Elizabeth: Octomber 1561, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: Octomber 1561, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp374-384 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: Octomber 1561, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp374-384.

"Elizabeth: Octomber 1561, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp374-384.

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Octomber 1561, 21-31

Oct. 21. 626. Thomas Jenyson to Cecil.
1. The Marshal and Treasurer have called him before them upon a letter written by the Lord Governor, as it seemed, by order from the Lords of the Council, and willed him to leave his lodging at the end of the storehouse (whereof he has charge) within eight days, to lodge Sir Richard Lee at his coming. It seems unreasonable that another man should be lodged in the charge wherewith the writer stands accountable. If it were so determined, he trusts that they will give him more time than eight days to make his account, and deliver the remain orderly, with such sufficient warrant to leave the charge as he received the same by. He desired them to be so friendly as to advertise Cecil how the case stands, and to respect him till the answer. If reason and equity would not, yet necessity and pity for his poor wife, who is great with child, looking daily for delivery, would cause them to forbear, knowing that he has no other shift for her but the lodging incident to his charge, whereon he has bestowed cost. If he could so suddenly provide himself, yet could he but barely maintain himself with the 40l. fee for that office, and pay twenty marks thereof for a house, which Lee's 20s. per diem is better able to maintain.— Berwick, 21 Oct. 1561.
2.—P. S. For the surer conveying this letter, and also to meet the Governor at Newcastle, he journeyed thither, thinking to have been there a day before him; however, he met him and Lee three miles out of Newcastle towards Morpeth. After he had done his duty to his Lordship, he offered the like to Sir Richard, who answered that he doubted whether he might take him by the hand, but nevertheless did it strangely, whom Jenyson told that he would find no just cause to the contrary. Afterwards talking with Lord Grey, he asked him if he had given place in his lodging? He answered that he was willing to obey his Lordship therein, and offered Lee the bed his wife must lie in, until she should fall in labour. Then Lord Grey would have him remove his wife to certain lodgings over his kitchen, whom he told it was not decent nor meet for a woman in her case. Talking to that effect, and his horse being weary and not able to return, his Lordship gave him leave to go to Newcastle and immediately return. Perceives that a lodging three times more commodious will not content Sir Richard, for that he is bent therein. Begs Cecil to write some gentle letter to Lord Grey therein. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 21. 627. Sir Thomas Dacre and Valentine Browne to Cecil.
1. Dacre has received a letter from Lord Grey dated at Whaddon on 14th inst., signifying Lee's immediate repair hither, about sundry of the Queen's affairs of no small importance. He has thought meet, by commandment of the Lords of the Council (as he says), to cause the house which he [Lee] was accustomed to have heretofore to be made in a decent readiness against his coming, and to cause Thomas Jenyson, the controller, to prepare some other lodgings till Sir Richard's return, for whose coming he looked within seven or eight days.
2. It standing against reason so to remove an officer from his charge, the writer thought good to confer with the Treasurer herein, and thereupon they jointly called the controller to them and related to him the tenor of the letter. He answered that as he was authorized by the Queen's warrant to the charge of the storehouses and stores, so would he upon contrary warrant from her willingly obey to leave the same, trusting that he should have a more convenient time than eight days to yield account of his said charge; and hoping in the meantime that no man shall intermeddle in that charge, whereunto he only is answerable. He further declared that the storehouse and yards were full of the provisions of his charge, and that the lodging at the end of the storehouse was always assigned to him who had the custody of the stores, and that Lee was never accustomed to lodge there till last year, when the Duke of Norfolk took his lodging, and thereupon he lodged there for that time, as he might well do, having charge of the store and houses now assigned to the said controller. He has therefore desired respite until the Lords' pleasure should be known, and that they would certify his case with their opinions to Cecil.
3. The writers do not think it convenient that any man should lodge in any of the Queen's storehouses, but such as have the charge thereof, whereby things may be embezzled. Albeit they find Jenyson willing to obey in this behalf, requiring only a warrant from the Lords, yet inasmuch as he is settled there with his family, and his wife is so near her time that she is not able to remove, they have deferred the doing thereof. Order shall be taken that Sir Richard Lee shall be more commodiously lodged with the Mayor.
4. Trust that he will so use the matter that neither Lord Grey or Sir Richard Lee shall think any ungentleness in this writing, but that it was the controller's advertisement only.—Berwick, 21 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 22. 628. Sebastian, King of Portugal, to the Queen.
Has received a letter by Emanuel Aranjo, his envoy. Is glad to hear of her proclamation restraining her subjects from trading on the coasts of Guinea and Minas. In order that she may fully understand how much those who infringe her commands deserve punishment, he has sent letters to the Bishop of Aquila.—Lisbon, 22 Oct. 1561.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Broadside.
Oct. 23. 629. Philibert, Duke of Savoy, to Throckmorton.
Thanks him for his kindness shown to M. De Morette on his journey to England, to whom he desires that full credence may be given on his return.—Rinoles, 23 Oct. 1561.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 24.
Labanoff, i. 116.
630. Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Queen. (fn. 1)
Certain merchants of Edinburgh, "being of lang time halden in pley" before the Admiral of England for recovery of their ship named the Bonaventure, and goods therein; intromittit and spoiled by Thomas Clavering and other inhabitants of Northumberland, have at last obtained the Admiral's decree thereupon. This Clavering and his colleagues, minding to cause them to leave their pursuit, have appealed to the keeper of the seal. Pray that expedition may be used therein.—Holyrood House, 24 Oct., 19 Mariæ. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Oct. 24. 631. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Came to Berwick on the 23rd, and by the way met with a letter from Mr. Randolph, which he sends herewith, that he may consider the contents and be a means with the Queen that order may be directed hereunto. The writer's commission does not stretch to establish any such new kind of assistance as is required, nor to make proclamation to such effect, nor to ride with any power into the opposite march to distress offenders. Desires that the Queen's pleasure may be sent speedily. Has written to the Queen to signify the requests of the Queen of Scots and his own arrival. Endeavours to send his son, Arthur Grey, as soon as he may conveniently, by whom he shall be further advertised of his charge.
2. Is credibly advertised that the Grand Prior, in passing through this town, caused the plat of the same to be drawn. Also it is reported that he stood long time upon the bridge at Newcastle, and after he had viewed the town caused two such as were with him to go about and take the plat thereof. Thinks that if they bring any attempt against this realm they will enterprise it in these parts.—Berwick, 24 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 25. 632. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Understands by his letter sent to Randolph that the Duke of Guise has broken with Throckmorton the matter motioned by the writer to the Queen. Wishes is may be so received by Cecil as both realms may enjoy the fruit which shall proceed of so godly an accord. Would be glad to know the Queen's determination, since she has understood by Sir Peter Mewtas Queen Mary's disposition to join in tender amity. If by the means of these two such a conjunction may be procured, they will be esteemed happy instruments for their countries. Knows how unwilling Cecil is to enter into matters of so great consequence, yet considering what surety, quietness, and commodity this motion imparts to his Queen and country, supposes that he will be bold to utter frankly his opinion in it. There have been many means of a godly conjunction, but this has most likelihood to come to pass. If this shall be overthrown, as others have been heretofore, it may be judged that God wills that one nation shall ever be a plague to the other. Prays him in his next to write amply his opinion. The Queen so gently behaves herself in every behalf, as reasonably they can require; if anything be amiss the fault is rather in themselves.
2. Cecil knows the vehemency of Mr. Knox's spirit, which cannot be bridled, and sometimes utters such sentences as cannot easily be digested by a weak stomach. Wishes he would deal with her more gently, being a young princess unpersuaded. For this Maitland is accounted to be too politic; but surely in her comporting with him she declares a wisdom far exceeding her age. God grant her the assistance of His Spirit! Sees in her a good towardness, and thinks that the Queen of England would be able to do much with her in religion if they once enter into a good familiarity. Sends his hearty recommendations to the Earl of Pembroke. Must again remind him of the poor merchants' suit, which this bearer solicits.—Edinburgh, 25 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 26. 633. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Has viewed the places where peril might ensue by mining, along with Sir Richard Lee. Having well debated the view thereof, and at good length reasoned with Goodale, understanding the uttermost of his alleging, they have considered what things are to be done for avoiding that danger. The enclosure of the town is also in hand to go forward with as much expedition as possible.—Berwick, 26 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 26. 634. Sir Richard Lee to Cecil.
Has viewed the fortifications and found a goodly quantity of hewn stone and lime in readiness. Has also considered the number of workmen, and perceives that none can be spared, if the doings here proceed. Has set men to work to enclose the town. Touching the mine, has so perused all places and conferred with Goodale that the Governor is thoroughly satisfied.—Berwick, 26 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 27. 635. Randolph to Cecil.
1. As he protested in the beginning that he had nothing to commend his service but good will faithfully and truly to do his endeavour, so can he find no augmentation in himself either in wisdom or knowledge anyway that he may with better assurance than before promise of his doings. Sees also that there increases daily upon him more occasions to exercise his wits than when he was first charged to this room; for those of this country, with whom only he had then to do, either by his long continuance with them or by his instructions how to use them, and govern himself amongst them, made him think that some effect might ensue of his travail. This trade is now clean cut off from him. Has to traffic now with other kind of merchants than before. They know the value of their ware, and in all places how the market goes. Yet it seems wonder unto many that the whole state of this realm should be altered by one head or two, by a woman and one man, of whose excellent wisdom there was never yet either great opinion or fame. They that thus think, far beguile themselves. They little remember where these bairns had their bringing up, what pedagogues they have daily following them, what lessons they have by rote, and how well they know when any matter is to be executed. Whatsoever policy is in all the chief and best practised heads in France, whatsoever craft, falsehood, or deceit there is in all the subtle brains in Scotland, is either fresh in this only woman's memory, "or she can fett it with a wet finger."
2. Does not know how his simple wit will be able to counterpoise the wisdom of such as have been so long beaten in weighty affairs, or answer the craft of those who daily lay baits for him either to discredit himself, or to deal falsely. What was meant when within these six days it was said to him by one who thought himself in no small credit with him, that his mistress was good to all Scotchmen, and why might not he honestly enough take a quiet pension of their Queen, as Lethington did of his mistress? And if he liked to marry, there were those in the Court with whom a man might have a good life. Discourages no man who likes to talk to him of any purpose. It has been also devised what fit minister there may be found near about the Queen of England upon whom a good turn might be well bestowed. Knows not whether the French Ambassador has already been moved in this matter. If it was meant that all men thought of him that neither fair words or large offers were able to move him from his duty, he would think himself a happy man. Trusts that it will be sufficient for him to mean truly, to serve faithfully in this place, or where the Queen may employ him. Writes this in order that either some well experimented man in all causes might occupy his place, or that he might have in store, as well as those with whom he has to do, whereunto to resort either in writing or in private information whensoever any unwonted matter should come in question.
3. The Queen is resolved to have one to serve her in England; there has been privy mention of Mr. Henry Balnavis or David Forrest. Knows not what credit they can have to serve her [Mary] in that room, as she loves neither of them. Whosoever he be, the writer trusts to make him known to Cecil the first. Thought to have written this before what he wrote to Cecil yesterday.
4. Is bold to open in a few words his own poor estate, not in this place, where he acknowledges himself to have found the Queen's liberality abundantly, but he has not yet wherewith to comfort himself of any assurance how to live when some other occupy this place. Though the remembrance of this ofttimes caused him to search which way he might deserve, yet it never came so near his heart as these twenty days that he has had word of his father's departure to God. By him he had, as long as he professed the life of a scholar, sufficient for that estate; when he travelled he found him somewhat more liberal; since he came to this country he has had his goodwill and favour, and some comfort it was to him to see him thus employed. Now he has left (as his brother Edward writes) the wide world. (The inheritance is great for him that could get it in quiet possession). His brother's meaning is that either he has left him nothing, or that all is too little for himself. Wishes as heartily that his brother should have enough, as he would be loath himself to lack. Has also a farm in Kent, the house where he was born, procured without his father's charge, whereof his father had the lease in keeping; it now perchance may be had against his will. His mother is old, his brother near unto her, his wife tender to her own, and himself far away. Has also a suit depending with Sir John Zouche, for a pension that his father, Randolph's uncle, gave him of 10l. by year. Is also co-executor with one other of a friend's testament, where he hoped of some profit. His absence in all these cases casts him sore behind-hand; yet the loss of the whole is nothing to the remembrance that for the space of eight years he has never had time for the space of two days together to see his father or mother. Craves to be spared a few days from this place.
5. Has another grief as great as any of the rest. In the beginning of Cecil's last letter he thought much of his long stay in writing, and judged it had been to inform him all at once by Sir Peter Mewtas. This letter from Mr. Hedley gives him occasion to think that true which once before he had good cause to suspect; that either his letters came not with such diligence as they should, or that by the way other men have made their profit by them. What else moves this man, his friend, so to write? Or what makes Lethington more careful of his letters when they are sent away with his, than by any man else, and sooner in England where he thinks them safest? Remembers how he was dealt with, or Cecil rather deceived, and the Queen offended that no speedier advertisement came of the Queen of Scots' arrival; whereas he wrote the same day by two diverse ways, two letters; one to Cecil and the other to the Treasurer, with credit of mouth. This is the way greatly to hinder the Queen's service, and further inconvenience may rise thereof. Esteems not so much the praise and commendation as the service of the Queen.—Edinburgh, 27 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Oct. 29. 636. Nicolas Des Gallars to the Bishop of London.
1. Since the writer's last letter the adversaries have opened no new question, and have not even replied to their articles. As they are not unanimous among themselves, a sharp dispute has arisen. They have departed without giving any reply, and leave the business unfinished; considering, nevertheless, that they have properly discharged their duty, as though they despised the reformers, and had had more important matters to consider, such as the celebration of the Mass, the participation of the sacrament in both kinds, forms of prayer, the revision of breviaries and missals, pilgrimages, the use of images, and such like matters. They do not, however, consider that they yield anything by thus departing; but the reformers, as none of their objections have been sufficiently answered, esteem that they have obtained the victory, and so also does the popular opinion. They intended, after the departure of their antagonists, to have left immediately, but feared some peril to the churches; so having sent away the rest, Peter Martyr, Beza, and the writer remained, and hoped to obtain some concessions and liberty of conscience. Though many wish him to stay here, he cannot give up the charge of his little congregation in England. Salutations from Martyr (who sets out to-day), and Beza.—St. Germain-en-Laye, 29 Oct. 1561.
2. P. S.—Ought to have mentioned Peter Martyr in his last letter; they often converse about the state of affairs and their friends in England. Julius desires to be remembered. Goes to-day with Martyr to Paris, whither he hears certain preachers have arrived from Germany, whose names are Michael Dilerus, Petrus Boquinus, and Johannes Andreas Borlimus. It is easy to guess who brought them. The Gospel advances daily. They have now only to fear from popular outbreaks and riots, which do not want for people to excite them. Will keep their friends up to the mark.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Oct. 31. 637. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Yesterday he met Lord Hume at Coldstream, where he thought to have found such justice as he was promised by Randolph. But after he had offered courteously either to give Lord Hume redress or receive delivery of him, he chose to deliver, and presented Lord Grey with a poor simple creature, scant worth the ground he went on, for a bill of 60l., and yet the poor wretch not filed in his [the writer's] bill; whom when he refused (as by ordinary judgment of English and Scotch borderers present was allowed), Lord Hume plainly denied to make any further redress. Appointed another meeting against the 13th Nov. and covenanted to redress of themselves, all attempts committed between this and then. Wrote the Queen of Scots by Randolph, who was present, for reformation of Lord Hume's delays.
2. Hearing that Lord James will have commission of lieutenancy for the marches, and will come shortly to Jedburgh, desires the Queen's licence for his repair thither for conference with him.
3. On the 22nd Oct. a bark, which he bought lately at London, and freighted with provision for housekeeping here, and with his apparel and other necessaries, coming hither was violently beaten and broken in pieces by stress of weather before Hartlepool, and of his servants and others three drowned. Has lost thereby above 300l. without recovery, unless the Queen can be done to understand it as a misfortune happened in travail of her service. If any relief can be procured through her remorse or benevolence, he will account it amongst the number of friendships that Cecil bestows always on him. Would gladly have his advice touching his claim on Lord Hume, with request to the Queen of Scots that he may have reason of his ransom because he is his prisoner.—Berwick, 31 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 31. 638. Randolph to Cecil.
Knowing how needful it was for the furtherance of the Queen's service that he should have some conference with the Lord Governor, he has thought it not amiss to repair to him, especially at some day of truce, where he might witness and report at his return to the Queen of Scots, what inclinations or goodwill he found in Lord Hume to fulfil her commands for the maintenance of justice upon the borders, and continuance of amity between both realms, as in Randolph's hearing she expressly charged him. Came not hither full of hope, but returns with little comfort that any good will ever be had at his hands. Doubts not but Cecil understands how uncourteously he behaved on that day of meeting towards the Governor. Arrived here yesterday; to-morrow he returns with the more speed, that he may be there before the depar ture of St. Colm, who awaits his coming.—Berwick, 31 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Randolph to Cecil.
    B. M. Cal. B. x. 181. Keith, ii. 94. 1. Was desired two days past by Mr. Knox to write in favour of two merchants of this town for the Queen's passport into Flanders, by whom Cecil shall be informed what is like to ensue of the progress of the doings here, and also the occasion of the change of the Provost and Bailies of this town, better than he can write.
    2. On receipt of Cecil's letters, the writer advertised Lord James that he had something to say to him before he would desire audience of the Queen. His purpose was to know whether the Queen would take it in no evil part if he presented to her the accord at the assembly at Poissy in the controversy upon the Sacrament. Lord James encouraged the writer boldly thereunto, assuring him that she would accept it well. The oration of Beza, which he gave to her before, she read (as he said) to the end. Lest he should seem of purpose to tempt her, or too boldly behave in matters above his charge, he thought best to give Lord James a copy to use as he thought good. That night after supper he presented it to her. She doubted first of the sincerity thereof. Randolph was alleged to have received it from Cecil. Many disputes arose that night about it. She said she could not reason, but that she knew what she ought to believe. The Marquis affirmed that he never thought Christ to be otherwise in the Sacrament than was there written, but doubted not but that the Mass was good. Against that much was said, but little good done.
    3. The next day the writer was sent for into the council chamber where she ordinarily sat the most part of her time, sewing some work or other. She said that for three days she had done nothing but devise with her council how to "daunton" the thieves and robbers upon the borders, and had charged Lord Hume to do justice, which if he do otherwise she would be ill contented therewith and would see it reformed. She was also in hand to send Lord James and other lords to the borders for that purpose. She desired the writer to find means that proclamation should be made that no thieves be received in England, and also to procure an answer to the Master of Maxwell's bill of complaint.
    4. After these purposes, the council being dissolved, he offered (as she was departing out of the chamber) to speak to her. She said that she would talk with him apart in the garden. When she came there she asked him how he liked the country. He answered that it was good, and that the policy might be made much better. "The absence," said she, "of a prince has caused it to be worse, and yet is it not like unto England." He answered that there were many worse than her's that were thought right good, but he judged few better than England, which he trusted some time after she should witness. She said she would be content therewith, if his mistress so liked. He said it was the thing that many of her subjects desired, (and as he judged) it would well content the Queen. She spoke many honourable words of Queen Elizabeth in receiving and entertaining of all noble states. She remembered her mother's passage through England, and commended again the good reception that her uncle, the Grand Prior, and M. Danville had at Berwick.
    5. From this they entered on communing on the stay of her horses. She said that she took it no fault, and if any were, she was assured that it proceeded not from the Queen, but rather that the warden stayed them to avoid blame, seeing they had no passport. She assured him that though it was daily told her that Queen Elizabeth intended not to deal with her but under colour, yet she believed it not, and gave no thanks to them for their reports. Randolph commended her, and desired her to conceive of the Queen, his mistress, as she had always shown herself. She said that the reports of none should move her to think otherwise than that she was determined to live in peace and amity, as she [Mary] desired also. This purpose fell in upon the report of Livingston, master of her horses, who said that Sir John Forster would not deliver them, but that the Grand Prior and M. Danville must be bound for them, " corps et biens." He also bruited that there were come 300 soldiers to Berwick out of hand. The writer durst not, for fear of disclosing his author, say what he thought. His heart burnt to leave it unspoken; but he said that of such reports she would have good store; but the more she believed the greater would be her pain to live in suspicion, and in the end would find how many false flatterers she had about her. (Hears that the Earl of Huntly tickles her in the ear with some untruths.)
    6. She asked him what news he had of late out of France; he confirmed that that the Lord James had shown her of the accord. Finds no great liking in her that way. In long purpose of this matter, and other like, she said that "she trusted that the Queen, her sister, would not take the worse of her, that she is not resolved in conscience in those matters that are in controversy, seeing that it was neither of will or obstinacy against God and His Word." Randolph said that he was glad to hear that, and trusted that he should see both her and his mistress in one mind and accord, as well in that as other matters. Guesses that she spoke that upon occasion that some have of late reasoned whether a prince who professes Christ may enter into a league with one of a contrary belief. Showed her the kindness lately shown by her uncles, the Duke and Cardinal, to the Queen. She was very glad to hear thereof, and said that next to the King their Sovereign, she would that they should bear good will to the Queen, his mistress. " You know how sibb we are, and our kindness must be increased."
    7. Receives of her at all times very good words. Is borne in hand by such as are about her, (as the Lord James and Lethington), that they are meant as they are spoken. Sees them above all others in credit, and finds in them no alteration, though there be that complain that they yield too much unto her appetite. Lord James deals according to his nature, rudely, homely, and bluntly. Lidington more delicately and finely, yet nothing swerves from the other in mind or effect. She is patient to hear and bears much. The Earl Marischal is wary, but speaks sometimes to good purpose; his daughter is lately come to this town. They look shortly to see what will become of the long love between Lord James and her. Lord John of Coldingham has not least favour with his leaping and dancing; he is like to marry Lord Bothwell's sister. Lord Robert consumes with love of the Earl of Cassilis' sister. Earl Bothwell has given him old lands of his father's in Teviotdale and the Abbey of Melrose. The Duke has come to Kinneil and purposes not to come near the Court, except he be sent for. The Earl of Arran purposes not to be at Court so long as the Mass remains. He may be well enough spared. There comes few to it but herself, her uncle, and train. Three causes move the Earl of Arran to absent himself; one is the Mass, another the presence of his enemy, the third, lack wherewith to maintain a port. By the first he maintains his credit with the precise Protestants; the other argues less courage in him than many men thought, that his enemy is yet alive to have the place that he is unworthy of; the third manifests to the world the beastliness of his father, "that more than money hath neither faith nor God."
    8. The Lords now begin to return to the Court. The bishops flock apace. The metropolitan of St. Andrew's arrived on Monday with eighty horses in train; and to be seen, rode half a mile out of his way through the whole High Street. Knows not yet what mischief he and his associates come for. He had with him only two Hamiltons; the abbot of Kilwinning met him here the first night. Has given the book that Cecil sent him to have more printed. The Accord of the Sacrament is also translated, and copies given to divers. The Queen read it in the garden walking in the sight of many. She said it was a French hand, and the writer affirmed it to be that which came from thence to Cecil, to give it more authority. She asked whether the Cardinal's oration was printed; he said that he looked daily for it. Is more uncertain than before, when St. Colm takes his journey to France. It is said that there comes shortly an ambassador from thence. The Marquis has his table allowed fifty shillings the day; he offends many by his liberal talk. Mr. Knox cannot be otherwise persuaded but many men are deceived in this woman; he fears yet that "posteriora erunt pejora primis." His severity keeps them in marvellous order. Commends better the success of his doings and preachings than the manner thereof, though he acknowledges his doctrine to be sound. His prayer is daily, " That God will turn her obstinate heart against God and His truth; or, if the Holy Will be otherwise, to strengthen the hearts and hands of His chosen and elect stoutly to withstand the rage of all tyrants, &c." in words terrible enough.—24 Oct. 1561. Signed.
    Orig. Hol.