Elizabeth: December 1561, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: December 1561, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp453-468 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1561, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp453-468.

"Elizabeth: December 1561, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp453-468.

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December 1561, 21-25

Dec. 21. 739. The Duke of Châtellerault and Others to Queen Elizabeth.
By the late treaty at Berwick it was stipulated that they should enter certain pledges in her realm, there to remain during the marriage of the Queen of Scots with the King of France and for one year after. The marriage being dissolved and the year completed, they desire her to set them at liberty. —Edinburgh, 21 Dec. 1561. Signed: James Hamilton, Argyll, James Stewart, Alexander Glencairn, Menteith.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 22. 740. John Cuerton to Challoner. (fn. 1)
Received Challoner's letter written in Vittoria. Trusts he has found bread to his content. Would be glad to have order from Challoner taken with the King about his stuff, as well for the Inquisition, as for they are desirous that after it leaves hence they shall not touch it. Hears nothing of Challoner's servants nor stuff from Plymouth. The wind serves well to come from England. Two days ago two ships came here from Chester; one left fifteen days past. They bring news that the great O'Neil goes to England upon his own goodwill, he came unto the Earl of Kildare, and submitted to him; and that the Lord Deputy goes also to England. There is other news for Master Cobam. Thanks him for "that you laft [left] with my nurses and folks in my house."— Bilboa, 22 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 23. 741. Windebank to Cecil.
Mr. Thomas enjoys well his health. Cecil may judge by his writing how much he is advanced in French. Sends certain small books of their doings in this country. The one written against Villegagnon is newly brought from Geneva, where it was printed. Villegagnon has of late set forth divers trifling books against the Protestants, which he doubts not Cecil has seen. Another written "Adversus versipellem quendam," is by Calvin against Balduin, who has answered him by his commentary, "De famosis libellis." Is promised shortly to have the book that moved Calvin to write. Returns the note of those few books that he willed him to inquire of in as perfect sort as he can get it of the stationers, who make some difficulty in adding the printer's name, for they say that divers men have printed the same books in one place, and the print that liketh one man misliketh another, and some like Paris print better than Lyons, and contrarily. Whereas he wrote that they were furnished with money till March, he now thinks it better for them to be provided beforehand. Desires to know whether they shall travel to see the country this spring.—Paris, 23 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 23. 742. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
1. Yesterday there arrived a mass of the Queen's treasure which was levied in the north. Understands from the receivers that it is not so much as they had in readiness by 5,000l. and odd, which for the uncurrency thereof (by reason of the late proclamation) they are required to carry up thither. Has received 9,083l., which is so far under that which is due for Michaelmas that the Governor and he have more to do in the dividing thereof to please all parties than they should have had if none at all had come.
2. Randolph has written that the Queen has enlarged his diet. Is not warranted to pay him the same, but has delivered to him, by way of loan, as much as it comes to, which is after 20s. per diem, and his warrant is but 13s. 4d. There is very little Scotch money stirring, which makes their money to go the faster away, "for their accats and other haberdashe ware."—Berwick, 23 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
Dec. 24. 743. Throckmorton to Cecil.
The bearer, Mr. Elder, wishing to pass into Scotland through England, desired his recommendation to Cecil by letters. He has not at any time since his being here perceived in him any ill affection towards the Queen. Elder has been a pensioner in this country since he was discharged from his pension in England, but is now discharged here. Thinks Cecil might draw some good service forth of him, for the French at his departing have given him occasion to think that they could be content to serve themselves by him in Scotland. He is very skilful in drawing plats for situation of countries and declaration of the coasts. He is in some credit with Lord and Lady Lennox, unto whom he brings letters from their brother, M. Daubeny. — Paris, 24 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Dec. 24.] 744. [The Earl of Bedford] to Throckmorton.
1. His letter of the 26th [ult.] came to hand on the 22nd inst., with a book. Wishes that he should be both reckoned a cold and dishonest friend if he should not do what lay in him to help Throckmorton's return.
2. My Lord Ambrose [Dudley] shall be to-morrow created Baron [Lisle] and Earl of Warwick, which induces a good [expectation] for my Lord Robert, of whose case there [never was] "greater hope than is even now." All other things in Court are as they were.
3. The Queen of Scots' proceedings [are very] well liked, and likely great amity to grow between the Queen and her. There is no talk of the King of Sweden's coming, so that matter is at a point. "For religion there is no more to be said than ye know." Sends commendations "to my good lady."—London, Christmas [Eve].
Orig. Add. Endd. Much injured by damp, and in a fragile condition. Pp. 2.
[Dec. 24.] 745. Modern copy of the above.
P. 1.
Dec. 26. 746. Maitland to Cecil. (fn. 2)
1. Wrote to him on the 15th with letters sent to Lord Grey at Berwick. Until he hears from Cecil, he delays the answer of the Queen his Sovereign to the Queen of England's last letter, "for I will be glad to work by your advice." The intelligence betwixt them and mutual conference by letters will serve both to good purpose. Desires him to write plainly his mind what answer should be made, as the writer knows the Queen of Scots' intentions, and by long experience Cecil also knows how his own Sovereign must be dealt with. Desires him to persuade the Queen to write sometimes with her own hand; be the letters never so short or of small moment, yet the Queen of Scots will esteem them.
2. They are here in a corner of the world, and so do not hear every day what others are doing abroad. He therefore desires him when he receives letters from foreign countries to command one of his men to make an extract of such occurrences as he thinks meet, whereby part of his desire may be satisfied. Has heard some whispering that the nobility of that realm is assembled; if it be for such purpose as is noised, he trusts Cecil will let him know if anything ought to be sent or written from them. Reminds him that the time for the continuance of the pledges in England is run out. Some of the Lords write presently to the Queen that she might be pleased to set them at liberty. Although the pledges continue not, he trusts that the Queen will reap the fruits of her benefits. Prays him, if his leisure serve, to let him hear oftener.—Edinburgh, 26 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Dec. 26. 747. Maitland to Lord Robert Dudley.
Thanks him for his friendly letter, which he received by the hands of Randolph, whereby he perceives that he has not forgotten their meeting at Hertford Castle. Judges that the matter is worth consideration and his support. Trusts that he believes that he wishes the two Princesses to be joined in tender friendship. Cannot desire more fervent goodwill than he finds in his mistress towards the Queen of England. Found the like disposition in Elizabeth at his being in England, and perceives by his Lordship's letters that it is not diminished. Prays him to weary not of travailing in so just a matter, and trusts that the Queen will not more mislike him for it, and assures him that he may count Queen Mary as one of his dearest friends. Has not omitted to make to her such offer as he by his last letter wished, and which she no less gently received, and has expressed her hearty thanks for it, and will not fail to make full demonstration of it if occasion minister. She further said that they resembled one another so much that he who loved one could not fail to love the other. Desires him to persuade the Queen to write to his mistress with her own hand, which shall do her singular pleasure, as she will take it as a gage of amity. Desires him to thank the Queen for so kindly inquiring after him of the Lord of St. Colm.—Edinburgh, 26 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Dec. 1560 [sic]. Pp. 4.
Dec. 26. 748. Valentine Browne to the Privy Council.
Has received their letter of the 16th inst., with a particular declaration of such sums of money as have been appointed to be paid to him for this charge to Michaelmas past, requiring him thereby to signify how much he has received and who has made default. Has received a like declaration from the Lord Treasurer, a copy whereof he returns to them, and has noted upon the margin of every title the money that has come to him; and in the end a memorial of the whole charge due unto Michaelmas. The stock of victuals is almost spent, for the renewing whereof he requests some more money for his deputy.—Berwick, 26 Dec. 1561.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 26. 749. Charges at Berwick.
1. A note of such particular sums as the Lord Treasurer has appointed to be paid to the Treasurer of Berwick. Total 23,172l., whereof 18,335l. 11s. 5d. has been paid.
2. The whole charge for the garrison and works amounts to 28,653l. 5s. 6d.
Dec. 28. 750. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. The Queen's letter of the 27th ult. he received on the 17th inst. by a merchant of London, instructing him how to proceed with the Cardinal of Ferrara; according to which he wrote a letter (the copy whereof he sends) with such instructions as he gave to his cousin Petowe to be declared to the said Cardinal. Also sends a copy of the Cardinal's letter in reply, and a memorial of such conversation as passed between the Cardinal and Petowe on the 20th inst. Sent Petowe in consequence of Henry Middlemore being sick, and having none so meet to be employed in such an affair for insufficiency of the language, for Petowe is well experimented in negociating Princes' affairs and speaks Italian very readily.
2. He informed the Queen by his last that the French use all their best means to impeach the amity betwixt her and the Queen of Scots, and for that purpose they either assure the Queen of Scots to be theirs, or else (if they find any difficulty therein), practise to win the Duke of Châtelleraut, the Earl of Arran, and their favourers, which intent he has had well confirmed to him. The Lord of St. Colme has declared unto him their whole negociation with him and their manner of proceeding, which stands in these points, namely; that they intend to gratify the Queen of Scots in all such things as she demands of them, and in proof thereof they have given order to send her a large supply of artillery and ammunition, which things the Princes of this realm have been accustomed to send to the King or Queen of Scotland at their coming to their State, with other large offers. The French are desirous to have a Scotch Ambassador resident here, and they one in Scotland, which they seek to bring to pass by all honourable means. Lord St. Colme is as likely as any other to fill that place here, if the Queen of Scots allows the same. Therefore desires the Queen at his return to give him good treatment, so that he may continue the good devotion he has already shown towards her. He had orders given him by the Queen of Scots after he had received his despatch to repair to the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke of Guise, to whom he is gone presently to receive despatches for her.
3. The Cardinal and Duke accompanied by their brethren in France still pass their time at Joinville (at the Duke's house) and other places in the skirts of Lorraine, not intending to return to this Court yet. They send one with letters weekly to the Court; so whatsoever is meant, the matter breaks not out yet so grievously against them as was thought. It appears they have puissant enemies, and some part of the Queen Mother's affection to them is extenuate; yet they want no able friends in this Court and country.
4. The matters against the Duke of Nemours are now laid asleep, and nothing prosecuted against him, only Linerolles and his secretary are detained in gentle prison.
5. The bruit of war betwixt France, Spain, and Savoy has calmed and they are in more security here upon the answer given by the King of Spain to M. D'Ozanse (who was sent thither not long ago), who declared that the said King means nothing but amity towards the French King. Some fear this smooth language from Spain after such threatenings is the more to be suspected than the former threatenings, for the King of Spain is occupied in making provision for war, as well by sea as land; and also that the Duke of Alva shall pass into Italy next spring, where the Bishop of Rome makes great provision for money; and the Duke of Florence gives order to build a great number of galleys. The French use all the means they can to get in money, and are now contented to pay some reasonable interest to their creditors for money owing. They do not (as far as he can perceive) mean to satisfy the principal, and they give it out that they forbear to satisfy the bankers lest the King of Spain, or some others, might furnish themselves of the same money, and make war with them. The King of Spain has the credit of paying his debts and dealing more substantially with all men than the French do.
6. Religion is at a stay, and as he thinks balanced; for the King, the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, the Cardinals and others hear Mass daily, and the Friars and Papists preach; and the Queen of Navarre, the Prince of Condé, the Admiral, and a number with them, daily hear the public preaching of the ministers of Geneva, and they mean to have a public assembly on the 1st January in some place in this town. The Minim who was lately apprehended in this town and taken to Court to answer to his preaching, was there very courteously treated by the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre and was desired to persevere in preaching the Catholic doctrine which the French King did ever profess. Whereupon he has returned to Paris, and is so emboldened thereby that, whenever he preaches, he makes invectives against all the Protestants and Geneva Ministers.
7. The assembly of which he informed the Queen, which was to commence on the 20th inst. will not begin until the 1st January, where some means will be devised how this King may levy of his subjects greater sums of money, and that some entry shall be made to bring some ecclesiastical lands into his possession. The clergy have consented to redeem the King's domains in a certain number of years, with which relief such as bear rule are not contented; yet the same will amount to 20,000,000 francs. This King's neighbours who cannot be assured of his amity, have no cause to be glad at the augmentation of his revenues.
8. Lately a murder was committed in Languedoc. M. De Fuemet, a gentleman of the chamber (whose estate was Captain De la Porte's), was by certain neighbours violently murdered, some say it was about religion, he being a great enemy thereunto. The King has sent M. De Corsolles with some horsemen and footmen to chastise the offenders, and arrest them, and to raze the village, put them to death, and confiscate their goods. How this will be tolerated is doubted by many men. Some think it will be mitigated, as the execution is committed to Corsolles, and not to the Constable, who is governor of the country, nor to the Conté of Villars, his brother-in-law, who is governor there in his absence, who is very severe in all his doings, especially against the Protestants.
9. Madame D'Andelot (sister to the Marquise De la Nesle and one of the inheritors to M. de la Vale) died lately. M. D'Andelot has a great loss thereby, she being one of the greatest marriages in France. D'Andelot has lately come to Court and countenances the public preaching here, as the Admiral does.
10. An Englishman named Thomas Shakerley attending upon the Cardinal of Ferrara, has, since his coming to Court, made proof to him of his affection to the Queen. He has left England nine or ten years, and has spent most of his time in Rome where he has been retained by the Bishop as principal organist, in which he is reckoned very skilful. There are many in this Court very noted for music, but he has obtained the estimation of a cunning player for the substance and solemnity of music. The Cardinal of Ferrara and other Cardinals in Rome have such pleasure in him that he is well entertained by them, besides the state which he has of the Bishop of Rome. He is very desirous to serve her, for he was brought up with Sir Richard Cotton, attending upon King Edward (being then Prince) where he was, and has thereby great experience of the Queen's disposition. Throckmorton expects he is known to some of her subjects who have visited Italy, especially the Earl of Bedford, who has had some experience of his zeal to the Queen during the time his Lordship was in Italy. Seems to have employed his time well in the observation of such things as have chanced there worthy of note.
11. Lately the Bishop of Troyes in Champagne (son to the Prince of Malfi), associating himself with the ministers of Geneva (whose preachings he publicly set forth in his diocese), was cited to appear before the Archbishop of Sens his primate, (the Cardinal of Guise) to answer to his schismatical proceedings. The Bishop, fearing the conclusion of the matter to be tried before his ordinary, refused to appear and has come to the Court, and desires the King and Council to take knowledge of his cause, and thus the matter rests. Not a week passes without intelligence of some commotion in one place or another in this realm concerning religion. Therefore to prevent further inconveniences, at the meeting of this assembly some order will be taken to appease these disorders. The Frenchmen who traffic in Spain, and the Bas-Navarrnois subjects, also, find such handling there about religion that it is very much misliked here, insomuch that the Bretons (who have great interchange of merchandise with the Spaniards) have lately made suit to the King and the Council in their behalf.
12. No news had come to Court at the despatch hereof, of the delivery of the Duchess of Savoy. It is said here the furthest day of her account is Twelfth Day.
13. Leonardo Benevento (whose offers for augmenting the Queen's revenues he sent not long since) has lately requested him (by the memorial enclosed) to renew his overture.—Paris, 28 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 8.
Dec. 28. 751. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Refers him to his letter to the Queen for his proceedings with the Cardinal of Ferrara. Finds by some folks' countenance (as the Queen of Navarre, the Prince of Condé, and the Admiral), and by other means, that the Protonotaire De Foix, who lately went from hence, has advertised hither something to his misliking. Desires that if it grows upon his treatment it may be amended; if it grows upon the matter of his negociation it may be let pass.
2. As the 6th of January, the time for his diets, approaches, he begs that Cecil will order him to be paid according to his warrant, until it be assuredly meant that he shall come home.
3. The abuses of the Roman Church and clergy, so long inveterate, are now so discovered and misliked that there is no remedy; there must be some reformation universally of that state and kingdom. The matter has come to that pass that the Cardinals and Bishops will now condescend to a reformation rather than hazard an entire destruction. It is the same with the ecclesiastical princes as with secular potentates; every man stands upon his reputation, and desires to make his bargain as honourably and profitably as he can. As the formulary of the Church of England is better allowed of the Papists, and less repugnant to them than that of Geneva, or any form used in Germany, he perceives that the English order will have more suffrages when the matter shall come in question than any other. Of late a learned Papist of great reputation in France told Throckmorton that he marvelled why the clergy of England did not fortify the ceremonies, rites, and observations retained in their church with the authority of the ancient writers, and the examples of the old churches, both amongst the Greeks and Latins. Since which time another man, singularly learned and a great favourer of the true religion, lately advised him to procure some of the clergy of England, substantially learned, and that had well travailed in antiquities and ancient Greek and Latin ecclesiastical writers, to set forth an Apology, to approve the ceremonies and usages retained in the Church of England, as he confessed they might do well enough; saying that the order in England (because they were not noted contemners of all antiquity and ceremonies) has more estimation amongst the adversaries than the novelties of Geneva. "For," said he, "these ministers fare as men that would pluck down an old building which consists of good and bad stuff, and when they have plucked down that patched building they leave the world often without any covered house, unless it be some hovels hastily set up to keep themselves dry withal; whereby they bring themselves into contempt, and are noted rather spoilers than builders. Therefore the ecclesiastical form retained in England will have more allowance when the matter shall come in question if the ceremonies were but quoted, with such authorities as make for them gathered forth of the ancient ecclesiastical histories and writers." Therefore it would be well if Cecil were to set some of the Bishops and learned men to work about this matter, and to put the same into Latin, like as is meet the whole ecclesiastical order should be, whereof there is already a part well done. A modest Apology will commend it greatly, and to avoid as much as may be to irritate any party. There is a good pattern already in the preface of the Book of Service, printed in Latin.
4. Albeit some fervent-spirited men, who challenge to themselves singular gifts of God and extraordinary revelations, will (to put the learned Homilies made in King Edward's time to silence) say that it is not meet to muzzle or limit the Holy Ghost, yet in the opinion of great, learned, and wise men, the continuance of the reading of those Homilies in the Church of England, and especially in parishes where curates be not best learned, or not most discreet, wins great allowance and liking; the rather for that it is in imitation of the ancient Fathers and the usage of the ancient Churches. Reminds him that there was a time amongst the Romans when neither the Tribune of the people nor any other person might make any oration to the people without being authorized by the Senate, and especially that order was observed amongst them for the matters of their religion. He therefore recommends Cecil to advise the Bishops to continue their injunctions for the reading of the Homilies in parish churches throughout the realm, which will continue the people in obedient simpleness, and preserve them from sects. —Paris, 28 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Dec. 28. 752. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Recommends the bearer, Mr. Stephenson, who is occasioned to repair to the south about certain his own special affairs. He has been diligent here in setting forth of God's Word, according to his vocation.—Berwick, 28 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 30. 753. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Wrote last on 9th Dec. The Pope uses every endeavour that the Council commenced at Trent may be continued, and has sent thither certain Cardinals and Bishops, no doubt with the intention of causing the reformed religion to be proscribed with new censures, and having obtained this, to turn his arms and those of his followers against it. There is a compact between the Pope, the King Catholic, the Dukes of Savoy and other places in Italy, the Guises, and others. The Guises have sent a very large sum of money from France, and also above 50,000 crowns to the Bishop of Treves, who is very hostile to the religion. The Elector Palatine and the Duke of Wurtemberg have been desired to send envoys to the Queen to consult about the Council. The Emperor lately sent a grand embassy to the Elector Augustus, and it is feared that the same nets will be spread in which Maurice was formerly taken. The alteration of the Electorate will be a source of weakness, and will some day cause serious trouble, for the Dukes of Weimar will not forget the injury, although now they are kept down by the power of the Emperor.
2. A French envoy to the Protestant Princes, named Rambouillet, passed lately; he was accompanied by Dr. Hottman, who was well known to the writer, and with whom he conversed. As far as the writer can learn, their mission is about two things; the first about the Council, for this envoy has lately returned from Rome, where he understood from the Pope of his endeavours for continuing the Council. The French King has promised to send to it. The second is for assistance against the Guises and other enemies of religion in France, If that pernicious dissension about the Lord's Supper had not disunited the Protestants, they might be a match for their enemies, and have a council in opposition to theirs, at which the English, French, Scots, Danes, Swedes, Germans, and Swiss might attend, like the ancient Council of Constantinople in the time of Constantine, and that of Elvira. If the Pope goes on with his Council without further summoning the German Princes, war will break out; and it will be very dangerous for the Protestant states to be left alone, as the power of the Papists in Germany is not to be despised, and should the King of Spain aid them the result will be very doubtful. The French envoys will go to the Marquis of Baden, who two years ago offered his services to the Queen. They have other letters to deliver as shall seem meet. The Rhinegrave remains in Saxony, where he met the King of Denmark at the marriage in Zell. The French insinuate themselves into the favour of the German Princes as much as they can. It is reported that the Emperor goes soon to Inspruck, in order to be near the Council.—Strasburg, 30 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp 3.
Dec. 31. 754. Maitland to Cecil.
— "all my former requests." All things are in good quietness. Randolph informs the writer that Cecil finds fault with his short and seldom writing, yet this is the fifth letter he has written this month, on the 7th, 15th, 26th, and 27th.—Edinburgh, last of Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. The conclusion of a letter only. Pp. 2.
Dec. 31. 755. John Denis and Richard Laxton to Challoner.
They request Challoner (before his departure) to command them to appear before him, to clear themselves of what he or any other is about to accuse them of, prejudicial to the Queen, crown, or country. They sent thirty days ago a man to him, requesting before he departed for England to hear them; for there were tales brought from him to them, and from them to him. He said he would, and appointed within two days; he afterwards said he might displease them, considering his place; and from that time they "aspected" unto this present. He has not only defaced them to the Queen, but does prosecute his malicious desire to take their lives. If his Lordship shall at any time command them to repair into England, they will seek for licence from the King to depart, there to answer his charges.—Madrid, 31 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add.: To Challoner, at "Madril," and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
Dec. 31. 756. The Merchants of Bristol.
1. Two "provances" [acts of accusation], the former made in Seville, 29 Dec. 1561, against Peter Mellendez, and the second made in Madrid, 31 Dec., against the same person.
2. A testimonial of the process against the merchants made by John Dias, Notary of Seville, and the accusation made by the Promoter Fiscal, Diego Venegas, 27th August 1561.
3. He accuses Richard Barret, merchant of Bristol, and the other merchants and mariners taken in the five ships by P. Mellendez, and brought from the Azores. They went from England under colour of getting merchandise (so they should not be stopped by the ships of Spain which they met at sea) to the island of St. Michael, and robbed and carried away a ship; and tarried there for the ships that came from the Indies laden with gold and silver, to rob them. This appears by the pipes of wine marked with iron that were found in the said ships, and blue thread and carpets of Flanders, which is merchandise used to be sent out of Spain for the Indies, and Irish mantles, fine and red, which is not English merchandise, kersies and Venice glasses, felt hats, and cords of hemp.
4. He therefore requests their punishment in the most rigorous manner, and the confiscation of their goods. A copy of the accusation was ordered to be given to the English merchants.
5. They made their answer in a bill presented in the process, and the Justice received the parties.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 31. 757. The Merchants of Bristol.
Copy of the notarial accusation made in Madrid, 31 Dec. 1561, against Petro Mellendez, in the case of the merchants of Bristol, mentioned in the previous document.
Notarial copy. Endd. Span. Pp. 46.
Dec. 31. 758. Intelligences.
1. Milan, 12th Nov. 1561. The Envoys have returned from the Diet of the Grisons, and report the complaints made by that body respecting the Bishop of Como. The Duke of Sessa is expected. The Marquis has ordered all the soldiers of the King of Spain to attend musters, which he himself will attend.
2. Rome, 15th Nov. Long discussions in the last Consistory between the Pope and the Ambassador of France (see No. 669, s. 2). The Ambassador says that the French King will send M. De Condom to the Council.
3. Rome, 29th Nov. Letters from Giovanni De Mendoza, of 28th Oct., state that the galleys are waiting for fine weather to pass to the Goletta. After the despatch of Cardinal Simonetta several Bishops will set out for the Council. Cardinal Emps has not yet received his legatine cross; but will certainly be despatched to Trent.
4. The Pope has been occupied in reforming abuses.
5. Rome, 6th Dec. 1561.—The Papal Nuncio has arrived in France, of which he gives a sad account. Six Spanish galleys will set out from Naples for the Goletta.
6. Rome, 13th Dec. 1561. When the steward carried the breakfast to the Pope last Sunday His Holiness caused him to be arrested in consequence of his complicity in a murder. M. Crivelli has set out for Spain. At the last Congregation various reforms were discussed, but nothing finally decided.
7. Rome, 19th Dec. 1561. At the last Consistory the cross was given to the Cardinal Emps, who sets out for Trent. The church of Cassano is given to the Cardinal Castellano. The Bull of the reformation of the Conclave will be speedily published. Gasparino Bargello and Ventura Bargello, auditors of the Camera, have been imprisoned on account of the steward of the Papal household. Letters have been received from France to the effect that Lutheranism is everywhere preached, and that the doors are guarded for the protection of the Protestants against the Catholics. The Pope has had the gout. The Bull of the Conclave provides that the Cardinals, during the vacancy of the Papacy, shall fare on bread and water. The Spanish troops are about to move from Naples into Piedmont, in consequence of the proceedings of Vendôme. Ascanio Della Cornia will certainly be sent by the Pope to Trent.
8. Milan, 11th Dec. Letters from Spain of the 17th ult. say that the King has gone to hunt at Segovia, where he would remain until St. Andrew's tide, whence he would proceed to Navarre to provide against the movements of the Protestants under Vendôme. The disorders occasioned by the false religion in France increase. The Duke of Florence wishes to be crowned as King of Tuscany, but the King will not consent. The Queen Mother has sent to the Duchess of Savoy fifty mules laden with articles for the nursery. Rumours of wars in Piedmont are still rife.
9. Prague, 17th Nov. 1561. The news of the defeat of 4,000 Turks is confirmed. The Emperor will send the Baron of Nihaus to be present at Rosenberg's marriage, to whom he will present plate to the value of 10,000 florins, and will treat with the Electors respecting the Imperial Diet. Maximilian has gone to Lintz from Vienna on account of the plague.
10. Constantinople, 3rd Nov. The Ambassador of the Sofi has arrived with 200 horses, and has had an audience. The Turk has promised to permit the export of corn to the Venetians. The plague has ceased entirely.
11. Rome, 27th Dec. 1561. News had arrived from Milan of the death of the Bishop of Bobbio, who had been sent thither by Cardinal Borromeo"; the see will be given to M. Castiglione, a Milanese. The Pope has had an attack of the gout. Cardinal Gaddi's death is reported. Various promotions are expected. The government of Fermo will be given to Cardinal Borromeo. Letters of the 13th, from France, speak of that country as in a lamentable condition.
12. France, 1st Dec. 1561. The Ambassador has arrived at this Court who was sent to Rome by the King of Navarre to induce the Pope to intercede in his behalf with the King of Spain. The King of Navarre has publicly spoken in the most outrageous terms of the Pope, remarking that as the French have once taken Rome so they may take it the second time. The Marquis of Saluzzo having left his state to the Crown of France will probably be the occasion of some dispute with the Duke of Savoy.
13. Paris, 31 Dec. 1561. The Bishops have all left Poissy fifteen days ago. Certain canons were confirmed for the reformation of the Gallican Church, which will be sent to the Pope and the Council of Trent for their approbation. No conclusion has been arrived at, Beza and Peter Martyr refusing to subscribe the two articles respecting the Eucharist and the authority of the Church, but they preach daily to large numbers of the nobility and others. Similar proceedings took place throughout France, and caution is necessary on account of the populace, which is most Catholic. Five hundred Reformers having assembled near the Porte S. Antoine, were attacked by the people, who killed twenty of them. The Prince of Rocca Sarcion [Rochesurion] the Governor of the city and the Marshal De Termeneli [sic] having restored order. The populace are committing many robberies under the pretext of searching for preachers. Similar outrages have taken place in Normandy and Gascony. The money raised for the annates will be applied to the fortifications. The whole of the Guises have withdrawn to Lorraine; the Constable has gone to Ecouen, and others have left the Court. The King of Navarre conducts himself with prudence in his administration.
14. Paris, 4 Dec. 1561. The Cardinal of Ferrara is indignant with the Queen Mother for having invited him to a banquet with the Queen of Navarre, after which was preached a Lutheran sermon. The Cardinal of Tournon is angry with the Queens, and also with Ferrara for having permitted himself to be so entrapped. Peter Martyr is dead on his return from France. The King of Navarre permits the Lutherans to preach in Paris, and has appointed guards for their protection.
Orig. Add.: To Gresham in London. Endd.: 12 Jan. 1561. Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 7.
[Dec.] 759. English Vessels in Spain.
Proceedings in the Admiralty Court of Spain respecting the capture of certain English ships of Bristol and Barnstable, arrested upon the charge of piracy on their return from the Indies.
Notarial copy, attested by Juan Diaz. Endd.: 1561. Span. Pp. 10.
[Dec.] 760. Other proceedings in the same process.
Attested copy. Endd. Span. Pp. 14.
[Dec.] 761. Petition of William Browne.
Recites the circumstances connected with the capture of two Portuguese vessels, which sailed from Southampton, by an English pinnace, of which the commander was Thomas Phetypas, and various incidents which thereupon followed. The petitioner afterwards going into Spain was thrown into prison at Bilbao, in which he has continued for more than twelve months.
Orig. Probably addressed to Challoner. Dated 1561. Pp. 2.
[Dec.] 762. Complaints of the Spanish Merchants.
Complaints of "the merchants and others of the Low Countries, subjects to the King of Spain, trafficing to England," respecting the violation by the English of the treaty of A.D. 1495. (fn. 3)
Copy. Pp. 3.
[Dec.] 763. Revenues of Spain.
A calculation of the revenues of the King of Spain, specifying the various sources whence derived.
Endd. Span. Pp. 2.
[Dec.] 764. Gresham's Accounts.
Munitions and stores shipped by Gresham in various ships, the names of which are specified.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: Oliver Dyrickson's bill. Pp. 3.
[Dec.] 765. Tithes, &c., in Cumberland.
Calculations by Challoner of the value of certain lands, tithes, saltpans, coalpits, &c. in Hensingham, Annerdale, Laweswater, Roskow Park, Whitehaven, Sandwath, Arowthwaite, St. Bees, and elsewhere in Cumberland.
Draft. Hol. Endd. Pp. 4.


  • 1. On the last page of this letter are some memoranda, being an account of expenditure for diet in the Ambassador's household.
  • 2. Randolph to Cecil.
    Dec. 27.
    B. M. Cal.B. x. 197. Keith, ii. 128.
    1. Thought by reason of this Convention to have been able to inform him of some notable matters that should have been concluded in so frequent an assembly of all states together at this time. Among divers matters proposed there was only one resolved on. On the 22nd instant the Church offered unto the Lords of the Council a supplication containing a humble suit to the Queen to put away her Mass, as well from herself as from her whole realm. The second petition was to establish, as far as she might, the Book of Reformation and Discipline. Thirdly, that order might be taken for the sustentation of Ministers. Fourth, that such as were known to be open and manifest Papists, enemies to religion, might be removed from the Session. These being considered, the request for the ministers was thought most reasonable. After many days' consultation it was accorded, invitis et repugnantibus episcopis, that the Bishops, Abbots, Priors, etc., should depart yearly from seven parts of their livings, whereof four shall be employed to the maintenance of preachers, finding of schools, and supporting of the poor; and the other three to the increase of the crown, or more if needs be. The 24th is appointed them to bring in their rent rolls under pain of imprisonment. This act is subscribed by all the Lords temporal that were present, and ratified by the Queen. The Convention is now dissolved, and the most part returned to their houses. The Papists storm now they think there rests nothing but the meeting of the two Queens to overthrow the Mass and all, which she keeps as solemn as ever, not sparing so much as her Mass upon Christmas Day in the morning before day.
    2. There was of late in the town some disorder. The Earl of Arran is known to have had company of a good handsome wench, a merchant's daughter of this town. Whether he was suspected to be privily in the town, or whether the Marquis, hearing of this woman desired to see her, came accompanied with the Earl Bothwell and Lord John in a mask unto the house where the first night they were received; the next night would they have done the like, but were not admitted. These in despite of that, broke open the doors, and used some other discourtesies in the house. Complaint was made next day to the Queen, who in words sharp enough reproved the doers. The Earl Bothwell and Lord John hearing this, in very contemptuous words swore that the next night they would do the like, in spite of any who was friend to that house that would say nay. These words were extended far, and thought to be meant for better men than themselves. Divers of the Duke's servants at nine o'clock assembled in jack and spear in the market place. Earl Bothwell, being in his lodgings, gathered his friends about him. The number of either party increased. The Duke's company grew great; the town assembled at the sound of the common bell. News flew to the Court that the Duke was upon the street, and that the Earl Bothwell should be pulled out of his house. From them came Lord James, Argyll, and Huntly. Proclamation being made that all men should depart on pain of death, within half an hour after there was never a man seen; so that of so likely a matter of evil he never saw less hurt. Those upon the street conveyed Randolph to his lodging; the Provost sent twenty honest men of the town to keep his house. Thought it as much wisdom to behold them out of a window as to be in their company.
    3. The next day the Duke and the Earl of Bothwell were sent for to the Court; the Duke was conveyed with all the Protestants, and the other with the Papists. It was concluded for avoiding of cumber that the Earl Bothwell should leave the town till the 8th January. Since then they have lived in peace, and like enough to do so, except the Bishops are able to work any mischiefs to save their living.
    4. Sends the Lords' letter to the Queen for the delivery of hostages. Most of them say that albeit their sons return, their hearts shall remain in the place. Their charges have not been great, yet somewhat more than divers are able long to sustain. They desire that their dealings may be interpreted unto the best. The Duke in special commends his humble services to the Queen. He has received good words of the Queen of Scots, and returns home full of hope to enjoy her favour. She would willingly take up the controversy between the Earls of Bothwell and Arran; as far as he can perceive Bothwell stands in more doubt of the Laird of Ormiston and his friends than of the other.
    5. It has been told the writer in great counsel that the Earl of Arran makes his way again into France, and that he spake secretly with M. De Foix. It is told for certain that he was last night in the town very secret. Cecil will know some part of the Queen of Scots' mind by Lethington's writings, which he sends herewith, with a letter from Lord James and one to Lord Robert. Sends one from the Master of Maxwell and another to the Master of the Rolls containing his defence against Lord Dacre's accusation. Lord Robert was married Sunday eight days to the Earl of Cassilis' sister and Lord John will be on Sunday next to the Earl Bothwell's sister.—Edinburgh, 27 Dec. 1561. Signed.
  • 3. See Fœd. xii. 578.