Elizabeth: October 1570

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: October 1570', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp348-366 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1570', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp348-366.

"Elizabeth: October 1570". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp348-366.

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October 1570

Oct. 1. 1301. Advices from Italy.
It is thought that the German Empire will shortly possess no authority in Italy. The Pope has sent to the French King about Avignon. The Turks have overrun all Cyprus, and only the fortified places hold out against them. The plague rages in the Venetian fleet, by which they have already lost more than 10,000 men, so that there is small hope of anything of importance being done by them this year.— 1 Oct. 1570.
Endd. Lat. P. ¾.
Oct. 1. 1302. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
The bearer, William Panton, a servant of the Bishop of Ross, has required a passport to go to his master, and denies that he has any letters or directions for him.—Alnwick, 1 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
Oct. 2. 1303. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
Hearing that he is one of those who are appointed to go to the Queen of Scots, can do no less than let him know the state of the country. One of the articles accorded to by the adversaries is already violated, where it is accorded that there shall be no innovation in the government of Scotland different from the state wherein it was at the death of the late Regent, and therefore he desires that they may be reduced to the like obedience to the King's authority as they then were at.— Edinburgh, 2 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
Oct. 2. 1304. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
As many as are at the King's obedience are in great perplexity, and some other that are lately come to the same wish that they had not been so hasty. Assures him that the lion of Scotland looks to be lord of all, good testimony whereof he shall see by that which he has sent to the Earl of Leicester by Archibald Stewart. If it be their hap to have the lion of England so to be clawed by the pole lying at that Queen's foot, as he shall see in a token sent unto her with an inscription under the same, and the rose and the thistle knit in one, it may be too well said that they have over long nourished so cruel a beast that will devour the whole estate. No way to mischief will be left unattempted, so long as that lion has liberty to rage, and so many wicked whelps that long time have gaped for that game, that lately they thought to have had in their claws.—Edinburgh, 2 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Oct. 4. 1305. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
1. Sends a copy of a writing subscribed by the Earl of Lennox, for ceasing from arms. This morning Stewart, a servant of the said Earl, passed.
2. P.S.—Will discharge all the army, save 1,300 men.— Alnwick, 4 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Sept. 30. 1306. Agreement by the Earl of Lennox with the Earl of Sussex.
Promises to abstain from all hostility and from receiving aid from beyond the sea for the space of two months, provided his adversaries observe the conditions subscribed to by them and forbear making any innovation in the government of the country.—Edinburgh, 30 Sept. 1570.
Copy. Pp. 1¼. Enclosure.
Oct. 4. 1307. Forces on the Borders.
List of the captains of 150 lances, 350 light horse, and 800 footmen, stationed on the Borders.
Endd. P. 1.
Oct. 5. 1308. Justification of Giovanni Andrea Doria.
Justifies his conduct in not fighting the Turkish fleet, partly on account of the weakness of the Venetian armada, both in soldiers and galley-slaves, and partly on account of the tempestuous weather. Gives a long account of the transactions between himself and the Venetian Admiral.—Candia, 5 Oct. 1570.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 8¼.
Oct. 6. 1309. Minute.
Copy of another document relating apparently to the navigation between Flanders and Spain.
Copy. Endd.: 6 Oct. 1570. Span. P. 2/3.
Oct. 6. 1310. Minute.
Minute of a document relating apparently to the navigation between Flanders and Spain.
Endd.: 6 Oct. 1570. Pp. 1⅓.
Oct. 6. 1311. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Has received his letter by the bearer, Mr. Grey, his servant. Is sorry to see the present state of the Borders, where his and his brothers' living lie, being so spoiled and wasted that without the Queen gives them some maintenance for a time, they will not be able to inhabit their lands.—Alnwick, 6 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
Oct. 6. 1312. Parliament of Rouen.
Enregistration of certain letters patent for the imposition of new duties, and amongst others on English cloth.—Rouen, 6 Oct. 1570.
Written on parchment. Endd. Fr. Pp. 14.
Oct. 7. 1313. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. On the 2nd inst. the King sent M. Gondey, who has charge to entertain the ambassadors, to require him not to take it in ill part that he did not invite him to the Duke of Guise's marriage, the occasion being that he mistrusted some difference would arise betwixt him and the Ambassador of Spain for the antecedence, and also considering the alliance and proximity of blood that they of the house of Guise had with the Queen of Scots. He promised not only to invite him to his own marriage, but that he should hold such rank as appertained to him as the Queen's ambassador. Norris replied that in this or anything which did not touch the honour of the Queen, he was ready to obey him. Two other ambassadors, for similar reasons, were also required to be absent. The Duke of Nevers, making a great banquet for the Duke of Guise, also wrote to excuse that he had not invited him.
2. On the 5th the Ambassador of Scotland sent to him for a passport for Patrick Home, who is sent to impart something to the Queen of Scots. Such of the religion as fled into England, shall not be received into any of the frontier towns, as Calais or Boulogne. The Count de Retz has departed to conduct the King's wife to the frontiers of France, where she shall be received by the Duke D'Anjou. Desires to know what order he shall keep touching the antecedence with Spain. If the Queen of Scots depart from England, it is determined that she shall marry the Duke D'Anjou. The King has sent from hence about thirty carts laden with munition to Amiens, besides twelve companies of Strozzi's and Guaz regiments are to march that way. Mistrusts that this preparation is to aid the Queen of Scots' faction.—Paris, 7 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¾.
1314. Copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Oct. 7. 1315. Advices from Italy.
News from Rome, dated 30 Sept., and from Venice 7 Oct., of the meeting of the allied Christian fleet at Candia, on the 29th Sept., to the number of 190 galleys, and their intention of proceeding to the relief of Cyprus.
Endd. Ital. P. 1.
Oct. 7. 1316. Advices from Italy.
News from Candia of the 5th Oct., of the junction of the allied Christian fleet, which numbers 200 galleys, besides galleasses and ships. From Rome, 7 Oct. Inquisition in Spain. Imprisonment of the head of the heretics in Savoy.
Endd. Ital. and Lat. Pp. 2¼.
Oct. 8. 1317. The Earl of Lennox to the Queen.
Has, according to the Earl of Sussex's request, conferred with Randolph, and communicated his answer to Sussex and others, in writing, which he begs her to receive from their hands.—Edinburgh, 8 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Oct. 8. 1318. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
Sends his answers to Randolph's communication.—Edinburgh, 8 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Oct. 8. 1319. The Earl of Sussex to the Earl of Lennox.
Understands that he has of late made processes against Lethington and others that acknowledge obedience to the Queen of Scots, to appear before him and underlie the law, for default wherein he has put them to the horn. Requires him to forbear any such action during the treaty, for he can put no difference whether he molests them by violence and force of arms, or by process and extremity of law.—Alnwick, 8 Oct. 1570.
Copy. P. ¾.
Oct. 8. 1320. The Earl of Sussex to Randolph.
Hears that Lethington is put to the horn, which does not accord with good faith. Desires him to deal earnestly with them to perform the contents of the articles, otherwise he will discharge himself of the dishonour, and revoke his writing.— Alnwick, 8 Oct. 1570.
Copy. Endd. P. ½.
Oct. 8. 1321. Advices from Venice.
Account of the preparations made by the different Christian powers, for the relief of Famagusta.—Venice, 8 Oct. 1570.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
Oct. 8. 1322. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Sends a copy of the requests of the deputies of the Princes of Navarre and Condé, together with the King's answers. Yesterday he understood from the Viscount De Rohan that there is a complot devised, from whence the Queen of Scots now is, and continued along to the sea, that if she may have any liberty she shall be taken by force of Englishmen and conveyed into Flanders. Desires to know the Queen's pleasure touching the antecedence with Spain.—Paris, 8 Oct. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
[Oct.] 1323. Petition of the Deputies of the Reformed Religion.
Thirty articles complaining of infractions of the Edict of Pacification, and desiring that they may be redressed, with the King's answers in the margin.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 7¼. Enclosure.
Oct. 8 and 22. 1324. Peter Ramus to the Cardinal of Lorraine.
Reminds him of the friendship which existed between them nearly thirty-five years ago. Now, however, the malicious will declare that not only is he deprived by the Cardinal of his professorship but of all other rewards and fruits of his former studies. Implores him not to cause the end of their lives to be so different from the commencement.—Paris, 8 Id. Oct. 1570.
Peter Ramus to the Cardinal of Lorraine.
Is obliged to write as he cannot come to him safely. Defends himself from the charge of ingratitude for his former benefits, and also from that of hastily changing his religion. Although obliged to fly for his safety he never took up arms. Expresses his hope for the Cardinal's conversion.—1] Cal. Nov. 1570.
Copy. Lat. Pp. 2¼.
Oct. 9. 1325. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Lethington and others who profess obedience to the Queen of Scots be grieved that the Regent proceeds against them by extremity of law, whereof Sussex has written to the Regent. The wise of the King's side mistrust their declination, and the Earl of Morton is much appalled. Some would gladly that the Queen and her son might conjoin in the government. The weather grows extreme, and the chimnies of this house and Warkworth will suffer no fire. Thinks that good quiet will continue on the Borders, saving for some of the stealers of Scotland, against whom there is good provision made and warning given that if any be taken with the act he shall be hanged presently. Randolph is very desirous to return:— Alnwick, 9 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
Oct. 10. 1326. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Sends the copy of a letter from the Earl of Lennox. Randolph writes that the Justice Clerk never made any declaration to the Regent of any note to be sent to Sussex, at which he marvels. He also writes that certain noblemen have submitted, or promised to do so, to the King's authority. The Regent desires money to pay his soldiers, to which he has answered that he dares not deliver money during the cessation of arms, except he have special commandment from the Queen. It seems that the Queen is resolved to restore the Queen of Scots, and therefore he will not "cast bones" by his actions, but will only follow such directions as he may receive. Sends a copy of Moon's examination.—Alnwick, 10 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
Oct. 8. 1327. The Earl of Lennox's Answer to Randolph.
Declares that the articles subscribed by the Duke and the Earls of Huntly and Argyle are captious and void of true meaning, only binding themselves, and gives instances of outrages committed by their followers, and complains that they receive greater disadvantage than they would in a state of plain hostility; also that the other side do not observe the article for not making any innovation in the government. Is preparing some to repair to the Queen. Promises that at the intended Parliament nothing shall be done against the persons of any who pretend obedience to the Queen of Scots.—Edinburgh, 8 Oct. 1570.
Copy. Pp. 42/3. Enclosure.
Oct. 11. 1328. Confession of John Moon.
Examined in the presence of Master George Buchanan and others, he at first on his knees forsook the mercy of God and the world if he could tell a jot more than he had already shown in his former depositions, but being "put to pains," confessed that he had concealed certain matters committed to him by Lady Lennox, to be declared to her husband at Andrew Abercrombie's persuasion, "desiring him to hinder nothing that might hinder the Queen of Scots' cause," who promised him that when the Queen came to the kingdom, he should receive 150 crowns a year.
After "further pains," he declared that Thomas Bishop was the first trafficker betwixt the Bishop of Ross and him, and afterwards Thomas Cobham, and that the first speaking was in the Tower. Also that Thomas Cobham promised him 1,000 crowns, and that the packet delivered to him by Robson was for money to come out of Scotland, which packet he was to take to Master Alexander Leslie, or to any of them, which he delivered to Andrew Abercrombie. Robson also told him that the Queen of Scots had written to the Bishop of Ross, being then in court with a letter for Lady Lennox, desiring him to travail to make "aggreance" betwixt them. "The cause why he desired Patrick Macaulay to hide the letters was, that he suspected they were matters of importance of my Lord's adversaries, and answer to the last letters of theirs he brought forth of England, which he received from Robson."— Doune, 4 Oct. 1570.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. P. 1. Enclosure.
Oct. 10. 1329. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Has written to the Regent to ask for free passage for Robinson, sent by the Queen of Scots to visit her son. Has written to Lethington that the Queen had granted passport to two noblemen of the Queen of Scots' party, to repair to her, and that he would procure a safe-conduct for them from the Regent to pass through Edinburgh.—Alnwick, 10 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Oct. 11. 1330. Sir Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Encloses a brief of the charges for the army till the end of September. Received of the 9,000l. sent by Freville but 8,780l. 5s. 8d. Desires that one of his own folk may have the bringing down of such money as may be hereafter appointed who will not be so chargeable to Her Majesty.— Berwick, 11 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Oct. 13. 1331. Sir Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Has taken of the bearer, Hugh Snell, merchant of Berwick, 850l., which he desires may be repaid.—Berwick, 13 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Oct. 13. 1332. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Commends the bearer, Captain Powerlette [Poulett], who is now discharged for the good governance of his band of light horsemen.—Alnwick, 13 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
[Oct. 13.] 1333. Parliament of Scotland.
List of the Lords and others of the King of Scots' side who were assembled in Parliament 13 Oct. 1572.
Endd. P. 1.
Oct. 15. 1334. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
1. Understanding that of late there was a motion made by the Regent for a yearly pension, as was promised to the late Regent, and that the promise should be verified by the report of Nicholas Elphinstone, Elphinstone denies that any such promise was ever made to him. Divers since the Regent's death, either to cover their own doings or to advance their cause, have sought to make him odious to the world. The universal bruit runs upon three or four persons who subscribed upon a bond promising to concur and assist one another in the late King's death. "This bond was kept in the castle in a little coffer covered with green, and after the apprehension of the Scottish Queen at Carberry Hill, was taken out of the place where it lay by the Laird of Lethington, in presence of Mr. James Balfour, then Clerk of the Register and keeper of the keys were the registers are. This being a thing so notoriously known as well by Mr. James Balfour's own report as testimony of other who have seen the same is utterly denied to be true, and another bond produced which they allege to be it, containing no such matter, at the which, with divers other noblemen's hands, the Regent's was also made a long time before the bond of the King's murder] was made, and now say that if it can be proved by any bond that they consented to the King's death, the late Regent is as guilty as they, and for testimony thereof (as Randolph is credibly informed) have sent a bond to be seen in England, which either is some new bond made among themselves, and the late Regent's hand counterfeited at the same (which in some other causes he knows has been done), or the old bond at which his very own hand is containing no such matter." Is loath that after his death his adversaries should abuse him. Is assured himself that he never was participant of the King's death, how maliciously soever he be burdened therewith.
2. P.S.—For testimony that some in Scotland can counterfeit the late Regent's hand, let it be known who subscribed the warrant shown to Alexander Home that had the custody of the Laird of Lethington, when the Laird of Grange fetched him at 10 p.m. out of David Foster's house in Edinburgh and convoyed him to the Castle, whereof the Regent was not privy until the next day.—Edinburgh, 15 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Oct. 15. 1335. Henry Cobham to Cecil.
The Emperor has sent word that he has had letters from the Archduke Charles, and that Cobham shall very soon receive his answer. Has procured a copy of the Emperor's letter to the Pope and his answer, so as it now appears that the two powers accord. Count Mansfield, who lately came from the French Admiral, has kissed the Emperor's hand and passed long conference with him privately. Count Swartzenburg, the captain of King Philip's guard, has invited Cobham, and rests much at the Queen's Majesty's devotion. The ambassadors of the Princes Protestant for the zeal their Lords have towards the Queen have invited him at times, and kept him company. The States Protestant find that the much writings of their electors rather breeds contention than edifies, and think rather that the time requires a general unity. Encloses news out of Italy.—Spires, 15 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Sept. 2. 1336. — to Cobham.
1. A messenger has been sent to the Pope to announce the pacification in France, and to persuade him to take it in good part.
2. Some hope that there is some premeditated snare for the Huguenots in this peace, and others fear that it may bring about a foreign French war. Lat.
3. Note at the foot in Cobham's hand: This is a copy of a letter which a man of very good credit in Rome did write. He is driven to show himself in his writing a Papist, yet he is of good religion.
P. ½. Enclosure.
Oct. 16. 1337. The Earl of Lennox to the Queen.
Has at her request utterly forborne to do anything in this Parliament against the Queen of Scots or any pretending her obedience, but having only ratified his office of regiment, they have prorogued it for all other matters till January next. Has certified the Earl of Sussex of the great harm that the King and those professing his obedience have received through the abstinence, and how the writing subscribed by the Duke and the two Earls is captious and void of true meaning. Desires that there may be an explanation of this writing and a certainty whether those for whom they have promised will be content to be comprehended under their assurance. Also that all goods and ships stayed in France by the Queen of Scots' procurement may be set at liberty, and no impediment [offered] to their trade hereafter; also that all things innovated in the Government different from the state wherein it was at the death of the late Regent, may be disavowed and annulled by proclamation. Trusts that she will in noways go forward with any treaty to the advantage of the Queen of Scots and her party until they perform that which reason and honour craves to be done on their parts.—Edinburgh, 16 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 1¾.
Oct. 16. 1338. Articles sent by Lennox to the Earl of Sussex.
Thirty-four articles containing the things unperformed by the Duke of Chatelherault, the Earls of Huntly and Argyle, and others of their party, of the articles accorded unto by the Earl of Sussex, as also the violations of the promises made, sealed, and subscribed by the said Duke and Earls, for which he solicits answer to every point in particular. With notes of answer to each article in the margin in Cecil's writing.— Edinburgh, 16 Oct. 1570.
Endd. Pp. 7.
Oct. 17. 1339. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Forwards copies of letters and writings which he has received from the Regent of Scotland and Randolph.—Alnwick, 17 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Oct. 16. 1340. The Earl of Lennox to the Earl of Sussex.
Has received his letter requiring him to forbear all processes against Lethington and others who acknowledge the obedience of the King's mother. Has at several times certified him how the writing subscribed by the Duke and the two Earls is violated, so that he and all professing the King's obedience are in honour and justice discharged of keeping any assurance promised in the writing which he sent to him. Never understood that Lethington acknowledged obedience to the Queen of Scots since the King's coronation, so that it cannot be found against him if he proceeds against him because he did not attend in the office he occupied, and yet no process has been laid against him since the subscribing of the said writing by Lennox. Without knowledge of the names of the two noblemen of the Queen's party who are to proceed into England, it might do the King great inconvenience to grant a passport generally, seeing some might pass who are culpable of the murders of the late King and the Regent.—Edinburgh, 16 Oct. 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1⅓. Enclosure.
Oct. 16. 1341. The Earl of Lennox's Answers to Mr. Randolph.
Answers to propositions communicated to him by Randolph on the part of the Earl of Sussex touching the prorogation of Parliament, the sending of noblemen to the Queen of England, the cessation of arms, and other matters, together with complaints of the bad faith of their adversaries in the observance of their part of the agreement, of a similar effect to that which is contained in his letters to the Queen of England and the Earl of Sussex.
Copy. Endd.: 16 Oct. 1570. Pp. 12/3. Enclosure.
Oct. 16. 1342. Thomas Randolph to the Earl of Sussex.
1. Has received his letters by "famous Jocke the [lyer]," and communicated the contents to the Regent and Council. The Earl of Morton and Alexander Hay came to him from the Council for the better understanding of the Queen's desires, who found very hard matter laid to them, seeing that which was suited for to be done by them tended wholly to the advantage of their enemies, chiefly to the restoring of the Queen to the crown contrary to law and their allegiance, and safety to those who were murderers of her husband and the late Regent. Morton also showed him a letter from the Queen of England to the late Regent, of 10 Sept. 1568, to the effect that if the Queen of Scots should be found guilty of the King's murder that it behoved her to take another course than to satisfy her desire, and was very earnest to know if matters were concluded between the two Queens, or if their Queen should be restored to the government or not. They passed much time neither satisfied with the other, Randolph pointing out how much they owed to the Queen of England, and Morton declaring how willing they were to satisfy her as far as they might.
2. Had further conference with the Regent and other Lords of the King's party, and found great discontment at the restitution of the Queen of Scots, and words full of grief and great tokens of misliking uttered; in effect all [so] amazed and astonished that they do not know what counsel to take. The effect of their answers was as follows:
3. Lethington is not thought to be of the Queen of Scots' party. The passports which are required shall be granted. They can devise no means for surety for the King or themselves, if the Queen be restored to her crown, but rest upon a promise made by the Queen of England to the late Regent, thinking her satisfied for the truth of the cause, and that she will give her declaration thereupon. The Parliament is prorogued. Gives the names of those who are chosen to be sent into England. They request Sussex to be a means for Lord Semple to be set at liberty.—Edinburgh, 16 Oct. 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2¾. Enclosure.
Oct. 17. 1343. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
On Sunday last the Queen-Mother having written to him, he repaired to the Court at Equam, where he met the King at his entry going out hunting, who would take no knowledge of any such letter sent, and for want of leisure to answer, desired him to put in writing what he had in charge to say. Wishes to see whether the King's answers in writing will be milder than those he gave by word of mouth, which were both short and sharp.—Paris, 17 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
1344. Draft of part of the above.
Endd. P. 1.
Oct. 19. 1345. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
At his audience with the French King at Ecouen, he declared how the Queen's proceeding by treaty with the Queen of Scots had been letted, partly by her own doings and partly by such of her subjects in Scotland to whom she had committed authority, who not only maintained Her Majesty's rebels, but also aided them to make invasions in her realm, so as she could not do otherwise than pursue her rebels and chastise such as aided them. Now finding them content to forbear their evil usage, she is resolved to send two of her Privy Council to understand the mind of the said Queen. He also complained of Virac's arrival at Dumbarton, and of the comfort by him given in the French King's name to such as desire to have small quiet in Scotland, and also of De la Roche's preparations to transport men of war into Ireland. The King answered that he was glad to hear of her good understanding with the Queen of Scots, and declared that De la Roche's forces were intended only to aid the said Queen, and that whoever gave Her Majesty to understand otherwise lied. Encloses a letter which he has received from the French King.—Paris, 19 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
1346. Draft of the above.
Endd. Pp. 2½.
Oct. 17. 1347. Charles IX. to Sir Henry Norris.
Is glad to hear of the Queen of England's favourable intentions towards the Queen of Scots. Admits that he sent Virac with men and munitions for the relief of Dumbarton, which he did because of the ancient alliance between his realm and that of Scotland, and also because of his relationship with the Queen of Scotland. Declares that the preparations in Britanny are intended for her assistance.—Ecouen, 17 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Copy. Fr. P. 2/3. Enclosure.
1348. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
Oct. 19. 1349. Sir Valentine Browne to Cecil.
The bearer, James Garston, merchant, has advanced him in wares credited to the soldiers and in ready money 400l., for which he has promised him payment in London, and has given him a bill. The estimation of charges which he formerly sent is less by 1,200l. than it is indeed. Sends an account of the charge of the army remaining, from the 7th Oct., consisting of 550 horsemen and 800 footmen, at a daily cost of 78l. 5s. 11d. Has sent nine fair stones to London for him.—Berwick, 19 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Oct. 29. 1350. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
Sends letters to be forwarded into France. Desires for a reward for his services that he may come away and not abide the end he sees intended, which will be neither surety to Her Majesty or weal to this country. Sends the confession of a minister who strangled his wife upon a Sunday morning.— Edinburgh, 20 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Oct. 20. 1351. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Finds that these mean not well to England. Doubts that the Queen of Scots being set at liberty will breed England great unquietness, and danger to the Queen's Majesty, if she be not fast bound to the contrary; wherefore under correction he thinks it expedient she were married before she departs thence, lest otherwise she be matched with the Duke of Anjou. Begs that he will have consideration for the payment of 100 crowns lent by him to the Earl of Thomond, and for the rest laid out on those who attended him.—Paris, 20 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
Oct. 20. 1352. Occurrences in France.
News of events passing in France, all of which is contained in Norris's letters to the Queen and Cecil.
Endd. Pp. 5½.
Oct. 22. 1353. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester and Cecil.
The bearer, an Irishman, named Henry, has declared to him that the Earl of Thomond has, notwithstanding the enclosed letter, intention to steal out of England into Ireland. Doubting whether he reports this in hopes of reward or moved by duty he sends him to them. Since the departure of his son, Edward Norris, there is an "arrest" made in Paris, that none of the religion shall be readers in any university within the same; whereby Ramus, Mersernes, and other excellent learned men lately returned are likely to lose their livings and be put out of their houses. Also it is defended that no bookseller or printer shall keep in his house or sell any book of the Holy Scriptures, and officers are appointed to search men's houses who have taken away both Bibles and Testaments from their owners. The King and his brothers have gone to Compeigne. Begs them to have his speedy revocation in remembrance.—Paris, 22 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
Oct. 10. 1354. The Earl of Thomond to Sir Henry Norris.
Desires that he will further his dispatch in writing to the council, assuring him that in so doing he will further the Queen's most true and faithful subject in heart.—From my poor lodging in Oxford, 10 Oct. Signed: Conor Thomond.
P. 1. Enclosure.
Oct. 22. 1355. Henry Cobham to Cecil.
This afternoon, in the cathedral church, Charles, the French King, was betrothed to the second daughter of the Emperor, by the name of Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, &c., which King's deputy was the Archduke Ferdinando, authorised by a procuration under the King's great seal. The Emperor's preacher made a short exhortation in the praise of marriage; which done, the Emperor and the Empress accompanying their daughter to the altar and the Archduke Ferdinando accompanied by the Count De Retz, the Elector Bishop of Mayence sitting with his mitre in pontificalibus, likewise two other Bishops, of Worms and Spires, with their two suffragans mitred, passed with words and such ceremonies as they use the order of marriage. The Archduke Ferdinando delivered the Queen a ring in the King's name, and the Queen gave likewise the Archduke another ring. This done, the Emperor and Empress embraced their daughter, returning to their seats. The Countess of Aremburg carried up the Queen's train, and lastly the Count De Retz delivered openly to the Queen a letter from the King. Give a list of the names of the principal people who were present, and who afterwards went to a house hard by, where there was dancing and a sumptuous banquet. The Emperor placed him where the Princes, his children, had their several room during the solemnity. The Pope's Nuncio was not present for that the Electors will not give him superior place. The King of Spain's Ambassador would not be there for his strife for the pre-eminence with the French Ambassador. The Venetian Ambassador was absent for company. The other princes, Ambassadors of Italy, came not in respect of the controversy with the Duke of Florence. —Spires, 22 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1⅓.
Oct. 23. 1356. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Forwards letters. Lord and Lady Hunsdon have been with him these ten or twelve days. He is faithful and true to Her Majesty.—Alnwick, 23 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Oct. 24. 1357. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The edict is so wrested and interpreted that it serves rather for a colour to work trouble to the Protestants than for warrant or assurance to them. Encloses a copy of a supplication of the University of Paris to the King. Ramus has of late been, by force of officers, set out of his house. No redress can be had of the King. Egremont Ratcliffe, Sir John Neville, and Danby have come hither. Ratcliffe being persuaded to seek pardon of the Queen, desperately said he could neither ask nor any ways look for pardon, nor repent his fact being not against her highness nor his country.— Paris, 24 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
1358. Rough draft of portions of the above.
Pp. 1½.
Oct. 8. 1359. Petition of the University of Paris.
Beg that the King will forbid any of the reformed religion from holding any post of authority in the university, also that they may have power to search for and seize all heretical books.
Answer of Charles IX.
Grants the above petition.—Paris, 8 Oct. 1570.
Copy of notice of serving a citation on Pierre Ramus, ordering him to quit the College of Presles by Jacques Baston.
Proclamation by Charles IX.
Forbids any of the reformed religion from holding any office or teaching in the University of Paris; and authorises such doctors as may be appointed by the university to search for and seize prohibited books.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 3¼. Enclosure.
Oct. 26. 1360. Queen Elizabeth to the Earl of Sussex.
Returns the articles sent by the Earl of Lennox. He will find in the margin what she has thought meet to be answered to the same. Sends another writing with a reasonable device for both parties. Has caused the Bishop of Ross to be treated with to procure the release of the Scottish merchants who are stayed in France. Directs him to do his best to continue this abstinence. Desires that the extraordinary bands of soldiers may be utterly discharged. He is to move the Earl of Lennox that the sentence of banishment against the old Lady Seton may be forborne.
Draft partly in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 26. 1361. Government of Scotland.
A declaration how in certain cases it shall be ordered that no innovation be made in the government different to the state wherein the realm of Scotland was at the death of the Earl of Murray.
Draft in Cecil's writing. P. 1.
1362. Another copy, with additions and alterations in Cecil's writing.
P. 1.
[Oct. 26.] 1363. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Licenses him to repair to Court as soon as he shall have discharged the rest of her army, and sends a letter of recall, which he is to forward to Randolph.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 1570. P. 1.
Oct. 27. 1364. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Refers him for information to the copies of certain letters and other writings which he sends herewith. The Regent will give order for the safe passage of such as shall pass from the Queen of Scots' party. The King's party complain greatly of the stay of their merchants in France, and beseech the Queen of England that she will procure that they may be released. They cannot abide to hear of any surety that can be provided for their King and themselves if ever the Scottish Queen be at liberty; and he will be reputed amongst them a betrayer of the rest who shall be first contented to enter into any speech that may tend to the liberty of the Queen of Scots. —"At Alnwick in a smoky house," 27 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 18. 1365. The Earl of Sussex to the Earl of Lennox.
Acknowledges the receipt of certain letters and articles wherein he requires to be answered certain questions, and declares the violation of their promises by the Duke of Chatelherault and others. Goes through and answers them severally at great length. Requires that Lethington shall not be molested. Thanks him for allowing Robinson to visit the King from his mother. Desires that he will grant a passport for two noblemen of the Queen of Scots' party to go to the Queen of England, and also that he will send some on his part. Advises him to concede a prolongation of the abstinence from arms.—Alnwick, 18 Oct. 1570.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 5. Enclosure.
Oct. 26. 1366. The Earl of Sussex's Answer to the Articles sent by the Regent of Scotland.
First. Thinks that particular offences done to private persons on either side without the direction of authority, ought to be by order redressed, and not taken as a violation of the public peace.
Second. Any renewing of the abstinence should be so plainly penned, that no occasion may be ministered to the wise and indifferent to conceive that there is any intention of any subtle and vantageous outgate.
Third. Has compared his articles with those accorded by the Queen and the Bishop of Ross, and sent the articles so collected to either party, so that their intentions may accord with those of the Queens of England and Scotland.
Lastly. Wishes either side should use diligence in perfecting the writing which they intend to make for the prolongation of the abstinence, and to despatch with expedition such commissioners as they intend to send to the Queen of England.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 1⅓. Enclosure.
Oct. 14. 1367. Lethington's Explanation to the Earl of Sussex.
The noblemen of the Queen of Scots' party mean truly to perform all their promises concerning the abandoning of the Queen of England's rebels; not receiving foreign forces; and keeping true peace within Scotland. They will not pendente lite prejudge the Queen, by yielding their obedience to a competitor, as reciproquely they will not press others to prejudge her son, and are content to keep civil society with the adverse faction. They are content to cease from the execution of anything by virtue of the Queen of Scots' commission, and will make no impediment in the mean season to the ordinary judges of the land to execute the laws.—14 Oct. 1570.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. P. ¾. Enclosure.
Oct. 26. 1368. Articles proposed by the Earl of Sussex for the maintenance of the Abstinence.
1. To express in the writing the names of such noblemen as they undertake for.
2. All matters done on either side since the subscribing contrary to the true meaning of the writing to be redressed.
3. The Duke and the Earls of Huntly and Argyle to cease from all execution by virtue of their commission of lieutenancy and to permit the King's officers to levy his rents, and the ordinary judges to execute justice on offenders.
4. The King's party may compel, by force, such as have or shall be disordered on the Borders to yield to justice.
5. That they may raise force to suppress any other force gathered to the disquiet of the realm.
6. That any act done by the King's party against any person who has publicly associated himself with them, either in consultation or by open arms since the 1st of April, be not imputed an infringing of the abstinence.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. P. 1. Enclosure.
Oct. 1369. The Earl of Sussex to Lethington.
Seeing that either side mislikes the form of the former writings, he has made a collection of both their meanings, ruled over by the articles accorded between the Queen of England and the Bishop of Ross, and reduced the same into a few heads, which he sends herewith. Will not advise either side to do that which shall to themselves seem hurtful to them, but will not cover in either of them any fraud or deceit or misinterpretations that shall be used to the hindrance of the adverse party. Sends a note of offences done by the Queen of Scots' party since the abstinence.—Alnwick, 26 Oct. 1570.
Copy. Endd., by Cecil. Pp. 1⅓. Enclosure.
Oct. 27. 1370. The Countess of Murray to Queen Elizabeth.
Thanks her for her assistance for the revenge of her husband's blood, and hopes that as she has begun so she will continue. Wishes that her life had gone for his. Is put at by so many that there is no relief for herself and her bairns except the Queen put to her helping hand.—Dunottar, 27 Oct. 1570. Signed: Annas Keycht.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
Oct. 28. 1371. Charles IX. to M. De la Mothe Fenelon.
Extract.—Has received a copy of the articles which have been presented to the Queen of Scots by the deputies of the Queen of England together with the notes on each of them which he has given to the Bishop of Ross. Cannot approve of the proposed league between the two Queens' as it will be prejudicial to that between France and Scotland. He is to warn the Bishop of Ross not to agree to the article for sending the Prince of Scotland into England before his mother's liberation. It is not reasonable that the Queen of Scots should give up any part of the titles and pretensions that she has to the realm of England. Thinks that the Queen of Scots ought rather to demand hostages for the fulfilment of the treaty than be asked to give them. Orders him to give all the assistance and comfort he can to the Queen of Scots.— St. Germains-de-Pres, 28 Oct. 1570.
Extract. Endd. Fr. Pp. 12/3.
Oct. 29. 1372. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Desires to know the Queen's pleasure touching the question of antecedence between him and the ambassador of Spain, if he has to assist at the King's marriage, who takes his journey on Friday next to Mezieres. The companies that Martigues had in Britanny are departed towards Scotland. Two Englishmen have lately arrived from the Duke of Alva and another came yesterday. They were on Tuesday at the Abbey of St. Germains and did reverence to the Queen. They boast that about March next the Duke of Alva's army will be ready to do some enterprise in Ireland or Scotland. Understands that the Cardinal of Lorraine has obtained from the French King some sharp and threatening letters to Her Majesty to set the Queen of Scots at liberty, and that after the Cardinal's departure, the King said that if he himself had the Queen of Scots prisoner or was in the place of the Queen of England he well knew what he would do. On the 1st Nov. the Duke of Anjou departs hence to receive the new Queen.—Paris, 29 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
1373. Draft of the above.
Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
Oct. 30. 1374. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
1. Mentions the receipt and dispatch of different letters and papers. Perceives that there is a practising to persuade that the two Queens be already accorded, and thereby to procure a dissipation of the King's party in the time of the treaty, whereupon he has willed Mr. Randolph to assure them that it is false. The principals of the King's side are fearful to enter into consideration of their surety if the Queen should be set at liberty, lest some of their party should slip by that occasion, and thereupon the first advisers should be counted betrayers of their fellows. The principals of the Queen's side not knowing what will be the end, are unwilling to enter England in this commission, and the Regent understanding their backwardness is not hasty to be before them.
2. P.S.—Desires leave to repair to Her Majesty, as he has now nothing to do but to wait upon Warden's deputies.— Alnwick, 30 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
Oct. 21. 1375. The Laird of Lochleven to Randolph.
As the Queen of England has put such order to all those who have risen against her that the Earl of Northumberland is not able to trouble her country, and that his coming to this place was to do his duty to his sovereign, he does not think it necessary to retain him any longer as a prisoner, and humbly begs that the Queen will show mercy to him.—Lochleven, 21 Oct. 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾. Enclosure.
Oct. 29. 1376. Thomas Randolph to the Earl of Sussex.
Sends the Laird of Lochleven's letter, but doubts somewhat else than what he writes of. There passed lately by sea seven Englishmen into Flanders. There are letters come lately from the Bishop of Ross to the castle assuring the captain that the Queens are agreed. Men are by these rumours brought into great perplexities, and some may yield to that which may be to Her Majesty's disadvantage. Wishes that the Earl of Morton might receive some cause of encouragement. Money is more common among the Queen's adversaries than with those who take her part.—Edinburgh, 29 Oct.
Copy, with notes in the margin in the Earl of Sussex's writing. Endd.: 28 Oct. Pp. 2. Enclosure.
Oct. 1377. Occurrents in France.
The Admiral and the Princes will be at Rochelle on the 25th with 600 horse, whereof a great part shall be placed in garrison in the towns permitted them by the edict. The Count Ludovic of Nassau has the restitution of his lands in France granted to him. The deputies require that certain hard and intricate places in the edict shall be made plain. They also complain that the Marquis of Villars has been appointed lieutenant in Aquitaine to the Prince of Navarre, greatly to the prejudice of his authority. The four marshals have their commissions delivered to them, on whose upright and just dealing depends most the observation of the edict. The new Queen will depart on her journey towards France on Tuesday next.
Endd.: Oct. 1570. Pp. 12/3.
1378. Another copy.
Pp. 1¼.