Elizabeth: April 1562, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: April 1562, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp632-645 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1562, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp632-645.

"Elizabeth: April 1562, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp632-645.

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April 1562, 26-30

April 26. 1054. Windebank to Cecil.
1. Has hitherto forborne to write plainly, but now being clean out of all hope he is forced to write plainly. "Sir, I do see that Mr. Thomas has utterly no mind nor disposition in him to apply [to] any learning, according to your expectation and according to the end you sent him for hither, being carried away by other affections that rule him, so as it maketh him forget his duty in all things." The only way to prevent the dangers that may follow if he continue here is to revoke him in England, or at least send him to Flanders. Desires to be discharged of this burden and care, such as he never had the like. "To send him farther into France is too dangerous by reason of the great troubles everywhere, and I myself would desire you humbly to pardon me if I did refuse to go with him. For, Sir, I must needs let you know (as my duty constraineth me) that I am not able to persuade him to spend his time better or to do any other thing than he liketh himself, and so he hath told me plainly, and so indeed do I find it."—Paris, 26 April 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—The letter of revocation should not be too sharp or bitter. For his return good occasions may be alleged, as the troubles and the plague, which is in the most part of the town.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 26. 1055. Corrected draft of the above.
In Windebank's hol. and endd. by him: To my Master, by Mr. Clifton. Pp. 3.
April 26. 1056. John Cureton to Challoner.
His last letter was written nine days since, and sent by Beltran De Savales, with whose request the writer trusts that Challoner has complied, namely to speak to the Conte De Feria. He wrote that the Contesse De Feria had spoken to the Conte on behalf of Beltran, to bring him to the King and Council. All the ships he expected have arrived, and divers have come from other parts of England. They say that Sir Henry Sidney goes as Deputy to Ireland, and that Challoner intends to come to Bilboa this month coming, and desires him to write so that he may be made welcome. Requests Challoner to give this letter to Mr. Porcas. Here is also a letter for him from Plymouth, of which in opening his own he broke the seal accidentally. If he come he shall have a cup of good beer and Gascon wine. From hence Challoner may meet the King at Pampeluna. His wife sends her commendations to him and both of them to Mr. Cobham.—Bilbo, 26 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp.3.
April 27. 1057. Lord Gray to the Queen.
Received her letters in which she signifies that she wills him to continue in charge of Berwick. Although she bestowed it upon him as a commodity to ease him of the wretched state he is wrapped in by the intolerable burden of his ransom, yet he finds it is so chargeable that it tends to undo and bring him to decay. Will she give him licence for this summer to repair to the south parts for a season, to order and stay what poor trash he has left for the better maintenance of his wife and family ? They cannot be fed by his entertainment here, or conveniently relieved there, unless he is there to husband it to the best advantage.—Berwick, 27 April 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 27. 1058. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. In his letter of the 24th inst., sent by Lord St. Colme, he advertised her that there was in hand a conference to be had betwixt these parties. Since then the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and others, with the King, (having intelligence that many persons retired from the Prince of Condé upon the publication of the King's summons for assembling his forces, and that the Prince was necessitous of money, whereby it was thought he could not keep his forces together, nor be able to draw any more footmen,) deferred such conference with the Prince until the 25th inst. The King was thereupon informed that M. De Grandmont, in passing the river Dordogne, had defeated 3,000 and slain 800 or 1,200, which were brought by order of M. De Monluc (and some say under his command) to prevent Grandmont's passage. After the arrival of this news (the 25th inst.) they sent a gentleman of Picardy, named L'Abbe de St. Jean de Laon, to the Prince to renew this conference for composition.
2. The Queen Mother, being troubled at this defeat, endeavoured to compound these matters, and proposed that the King, accompanied by her, the Duke of Orleans, the King of Navarre, and the rest of the Privy Council, (except the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St. André,) should leave the town for St. Germain, and that the said Duke, Constable, and Marshal should retire from Paris to their houses; and that the King's force be dispersed, and also that of the Prince of Condé. The King of Navarre allowed of this proposal, but the Duke of Guise, the Constable and Marshal would not accord thereto; so they remain as they were.
3. The Duke of Savoy lately sent again M. De Morette with an offer to the King to aid him and the Queen Mother to reduce his subjects to obedience, and will come in person with 10,000 footmen and 2,000 horse, whereof the horsemen and 4,000 footmen shall be at his own charge; which proposal was accepted. The said Duke of Savoy sent him a letter, a copy of which he sends herewith.
4. M. De Monluc's defeat (where his son was slain) has so amazed those with the King that they begin to desire composition, which to bring to pass the King and Queen Mother on the 26th inst. sent the Bishop of Orleans and Secretary L'Aubespine to treat with the Prince of Condé and the Admiral. Throckmorton believes that, if the Prince is able to keep his force together, and entertain such as repair to him, he will be able to make an advantageous composition.
5. Don Lodovico De Mantua (the Duke's brother) has arrived at this Court. Some think he is as like to marry the Duchess of Nevers as the Grand Prior.
6. He sent Mr. Windebank to Orleans to the Prince and Admiral, and has received a letter from both, a copy of which he encloses. They acknowledge themselves most bounden to the Queen, while all the Papists report her to be the protector of the Protestant religion.
7. In case the Bishop of Orleans and M. De l'Aubespine cannot accord with the Prince (which he does not expect, because the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St. André will not retire from the Court nor disperse their forces, they being so obstinate since his last despatch,) then the Constable shall go to Etampes (twenty-eight miles from Paris towards Orleans) to prepare the King's camp. Their pioneers and certain ensigns of footmen have marched from thence hitherward. They have brought much artillery, both for the battery and field, from Compiègne, because the ordnance of the King's storehouse in Paris was dismounted. By the end of this month they will have a thousand men of arms and 15,000 footmen. The Prince of Condé will be as strong as they with horsemen, but not of footmen, for want of money to pay them, for that is the principal stay of the upholding religion in Christendom; for if the Prince be defeated, so dangerous is the determination of the Papists, Is now informed from Orleans that this bruited victory of M. De Grandmont against M. De Monluc is not so certain as here reported. He will inform the Queen of the truth thereof by his next.—Paris, 27 April 1562. Signed.
Orig., portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
April 27. 1059. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Desires Cecil to send some letters to his son to check his inordinate affection with which he is transported towards a young gentlewoman abiding near Paris, which the writer and Mr. Windebank by their admonition have tried to dissuade him from, but in vain. She is a maid, and her friends will hardly bear the violating of her. Would have sent him hence to see other parts of France had it not been for the troubles here, which increase daily. The plague is very rife in Paris. Cecil may recall his son upon the ground of the troubles here, and the plague, and hopes he will judge of his passion as fathers do when they censure their sons' oversights, committed when most subject to folly and lost to reason; and not to measure his son by himself, but repute him as other young men. If Cecil does not wish him home, the writer thinks it would be best to send him into Flanders, where, when he has seen Antwerp, Bruges, Ghent, Brussels and other towns, he may reside at Louvain, and there exercise his French. Desires Cecil not to delay in this matter.—Paris, 27 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
April 27. 1060. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. If the Queen will aid the Prince of Condé, and that the same be now concluded with M. De Sechelles, then M. De Saulle (otherwise called De Gallars), the minister of the French Church there, should be made privy to those matters, who is in great credit with the Prince and such as profess the religion, and shall be a means that all contracts promised by these men shall be performed, although he does not suspect their integrity.
2. Intends to stay Mr. Windebank until a better occasion to employ him, and also because Cecil's son shall not be left destitute. After the Bishop of Orleans and M. De l'Aubespine return from the Prince of Condé, he will send Windebank from hence. The Constable will go to Etampes to prepare the King's camp. Sends herewith a packet for the Bishop of Aquila from Don Juan Pereira Dantes, late Ambassador of Portugal in France, and now deleagued to go in legation from his King to the Queen. He will take his journey from hence about the end of this month, and will lodge with the Bishop of Aquila. He is a devout servant to the Pope and this estate, and therewith a cunning negociator. Amongst his errands for navigation and such matters, Cecil may hear of an overture of marriage, and, in the end, of sending to the Council. The King has dealt liberally with him to make this journey, so he is like to come in good order, and expects to be entertained there accordingly. The King of Portugal has made him a Cavaliero di Christo for his services done in France, and has given him a good commandry.—Paris, 27 April 1562. Signed.
Orig., portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
April 28. 1061. The Queen to Throckmorton.
She had determined to send Sir Henry Sidney thither before the Conte of Bussy came, the cause whereof will appear by his instructions, and desires that Throckmorton will join with Sidney in the execution of his charge. The Lord of St. Colme arrived whilst she was in speech with the Conté, whom she has answered as he [Throckmorton] wished. Upon his next audience she will thank him for his kindness to him [Throckmorton], whereof he makes mention in his letters brought by St. Colme. He is to speak plainly to the Council and with the Duke of Guise to be better used, for otherwise she will think her good-will is not so well received as it is meant. She has heard the Lord of St. Colme. No direct motion has been made out of Scotland to the Queen during St. Colme's absence concerning the interview. She has ordered Gresham to furnish him with money, which he is not to expend unless it be for some negociation about Calais. (fn. 1) —Westminster.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 2.
April 28. 1062. Original of the above. Signed and sealed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[April 28.] 1063. Instructions for Sir Henry Sidney.
1. He shall make speedy repair to the French King and resort to Throckmorton, to whom he is to declare the cause of his coming.
2. He shall deliver the Queen's letters to him, the Queen Mother, and also to the King of Navarre, with commendations, and let them understand that, having made profession of amity, the Queen could not forbear at this time of trouble to send expressly to them, offering her opinion for ending the controversy there. When the Queen had given order to despatch-Sidney, advertisements came of the arrival of the Conte de Bussy, sent from the King and Queen Mother to inform her of the King's estate, for which she is thankful, and although deferring Sidney's departure, she could not satisfy her desire without sending him as before purposed.
3. After an answer made by the Queen Mother or any other hereupon, Sidney is to say the Queen looks upon it as a common accident in the young years of the King that Councillors fall into controversy, which in the beginning appears of small importance, yet, if continued, they disturb the whole country. The Queen doubts whether in a cause where so many great parties are Councillors he can be so free as she judges herself to be, and for that cause has communicated her mind for appeasing the same as following:
4. First, she wishes the Queen Mother would procure that some person might deal with the Prince of Condé, who seems only addicted to the King and to the quiet of the realm. Secondly, that all unkind dealings betwixt them might be put as in a balance, and one of them appointed to quit the other, and remit the greater points of the controversy to the judgment of the Queen Mother, or to a number of wise men, indifferent of the three Estates, to be named by the King and Queen Mother with consent of both parties. Although this may not seem convenient to some, yet the Queen judges this or the like to be the only way of an honourable pacification, whereby the King will have the favour of both parties.
5. He shall say that the Queen has commanded him to communicate this her counsel only to the King, the Queen Mother, and the King of Navarre, except they judge it meet that the same should be imparted to any other of the King's Council. If they think meet that the Queen shall deal directly or indirectly with either party to bring it to an end, she has authorized him to employ his service, or the Ambassador there, as shall be prescribed by the King or Queen Mother. If the said two Ambassadors think meet, they may add that it would be well for things past to give a general pardon.
6. After this speech to the Queen Mother or the King of Navarre they are to temper their speeches to the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and the rest of the Council as they see meet, and to the advantage of the Queen's purpose.
7. She remits to the discretion of Sidney and Throckmorton what to say or what to answer, in consequence of the uncertainty of things, but to have regard to the following:—First, that it may appear to the King, the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre that the Queen's meaning is sincere to the King, without respect to either party. Secondly, that if any foreign friends meddle in this matter, she may be one. Thirdly, that she may as well make her profit either of the accord or discord as any other neighbour. Although she wishes well to both parties, yet the said Ambassadors must be wary how to appear more affectionate to one than the other, and forbear going or sending to the Prince of Condé or his party, except it be allowable by the King or Queen Mother.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 10.
[April 28.] 1064. Additional Instructions to Sir Henry Sidney. (fn. 2)
If the King shall neither expressly refuse nor grant to hear anything of this matter unless he be first informed of the disposition of his adversary, and allege other considerations, Sidney must set forth the benefit that may ensue to all Christendom by this concord, and also the Queen's good-will to him, and that her only desire is to know privately his disposition, which, if he will communicate, the Queen will travail that some good end may follow. Although the King's answer at first may be peremptory that he will not hear of any conditions of peace, Sidney is not to depart at the first answer, but shall offer to wait upon him again, to which if the King assents, Sidney at his next access is to use means of persuasion as before, and finally do as aforesaid in case of the King's grant or denial.
Corrected draft. Endd. Pp. 3.
[April 28.] 1065. An abstract of the above instructions, in a more modern hand.
Endd. Pp. 2.
April 28. 1066. John Clark to Lord —
1. The captain of the castle of Dieppe has received a packet of letters from the Admiral out of Orleans by post, and desired him to show it to all the faithful under his jurisdiction, that they are in purpose to come forward to Paris on the 1st May, and requiring them to be in readiness. M. De Grandmont, coming from Gascony with 6,000 men of war, met with 2,000 men that M. De Guise sent there to cut off munition going to Orleans, and (it is said) has slain all of them. On the 28th inst. 1,500 men made a sortie from Rouen and besieged Baron Du Clere's castle and won it, killing twenty-four men and taking sixteen, who are condemned to be hanged. The Papists are raising five companies of men; those of Rouen and Caen cut them off so that they cannot win together. Angers, Tours, Blois, Loudon, and Saumur have put away all idolatry. He is sure his Lordship knows of the King being in Paris with his forces.—Dieppe, April 28. Signed.
2. P. S.—Not being assured of the previous news, he deferred the closing of his letter till he came to Rouen. It was not Baron Du Clere's house that was taken, but an abbey besides his castle. Rouen has put down all idolatry. They keep St. Katherine-upon-the-Hill, and are fortifying the same. Forty of the bravest men from Calais have come to Dieppe, and sixty have gone to Rouen.
3. The Count Rhinegrave arrived in Paris on the last of April [sic], where as he had commission to raise Almains, and has declared that it lies not in his puissance to bring any contrary to religion, but to take part with it, as many as they please, which has "embassed" the hearts of the Guisians. It is said here that the Prince of Condé marches towards Paris on the 3rd of May.
4. Sends herewith by the bearer a token, and a book in French lately set forth. Anything he can do in these parts his Lordship may command him as his servant.
Orig., in a Scottish hand. Pp. 2.
April 28. 1067. Challoner's Certificate to the French Merchants.
Since the treaty of Cateau Cambray, notwithstanding the disturbances in 1560 between England, France, and Scotland, there has been no declaration of war on either side, and therefore the Queen has declared that French subjects have free liberty to come and go throughout her dominions, and that justice shall be executed on those who molest them. As for Champney and his companions, both English and Scotch, (who have plundered certain French merchants, and sold their goods in the Canaries,) the Queen intends to have them apprehended and punished as pirates and disturbers of the peace.—Madrid, 28 April 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 28. 1068. The Queen to Gresham.
In consequence of these troublesome times, Throckmorton being unable to have his money sent from England to Paris for his diets, the Queen requires Gresham to send by Sir Henry Sidney, or any other sure person, his bill of credit to some of his acquaintances there, to lend the Ambassador as he shall have need, the sum of [blank] thousand crowns, or less, taking a receipt for the same.
Orig., signed and sealed by the Queen, and endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 28. 1069. Copy of the above.
In Cecil's hol., and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 2.
April 28. 1070. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. On the 25th inst., Robert Makalley and George Knokes, Scotchmen, who came from Tynemouth from Sir Henry Percy, arrived at Norham. John Wilson, merchant, of Leith, having landed at Tynemouth, and brought a gelding in their company, arrived at Norham, whence he passed into Scotland. The others were met by William Selby, one of the writer's men, who, finding they had no passports, brought them here to the writer. They say they are Sir Richard Verney's servants; but it does not appear to be so. By their words Wilson passed into Scotland with a good gelding; and with what money, letters, and other things, the writer knows not.
2. Wrote him by Hedley touching John Nevill, who was indicted of March treason at the last Warden's Court held by the writer; who thereupon seized Nevill's goods until it were determined whether he should die for his offence or not. Notwithstanding this, Guy Carleton, Thomas Bradfurth, the younger, and John Hallyday, of Norham, went to Nevill's house on the 25th inst., and arrested all his goods, and took part away with them. Neither Norham nor any other liberty can claim the goods of March traitors, for none can try them but the Warden, nor can any other officer have the order of their goods. Norham is a common passage for Scotchmen conveying letters, horses, money, and anything forbidden. Not being content to be thus defaced in the Queen's service, the writer has apprehended Carleton, Bradfurth, and Hallyday.
3. Anthony Cripps (an officer of the works here) asked him for a licence to marry a woman of this country; but being informed that he had a wife in the south parts (which Cripps did not deny, but from whom, he said, he was divorced,) the writer would not grant his request. So on the 23rd inst. Cripps went to Norham, and was married at the church there before day. When he banishes whores, thieves, or evil persons from Berwick, they are straight received into the liberties of Norham and Islandshire, where they may not be touched. Though he is thus troubled with the liberties of Norham, he never has any service of them.—Berwick, 28 April 1562. Signed.
4. P. S.—One of the two Scotchmen having Sir Richard Verney's licence, the writer suffered them to pass upon a bond that if the Lords of the Council should call for them they shall enter.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
April 28. 1071. Garrison of Berwick.
1. At the muster taken 28 April before the Governor (Lord Grey) and the Marshal (Sir Thomas Dacre), by Thomas Jenyson, Clerk of the Check, there were present 167 officers and men of the old garrison, and 105 were absent, including the Treasurer, twenty-two of his band not mustered, he being absent, and sixty-six whom he claimed to be exempted from check; also fifteen were absent by passport. The Governor's and the Marshal's bands were exempted from check. Total, 272.
2. Of the new crew there were present thirteen captains, fifty gunners, four clerks of the check and requests, and four pensioners, who with other officers and men amount to 989; and seventy absent, of whom forty-three were absent by passport; seventeen were sick, which, with eight allowed to Captain Read as dead pays, make 1,059. Signed: William Grey, T. Jenyson.
Orig. Endd.: The book of the musters for Berwick. Pp. 8.
April 28. 1072. Lord Grey to the Earl of Rutland.
According to his letters of the 23rd inst. will apprehend Roger Lacy (who is at Newcastle) when he comes here. And touching the order of the late Commissioners for Enclosures, sends herewith in a schedule the names of those whom he thinks most in fault. Nothing has been done to the Queen's lands at Norham, Etal, Bamburgh, and Dunstanburgh, and also to those lands which she holds during the minority of certain gentlemen; which is a bad example to the rest of the country. The commission between the widow Brynkhouse and the Mayor of Berwick cannot be "sytton upon" as Mr. Treasurer, and Mr. Bennet are both absent; and Thomas Jenyson the Controller is named wrongly. Could not return Sir Thomas Dacre's answers before, as he did not come here until yesterday.—Berwick, 28 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 2.
April [28]. 1073. Statements by Borghese Venturini. (fn. 3)
1. Upon Scottish affairs he states that the Queen of England has always favoured the heretical party in Scotland, and endeavoured to compel Queen Mary to take the Earl of Arran for her husband, thinking thereby to facilitate her own marriage with Lord Robert. That when the Queen of Scotland was on her way homeward from France, the Queen of England sent out ships and galleys to take her prisoner. (fn. 4)
2. That he has always advised a marriage between the Queen of Scotland and the Prince of Spain, who might thus expel Elizabeth and make himself King of England.
3. That the Queen of Scotland has a stronger party in England than Elizabeth.
4. That the ships despatched to Guinea, though pretending to be trading vessels, are in reality intended to prey upon the Spanish fleet returning from the Indies. That the Queen is very hostile towards King Philip, and expressed herself openly to this effect at Richmond when speaking of the departure of the Spanish troops from Flanders.
5. That a declaration has been made respecting the succession to the Crown, of which the next heir is said to be the Lady Margaret, the Queen of Scotland having been declared to be disqualified as a stranger and an enemy. That Lady Margaret has been committed to prison, and the Queen wishes to be enabled to settle the succession. That she will name a heretic like herself, and through the agency of Cecil this will probably be Earl N., the greatest heretic in the realm. That if the King of Spain will help Lady Margaret and her son, the Catholic religion would be restored, and that this could easily be done, the majority of the nobles being of that faith; and should the King of Spain promise his aid, eight or ten of the nobility would rise in favour of Lady Margaret and her son. But until he move they must keep quiet, and his long delay has much dismayed them. Also that the marriage of the Lord Robert with the Queen should not be favoured, because he has no great inclination to restore religion, and the professions which he has made have been only to procure the assistance of the King. That the letter which he addressed to His Majesty (soliciting his recommendation to the Queen) was written with the view of disarming the suspicions of the Catholics towards him, who would regard him more favourably when they should see him in correspondence with the King.
6. That the Queen has long aimed at the expulsion of the King of Spain from Flanders, which she means to fill with settlers from Germany. That the recent visit thither of Abdon [Haddon] the Master of Requests, was made entirely with the view of fomenting the discords occasioned by the heretics, and of inducing them to rise against the King. That the Ambassador having written that Abdon is the greatest heretic in all England, and a man of great skill and activity in mischief, the Cardinal [Granville] answered that he [Haddon] was resident in his [the Cardinal's] house at Brussels, and had heard Mass very devoutly. That the Ambassador hereto replied that his former statement was correct, and that the Queen employed this mode for setting her neighbour's house on fire, while she sat quietly at home, and lived as she pleased, and married and unmarried as she liked. That with the view of ousting the King from Flanders, the Queen keeps on good terms with the Duke of Cleves and the other Princes of Germany.
7. That the Ambassador is apprehensive that Moretta is negociating with the Queen upon matters of religion through the Cardinal of Ferrara and the French; and that a league will be made by the Pope, the French, and the English, to the exclusion of the King of Spain, who thus will be left alone. That he suspects that Calvalcanti is at work, through whom the Queen and Cecil negociate rather than through him. Also that Moretta has gone to Scotland to negociate a marriage between Queen Mary and the Duke of Ferrara.
8. Further he [the Ambassador] suspects that the kindness lately shown by the Queen towards the Guises is for the purpose of forwarding the marriage of the Queen of Scots with Arran, which the Queen of England much desires.
9. That he has also sent to the King three or four sheets of a book printed in English against the Papists, (fn. 5) in which the King of Spain is ill spoken of; and that the Queen says that he may hence see how slightly esteemed that King is in England.
10. That he has sent the answer made by the Council to the Ambassador concerning the coming of the Papal Nuncio into England, translated from English into Latin by Valenti; and that the Ambassador has begun to make an answer thereto full of abuse.
11. That he has also sent "the Apology," an answer to which is being made by the Bishops who are in prison; and that Valenti has also been employed therein for two days in the Ambassador's study.
12. That he has also sent the titles of various heretical books in Spanish, in order that they may be suppressed by the Inquisition.
13. That he has also written that the Queen has assigned a Church for the Spanish heretics, who are welcomed and encouraged by her. Also that the religious condition of England is of greater moment than that of France, since the former is the source of all ill.
14. That San [Shane] O'nel has received Communion as a Papist with twelve or fourteen of his household, from the Ambassador's chaplain at Durham place and carried the Sacrament to his house. That the Ambassador has received the sacramental oils from Flanders, which are dispensed by his chaplain to the Catholics in London.
Orig., in an Italian hand. Hol. [?] Endd. by Cecil.: 1562 April, Bergese Venturini. Ital. Pp. 7.
April 30. 1074. Mundt to the Queen.
1. After having dismissed her courier he set out to the Landgrave, who after two days consideration answered him in writing, which reply he transmits to her. Mundt did not make any mention of a treaty to him, but confined himself to talking about a common understanding, for though Mundt knew that he would gladly hear about it still he preferred that he should commence the matter himself. From thence he went to the Palatine, who received him with much honour, and praised the constancy of the Queen in refusing to send to the Council, although he was sure that she was much solicited thereto by the Papists. He also promised that when he and the Duke of Wurtemberg received the Rejection, they would send it to her. Mundt suggested that it should be sent to her by persons who could treat with her on all matters; to which the Palatine assented, and thought that a bond and league should be entered into by all states and Princes professing the same religion. He also mentioned that the Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Lorraine had tried to persuade the Duke of Wurtemberg that if there were a league between the Princes of the Empire only, they would not only join it and subscribe the Confession of Augsburg, but also would obtain the sanction of the Emperor; adding, however, that the English, Danes, Poles, and other foreigners must be kept out. The Duke refused to help them, as the Christian religion ought to be common to all. This is done by the Cardinal to sow dissension amongst the Protestants, for he knows the dispute that there is about the Lord's Supper. The Count Palatine promised to follow whatever directions the Queen should give.
2. There have set out hither lately two French noblemen, St. Marc and Ducus, sent by the Prince of Condé to persuade the Princes of Germany not to suffer forces to go out of Germany to serve against the Protestants, which Mundt thinks they will accomplish.—Strasburg, 30 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
April 30. 1075. Mundt to Cecil.
The Ambassadors of the Protestant Princes will soon assemble. Thinks that the Palatine and the Duke of Wurtemberg will send such men to the Queen that she wil approve of. Vergerius is still alive. All the German Princes desire that the Queen should marry. If she would send two ambling horses for Ludovic the eldest son of the Elector, and his wife the Landgrave's daughter, together with some good dogs, it would very much help to strengthen the friendship. Henry VIII. was much praised for his liberality. Will send the genealogies of the German Princes to Cecil. Aventinus and Irenicus (whose works Wotton possesses), have carefully traced them down to their own times.—Strasburg, 30 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 2.
April 30. 1076. Challoner to Chamberlain.
1. On the 20th inst. he received Chamberlain's letter of the 7th from Paris. Was rejoiced to hear of his good passage. Trusts ere this he has been welcomed by the Queen, and that he is enjoying his domestic bliss, which the writer would envy the more if he had so good a wife, to whom he wishes to be commended, with request that she will wish as much for his return as she did for his departure.
2. Thanks Chamberlain for what he wrote concerning the French motions; the rest Throckmorton's letter supplied at length. He may well conjecture that the Court favours the Guisians.
3. Finds Chamberlain's words true concerning the charges in this Court and country. Sends his stuff home by Bilboa with thanks. Sends by the bearer, Henry King, a letter, and a little fardel of silk hosen and gloves from Meliadus Spinola. —Madrid, 30 April 1562. Signed.
Copy, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 4.
April 30. 1077. Edmund Withepoll to Challoner.
Thanks for kindness shown to his son, Challoner's servant, If Challoner will extend his hand from the writer's purse towards his son as he shall think meet, the writer will repay the same.—London, 30 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. [?] Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 20 June. Pp. 2.
April 30. 1078. Alvarez De Quadra to —. (fn. 6)
Received her letter of the 12th on the 24th. This Queen has written in favour of the Earl of Bothwell, and has advised the Queen of Scotland to use moderation in this matter. He has been influenced by the practices of England. The Queen has identified herself with the heretics in France. Affairs here are in a bad state, and in the opinion of the writer they gradually grow worse.—30 April 1562. Signed.
Extracts in Cecil's hol., apparently from an intercepted letter, and endd. by him. Span. Pp. 3.
April. 1079. —to Alvarez de Quadra. (fn. 7) [?]
Has received the sacramental oils. The writer's position is dangerous. Filipe De Lens has embarked for Sweden in one of the King's ships. The courier of the English Queen who was in Germany, has conveyed letters to the Landgrave, the Count Palatine, the Duke of Wurtemberg, and others. Appends names of persons in Antwerp.
Extracts, in Cecil's hol., apparently from an intercepted letter. On the back he has drawn up a genealogical table of the family of De Quadra; on the same sheet as the last article. Span.


  • 1. This passage is expressed in cipher, both in the draft and the original despatch.
  • 2. This is an adaptation of Instructions originally made for Sir Andrew Dudley, sent to the Emperor.
  • 3. This paper apparently contains the statements made by De Quadras' secretary Borghese, whom Cecil had bribed to betray his master's secrets. The information which it furnishes is made the basis of certain "Articles alleged against the Spanish Ambassador by Lord William Howard and Dr. Wotton, with the answers of the said Ambassador," preserved at Simancas, concerning which see Froude's History of Queen Elizabeth, i. 402.
  • 4. Cecil has directed attention to this sentence by placing a mark opposite it in the margin.
  • 5. One of the Articles brought by Howard and Wotton against De Quadra was to the effect that he had sent to the King of Spain a book of the heretical Doctor Bale, in which the King of Spain and the Spanish nation are evil spoken of. The Ambassador answered, "It is true that I did send such a book; I had remonstrated till I was weary of the perpetual books, plays, and songs which were written in the King's dishonour." The Queen had promised many times to stop them, and had not done so.
  • 6. Possibly to the Duchess of Parma.
  • 7. The person addressed is styled "Illustrissimo reverendissimo señor."