Elizabeth: June 1561, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: June 1561, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp128-136 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1561, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp128-136.

"Elizabeth: June 1561, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp128-136.

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June 1561, 1-10

June 1. 220. The Council of Scotland to Charles IX. (fn. 1)
They thank him for his letters sent by M. De l'Isle, expressive of his desire for the preservation of the ancient friendship between the two realms, for which they will not show themselves ungrateful, provide they have to do nothing against their duty to their Sovereign. For further information they refer him to their reply to his Ambassador.— Edinburgh, Cal. June 1561. Signed: Huntley.
Copy. Lat.
[June 1.] 221. The Council of Scotland to Catherine de Medicis. (fn. 2)
They thank her for her letter, dated at Orleans, 22nd Jan., from which they perceive her good will towards them, and refer her for further information to M. De l'Isle.
Copy. Lat.
June 3. 222. Mundt to Cecil.
1. On May 31 received the Queen's letters, dated at Greenwich on the 4th, together with the answer given to the King Catholic's Ambassador. A copy thereof had been sent from France six days previously to the Elector Palatine; nevertheless, according to the Queen's command, he sent a copy to the Elector by a special messenger, at the same time declaring the Queen's zeal for the advancement of religion and her good will towards him and the other Protestant Princes. The Duke of Wurtemberg on the last of May sent several great cannon by this road for the recovery of a certain castle near Mompelgard, which, whilst a suit was going on, was fraudulently seized by a Burgundian nobleman about the end of March. Many feared that this would be taken for an opportunity of waging a greater war against the Lutherans; for the two Guises were in Lorraine, and the King of Spain had some ensigns of foot and troops of cavalry in the duchy of Luxemburg. The Count Von Bolwiller, a vassal of the empire (who two years ago was employed by King Philip,) has also had two interviews with the Cardinal of Lorraine. But as the King of Spain has commanded his subjects in Burgundy not to supply munitions or provisions to the invader, there is reason for hoping that he has nothing to do with this matter. All the Swiss cantons have sent their Envoys to Bâle, and the Duke of Savoy is in treaty with them about the places in Savoy which they have seized in former years. The Envoys of the Emperor, the Kings of Spain and France, and the Pope, those also of Lorraine and Wurtemberg are there. The negociations are not completd; it is thought that the Bernese (who are quite as strong as the Duke), will not give up the territory unless their expenses of the war are paid, with permission to retain certain fortresses on the French frontier.
2. The only daughter of Maurice is betrothed to the Prince of Orange, although the Landgrave is unwilling, who wished her to marry the son of the Duke of Wurtemberg. Augustus is endeavouring to make powerful alliances against the Dukes of Weimar, who are dissatisfied that the electoral dignity has been taken from them; and as they seek to please the French, so does he seek to please Philip. The sister of the King of Denmark is betrothed to the Duke of Lunenburg, and both marriages will take place at Leipsic on St. Bartholomew's Day. (fn. 3) The King of Sweden has his envoys in France, and is said to be seeking in marriage the sister of Christian, Duke of Lorraine, who formerly was the master of the three northern kingdoms.—Strasburg, 3 June 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 3.
June 4. 223. Lord Grey to Cecil.
On Sunday last, the 1st instant, he rode to Horton and left Mr. Treasurer as his deputy; and on Monday, the townsmen and the old ordinary, as they have been accustomed, put forth their horses wholly into the Magdalen field, which is preserved for pasturing the Queen's cattle of provision. Mr. Treasurer, being somewhat offended, raised the new crews in armour and weapons for debate, if they should have found any resistance in driving the horses out. He writes, as some rumour hereby may be bruited at the Court. This may let him understand some part of his great travail and service here, which he trusts will move him to supply him with a Marshal as soon as may be.—Horton, 4 June 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 5. 224. Lord James to Cecil.
1. Received his letter of exhortation, which arrived in very due time, the state of the country having been such as the craft of the most wicked Papists, joined with the like of them that had some further pretences, a little before his arrival had almost made some uproar and trouble in the religion. This being espied, was quickly borne hand to and let to burst out by the countenance of the Barons assembling themselves with diligence; after which the matter was so quiet that a number of the same voted freely for the abolishment of the Mass. Hopes that the Papists may find like issue of the action in other countries.
2. Not only their own, but apparently the security of England and France depends on the religion at this present. If they follow God, He will be faithful; if they lean too much on their own wits it will be a feeble "fondement." Will leave nothing undone that may establish the true worship of God "in thir parts." Leaves longer discourse to Lethington. Commends himself to Cecil's lady, and commits Cecil himself to the Spirit of God.—Edinburgh, 5 June 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
June 6. 225. Marsilio Della Croce (fn. 4) to Shers.
1. Since the writer's last letter intelligence has arrived from Constantinople of the 6th ult., to the effect that within two or three days seventeen galleys would sail, in addition to the forty which had already left. The cargo of corn landed from the ships had begun to be sold, and the proceeds carried to the public treasury. The plague and the famine were extreme. Timber was being cut near the Gulf of Nicomedia for the service of the arsenal, and twenty hulks were making.
2. It was stated from Persia that the Turkish Ambassador had arrived, but that the Soft, without negociating with him, had gone to hunt.
3. Intelligence from Milan of 29 May mentions the arrival of letters from Spain of the 6th May, which state that the fleet, which was at Oran, had gone to Carthagena, where having landed 500 Turks they were encountered by a certain Marquis, with fifty troopers and one hundred arquebusiers, who killed 120 of them. The Duke of Sessa is looked for in Milan, as also the Duke of Terra Nuova and Signor Thomaso Di Marino. The Spanish galleys are expected at Genoa on the 14th inst. The Treasurer of the State is imprisoned in the castle, and has given security for 50,000 crowns.
4. From Casali in Monferrato it is stated by letters of the 22 (ult.), as also from Turin, that M. De Nemours had arrived from France on his way to the Duke of Savoy, who was at Carignan, and would go afterwards to the Duchess at Rivoli. It is thought that his mission will not be successful. While the inhabitants of the valley of Angrogna were settling the terms of an agreement with the Duke's party, Steffano Francese, the chief minister of Angrogna, whom they idolize, raised some difficulties, whereupon a skirmish ensued in which were killed fifteen Spaniards and an ensign of M. Della Trinita. By the 20th of this month, the Duke will have ready 600 pioneers to erect a fort in a position which will prevent the Angrognese from aiding the inhabitants of the valleys of Villar, Bolle, La Cumba, etc. These Lutherans have money and men in abundance. The Duke's party consists of not more than 1,200 men, and they are short of money and provisions. The position is so strong, that though the Angrognese do not exceed 400 men, they could hold out against 10,000, and they expect reinforcements from Geneva. The inhabitants of Turin are somewhat alarmed, and posts are frequent from France and Spain. There was a Consistory at Rome on the last of May, and the Pope and Cardinals dined with Cardinal Borromeo. The Pope on Thursday directed that the Cardinal of Ferrara should go as Legate to France, Cardinal Madrucci to the Emperor, and to the King Catholic either Vercelli, Amalio, or Coreggio. Cardinal Salviati had arrived at Rome, where he would make his entry on Monday, and the Pope and Cardinals would dine with Borromeo. On Wednesday night the Duke De Mont'Alto and Cæsar Gonzaga left; also the Ambassador of the King of Navarre. Vargas and Ayala remain behind. The Cardinal Di Monte is condemned to pay 100,000 ducats, of which the Cardinal Montepulciano has offered 75,000, which the Pope has refused. The cause of the Cardinal of Pisa is in a bad state. Some horsemen are appointed to guard the Marino at Rome. The Spanish galleys have passed Ostia, with 3,000 Spaniards; they left three galleys at Savona, while the others (nineteen in number) proceeded to Naples. Marco Antonio Colonna, Vespasiano Gonzaga, and Ascaneo Della Cornea have arrived at Naples, who were said to have come either to raise troops for Tuscany, or on account of the Turkish fleet. The heretics of Coscenza having raised some new disturbances, the Pope has required the Cardinal Gaddi, Bishop of that place, to suppress the same by the help of the Viceroy. Seven piratical vessels were in the Gulf of Taranto and as many off Corfu. They have taken some prizes to Vallona. At Modon and Negroponte forty-three galleys were seen, apparently the Turkish fleet. A Christian renegade had been sent to Apulia to discover the best place for landing the troops from the fleet, but he was detected and quartered.
5. In France, on Ascension Day [15 May], the King was crowned at Rheims, very privately. The Ambassadors of Florence and Ferrara are excluded from the ceremonies, they having disputed about precedence. Letters from Flanders state that the Queen of England has married "mi Lord Roberth." The Ambassador of the King of Sweden has departed, "con le pivie nel sacco." Wishes Shers a prosperous journey.—Venice, 6 June 1561. Signed, but signature defaced.
Orig., with seal. Add.: Al Sor. Gio. Shers, in Augusta, raceta alli sri Sorer. Endd.: Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 3.
June 6. 226. —to Shers.
Letters from Constantinople of 6 May state that seventeen galleys are about to sail to join the forty which left on 17 April. The commander has been told that he can have more vessels if he wants them. Timber was being cut in the Gulf of Nicomedia for the arsenals, and hulks were being constructed for the conveyance of horses. The Turkish Ambassador had arrived, but the Sofi had gone to hunt. It is stated from Rome that the Pope will send the Cardinal of Ferrara into France, and Cardinal Amalio into Spain. The Signori have decided that the Ambassadors of Ferrara and Florence shall not be invited to the ceremonies, they having disputed about precedence. The latter will leave immediately. The Turkish fleet has arrived at Previsa, the intelligence has come from Corfu.—Venice, 6 June 1561. Signed, but signature defaced.
Orig. Hol. Add.: II Sigr Shers, Augusta. Endd.: Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 3.
June 7. 227. Throckmorton to the Queen.
On the 6th the King of Navarre sent a gentleman with request that she would suffer M. Du Pont, now hostage in England, to return hither the first upon the coming of any other hostage from hence; and for that M. De Mouy is already departed, that he may be released. The King makes this request because a servant of the said Du Pont says that his mother is dangerously sick, and that if she dies during his absence it would turn to his great hindrance.— Paris, 7 June 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 7. 228. Intelligences from divers Places.
1. Milan, 7 June 1561. Andria Doria has arrived from Spain satisfied of his debts, amounting to 120,000 m. He is still Captain General, with seventeen galleys, which the King pays after the accompt of twenty. There was great dearth in Spain by reason of the dry year, and the harvest will be very small.
2. Order was taken for paying the horsemen in Milan and thereabouts. In sundry parts of Italy the tempests have done great hurt, especially about Valenza towards Lomelina [Laumellina]. In the duchy of Savoy it has destroyed the corn, and in sundry places not a grain remains in the field; the hail-stones were as large as a great nut. The Duke of Savoy was let by M. De Bordiglion to convey certain powder (which he had bought of the Biragui at Cinas) to some convenient place, who, by order from France, means to fortify the said Cinas.
3. The French have augmented their garrisons in sundry places, and provide for the keeping of the territory allotted to them at the late peace, especially Turin, which is so guarded that not a cart laden with hay or straw can enter the gates, but must discharge their burden outside the same.
4. The soldiers amassed for the enterprise of La Valle D'Angrona, are scattered for lack of pay, and there only remain certain Italians and Spaniards who are despatched to guard Lucena. M. Della Trinita, the author of the stirs, would gladly wrap up the matter. The Duchess of Savoy is with child.
5. Rome, 1 June. The Cardinal of Ferrara had received his cross, and was despatched as Legate to France, to remedy the matters of religion there. In a practice opened for making the next Pope a Consistory was called, wherein the Pope had sharp words against such as were suspected, wherein Morone was one, and it was found that Trent wished Morone success. Four Cardinals were named to go to Spain, viz., Trent, Mula, Navaretto, and Farneze, but the charges have altered that determination, so it is thought one will go. It is likely that the Cardinal De Monte Pulciano will have to resign a certain abbey to the hospital of St. Esprit receiving 100,000 crowns.
6. The Turkish corsairs have done much harm between Ostia and Civita Vecchia, and taken many prisoners. The Pope has sent to those places certain bands of horsemen.
7. Cracow, 25 May. The Tartar, according to his league with the King of Poland, sent 40,000 horses to the aid of Livonia, and was encountered on the way by the Muscovites, and driven back as far as Caffa. The passages between that place and Livonia are kept with 20,000 horses, assigned by the Muscovites for that purpose. The Muscovite cannot set his whole army in the field before August in consequence of the water, which has risen by the snow. The Muscovite has in readiness 200,000 horses, which he will divide into three parts, one against the Tartars, another against the King of Poland, and the third against Livonia.
8. Poland furnishes for the King 25,000 horsemen, and the King provides as many more. Lithuania furnishes 50,000. The Duke of Prussia, uncle to the King, will be in person with a great number of horsemen well armed. The Duke of Mecklenburg has sent 10,000 Almains to the King; this Duke is brother to the Archbishop of Livonia, who was the cause of the war, whereby those of Livonia were forced to become subjects to the King of Poland. It is not known whether the King will go to the war in person.
Endd. by Cecil: 7 June 1561. Pp. 4.
June 7. 229. Depositions respecting English Pirates.
An information, taken 7 June 1561, by the Burgomaster and Aldermen of Ostend, concerning depredations by English ships, whereof one is sent from Bolston [Boston] in Lincolnshire.
1. James Thriesse and Andrew Jhelems, burgesses of Ostend, depose that about the Feast of St. George last, being with their boat at Boston, they saw a black ship with two tops and pointed before, furnished with a quantity of munitions of war, (as pikes, long bows, arrows, and ordnance,) of which William Jonson was captain, who, within a twelvemonth had spoiled the ship of Adrian Dhaene of Zericsee, of all his merchandise of wood. They also know of one Gerrard Hubertson, dwelling in Boston, for the said Adrian was brought to Gerrard's house, and died there of the wounds he had received from Jonson and his men. They also said that Jonson had to make restitution of that which he had spoiled. While he was rigging his ship these witnesses heard the people say that he was going to sea to rob, and said, "Ah, Jonson, Jonson, what mean you to go rob and spoil on the sea," having no need so to do at all.
2. Donaes Aerbout, master of the ship of Nicholas Velunx, Giles Jones, William Mathiis, Vincent Shelwaert, jun., Jerome Aerbout, Adrian Boutsius, Blase Bare, and Francis Jhelems, partners of the said ship, and Cornelius Peters, servant, swore, that on Sunday 1st June 1561, having been absent about six weeks fishing, in returning from the north, it chanced that at the "shelt," on the coast of England, they were boarded by a black English ship, with two tops pointed before, and furnished with munitions of war; and nine or ten men of the said ship entered their boat with swords, bows, arrows, black bills, and other armour, and spoilt them of all their clothes. They also broke up all their barrels of fish except eighteen which they did not see, "and spoilt them of above forty barrels of saltfish, 200 lings, 300 stabelvists, 200 cooles, and 2,000 cortheringe," and a greater part of the tackle of their boat and of all their fishing tackle. After they had been kept at the bottom of the boat for twelve hours they were removed to another place, and then they took from them certain victuals and part of their apparel, which they value at eighty-five pounds, Flanders money, for the whole of that taken from them. The Englishmen then told them to go their way into Flanders and carry this news thither.
3. John Heindrix, master in the ship of Adrian Velders, Jesse Stecuns, and Francis Mente, partners in the said ship, depose, that having been fishing, and as they were returning from their voyage called the "Cortreyse," about nine or ten days past, after sailing about three hours, they saw two ships that would have taken them, whereupon they took another course; but the other ships making all sail followed them from noon till the next morning ere they could board them. At the boarding, the ships fired three or four pieces at them. The two ships were Englishmen; they took from them twelve barrels of fish, "500 stablevists, three quarters of couples of lings," and sixteen cods or cabillaus, and their apparel. Each of the ships bore a top with a circle or hoop before, and was furnished with ordnance. Because of a storm they left the deponent's boats, and shot at them to make them keep underneath, so that they should not see the Englishmen, lest they might be known. At the same time they robbed another fisherman of Flushing.
4. Vincent Keen, the elder, mariner and master in the boat of Nicholas Velunx, to the "Cortreyse," and Andrew Heindrix, partner, depose, that being at sea on Whit Sunday last, towards the north, an English ship disguised like a fisherman, armed with bows and darts, with irons, having fired twice at them, boarded their ship. Six of them, with a boy, entered their boat with swords and pikes, beating the deponents, (especially the master, who received a great wound in his breast,) and spoiled them of two tons of salt fish, or moulues. But before they could cast them into their ship they espied two ships coming towards them, for fear of whom they could not take more, but set up their sails and went their way.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 9. 230. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
1. A man of the writer's having arrived from Antwerp showed him, drawn in ink, an escutcheon of the arms of England mixed with other arms, which he has caused him to put in colours as he saw them there wrought, and made in a hanging of fine and very rich arms, that is in making according to the pattern herein enclosed.
2. The pays and other things in his charge rest still, as by his former letters he advertised, which is behind to all men, especially for the works, for which the Lord Treasurer has taken no order since Christmas last; saving that out of Brown's charge for the victuals he [Brown] has borrowed 2,000l. and imprest it to the most needy. Asks that money may speedily be despatched.—Berwick, 9 June 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 9. 231. The Lord James Stewart to Throckmorton.
Will not trouble him with a long letter, seeing the sufficiency of the bearer to satisfy his desire in discovering the state of all things here. Has longed much for his letters, which he has not seen since his departure out of Dieppe. Supposes that it arises rather from over-much than over-little business that Throckmorton has to write. Doubts not but that he will let the bearer have his good advice in all his affairs, and by him at least certify his friends of the state of all things.—Edinburgh, 9 June 1561.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 10. 232. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
Writes by Mr. Eynns. The Archbishop began his visitation here on 2nd inst. As there was here at the same time a great assembly of noblemen and gentlemen, the Commission for Ecclesiastical Matters was read in their presence, and a jury of every parish of the city and shire of York was empanelled to make presentments of disorders touching articles, according to the Commission. This order the Archbishop will observe through the rest of his visitation, in which he will proceed according to the enclosed schedule. In order that such as would not willingly hear the Word of God might have occasion to come to sermons, the writer has appointed the gentlemen of the most reputation to wait upon his Grace rom place to place, as by the said schedule may also appear. Praises the Archbishop's painful forwardness in setting forth the true religion. Mr. Eynns can declare the present state thereof; he is painful in the Queen's service. Will Cecil stand his good master in his suit to the Council? Asks for a warrant dormant to have red and fallow deer out of the Queen's parks.—York, 10 June 1561. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
June 10. 233. Visitation of Yorkshire.
"The names of the Justices of Peace and other gentlemen appointed by the Lord President and Council to attend upon the Archbishop of York in his visitations;" viz., at Hull, 10–13 June; at Beverley, 13–16 June; at Malton, 16–20 June; at Ripon, 20 June.
Copy. Pp. 3.
June 10. 234. Maitland to Throckmorton.
Refers him to the bearer, Mr. Clerk, for an account of the state of things. He can report how they remain as before, he dare not affirm how long it shall continue so; the French pensions having ere now wrought mischief in the realm. Fears that they will be more earnest to procure the renewing of the league than England to impede it. Remembers an old verse of Chaucer,—
"With empty hand men should no haukis lure;" sapienti pauca.—Edinburgh, 10 June 1561.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. One of a series of documents written consecutively on five leaves of paper.
  • 2. See the note to the last entry.
  • 3. August 24
  • 4. This is the first of several letters by the same writer addressed to Shers, the signatures of which are generally cancelled; but one letter has escaped, dated 27 June 1561, and has enabled us to identify the writer.