Elizabeth: December 1570

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: December 1570', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp373-381 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1570', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp373-381.

"Elizabeth: December 1570". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp373-381.

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December 1570

Dec. 1418. Things done by the Regent contrary to the Treaty of Abstinence.
A list of fourteen articles charging him with summoning a Parliament, levying taxes, and calling the Queen of Scots' subjects to appear before him, and on refusal seizing their goods, and harrying their lands, together with other things contrary to his promise made to the Earl of Sussex. "Amongst other great enormities perpetrated by the Earl's men of war, they have slain and destroyed the deer in John Fleming's forest of Cummernauld, and the white kye and bulls of the said forest, to the great destruction of police and hinder of the common weal, for that kind of kye and bulls has been kept there many years in the said forest, and the like was not maintained in any other part of this Isle of Albion, as is well known."
Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Dec. 2. 1419. Advices from Venice.
Successes of the Turks in Cyprus. Levies by the Venetians. Earthquake in Ferrara, &c.—Venice, 2 Dec. 1570.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2⅓.
Dec. 4. 1420. Answer to be given to the Abbot of Dunfermline.
The Queen of England finds in the instructions which he brought from the Regent, divers things which without further debating cannot be touched as they import. Touching the restitution of their Queen, it seems by their allegation that they pretend cause in justice to stay the same, which, if they can make apparent to Her Majesty, she will be ready to do therein as shall be to their satisfaction for the continuance of the part they hold. If perchance they shall not be able to fortify their cause with such evident reasons as may satisfy, nevertheless she will leave no means to provide for all their safeties. In both which cases it is easily seen how necessary the presence of some fit personages to be sent from them is, and therefore she requires the Abbot to advertise those noblemen of this her answer with speed.—4 Dec. 1570. Signed by the Earl of Leicester.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Dec. 6. 1421. Kirkcaldy of Grange to Cecil.
Reminds him of the lamentable state of Scotland, through the unnatural divisions of the nobility and the whole body of the realm, and of the common danger that may in progress of time ensue therefrom to the whole isle, which he has employed his small labour to extinguish. Begs his assistance to bring about a unity of the whole isle, whereby the common danger of coming of strangers into the same may be eschewed.—Edinburgh Castle, 6 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Dec. 8. 1422. Advices from Venice.
Confirmation of the news of the loss of Nicosia. Seige of Famagusta by the Turks. News from Rome of 3 Dec. Severe decrees against the Papists published throughout the Queen of Navarre's dominions.—Venice, Dec. 8.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Dec. 8. 1423. Mark Backler to Anthony Backler.
Announces his arrival at Lisbon, for the purpose of engaging in trade, and mentions commercial details.—Lisbon, 8 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Add. Dutch. P. 1.
Dec. 9. 1424. Safeconduct.
License for certain Lords of the Queen of Scots' party to the number of six or fewer, with their train, to repair to London to confer with her.
Draft. Endd.: 9 Dec. 1570. P. 1.
Dec. 10. 1425. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Thanks him for his late dealings with the Queen on behalf of William Smyth. There was a day of law appointed for the trial of slaughters passed between the Pringles and Elwoods on the 7th inst., and the friends on both sides gathered to the number of 300 on either part. The trial by law was deferred by the Earl Morton until May next, but the trial with their weapons was likely to have been to the great harm on both sides, had not the townsmen both orderly and stoutly remedied the same. Together they were, and many strokes with swords given, and pistolets on both sides shot off and some hurt. There were on both sides divers principal gentlemen of the Merse, Tivydale, Lothians, and other parts.—Berwick, 10 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
Dec. 11. 1426. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Sends copies of a letter from the Laird of Livingstone and the Archbishop of Galloway, and his answer to them, and desires directions how to act.—Carlisle, 11 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Dec. 10. 1427. The Archbishop of Galloway and the Laird of Livingstone to Lord Scrope.
The nobility professing their obedience to the Queen of Scots having directed them towards Her Highness with commission and instructions for satisfying the Queen of England, they desire him to take order for their safe passage within the bounds of his office. Intend to meet him at the march this 14th inst.—Dumfries, 10 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Copy. P. ½. Enclosure.
Dec. 11. 1428. Lord Scrope to the Archbishop of Galloway and the Laird of Livingstone.
Has no commission for receiving them, but if they can show him any license or passport from the Queen of England for their passage, they shall be heartily welcome.—Carlisle, 11 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Copy. P. ½. Enclosure.
Dec. 12. 1429. Advices from Venice.
News from Warsaw and Vienna.
Endd.: Advices from Venice, 12 Dec. 1570. Ital. P. 1.
Dec. 13. 1430. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
On the 25th Nov. he received his letter, whereby he understood the Queen's pleasure touching the antecedence with Spain, and the same evening he was required to assist at the King's marriage on the following morning. Was forced to say that for avoiding of contention, which at such a time would be very unpleasant to the King, and also for that he meant not to in any wise prejudice the crown of England, which at all times had been before the Kings of Castile, and next to the crown of France, he would forbear to come, and humbly required His Majesty not to interpret his absence otherwise. Where he has been willed secretly to break with M. Montmorency hereof, he can by no means have time thereto; besides they have him in such jealousy that he dare not enterprise to make any overture of anything that touches Her Majesty, though he thinks him affectionate enough to her service, his allegiance reserved. At audiences at Norris's entry he straight departs, fearing lest he should either by countenance or speech give occasion for some familiarity that might turn to his prejudice. The Ambassador of Spain has told him that the Duke of Alva has written that though he has commission of importance to declare to the Queen of England, none sent by him can have access to her. On the 5th, ambassadors from the Princes Protestant of Germany arrived, both to congratulate the King on his marriage, and to solicit the more just observance of this last Edict of Pacification, which if it is not done the Princes Protestant must aid the Huguenots with all the means in their power. There is great policy in hand to get hither the young King of Scots. Is sorry to learn that Diego is sent into Scotland, fearing lest if he be enticed by his countrymen from his obedience, he should do much harm, being a very desperate man and well able to conduct light horsemen. Commends the bearer, Mr. Rogers, to him, and wishes he would persuade him to set hand to the Lord's harvest. Thanks him for his travail in seeking his revocation.—Paris, 13 Nov. [Dec.] 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
1431. Rough copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 1½.
1432. Another copy.
P. 1.
Dec. 14. 1433. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Is requested by the Bishop of Glasgow to ask that his brother, Andrew Beton, may have access to the Queen of Scots.—Paris, 14 Dec. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ⅓.
Dec. 14. 1434. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Mons. De Rohan, the Grand Ecuyer, upon the way from Mezières, fell off his horse and broke his leg, whereof he presently departed this world. Count Sharny has his office. —Paris, 14 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
Dec. 16. 1435. Cecil to Norris.
Has been absent through illness from the Court for twenty days. The bearer, his son, can inform him in what readiness Walsingham is to ease him of his charge; and how Lord Buckhurst is ordained to congratulate with that King's marriage at his entry into Paris. The Scottish Queen's cause rests unproceeded with by reason that the commissioners on both sides be not yet come.—Hampton Court, 16 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Hol. Add. P. 1.
Dec. 16. 1436. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
The Bishop of Galloway and the Laird of Livingstone having sent to him their passport under Her Majesty's hand and signet, he has given order for their receipt and safe conduction to this town, where they now be arrived, with such other gentlemen as are contained hereunder.—Carlisle, 16 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Dec. 16. 1437. The Scottish Commissioners' Train.
List of twenty-seven names comprising the two Scottish commissioners and their train.
Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
1438. Duplicate of the above.
Pp. 1.
Dec. 17. 1439. Thomas Jenyson to Cecil.
Has received his letter concerning his repair into Ireland with commission to finish the accounts of Sir William Fitzwilliam for the last two years, the contents whereof he will perform as soon as he may recover a hurt on his shin. Sent a clerk last August to put the said account in readiness, so as he will shortly dispatch after his coming thither. Desires that he may have such money as is due to him.—Berwick, 17 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
Dec. 18. 1440. Sir Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Reckons all charges to be clear unto the last of November, but reminds him that there are yet in extraordinaries 200 horsemen and 300 footmen at a daily charge of 26l. and odd. Desires that certain merchants may be repaid money which he borrowed of them, and also to know whether he shall allow the claims for double pay of such of this garrison who supplied the rooms of captains and officers over certain of the bands of the army.—Berwick, 18 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 19. 1441. Instructions for Mr. Walsingham.
1. First, he shall deliver the Queen's letters and be presented to the French King by Sir Henry Norris as his successor, and shall assure the King of his intention of faithfully performing his duties. Secondly, he shall have continual regard to all manner of their doings which may be prejudicial to her estate, and thereof advertise her diligently, but he is to be careful not to complain to the King upon any light intelligence, lest less regard be had to him when he shall have just cause to do so. Thirdly, he is to have regard to and forward the suits of English merchants in France. He is also to do all he can to persuade the King to observe the Edict of Pacification in favour of those of the religion in such sort as may stand with her honour, and is to let the principals of that party understand that he has done so. Lastly, he shall learn from Norris in what state he has left certain matters lately treated of here by the French Ambassador as touching the preparation of ships and men of war in Britanny, so that he may persist in the same course.
2. Has willed Norris to deliver over to him all her plate there. Whereas she had intended him to have accompanied Lord Buckhurst, she now directs him to proceed at once. He is also to inform himself of certain suits and complaints of different merchants which she mentions.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Pp. 5½.
1442. Revocation of Sir Henry Norris.
Endd. P. 1.
1443. Fair copy of Francis Walsingham's instructions.—19 Dec. 1570.
Endd. Pp. 3¾.
Dec. 25. 1444. M. De Briquemault to Sir Henry Norris.
Is prevented from coming himself to inform him of that which he has learnt from the envoys of the Protestant Princes of Germany, but desires him to give credence to M. Ramus, who is able to inform him of all.—Villers-Coteretz, 25 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Add. Fr. P. ⅓.
Dec. 25. 1445. Kirkcaldy of Grange to Cecil.
1. Recapitulates the wrongs that he and his friends had suffered at the hands of the Laird of Durye, who, amongst other things, had sought to slay his cousin. Sent some of his servants to "ding him with a baton," one of whom he hurt with his sword, which moved the rest to seek his life. This being done on the shore of Leith, the town rose and pursued his servants and took one of them, whom the Regent determined to execute in the morning.
2. For the safety of his life he was compelled to pass to the Tolbooth and take him out of their hands without doing any further harm. Desires that he will not credit his enemies if they report any other thing than he writes. Complains of his evil usage since the death of the Regent Murray in the withholding from him of the revenues appointed for the keeping of this house.—Edinburgh Castle, 25 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Dec. 28. 1446. Reynold Digby to the Earl of Leicester and—
Understanding the subtle and devilish practices against his country, he is bound to write. Has travelled all the coast of Galicia and Biscay from port to port. On the 5th of this month the Duke of Medina Celi and Julian Romano embarked with 18 ensigns, and on the 12th were disembarked, for that the weather was so extreme. The soldiers are placed by the seaside ready to take ship. There are 18 ships, whereof nine be great. They have great store of ordnance both for battery and the field, and a great number of "owenes" of copper with baskets, mattocks, and shovels, and 110 mules' load of money, most of it in bullion. Their meaning is, that after the Duke of Medina Celi is come to Flanders he shall ship the Duke of Alva with all the old garrisons of Flanders into this fleet, and so go into Scotland. Dares not reveal all their pretences by writing for fear his letters should be opened. If great heed be not taken they will have the young King of Scots in their hands. They mean to trouble Her Majesty in divers ways. Intends to return into Spain to learn what he may.—St. Jean de Luz, 28 Dec. 1570. Signed: Renolld Dygbe, with monogram.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Dec. 29. 1447. Jehan De Sorbruer to Gilles De Sorbruer.
Sends him by the fleet which left on the 28th a cask of preserved ginger, a keg of raisons, another of figs, and some boxes of marmalade, and gives him various details relating entirely to mercantile matters.—Lisbon, 29 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Add. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Dec. 29. 1448. The Queen to Duke Augustus of Saxony.
Has received his letter desiring her to take Thomas Holtzhamer into her service. Has at present no need of any foreign soldiers, and has besides many in Germany in her pay who are ready to come forward at her summons.—Hampton Court, 29 Dec. 1570.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 2/3.
Dec. 29. 1449. The Queen to Duke John William of Saxony.
A similar letter declining the services of Philip Spigell.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Lat. P. 1.
Dec. 30. 1450. Extension of the Abstinence in Scotland.
Proclamation by the Earl of Lennox extending the abstinence from arms to the 1st day of March next, and defining the conditions to be observed by the other party during the same, and providing that the King's authority should be recognised and justice administered.—Edinburgh, 30 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Endd. by Cecil. Broadside.
1451. Another copy, with notes in the Earl of Sussex's writing in the margin.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 30. 1452. The French Ambassador to the Earl of Leicester.
Requests a passport for the Sire De Couldray who is returning to France after visiting his relations in Scotland.— London, 30 Dec. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Dec. 31. 1453. Charges for the Army in the North.
A memorial of the debt still owing to the army in the north on 31 Dec. 1570, amounting to 2,733l.
Endd. P. 2/3.
[Dec.] 1454. The Earl of Huntley's Answer.
Answers to certain articles whereby the abstinence is alleged to have been broken by the Earl of Huntley, denying some and explaining away others.
Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
1455. Another copy of the above.
Endd. P. 1.
Dec. 1456. Abstinence from Arms in Scotland.
Denial by the Lord Fleming and others of the Queen of Scots' party that the abstinence had ever been broken by them, and alleging that it was not kept by those of the other side.
Addressed to the Earl of Sussex. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Dec.] 1457. Abstinence from Arms in Scotland.
Articles sent by the Duke of Chatelherault complaining of the breach of the abstinence by the Lords of the King of Scots' party.
Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
1458. Supplies for Dumbarton.
Estimate of charges for fitting out two ships with supplies and munitions for the relief of Dumbarton Castle, amounting to 1,209l. 6s.
M. Verac's name is at the head. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Dec. 1459. News from Gueldres and Holland.
Certain outlaws under Herman Ruter having entered Gueldres and taken a strong house belonging to the Count of Bandembergh, which they refused to surrender, were attacked by some companies of Spanish infantry and the house taken. Herman and eleven others were beheaded, and a commission found by which the Prince of Orange appointed him governor of such towns and castles as he might be able to take in Holland.
Endd. Span. Pp. 22/3.
[Dec.] 1460. John Marsh to [Cecil].
Desires a passport for himself, John Fitzwilliam, and others. Also to procure the Queen's commission to consent to the release of the arrest here if the Duke do grant the like there first. Also that such declarations as have been exhibited of the losses sustained by any of Her Majesty's subjects, either in the Low Countries or Spain, may be delivered to him. Signed.
Endd. by Cecil. P. ⅓.
Dec. 1461. A Memorial for Berwick.
Rough notes in Cecil's writing of certain alterations to be made in the fortifications of Berwick.
Endd. Pp. 2.