Elizabeth: May 1569

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: May 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp67-82 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp67-82.

"Elizabeth: May 1569". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp67-82.

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May 1569

May. 242. Advices.
Reports of certain intended marriages between the different royal families of Europe, state of affairs in France, levyings of troops in Italy, and the grant of certain imposts to the Duke of Alva by the Estates.
Endd. by Cecil: Advices brought by Mr. Cavalcanti's brother, May 1569. Ital. P. 1.
May 3. 243. Requests of the French Ambassador.
Desires that orders may be sent to the officers at the Queen's ports, and certain measures taken for the suppression of the depredations committed on the King of France's subjects, and also that the Queen will prohibit all traffic with Rochelle.
Draft, with notes by Cecil in the margin. Endd. Pp. 2½.
May 5. 244. Copy of the French ambassador's requests in French with Cecil's answers annexed on a separate sheet of paper.
Endd. in a more modern hand: July 1569. Pp. 3.
May 4. 245. Dr. Christopher [Schevius] to Killegrew.
After Killegrew's departure he went to Frankford in order to learn what was passing at the Diet, and to confer with the counsellors of the Elector of Saxony. Forwards letters from the Elector Palatine by which he may perceive how matters stand with the French King and the Prince of Condé. Although no proposition has been made by the Emperor's commissioners, he understands that there are only two heads, the one how to proceed against the Duke of Zweybruck, and the other how the expenses incurred by the Elector of Saxony in the Swedish war may be recovered. The Emperor presses for a general diet to be held at Nuremberg in September, in which various matters for the reformation of religion and the affairs of the empire are to be considered. Sends him extracts from the papers of [Domini Lucii] who is dead, by which he may perceive what designs there are against the Queen of England. Hopes to be with the Elector of Saxony in two days time, when he will write again.—Leipsic, 4 May 1569. Signed in cipher.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
May 5. 246. Answer to the Articles exhibited by the Spanish Ambassador to the Privy Council.
Fifty-five in number, consisting chiefly of a general denial of all his statements. Offer if he will name some of the King of Spain's subjects that they will allow them to peruse the state of the goods detained.
Lat. Pp. 3½.
247. Draft of the above in English, principally in Cecil's writing.
Endd.: 5 May 1569. Pp. 3½.
May 6. 248. The Vidame of Chartres to the Queen.
Hopes that his arrival in her kingdom will not be displeasing to her. M. de Pardaillan and the Earl of Leicester could inform her of the cause of his determination to come, which was taken long before the late sad event in France.
Intends afterwards to visit the Elector Palatine.—Exeter, 6 May 1569.
Signed. Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 2¼.
May 6. 249. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Has been prevented from writing earlier by sickness. Understands that certain in the Court have thought from his coming into England either that he was not well affected to the cause or despaired of its success, which he denies. Has come over with his wife to enjoy tranquillity. Complains of the ingratitude of a certain person to whom he had shown kindness at Rochelle, and asks Cecil to interpose his authority that he may not be put to loss and expense. Desires that the wine which he has brought with him for the use of his family may be exempted from payment of duty.—Exeter, 6 May 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2¼.
May 8. 250. Henry Killegrew to Cecil.
Sends one of his people towards him with full reports of all his doings, whom he trusts will arrive before the coming of these presents, and therefore omits to enlarge anything further. —Hamburg, 8 May 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
May 9. 251. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Mons. D'Anjou having besieged a town called Mussidan, and having made a breach which was thought saultable, the Count Brissac, whilst viewing the same, was with a harquebuss shot, striken beneath the eye, and out again at the nape of the neck, wherewith he fell dead. He was a very forward young gentleman, but one who used great cruelty to them of the religion. The King greatly laments his death, insomuch as being wont, with the nobility of his train, to be apparelled like reiters with high hats and great feathers, he now wears nothing but black. Sends copies of certain letters to the Duke of Deuxpont, which have been intercepted and brought to the King. There has chanced a rude skirmish between the Dukes of Deuxpont and Aumale, near Beaune. Is sorry that the Vidame of Chartres has come away as it will greatly touch him in honour. La Croix has been accused of giving advertisements to the Earl of Leicester of the proceedings here. Monsieur has won Mussidan and put all the soldiers to the sword, to the number of 400.—Rheims, 9 May. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
252. Intercepted Letters.
Thirteen letters from the Prince of Navarre and the other leaders of the Hugenot army in Saintonge to the Duke of Deuxponts, and certain noblemen in his camp, and to the Prince of Orange. Earnestly urging them to advance on the Loire, and declaring that notwithstanding the death of the Prince of Condé, their other losses have been small, and that their forces are not diminished or disheartened thereby.
Copy, enclosed in Norris's letter of May 9. Endd. by Cecil: Letters from the army in Xaintonge to the camp of the Duke of Bipont.
Fr. Pp. 4.
May 10. 253. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Informs her of the skirmish between the armies of the Dukes of Aumale and Deuxponts. Four or five hundred died of both sides, besides prisoners of mark taken. The Duke of Deuxponts marches on burning and wasting the country, which leaves the less commodity for his enemy to follow him, so as he is now near La Charité, which is the place of the appointed rendezvous. Mentions the siege of Mussidan and the death of the young Count Brissac, and the grief of the King. They daily look to hear that the Admiral shall advance forwards, upon Deuxpont's approaching the Loire. The Duke of Nemours has departed from the camp, as is suspected upon the old quarrel of competency. There have lately arrived two ambassadors from the Dukes of Savoy and Florence, to congratulate the King on the victory against the Prince of Condé. —Rheims, 10 May 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
May 10. 254. Advices from France.
Mons. D'Andelot is dead at Xaintes. From appearances it is thought he was poisoned. Are raising money with all diligence for the reiters. The army is preparing to march. They want a reinforcement of 2,000 or 3,000 reiters, but their infantry is twice as numerous as that of the enemy, but not so well armed. Sends a little book. Encloses fourteen verses in Latin on the death of Condé.
Add. Endd.: 10 May 1569. Fr. P. 1.
May 12. 255. Lady Norris to Cecil.
Forwards certain things which she has received from a friend of her husband. Thanks him for his letters, and also for her son, to whom, as she understands, he is more like a father than otherwise.—Paris, 12 May. Signed: Margery Norris.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
May 12. 256. Peter Adrian to Cecil.
1. Peter Adrian, of Rye, serving as captain in one of the King's Majesty's ships of Denmark, chanced to be lodged in a merchant's house in Copenhagen, where also happened to be a young Scots gentleman named William Murray, who was once the Queen of Scotland's chamberlain, and also fled with the Lord Bothwell out of Scotland, and upon suspicion of the King's death was stayed in Copenhagen by Captain Clerk (general of the footmen in Denmark). Clerk seeing the familiarity between him and Murray, sent for him privily, and requested him as he was a true Englishman, and would do good service to his country, to understand as much as he might from Murray of the doings of Bothwell, and how he meant to proceed in his affairs. Adrian, considering his request was honest and conformant to reason, acquainted himself further with the said Murray, "and fed his humours with courteous talks, lamenting very much the present state of the Lord Bothwell," and promised to do to the uttermost of his power for him. Murray forthwith wrote to Bothwell declaring what a honest friendly Englishman he had found, and Bothwell wrote back that he should repair to him at Malmoe Castle. Having made Clerk privy hereunto he departed towards Bothwell, who, after gratulations and divers courteous welcomes, made very much of him, and promised so to recompense him that he should for ever after live by him; who likewise forgot not to feed Bothwell, with all the gentlest and most courteous talks that he could. He remained with him four days and lacked no cheer, and a great number of talk.
2. Amongst other things Bothwell marvelled that the Queen of England should keep the Queen of Scotland as captive and prisoner, and said that it was against all good nature to show her such cruelty, since the Queen of England was so good and gracious to such rebels and traitors as fled out of Scotland as the Earl of Murray and others. He also wished himself in England to be tried by law, for that he has much wrong in Denmark in being held prisoner for the death of the King of Scotland, whereof he is innocent, and no law has power over him, seeing he is acquitted by two assizes of the nobility of Scotland, and therefore he can only be touched by tyranny. He doubts no man in England so much as Cecil.
3. He said if the two secretaries in England and Scotland were dead both realms would be better, and that the Queen of Scots had persuaded him always to be quiet with Lethington, and that he had answered that if he made not an end of him he would be his destruction as now the Queen has had good trial. Further, he of his good nature had procured those rebels pardons who fled into England, who now are his chief enemies. Furthermore, he persuaded Adrian to go into France with his letters to the King, the Queen Mother, the Cardinal of Guise, a certain Scotch bishop, and M. de Martigues, to the effect that they should get him out of Denmark and let him have certain French soldiers, and so would land at Dumbarton and tread over the bellies of all the Queen's enemies and his own. And as he was determined to write, news was brought that war was proclaimed between England and France, whereupon he requested Adrian to stay till he had heard further news. If at any time Adrian may have his letters it is concluded between him and Captain Clerk to send them directly to Cecil. Bothwell also said that he would be true to Scotland and France during his life, and would not break that league for the amity of England, and that the most part of the nobility of Scotland will not break the league with France, and those who are in amity with England do but dissemble, for that he had heard divers times the judgment as well of the Earl of Murray as others, that the English were good companions but too proud to be masters. He also wrote the names here enclosed (missing) of those who were of the Queen's side and those who were for England.
4. He swore if ever he came out to have Captain Clerk's throat cut. He asked if the Queen of England had written to the King of Denmark against him, and offered the King Orkney and Shetland if he would release him. Captain Clerk, who is a very honest gentleman, is an utter enemy to Bothwell for his wicked life, for he said unto him that he murdered the King, the which he denies, but denies not that it was with his consent.
5. Bothwell requested Adrian to desire the Lord Peter Ox to send him into Scotland to be tried, "and those that mean to black his face, that their faces be as far forth blacked as his in that offence," who answered that the King had no leisure as yet to make him answer. Offers his services if the Queen of England has wars.—Copenhagen, 12 May 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 12. 257. Captain Clerk to Cecil.
This country and Sweden are altogether bent to make peace. Can have no assured answer for Bothwell's deliverance, and that because of the keeping of the Queen of Scots in England, seeing that the King here is advertised that she is also criminable in the crime as the Earl was, and "more she was princess and superior, and the other inferior to serve her commands and lusts, partly by affection given to the same and partly by her command, doth commit the said murder, as is evidently known." Understands that the Queen has ado with Spain and Flanders. Has here 1,500 hagbutters, Scottishmen, experimented and well armed, who shall be altogether ready to serve Her Majesty. Offers to raise in Germany such number as she may command. Sends news of Poland and the assembling of men on the Rhine.—Copenhagen, 12 May 1569. Signed.
Add Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
May 12. 258. Henry Killegrew to Cecil.
Gives an account of his negociation, with the Elector Palatine (see April 11 and 16). If things fall not out so substantially as Cecil looked for, the lack thereof is rather to be assigned to the weakness of the Elector's ministers and the want of deep speculation than to any lack of sincerity in his Grace. Presented him with the Queen's proclamation, which, for the better answering of one article touching the stay of the Spanish money, &c., he desired Mundt to translate. Said also as of himself that the Queen with her most honourable Council had special regard to the Prince of Orange and others whom those moneys were sent to offend. This good Prince has so kindly received and interpreted the Queen's letters, that if she could forbear 20,000l. it would be well employed and also serve to great purpose for the safety of the Protestants in France and elsewhere, to the disappointing of the enemy's purposes and desires in many places. Duke Casimir has assured the rittmasters who had the leading of his reiters in these late wars in France, that he would adventure his life and what he could make besides for the recovering of their moneys due to them, so as they would follow him; whereunto they all in such sort gave their consents that it was determined that they should be ready to march by midsummer next. His meaning is if he may compass the aid of some Protestant princes of Germany, to require Metz for the Emperor, and not to return his army until the liberty of religion be granted, the Duke of Alva and the Spaniards sent into Spain, and Calais restored to England. Thus much did his Grace and his son enlarge unto him at his last being with them, and because the matter was of weight, and required haste (seeing the opinion of the Elector of Saxony and others was not so soon to be had) it was thought good for avoiding such further suspicion as his longer stay might have occasioned, that he should come to this town and dispatch an express messenger to the Queen's Majesty, with the contents thereof; and if the Queen would disburse any money for the furtherance of this new army, that the same might be brought to them by such as she should appoint; and if the contrary fell out, then is he, by the Palsgrave's own appointment, to direct that answer to Dr. Mundt, and himself to return into England. Mundt has promised his diligence for the conveyance of letters, which is a hard matter to be done presently. Desires that some other more sufficient may be sent hither to supply his want in this commission if Her Majesty's pleasure be to proceed further herein. Forwards letters from the Palsgrave and Duke Casimir to the Queen and Cecil. — Hamburg, 12 May 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 14. 259. The Cardinal Chatillon to Cecil.
Has written to Mons. de Cavaignies to speak to him about a certain captain who has taken a prize from their enemies, to whom he desires him to give credence.—Shene, 14 May 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¼.
May 16. 260. Queen Elizabeth to the Regent Murray.
Has conferred with Mr. John Wood upon matters of weight, which she remits to his declaration, requiring Murray to consider well thereof, and let her have answer by some sufficient person.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: May 16, 1569. P. ½.
May. 261. Plan for the Government of Scotland.
First. How the Queen of Scots might be induced to affirm the estate of her son according to the Parliament held whilst she was in Lochleven, and how his estate with her surety and liberty may be provided.
Secondly. If this cannot be compassed how she may be induced to join in title of the crown with her son, the government to remain during her son's minority in a Regent and Council, and herein what order is to be taken with the Queen for her abode.
Thirdly. If none of these can be compassed then if the Queen should be recognised Queen and her son only remain prince, it would be considered how the things following may serve to any good purposes:
1. That the state of religion may be universally received by all persons in Scotland, according as it was professed by the Regent and those joined with him; and if the Queen will not observe the same, yet she should observe the manners of the religion used in England, and that the Queen and crown of Scotland be delivered from the superiority challenged by the Bishop of Rome.
2. The government to be established in the Earl of Murray and a council of the nobility, until the Prince come to eighteen years of age, and the offices of the realm to be committed to persons not to be changed without the assent of the Regent and more part of the Council.
3. A full accord between the Queen and her subjects, and betwixt the subjects themselves, and all lands to be restored in state as they were at the Queen's committing to Lochleven.
4. No strangers to be suffered to remain in the realm other than known merchants and necessary household servants.
5. A perpetual league to be made betwixt England and Scotland, and the amity betwixt Scotland and France to remain as it does between England and France.
6. The things following to be considered for assurance of the premises:
1. The articles of this treaty to be accorded tripartly, i.e for the Queen of England, the Queen of Scots, and the Prince of Scotland, and the subjects.
2. That they may be established by Parliament with penalties.
3. If the Queen break any of them she shall forfeit her estate to her son.
4. Hostages to be given by both parties to remain in England till the Prince shall be eighteen.
5. To be considered in what place the Queen of Scots shall remain.
Endd. by Cecil: May 1569. Copy of a writing delivered to Mr. John Wood. Pp. 2.
May 19. 262. Lord Hunsdon to Sir William Cecil.
Complains of the absence of the Marshal and Treasurer. All the burden and toil lies on his neck, and his purse feels it more than he will recover these three years. If licenses for eight weeks may serve for eight months, doubts not but that he will find like favour. Requests his consideration for the posts, who have been continually occupied since his coming. All Cecil's stones are on the wharf ready to be shipped.— Berwick, 19 May 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 19. 263. Lord Hunsdon to the Privy Council.
1. Desires to know their pleasure with regard to fifteen men whom he has in prison for coining Scottish money. The Earl of Argyle has promised to put in surety for his obedience to the King on the 26th inst., and to pass in proper person with the Regent into the north. The Earl of Crawford and Lord Ogilvy have also promised to serve the King henceforth and to abide the Regent's order, for such offences as they with the Earl of Huntly committed against the Earl of Morton in July last, where they conspired his taking and slaughter, which they had almost put in execution. On the 10th inst. the Earl of Huntly came also to St. Andrew's, who made two requests, the one that he and all that ever assisted him might have a free pardon, and that they might have a discharge by Parliament of such spoils and intermission of goods as they had attempted and committed since these last troubles; but both the conditions were thought very unreasonable. The first that if he should, under that his appointment, retain the whole mass that joined with him, then would they and others cleave again to him upon such like occasions.
2. The second might not with conscience be granted, to give away other men's goods without restitution or recompense.
3. After long conference to and fro, Huntly, having many friends there, at last they concluded that he should receive the King as his Sovereign, and obey his authority during his minority, and thereupon give his solemn oath and subscription. Huntly also was contented to do, for satisfaction of Morton in honour and otherwise, as the Regent shall think reasonable. If any that assisted him rebel against the King or his authority, Huntly is to repress or bring them to justice. He is also to deliver up the cannon which he has with all her furniture. For observation of these articles Huntly shall enter as pledges to the Regent George Lord Gordon, his son and heir, Adam Gordon of Achindoun, or his brother, and John Gordon of Cluny.
4. On the other part the Regent has promised to give him a pardon for himself and brother and household servants, and all his own tenants and vassals for all crimes done since June 1567 (idolatry, witchcraft, incest, adultery, murder, and certain other crimes excepted), he paying such sums of money as have been promised and condescended to by Athol, Home, and Lethington his special friends. The Regent has also promised to give pardons in particulars to the Earl's assisters for reasonable fines upon their own several suits.
5. The said Earl has bound himself to satisfy all parties harmed in their goods, and performing all this the Regent has promised him a discharge by Parliament.
6. Huntly not having as much granted as he looked for, has returned to advise with his friends upon condition that he shall either perform his part before the 1st June or then stand at his own peril. Howsoever, the Regent determines to hold on his journey into the North.—Berwick, 19 May 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
May 20. 264. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Finds that the Scottish Queen has complained of him to Her Majesty, for yesterday came one George Kincaird from Wingfield, who brought certain packets to the Duke, to the Earls of Huntly and Argyle, and to the Lord Fleming, and in each of these packets a letter from herself, the copy of the Bishop of Ross' letter from London (Mary Queen of Scots, Vol. III. No. 77), and certain news out of France of the Duke of Anjou's great victory and the utter ruin of Condé and the Admiral, only to encourage her faction to hold off from the Regent. Was so bold as to open some of the said packets; but the messenger will hardly deliver them, as there was a servant of the Regent with Hunsdon, whom he thinks will ease him of his letters by the way. Sends copies of the contents of the packets. Kincaird told him that whilst he was at Wingfield being six days, the Queen of Scots had three messengers out of Scotland, none of whom came this way.— Berwick, 20 May 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
May 20. 265. C. Schevius to Killegrew.
Has received his letters and detained the courier, as he was hourly expecting the arrival of Duke Casimir or else a decided reply from the Elector. The Elector of Saxony is not hostile to their proposal or to the common league. There is certain hope of peace between the Kings of Sweden and Denmark. Promises to meet him at Magdeburg. Nothing has been concluded at Frankfort, but all things have been deferred to the general Diet. All are full of the tyranny of Alva. Will bring a list of those who will serve for pay.— Dresden, 20 May 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3¼.
May 20. 266. The Spanish Ambassador's Answer to the Privy Council.
Is willing to agree to the nomination of commissioners to view the goods which have been arrested. The former lists are deficient both as to the number of the ships and the description of the goods which have been detained. As there is no war between his Catholic Majesty and the Queen the owners ought to have free restitution of their goods, and full compensation for any losses that they may have sustained.
Endd. by Cecil. Lat. P. 1.
List of nine names on a scrap of paper, endd. by Cecil: "Offered to the Spanish Ambassador, the 20 of May, refused the 21 of M."
May 22. 267. Martin Frobisher.
Letter begging for a loan with an acknowledgment of indebtedness and a bond providing for the repayment of 13l. 8s. 8d. Signed by Martin Frobisher.
On separate pieces of paper.
May 22. 268. John Musgrave to Lord Scrope.
Whereas something before the Earl of Murray's return into Scotland, he received a copy of the Queen's letter addressed to all the wardens of these frontiers, specifying her pleasure that no Scotchman should be suffered to pass into England other than such as should bring letters from the said Earl in their recommendation, he has stayed or turned back divers. Yesterday, one Andrew Hamilton, coming from the Queen of Scots, was brought before him, who delivered a letter from the Earl of Shrewsbury, dated 28 April. Musgrave examined him as to the cause of his delay so long after the date of the letter, who at first answered that he had fallen suddenly sick, and so was forced to defer his coming; but in the end confessed that since he had the letter he had secretly both passed into Scotland and returned again. Musgrave causing him to be searched found in divers places 63 several letters, which he sends to the end he may present the same to the Privy Council and understand their pleasure herein. Desires to know whether the Earl of Shrewsbury's letters may be sufficient passport or not.—Carlisle, 22 May 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
May 22. 269. Queen Elizabeth to the Regent Murray.
Writes in favour of the Lord Boyd that he will allow him to go to his house to see his wife and children, and take some stay for his livelihood, and so to return into England.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. P. ½.
May 24. 270. Answer to Cavalcanti.
Seeing that the injury was first offered to the Queen, she will not enter into communication hereof without her honour was first considered, and it was known that they who should treat therein had good authority. "This matter would be so drawn in length that the end of the French matters would be seen before the money would be restored."—24 May 1569.
Imperfect. In Cecil's writing. Endd. P. ½.
May 24. 271. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Desires him to assist the bearer, Rolland Michel, who bringing certain things to Lady Norris, as well as wares of his own, has been most cruelly spoiled to the value of 200 French crowns by one Gregory Porter.—Paris, 24 May 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
May 27. 272. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. Nothing is to be seen or heard here but of great outrages and cruelties used to them of the religion here and at Bordeaux. The Duke of Montmorency coming to La Fere with 500 horse, and the King being at Rheims, it drove the Cardinal of Lorraine into such fear that he led the King by sundry bye-ways to Paris. He further caused it to be bruited by a spy, who should feign that he came from the Prince of Navarre's camp, who brought letters to sundry of the religion here, with further advertisement; that the King should be surprised by the Duke of Montmorency before he came to this town; thinking thereby to animate the Parisians that he should not enter the town without danger of his life. The spy being taken and asked whom he had most served, declared that his bringing up had been in the house of Guise, whereupon it was straight known out of whose shop such good stuff did come. Though they sought to wrap up this foul matter, Montmorency was advertised thereof, who came straight to the King, accompanied only with 80 horse, and Madame Montmorency with her ordinary train of falconers and hunters, who were very gratefully received.
2. On the 24th, word was brought that the Duke de Deuxponts had won La Charité, and passed the river at Sancerre, and that he had taken his oath not to depart France till the Gospel be preached throughout the same, whereat the King was greatly amazed. The Cardinal assured him that he would be bound to lose his head if in the space of 12 days the Duke did not receive so great an overthrow that he would not be able to recover the same; and thereupon wrote to the Chief President, De Thou, to admonish the Eschevins with all speed, to make sale of the Protestant's goods to levy a new army with, which must be compounded of peasants, all their soldiers and men of the greatest value being already abroad.
3. The King has protested not to lie in Paris till all the Protestants in France be ruined. He was at Madame de Piron's house, in the Fauxbourg St. Honoré, on the 23rd June, either to keep his oath or to use his accustomed delights there. Here is a great bruit arisen, by means of an Italian, who has vaunted that he has empoisoned M. D'Andelot, and boasted that he had made the Admiral and him drink both of one cup. Reminds him that long age he advertised him that some Italians were sent abroad well waged to work the like enterprises. M. de Movy on the 30th April, with certain companies of reiters, made a great quarry of his enemies. On the 24th fell such a hail that the greatest number of the hailstones were a great inch and more about, which not only cut down the wheat and destroyed the young vines, but also killed birds and fowls in the fields. The Duke of Alva has written, and would fain make them believe that the Duke of Deuxponts is revoked by the princes of the Empire, which, if he will not obey, they will levy 8,000 horse and 20,000 foot to give him battle.
4. The army of Italy is daily looked for. The hope of peace is clean taken away, and nothing sooner to be looked for than a cruel and bloody battle. The reiters have burnt in Burgundy 150 villages, which the Cardinal said was nothing, trusting shortly to see all repaired again at the charges of them of the religion. Desires Cecil to get the Queen's token or commandment to the Chief Justice to make a final end to his law suit.—Paris, 27 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
May 27. 273. Edmund Mather to Cecil.
Sends news, not as certainties, but as rumours of Boulogne. Reported poisoning of D'Andelot. Movements of the armies. The French are very jealous of Cecil's dealings with the Spaniards, doubting lest he will accord with them. Understands that Mitty has accused the French Ambassador's secretary for secret conveyance of letters, whereupon he is cast into prison. This wicked man's naughty dealings is like to bring trouble to a number, and great unquietness to Mather's master.—Boulogne, 27 May 1563. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
May 27. 274. Henry Killegrew to Cecil.
Goes to Magdeburg to-morrow to hear what Schevius has further to say. The points in his letter touching money for the Duke of Zweybruck and the cathologum stipendiorum came of a letter which he wrote putting him in hope that the Cardinal Chatillon proposed to send a round sum to this town to pay the Duke. Forwards letters. Desires that he may be recalled or else have fuller commission to act. Sends a list of the names of certain Englishmen who have come over with the fleet and are bound into Italy.—Hamburg, 27 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 30. 275. Remonstrance of the French Ambassador.
Complains that the Queen's proclamation of 27th April is too general in its terms, and does not sufficiently provide for the restitution of the goods taken from his master's subjects, or the cessation of such depredations in future. Desires the Queen's promise for restitution, and also that attachments may be granted against such as he may name. Repeats the offers of the French king if the Queen will prevent her subjects from trading with Rochelle.
Endd.: 30 May 1569. Fr. Pp. 1½.
May 31. 276. The Queen to Henry Killegrew.
Expresses satisfaction with his diligence and circumspection. Howsoever the Palsgrave is in his own devotion bent to further the cause of religion, yet he has not satisfied her by his answer in the two great matters which were the principal causes of Killegrew's journey; wherefore, as soon as he shall have understanding of that which shall be notified to him by Duke Casimir from the Elector of Saxony he is to return home as speedily as he may. He is to continue towards those princes her good intention, adding that upon provocation made to her she has now twice sent expressly thither, and without she may have more surety from thence she will not think it meet by any messenger to solicit the same as she has done; yet she will at all times upon honourable motions be found ready to embrace and advance that which shall pertain to the place whereunto she is called. As for contributing for the furtherance of the second journey intended at midsummer into France he shall know her mind by Cecil's letters. Sends a letter of thanks to the Landgrave for his courtesy shown to Killegrew.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: Ult. Maii 1569. Pp. 2¼.
May 31. 277. Henry Killegrew to Cecil.
Encloses copies of letters. There be horsemen levied in all these countries for the Duke of Alva. The league must be the only stay thereof, and the best way to bring that to pass will be the furnishing Duke Casimir with some money to go through with his enterprise.—Magdeburg, 31 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
May 24. 278. A Counsellor of the Duke of Saxony to Killegrew.
His letters have been duly received. Praises the Queen of England's wisdom in taking counsel to repress the tyranny exercised against her neighbours. The banding together and strengthening of the power of those two kings will be formidable not only to England but also to Germany. If the Queen would preserve those who are fighting for the religion in France, and also the tranquillity of her own kingdom, she will take care that the Palatine's army does not lack the sinews of war, for if it is once scattered another will scarcely be collected in Germany. Condé has been cruelly slain, but his army remains under the command of the King of Navarre and the Admiral.—24 May 1569.
Copy. Lat. P. ¾. Enclosure.
May 23. 279. [Schevius] to Killegrew.
Cannot come to Magdeburg till four or five days later than he intended. The Colonel of the Duke of Zweybruck's horsemen writes, 7th April, from the camp, of the death of Condé, and that the reiters are much exasperated, and that the armies would join within ten days to avenge him. Aumale has been forced to retreat, and does not agree with his German horsemen. The Rhinegrave has been slain by a cannon shot before Cognac, and the siege has been raised with loss.—Dresden, 23 May 1569.
Copy. Lat. Pp. 1½. Enclosure.
May 31. 280. Dr. Mundt to Cecil.
Sends the following news, which an honest man has sent to him out of the Diet of Frankfort. The Emperor seeks that the Prince of Orange and the Duke of Zweybruck may be put under the ban of the empire. The Duke of Alva demands the money intercepted by the Elector Palatine, which he says belongs to his master, and that certain German Princes shall forbid their subjects to serve as soldiers. Considers that all matters will be deferred till the next Imperial Diet. All the naval preparations in Spain, Normandy, and the Low Countries are intended against England, which those Kings mean to invade at the same time from various ports, and think that 10,000 or 12,000 veteran troops will be sufficient to conquer the country.—[Strasbourg], 31 May 1569.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. 1.
May. 281. Proclamation by Charles IX.
Commands all gentlemen and soldiers to repair to the camp of the Duke of Anjou by the 20th June, properly armed and equipped for service. Requires his officers to search out the names of such as disobey this order, and send them to him in order that they may be punished in such manner as he may think fit.—St. Maur des Fosses, May 1569.
Endd. by Cecil. Printed broadside in French.
May. 282. Articles concerning the King of Spain.
1. All subjects and merchandise detained on either part to be delivered up.
2. The mutual traffic betwixt their subjects established by ancient treaties to be continued.
3. The Queen's ambassadors and agents to enjoy the same liberty as is in England permitted to the King's ambassadors.
4. The new ordinances in Spain prohibiting the shipping of wares in English bottoms to be repealed.
5. English merchants in the Low Countries not to be grieved with the injuries used by the Tollonars and such like.
6. That the rest of the doleances exhibited at Bruges may be redressed.
Memoranda in Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 1.