Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1570

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1570', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp382-386 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1570', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp382-386.

"Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1570". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp382-386.

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Miscellaneous, 1570

[1570.] 1466. Provisions for the Army in the North.
A note of provisions by Valentine Browne which remain at Berwick and Holy Island unspent, by reason that the army was continually employed within the realm of Scotland, prosecuting the Queen's rebels.
In Browne's writing. Pp. 3.
After 1568.
[1570.] 1467. A Memorial for Berwick.
Note of certain things to be considered for the service at Berwick, and amongst other whether Lyle, a banished man for the death of one of the Herons, who has given such good intelligence of the doings and purposes of such of the Borders of Scotland as are in forward mind to aid and harbour the English rebels, might not receive the Queen's pardon.
Endd. Pp. 1.
[1570.] 1468. A Memorial for Berwick.
Rough notes by Cecil, relating to the charges and service of the garrison of Berwick.
Endd. Pp. 2½.
[1570.] 1469. Charges at Berwick.
The yearly, monthly, and daily rate of the charges of the garrisons serving at Berwick and other places in the north, amounting to 17,076l. 4s. 2d., 1,310l. 18s. 8d., and 46l. 15s. 8d. respectively.
Endd. Pp. 2.
[1570.] 1470. Licence for [Valentine Browne].
Allowing him to export such fells, tallow, hides, and grain, as is not necessary for the garrison of Berwick.
Rough draft, corrected by Cecil. Pp. 1¼.
[1570.] 1471. Charges in the North.
A proportion of the armour and other furniture delivered to the Yorkshire companies in 1570, and remaining at Berwick, being the furniture for 300 shot and 530 pikes.
Endd. P. ½.
1472. The East and Middle Marches.
List of tenants of Her Majesty in the East and Middle Marches, as be decayed since the tenth year of her reign.
Endd. Pp. 2.
[1570.] 1473. Petition of Robert Vernon.
Petition made by Robert Vernon concerning the valuation made by Sir Valentine Browne for the receipt of the Queen's stock and remain at Berwick.
Corrections and notes in Cecil's writing. Pp. 1¾.
1474. Affairs of France.
Abstract of negociations and arguments used by the Queen of England to induce the French King to show favour to his subjects of the reformed religion.
Written at a later period. Endd.: 1570, Mr. Fr. Walsingham. Pp. 1¼.
[1570.] 1475. — to the English Ambassador in France.
Complains that in contravention of the concordat between the Queen and the French King extra duties have been imposed upon the exportation of salt at Havre de Grace, and desires that he will speak hereof to the president, De Bizagues.
Fr. P. ½.
1476. [The Princes of Navarre and Condé and others to the Queen.]
Send M. De Breau to her and also give an abstract of the negociations for peace between them and the French King since the month of October.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 1¾.
1477. Proposed Marriage of the Queen and the Duke of Anjou.
Paper entitled "The commodities that may follow upon the marriage with the Duke of Anjou." Fifteen articles showing the advantages to the Queen and her realm through the French alliance, whereby the King of Spain would be made more conformable to keep the treaties of intercourse; the Pope's malice with his Bulls and excommunication vanish away in a smoke; the Emperor and his brethren have the Queen in more estimation than for all their fair words they have had; and the Queen be more assured of Ireland. The Duke being content to conform to the religion of England (which must be), there may ensue the increase of the same in France and other parts of Christendom. Amongst other advantages the Duke has a competent income of his own to sustain his private charges; also through his means Calais might be restored, and the country enjoying peace all extraordinary charges might be forborne, and the opportunity be taken of making the coin rich.
Things Needful to be Fully Considered.
1. Nothing is to be by Her Majesty assented to until she may be truly certified of the conditions of his person.
2. Although the Queen may have a liking of him the same is to be dissembled, so as the French King may be more earnest in his suit, and the conditions of the compact be more beneficial for Her Majesty and her realm.
3. The cause is to be so ordered, as the nobility of the realm may appear to be suitors to the Queen to like it, whereby the mislikings of the popular sort would be stayed, and great inconveniences avoided.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 1570. Pp. 2½.
1478. Proposed Marriage of the Queen and the Duke of Anjou.
1. Paper entitled "Reasonable demands to be required from Monsieur for the preservation of the religion of England in credit, and the Protestants thereof in comfort." Monsieur shall accompany and be present with Her Majesty at her services in her chapel. His ministers shall, in his presence, use the morning and evening prayer in Latin as it is used in the English churches; that is, such psalms, prayers, and hymns as are contained in the service books used both in the English and French churches. This divine service is to be used openly so that any may resort thereto.
2. As long as he shall observe the premises, and until he may by instruction be induced to think the use of the English service in the church sufficient, he may for three days in the week use his own religion, so that the same be in some private chamber within his bedchamber, where none come or may conveniently come but himself and six or seven more besides the minister or priest and one to attend upon him, and the time of this service must be before Her Majesty's usual repair to her chapel, so as he may be openly seen to accompany her to service. No reproof shall be offered to his priest, so that he does nothing by his speech to deprave the service of the Church of England. If at any time the Queen may perceive that any offence is grown, or publicly may grow, to the trouble of the quiet of the realm, by the exercise of his religion, then he shall be advised by her and her Council to do all things reasonable for the present remedy thereof. That Monsieur and his shall not refuse to hear and be informed in convenient times and places, of the truth and sufficiency of the religion of the Church of England, so as no unseemly terms of reproof be used against the profession of his conscience.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
1479. Presents given to the French Queen.
List of presents given to the young French Queen with the size of some of the diamonds contained in them depicted.
Endd. P. 2/3.
1480. News from France.
1. The King in reply to certain demands has refused to assemble the States General, but consents to a reduction of taxation and the abolition of sundry superfluous offices.
2. In Languedoc the truce is extended to the end of next February. At Montpellier an attempt has been made to blow up M. Danville. In Poitou a practice has been discovered to surprise Rochelle, whereupon the inhabitants have put to death more than 100 persons, captains and others.
Fr. Pp. 2.
1481. Sir Henry Norris to —.
M. De Mesnil, prothonotary to the Cardinal Chatillon, has declared that a great personage, meaning M. Montmorency, gave him to understand that there is some secret practice in England for the delivery of the Queen of Scots, and that the Cardinal of Lorraine has granted to him of the Queen to send 4,000 harquebussiers into Scotland upon the cassing of the companies, which the Cardinal requires to be done out of hand, as the Queen of England has an army on the frontiers, and her navy besieges Dumbarton.
Endd.: Ricardo Edwardo, H.N.
1482. Certain French Captains to Edward Horsey, Governor of the Isle of Wight.
Having understood of certain orders issued to the English mariners which they consider to mean preparations for war; they place at Her Majesty's disposal their vessels 10 in number at present lying in the roads ready equipped. Signed by eight captains.
Fr. P. 1.
1483. Affairs of France.
List of Huguenot captains, with the different localities in which they held command.
Fr. Pp. 1¼.
1484. The Cardinal of Lorraine.
When the Cardinal heard that peace was restored between the Flemings and the English, and that the commerce was again free, he was much annoyed, and complained to the Duke of Alva that it was to the disadvantage of his niece, and in order to induce him to break it, he sent articles for her marriage with Don John of Austria. The Duke of Medina Celi is going to Ireland with 6,000 Spaniards.
Endd. Fr. P. ½.
[1570.] 1485. Petition to the Spanish Ambassador.
Margaret Vandenbruck, a subject of the King Catholic, begs him to procure her liberation from the Fleet where she has been confined for some weeks for delivering a letter to Nicholas Huge, one of the King of Sweden's people.
Endd. Fr. P. ½.
1486. Message from the Queen to the Duke of Alva.
The Queen having been informed that the Duke has received certain matters of importance from his master to communicate to her, which he has not done, because neither the Spanish Ambassador nor any one sent by him has been allowed audience with her, sends John Fitzwilliam to explain why neither the Spanish Ambassador nor M. D'Assonville were received. If the Duke has any special matters to communicate from the King of Spain, Her Majesty will be content to be informed of the same by any proper person whom he may send.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
1487. Inventory of the wardrobe of a Spanish gentleman.
Pp. 1¼.
1488. Memorial in Spanish of the wrongs done to English merchants in Spain contrary to existing treaties of intercourse.
Endd.: M. in Spanish touching the innovations. Pp. 4.
1489. Account of Moneys.
Rough draft of accounts in ducats.
Endd.: "A memorial of Don Juan Alonzo."
Span. P. ¾.
1490. Notes on the interruption of the commerce between Spain and England, and on the stay of the money belonging to the King of Spain.
Ital. Pp. 2¼.