Elizabeth: October 1569

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: October 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp127-140 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp127-140.

"Elizabeth: October 1569". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp127-140.

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October 1569

Oct. 1 453. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires that two merchants of Rochelle who have come about the Prince's business and who have been arrested at Dover may be released.—Shene, 1 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ⅓.
Oct. 2. 454. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Yesterday rode to Kelso and dined with the Regent who declared how desirous he was to reform the disordered libertines of his Marches, and hoped that the English officers would in like manner concur. He appointed the 18th inst. to ride upon the thieves of Liddlesdale, and required to have 100 shot out of the garrison of Berwick. Desires to know the Queen's pleasure how he shall answer him.—Berwick, 2 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
Oct. 3. 455. Battle of Moncontour.
Account of a skirmish between the forces of the Duke of Anjou and the Admiral on the 30th Sept. which was followed on the 3rd Oct. by a great battle at Moncontour. The loss of the Admiral is set down at more than 10,000 men, all his carriages and baggage and eleven pieces of artillery; whilst that of the Duke of Anjou is put down at rather over 300 men.—Signed: De Neufville.
Copy written at [Hernoulx] 4 Oct. 1569. Endd. Fr. Pp. 10½.
Oct. 5. 456. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
The two armies on Friday the 30th Sept. being at Moncontour, there chanced between them a rude encounter with equal loss, there being slain 400 men. The next two days they made some abstinence, but on Monday presenting themselves both in order there was stricken a notable battle, which from 11 o'clock till 3 p.m. remained doubtful, but in the end M. D'Anjou won the field, overthrew the Admiral's footmen, and gained his artillery and baggage. Gives different reports about the battle, but for better knowledge of the certainty, he addressed himself to the Court in manner of congratulation, as all other ambassadors did. One La Roche, newly arrived from the camp, told him by the King's command that for certain the Admiral is dead, and of the King's side are slain the Marquis of Baden with some other colonels of reiters, and the Rhinegrave and Bassompierre sore hurt. The retreat of the Prince's horsemen is towards Angouleme whither Monsieur follows with his army. Being with the King, Norris said that having gained the victory he could do no more worthy thing than to take compassion of his poor subjects, who said that such as were willing to return to their due obedience would find him a merciful Prince, but the obstinate he meant to pursue with all rigour and extremity. On the 24th Sept. the King sent for him, and being first brought to the Queen Mother, she said that the King had a most earnest request to make, that he should at his next dispatch to Her Majesty give her to understand that she would at their requests stand so greatly the Queen of Scots' good friend as to restore her to her former estate. The King being ready to take horse to run on hunting, used the like speech to him. Is credibly informed that there are not slain above 6,000 men, there being lost as many horsemen on the one part as the other. M. De Tavannes wrote to their Majesties that they should now attend to some pacification, which is an evident sign that things are not so desperate as they give forth. The Admiral has retreated to Lusignan, and there gathers his forces together, which proves La Roche's report to be but vain.—Tours, 5 Oct. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
Oct. 5. 457. The Regent Murray to Queen Elizabeth.
Announces the departure of the commendator of Dunfermline, and will not weary her with repetition of anything that he has in charge.—Kelso, 5 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
Oct. 5. 458. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Desires him to credit the Commendator of Dumfermline as he knows him to be both trusty and honest, also that David Ker, of "Sheilstokebrayes," a notorious trespasser now worthily kept in prison at Berwick, may be delivered up to him.—Kelso, 5 October 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Oct. 6. 459. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Expresses his sorrow at the news which he sends. The battle continued doubtful until 3 p.m., but in the end the Admiral's footmen were all broken and his horsemen put to flight, Monsieur pursuing the chase for the space of four leagues, having gained the artillery and 3,000 of the reiters' chariots. The reiters of Volrade von Mansfeldt's own regiment fought very valiantly, but the others did not so well acquit themselves. They say 13,000 men are slain upon the field. The Duke of Guise is hurt in the hand and foot, the Rhinegrave and Bassompierre wounded, and the Marquis of Baden was slain in the second charge. The King departs towards Chinon where no want of misery will be, being a place sore wasted with the two armies. Sends an arrêt whereby a great number of the religion are touched. Understands the number of slain is about 6,000, the most part lansquenets, who cowardly retiring themselves, were all cut to pieces. There was as much slaughter of the King's cavalry as theirs, and M. D'Anjou was borne to the ground off his horse. The Admiral has retired to Lusignan where he assembles his people.—6 October. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
Oct. 6. 460. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires him to credit what the bearer has in charge to say, and to send any news that he may have.—Shene, 6 October 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¼.
Oct. 7. 461. The Queen to Lord Scrope.
Is informed that the Earl of Murray is come towards the Borders with determination to pursue and chastise the great number of disordered persons being peace-breakers, robbers, and otherwise offenders against the common peace of both realms. Commands him to his uttermost to concur with the said Earl. Requires better regard to be had to the observation of this order than was had last year upon a like occasion.—Windsor, 7 October 1569.
Draft. Endd. P. ¾.
Oct. 7. 462. The Spanish Ambassador to Sir George Speke.
Complains of the proceedings of the commissioners appointed for the sale of the goods belonging to the Spaniards which were detained in England.—London, 7 October 1569. Signed.
Add., with seal. Span. Pp. 1¼.
[Oct. 7.] 463. Proceedings in the Court of Admiralty.
Commission for certain officers in the Court of Admiralty to investigate charges of piracy committed by Englishmen on the Spaniards, and endorsed with an order for Sir John Pollard to restore a ship called "Fortuna Maris " which had been seized by him.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
Oct. 10. 464. Sir Henry Norris to Leicester and Cecil.
1. Gives further particulars of the battle of Moncontour. On the day of the battle certain of the Admiral's horsemen surprised a treasurer coming out of the Limousin with 30,000 francs. On Monsieur presenting the battle, the Admiral charged his squadron with 2,000 reiters and such French gensdarmes as he had, and furiously striking upon the battle marvellously shook the same, but in the retreat being encountered on the flank by M. D'Aumale and the Marquis of Villars they received some loss. Nevertheless there was charge and recharge made, every squadron fighting his turn, but in the end the Admiral was forced to retire with his cavalry. The infantry being left unsustained and the Duke of Guise charging them with the light horsemen, the lansquenets cowardly without resistance drawing to the French for succour abandoned the artillery, and were the cause not only of their own losses but likewise of a great part of the French. Divers cornets of reiters seeing the battle lost ran to their baggage and took what they thought most dear to them leaving their chariots.
2. The number slain is accounted 8,000 whereof there be but 400 horsemen. The prisoners of mark are M. D'Acier and La Noue of Brittany. Besides those already given there is slain on the King's side Count Mansfield, the general of the Walloons, and MM. De Vacon and De Mailly. There are 115 ensigns taken by Monsieur, whereof 55 were brought hither by M Tavannes. One has been found dead with the Toison d'or about his neck. Monsieur marching forward found Niort, Chatelherault, and other places abandoned, which confirms this disaster to be very great. It is held that the Admiral is at Rochelle with the Princes and the Queen of Navarre. Yesterday a soldier assured the King that he had slain since the battle M. de Mouy with a harquebussade of triple shot in the head, and further said there was a complot of six soldiers every one choosing his man of the chiefest of the Admiral's company to slay him. Doubts nothing will more [endanger] the Admiral's safety than the 50,000 crowns which the Parisians have decreed to him who shall murder him.
3. Understands that the galleys are come to stop the traffic of Rochelle. Tours, 10 October 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Damaged by damp. Pp. 1¾.
Oct. 10. 465. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Colonel Julius and the others have gone to London very well content that the Queen has been pleased to send Mr. Middlemore to make preparations for their passage. Sends a letter which they have brought from the Queen of Navarre for the Queen of England.—Shene, 10 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
Oct. 12. 466. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Forwards a letter for the commendator of Dunfermline, which he desires him to deliver.—Kelso, 12 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
Oct. 13. 467. Queen Elizabeth to the Regent Murray.
Has received his letters by George Carey, her cousin, and where it appears that the Duke of Norfolk did first motion unto him the matter of the marriage with the Scottish Queen, she earnestly requires him to consider well, and that she may have as many proofs with circumstances as he can well compass, to make it appear that the said Duke moved it to him or any of his, and that it was not moved by him to the Duke. The more evident the proofs shall be the better will she allow of him and his actions. Thinks herself not well used if any have reported that she did ever allow of any such marriage, as indeed she never did or in reason will do.
Draft by Cecil. Endd. P. 1.
Oct. 15. 468. Henry Champernowne to Cecil.
1. Sends an account of the battle of Moncontour, which he states to have occurred on the 10th October. Supposes in all there are 12,000 footmen lost. The Admiral was hurt in the face with a pistol. Are driven to their towns and holds until they can assemble again. Look for Montgomery out of Gascony, at whose coming they will fight again.—St. Jean d'Angely, 15 Oct.
2. P.S.—M. de Mouy was hurt by one of his own company, who meant to have shot him through the head, but hit him in the neck. By this means they were fain to yield New Yorke [Niort] to the enemy. The King has sent 2,000 horse to M. D'Anville to fight with Count Montgomery and interrupt his coming. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
Oct. 16. 469. The Princes of Navarre and Condé to Cecil.
Have sent to the Cardinal of Chatillon a discourse of the late battle, which they have desired him to communicate to him, by which also he will see the condition in which they are at present. Express their gratitude for the zeal and favour which he has always shown towards their cause.— Xaintes, 16 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Oct. 16. 470. M. De Cavaignies to Cecil.
They still have as great a force of both French and German cavalry as before the late battle, who keep up their resolution and courage, but they have great lack of money to pay the reiters. Has told the lord whom he knows what Cecil communicated to him at his departure, for which he thanks him. Desires him to let the Cardinal of Chatillon know what assistance he can render them whilst they are waiting for the succours which are coming from Germany.—Xaintes, 16 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Oct. 16. 471. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. The Regent has unfeignedly to his great pains travailed and to his uttermost endeavoured to procure justice on the Borders. On the 10th and 11th inst. he came to Ridingburn, and from 9 a.m. till after 5 p.m. debated and determined such causes as came before them, and made to this Border a great delivery.
2. P.S.—Desires Cecil to further the suit of his servant Scudamore.—Berwick, 16 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Oct. 10 & 11. 472. Justice on the Borders.
A list of twenty-one English bills filed upon the Scots and delivered at Ridingburn, for horses and cattle stolen, amounting, principal, double and "saffee," to 1,200l. 12s. 10d. There were twenty-five bills besides filed, the delivery of which was respited to the 8th November, which are likely to be more than 1,000l. sterling; and yet there remain six or seven score unanswered, besides those of the Marches.
Endd.: 10 & 11 Oct. 1569. Pp. 3¼. Enclosure.
Oct. 16. 473. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Has received the Queen's letter commanding him to concur with the Lord Regent of Scotland in chastising the offenders against the common peace of both realms. Whatever negligence or oversight happened last year in his absence, he will foresee and regard the same at this time, so as he trusts the said Regent will have no just cause of complaint.—Carlisle, 16 Oct. 1569. Signed.
P. ¾.
Oct. 16. 474. Thomas Leighton to Cecil.
Found the Marquis Vitelli at Dover, to whom he declared Her Majesty's pleasure from point to point. He was thankful that the Queen would accept him to her presence, but wished that all his servants might have come with him. Though it was thought that himself with five persons was sufficient, he has presumed so much beyond his commission as to let them have two horses more. Sends the names of the eight that came, and of the others who remain.—Dover, 16 Oct. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 475. The Marquis Chapin Vitelli.
List of the names of the gentlemen and others who accompanied the Marquis to Dover, where they remain, with the exception of eight, about forty-four in all.
Ital. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
Oct. 20. 476. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Doctor Wolph, councillor of the late Duke of Deux Ponts, has just arrived from Rochelle, having charge from the noblemen there to inform Her Majesty of the state of their affairs. Desires to know her pleasure herein.—Shene, 20 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
Oct. 21. 477. The Regent Murray to Queen Elizabeth.
At the receipt of her letter of the 13th inst. he was ready to enter Liddlesdale for pursuit of the thieves and peace breakers, so that he wanted the commodity to satisfy her desire presently, all writings touching the matter mentioned being sent back to Edinburgh. The order of the moving of that marriage he has already, to his best remembrance, declared to Mr. Carey, and whatsoever he can collect further that may make the truth more evident shall be sent to her as soon as possible.—Hawick, 21 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
Oct. 22. 478. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Is uncertain whether the Duke of Norfolk be free or not from any contract. These words in his letter are to be considered, "that he is so far proceeded in that matter as with "conscience and honour he cannot turn back." Has received no answer as to how he shall behave himself in uttering of the matter moved by Mr. Carey, and therewithal to keep the same secret; for he is not able to know his ability before he has tasted the minds of divers, which is hard to do keeping therewithal secrecy. Prays him to move the Queen not to take two or three days delay in evil part, and to thank her for the readiness and good concurrence which he has found in all her wardens.—Hawick, 22 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
Oct. 22. 479. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Has furnished the Regent with 200 soldiers, and sent the Queen's letters to him. The Regent has desired him to send all letters coming from the south to the Laird of Grange. The Regent minds to be a witness of the siege of Dumbarton in person. The cause of this long holding out has been the messages and comfort ere this to have been relieved by the [Scottish] Queen. Home goes not this journey with the Regent, but sends his friends and servants. Many of the Marches have refused him, and have gone to Earl Morton. Lethington is found to be "the principal person for beginning the trouble"some cause." Robert Melville was not ignorant of the beginning thereof, but brought the Queen's mind to Lethington. Grange's coming to Kelso was to make it known to Scotland that he was of the Regent's [party]. He offered to render up the castle again, but the Regent would not receive it. He has given up the provostship. Lethington has made an offer to the Regent for agreement, but it will not yet be harkened unto. Argyle now determines to conform himself to the Regent. Lord Seton minds secretly to depart into France. The Earls of Eglinton and Cassilis accompany the Regent. The English soldiers remain at Jedworth. There is a principal person of the Hamilton's slain. Another attempt to put victuals into Dumbarton has failed. Complains of want of money. Fears there is also scarcity of powder.—Berwick, 22 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Oct. 23. 480. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Sends a packet from the Regent. The soldiers are returned not having passed further than Jedworth. Perceives that the Regent minds to do some further displeasure unto Sandy Armstrong.—Berwick, 23 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Oct. 23. 481. The Queen to the Regent Murray.
Has heard the bearer hereof, the Commendator of Dunfermline, in all such things as have been committed to his charge, whose sufficiency she well allows. After report made by certain of her Council, she perused such writings as he had exhibited to them. Finds the matters first propounded by her very weighty, and Murray's answers thereto to have been with great deliberation conceived, and to carry with them much reason in the most part, but yet finds not any clear resolution how any convenient end may succeed hereof without such evident peril and danger as in wisdom is not to be chosen. Has shown her mind to the bearer, upon whose report she desires him to consider the same, and with speed advertise her.
Draft by Cecil. Endd. P. ¾.
Oct. 23. 482. Maitland of Lethington to Cecil.
The continuance of Cecil's accustomed favour is no small comfort to him at this time. None can long be employed in the public managing of Princes' affairs who shall not at some time taste the malice of the world and the envy of the Court, whereof his lot is to feel the experience in his own person. Although there be a number conjured against him, of which the most part are bound to him for private benefits, he still has as good friendship of the noblest and best of the country as any man of his degree. Doubts not but that his enemies will endeavour by untrue reports to make him odious to the Queen of England, but trusts that she has had so good proof of his upright meaning towards herself, that she will not conceive any sinister opinion of him until he has been first heard. It has been reported to him that Crawford, who at Stirling accused him, had no commission from his master to do so, as appears by a letter written to him which Cecil has read. Prays him, if he possibly can, to find means to retire that letter into his hands, and to send it hither, to the end that by Lethington's showing the same, the malice of his enemies may be convinced, who still purge themselves of the device of this calumnious accusation.—Stirling Castle, 23 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
Oct. 23. 483. Kirkcaldy of Grange to the Earl of Bedford.
Can declare no better or certain ground for the committing of Lethington to ward but the malice and envy of some of his enemies, who by means of a faction have craftily induced the Regent to do that which he was most unwilling to do. Is assured that Murray in his heart sore repents that ever he yielded to their passions. Doubts not but that the trial will issue in a declaration of the innocence of Lethington and the confusion of his enemies. In the meantime he prays him and his other friends to suspend their judgments. Dares say that Bedford has heard something against himself that in the handling of this matter he has not done his duty to the Regent. Declares that nothing will ever make him spot his poor honesty whereunto he will ever have greater respect than to his life.—Edinburgh Castle, 23 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Oct. 24. 484. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires him to procure a passport for M. De Schomberg to go to Hamburg, and also that he may have licence to export three hackneys, two of which he intends to present to the Elector Palatine and the Duke Casimir.—Shene, 24 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ¾.
Oct. 25. 485. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
1. Has concurred with the Regent for the reformation of the thieves, and taken order for the avoiding the receipt both of them and their goods. The Regent has made great fires and done great hurt, through terror whereof all the whole surnames both of Liddlesdale and otherwheres are generally come in and entered unto him good assurance and pledges for their obedience from henceforth. He has promised to appoint an officer at whose hands Scrope shall receive redress in all causes. Has moved the Regent for the apprehension of Prestall, giving him to understand where he is in secret kept, though he with whom he is reports that he has gone to Germany; who has promised to do what in him lies.
2. P.S.—Lord Herries has sent special commandment to all his that they shall be at the Regent's command in all respects. —Carlisle, 25 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Oct. 27. 486. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The King departing from Tours on the 11th inst., Norris sent his secretary to attend on the Court, from whom he is advertised that the camp being at St. Jean D'Angely, he went to view the place, the site whereof is somewhat strong but commanded on the north side. The town is environed with infantry on all sides. They stay the bringing of their artillery to the town for lack of powder. For that it is judged that the town will be defended to the utmost, the infantry knowing what danger it is to assail a breach have requested to have the gendarmes' cuirasses, which is granted to them. In the piece commands Captains Piles and Rovergne with 1,000 men. There is daily shooting out of the trenches and town, but as yet there is no sortie made. The Admiral was hurt in the face at the battle with a pistol shot, and is at Cognac, two rivers being betwixt him and Monsieur. The dead body that was found with the toison d'or was that of Ludovic of Nassau. The King to animate his soldiers has brought to the camp 600,000 francs. He has likewise sent 300,000 francs into Germany to make a new levy for next spring. There is muttering that the King will practise some composition with the reiters. There is an English merchant taken lately by St. Jean D'Angely and grown to composition with the parties for 100 crowns for his ransom, which is very strange considering the amity betwixt the Princes, that merchants should be taken as good prize. His name is John Hopkins, servant to Mr. Hickins of Bristol, who says that he saw, fifteen days since in the river of Bordeaux, eight galliots, two foists, and two great ships equipped for war. His grief was great to hear the disquiet that the Duke's sudden departure caused both Her Majesty and the Council. His wife is very ill troubled with a lame leg.—Tours, 27 Oct. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 27. 487. The Judge of the Admiralty Court to Cecil.
On receipt of the Council's letter, they framed certain articles agreeable to their advice, which they delivered to the commissioners for the French matters, wherewith they are not contented. Sends a copy of the said articles. The merchants of London are very careless of the matter, though they have at Rouen in their own and Frenchmen's names above 20,000l. besides the adventure to Bordeaux.—London, 27 Oct. 1569. Signed: David Lewes.
Add. Endd., with seal. P.½.
Oct. 27. 488. Answer to the French Commissioners.
Certain articles proposed by the French commissioners for regulating the restoration of the merchants' goods stayed in England and France with the answers of the other side.
Enclosed in Lewes' letter to Cecil. P. 1¼.
Oct. 29. 489. The Regent Murray to the Queen.
1. Has already declared to Mr. Carey the order and circumstances of his proceeding in the Duke of Norfolk's matter, wherein seeing her not fully satisfied, he will, to his best remembrance, collect the things omitted that may serve for manifestation of the truth. Cannot well affirm that the Duke of Norfolk did first directly and in plain words motion the matter of the marriage to him; howbeit it will appear that others have gone about to make him (Murray) the author and instrument of their devices. When first at York he was moved to "suit" familiar conference with the Duke in order to procure expedition. He suspected nothing less than that the Duke pretended to the said marriage, but now perceives that it was pressed at to make him the motioner of all things. What was talked betwixt the Duke and Lethington the day they rode to Cawood was without his commandment or foreknowledge.
2. So soon as he had spoken with the Duke he partly smelt his intentions, for when he that chiefly had the hearing of the matter declared himself so careful to have the Queen's shame covered and her honour repaired, showed her interest in the title to the crown of England, which had so many friends; that it was convenient she had no children, there being but one babe proceeded of her, and the Hamiltons, Murray's unfriends, having the next respect; also Murray should esteem that the issue of her body would be more affectionate to him than any other who might attain to that room. It may well be thought by such speeches what he pretended to, but there was no other thing substantial communicated in that purpose to Murray before his departing forth of England than is already written with Master Carey, save that the Duke willed him to make none privy to that which was spoken betwixt them in the park at Hampton Court. When Murray required him to procure that Bothwell might be sent for to be executed, he answered that Her Majesty would nowise solicit to the same, but purposely had him living above the Queen of Scots' head to stay her from any other marriage. Mr. John Wood had no kind of instruction from him to the Duke, but it is true that after he had remained twenty days at the Court he was willed by him to write to Murray to know what he would do in the matter of the marriage, which was the first time that it was motioned in plain words to him. The Duke willed him to write that if Murray would make the Queen to be restored to her honour and crown and the unlawful marriage with Bothwell to be dissolved; then should the third follow, that was the marriage betwixt the Duke and her, and consequently all things that he could wish to his weal and surety. Being advised not to make strange with the Duke he wrote again to Wood in cipher, confirm to his declaration sent by Carey. The Duke liked well of the answer, save in one point, where Murray desired the marriage to precede the restitution; wherein the Duke, seeing he could not prevail with him, then was Her Highness (as they judged) urged to come to some end in the said Queen's cause. Being uncertain what was Her Majesty's contentation in the said matter, Murray thought of no better means to redeem time than to require the consummation of the marriage to precede her restitution, judging that Her Majesty would never allow of the first, and so the next of necessity should fail.
3. When she was persuaded to move the Queen of Scots' restitution by the articles sent by Wood, he was constrained to refuse the same.
4. Was pressed on all hands to redeem time with the Duke as well by reason of his credit and greatness as the uncertainty to what end Her Majesty would incline in the matters of restitution and marriage. The misknowledge of Her Highness's resolution has caused things to be otherwise handled than if she had given them a taste of what should have been the issue of the Queen's cause.—Dumfries, 29 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Pp. 2½.
Oct. 29. 490. Memoranda by Cecil.
Notes of injuries done to the English by the King of Spain's subjects. Also of matters to be considered in treating with Vitelli.
Endd.: 29 Octob. 1569, "Concerning the treaty with the Marquis Vitelli."
P. 1.
Oct. 29. 491. The Regent Murray to the Queen.
Has sent to her some notes collected of that which was omitted in his discourse made to Mr. Carey. Beseeches her to consider them, and that he may have some advertisement of her mind. Desires her not to be offended with the delay.— Dumfries, 29 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Oct. 29. 492. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Such things as were by his letter required he will receive herewith. Cannot blame him for finding the late proceedings strange, but seeing Her Highness so earnestly travailing for the Queen of Scots' restoration, he could not think it profitable to lose the benevolence of such as seemed bent that way, having no taste of Her Highness's misliking of the purpose. Uncertainty with them has bred uncertainty here. Wishes that on both sides the matter had been more plainly handled. Can do nothing till he hears from him in the matter moved by Mr. Carey. Has been inclosed in an unhappy country plenished with thieves, with whom he has taken order.— Dumfries, 29 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Oct. 30. 493. Alfonso Ferrabosco to Cecil.
Begs him to continue his good opinion of him and to remain his protector and favourer.—Bologna, 30 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. P. ½.
Oct. 31. 494. John Wood to Cecil.
1. The Regent has had a very prosperous journey upon the frontiers.
2. It is thought that Dumbarton is in a great strait.
3. There is great expectation of this day of law of the Secretary.
4. Begs his forgiveness for not having been so plain as he thought he should have been.—Manderston, 31 Oct. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Oct. 31. 495. Queen Elizabeth to Charles IX.
Has received his letter of Oct. 8, and has great pleasure in hearing of his victory. Offers her services to assuage the evils with which civil war is accompanied.
Queen Elizabeth to Catherine de Medicis.
To the same effect as the above.
Draft. Endd.: 31 Oct. 1569. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
Oct. 496. The French Ambassador to the Queen of England.
Is willed by the King to agree to the things propounded at Farnham Castle on 10th August for the trade between England and France. He also desires that she will cause her subjects to forbear oft repair and traffic to Rochelle. Cannot agree to restrain the trade of his subjects to and from England and Flanders during the present suspension. Desires that a day may be appointed for the execution of the restitution of prizes on both sides. Requires that the Queen of Scots shall not be put into the hands of her enemies, and that nothing be said or done impertinent to her dignity as a sovereign princess. Also that he may be resolved what succours the Queen of England means to give to place her in her estate, and that she will not suffer her evil subjects to settle their matters against her by the spoil of the country and taking the town of Dumbarton.
2. Copy with English translation in the margin, and also notes by Cecil.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Oct. 497. Treaty of Commerce between the Grand Turk and the King of France.
Consisting of eighteen articles wherein the Sultan Selim promises that the subjects of the King of France trading to the Levant, and other parts of his dominions shall not be robbed, enslaved, or otherwise molested, but shall be given every reasonable aid and encouragement in their traffic.— Constantinople, Oct. 1569.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 5¼.
Oct. 498. Goods of Englishmen arrested in Britanny.
Note of ships and goods belonging to Englishmen arrested by the King's officers in Britanny, of the total value of 1,900l.
Endd. by Cecil: Oct. 1569. P. 1.
Oct. 499. The Regent to Cecil.
1. This letter is formed upon the very words and device of Lethington. He has flatly denied in any sort to be an accuser of the Duke of Norfolk, thinking he shall escape this storm. Prays Cecil earnestly to consider of that which is in hand, and to give frequent signification of his meaning, seeing they have none other at whose hand they can look for advertisement. The matter imparted to him by the Commendator of Dunfermline must take some reasonable time. There lacks a warden for the West Marches. Lord Herries gives good words and would fain be at liberty, but Murray cannot be persuaded of his true meaning. This will compel him soon again to repair to the West. Although he had Lethington's promise not to write to England without his knowledge, yet he understands that within these twelve days he has written to Cecil.
2. The great papist Laird of Seyfeld has become a good Christian man.
3. P.S.—Lethington counts it not wisdom on Murray's part to have touched anything tending to the Duke's accusation. Signed.
Pp. 1¼.