Elizabeth: November 1565, 16-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: November 1565, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp518-530 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1565, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp518-530.

"Elizabeth: November 1565, 16-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp518-530.

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November 1565, 16-30

Nov. 17. 1676. Phayre to Cecil.
1. To the same effect as his letter of October 27, but more extended. Don Garcia is at the mouth of the Archipelago with all his galleys, waiting for sixty of the Turkish galleys. The strangers say that he will do little good in all his life upon the sea.
2. The Great Turk is in a fury to be revenged of this King, and has concluded peace with the Emperor. The Emperor's lieutenant in Corvacia [Corbavia] has given the overthrow to the Turks. On the 20th ult., the King being at the Bosque De Segovia, there came a gentleman from Scotland in great diligence. He came so secretly that none knew of his coming till ten days after his departure.
3. He is an Englishman, called Francis Yaxley. He was well received of the King and lodged in the house of Gonzalo Perez. He tarried no more than five days, was despatched publicly, and had in reward a chain of 500 ducats.
4. The principal points of his message were three: First, to salute the King and give him part of his master's new reign. The second, to give the King to understand the zeal he has to maintain the Catholic religion and the troubles that have thereof ensued in his realm. The third, that they feared that the Queen of England would favour the contrary religion, and therefore besought the King that he would show favour. Does not believe the report that he came to solicit this King's aid in order to win the Crown of England.
5. The King's answers to the first and second points were that he was glad of his success, and rejoiced that he was so well inclined towards the maintaining of the Catholic religion, and that he would not let to show him friendly succour. To the third point, as to the fear they had of the Queen of England, he thought that she meant nothing less, and thereof he had good intelligence; notwithstanding, if Scotland should perceive any such likeness of that matter, the King of Spain would send and request the Queen to depart from that enterprise, and if that did not suffice, then he would do more than any other prince.
6. When he hears that a messenger shall be sent to the Queen about certain affairs touching the new King of Scots, he thinks his messages shall be only to entreat her. If he should look so high as to threaten, little is his power to be feared, for there is so much scantiness of money that never was seen the like. "In very deed the King is so much given to quietness that it must be a wonderful matter that shall make him fall out with his neighbours." The Cardinal of Lorraine is he that did procure this Scottish messenger.
7. The voice is still that the King will to Flanders; and the Princes of Germany have sent to entreat him to pass through their dominions. The King has ordained a new sort of militia that shall be resident in every town in Spain; they say only for fear of the Moriscos or Jews, of whom the country is full. Three months ago a practice was discovered in Arevallo, a town of Castile, where was taken an Ambassador of the King of Fressa, who came (as yearly he was wont) to recover the ordinary tribute which the Moriscos paid to the King as their natural lord. He being put to the torment discovered to have five other colleagues in Ganada and Valencia, and search being made, all were taken, and a wonderful number of men's goods confiscated.
8. Phayre imagines, however, that it is to establish garrisons over those who repine against unreasonable exactions, as by the King's taking into his hands all their corn mills, salt, alcavalas, and other such, making himself merchant of all such wares as most gain is to be had in, as for the Indies, quicksilver, slaves, cochineal, cards, paper, and other things. All these things breed a general discontentment. Not only the Spaniards find themselves aggrieved, but Flemings, Burgundians, and Italians all lament their calamities. Thinks that this King has fortune by the leg, otherwise it were impossible for him to have conserved his reign so long.
9. The Prince of Spain has been sick of a surfeit by eating thirteen pounds of mutton at one meal, some say twenty. Does not believe one or the other, yet he made an unreasonable meal.
10. 8. Nov. Don Garcia has come back to Messina without taking so much as an oar of the Turks. This Court is marvellously engrossed. The King departs on the 15th to Toledo, to enter with the bones of St. Eugenio.
11. Extends what he wrote in his letter of the 27th October about the English gentlemen at the Court of Spain.
12. Mr. Harrington is at Safra. Divers young men have come hither of late to seek entertainment, recommended from divers out of England. Three things are noted of them: first, the ill order of their coming; secondly, the slander of their country; and, thirdly, that at the first day of their arrival they must crave ayada de costa of the King.
13. They slander their country in two manners, one in giving the world to understand that they flee for religion. They be little welcome. Gonzalo Perez marvelled to him that there was no better order taken in England for the bringing up of young gentlemen. Only the Malbyes did win praise by their unreasonable long travail. The rest seek straight to have their entertainment at Milan or Naples, and spend there the King's wages to no purpose. Necessity for reputation's sake requires them to have an ambassador here, notwithstanding all the objections Phayre can lay, as the little estimation they make of an ambassador, the precedence with the King of Portugal about the place, the fear of the Inquisition and other things, and that the Kings of Poland and Denmark keep but secretaries there.
14. Gives a list of the chief counsellors about the King and also the council of war. The grey friar and fat bishop of Avença, who is confessor, is one of the chiefest.—Madrid, 15 Nov. 1565.
15. P.S.—The Count De Feria told him yesterday that there had come grievous complaints from divers of the King's subjects ill handled by certain Englishmen at Florida. The King is marvellously offended not only with them, but with Cecil and the Lords of the Council, and so willed Phayre to write. The King yesterday received the Legate from the Pope. The Duke of Alva is come again, and the King went to a village two leagues off to meet the saint.—17 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 13.
Nov. 17. 1677. Another copy of the preceding.—17 Nov. 1565.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 13.
Nov. 18. 1678. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Thanks him for his advertisement of his daughter's marriage; and because he hears of the Queen's goodness to the Lord of Warwick and his daughter, he shall by his next thank her. About four days since a post coming with letters from Carlisle hither was between Alnwick and Belford met by certain thieves of Scotland, and bereft of his horse. The Scots of Tividale have taken encouragement to ride, so as more attemptates have within these three weeks been committed than before in twice three months.—Berwick, 18 Nov. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Asks him to remember the Lord of Sutherland and the gentleman with him, who is like to die.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Nov. 19. 1679. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Wrote to him of the bruit of this Queen being with child, the contrary thereof is known, but she has of late fallen sick of her old disease that commonly takes her at this time of the year in her side, and these five days has kept her chamber, but mostly her bed. Upon Friday there came home Mr. George Chambers. Hears no more of his news but that the French King is greatly grieved to see the controversy between this Queen and her subjects, and that he sees nothing can be more convenient for her than to receive them into her favour; that he is content to send hither M. Sansac, to accord her and her subjects together, and to that end the Queen will also send her ambassadors.
2. Is assured that the French King is as loth to give this Queen any support as the Queen is to help the noblemen that are now in her country. Knows that she is evil contented that the French King should be suitor for the Lords, and that the handling of the Queen of them pleases her much better, which is here so far blown abroad that the Papists have no other talk, nor the Protestants so great cause of sorrow to receive so little favour where they looked for so much. Sees them void of all hope, and what grieves him is that the Queen in this country has lost her whole credit. Will not trouble him with the complaint he has heard to see these noblemen forsaken, to see so much yielded unto this Queen (who is altogether enemy to his Sovereign), that she may do what she will; not that they would that she should not have full power to do what she likes in all godliness, but that her appetite against God, against faith, and promises should be bridled by such against whom she has failed.
3. There is no small expectation what noblemen shall come from the Queen. Mr. David Chamber has said that it is the Lords of Sussex and Lumley, and all interpreted to this Queen's advantage; but he doubts not but they will show themselves more earnest Protestants, as he knows they be, than they are reported.
4. Their safe-conduct he has sent to the Lord of Bedford, subscribed only by the Queen, whereof he sent him the copy. Has heard again from the Earl of Argyll, who is informed what the Queen minds to do in this action, and also of the treatment of the Lord of Murray. He finds all things very strange, and laments their fortune with his own. He is determined to run the same course they take. Is required to write unto the Queen in his behalf, that if she be determined to give them aid he promises never to make other accord with this Queen than that which he shall receive through his Sovereign's means. He is therefore determined to respite his answers for ten or twelve days, to use her advice herein whether he shall accept any conditions without the rest, that he thinks for his commodity, or rather attend to see the issue of this negotiation to be had with this Queen by the ambassadors. The Earl of Athol seeks to be at accord with him, whose servants and tenants stand in such fear of Argyll that they refuse to serve against him. He has done great hurt this year to Glasgow and Stirling. He only is not yet put to the horn of all those that are judged enemies. Because he looks for some answer, so soon as may be, what advice he shall receive, asks that he may be advised what to say. Shane O'Neil seeks to be in league with him, and the writer believes that some overtures are made to this Queen to acknowledge him her subject, &c. Knows that Argyll may do much herein to keep him from his purpose here, or to hinder him in anything that he intends otherwise. Hears of a son of O'Donnel that of late has given a shrewd ruffle to O'Neil.— Edinburgh, 19 Nov. 1565. Signed
5. P.S.—This day the Queen's husband passed into Fife for eight or ten days.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Nov. 20. 1680. Richard Clough to Phayre.
Has mistaken the bill of exchange, which is for 216 ducats instead of 116. Sir Thomas Challoner has changed his life, being but one month married.—Antwerp, Nov. 20, 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 21. 1681. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Has thanked the Queen for her great honour and liberality used to his daughter at her marriage, and now thanks him for his friendly token of a fair cup to her. Things here seem to grow to greater likelihood of breach than continuance of peace, for reasons mentioned in his former letters. Can get no recovery by way of justice. It is thought the Duke shall by the Abbot of Kilwinning's labour make his own dress, and so for his part not trouble the Commissioners.
2. Their Parliament in Scotland will be about the beginning of the next month, which some think will last seven or eight days. The good Lords hope before that time to be delivered and at liberty to go home, and to be restored in blood and livings.
3. Commends to his favour his servant, who killed a man at his house of Berwick in Dorsetshire.—Berwick, 21 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Nov. 22. 1682. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Of the 3,000l. 1,000l. was employed upon the Lords of Scotland, and of the 2,000l. he has delivered to the officers of the victuallers here 1,600l., so there remain but 400l. towards the discharge of these footmen and horsemen.— Berwick, 22 Nov. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—The East and Middle Marches are within these three weeks the worse for this and thieving by 1,000l. at least.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Nov. 22. 1683. Smith to the Queen.
Is grieved that Charles Wilson his man (who in France with such peril of his life served her) should offend her and her laws so highly by piracy. Beseeches her to pardon him. —Tours, 22 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 22. 1684. Smith to Cecil.
1. They here are harkening what shall be done in Scotland first, and then in England; and whatsoever pretence is made, such as favour the popish religion here had rather the realms were both troubled than either of them in quiet.
2. For his coming home it is some hope that he writes.
3. Barlow needs help to entertain his wife and children.— Tours, 22 Nov. 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 22. 1685. Francis Peyto to Throckmorton.
1. Finds France (where he has been for a month) as he left it, the Guisians and Montmorencians, the Catholics and Huguenots, as they were. It is high time the King were a man. The policy of entertaining two factions to sit the quieter in his seat will in short space unjoint his chair. The Cardinal of Lorraine being invited to the Court, the Admiral and others of the faction pray also that they may have access with a train of 4,000 horse. He speaks against those of the religion, because he finds in them a lack of obedience.
2. Notice of an incident which occurred at the King's entry. Marriage of Condé with the sister of the Duke of Longueville. Proposed marriage of the Duke of Guise with the daughter of Bavaria, and of his mother with the Duke of Nemours. The party of the Lord James has not proved so strong as was made for. "I remember what one of their countrymen once told me in this town, touching the matter, who (as it is now proved) gave a shrewd guess." Lord Paget rests here, out of Italy.—Paris, 22 Nov. 1565. Signed.
3. P.S.—Begs him to excuse the scribbling on the back.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Nov. 23. 1686. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Asks a passport for the bearer, James Stewart, archer in the guard of the most Christain King.—Holyrood House, 23 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
[Nov. 23.] 1687. Passport to Scotland.
A passport by the Queen of Scots for the coming into Scotland of such as the Queen of England shall send to treat with her.
Copy. Endd. by Randolph. Pp. 2.
Nov. 23. 1688. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Yesterday came to the bound road David Sinclair, with whom he has good intelligence, and declared to the Provost Marshal that proclamation had been made at Edinburgh that upon pain of death no Scotsman should come to this town nor Englishman without safe-conduct to go thence or come thither.
2. This proclamation has been made at Edinburgh and Dunse.—Berwick, 23 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 23. 1689. Smith to Leicester.
1. In all towns and provinces the King has put in Papist governors.
2. The Pope's new Nuncio within these two days was at the Court and demanded that the red cap should be taken from Cardinal Châtillon, who is at the Court. The Cardinal answered, that which he enjoyed he enjoyed by the crown of France, wherewith the Pope had nothing to do. The Constable said the Pope had often troubled the quiet of the realm, but he trusted he should not be able at this time. He said he himself was a Papist, but if the Pope and his ministers go about again to trouble the realm, his sword shall be Huguenot. His nephew shall neither leave cap nor dignity he has for the Pope, seeing the edict gives him that liberty.
3. This day the Papists of this town have been with the King and Council to entreat for the pardon of those murderers. They offer 1,000 francs for their lives, which it is thought will be taken.
4. Some Scottishmen report here that the Queen of Scots shall have help from France, the Emperor, and from King Philip, and that the Pope and them will help her to 300,000 crowns. Although she has had success hitherto against the Lords, yet they esteem her here to have but a weak council, and that there is small wisdom in her to forsake the mediation of the Queen and the King.
5. In the Court is the President of Metz and divers of the council of the town and for the clergy there.
6. Nov. 23. Hears that the Rhinegrave here goes to the Diet at Augsburg. Suggests some man of England should be sent there.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Nov. 24. 1690. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Desires her to take order that the Earl of Sutherland may be put at liberty.—Palace of Holyrood, 24 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Nov. 24. 1691. Murray to Cecil.
1. Received his letter by Mr. Melville, and thanks him for his counsel, which he intends to follow, being assured that his suits not having taken effect the same is no less grievous to Cecil than to himself. At his arrival here (according to his advice) suit was directed towards their Sovereign for them all in general, but place of audience only granted to the Duke, who thereupon has directed the Lord Kilwinning, and is in hope shortly to find "dress." He with the rest here find little good appearance as yet in such, notwithstanding whereof he has employed his friends there to see if he may have liberty for any of his to repair towards his Sovereign, as he has also written to the Queen here. Asks him to put Queen Elizabeth in remembrance how the occasion of this their trouble has proceeded only upon the action of religion of God and her service, and move her to travail with their Sovereign that he and the rest of the noblemen here may be restored.
2. Touching the present relief of the noblemen's necessity here he understands by Melville Cecil's great goodwill towards him in particular. But the grief of his heart is for these other noblemen here, and especially for the Earl of Rothes, whom with the rest he recommends to his remembrance.
3. Asks to be informed of the Queen's resolution towards their "dress," with Cecil's advice. Commendation to Lady Cecil, and hearty thanks for the good treatment she made a banished man.—Newcastle, 24 Nov. 1565. Signed.
4. P.S.—After having directed the present, arrived a letter to Melville to enter into Scotland to speak with the Secretary. He departed the 26th inst. Will advertise further.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 25. 1692. Cirillus Sabinus to Mundt.
The Emperor intends to call a Diet next January at Augsburg, where the question of religion will be discussed. It will be well if foreign Protestant Princes, and especially the Queen of England, should send their agents thither, more especially for the settlement of the article respecting the Lord's Supper.—25 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: To Mundt, at Strasburg. Lat. Pp. 3.
Nov. 26. 1693. The Queen to Randolph.
Thinks it not meet that she should send Commissioners to the Queen of Scots. He is to tell her that he has mistaken the Queen's meaning therein. She is content to send the Commissioners to the frontiers, or to some place in England.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 26 Nov. 1565. Pp. 4.
Nov. 26. 1694. Bedford to Cecil.
1. These Lords remain here in great charge for themselves and their train. The Duke's "dresse" by Kilwinning is as good as done. Robert Melvyn has safe-conduct to come to Lethington, whose credit, if it be as great as it has been, there is less to be doubted of Murray's "dresse;" and otherwise he is furthest off. The rest of the Lords and others work for themselves, so they shall not much trouble Her Majesty's Commissioners.—Newcastle, 26 Nov. 1565. Signed
2. P.S.—Sends a packet from Murray.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 27. 1695. Money received from the Earl of Bedford. (fn. 1)
Acknowledgment by Roger Mainwaring and Rob. Arderne of the receipt from the Earl of Bedford of 1,800l. "of such money as Henry Lilgrove brought from London to be employed in the Queen's affairs by the direction" of the said Earl. —27 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Copy. P. 1.
Nov. 27. 1696. The Emperor Maximilian to the Queen.
1. Has received her letter by Swetkowitz. Will deal plainly with her.
2. In so uncertain a matter desires her to consider that it cannot but seem very difficult for he and his brother to undertake this journey.
3. Having some certainty there would be no such inconvenience, desires some assurance that his brother and his be not troubled in their religion, and also that he be not driven to live wholly upon his own. Desires her to open what she desires.—Vienna, 27 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: Copy of the Emperor's letter to the Queen, by Strang. Span. Pp. 2.
Nov. 27. 1697. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Cecil: Copy of the Emperor's letter to the Queen by Ro. Strang. Span. Pp. 2.
Nov. 27. 1698. Translation of the above into English.
Endd. by Cecil: Copy of the Emperor Maximilian's letter in Spanish to the Queen, brought 24 Dec. by Roger Lestrange. Pp. 2.
[Nov. 27.] 1699. Another translation of the above.
Partly in Cecil's hand, and dated, 28 Nov. 1565. Pp. 2.
Nov. 27. 1700. Frederick II. to the Queen.
Having lost a great number of sailors by battle or disease he sends James Cullen, a Scotchman, into England for the purpose of hiring more. Desires that he may have licence to raise 400, or thereabouts.—Copenhagen, 27 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Nov. 28. 1701. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
Recommends to her favour the affairs of Raphael Barbarin, a Florentine merchant, resident in Antwerp. — Brussels, 28 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Nov. 28. 1702. Gresham to Cecil.
Much tenders the suit of the Lords of Antwerp. As the Queen owes in Antwerp on 20th Feb. 30,000l., he wishes Cecil could persuade her to send to Antwerp 10,000 quarters of wheat, and the same quantities both of rye and barley upon her own adventure. It might be bought up in Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Kent, Surrey, and Berkshire, and given out to be for the provision of Berwick. The thing might pass wholly in Gresham's name.—Osterly, 28 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 29. 1703. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Because the bearer is come with the Queen's letters to their Sovereign for the enlargement of the Earl of Sutherland, he therefore prays him to tender his case.—Berwick, 29 Nov. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—The Parliament begins in Scotland within ten or twelve days, and if his Lordship should not be restored thereat he should never have the like opportunity, because the Earl of Huntley and other his friends are now in place He is a good gentleman though. The bearer is the rankest Papist in Scotland, named Steven Wilson, who received letters from Mr. Englefilde.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 1704. Bedford to Cecil.
1. The Abbot of Kilwinning, who went to make the Duke's "dress," has yet had no audience at that Queen's hand.
2. Similar intelligence to that contained in his other letter of this date.—Berwick, 29 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Nov. 29. 1705. Smith to Cecil.
Introduces the bearer, Francis Maguere, either party or factor for one Persall, of London, merchant. The bearer is a Dieppois, who speaks English, and is desirous to carry his packet to London.—Amboise, 29 Nov. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 29. 1706. The Merchants Adventurers to the Privy Council.
1. Mention the inconveniences which may ensue by traffic to the Low Countries without intercourse, such as the heightening of the customs there, arrest of goods upon every piracy or other quarrel. Those of the Low Countries get much commodity by the traffic, their people being set to work in great numbers by the English wools, which they endrap; and by dyeing, dressing, and other labour. Also they have much more excise. They have great benefit by the lead and tin, which they buy of the English, and send wrought into England. Also of their Holland and Ghentish cloth, besides many fair towns, ships, and mariners better maintained by fishing on the English coast.
2. England also has great commodity by uttering of wools and other commodities, besides setting great numbers of the Queen's subjects on work, otherwise not able to live, tillage being so sore decayed; and now they have no other living but by spinning, weaving, and making of cloths of all sorts, that are sold to those of the Low Countries, who transport them into all parts of the world. Also the realm, navy, and people have great profit by bringing out of the Low Countries such commodities as the realm has great want of. So that one country cannot well live without the other's aid and traffic.
3. The incommodities that may ensue by equality of custom are these: As the good cheapness of the woollen commodities of the realm causes chiefly the sale thereof in foreign countries, so if they be charged with great customs, the dearness will cause the cloth made in the Low Countries to be preferred.
4. The merchants of the Low Countries ever since the reign of Henry VI. have paid 4s. 9d. custom for white, and 6s. 3d. for coloured cloth, and the English merchants till of late years paid but 14d., which is taken to proceed for the maintenance of the navy, and for that the gains of the English merchants are left within the realm, where those of the strangers are transported into their native countries.
5. The English merchants of antiquity have paid but low tolls and customs, being established by the princes at the suit of the subjects there to procure their resort thither. And for that the towns haunted by the English merchants were best relieved, the magistrates granted them greater privileges than their natural subjects. The merchants of all countries being allowed to traffic thither, and especially Antwerp, by means of the free traffic, the inhabitants thereof have crept into such credit that almost they rule all trades and moneys, and were the only movers of the late interruption, either to get the whole trade of cloth into their hands, or altogether to hinder the utterance thereof.
6. If the English shall pay as much custom as those of the Low Countries, the latter will be able to sell the English commodities better cheap, and thereby get the whole into their hands; as they have already driven the most part of the merchants of Spain, Portugal, Italy, and other nations from their trade.
7. The navy shall also thereby be decayed, for they will lade in strangers' bottoms, wherein they have better cheap freight by one-half or one-third. The English merchants will likewise be forced to leave the cities to the strangers.
8. The commodities of the realm may be uttered out of the Low Countries thus:—To most countries they may be transported direct, and to Denmark, Germany, and those regions by way of Hamburg and Emden.
9. If those of the Low Countries endeavour to clothe their own people, their own cloth will not suffice both for their own and other countries, so that these latter will spend the more of the English cloth.
10. As the making of fine cloth of late years has greatly increased, to the decay of other sorts, as well vendible in other parts as in the Low Countries, so through lack of sales for the same the clothiers of Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, and Wiltshire may reduce their clothing into such order as thirty years heretofore it was, when there was not made the fourth part of fine cloth which is now, and the drapery of the realm was not occasioned to depend so much on the Low Countries for utterance.
11. The lack of vent for commodities to the Low Countries, and also those from thence, as linen and madder, must be forborne if supplied out of other countries.
12. The realm may furnish itself of hops, to the enriching of the same above 30,000l. a year.
Copy., in three separate portions, Endd. Pp. 11.
[Nov. 30.] 1707. Offers to be made by the Duke of Châtelherault.
Memorial of the offers to be made by the Duke to the King and Queen of Scotland for the offences committed by him to them.—Edinburgh, 30 Nov. 1565.
Copy. Endd.: 1 Dec. 1565. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Enclosed by Bedford to Cecil, 26 Feb. 1566.