Will meet Cessford on the 1st March. Wishes he had been in Turkey when he first moved his suit to Her Majesty.—Berwick, 23 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
Feb. 23. 1571. Francis Walsingham to Cecil.
Received the following advertisement from the Premier President, who desired the party who brought it in no case to discover his name. The advertisements are these. The Cardinal of Lorraine goes about to persuade Monsieur to the marriage of the Queen of Scots, using the help of one Villequier, who is in great credit with him, to whom he has promised the Abbey of Fecamp, worth 5,000 francs a year. They have long practised to have stolen her away to the next port to the place where she is. She has corrupted the greatest part of the nobleman's servants to whose charge she has been committed, and besides is promised the assistance of divers of those of the country. This practise should have been executed at the time of the marriage at Mezieres, but was letted through the unreadiness of the ships. Of late, an Englishman high of stature and lean of visage, was despatched from hence for that effect. Encloses news from Rochelle. The King of Spain has some dangerous practice in hand that concerns Ireland. Ludovick has some enterprise in hand, having in readiness 10 ships and 3,000 shot in good order. The bearer has order to communicate matters of weight and secrecy.—Paris, 23 Feb. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil, with seal. Pp. 2.
1572. Advertisements.
In the course of March the Queen of Scots will be at liberty. One of those who have the government of the young King of Scots has promised to kill the Earl of Lennox, and prepare an army if they will furnish him with money. The Duke of Alva has given 50,000 livres, and the French have promised 20,000 a month whilst the war lasts. La Roche has returned to Ireland and has taken with him an Italian captain who formerly served under Count Rocandolf.
Fr. On separate slip of paper. Enclosure.
Feb. 24. 1573. Lord Buckhurst to the Queen.
1. Has received great honours and favours in all places by the King's special commandment. Came to St. Denis on the 17th inst., where he abode three days. Was offered by the Grand Prior of the abbey to see the great treasure of France, which is very carefully and curiously kept in the church, which is accounted by the French to be of so great a value as is far beyond his estimation. There were also then shown him the monuments of all the Kings of France, which are well preserved. On the 21st, being accompanied with Walsingham, the Earl of Rutland, and divers other English gentlemen, they passed towards Paris, and were met midway by the Marquises of Trani and Saluzzo, and sundry other knights and gentlemen, who conducted him to his lodging, which he found prepared with the King's furniture, exceeding rich and sumptuous, and divers officers of the King's household there, by whom his whole diets were defrayed. His diets are prepared with such honour and bounty that he fears lest at his return when he recounts these things to her, he shall hazard some part of his credit. Audience being appointed for the 23rd, on that day they passed through Paris in 12 coaches and wagons belonging to the King, accompanied with many French and English noblemen and gentlemen, and with a great troop of horse. Was received by the King, who was accompanied by a great number of princes, cardinals, and noblemen, whose names he gives, as also the complimentary speeches and professions of amity and goodwill that passed between him and the King; after which he told him of certain ill attempts made by some of his subjects who had confederated themselves with certain "salvage rebels" of Ireland, and besought him that as Walsingham was better informed therein that he would hear him; who, having made particular declaration of the actions of De la Roche, the King promised that he would prosecute him and all other of his, with condign punishment. After this, he presented Mr. Francis Southwell, from whom she will receive advertisement of infinite thanks to her for the present made by him on her behalf. After that he had declared her hearty commendations to Monsieur, and that the knights and gentlemen had kissed the King's hand, he took his leave. From thence, being conducted to the Queen Mother, after many mutual assurances of goodwill and desire of amity, with the "sweetest words he could devise," he told her of the little spark of unkindness which Her Majesty conceived for the King's so earnest words to Mr. Norris about the Queen of Scots; which she excused on account of their relationship and of her having been a Queen of France, and declared that it was neither her son's intention or her desire, that ever the Queen of Scots' cause should take end without Her Majesty's honour and safety were first sought, and earnestly desired that she would banish all suspicion. On her telling him that it had been reported to her that Her Majesty never looked so well these many years as at present, he said that God had therein made her a queen over nature herself, for to all their eyes that daily attended her court, time had rather bettered her beauty than in anywise impaired it. After the knights and gentlemen had kissed the hands of the Queen Mother and her two daughters, they were conducted to the Queen of France, to whom he presented her commendations and letters, and after great thanks given by her departed.
2. Guido Cavalcanti has declared to him that several times since his coming, the Queen Mother has dealt with him very secretly touching this bruit of marriage between Monsieur and Her Majesty, and that she greatly affects the same, but stands irresolved how it may be first moved with preservation of honour of all sides; she has further opened to him that there be great hinderers thereof, but has not named any.— Paris, 24 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 8.
Feb. 24. 1574. The Vidame of Chartres to Sir Henry Norris.
Explains the part that he has taken in the negociations of the proposed marriage between Monsieur and the Queen of England.—24 Feb. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Feb. 24. 1575. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Excuses himself for the part that he has taken in the negociations for the marriage between the Queen of England and Monsieur.—24 Feb. Signed.
Add. Fr. Pp. 12/3.
Feb. 24. 1576. Advices from Italy.
Venice, 24 Feb. Movements of the Turkish forces. Rome, 17 Feb. Remonstrance of the Emperor with the Pope on the latter bestowing the title of Grand Duke of Tuscany on the Duke of Florence.
Endd. by Cecil. Ital. Pp. 2½.
Feb. 24. 1577. Lord Fleming to the Earl of Lennox.
Offers to make redress for anything that can be justly laid to his charge since the beginning of the abstinence, if Lennox will do the same.—Dumbarton, 24 Feb.
Copy. Endd. P. ¼.
Feb. 25. 1578. Francis Walsingham to Cecil.
Has repaired to the Spanish Ambassador and declared to him so much as was prescribed by Her Majesty's letters, not forgetting to dilate on her good opinion conceived of him. His answer was in Spanish, which Walsingham does not understand. He complained that the Queen never used Don Francisco (for so he named himself) but by fits, and if it had pleased her to use him thoroughly, he would have done offices worthy of Don Francisco. When Walsingham came to the point of the King's entertaining her Irish rebels, and the countenance given to Stuckley, he protested that he had never heard of him, and as for any attempts by Julian Romero to be done in Ireland, they were no Spaniards that had that enterprise in hand. Never spoke with a prouder man or one more disdainful in countenance. The King has promised redress in the matter of De la Roche. Hopes that one of the French King's Ambassador's men upon some pension will advertise him from time to time how things pass in Spain.— Paris, 25 Feb. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3. Printed by Digges.
Feb. 25. 1579. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Although the Lords Herries and Maxwell and the others were assembled to set forth to the aid of the Hamiltons on Saturday they have stayed and keep not their appointment.— Carlisle, 25 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Feb. 25. 1580. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Encloses the copy of a letter which he has received from Lord Herries.—Carlisle, 25 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
Feb. 24. 1581. Lord Herries to Lord Scrope.
Upon consideration of his writing they have stayed their journey into Clydesdale. Trusts that the Queen of England will take some good order for the restitution of their sovereign, which if she does, all Scotland will be at her command. But if the contrary, then will all who have continued their obedience to the Queen utterly despair of her goodness, and seek the aid of some other prince.—Dumfries, 24 Feb. 1570.
Copy. P. 1. Enclosure.
Feb. 25. 1582. John Fitzwilliam to Leicester and Cecil.
Has been spoken to about certain Spanish ships which have been stayed on the coasts of England. On the 21st inst. he took his leave of the Duke and received his message to the Queen in very good speeches. Understands that Fiasco will be sent. Is waiting for M. De Swethingham in this town.— Bruges, 25 Feb. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
Feb. 25. 1583. Advices from Prague.
Report that certain princes of Germany have offered to supply the Emperor with forces for some enterprise in Italy. —Prague, 25 Feb. 1571.
Endd. Ital. P. ½.
Feb. 26. 1584. Lord Fleming to the Commissioners of the Queen of Scots.
Informs them of the wrongs done to him by the Earls of Lennox and Morton, by putting their men of war into his house and spoiling his goods, slaying his deer and "wild nolt," and destroying his woods and parks. They cease not to use the same craft and robbery upon all his lands, so that they are forced to lie unlaboured this year, because there is nothing left the poor labourers thereof. Defends himself from the charge of breaking the abstinence in the matter of the Laird of Garlies, who was sent by Lennox with the advice of his tutor Morton, with men of war to seize the priory of Whithorn from his cousin William Fleming. They slew three of his servants and hurt eight or nine, but in the end Garlies and all his men were taken, who might by justice have been executed, yet were set at liberty, on their promise to serve the Queen of Scots, and never to bear arms under treasonable traitors again. Promises to obey the Queen's command for keeping the abstinence till the treaty take end, howbeit he looks for no good success to follow thereon, but spending of time and wasting of paper and ink.—Dumbarton, 26 Feb.
Pp. 1¾.
[Feb.] 1585. Report of Nicholas Errington.
Finds Grange willing to accomplish all things that may be to the cause meant by the Queen. Lethington's absence doth a little hinder the cause. Grange will assure the Regent's safety in Edinburgh so as he and his may be the like. Means to deal with the Regent for his remaining there. Is promised to know of whom they have had money. They will yet refer all their causes to Her Majesty. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 2.