Elizabeth: June 1561, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: June 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp136-149 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp136-149.

"Elizabeth: June 1561, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp136-149.

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June 1561, 11-20

June 11. 235. W. Winter to Cecil.
Has received his letter with the petition of Albert Hoffe, a Hollander, enclosed. Immediately on the conclusion of the peace with the French he was commanded to procure vessels to transport the French, and to convey the Queen's ordnance, etc., to Berwick. Amongst others he stayed a Flemish hoy, whose master made much ado to be set at liberty. He commanded it to go out of Leith Road to Newhaven, but Mr. Gower laded it with provisions, and he heard afterwards that this hoy perished on the bar at Berwick as she was entering with her lading. Does not remember the owner's name. Any agreement for freight was done by Mr. Gower. Two months past such a man laboured in London with Mr. Bennet, who said that he had no recompence for the hoy or freight.—London, 11 June 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
[June 11.] 236. Petition of Albert Hoffe.
Petition of Albert Hoffe, of Enkhuysen, suing for recompence for the loss of his hoy, the Flying Hart, of ninety tons burden, (freighted at Camvere with wine, salt, etc., for Mr. Stelborow, in Scotland,) which was stayed to transport the Queen's stores from Leith to Berwick, and was lost on the bar, the artillery, etc., being saved. Claims 50l. for loss of freight, 20l. for the conveyance of the stores, and 120l., the value of the hoy.
Copy. Pp. 1.
June 11. 237. Petition of the Protestants to the King of France.
The request presented to the King of France, 11 June 1561, by the deputies of the churches dispersed throughout the realm of France.
They declare that the reports of their refusing to pay the taxes and being seditions are false and calumnious. Beg that he will cause all persecutions against them to cease; that he will liberate those of them who are in prison, and that he will permit them to build churches. They further offer to give pledges that there shall be no sedition in their assemblies, and promise all lawful obedience.
Endd. by Cecil. Printed broadside. French.
June 11. 238. Depositions respecting English Pirates.
1. Adrian Dan, of Zericzee, in Zealand, affirms that a year since a ship of his was spoiled by one William Johnson, master of a ship from Boston, which he believes to belong to him by report of one Garret Hubert, dwelling in Boston, at whose house this deponent and informer died of wounds received by the company of the said William at the time of taking his ship.
2. The inhabitants of Ostend affirm that they have been robbed sundry times, the value of the losses amounting to a large sum, by a ship all black, pointed before, which was like Johnson's ship. The malefactors were for the most part masked, and so disguised as they should not be known. After robbing the ship, they bid them to carry word thereof into Flanders.
3. Jehan Henriczon complains that on the 11 June 1561, he was spoiled by two English ships, who, breaking up 12 barrels of fish, took the same away and all their apparel. The ship that robbed them had a top and a small circle before, and was well furnished with artillery.
June 12. 239. Petition of John Edwards.
1. "The copy of John Edwards' supplication given in by the said John afore the Lords of Session and Secret Council of Scotland." It sets forth the following particulars:—
2. The said John Edwards, an Englishman, and owner of the Marie of Hampton, passing with his ship and company in merchandise towards Spain, in April last, was taken by Patrick Blacater, captain of the Lion of Leith, who put in his ship eighteen men; and though the petitioner divers times required the said Patrick to put him and his company on land in England and offered to quit to them the ship, nevertheless he would not. Having taken two Portugal ships, when they arrived towards Tynemouth, the said Patrick restored to him his ship; but on his arrival at Newcastle his company was put in prison and the ship arrested by the Lord Admiral of England's Deputy, where the crew remain in danger of their lives, unless the verity be hastily tried; the Admiral's Deputy taking them to have been assisters of the said Patrick Blacater.
3. He, therefore, begs them to charge the said Patrick to declare the truth and verity; and their innocence being shown, to forward the declarations to him and the Admiral's Deputy.
4. Delivered to the Lords of Session at Edinburgh, 12 April 1561, and by them referred to the Lords of the Secret Council, who directed inquiry to be made respecting the same.
Copy, in a Scottish hand. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 13. 240. Lord Grey to the Privy Council.
Is informed that the Lord of Keith's son is presently come into England in secret manner, entering at Kelso and passing by Wooler through the west of England towards the Earl of Northumberland. Desires them to grant their letters to the Earl of Northumberland, that he may be staid till sufficient trial be made of the interest which Lord Grey's friends claim to have in him. In the meantime if he offers to return by the limits of the writer's wardenry, he intends to stay him.— Berwick, 13 June 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 13. 241. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Has written to the Privy Council how the Lord of Keith's son is crept into England through the waste in Grey's March, never touching at any town till he came to Morpeth, and has ridden to the Earl of Northumberland with two Scotchmen and a boy. Intends to stay him on his return.—Berwick, 13 June 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 13. 242. Lord Grey to Cecil.
M. De Noailles arrived at Berwick yesternight, to whom he has given a passport to proceed to the Court. Gives description and colours of his twelve nags and geldings, which are described as all "racking and ambling."—Horton, 13 June 1561. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 13. 243. Passport for M. Noailles.
Passport, granted by Lord Grey, to M. De Noailles, Ambassador of France, returning from Scotland to France with 12 horses.—Berwick, 13 June. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
June 13. 244. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Recommends the bearer, John Vergesius, born of Lombardy, who has been hitherto in England, and is desirous to go thither again, to do reverence to the Queen. He seems to take upon him the writing of the history of the times. "Though he says he goeth for this purpose only, yet, for that there may be other matter in it, (which I misdeem the rather for that I perceive he is great with the King of Spain's ministers,) it shall not be amiss that you be the easier in your dealing with him, and also to have an eye to his haunt and hauntings."—Paris, 13 June 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—This man is not unknown to Sir William Pickering. Orig. Add. Portion in cipher, partly deciphered by Cecil. Endd. by his secretary. Pp. 2.
June 13. 245. [Marsilio Della Croce] to Shers.
1. On Tuesday night last, died Ludovico Ghinigi of fever, much lamented. Letters of the 5th instant have arrived from Milan, stating that Andrea Doria had arrived at Genoa, sent by the King Catholic, who has awarded him 120,000 ducats in Spain; also he shall be lieutenant-general with seventeen galleys. The Marquis of Pescara has determined to pay the poor gentlemen out of the proceeds of the annate, and has given to some of them twenty ducats, to others twentyfive; he has done the same to the men-at-arms by the express orders of the King Catholic. The tempest has been very destructive in the territory of Milan, chiefly at Valenza; outside the walls of Milan, and in the state of the Duke of Savoy, it has destroyed the corn. At the abbey belonging to Tomaso di Manno, hail stones fell as big as large nuts. Intelligence comes from Casale of the 29th ult., that the Duke of Savoy wished to convey powder to Biraghi, but was hindered by M. De Bordiglione. The Most Christian King has directed that increased vigilance shall be shown about Turin and the vicinity, especially at the gates. The greater part of the soldiers of the Duke of Savoy, in the valley of Angrogna, are disbanded for want of pay, excepting a few Spaniards, who, with some Italians, are in garrison in Lucerne. M. Della Trinita, who advised this war, now solicits peace. A bridge has been thrown over the water of Orco, to enable the Duke of Savoy to pass to Montanara.
2. Letters of the 19th ult. from the Catholic Court state that there is there great scarcity in consequence of the long drought; the harvest will probably be very scanty. It appears by letters from Rome of the 7th instant, that on the previous Monday the Cardinal of Salviati made his entry with great pomp, and that the cross was given to the Cardinal of Ferrara, who is going in a fortnight into France to mediate in these religious quarrels. On Tuesday, at a private Consistory, the Cardinals were forbidden to make any arrange ments respecting the future Pope. A Legate is about to be sent into Spain, either the Cardinal of Trent, Farnese, Amulio, or Navigero; but the Pope now thinks of sending one of the rich ones, to avoid cost to the Church. On Corpus Domini Day (fn. 1) a new Ambassador from France arrived in Rome; on the same day the Pope, in procession, carried the Corpus Domini. The Dean of Liège has arrived in Rome, sent by his Bishop, on account of the new sees in Flanders, but he has not yet had audience. The Cardinals of Montepulciano and San Clemento have sued for the delivery of the Cardinal Di Monte, on the arrangement that he should transfer one of his abbeys to the hospital of San Spirito, receiving from it in compensation 100,000 ducats. Certain horse soldiers were appointed for the guard of Marino, in consequence of six Turkish vessels having arrived, which were about to attack Cervetere, between Ostia and Civita Vecchia. In consequence of a plot in which they were engaged, the prisoners taken at the Goletta were sawn in two. The Pope has given 500 ducats to Cardinal Navigero. Forwards an enclosure from a friend.— Venice, 13 June 1561. Signed, but the signature defaced.
Orig. Hol. Add. to Shers, at Augsburg. Endd.: Advertisements out of Italy. Ital. Pp. 4.
June 14. 246. Advertisements.
1. Sends the copy of a letter written by Bishop Commendo to the Cardinal of Mantua, which will show the feelings of the Germans in regard to the General Council, to attend which they show little inclination.
2. The Queen of England has dissembled up to the present time, pretending that she will send her theologians to the Council to state that she has embraced the true religion, and that she will listen to the Abbot Martinego's message from the Pope. She says she has discovered some treasonable designs of the Catholics against herself, in consequence of which she has imprisoned certain persons of quality, among whom is one of her nephews [un sobrino suyo], and a relative of Cardinal Pole. The Archbishop of Canterbury is especially urgent with the Queen not to give ear to the Pope's persuasions. Since she will not admit any Nuncio, the Pope has published the Bull of the Council in Flanders and the other places nearest England, so that she cannot plead ignorance. Letters from England and Flanders mention her intention to marry "my Lord Robert," to the discontent of the English nobility. A Parliament is to be called, and some disorders possibly may hence arise.
3. At Paris, and in other parts of France, the people have taken up arms in favour of the old religion, against the heretics, who wish to renounce the Pope. As it is proposed to send delegates to the Council, a favourable result is anticipated.
4. His Holiness has resolved to send the Cardinal of Ferrara as Legate into France. The Cardinal of Lorraine has written to the Pope as to his intention of proceeding to the Council. It is reported at Rome that M. De Terracina has been reconciled with the King Catholic, there having been some disagreement between them. This will be for the advantage of the General Council.
5. The latest intelligence from Constantinople of May 6th, mentions the departure on April 27th of forty galleys, and other seventeen ten days afterwards, to join the thirty galleys previously despatched.
Orig. Endd.: Advertisements. Span. Pp. 4.
June 14. Another copy of the above.
Orig. Endd.: Advertisements. Span. Pp. 4.
June 14. 247. —to Shers.
1. Rome, 7 June 1561. The Cardinal of Ferrara is ready to set out on his journey to France for the preservation of our true religion, and to induce the chief Councillors of that realm to be on good terms with the Holy See. There is no talk of Ambassadors for Spain or the Emperor. The Queen of England, for want of good advice more than from evil will, has been persuaded not to permit M. Martinego, the Papal Nuncio, to enter her realm. On Sunday, in the Consistory, the Pope made an admonition to such as looked for the Papacy, telling them that unless they desisted, he would punish them. He also cautioned them against continuing to report that he was forming leagues in Italy. The seventeen galleys which Giovanni Di Mendoza had brought from Spain by Sicily, with the 2,500 Spaniards, who were in Flanders, sailed from Ostia this week without seeing the vessels which were doing so much mischief in that sea. It is stated from Naples that a plot has been discovered in the Goletta by which the Spaniards intended to set fire to the stores and spike the artillery upon the approach of the Turkish fleet. The conspirators were sawn in two. Another plot was discovered at Brindisi.
2. Cracow, 25 May. The Tartars, being bound to supply the King of Poland with 40,000 horses, have contributed that number in aid of Livonia. The Muscovites, being informed of this, have encountered and defeated the Tartars before they could join the Livonians, and are blockading them in Cafa with 30,000 cavalry. The Muscovites are said to have 200,000 horsemen, which are in three divisions; one employed against the Tartars, one against the Livonians, and one against the King [of Poland]. The Duke of Prussia, the King's uncle, will send him a large body of cavalry; the Duke of Mecklenburg (son-in-law to the Duke of Prussia and brother to the Archbishop of Livonia,) has contributed 10,000 Germans. Will send the names of the captains by the first post.
3. The Turkish fleet, as he has heard by letters from Corfu, is being caulked at Prevese. The Duke of Nemours is in Piedmont, with the Duke of Savoy, "mio padrone;" he is to have in marriage the sister of the Duke of Ferrara. Anxiously expects to hear from Shers, especially about the Queen's marriage, as it is reported.—Venice, 14 June 1561. Signed, but signature erased.
Orig. Hol. Add.: Giovanni Shers, Augusta, to the care of Sig. Giusto Sherer. Endd.: Advertisements out of Italy. Ital. Pp. 6.
May 18–June 14. 248. Intelligences.
1. Constantinople, 20 May. The plague is on the increase, and many persons die daily, but the famine is somewhat abated by the arrival of great quantities of corn. The seventeen galleys which were about to sail are reduced to five. The Ambassador of Florence, who had been imprisoned, was released upon the security of the French Ambassador; he was charged with having aided the escape of Don Sancio Da Leva, who, however, was recaptured. Intelligence has arrived from Persia to the effect that the Turkish Ambassador has had an audience with the Sofi; and that Bajazet has been informed that he may go or stay as he pleases; after which the Sofi had gone to hunt. The Sofi has given either his sister or his daughter to Bajazet in marriage. The information is confirmed that the ships, in which were the prostitutes banished from this place, have been sunk.
2. Paris, 18 May. The King was consecrated on the 15th instant, without much ceremony. He goes to Villers Coteretz, and thence to St. Germain. The edict about religion will speedily be published. There is here some apprehension of war, for on the 4th instant a large body of Spanish infantry and cavalry proceeded to survey Abbeville, whence they returned towards Guisnes. This is supposed to be a trick of the English, who have refused to accept the Abbate Martinego, sent to them by the Pope to induce them to permit their doctors to attend the Council. He was informed that the laws of their realm do not permit them to receive any agent of the Pope; but on this point there was a difference of opinion. There has been a little disturbance there of late, for certain gentlemen of the Privy Council of the late Queen Mary have caused Mass to be said in the presence of many people; all of these gentlemen have been imprisoned. The King of Navarre continues to go to Mass, and has ceased to eat flesh on the days prohibited by the Church. As his example is widely followed, much good is hence expected.
3. Milan, 11 June. Intelligence has come from Genoa of the arrival of Andrea Doria; the King Catholic encourages him to believe that he will restore to his brother the places upon Pontremolese, and will contribute the twenty-galleys, as agreed. He will also send, as his lieutenant, Stefano Spinola, and will assign him 200,000 ducats in consequence of the loss of Zerbi. An Ambassador from the Emperor had arrived at Genoa to obtain the restitution of Friuli, but he was dismissed unheard. Four Spanish vessels are in the Goletta to give warning of the Turkish fleet. The Viceroy of Naples has appointed, as his lieutenant, M. Antonio Colonna. Seventeen Turkish vessels chased two ships off Piombino; it is undecided whether they are on their way to attack Sardinia or Minorca, or to meet the fleet from the Indies in the Strait of Gibraltar.
4. Rome, 4 June. Yesterday there was a Consistory, at which some churches were given away. The Pope is about to go to Frascati. The cause of the Cardinal Di Monte proceeds; he will be discharged with a fine of 100,000 ducats, for which the Cardinal Di S. Spirito is security. Two of the three Cardinals arrested by the Pope, for treating about his successor, are discharged. Intelligence from France makes it probable that religious matters will end favourably. The Cardinal of Ferrara sets out at the end of this month. He has not had his cross, as was erroneously stated before. The Count of Petigliano has given his daughter to Girodan Orsino, son of Valerio. The Cardinal of Urbino continues at S. Pietro ad Vincula alla Vigna, in great grief for the death of his sister, the Marchioness Di Massa. The Pope intends to visit the States of the Church in order to remedy the grievances which are there complained of. The vessels which were near here have been set out in consequence of the galleys of Naples which have come to meet Andrea Doria.
Orig. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
June 15. 249. Oath of Charles De Moy.
Oath of Charles De Moy, Seigneur and Baron De Moy, etc., one of the hostages sent into England by Charles King of France, to the effect that he will observe the Articles of the Treaty of 2 April 1559. Signed: Greenwich, 15 June 1561.
Orig., on vellum. Endd. by Cecil. Lat.
June 16. 250. Depositions respecting English Pirates.
1. Adrian George, master fisherman, aged 70, master of the boat of the widow of Dudart Saison, declares on oath, that on 2nd June, in the evening, as he was to the north-west of Scheerenburgh [Scarborough], on his return from the cod fishery, he was boarded by four English ships, two of them fishermen, one a vessel of war and the other a small ship; the first that boarded them was painted red, whose crew cried out, "Filz des putains, go below," and fired a gun; whereupon the deponent and his people ran below. In the meanwhile the other three vessels boarded the buss of the deponent, and took away the clothes of the crew, and stole two great cables, 1,000 fish, an anchor, an iron pot, and 50 lbs. of butter. On the next day they were chased by another English ship, who seeing their condition, asked them the cause, and when they said that they had been plundered by the English, one of the crew cried out, "they be all thieves." Laurens Schoonöovee, aged 35, second master of the said buss, deposes to the same facts, as also does Eustace Pauelson, aged 33, one of the crew. Deposed before Nicholas Laurens, Jehan Massiet, and Charles De Sinet, sheriffs of Dunkirk, on the 14th of June 1561.
2. Cornelius Bertram, aged 33, master fisherman of the ship belonging to Cornelius Van der Veerle, deposes that on the 11th inst., as he was to the north of Baerwiic [Berwick], returning homeward, he was chased by an English ship carrying two guns on her broadside, and painted red, which compelled him to lie to. He was then boarded by seven men in a boat, who took away a small gun weighing 200 lbs., and demanded a barrel of fish, which he said he would give them willingly, nevertheless they took nineteen more, together with two nets, with other tackle, some butter, and a quantity of herring.
3. Roland Bertran, mariner, aged 43, and Vincent Van der Clichthove, aged 32, depose to the same facts.
4. Sworn before Jehan Caldekin and Charles De Sinet, sheriffs of the town of Dunkirk, on the 16th June 1561. Signed.
Orig. Fr. Pp. 7.
June 16. 251. English translation of the above.
Copy. (fn. 2)Endd.
June 17. 252. The Queen to Throckmorton.
1. On the 15th, the French hostages came with the Ambassador's secretary to present one M. La Moye, in place of the Count De Maur, who, having been sore afflicted with the gout, has made long suit to return to his country. As she has not heard about him from the French King or Throckmorton, she would have suspected him, saving that the King has sent his letters of late authorizing M. De Cerve [Seurre] to be his Ambassador resident, and has also by his letters to the said Ambassador commanded him to present M. La Moye to her as an hostage in place of M. De Maur; upon which considerations she has accepted him, with the protest that hereafter she will not accept any in like case, without special letters from the King or her Ambassador, which he shall declare.
2. Understands by report of the French Ambassador here that the King of Navarre and others upon L'Aubespine's report, think it strange that she found lack in the authority of their Ambassador, for that he had no commission on the death of the late King, alleging that it was not needful or heretofore used. He is to assure them, in reply, that there remain contrary precedents of new commissions, and that her meaning is only to have order kept that the amity may be irreprehensible.—17 June 1561.
Orig. Draft in Cecil's hand, and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 3.
June 17. 253. Answer to the Petition of John Edwards.
Answer by David Kintire, Vice-Admiral to James Earl Bothwell, Great Admiral of Scotland, addressed to the Privy Council of England, in reference to the petition of John Edwards.
It states that the writer has caused to appear Captain Patrick Blacater and Edmund Blacater, with divers of the company of the Lion of Leith, who, being sworn on the Holy Evangel, declared that while they were cruising in their ship the Lion, in the month of April last past, by virtue of their letters of marque, betwixt the Isle of Wight and the coast of Bretagne, by chance they foregathered with the said John Edwards and his ship. Finding them to be English, they exponed to him how there happened to them a great leak immediately before to break up in their ship, whereby they were in danger of their lives; and required the said John and his company to show them such mutual amity as might save their lives and ship in case the leak augmented. To be more sure they embarked eighteen of their company in the said John's ship, and so made them remain until they might find the said leak. A short time after, the Lion gave chase to and took two Portingale ships, and turning home as high as Tynmouth, the said Captain Blacater retired his eighteen men, and allowed the said John and his company to depart. They declare that they never made paction by writing or word, whereby the said John Edwards could claim any portion of the goods or gear taken in the said prizes, but only took aid of him and his ship in their great necessity and danger.—Leith, 17 June 1561. Signed.
Notarial copy, attested by John Mason, notary public, and scribe to the Court of Admiralty of Scotland. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 17. 254. Mundt to Cecil.
Informed the Queen by his letters of 3 June, that the negociations at Bâle between the Envoys of the Duke of Savoy and the Swiss cantons has failed, as the Bernese are unwilling to concede anything. Another meeting is to be held on St. Bartholomew's Day. The Duke of Wurtemberg has captured the castle near Montbelliard after some days' bombardment. Villeville has returned from the Emperor, whom he asked to give the daughter of Maximilian to the King of France in marriage, and that he has received some encouragement. The third son of the Elector Palatine is about to marry the sister of the Duke of Lorraine, who is the daughter of Christiern, formerly King of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. This alliance may be somewhat troublesome to the Kings of Denmark and Sweden, as the Elector Frederick (who married another daughter of Christiern) was always seeking to recover his father-in-law's kingdom. He complained that he was not supported by the Emperor Charles. That daughter of Christiern is now a widow, and resides in the Palatinate.— Strasburg, 17 June 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 3.
June 18. 255. The Privy Council to Chamberlain.
Encloses a complaint by certain merchants of Bristol, of the detaining of their goods, and other injuries and extremities used towards a factor of theirs in Spain. As the case seems both strange and pitiful, the Queen requires him to inform himself about the matter, and to procure redress from the King or his Council.—Greenwich, 18 June 1561. Signed: F. Bacon, Winchester, F. Bedford, Pembroke; E. Clynton, F. Knollys, E. Rogers, W. Cecil, A. Cave, R. Sackville.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Received 1 Sept. 1561. Pp. 2.
June 18, 20, 21. 256. Intelligences from Italy.
1. Milan, 18th June 1561. Gio. Andrea Doria does not go forth this year, but his lieutenant takes his place. The assembly of the army will be at Messina. The Zuizare [Switzers] are content to restore to the Duke of Savoy of three parts two of all such places they have taken during the war, belonging to Savoy.
2. Rome, 21st June. The Cardinal of Ferrara should depart for France on the 30th inst., and the cross should be delivered to him the Monday after the date hereof. He takes a great suit, and amongst them twelve doctors of divinity, amongst whom is Laines, the famous preacher. Cardinal Trani was commanded by the Pope to keep his house, without any guard. The fortification of Rome goes forward, and for furnishing the same the Pope has devised a way to make a million of crowns. King Philip has sent a number of Spaniards to Porto Hercole and Orbitello, being uncertain what the Turk's enterprise may be; the bruit is that the Turkish army will land at Tripoli, and fortify Zerbi. There has been a great drought in Spain, and especially in Portugal and Gallicia, and in some parts of Aragon and Castile. The Portugallois have already sent into France for provisions.
3. Two daughters of the Prince of Besignano having for pastime entered a small vessel, narrowly escaped drowning.
4. On the 20th inst., at Montalto in Calabria, eighty-eight persons, who had lately stirred for religion, were led one after another to the place of execution, where, being blindfolded and upon their knees, the hangman cut their throats with a butcher's knife as if they had been calves. After that they were quartered, and their quarters sent to the principal parts of the realm; some died contentedly, others cried out that they were wrong, and believed all the Church ordained.
5. The Pope has had a long talk with the Ambassador of Venice touching the Duke's displeasure with Marc Antonio Mula for receiving the cardinalship without the consent of the Estate; alleging he made him Cardinal thinking to do the State pleasure, being a man of wisdom, praying the Duke to accept him as a good citizen.
6. Milan, 20th June 1560 [sic]. On the 6th inst., a Diet was held at Bâle, at which there were six Ambassadors from the Duke of Savoy, and as many for Berne; one from the French King, and two from King Philip. The Emperor would have sent his Commissioners, but none came from the other eleven cantons. The Duke demanded to have restored to him Vanos, Cablos, Geys, and all that the Bernese hold appertaining to Geneva, with the profits thereof for twenty-five years, the Duke to repay all their charges upon the fortifications thereof. The Bernese offered to render Cablos and Geys and as much as they held of Geneva, but their interest would not allow them to deliver Vanos. The Duke's Ambassadors persisting in their demands, the Bernese desired another Diet to be appointed at the same place. The Ambassadors of Savoy, at the request of the mediators, promised to report the said request to the Duke.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
June 19. 257. The Queen to Lord Grey.
He shall instal Sir Thomas Dacres of Lanercost into the office of Marshal of the town of Berwick; to whom he may commit the charge of the town during his own absence at Court.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, and dated and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 3.
June 19. 258. Marshal of Berwick.
Appointment of Sir Thomas Dacres to the office of Marshal in the garrison of Berwick, with the entertainment appointed in the late ordinances.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 19 June 1561. M. to Sir Tho. Dacres to be Marshal at Berwick. Pp. 2.
[June 19.] 259. Orders for the Marshal of Berwick.
Orders given by Lord Grey for the office of Marshal of Berwick.
1. His oath given in the presence of the Council.
2. The order of watch and ward is declared to him.
3. The days appointed for divine service; the Council days; and the Council book delivered to him.
4. He shall have assistance of the Deputy Warden and attendance of the garrison men to the days of truce and to ride on errands, as cause may require.
5. To have care for the execution of all former orders.
6. That the Scots be removed to another market place, according to the Queen's directions.
7. That he follow the orders for the following of any attempts of the Scots within the country.
8. To modify the prices of victuals, to view the measures and weights, and to take order that house rent may be abated.
9. That harlots, vagabonds, and beggars be kept out of the town.
10. The Controller shall show him the full number of all such companies as are in the Queen's pay, according to the muster taken the last of June 1561.
11. He is to have assistance from, and to assist such as Lord Grey leaves in trust at Berwick.
12. Any time that he needs warrants from the Queen or Council to order things requisite, such as are granted shall be shown to him by Lord Grey's secretary, and copies delivered to him if he requires it.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: Orders left by my Lord Grey Pp. 2.
[June.] 260. Rules for the Gentleman Porter of Berwick.
Orders given by Lord Grey to John Selby, Esq., Gentleman Porter of Berwick, and Deputy Warden in Grey's absence.
1. To authorize him by commission in the exercise of his office.
2. To proceed with the order taken "for tredding" the confines of the march adjoining the Laird of Cessford's charge, and to execute sufficiently in wasting the usurped ground.
3. To consider with Lord Hume that semblable order may be used in his charge.
4. To have regard that no unlicensed strangers pass through to the march.
5. To deliver Hepburn to Lord Hume or Cessford, when they shall require.
6. To use diligence for the apprehension of thieves riding in the march.
7. To send Colwich into Scotland for knowledge of who shall be appointed to divide the debateable ground.
8. To "shute" no days of truce.
9. To send directly for intelligence of Robinson's horse in the Laird of Gradon's custody.
10. To punish offenders according to their quality.
11. To call for such assistance of horse and foot as he shall need.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 19. 261. Thomas Windebank to Cecil.
1. After some disquietness received upon the sea, by reason of their long passage, they have arrived at Dieppe. Not long after their arrival, a young gentleman of the town, M. De Veulles, lieutenant to the Governor, came to welcome Mr. Thomas, and walked with them all this afternoon viewing the town, wherein there is nothing to be marked save that there are a great number of Protestants, whose liberty is such that no man says anything to them for religion, neither do they spare to utter their minds to one another at large. Refers to the bearer, Peter, for further information. This day were constrained to remain to refresh their horses, being sore troubled upon the sea so long a time.
2. Had M. De Veulles and another, who is the chief minister of the Protestants, to supper. Their talk was all holy, and tending to the reproach of the house of Guise. Something they misliked in our orders in England, as the surplice, the cornered cap, and such like, which their fervent heat would not bear, but they are right Frenchmen.
3. To-morrow they purpose to set forth towards Rouen, and after one or two days to Paris. Hear that the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke, his brother, are come to the Court, where they have dined as great friends with the King of Navarre and the Prince of Condé; wherein the King of Navarre is not greatly commended.—Dieppe, 19 June 1561. Signed.
4. P. S.—The bearer can report the ability of their horses. Neither of them is able to carry the trunk to Paris, except they look to have nothing for them at their being there.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
June 20. 262. The Earl of Rutland to the Privy Council.
On the 18th inst. he received a letter from Sir John Forster, saying that since Martinmas year he could at no time get any answer for Liddsdale (notwithstanding that he has made full answer of all that the Warden of Scotland could demand,) until their last meeting, where, by reason of great outcry made by the Queen's subjects, he alleged that unless he were answered, he would cease to make any further redress, till he knew the Queen's pleasure. The Laird of Cessford has had conference with the Lords of the Secret Council, as by a copy of their letter which he encloses may appear.—York, 20 June 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Rutland,—H. Gates, F. Frobisher. Pp. 2.


  • 1. June 5th.
  • 2. This and a similar document, dated 21 June (see No. 263), are copied on 4 pp.