Elizabeth: October 1561, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: October 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp364-374 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp364-374.

"Elizabeth: October 1561, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp364-374.

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October 1561, 11-20

Oct. 11. 600. Guido Gianetti to the Queen.
1. On 27th Sept. informed her of the circumstances connected with his imprisonment and liberation. The King of Navarre has solicited the Pope to intercede with the King of Spain for the restitution of that realm, the history of the occupation of which by Spain is here narrated. The Pope has promised to send an envoy to Philip upon the subject.
2. On 16 Sept. was held a diet of the Grisons, at which were given answers to two requests, one by the Pope, the other by King Philip. The Pope requested them to surrender certain fugitives who had taken refuge among them to surrender sake of religion, which they refused to do. The King of Spain asked them to enter into a league with him, offering them a supply of provisions for the duchy of Milan in exchange for the right of passage through their territories for his troops levied in Germany. The city of Bergamo, on the confines of the Grisons and Milan, is strongly fortified, to the displeasure of the Spaniards.—Venice, 11 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Oct. 11. 601. Guido Giannetti to Cecil.
Wrote last on 27 Sept., announcing his delivery from prison. Now sends the accompanying letters in Italian. Refers to Cecil's approval the letters which he now writes, and hereafter will write, to the Queen.—Venice, 11 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
Oct. 11. 602. Intelligences from Italy.
1. Milan, 7 Oct. 1561. Intelligence from the Goletta of the 5th ult. states that the King of Tunis has come to terms with the King of Spain. The Duke of Sessa has set out from the Catholic Court, and will embark at Barcelona for Genoa. The Marquis of Pescara is indisposed. The King has ordered that the sums arising from the payment of the annate shall be applied to the fortresses. A Turkish vessel has been captured, on board of which were 200 Turks, fifty Moors, and thirty-three Christian slaves. Next Saturday one of the deputies goes hence to the Diet appointed to be held with the Grisons.
2. Rome, 11 Oct. At a Consistory held yesterday it was determined to resist the Lutherans in France, and that the Ambassador of the King of Navarre should be dispatched. The Bishops who have not yet gone to the Council will be sent thither. Cardinal Simoneta, appointed instead of Puteo, sets out next week; Alciato takes Simoneta's place as datary. The Pope is informed that, the Queen Mother having taken the Cardinals with her to Divine service, the pulpit was occupied by a Lutheran preacher, who spoke against the Holy Sacrament in such terms that the Cardinal Tournon left the church without making any reverence to the Queen. The Pope was much distressed herewith, and told the Ambassador of the King of Navarre that his master was a traitor and a Lutheran, who should be punished. The Cardinal of Naples was at this Consistory, the first which he has attended since his delivery from prison, and Morone is restored to favour. On Monday Count Broccardo sets out with the decision that the clergy will contribute 40,000 ducats annually for five years towards the support of the galleys. The Pope will send another prelate into France. Cardinal de Monti has gone to Tivoli along with two Jesuits.
3. It is stated from Naples that the King Catholic has summoned his fleet into Spain for the purpose of bringing the Duke of Sessa from Barcelona into Genoa. M. Cornelio De Bitonto remains at Rome as consultor for the Council. Bishop Giovio and Cardinal Sermoneta set out for the Council. Bishop Marini also remains for the same reason. Of the Cardinals, S. Angelo has returned, and Farnese and Trent are expected.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Ital. Pp. 4.
Oct. 11. 603. Fortifications of Berwick.
"A perfect declaration of all the charges sustained about the fortifications for thirteen whole months, beginning 12th Oct. 2 Eliz. and ending 11th Oct. 3 Eliz." Total amount, 12,945l. 1s. 4d. Amongst the charges are, riding and posting charges for the surveyor to the Court, 13l. 6s. 8d. Richard Laier and Leonard Knappe sent down post in April 1561, 10l. Dennis Cramphorn travelling twice between the Court and Berwick concerning the making of bricks, 14l. 3s. 4d. Also recompense of houses which were taken down by Sir Richard Lee for the cut of the curtain between St. Nicholas' ward and Catwell; viz., in the street called Rotten Row, 62l., and in the street called Hidde Hill Street, 201l.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
Oct. 11. 604. Fortifications of Berwick.
A brief report of all the Queen's charges in her fortifications by the space of thirteen whole months, from 13 Oct. 1560 to 11 Oct. 1561, amounting to 12,866l. 8s. 3d.
Orig. Pp. 4.
Oct. 11. 605. Munitions at Berwick.
"A brief as well of the delivery of the remain of the storehouse for the fortifications into the hands of Thomas Jenyson as of other provisions sithen [sic] his entrance, unto 11 Oct. 1561."
Orig. Endd., Pp. 4.
[Oct. 11.] 606. Fortifications of Berwick.
Calculation of the wages of the labourers on the works for six months at 641l. 0s. 10d. per mensem.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 12.
Labanoff, i. 115.
607. Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Queen.
Desires her to grant a passport to William Cranston and twelve others, to pass through England in France.—Holyrood House, 12 Oct., 19th Mariæ. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Broadside.
Oct. 12. 608. Fortifications of Berwick.
Charges for the fortifications and works from 4th Jan. 1561 till Oct. 12th, amounting to 10,616l. 13s. 4d. Amongst the charges is one for 392l. 9s. for two windmills bought at Ghent ready made, with all their furniture, and set up in Berwick, and for their transport of the same from Antwerp to Berwick in two ships. Signed: Valentine Browne, Rowland Johnson, and Thos. Jenyson.
Orig. Pp. 7.
Oct. 12. 609. Fortifications of Berwick.
An account of the work to be done for making the new wall twenty feet high, for cutting the ditch and laying the foundations unto Heron's house. Signed: Rowland Johnson.
Orig. P. 1.
Oct. 12. 610. Garrison of Berwick.
Wages of the garrison, with certain extraordinary charges, 13,832l. 0s. 5d. Total, as well of the garrisons as of the works behind at Michaelmas aforesaid, 24,448l. 8s. 9d. Signed: Valentine Browne and Thomas Jenyson.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 12. 611. Nicholas Des Gallars to Throckmorton.
Warns him that a certain person has gone to pay his respects to the Cardinal. They fear more lukewarm friends than open enemies. Hopes that those who try to serve two masters will find themselves deserted by both. Those who told him that they had seen Vergerius are mistaken, for it was a German named Vergetius. Balduinus has told him that the German Princes assembled at Luneburgh are about to send an embassy hither; they fear that this will spoil all. They expected to-day the Bishop's decision, but it is put off till Wednesday.—St. Germain, 12 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Copy. Endd.: Copy of a letter from M. de Saulle, the French minister. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 12. 612. —to Throckmorton.
The King has been confined to bed with a dysentery and fever for eight days. The prelates and the ministers no longer confer, and are likely to depart without resolving on anything. The Protestants take possession of the churches on all sides, break down the images and take away the pictures, and preach and pray in them. At Blois they have taken St. Soleine, and others elsewhere. They preach every day at the houses of the Queen of Navarre and the Prince of Condé. Last week at Argenteuil, the second son of De Rohan married Mlle. De Brabanson, niece to Madame D'Estampes, according to the forms of the church of Geneva, where many great ladies were present. The legate has presented his faculties; but hearing that it is being deliberated in the estates to forbid the entry of any of the Pope's bulls or letters without the King's consent and seal, doubtless wishes himself back in Rome. The Pope is not to levy any more annates in France; and a commission has been sent to certain officers to seize the first fruits of benefices as they fall vacant. The Mareschal De Brissac has been very ill, and has resigned his governorship of Picardy to the Prince De Condé. It is rumoured that there have been some commotions in the Low Countries.— St. Germain-en-Laye, 12 Oct. 1561.
Copy. Endd. French. Pp. 2.
Oct. 13. 613. Maitland to Randolph.
Desires him to send to Cecil certain letters from the Queen of Scots to "La [sic] Grand Prior" and Mr. Danville, with the request that they may be delivered to them at their coming to the English Court.—Edinburgh, 13 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 13. 614. Letters sent and received.
"A note of the date of letters sent and received since 1 June 1561 to 13 Oct." They relate chiefly to Ireland. Of these were received from the Queen by the Lieutenant and Council, and by the Lieutenant solely, four. Received by the Queen from the Lieutenant and Council and the Lieutenant, ten, of which one was intercepted by Shane O'Neale. Letters received from Cecil, seven. Sent to Cecil, sixteen. One of the 9th Sept. was also intercepted by Shane O'Neale.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 14. 615. Windebank to Cecil.
1. Sends by Thomas Kendall their accounts from their coming from London until the 14th Oct. Has sold one of their horses, and would that the other were at like point, as thereby Mr. Thomas would have less occasion to wander. All sorts of gold being cried down here, they have received a loss of fourteen crowns in the 300 sent by Gresham. It were better living at his first being in France that at present; and Paris is also dearer than any other place; besides that Mr. Thomas is not to live so hardly as many others. If Mr. Thomas falls sick again their need for fresh provision will be the sooner. His own store has clean failed him. Charts can be better had at Antwerp than here. Will inquire for a gardener and things for Cecil's garden. Thanks him for his answer touching Throckmorton, whose wife is well satisfied therewith.—Paris, 14 Oct. 1561. Signed.
2. P.S.—Is to be charged in his account with 625 crowns. As Mr. Thomas is determined to read the Institutes of the Law and cosmography, the money that is left must be diminished with buying books, such as Munster and other French histories.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Enclosing 4 pages of accounts. Pp. 3.
Oct. 14. 616. — to Throckmorton.
M. Valeran, one of the King's doctors, has told the writer that the King has been dangerously ill, but that he was better, though still in bed. The prelates assembled at Poissy came on Thursday to demand leave to retire. The Cardinal of Lorraine is having his oration printed at Paris by Guilliaume Morel, the King's printer in Greek. The journey of the Bishop of Auxerre into Spain is broken off. Hears that there are commotions in the Low Countries for religion, that they demand churches in several places, and that the Duchess of Parma has written to the King of Spain, as he had been informed by a gentleman who had seen the courier. Does not think that they are so forward as yet, but expects that they will soon follow the example of France.—St. Germain-enLaye, 14 Oct. 1561.
Copy. Endd. French. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 617. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Since his letters of the 9th inst. sent in post, and those of the 11th inst. sent by M. de Crocq, she may perceive what has happened by the copies of the letters which he sends herewith, lately sent to him from the Court. On the 12th inst. the Protestants of Paris assembled together to the number of 7,000 or 8,000 to hear one of their ministers preach, half a mile from the town. The assembly being perceived by the papists, order was given by them to shut the gates and prevent their re-entry. After the preaching was finished, upon their returning to the town and finding the gates closed they forced them; and seeing the papists upon the ramparts in great numbers to resist their entry, forced themselves in as they could. In this broil many were wounded, and some slain on both sides. What the sequel will be time will show. Such another tumult took place lately at Auxerre in Burgundy, where the slaughter was very great.
2. It is talked of here that the King of Spain intends next spring to return into Flanders and to take his son with him. Those that discourse of Princes' affairs conclude that his coming is to impeach the progress of religion in those countries, and to make more troubles in this country, if he can. The King of Sweden's coming to England is thought not the least cause of the repair of the King of Spain into the Low Countries, for he is very unwilling now that her marriage should increase her force, especially with a Protestant Prince. Sends herewith a defence for the carrying forth of corn and wine of this realm, lately published in this town. If the same be published at Bordeaux, the merchants that went thither lately for wine shall have an ill voyage.—Paris, 15 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 15. 618. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. The bearer can inform Cecil of his son's estate and proceedings. In his opinion it would be well to allow of the order taken by himself for his study. Where Cecil desires him to occupy his wits to promote religion in this country, he assures him that all that others which are of moment, and all that he can do, does not so much further that cause as the cross and candlesticks in the Queen's chapel hinders it. Lately the Cardinals and Bishops have laid these observations forth in the Church of England as special arguments against the form that Mr. Martyr and his fellows have exhibited to be used in this realm.
2. It is said here the King of Spain goes next spring into the Low Countries. Sends herewith a defence lately set forth for carrying of wine and corn from hence. If it is not a practice to get money and have it redeemed, then it would breed a "scab" betwixt this country and the King of Spain's countries. He is not sorry they are taught to drink beer and ale.—Paris, 15 October 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 16. 619. Chamberlain to the Queen.
1. By his last of Sept. 27 he wrote at good length how he had treated with this King about the common traffic, and for the release of certain ships of Bristol, Barnstaple, and London, lately troubled by two of the King's captains appointed to convey the India ships. Has obtained no resolution for the commom traffic, although he has earnestly solicited the Duke of Alva for the same. The King has sent his provisions for the release of the ships of London last of all troubled in Andalusia, and for the ships of Bristol and Barnstaple he is fed with fair words. Wots not what to judge of it otherwise than that the wrong being found so manifest, they would fain make a good end thereof, and know not how to begin, the damage being so great. About the other complaints he has written to Andalusia to be better instructed of each case, of the judges' names at whose hands the wrong was received, and to have copies of the process. Has required of the King and Council that some stay may be put that his captains proceed not so rashly with their cruel tormenting of the Queen's subjects, which they have said shall be remembered. Complains that there is very slow dispatch given to all suitors.
2. A gentleman of the French King's chamber has visited the King and Queen, as is given out, but Chamberlain learnt that at the end of his message he required the King to give audience to a Personage who should come from the King of Navarre to treat about that kingdom. Whereunto the King answered that he would not refuse any coming from the Duke of Vendôme, but from the King of Navarre he could accept none, knowing none to have that title but himself.
3. Upon the closing up of these letters (having often been with the Duke of Alva and others of his Council,) he sent again to the Duke to understand the King's resolution both for the common traffic and for the release of the ships of Bristol and Barnstaple, asking him what to write to give the Queen some satisfaction. He sent word that the King had referred the matter of the ships to three of his counsellors, and had not yet chosen commissioners meet to treat for the common traffic. Intends to crave audience with the King again and to provoke him as much as possible to resolve.— Madrid, 16 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 16. 620. Chamberlain to Cecil.
1. Complains of their delay at this Court. Does not believe that the common traffic will be put at liberty until the English merchants by policy are driven to leave fetching the hot wines and fruits, from which, if this year they had abstained, both the traffic and the greater matter might have been obtained. In Andalusia there has so long continued so great a drought that all sorts of cattle are there destroyed, and wheat is at better than 50s. the quarter, neither is it amended now at sowing time, so that greater affliction is liked to follow, yet will the vent of their wines and fruits help greatly by the English resort. The Queen might give the remedy in putting some good imposition on her own subjects bringing such unprofitable commodities to the realm. It is no small succour that England gives Andalusia, where they yearly spend 50,000 ducats in hot wines and fruits, besides what they bestow on oils and other merchandise somewhat more necessary. Will seek access to the King, and do what he can to induce him to some reasonable resolution.
2. The Pope's Nuncio died yesterday, which is the sum of their occurrences. It is reported that the King of Sweden is landed in England, whereby begins new communication of the great matter. Understands now how deep he begins again to enter into Gresham's debt, having discharged what he owed of old, and all by reason that his diets are not paid according to his warrant; he begs Cecil to find some remedy.— Madrid, 16 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 17. 621. Randolph to Cecil.
1. This day it was debated in the Council by what ready means the thieves dwelling upon the borders throughout the whole wardenry of Scotland might be suppressed. It was thought good that certain days might be appointed in every wardenry in order that inquisition might be had of the offenders. They have appointed commissioners to that effect, and certain days to have knowledge of all such causes. As due execution upon such offenders cannot be had, unless they have neither succour or support in England, whither they may fly or transport their goods, he has (at the request of the Queen and Council) written to Sir John Foster to that effect, and sends a copy of his letter. As it may be doubted whether the wardens upon their own authority will set forth any such proclamation, or give such aid, they have desired him to write to the Lord President of York to give his commandment to that effect. Advertises Cecil hereof, that further may be done, or the whole omitted. Desires that the wardens to whom he has written shall return hither what they intend to do herein.
2. The Master of Maxwell, warden opposite Lord Dacre, this day told him that he has of late received no justice of Lord Dacre, and much worse of late than beforetime, and that he purposed to declare the same to the Council. The rest of things remain in that state they did when he last wrote, saving that he hears that Lord James is nominated Treasurer, which is the most profitable office in Scotland. The Queen has spoken good words of the honourable receiving of her uncle and M. Danville at Berwick. Gave her as good again, and attributed it to their worthiness. Presented to her the oration of Theodore Beza which he received from Throckmorton, it is now in hand to be translated. "I made her privy, though not very merry, of the happy proceedings of matters of religion in France. God send us here well to retain that we have, for further likelyhood (fn. 1) we have not."
3. Sends a letter which he received from Mr. Willock, and has also advertisement of the like other ways. Supposes that the man is not unknown to Cecil; he lacks no will to work more mischief than his wits will serve him. Understands that he has a safe conduct; knows not what mischief he may work under such licence. Purposes to write to the wardens, that he may be known and seen unto, that he convey no horses out of the country.—Edinburgh, 17 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[Oct. 17.] 622. Randolph to Sir John Forster.
Whereas Forster wrote to the Queen of Scots a letter dated 28th Sept. touching reformation of attemptates made, specially by those of Liddlesdale and part of West Tevidale, whereof the warden for lack of assistance of the Council was not able to answer as appertained. Yesterday, the 16th, the Lords of the Council gave the writer herein this answer, that the Queen was determined by all means to root out all such offenders throughout her realm, and especially those who give occasion for breach of amity between the two realms. Their earnest request is, and he is desired to write by the Queen, that he will make proclamation within the bounds of his office that no person shall assist or receive any fugitive from the laws of Scotland, or who is pursued by the wardens, nor receive their goods, under pain of death and confiscation of their own goods. Also, that he will aid the apprehending of any such offenders, and to that end be ready with a good power at such day as the officer of the opposite march shall give him warning, when pursuit shall be made upon the thieves within Scotland. Also that he attend within his own march, so that neither they nor their goods may be received within England, nor assisted by any Englishman. If he has not sufficient power so to do, the Queen desires that he will advertise the President hereof.
Copy. Endd. by Randolph. Pp. 2.
Oct. 17. 623. Hugh Tipton to Chamberlain.
1. Wrote to him with Barret, and received his of the 11th on the 15th, with two "sedola" of the King, which he has sent to Cadiz, but takes it that these "sedola" are for no purpose, for that the goods and ships were delivered before they came here, but the justices commanded them to pay all costs, as well of those that kept the ships and spent their victuals, as of others. Chamberlain shall be advertised whatsoever they do. For this other matter, Richard Barret has carried up with him all such testimonials as they can have here. Except the King commands them they will not do so. Richard Barret will inform him of all largely.
2. As to Chamberlain's rubies and pearls, as yet Lazaro Alleman can find no rubies to his mind, pearls they may have, and as soon as they find the rubies they shall be sent. As to the silks, there were none of that country silk to be had; the chests shall be sent to Bristol according to his order. Two days past he received letters out of the Grand Canary which he encloses. Thinks Kingsmill and Nicholas write concerning their troubles.—Seville, 17 Oct. 1561. Signed: Heu Tipton.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 18. 624. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Writes by the bearer, Nicholas England. He has no more time than to tell Cecil, that the Assembly of the Clergy at Poissy is dissolved this day, which is sudden; they have done nothing, but presented certain trifling canons. He shall receive herewith the Cardinal of Lorraine's oration in answer to that of Beza. Upon the late tumult (mentioned in his letter of the 15th inst. sent by Candalle), the King has set forth the proclamation sent herewith, for quieting the town, and has made the Prince of Rochesurion his lieutenant here. —Paris, 18 Oct. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 20. 625. Throckmorton to M. Frappier de la Fontaine.
The Queen has received a letter from the Grand Master and Order of St. John of Jerusalem, through M. de Seurre, for which she has commanded the writer to return her thanks. She does not think it advisable for M. de la Fontaine to come into England for several reasons, but desires him to communicate his message to Throckmorton, who will do all he can to obtain a reply. As for extending her favour to certain of her subjects in Malta, she does not think that they deserve it, as they have not yet recognized her as their Sovereign or sent any message to her, which is a great neglect. All those of the order resident in England she entertains according to their estate. She also directs him to say that she bears good will towards the order, as being the rampart of Christendom against the Turk. Assures him that she is no less well affected to the defence of the Christian religion than any of her predecessors have been. This is the sum of what the writer had in charge to communicate by word of mouth, which he would have done but that the Commander De Chetain informed him that Frappier was not in Paris, and was desirous of hearing from him by letter.
Copy. Endd.: 20 Oct. 1561, "to M. Frappier de la Fontaine, hospitallier de la religion de Jerusalem, et Commandeur de Saint Renne de Hennawlt." Fr. Pp. 3.


  • 1. Randolph had first written "hope," for which he substituted the word in the text.