Elizabeth: December 1561, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: December 1561, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp423-435 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1561, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp423-435.

"Elizabeth: December 1561, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp423-435.

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December 1561, 1-10

[Dec.] 695. The Queen to Mary, Queen of Scots. (fn. 1)
Understands that James MacOnell, sometime named Lord of the outer Isles, in the west parts of Scotland, has of late entered into the parts of Ireland next adjoining him, and committed there divers robberies and depredations, using most unlawful war in his doings, not only against the tenor of the treaties, but also against all good order and law of arms, especially in the usage of prisoners. She requires that, according to treaty, the said James MacOnell may be constrained to cease all incursions into Ireland, and be answerable to justice for his robberies, making delivery of such pledges as he holds for those taken by him at the Isle of Rathlim, and kept by pretence as prisoners until the same pledges were delivered, although in time of peace.
Corrected draft. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 1. 696. The Duke of Holstein to the Queen.
Directs her attention to the complaint of Peter Lutkens, Joachim Wirkes, and the guardians of the infant children of John Schwartin, citizen of Hamburg.—Gottorp, Cal. Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Broadside.
Dec. 1. 697. English Merchants in Spain.
Acknowledgment by the Licenciado Santander and others of having received certain papers respecting the complaints made by the English merchants in the Azores.—Madrid, 1 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Endd.: Copy of the writings left by Sir Thomas Chamberlain in power of the Justice Deputados. Span. Pp. 2.
Dec. 4 698. The Merchant Adventurers.
The Queen commands the person addressed to pay to the Merchant Adventurers the sum of 30,000l. imprested for paying her charges in Flanders at Easter last by the hands of Gresham, which should have been in August last.
Draft. Pp. 2.
Dec. 5 699. Thomas Fitzwilliams to Throckmorton.
Since his return from the North, where he has been all this summer, he has been in Sussex, and of late has been so troubled in law that he has had no leisure. Advertises him of the good health of Mr. M . . . . ., who is studious to show himself grateful of Throckmorton's kindness used to him in France, and has a gelding a breaking for him. Touching the Queen's marriage, there is greater b[oasting] thereof by Lord Robert's men than there is likelihood thereof in his mind. [Lord Robert] is sick, and there is great sorrow made for the same. [The Duke of] Norfolk is at the Court, and in great account with the Queen. The King [of Sweden] is looked for in the spring.—5 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Much mutilated, and in a very fragile condition. Pp. 3.
Dec. 6. 700. Valentine Browne to [Cecil].
1. According to a commandment received from the Lords has sent his answer touching informations made against him for engrossing of grain in Northumberland, and for excessive prices of victuals that he burdened the soldiers with; wherein although he has been much sought, yet can it not appear that he has taken any grain in Northumberland, or that the prices of victuals have been enhanced than otherwise has been before in times of better plenty. Has required of Lord Grey and Sir Thomas Dacre to be charged upon some griefs and evil service that Sir Richard Lee conceived against him, wherein Mr. Dacre desired to know of the letter that he [Cecil] sent; and Lord Grey declared to him that Lee refused to do the same, openly saying that he had given over much credit to others.
2. The proclamation touching the Scottish money has here been made sixteen days, whereby the currency thereof is no more used, and yet the English money passes away rather more than before.—Berwick, 6 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
Dec. 6. 701. N. Stopio to Sir John Mason.
Wrote last Saturday as usual, and should be glad to have a few lines in reply. Letters from Rivoli of 20th Nov. state that the Duke of Nemours has arrived in Savoy from France, having incurred the suspicion of the King of Navarre. The Queen of France has sent a present of thirty laden mules to the Duchess of Savoy, whose confinement is expected at Christmas. There are indications that the French will restore the lands which they hold in Piedmont. A knight of Rhodes, called Salviati, has come hither from France on his way to Constantinople.—6 Dec. 1561. Signed: N. St.
Orig. Hol. Add.: Al S. Cavalliero Masson, London. Endd.: Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 2.
Dec. 6. 702. Intelligences.
1. Spain, 17 Nov. 1561. Prince Charles has gone to Alcala, where he will spend the spring, accompanied by Don John of Austria. He has recovered of the quartan fever, which has troubled him for the last twenty-six months. Gio. Andrea Doria says he will not be able to provide all the galleys which are required; who will be commander in chief is uncertain; possibly either the Duke of Alva or the Duke of Sessa. The Duke of Alva has informed the Pope that the King of Spain is offended with the proceedings of the King of Navarre. The King of Spain will proceed next summer into Flanders to remedy the disorders in religion.
2. Rome, 6 Dec. The usual Congregation has not been held this week, but in its place there was yesterday a Consistory, in which the Pope proposed that the Cardinals should not become security for each other. After other matters a bull was expedited for conferring on Cardinal Salviati a church in France, the unhappy condition of which country was certified by the Bishop of Viterbo, Nuncio there. The Pope is deliberating upon the Reformation of the Church. At this Consistory certain churches were given, and it was decided to despatch Antonio Galese to the Council. M. Crivello is on the eve of his departure. The Pope has shown much affection towards the Venetian Ambassador. The Ambassador of France has requested the prorogation of the Council for six months. The cause of the Camarino advances apace.
3. It is reported from Genoa that two French galleys have arrived, which had attacked the Venetian vessels. Of the former one was commanded by the Admiral of France, and another by M. De Sciarla. Thirty men were killed.
Orig. Ital.
Dec. 7. 703. Maitland to Cecil. (fn. 2)
1. By the letters of the Lord of St. Colms Inch to the Queen of Scotland and himself has at large understood the gracious "proposses" that the Queen of England held with him touching the Queen of Scots, whereby the sincerity of her affection appears able to kindle like fire of love on this part. Has of long time perceived such a reciprocal goodwill in his mistress towards the Queen of England that he thinks she has no friend in whom she puts more confidence, and not many to whom she will more frankly impart any of her affairs of consequence. "God is my judge, I make the matter appear no better than it is in the self, and if I thought not myself assured that it should thus prove in the end, I would not hazard to write thus far." Her frankness in writing may serve for a sufficient argument of a singular trust. "I know Her Majesty doth look for friendly and good advice from your mistress, and upon hope thereof doth reveal so far of her mind unto her, and meaneth hereafter to follow the same trade." Prays him to advise his mistress to answer these letters with such speed as the matter requires.
2. The Queen of Scots has good cause to love her uncles; they are so nigh unto her that, besides their good discerning, nature must bind her thereto; she knows their honesty, and must maintain their innocence if they are charged. It will be no small consolation to her to understand that for her respect the Queen will forbear to conceive any evil opinion of them if their unfriends charge them with anything. They are so far at her devotion that for the love they perceive the Queen of England shows towards the Queen of Scots they will always esteem themselves bound to do her service. Prays that in the Queen of England's answer some mention may be made of them. The Scottish Queen in nothing delights more than to visit and be visited by letters of such as she loves. Prays him not to neglect this, until occasion may be given that an interview may be had between them, which he knows the Queen his mistress earnestly wishes may be soon. If Cecil sees the like disposition in Queen Elizabeth, he desires him to begin betimes to confer by letters on the time and place. Desires him to entertain the amity began; for his part his burden therein will be very portable, finding his mistress so conformable. Asks to be commended to the Earl of Pembroke and Lord Robert, and by his next letters to impart somewhat of his mind in these matters.
3. The Queen commands him to present her hearty commendations to Lord Robert, the Earl of Pembroke, the Lord Chamberlain, and Cecil, thanking them for their good usage of St. Colm.—Edinburgh, 7 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Dec. 7. 704. Lord Grey to the Privy Council.
Has considered the complaint of the captains and soldiers of the garrison touching the prices of victuals, and finds, considering the charge for transporting them here, that the prices cannot well be abated, or the soldiers otherwise eased, unless the pays be made quarterly, to relieve them partly with such provisions as the market may best serve for ready money. With respect to the Treasurer buying grain in Northumberland, he finds that he has only bought a very small portion for his own household. Have conferred together of some help to ease the Queen's charges growing by the waste of victuals, and have fallen into the opinion that if a convenient number of soldiers might be appointed to the Treasurer to employ in such profitable exercises as he has thought necessary, both the prices of victuals might be mitigated and the Queen's charge abated. Commends the diligence of the Treasurer, and begs that he may have licence to repair to them for twelve or fourteen days to clear his accounts.—Berwick, 7 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Dec. 7. 705. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Having considered the articles touching Mr. Browne, he has signified the effect of his proceedings therein to the Council, which occasions him to write the fewer words in that behalf. Doubts not but that Browne will declare how indifferently and friendly he has used him, as well in assistance to his charge as in other reasonable causes. Has perceived such conformity in him that he cannot but give him commendation.—Berwick, 7 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 7. 706. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Reminds him that the controversy between the Earl of Northumberland, Sir Ralph Grey, and John Selby, porter of Berwick, touching the Lord of "Kithe's" ransom, which is by letters from the Queen appointed to be examined before the President and Council at York. Desires that he may have licence to repair to York for twenty days for those suits and matters of his own.—Berwick, 7 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 7. 707. Knights of the French Order.
The names of those made Knights of the French Order on the 7th and 8th December, at St. Germain.
The Conté Dauphin d'Auvergne, son of the Duke de Montpensier, Conté de Charney, Conté Domonti, Conté Rocandolph (Almain), M. De Channey, Governor of St. Quentin, Baron De Grandmont, brother of the Vidame of Chartres, M. De Sault (of Provence), Ambassador in England when the Earl of Bedford came hither, M. De Carnevallet, governor of the Duke of Orleans, M. D'Annebault, M. De Subyse, M. De Malliere (of Normandy), son of M. De Muye, sometime hostage in England, M. Le Pienne, M. De Gordes, lieutenant of a company of the Constable's, M. De Leux, brother of M. De Monluc, M. De Carres, first gentleman of the chamber to the King of Navarre.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 7. 708. Another copy of the above (enclosed by Throckmorton to Challoner, 20 Dec.).
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 7. 709. Another copy of the above (ascribed to 9 Dec.).
Copy. Pp. 2.
Dec. 8. 710. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Received Cecil's included letters to Randolph, which he has forwarded by a trusty man. The Queen of Scots continues her ordinary watch, and establishes a guard of her person, the captainship whereof she will bestow upon James Steward. Understands from Randolph that the Laird of Barr is come into England by the West Border, and Gaston attends at Edinburgh for his despatch, for whom the Lord Warden of the Middle Marches will give vigilant circumspection. If Cecil thinks it necessary, the Warden of the West Marches may have warning. Thanks him for the increase of his favour and friendship towards him and his son Arthur.— Berwick, 8 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Dec. 8. 711. Albrecht Janhen to the Queen.
Having furnished her factor, Sir T. Gresham, with the sum of 29,800 florins, on the condition that it should be repaid in dollars, according as they were rated in 1548, viz., twentyeight patarts Flemish per dollar, he has now been paid at the rate of thirty Flemish patarts per dollar. He therefore begs that the contract may be kept.—Antwerp, 8 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Dec. 9. 712. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Since his last of 24th Nov. Germany has been tranquil, but in France they have been in great fear lest the Pope, the King of Spain, the Duke of Savoy, the Guises, and the Papist party in France should make war against France before the true religion has got greater strength, for they cannot endure that France should turn to the true religion, lest Spain, Italy, and the inner parts of Germany should follow her example. It is reported that the Pope has taken into pay certain captains of the Tyrol, through means of the Bishop of Trent, who is of the noble family of the Madrucci. The Queen Mother of France is anxious to know whether Philip has been transporting money into Germany, or seeking for some. there, for it is reported that he sent out of Spain 400,000 ducats. The Fuggers are taking up all the money they can get in Germany at twelve per cent., which there can scarcely be any doubt is for Philip, who already owes them large sums. They also wish to be repaid what they have lent to the Queen.
2. The Guises have sent to several Princes excusing themselves for not assenting to the doctrines of Calvin, and pretending that they do not so much object to the Augsburg Confession. They have not sent to the Elector Palatine, because he professes to hold a purer doctrine about the Lord's Supper. Vielleville, Governor of Metz, has been commanded not to admit any of the faction of Guise within that city, as they are suspected of wishing to hand it over to Philip, although this would be much objected to by the Emperor. Mundt was informed by a person of credit that an embassy was sent from the Emperor to the King of Spain, asking him to appoint either Ferdinand or Charles as his successor, no mention being made of Maximilian, to which Philip replied that he could appoint no one but him who by the laws and constitution of the realm was his successor.—Strasburg, 9 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 3.
Dec. 10. 713. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. He has received Cecil's letter of the 27th ult. by Stephen Davis, who was detained there two or three days for the Queen's letter sent to him, for some negociations with the Cardinal of Ferrara in answer to his letter sent to her by M. De Morett concerning the General Council. Morett never mentioned the matter to him, but commended the Cardinal's affection, which he and his house had for the crown of England. He asked if the Queen was at liberty to marry, and let fall such words that the writer guessed he wished her to marry some one who has not yet been named. Since Morette left here, the writer perceives he meant the Duke of Ferrara, and that he is commissioned to touch the matter if he found her at liberty. Perceives Cecil was perplexed with his [Morett's] proceedings. Advises him [Cecil] to give ear to such overtures as other Princes offer to make their profit by, and which may turn to the Queen's advantage. Cannot see that it would be inconvenient for the Queen to write to the Cardinal of her acceptation of his visitation. He is of the family of a sovereign Prince of the French faction, and is reputed here more for his house than the Pope's Legate. He is lodged in the Court as one of the ordinary of the French King's Privy Council, and not as Legate. Cecil may discreetly answer him concerning the General Council, as others have done, that the Queen never meant to refuse a lawful Council, but would accept it with reasonable conditions. No man can tell (as Europe stands at present) who shall make the best end in these troubles. The matter may be so handled as these men will give good words, and yet hold off to send to the Council, as they do. The Spaniard would assure himself by his furious zeal, and thereby put the same in execution against the French, the end of which war cannot turn to our disadvantage. Cecil must remember that the Queen has written heretofore to the Cardinals of Lorraine and Tournon, of whose affections he could not then boast of. It will not be amiss for Cecil to carry the Protestants abroad in his right hand with a sincere meaning, and the Papists in his left, with such meaning as they deserve. In this cautious time he [Cecil] shall advance covertly the true religion, and bring no danger to England.
2. If the Queen shall resolve to write to the Cardinal, and the negociation be committed to him [Throckmorton], thinks it will be expedient for her to send him [the writer] some order to communicate his charge in that behalf to the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Admiral, to avoid suspicion, and that some letter of credence for that purpose be sent.
3. The Earl of St. Combe, on his arrival on this side, made his way to Joinville, where the Guises are. Two of them were lately sent for to return to the Court, which they have not done. In consequence of the Spanish and Savoy affairs, will they were again desired to repair to the King; what they do is doubted. The King has lately made him [Throckmorton] Knight of his Order; the certain number is not yet known to him; he can only assure Cecil of those whose names are enclosed.
4. Thinks the matter intended for his revocation waxes cold again, and understands that Mr. Dannett has no orders to put himself in readiness. The order lately given by the Lord Treasurer and Cecil that he should receive but two months' diets (whereof one has expired) does not give him so great cause to hope that his revocation is meant as the abridging of his diet money does make a show. Dannett's (fn. 3) preparation, after the receipt of his money, will take a month (although the writer had but six days' warning), for such time all other ministers have spent in their preparations; then the time coming hither, the presentation, the time before he leaves hence, and to return to the Queen, will take two months, though he makes as much speed as he can, considering his wife and family are here. There need not have been such straitness used as to restrain the three months' diets, unless it is meant he is to come home at his own cost, which is contrary to his warrant. His three months expire on the 3rd February next, and whether it is likely he will come into the Queen's presence by that time Cecil may consider by Dannett's towardness in coming hither. Hopes Cecil will give order to Mr. Somers or to William Killigrew to receive the other month's diet which is behind, for he has thriven so well here "that he is not able to become the Queen's creditor."
5. The Commissioners of the French King and the Duke of Savoy have, after long conference at Lyons, so agreed that the French think and say that the Duke has no right to hold that which he possesses. On the other side, the Duke thinks the French have no right to hold that which they retain. Hereupon the King has sent a gentleman to the Duke, who has commission to speak with him, and to try and compound the matter. The same man has commission to M. De Bourdillon, lieutenant for the King in Piedmont, to put the places in defence. This secret commission is given in consequence of information lately come hither from Italy that the King of Spain has sent 3,000 Spaniards to Genoa and 4,000 to Naples, and begins to make men in Milan.
6. Here is some talk that the Count of Egmont in his government "doth begin to stir coals." The French lately sent M. De Rambouillet into Almain to sound the Protestant Princes in the aid of this Prince, and he has special commission to practise with the King of Denmark, that the King of Sweden's coming to England may be impeached. He is sure the Rhinegrave had a similar commission before.
7. The King has lately sent M. Dosense again into Spain, upon whose return it will be known what the Princes mean one to another.
8. In this suspicious time little is done for promoting religion, for the Papists begin to hold up their crests again, and the Protestants are not so well countenanced as they were. They are allowed to preach and assemble in out places as they did, but cannot obtain churches for their service.
9. The French are in good hope to win again the Earl of Arran to their devotion, for they begin to despair of the Queen of Scots, yet he is sure they have made her great offers, if she will hang her keys at their girdle.
10. The Duke of Florence has sent his son into Spain; he passed by Rome, where the Pope showed him the greatest favour that has ever been seen to a man of his quality, and defrayed his charges whilst he was there.
11. Men judge this Court-making will compound the difference foreseen betwixt the King of Spain and the Duke of Florence. Some think the Prince of Florence shall be married in Spain before he returns to Italy, but it is said that the King had rather bestow his sister, the Queen of Portugal, in marriage with the Duke of Ferrara than with the Prince of Florence. There is some talk that Don John d'Austria, the Bastard of Spain, shall marry Madame Lucretia, sister of the Duke of Ferrara, which he thinks unmeet, for she is matura viro and a beautiful lady, and the Bastard is but a child. If this alliance goes forward, the King of Spain is the greatest Prince in Italy, for all will be at his devotion except the Venetians.
12. Here is some secret whispering that there is a league concluded betwixt the Emperor, the King of Spain, the Pope, the Duke of Florence, and other states in Italy and Germany to repress the Protestant religion. Hopes this letter may suffice for the Queen also. (fn. 4) —Paris, 10 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig., partly in Throckmorton's hand, partly in that of a scribe. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 8.
Dec. 10. 714. Randolph to Cecil.
1. M. De Fois has made honourable report of the Queen not only to the Queen of Scots but also to all other where he had opportunity; he will now be suitor to have oftener access to her. He desires that his acquaintance with Cecil may be such that he may use his friendship familiarly. Has ofttimes repaired to him, and finds him ready to do anything that may be to the furtherance of amity and peace between Princes, which well agrees unto all those who profess Christ, for whose cause he has endured much.
2. The Queen of Scots is in health and merry. On Saturday last she solemnly celebrated the exequies of her husband, at which M. Moret assisted; of the nobles of Scotland none wore the dueil. The Earl of Huntly came the morrow after the feast. Yesterday there arrived the Earl of Argyll. The punishment upon the thieves has been great, which puts them in good hope that hereafter the Queen's subjects shall live in better assurance.—Edinburgh, 10 Dec. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Randolph to Cecil.
    Dec. 17.
    B.M. Cal. B. x. 195. Keith, ii. 124.
    1. On 11th inst. received Cecil's letters of 30 Nov. with letters from the Queen to this Queen, which the writer presented next day. Two days after he repaired to her for an answer, which was deferred, being the first day of the Convention. Had of her very good words, and perceives by the Lord James and Lethington that she likes the contents of the Queen's letter, which she purposes to make use of secretly, as time and occasion may serve.
    2. They have now no more talk of the watch. The Duke arrived here on the 15th; my Lord of Arran remains in Dunfermling. Earl Bothwell sent to the Duke an assurance for the time of this convention, which the Duke refused to accept or subscribe. Sees no likelihood of further to do between them. The Duke is not "quarrelous;" the other stands in doubt enough of himself.
    3. M. Morette yesterday departed to Seton to his bed. His first meeting with the writer was upon the sands of Leith, beholding the running of the ring. Morette spake well of the Queen of England. He was sent only from the Duke of Savoy to congratulate Queen Mary on her safe return, to announce "the engrossment" of the Duchess, and to confirm Mary in her religion, "which he did, both in word and deed, more to his shame and discredit, more than ever he shall get honour of his voyage." The writer asked him what news he had brought Queen Mary of marriage (the bruit then was that he had come to prefer the Duke of Nemours or the Duke of Florence)? He answered that he was no fit man to treat of such affairs. He has not seen Nemours long before his departure from France. He is well liked by the Queen, very welcome to the Marquis, and better liked by the French than M. De Foix. He is always accompanied by M. De Croc, and is lodged at Lord Robert's house near the Court. At his departure, a chain of thirty ounces was given him, and three geldings. Bonart is also gone with him, and hopes to have a gelding or two in England. Mary has written with her own hand to the Duchess of Savoy. If any matter be of M. Nemours, it is rather in credit than in writing. When marriage is spoken of, Mary says she will none other husband but the Queen of England.
    4. Pressed this day to have access to the Lords of Council touching the Lord Dacre and the Master of Maxwell. A letter from Lethington to Cecil shall come by the next; also a letter to the Queen from the Lords touching the hostages. The necessities of the Earls of Glencairn and Menteith are so great that they cannot pay the charges of their sons when licence is given them to return; Lethington has promised that it shall be borne. The rest are well able; but these are godly, friendly, and honest.
    5. Lethington prays that Mary may have a licence for fifteen or sixteen geldings at the least. Delivered Cecil's oration to Lethington.—Edinburgh, 17 Dec. 1561. Signed.
  • 2. Randolph to Cecil.
    Dec. 7.
    Calig. B. x. 189. Keith, ii. 13.
    1. Has stayed his letters that he might accompany them with those of the Laird of Lethington unto him. By his writing Cecil will understand his opinion touching the perpetuating of the amity that is on this side so earnestly desired, and his [Lethington's] full mind of the sincere meaning of the Queen in that behalf. Is assured that there lacks no good will in him thereunto. As far as Randolph can conjecture, she means to do what she can to unite the two realms in a perfect amity. Never has access to her but their purpose ends in that matter. Never heard better words or more affectionately spoken than was the last talk that he had with her.
    2. Since his last letter, in which he told him of the arrival of the Duke after so long absenting himself, this befell. The day after Lord James's departure towards Jedburgh there came hither the Bishop of St. Andrews; two or three days after came the Bishops of Dumblane and Caithness. The Bishop of Ross was before made one of the Privy Council. By reason of these and their company, within six days the whole town was packed and pestered with Papists. All others in whom the hope of good is were with Lord James. The Sunday at night after his departure about nine o'clock, the Queen being yet out of bed, and all men ready to depart, there came amongst them so suddenly a fray, (without either news of men, horses, or armour,) that scarcely any man knew where to bestow himself. Where men are thus bold, being some of them reputed old and valiant soldiers, what can one think of the poor damsels left alone whilst others sought corners to put their heads in? These came to themselves; counsel is taken what is to be done. Every man took his armour; the watch was appointed; the scouts put forth; nothing seen or heard. Of this there arose next morning a bruit that the Earl of Arran was come over the water with a stark company to take away the Queen, and that he had his friends and servants quietly in this town to take his part. This bruit runs fast; the repair of the Papists waxes great, the watch continues, and being before raised of a sudden it was then appointed with good deliberation and advisement that every Lord who lodged within the Court should watch his night with jack and spear. The places were visited where any entry might be; divers passages to the Queen's chamber stopped and new ones made.
    3. In the meantime the Duke comes to the town, and being greatly offended with this report, complained to the Queen, and desired punishment of those who were the authors of it, as movers of discord between her and her subjects; and he desired that, according to an old statute, he might have justice at her hands. Nothing could be done to his contentation. Excuses divers alleged, other occasions showed that moved her to do so. She purged herself of all suspicion towards him and his. He, nothing satisfied, returned the 25th ult. to Kinneil, from thence he will to Hamilton, where he purposes to remain the whole winter. Is not certain whether he will be here at the Convention on the 15th. This is the simple verity of this great hurly-burly, without occasion for her to stand so in doubt of any subject of her own, or so highly to credit any report, that she should so manifestly disclose what mind she bore to the whole race.
    4. The Earl of Arran was never fewer in company, nor worse furnished of all things fit for such an enterprise, without horses, men, or money. He came over the water to Kinneil the night before with but two men and a page, the rest he left at St. Andrews. He wished all the Papists in Scotland hanged; so do many more besides him. If at any time she had occasion to fear, yet never less than then, having so many Papists as were in the town at that time, who though he is sure not one of them would die for Christ, yet to save their Queen from stealing, would not stick to strike a blow or two. The hatred that he perceives in the Queen towards the Earl of Arran is marvellous great, and he himself too slack in doing his duty. In all these times he rather gives ear unto these bruits than stirs at the hearing of them. He sent Randolph word that he rejoiced more in his innocency, and to behold their follies, than if he were able to do as much as they suspect he would.
    5. The bishops, as many as were in this town, have now retired themselves, saving Ross and Caithness, the Earl of Lennox's brother, who comes daily to the sermons and is reputed honest enough. There is here presently with him the Earl of Sutherland, who married his sister; whatsoever they seek it is presently applied. Knows nothing yet but common bruit. The bishops sought to be restored; that matter is to be considered at this convention; they offer large contribution to be put in possession. She says that that which is done by an order and good advice may longest continue, but good as yet they have gotten none. They know not yet, for all their Mass, what they may well think of her. Lord James, they say, bears too much rule; Lethington has a crafty head and fell tongue. The worst that they like is the accord that they hear is like to be between the two Queens; if that be, they think themselves quite overthrown; they say plainly that she cannot then return a true Christian woman. Neither Lethington or himself can be persuaded that she will give over her Mass till she have spoken with the Queen, that it may seem that she does it on such reasons and persuasions as the Queen will use unto her, rather than to be forced thereunto by her people. The bruit of her good will to go into England is far spread abroad in this country, and the purpose well commended of all honest men; but hereof there are divers judgments. Some measure it by profit, by reason of the quietness of both countries; others by zeal and affection both to one country and the other. The third consider how far the will of God is that we should proceed in making alliances, and with whom. They fear also in giving this Princess too great security, she may with the more boldness discharge her choler upon those whom she dislikes, or exercise any severity that she will upon the professors and ministers of Christ.
    6. Of Lord James's doings at Jedburgh, and the meeting at Kelso with Lord Grey and Sir John Foster, he doubts not but that Cecil is advertised; he burnt many houses, he hanged twenty-two or twenty-three, and brought into this town forty or fifty, of which there are twenty-three in the castle. The chiefest of all the clans on the Borders are come in, to take what order it pleases the Queen to appoint to stay theft in time to come. The first night of Lord James's arrival the watch was discharged. The first night that M. De Fois, the French Ambassador, came, she talked with him awhile; the next day after dinner she communed with him very long, in which time he [Randolph] was sent for by her commandment, to whom she presented M. De Fois, and said that she was glad to hear that the Queen of England was well, and told him to welcome M. De Fois to Scotland, which he accordingly did. Incontinent, the Marquis (who never before, save in ordinary salutations, gave token unto him of kindness), came to him. He had more caresses than he liked for the novelty of them. The Marquis said to him, standing in the sight of the Ambassador, that he deserved well of the Queen for the good report that he had made to the Queen of England of her doings. Randolph answered that it was his part and honour to report of all Princes honourably, and of this Queen in special, knowing her doings so honourable, and her meaning so upright. They then said that it was a pity that ever there should be discord between the two Princesses. The Marquis said that he would be glad to see the Queen of England and her country; Randolph assured him that both one and the other would well content his sight. From this purpose they fell in talk of the pastimes that were the Sunday before, where Lord Robert, Lord John and others ran at the ring, six against six, disguised half like women, and the rest like strangers in strange masking garments. The Marquis did very well, but the women, (whose part Lord Robert sustained) won the ring. The Queen beheld it, and as many others as listed. Of this and like matter their talk continued until the Ambassador took his leave. The Queen then called him unto her and said that she was much indebted to the Queen of England, and that though she had not yet received her letters from M. De Fois, yet she knew her goodwill both by his report and otherwise; and that she had heard of her good treatment of her uncle, the Grand Prior, and M. Danville, and that she would be right glad that they should be good friends for ever. She also found her goodwill by the report that Lord Grey and others on the Borders had kept with Lord James against the thieves, which she purposed so to handle that there should be no further cause of trouble between them. She desired him to report her good mind to his mistress, and that above all things she desired to see and speak with her. Randolph told her that he would not fail to do so; and reminded her of that that was purposed by her father, and that there was some of them alive who would travail with her as they did with him to alter her mind from any such purpose. She said that it should pass their power, and again desired him to report the best to his mistress. Randolph answered that if he, by false reports, should be author of discord, though he could so shift that never man got knowledge thereof, yet God would not suffer that unplagued in him.
    7. Out of the countenances of Princes may be picked sometimes great likelihoods of their thoughts. The time of her talk with M. De Fois it was marked by others before Randolph came in, and after he himself saw many alterations in her face; her colour better that day than ever he saw it. When he talked with her she was very merry, and talked with such affection as he thinks came from her heart. Lord James liked these purposes well, and is of the same opinion that Lethington is, that she will never come to God before the Queen draw her. Went to M. De Fois; he speaks honourably of the Queen, and commends the religion; he lamented the contrary in divers realms, and doubted the dangers that were imminent. Randolph commended his zeal and spoke what men thought of him, for that that he had endured for Christ's sake, and desired him so to deal with the Queen in those matters as the world might be judge of his earnest mind. The next day, notwithstanding, he was with the Queen at Mass. There came that night M. Moret; they dined next day with Lord James, and then M. Moret had audience. Of their doings the Queen will have better information from the Queen of Scots. Purposes to make a way unto M. Moret, and trusts no evil will ensue thereof.
    8. Yesterday, the 6th, he received word that the Queen would speak with him, and found M. De Fois there. She said that she had received the Queen's letter and for her kindness would make her privy to all news, and desired him to say somewhat from her in her letters. Has written her mind, and sends her letter to Cecil. Went from thence to M. De Fois, who made him privy to his departure on Tuesday next. Entered in long talk of the fact of M. Nemours; he is loath (but under covert terms) to touch the other Duke or his brother, though there is matter sufficient to bring them into suspicion, he says, of great matters. He pities the troubles that are like to ensue, and finds so much inclination to amity in the Princess that he is glad thereof. They talked again of religion; Randolph was not so uncourteous as to tell him that he had been at Mass, though for his reputation it had been worth to him 1,000 crowns not to have been there. He repented afterwards, and came not to the Dirige or Mass on Friday or Saturday, to the great misliking of the Queen. Moret was at both. She observed the old manner in all her doings. She could not persuade one Lord of her own to wear the deueil that day, nor so much as Earl Bothwell. Immediately after she caused proclamation to be made at the Cross by a herald of arms, his coat armour on his back, That no man on pain of his life should trouble or do injury to any of her chaplains that were at the Mass, and that all men should answer them their livings in time to come as before. This was done without the consent of the Council, and the people greatly offended thereat, because it was against the proclamation that was made before, that all things should remain in the old state. Sees not yet such security but that she has good cause to take heed how she proceeds in matters of religion, especially when her uncle's credit hangs in the balance.
    9. This is another day of mirth and pastime upon the sands of Leith, where the Queen will be herself to signify the sorrow of her heart after her Soul Mass. Knows not what to write, but of the shameful life of the Bishop of St. Andrews he shall know by the enclosed letter; he assures him spoken without malice, and no less reported of the Queen.
    10. By the next he will receive the Lords' request for the hostages. Lord James sends his hearty commendations under the words that he is not yet grown so great as he should misken him [Cecil].—Edinburgh, 7 Dec. 1561. Signed.
    11. P. S.—Reserves the pastime that has been between the ministers and the Queen's doctor of Sorbonne till they have more leisure.
  • 3. The letter here ceases to be in Throckmorton's hand.
  • 4. This last sentence is in Throckmorton's hand.