Elizabeth: April 1562, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: April 1562, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp600-617 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1562, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp600-617.

"Elizabeth: April 1562, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp600-617.

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April 1562, 11-20

April 11. 1002. The Admiral Chatillon to Cecil.
Cecil's great zeal for true religion and acknowledged reputation for the advancement of the glory of God, induce the writer to inform him that the Prince of Condé has sent M. De Sechelle to the Queen to tell her the causes which have constrained him and his party to take up arms. Asks Cecil to show him kindness.—Orleans, 11 April 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 11. 1003. The Association by the Prince of Condé.
Seeing the great calamities threatening the country, the undersigned have determined to enter into an association under the following conditions:—
1. They will not carry into this alliance any private considerations, but will endeavour to rescue the King and Queen from captivity and punish the insolence and tyranny of the disloyal, and the enemies to the Church.
2. In order that everyone may see that this association has the fear of God before it, they will not suffer in their companies any idolatry, blasphemy, violence, robbery, image breaking, or the like, which are forbidden by the edict of Jan. 31.
3. They promise to submit to the Prince of Condé, or whomsoever he may appoint, until the majority of the King, when this association shall expire.
4. They have comprised in this instrument all the Councillors of the King, with the exception of those who are in arms against them.
5. They promise to be ready with money, arms, etc., at the first summons of the Prince or his deputy. If anyone turns traitor they will reveal his treason and acquiesce in his punishment.—Orleans, 11 April 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 3.
April 11. 1004. Another copy of the above. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 4.
April 13. 1005. The Council to Winchester.
Request to be informed how the bonds mentioned in an order of Council of 11 March 1556 (permitting the exportation of 8,500 kerseys and 160 broad cloths, by Italian and Aragonese merchants) have been executed.—Westminster, 13 April 1562. Signed: N. Bacon, William Petre, W. Cecil, John Mason, and N. Wotton.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 13. 1006. Hotoman to Cecil.
Thinks that the bearer, a gentleman named M. Des Sechelles, is not unknown to him. He has been sent by the Prince of Condé and the other noblemen who are in arms here, to inform the Queen of the captivity of the French King and Queen, and also the calamity which has befallen the religion. They use the name, seal, and authority of the King as they choose. Begs Cecil to urge their cause with the Queen to the utmost of his power.— Orleans, 13 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add.: D. Cecilio, Magno Angliæ Cancellario. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 2.
April 14. 1007. John Cuerton to Challoner.
This day he received Challoner's letter of the 30th ult., in answer to his of the 7th inst. They expect daily a ship from London. Challoner owes him 2,400 rials, which he can send when he pleases. Sends the account in Spanish. Perceives the letter he sent by Tempest did not come to hand. Whereas Challoner has been at great charges through his servants, the writer has been the same. Thanks Challoner for his news concerning the King's journey to Aragon. If he will come to see them as he writes, at the King's coming to St. Sebastian, he may command them; besides it is the best way to go from hence to Pampeluna. A letter he has received from St. Sebastian, mentions the great provision they make for the King's coming. "I thank God I am well amended at your Honour's commandment; and at this day eight days I was abroad to hunt the wild boar, and we put up five but we killed none; we had so great wind that did destroy all, or else we should have had good pastime. More, we had up four sows, we had up too much for such a vile day. An your Honour come hither I trust we shall have some venison. I promise you we had up some boars that weighed above 300 lbs. Another day we shall have better chance, God to friend." His wife sends her commendations to him, and also Roger Jeferson. All things are calm in France now. Three days since he had a letter from Rochelle that M. De Gesse [Guise] came to a town of his nigh Rochelle with 400 men all armed, " and found them at the sarmond," and there did kill sixty of them and hurt 400. No news from England.—Bilbo, 14 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
April 14. 1008. W. Honnyng to Challoner.
1. He is provoked to write by Challoner's servant, Ferneham, who informs him that he [Challoner] can be better contented to have salutem et vale than silence. After curing Mr. Smith of his "siatique," he turned him back to his cure, and the writer now attends his term. He thinks now he is a good lawyer, being well paid for it. After term he hopes to go to Suffolk and become more silent. Until St. George's Day is past, he sees no signs of removing hence, and then to Hampton Court or Greenwich. So few of the rooms of the Order are void that there is no forespeaking of an election. Lady Throckmorton has shown herself so good a solicitor for her husband's revocation, that yesterday Sir Thomas Smith was ordered to prepare for France to succeed him, where whatever they do, the Court of Spain is not ignorant thereof, they being neighbours.
2. A St. Martin's goldsmith and others have been taken here for coining reals, consisting of plates of silver double gilt, and a gold ring about them to deceive the trial thereof. Mr. Manne has been preferred by the Archbishop of Canterbury to be the head of a college in Oxford, but the fellows thereof allow not the election, only after the manner named by the statutes. Chamberlain has not yet arrived. About Easter he was in France coming hitherward.—Paul's Wharf, 14 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
April 15. 1009. Exports by Italian and Spanish Merchants.
Note of 5,522 kerseys and forty-six broad cloths "shipped by merchants, Italians and Aragonese, named in forty-nine obligations delivered unto my Lord Treasurer by Richard Tomyowe, late collector of the subsidy of tonnage and poundage outwards in the port of London."
Orig. P. 1.
April 16. 1010. Lord Gray to Cecil.
1. Received a letter from the Council of the 9th inst. touching the apprehension of Clavering, and in like manner they wrote to the Lord President and the other Wardens. Clavering is with the Earl of Northumberland and Sir Henry Percy, and has been with them all this time. Cannot understand their bearing of him and others against right and good orders. Is loath to be called a complainer; but if such practices are continued to deface him in the service of his mistress, he must burst it out; therefore, begs that Cecil will advise him in these cases, so that such as go about with such subtle practice may not easily pass over them.
2. Has mustered all the carts, artifices, and labourers, and seen them ordered. His opinion of the fortification by Johnson, the surveyor, (who will speak of it at length to Cecil,) has been detained by the writer three days that he might bring a more perfect plat of their estate at present. As he perceives that the preachers (who are now absent) do not intend to remain here he would fain depart in their good company, and become a better man in his old days, and serve God now. Asks Cecil to help him to have some quietness, and to remember his age and his long troubled time in service.—Berwick, 16 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 16. 1011. The Duke of Savoy to Throckmorton.
Thanks for the kindness shown to M. De Morette, both by Throckmorton in France, and England.—Rivoli, 16 April 1562. Signed: Philibert.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
April 16. 1012. Challoner's Hosier's Bill.
Bill for articles of dress, chiefly hosiery, furnished to the English Ambassador [Sir T. Challoner].
Endd. by Challoner as: Paid, 16 April 1562. Span. Pp. 2.
April 17. 1013. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Mentioned in his letters of the 10th inst. that according to his instructions he had deferred negociating with the Queen Mother concerning the Council of Trent. Since his last despatch (being informed that M. De Lansac stood upon his despatch to be sent to Trent) he sent on the 10th inst. to the Queen Mother to have audience; which was granted for the same day in the afternoon. Thereupon he proceeded to the Court, where M. De Chimeau, Master of the Ceremonies, received him at the gates, and accompanied him to the Queen's presence, where he found the King, the Duke of Orleans, the Cardinal of Bourbon, the Prince of Rochesuryon, the Duchess of Guise, Mme. le Constable, and others. Addressed the Queen Mother according to the instructions of the 31st ult., wherein he declared that his mistress saw no means so good to have unity in religion, as to have a general reformation of the abuses in the Church; which could not take effect so long as the Bishop of Rome and his sworn servants should be judges in their own cause. Therefore she thought it of little avail either for her or the King to send their Ambassadors or clergy to the said Council, unless the Pope would leave off his arrogance, and submit himself to the judgment of the Scriptures. He then desired the Queen Mother (until there was more conformity to make some good conclusion in this cause of religion) to defer the sending of the King's Ambassador or clergy.
2. The Queen Mother answered that the Pope had declared how desirous he was to have reformation in these matters, and was willing to submit himself to the judgment of the Council, yet she could not be persuaded that the Council would bring such good as was requisite for Christendom. France was in such a state that she could not do otherwise than send to the Council; for (besides the solicitations of the Pope, the Emperor, and the King of Spain and almost all the other States) the King's Council was very desirous for sending M. De Lansac, as Ambassador, and the clergy; and although she is inclined to stay the same, she has no means to do it, unless she saw how she might be better fortified against such a party as she has to deal with; and therefore would be glad to know how the Queen finds herself friended in that matter. It would be a great matter, she said, for her to resist the request of those great Princes, and the advice of the King's Council.
3. He answered that the Queen grounded her resolution for not sending to the Council upon weighty respects peculiar for her state; and that she concurred with the Princes of the Augsburg Confession in opinion that there would be no good done in the cause of religion at the Council at Trent. She had lately sent to the Protestant Princes, to know their resolution, whether they would send or not, and to consult how the practices of the enemy might be met withal; which as soon as she knew she would inform the Queen Mother. He also said that he thought the state of the realm required a prolongation of sending to the Council, the matter being in such terms that none could tell what language the Ambassador should use at his arrival there until the issue of the troubles here were seen.
4. The Queen Mother said the King had power enough to reduce his subjects to obedience if they were obstinate; but she did not doubt there would be an end to the troubles ere long. The Pope at the Emperor's desire had once prolonged the session, so she could not tell whether he would defer it longer, which would be the best means to stay the Ambassador; and for prolonging the session she would move the Cardinal of Ferrara. He then assured her of the Queen's amity, which was increased, she being so well inclined to have a reformation in matters of religion. She said that after communicating this matter to the said Cardinal, she would thereupon confer with the King's Council concerning the sending of Lansac to Trent, and would give him an answer in two or three days.
5. On the 14th inst. the Queen Mother requested him to come to Court that afternoon. Having arrived there, M. De Sevre conducted him to the Queen's chamber, and said the Nuncio was with the Queen Mother, and desired him to stay awhile. Immediately after M. De Lansac came, and brought him to the King and Queen Mother, with whom he found the Constable talking, who, upon his access, took his leave. The Queen Mother then said that she found the Legate inclined for prolonging the next session, so as he might be assured the Queen would send her Ambassador thither; as in case the session should be deferred and then the Queen not send, the King of Spain (having sent thither) might have cause to complain of the Pope's proceedings.
6. He answered that the Queen gave him no charge to treat of the session at Trent whether it be continued or deferred, neither did he know of her determination to send thither her Ambassador or clergy, unless the Council was otherwise called or ordered. The matter he proposed was that the King would defer sending to the Council until the Queen Mother heard from the Queen how the Almain Princes would proceed therein.
7. The Queen Mother then said that she told him at his last audience that she could see no appearance of any good to be done; but not being alone she could not proceed as she would, but must follow the advice of the King of Navarre and the King's Council, unto whom she has proponed the stay of sending the Ambassadors and clergy to Trent, and had alleged to them the Queen's reasons, more particularly concerning France, and to what small purpose it was to send thither during these troubles. They allege the King and the Queen Mother's promises, and their assurance that the Ambassadors and clergy should be at Trent for the next session, and therefore they could not defer sending any longer. She said she would assure the Queen that Lansac should make as little haste as possible, and that it would be three weeks or a month ere he arrived at Trent. He shall have commission to the Pope, to the Emperor, and the King of Spain, for reformation of religion, and they shall perceive that France desires a speedy reformation of the abuses of the Church and cannot abide any longer the delays and evasions in these matters heretofore used. And if the Queen would send an Ambassador to the Council, the King's Ambassador shall have charge to aid him in all things that may be of service to her. She also desires the Queen to inform her of the Protestant Princes' determination how they will proceed, and thereupon her own resolution in this matter of the Council, so that she may frame her doings thereafter. It would be too great an hazard for the King to bring upon him the ill will of so many Princes as retain the Romish religion, besides the greater part of France, unless they saw how they might be sufficiently fortified some other way.
8. The King of Navarre (perceiving the Queen Mother had communicated the matter of staying the departure to the Council,) said that she had communicated to him and the Council the reasons why the King should defer sending to Trent. The King then said that neither he nor the Council could accord to any longer delay, considering that the King is bound by his promise to send this session, which commences on the 25th inst. And thereupon the King made a discourse of the necessity of sending thither, considering the troubles of France, in speaking whereof he seemed greatly irritated against his brother and the house of Chatillon. Throckmorton then declared that the Queen took him for her assured friend, and desired him to examine his state, being banded with those who not long since meant no good to him, and now he was joined with his enemies to destroy his brother and those who professed the true religion; so that the Bishop of Rome, fearing his credit and ability by means of the Protestants, desired to satisfy him in all things, and was contented to become an instrument betwixt him and the King of Spain. He also said the Bishop of Rome was not contented to spoil him of the amity of his friends of the true religion, but solicited him to persecute his brother. He reminded the King of the fate of the Duke of Somerset and his brother the Admiral in England. The King heard him patiently and seemed astonished, and said he was ready to do the Queen service, and although he has been scandalised in England, yet he trusted the Queen's opinion of him was entire. Throckmorton then desired him to have some consideration for the choice of sufficient hostages for England, and that every one deleagued for that purpose should have 120,000 or 140,000 crowns. The King answered that he would employ himself therein.
9. Because the despatch of the Lord of St. Colme was so long deferred, (thinking the Queen would like to know of the resolution of the house of Guise concerning the interview between her and the Queen of Scots,) finding the Marquis D'Elbœuf in the King's chamber, Throckmorton said to him that he marvelled the said Lord's despatch was so prolonged. The Marquis desired him to speak with M. De Guise about that matter, and said he would accompany him unto his chamber, and thereupon he went, but the Duke not being there they went to Marshal Brisac's chamber (where the Duke was in Council) for so the Duke desired. He then spoke to the Duke of the delay of Lord St. Colme's despatch. The Duke answered it was not his fault, but the Cardinal of Lorraine's, whose opinion had not come to his hands yet, he being sick. He then said that St. Colme told him at his coming from Rheims that the Cardinal did allow of the Queen of Scots' desire for the interview, and said he would within two days (now fifteen days since) send his opinion, so that Lord St. Colme might depart. St. Colme has declared to the writer that he put the Duke in remembrance of this matter, which the Duke said was true, and that he had sent to the Cardinal and expected to hear hourly from him.
10. The Duke then declared to him the doings of the Prince of Condé, and said that he and the King desired nothing but obedience to the King, adding there was nothing intended against any man for religion. Throckmorton does not think that that conclusion is faithfully intended amongst them, and remembers that after the troubles at Amboise in King Francis' time, all persecution there for religion was covered with the term that they were rebels, and so Bourg, and others who were apprehended long before the said troubles of Amboise, were burned a good while after and were charged with sedition. The Duke also said that the Prince of Condé demanded unreasonable conditions. He also perceived by some words, that the Duke was not best affected unto the Admiral of France. He concluded that if he were "absoyled" for the feat of Vassy either by the Court of Parliament of Paris, or by the Peers of France, he could be content to retire from the Court and live amongst his friends. At taking his leave the Duke said he would speedily despatch the Lord St. Colme.
11. His letters of the 10th inst. show what has passed in divers legations betwixt these two parties. M. De Gonnorre, (who was sent from hence to Orleans with new offers to the Prince of Condé,) has returned with an answer that as the Duke of Guise armed first, he [the Prince] will not disperse his force until the said Duke, the Constable, and Marshal St. André have laid down their arms and retired from the Court. This being done they take the King, the Queen Mother, and the Duke of Orleans, with the King of Navarre to be at liberty, and that the King with his Council may then take order for managing his affairs. Upon these conditions the Prince would retire to his house or come to the Court. This answer was not accepted, so order is given to assemble their forces with speed.
12. On the 13th inst. the Bishop of Valence returned from the Prince of Condé to the Court and brought a similar message as M. De Gonnorre, with the addition that the article agreed upon by the last Estates at Orleans (concerning accounts to be rendered of the finances by the Cardinal of Lorraine, the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and the Marshal St. André and Brisac,) should be executed. The Prince said it was not reasonable that the King should be indebted, his credit lost, and his creditors undone, and they who made their profit of these matters should enjoy the substance, and therewith be able to make war. This being declared by the Bishop, the accountants were greatly irritated, and tried to set all at sixes and sevens. The Queen Mother, not being desirous to hazard so far, has found means to send again on the 13th inst. M. De Gonnorre (accompanied with M. D'Allony) to the Prince, with offer that the edict lately accorded for religion should be observed through France, with a provision that there should be no preaching in Paris by the ministers of the reformed religion, nor within two English miles thereof. The edict he sends herewith as published. On the 15th inst. M. De Gonnorre and D'Allony returned with a declaration what the Prince would do in these matters, which the Queen may perceive by the copy sent herewith. He also sends matter worth translating into English, which were meet to be published. Upon receipt of the Prince's declaration, the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St. André began to be so moved that he believes they put all to hazard, and he thinks he espies in the King of Navarre a perplexed mind. These men now begin to assemble their forces, and intend to abide in this town such assailing as the Prince shall make against them. It is feared that the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and St. André, will bring in the King of Spain to take his part of France rather than the Prince of Condé shall prosper, or the Queen Mother favour him, fearing the King would hereafter bring them to reckoning.
13. In this state of things here it behoves the Queen to consider whether it is meet for her to make a long journey from London, or to have an interview with the Queen of Scots this summer. Within two days the Ambassador of Spain used such language to the Queen Mother, that she may perceive the King intends to make war to repress the Prince of Condé, if the King of France and she do not, he having interest in the crown of France by his marriage, and also for the conservation of religion from heresy. It may chance in these garboils that some opportunity may be offered to have possession of Calais again, or some place of consequence on this side; but howsoever, it stands with the Queen's surety that the Prince of Condé be not overthrown. He reminds the Queen what credit she has obtained in Scotland by maintaining her friends. "Assuredly, albeit this papistical complot did begin here first to break forth, yet the plot thereof was laid and intended to be executed and practised as well in your realm, Scotland, and elsewhere." He desires the Queen to command Gresham (if there), or Guido Cavalcanti, or some one of credit in the bank in Paris, to send him by her order credit for five or six thousand crowns of the sun to be employed in her service.
14. Within the last two days the Papists at Sens in Burgundy have killed and wounded two hundred persons. The Cardinal of Guise is Bishop there, and the Duke D'Aumale governor. There is an evil report of them and their proceedings. She will have good respect that the Papists in Scotland shall not obtain such courage, they having such countenance to oppress those of the religion, and therefore best affected to her. "But contrarywise it would be well that the Protestants there had a watchword to look to their case and surety, and to take heed that their adversaries grow not too great, nor too bold."
15. Herewith the Queen will receive the association betwixt the Prince of Condé and his accomplices along with that which is published against M. De Guise for the feat at Vassy, with two other edicts lately set forth by the King, and published.—Paris, 17 April 1562. Signed.
Orig., partly in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 24.
April 17. 1014. Draft of the above.
Partly in Throckmorton's hol., with passages marked to be ciphered. Pp. 16.
April 17. 1015. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Thinks that by the time Cecil has read his despatch to the Queen he will be of opinion that it is not meet for the Queen to make a long journey from London, but will rather give orders for "warly" preparations than for pleasures. Cecil must work with his friends at home, and especially abroad, so that the King of Spain may have his hand full in case he aid the Papists in France, "for there lieth our danger." The Queen may make her profit of these troubles, as the King of Spain intends to do, for if he fall to catching on his side, and the Duke of Savoy on his, the Queen must not be idle. Knows assuredly that the King of Spain practises to put his foot in Calais. Our friends the Protestants in France must be so handled and dandled that in case the Duke of Guise, the Constable, the Marshal St. André, and that sect bring the King of Spain into France, and give him possession of some places and forts, then the Protestants, for their defence, or for desire of revenge or affection to the Queen, may be moved to give her possession of Calais, Dieppe, or Newhaven; perhaps all the three. This matter must not be moved to any of them or their ministers, for it will fall out more aptly of itself upon their demands of aid, and especially when the Prince of Condé and the Protestants perceive the Papists bring strangers into France, and give the King of Spain interest in all things. Would rather the Prince or the Protestants should offer the Queen possession of any of their places than that it should be desired by the English. Reminds Cecil what good the Queen's proceedings did work in Scotland. Expects a gentleman will be sent shortly to the Queen from the Prince of Condé, the Admiral, and M. D'Andelot, with commission to treat with her in these matters. Cecil must keep him somewhere secretly, so that his business may not be known. Harry Middlemore will give Cecil knowledge of it upon his arrival. He is a gentleman of the King's privy chamber, and the person whom the Bishop of Orleans and M. De Guise demanded of Queen Mary to be surrendered to the French King, he having fled to England for religion. Sir Peter Mewtas was his harbinger and host when London was searched for him. He can tell Cecil his name, but he says he has good cause to know Cecil's.
2. Has written to the Queen to send him credit, either by Gresham's means or by Guido Cavalcanti, for the sum of five or six thousand crowns of the sun for her service. Sends this bearer (the Marquis of Northampton's servant) by way of Dieppe, as one that may better pass than one of his own. It is necessary that the Queen should send to him with all speed her letters addressed to the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Prince of Condé, the subject being so conceived as may serve for this time and for the Queen's purpose, referring the credence to him, and the delivery of the letters, etc. to his discretion, as declared in the Queen's letter to him. Has appointed Middlemore to attend upon Cecil for the despatch of the said bills of credit.
3. M. (fn. 1) De Pont has been long on the way, and has been four or five days in Paris. Understands he has a packet of letters for him, which surprises him the more at not having heard from him. It is now most necessary for the Queen to hear often from him, and he from thence. Has given the bearer six crowns to make this voyage, and desires Cecil to remember him if he makes speed.—Paris, 17 April 1562. Signed.
4. P.S.—"Herewith you shall receive a rough hewed pattern of some letters to be sent hither, as is before spoken of, and the sooner they come the better."
Orig., the greater portion in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
April 17. 1016. Windebank to Cecil.
Since his last letter the troubles have so increased and spread that they have divers times been deliberating to travel towards Flanders, and leave this country wholly for their safety. If the Prince of Condé with his force (which is very great) do come to this town, there is no tarrying in it for danger of the fury of his soldiers, and of those in the town. It is thought he will come within fourteen or fifteen days, because his adversaries have denied him those things he has required. "Things cannot but come to an extremity, and will move whole Christendom at length, being the religion mingled among other quarrels." At the worst they will cleave to Throckmorton, although he wishes that they were in Flanders. There is great talk of preparation in England to come over here; if it is so, he wishes that they were gone hence.—Paris, 17 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 17. 1017. Draft of the above.
Hol. Endd.: To my master, by my Lord Marquis his cook. Pp. 2.
April 17. 1018. [Challoner] to Mason.
This is the fourth letter he has written to Mason since his coming hither, and he has not received a letter from the Court, nor from any friends, except his brethren and servants. Others here know more of the news from England than he does. He has nothing to add to his former letters, except that the departure of the King is deferred for a month, and perchance it may then be postponed again. Lately a galley coming from Genoa was lost in a tempest, with divers gentlemen aboard. The King has obtained from the Bishop of Rome his petitions (as report goes) concerning the 420,000 ducats per annum to be levied upon the Spanish spirituality for four years, for the entertainment of sixty galleys, besides his ordinary number; and also a dispensation for the sale of 25,000 ducats rent per annum of ecclesiastical possessions, which may yield to him for the sale four millions. This is not yet fully granted. Amongst the King's other devices is, first, the payment of his debts, with the increase of his revenues all manner of ways; next, the arming of 160 galleys intended for establishing his greatness to be strong by sea; thirdly, for private recreation, to make sumptuous palaces. What time he can spare from his graver affairs he employs upon hunting, or in devising with engineers upon the plots of fair houses and forts. Having commenced the Cortes in Aragon he will leave the Prince his son to achieve the same, who will be next spring sent to reside in Flanders, unless the King goes thither himself, for it is said the great Lords there do not agree, and for quieting of them the King's presence may be needful. It is useless to write of news from Italy, they having it much fresher by way of Flanders. Desires Mason to write a few lines.—Madrid, 17 April 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
April 17. 1019. Advices from Italy.
1. From Rome, April 11. The Genoese ask the Pope to compound the differences between them and the Marquis of Finalte [Finale], and also for the differences of Camerino, and for quieting the Farnese. The Tuscan sea is troubled with corsairs. There are twenty Turkish vessels at Elba. The Bull for the galleys of Spain is sent to the King; it exempts the Cardinals, the Knights of Rhodes, and other orders of Spain. The King of Portugal sent the Pope a present of a diamond and a ruby, which were confiscated in passing through Spain. Heretics have been executed about Avignon, which the Protestants have well avenged by killing a great many. France is more travailed in matters of religion than ever Almain or England was. The Duke of Florence asks the Pope to mediate between him and the Duke of Ferrara. The Emperor and King Philip travail instantly for the restitution of the Conte De Petigliano.
2. Venice, April 17. The Duke of Florence made his entry into Venice with much pomp. He brought 1,500 persons with him, of whom 100 were richly apparelled. The Pope's Ambassador was not present when he was received, as he said that the Duke is feodary of the Church, nor was the Emperor's Ambassador present, as he is also a feodary of the Emperor for Modena and Reggio. He has 100 crowns a day for his expenses.
3. The Almains have informed the Emperor that they will neither resort nor send to the Council unless he will repair thither as head.
4. The prelates of Spain require that it be decided whether the Pope is above the Council or the Council above the Pope.
5. The Bassa of Buda has order from the Turk to levy 8,000 horses to aid the King of Transylvania.
Copy, stained by damp. Endd. Pp. 3.
April 18. 1020. Throckmorton to the Queen.
The French King sends M. De la Ferte Frenoy (the bearer) as hostage in the place of M. le Conte De Benon. He has land to the value of 10,000 or 12,000 francs a year, and is inheritor of a great part of the land of the Duchess of Sanpol and Touteville in case she die without issue. He is from Normandy.—Paris, 18 April 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 18. 1021. Throckmorton to the Privy Council.
Vouches the sufficiency of M. De la Ferte Frenoy, and repeats the information contained in the previous letter.— Paris, 18 April 1562.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 18. 1022. Throckmorton to the Queen.
The bearer, M. De Peguilion, (Steward to the Queen of Scots, and of her Privy Council,) repairing to the Queen to obtain a passport for his passage through England into Scotland to his mistress, desires the Queen to grant him a passport for his train and baggage; also to carry hand guns or dagges; to have also such horses and geldings as he brings with him, or any that he shall buy there for his use in case any of his own should fail by the way.—Paris, 18 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 18. 1023. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Another letter to the same effect as the last, varying in diction, and adding that Mme. Martigny is M. De Peguilion's daughter.—Paris, 18 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary Pp. 2.
April 18. 1024. The Landgrave of Hesse to the Queen.
Has received her letters, etc., dated March 26, by Munt. Congratulates her on her succession, and her devotion to true religion. Is glad to hear that she intends to remain firm in the agreement of Naumburg. Repeats the statements about the convention at Erfurth, and makes the same promises as the Duke of Wurtemberg had done to Mundt (see his letter to the Queen, April 8, No. 989).—Giessen, 18 April 1562. Signed.
Endd. by Mundt. Lat. Pp. 7.
April 18. 1025. Christopher Pickard to Challoner.
Last Lent wrote concerning a close, late in the tenure of Thomas Smith, deceased, and was answered that the cloister garth was granted unto John Rudierd, which Pickard had possessed until that time. Is loath to bestow any labour upon the same until he knows Challoner's pleasure. Being at London this Easter term for obtaining his money due to him by Lord Westmoreland (who is at present in trouble) he has remained there since Candlemas last, concerning the marriage of Lady Gasquyne, who has now married his Lordship; he also brought word to Challoner's brother from the bailiff concerning the springing of Skugdale, where Challoner should have been indicted last sessions upon a statute. If Challoner would let on lease Garlinghowe, or could avoid the lease therein, he would get him a reasonable rent therefrom. Trusts his request for the close will be granted, which is 3s. or 3s. 4d. per annum.—London, 18 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
April 18. 1026. Sir Thomas Knyvett to Challoner.
It having spread about that Challoner's brother, Farnham, was either dead or in great danger, informs him that he is well recovered. He wishes his brother Anthony Knyvett was in Challoner's company, but since his departure Anthony has become possessed of certain lands; wishes also that the Queen's affairs might allow Challoner's friends to enjoy his company in England.—London, 18 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
April 18. 1027. Advices from Constantinople and Rome.
1. Constantinople, 24 March 1562. The Turk is still alive, but his death is imminent. He has sent 100,000 ducats to his son Selim for his journey towards Constantinople. The two Envoys sent to Persia have returned, they have been well received. All Selim's children arrived at Scutari on the 16th. The pestilence has again broken out.
2. Rome, 18 April. Last Sunday the Pope went to the Magliana, and thence to Ostia, where he is building a fortress. To-day there was a Consistory, at which were bestowed eight churches, among others, Perugia, Orvieto, and Guardia. The Ambassador of Ferrara died yesterday, Mgr. D'Anglone. The wife of Cesar Gonzaga has given birth to a daughter. The Pope is urgent for the departure of the Bishops to Trent, who set out hence daily. The Pope has revoked all faculties and indulgences formerly granted by him. The disputes for precedence between Florence and Ferrara produce great scandals.
Copy, on the same sheet as the letter of N. Stopio, April 25. Ital. Pp. 2.
April 19. 1028. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Wrote last by France, addressed to Throckmorton, to whom he has also sundry times written without answer, whence he suspects they have not been safely delivered, he therefore sends a duplicate of the other. Since the King's return he has postponed his journey to Aragon for a month, so it will be about the end of June ere he sets forward. The Friar Alfonso De Fresneda, his confessor, ("whom you know,") at the last confession gave him such good advice that now the King has bestowed on him the bishopric of Cuença, vacant by the death of the Marquis De Saroas' brother, who left to the said Marquis in money 80,000 ducats. The bishopric is worth 40,000 ducats per annum (the King has received from the profits of the same, for pensions to others, 9,000 ducats); "and for more accrue of living" the King has not only retained him still for confessor, and of the Privy Council of the Wars, but has newly made him Commissary General of the Cruzada, and Treasurer of the galleys, whereby he may in all dispend 40,000 ducats yearly; he has served the King for thirteen years as confessor.
2. The King, under pretence of his visits to his sporting houses, gets more leisure to debate upon the payment of his debts and the increase of his revenues, of which he has papers by means of Spaniards and Italians, with the names of all the nobles of Spain, and their revenues, and of all the three Orders of religious Knights here, with the value of the commanderies. As soon as the writer can be certain of the truth thereof, he will send them to Cecil, so that he may thereby perceive the King's revenues, not only of Spain, but of Flanders, Naples, Milan, and his other provinces, with the charges and issues yearly for defence of the same; which may be of use for the Queen's affairs. By conference of this Prince's revenues with hers it may be seen how much the same may import in time of enmity. Since the King's return from Flanders he has increased his yearly revenues to above 400 quents, each quent being rated at 2,666 ducats.
3. The King takes all the mines of alum and quicksilver in Spain, compensating the owners thereof, whereby he will improve his revenues considerably. Has been told that it is possible for the Queen, by reducing her coin to the old standard of forty pence, and after twenty pence the ounce, to triple her revenues, accounting the number of ounces, and that by means of a little ink and paper, at which they marvel and confess that no other Prince has that faculty, whereas all their lands and revenues are so stretched to the uttermost, as it is impossible for them to reduce their moneys to the old standard, and therewith to reserve the half of that they now receive. The King labours to redeem his debts, which done, he purposes to arm 150 galleys, seeing that until he is master of the Levant seas he cannot assure his dominions in Italy, nor make conquests upon the coast of Africa, which from Tunis downwards he intends to set upon, and thereby satisfy the Spaniards, who are wonderfully molested by the Moors of Algiers. He desires to advance Spain, and make it mistress of the rest. Unless by some extraordinary matter, he has no desire to visit Flanders. He intends when the Cortes of Aragon is achieved, to send thither the Prince, his son, as Regent. He keeps away from Court under colour of hunting, and there he delights in devising and drawing plats of fortresses and fair houses, whereof he intends to build three or four in certain places.
4. Count Brocardo (who was lately sent again to the Pope by the King) has succeeded with him, that the King shall take yearly, for ten years, of the clergy of Spain, towards maintaining sixty galleys at 7,000 ducats for each, 420,000 ducats, and after the ten years for five more at the Pope's pleasure. The other part of his errand, concerning dispensating for the sale of 25,000 ducats yearly revenue of the clergy, will probably be granted, seeing the King has lately so liberally considered the Pope's nephews with pensions above 40,000 ducats per annum. For more than six weeks it has been said here the Turk was dead; the news of his death is not certain, but he is in great danger, and then will these men hearken to the sequel between the two brothers.
5. The Emperor lately gained two petty victories in Hungary, one against the Vaivoda's men, the other against the Turks. Lately he was in great danger through a fall from his horse whilst hunting. Maximilian's two sons are expected here, to be brought up in company of the Prince. It is said here that the Electors have assembled to choose Maximilian for King of the Romans.
6. Cecil may impart such of the news here mentioned, as he thinks meet, to the Queen. Renews the suit mentioned in former letters, for if he tarries here two years (all things being excessively dear) he will be obliged to crave an extraordinary allowance. To prove how he is pinched he sends Cecil an extract of the prices of some kinds of victuals and other things here, and Chamberlain can declare the same.
7. Has not received any letters since he left England from the Council or Court friends. Here are divers reports of affairs in England, whereof being asked by other Ambassadors he is not able to give an answer, much to his discredit. A few lines from Cecil monthly would be a great comfort to him. If Cecil will send him his arms and "poesie" he can with little cost provide him such summer hangings as he will be thankful for. He is to send him the number of pieces and the depth withal.—Madrid, [blank] April 1562. Signed.
Corrected draft in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: M. to Mr. Secretary, 19 April 1562, by Flanders. Pp. 12.
April 19. 1029. John Cuerton to Challoner.
Four days since he answered Challoner's letters of the 30th ult., which he received on the 14th. Yesterday two ships arrived here from London, and he expects two more daily. "They departed before this a month, these departed the third of the last." They bring news from England that the King of Sweden goes thither, and that ten of the Queen's ships were being made ready to receive him. Would be glad to have the King's schedules for Chamberlain's chests, and the gentlewoman's to the Countess De Feria, so as to send them in one of these ships. Desires Challoner to obtain for him an audience with the Conte De Feria, and to desire the Contesse to give a good word in the bearer's favour; also requests Challoner to invite him to a dinner or a supper whilst there. It rests with Challoner whether the Conte and Contesse De Feria shall help him. In these ships he has some "hops byere," if Challoner comes this way he will keep part for him and Mr. Cobham, to whom he and his wife send their commendations.—Bilbo, 19 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
April 19. 1030. John Cuerton to Challoner.
The raiment in the chest here where the books were found in English is not delivered up yet. The provision is all things belonging to Challoner, but it does not mention his servants. What Thomas Shipman lost is there, and he has certain things which were missing from Shipman's chest. In Calahora, where the Ambassador is of these parts, there is an Englishman called Francisco D'Alberto condemned to perpetual prison. The Ambassador in England wrote letters to the Archbishop of Seville and to the King's confessor, since made a Bishop, for his relief, but no answer has been given to them.—19 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
April 19. 1031. The Queen to M. D'Anville.
Perceives by his letters and otherwise that he is thankful for the favour shown unto him, by offering his service, and that she cannot reasonably require more. She thinks part of her office consists in conquering the good wills of noblemen abroad by benefits, and by good governance to retain the hearts of her subjects at home.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by his secretary: 19 April 1562. Copy of the Q. letters sent to the Grand Prior and M. D'Anville by Mauvissery. Pp. 2.
April 19. 1032. Translation of the above in French. Corrected draft. Endd. Pp. 2.
[April 19.] 1033. The Queen to the [Grand Prior].
Perceives by his letter sent to her that he is thankful for the courtesy shown unto him, for which he offers his service. "Glad we be that our favour hath been showed where it is so well bestowed. We assure you our nature shall always appear to be ready to continue our favour where it is thankfully acknowledged; and (to write plainly) in contrarywise we can use contrariety."
Draft, in Cecil's hol. P. 1.
April 20. 1034. A draft of the same in French, appended to which is the following:
P.S.—"And for the ring you sent to us, we both thank you for the same, and see your memory good to perform that you promised, which we meant before this time to have acquited with some token not unmeet if after our device thereof the workman had not failed." (fn. 2)
April 20. Also a translation of the P. S. into Fr., and dated Westminster, 20 April 1562.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 20. 1035. Lord Gray to Cecil.
Answered the letter of the Lords of the Council touching the recompence of Sir Thomas Dacre, who served in the writer's absence, and wrote them somewhat plainly of his estate and necessity. "Extreme necessity causeth me thus plainly to open my misery, for I know this charge was thought a relief for me. I was undone before I came to it, and I am now worse, and every day the longer the worse." He is a very beggar.—Berwick, 20 April 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
April 20. 1036. Lord Robert Dudley to Throckmorton.
A man of the writer, one Merbury, went to France last summer without his knowledge or the Queen's licence; he was thereby evil judged. Informs Throckmorton that the bearer, Robert Hutton, younger brother of John Hutton, of Cambridgeshire, (for the desire he has to learn the French tongue,) has his licence to bestow a year or two there.—From the Court, 20 April 1562. Signed.
Modern transcript. Add.


  • 1. From this point to the end is in Throckmorton's holograph.
  • 2. This P. S. is in Cecil's hol.