Elizabeth: July 1564

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: July 1564', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp171-183 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1564', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp171-183.

"Elizabeth: July 1564". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp171-183.

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July 1564

July 1. 543. Wm. Raven to Challoner.
Has made over to Clough his diets due the 4th inst., 260l. and 10l. paid to Mr. Patten for his brother Francis, of whom he has received 33l. He would have had the whole to have been defalked out of his [Challoner's] diets, which Raven would not condescend unto. Asks him to send whether it were his pleasure that he should any more receive them, for his brother complains of him and Taylor to Mr. Secretary and others of the Council.—1 July 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
July 3. 544. The Plague in Lyons.
1. Proclamation for the security and health of Lyons, providing that visits are to be made twice a day by those appointed, and persons affected with the plague shall be removed to the hospital. Persons of quality may remain in their own houses, which however are to be fastened by a padlock. The corpses shall be removed at night, and buried at once and their clothes burnt.
2. The surveyor of the town shall sit twice a day and receive reports in the Hotel de Ville. A physician and four master surgeons are appointed to assist the searchers in their visits. As such calamities are generally brought on by want of cleanliness and bad food, the town shall be kept clean, and all filth cast into the stream of the river, and not allowed to lodge on the banks. A large fire of scented woods to be kept up between every ten houses in the street. No pigs, pigeons, or coneys to be kept in the town. The slaughter-houses to be confined to two localities. The meat, fish, vegetable, and other provision markets to be visited, and all that is bad or stale to be thrown into the river.—Lyons, 1 July 1564.
Printed pamphlet, 4to. "A Lyon, par Pierre Merant, en la Rue Sainct Jehan." 1564. Endd. Fr. Pp. 13.
July 5. 545. Challoner to Captain John Hawkins.
1. Wrote by Robert Farneham what he conceived of the success of his suit here for the recovery of his negroes, hides, etc. This is the worst time between them for twenty years for expedition of any suits by favour, further than bare justice of the cause will bear. Advises him to procure some favourite about the King to ask the whole as a forfeit. For example, to promise to give 4,000 or 5,000 ducats to one that should ask the King the whole, and be bound to render to his factors the rest. The power he sent his servant is not sufficient in that nature for so great a sum.
2. Parkehurst, who returns, is desirous to come in time to go with him in his next voyage.—Madrid, 5 July 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: To Hawkins of Plymouth. Pp. 4.
July 6. 546. Smith to Cecil.
1. In the matter of traffic two things are chiefly to be considered, the profit of the Queen and the conservation of amity with the adjoining realms.
2. That it were more profitable that both the staple of their wools and the mart of their cloths were in England is manifest. Antwerp itself, in the memory almost of their fathers being little or nothing, shows what profit it is to a place to have the mart, traffic, or vent of things. Has heard that before Calais was won, Boston was the haven and Lincoln the staple; Southampton the haven and Winchester the staple; London the haven and Westminster the staple; Hull the haven and Derby the staple; but takes it that Bristol is the haven and Chester the staple.
3. Mused when he heard, after Calais was lost, that the staple of their wools should be at Bruges. Antwerp is full of dyers, shearers, trimmers of cloths, etc., who live by the resort of men thither, and a great sort more, because their cloths are carried thither half unwrought, undyed, and half dyed. These will not only weep and cry, but fight and kill their magistrates who shall keep away their traffic.
4. About sixteen years ago he was sent thither in ambassade with Sir Edward Carne, Ambassador resident there, and Sir Thomas Chamberlain, then governor of the English merchants, on account of a difference betwixt their merchants and the English, to whom they denied divers privileges. They were there a month, and he perceived the Flemings dallied with them. They despatched a post home requesting that the King should prevent English merchants from trading to Antwerp till these differences were resolved one way or the other. The proclamation was made and well executed. The Ambassadors were then at Brussels, and met but once or twice a week, when suddenly, at Antwerp, as the Burgomaster had been at Council, and came forth to show the people that they must pay an impost which was not great, there were 3,000 or 4,000 of those kind of people above written, some with their wives and children crying, and others murmuring, who got the Burgomaster by the beard, saying, "You rich villains, you do undo us, our wives and children, by your pride and glory, striving with the Englishmen, by whom we must live, by whom we get more in a month than by you in seven years." The matter was appeased by the rest of the Burgomasters, and promise that they would agree with them, and that the meeting then was chiefly for that purpose. If the trade could be removed from Antwerp and settled in England, it would be the fairest diamond in the Queen's crown.
5. The other point is for the conservation of peace with their neighbours. King Philip can take it no unkindness, and possibly the wars of France made the matter to be attempted, and it was the device of the French. But since the English have had such trade in the Low Countries, the house of Burgundy could by no provocation be brought to have war with England six months together. With France England shall now and then be at war, so long as the English remember what they have had and do yet claim. So he may call the peace with France one of discretion; with Flanders and Brabant one of necessity.
6. Prays him take this as a discourse made upon his question, whilst driven out of Lyons by dead men assaulting him on every side of his lodging there. Lays a mile and a half off, in his host's country house.—Piemante, 6 July 1564. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
July 8. 547. Intelligence from Abroad.
Venice, July 8. Almain troops under Annibal Altemps have passed through the Venetian territory. King Philip is sick of a double tertian. His son is appointed to sit in council. On 11 July Secretary Villeroy's son came to Rome to thank the Pope on the settlement of the dispute with Spain. A strange sickness at Rome among the animals. The Bull for confirming the Council of Trent is published. Overthrow of the King of Sweden.
Orig., in Shers' hol. Pp. 5.
July 9. 548. Bedford to the Privy Council.
1. The ship with artillery, etc., out of France has landed with such of the same as he wrote to Mr. Secretary. The convention at Edinburgh is ended, and things have passed for the Protestants as they desired. The Queen has condescended to their motions, and not only taken order for the payment of the ministers' stipends, but also has punished four of her guards for making bonfires at their old accustomed times of Popery. Sues for a commission to join with the Master of Maxwell and the Justice Clerk for the debatable lands.
2. Cannot satisfy their request for Brian Cotes, lieutenant of Mr. Gilbert's band; for the number here of such as have served, some as lieutenants and some as officers, being above twenty, and that the benevolence to them of 10s. a day is at most not above 6d. and where least is 2d.—Berwick, 9 July 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 9. 549. Bedford to Cecil.
The news in his of the 3rd inst. of the ship with artillery and munitions is true; they have since been landed, as Mr. Randolph (to whom he sends letters out of Scotland) will give information. Repeats what he wrote this day to the Privy Council touching the Convention at Edinburgh, and as to the Commissioners for the division of the debatable lands. Not four days since the Scots made a foray upon the English ground within the debatable, and drove away cattle and hurt some of her subjects, which the English revenged. The root of the mischief will not be pulled up till Commissioners on both sides have appointed bounds to each. Lee prepares to come up, and will be there about the 26th inst. In the Treasurer's matters the writer has showed as much favour as he could.—Berwick, 9 July. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
July 11. 550. Cecil to the Magistrates of Antwerp.
Suggests that they should procure the abolition of those things which vex the English merchants in the Low Countries, and promises to urge the Queen to take measures for the greater freedom of commerce.—Greenwich, 11 July 1564.
Copy. Add. by Cecil and endd. by his secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
July 11. 551. Mary Sampere to Challoner.
Complains that Challoner had given her brother leave to run over the country so far and waste his money. She has had to maintain him in his pride and prodigality, on which account he shall never have pennyworth of what she purposed giving him in England.—Safra, 11 July. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
July 11. 552. Cuerton to Challoner.
1. On the 6th inst. James Conant sailed from Portugallette and Mistress Adrea and the rest that came with her, and Farneham and Harvy went with them. Has made sundry payments, which, with 15,222 Challoner owed before, make 25,013 rials, which he asks him to send. Here are no vessels making ready, but a captain about to make 300 men to go to the rest that are in Andalusia.—Bilboa, 11 July 1564. Signed.
2. P. S.—Would be glad that the men and ships of England were at liberty, specially one at Gibraltar, of one John Wekes, merchant of Exeter, who came after the eight ships that did the folly. Yesterday were brought hither four Englishmen taken with Phetipas.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
July 12. 553. Smith to Cecil.
1. Whether the stealing of the Spanish cipher has discovered the practice which was meant against Geneva and the Huguenots of France, or whether time and place have not been thought proper now, it seems that the coming of the Duke and Duchess of Savoy will bring forth no great matter, and will end with a talk of the money due to him for his marriage, and another of the towns of Piedmont, which the French yet keep.
2. D'Anville came yesternight to the Court, which, for fear of the plague, is at Trevieu, five long leagues hence. They are fain to fetch their meat and corn at Lyons, and yet there they are not free. One of the Cardinal of Bourbon's chamber died yesterday of the plague. Lyons is the most miserable and inhuman town he ever saw. One or two died in the street before his chamber before he dislodged. Now his men that go for his daily provision meet sometimes ten and twelve corpses lying in the streets dead of the plague, some naked, and there they lie till night, or till the deputies for those matters, clothed in yellow, come. They almost have no place to bury them. A great number they cast into the river, because they will not be at the cost to make graves. Almost every third house is shut up of the plague. This day, from break of day till 10 a.m. there laid a man naked in the street, groaning and drawing his last breath, not yet dead. Round the town there are tents of the pestiferous, besides those which are shut up in their houses. The third or fourth day rids them either to death or hope of health, and then they are almost in as much danger to die of hunger, by the fear and inhumanity of the people, as they were afore of the plague. And it is thought that almost as many die of hunger and lack of tending as of the plague. This is the manner of Lyons now; and yet they are so greedy of preaching that since the Court went hence they have preached daily, and 5,000 or 6,000 auditors at every sermon. So that in one way they show themselves so unfearful that they seem more than Christians; and in the other (in works of charity towards the sick and dead) they show themselves more fearful and inhuman than Pagans.
3. This day the Duke of Ferrara and the Duke of Florence's son are looked for.—Piedmonte-beside-Lyons, 12 July 1564. Signed.
4. P.S.—Sends the acts of the Synod of the Ministers held at Ferté sous Jouarre, which was calumniated, that he might show the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London the fashion of the Synods; also an answer to that calumniation, and the copy of the calumniation as it was spread abroad amongst the other Ambassadors; also an edict for the order of the plague, and the edict for those of the reformed religion in the King's absence.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
July 12. 554. Damascene Stradling to Challoner.
1. Has done between Mrs. Mary [Sampere] and her brother, the bearer, all she could, and so have his friends, but they have prevailed little. Mr. Thurland departed hence fifteen days past to England.—Jalapa, 12 July 1564. Signed.
2. P. S.—Prays him to be good to the bearer, whose father and mother were the writer's great friends.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
July 12. 555. English Shipping in Spain.
Relation of proceedings in Cadiz respecting the English ships seized by Don Alvaro De Baçan.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 4.
July 13. 556. The Earl of Murray to Cecil.
Has received a letter from Mr. Randolph and seen another from Cecil to Lethington, by which he perceives that some of Queen Elizabeth's best friends here mislike the home coming of the Earl of Lennox, and would have the writer persuade his mistress that Lennox might be stayed for this year. Assures Cecil that he [the writer] never meant anything to the contrary of Lennox's coming, and that such report is untrue. To labour for the stay of Lennox he cannot, neither thinks it can stand with Queen Elizabeth's honour to be the occasion thereof, seeing his passport was granted at her request. As to the factions that the coming of Lennox might make for the matters of religion, thanks God their foundation is not so weak that they have cause to fear, "seeing we have the favour of our Prince and liberty of our conscience in such abundance as our hearts can wish. It will be neither he nor I, praised be God, that can hinder or alter religion here away, and his coming or remaining in that cause will be to small purpose." —Edinburgh, 13 July 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
July 13. 557. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Has received his letter of the 6th inst. touching the causes of Lennox's stay in England, which he cannot well understand. Is bold to say that neither himself or Murray have any misliking in the matter, but rather have been instruments to further than to hinder his coming. The other reason touched in his is that Queen Elizabeth thought it not expedient; whereof he does not marvel a little, seeing how earnestly she recommended Lennox's cause and his Lady's to the writer at his being in the Court of England. He never had acquaintance or intelligence with the Lord of Lennox or his Lady before the time that Queen Elizabeth spoke unto him in their favour. So that although other causes might have moved the Earl of Murray to have favoured the grant of the licence, as he is her Ladyship's nephew, and he and his Lordship both of one name, yet no private respect so much moved him thereunto as the Queen's earnest recommendation, which he also thinks was the chief cause of his Sovereign's inclination that way.
2. The religion here does not depend upon Lennox's coming, neither yet do those of the religion hang upon the sleeves of any one or two that may mislike his coming. Whether he come or not he takes it to be no great matter to them, up or down. That the stay should grow upon Queen Mary's side would somewhat touch her honour, having permitted him licence, unless she might shadow the change by Queen Elizabeth's request, which he perceives is not her meaning, who would that Mary should take the matter upon herself, which she thinks too hard; and it is no honourable colour for her to allege that her own subjects mislike it. To be short, she sees no danger in this matter, which may move her to put her reputation in doubt before the world by breach of promise. Refers him to Murray's letter on the subject. Has used the best means to recover the Queen's letter, that he might have returned it again to her. Although this is the first advertisement that the Queen or they have had of Lennox's stay, yet it was known to some of this realm above twenty days past, and from them conveyed to him. "I have according to your desire returned unto you your own letter."—From the Court, 13 July 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
July 13. 558. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
1. On Tuesday the 4th inst., he and the Master of Maxwell held a March day at Gretna Kirk, from whence he brought him to Carlisle, where, continuing till the Saturday following, he delivered unto him such bills of attemptates as he demanded on behalf of Scotland, of the West March of England. This done, the writer with the Bishop of Carlisle and the Master repaired to Dumfries, and continued till yesterday and received all such bills as he had to demand of him for England.
2. A chaplain of the Bishop of Carlisle, a Scotsman called Mawbraye, and two of the prebendaries of the same church, preached there several days to great audiences, who liked their sermons and doctrine.—Carlisle, 30 July 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 13. 559. Gurone Bertano to the Queen.
A year ago began to correspond with her, as it was in his power to furnish her with important information, but has had no reply save one letter from her secretary to the effect that information would be very acceptable. Is not deterred thereby from informing her of an attempt which is being made by the Court of France prejudicial to her interests respecting the peace of Câteau Cambresis, of which he sends details. These she should communicate to the King of Spain, who at the present time is annoyed by the decision of the Pope respecting the precedence of France. Begs her to keep this matter a great secret.—Rome, 13 July 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 6.
[July 13.] 560. Memorial to the Papal Court.
Memorial addressed by the Court of France to the Pope praying that he would continue the abrogation of certain debts due by King Francis I. and his successors to King Henry VIII. and his successors.
Copy. Lat. P. 1.
July 13. 561. Lucia Bertana to the Queen.
Professions of affection, and of her desire to serve her.— Rome, 13 July 1564.
Orig. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
July 13. 562. Anthony Parkhurst to Challoner.
Mrs. Audrye took shipping at Porto Galleto on the 6th inst. Sends thanks to the Lord Prior for his goodness to him.—Bilboa, 13 July. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
July 14. 563. Bedford to Cecil.
Lee has gone up and taken such plots with him as are requisite. On the 6th inst., received a packet from Cecil and therein one to the Queen of Scots, and another to Murray or Lethington. Received in the same packet his letter only from the Court.—Berwick, 14 July 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 14. 564. English Shipping in Spain.
Provanza for Leonard Chilton, whose ship had been seized in Spain.
Notarial copy. Endd. Pp. 14.
July 15.
Labanoff, i. 218.
565. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Desires a passport for George Hopper, merchant of Edinburgh, to come into her realm by sea or land, to trade. Holyrood House, 15 July 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
July [15]. 566. Smith to the Queen.
The Duke of Savoy's coming hither brings no such effect as was feared. The edict of religion is rather confirmed than (as the Papists looked for) broken, and by that reason France is in repose, except for the plague and dearth of things. The plague is at Lyons, Vienne, and all about this country. Lord Hunsdon did well to carry away Mr. George, his son, from hence. Neither the Prince of Condé nor the Admiral have come near the Court since the peace was concluded.—Piedmante beside Lyons, [blank] July 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 15 July. Pp. 2.
July 15. 567. Smith to Cecil.
Has sent the bearer, Thomas Cheveley, with this, to see to his [the writer's] private affairs. He is and has been his secretary all the time of his being in France, and before, and is one whom he may trust in any secrecy.—Piemante beside Lyons, 15 July 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 15. 568. Lord Robert Dudley to Challoner.
The bearer has offered his service to the Queen, whom, having no occasion to employ, she has licensed him to return.— Court, 15 July 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
July 15. 569. Hugh Tipton to Challoner.
1. Of the English ship taken by the Spaniards at the Azores, they can send him no other testimonial till their provance is made. He may declare they are all true men, and were brought hither and robbed of their goods. All the mariners of the eight ships are put to liberty, and are worse than they were before, having neither meat nor drink, nor raiment; and half a dozen of them are sick at his house here. Asks him to write to the Queen and Council to confirm their privilege there that they may recover such impositions ordained to be taken upon such goods as come out of England and are laden from hence thither; and then they shall have money and be able to defend such wrong matters as are laid daily against their nation and help such men as these in time of need.
2. Has a suit in the Court of Spain committed to Alonso De Trugillo, and asks his aid therein.—Seville, 15 July 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: The original I sent to the Queen. Pp. 2.
July 16. 570. Bedford to Cecil.
Has heard from Cecil nothing but of the christening of his young daughter. Is pleased that the Queen would come in such familiar sort abroad and to visit his house. Has held two days of truce, where good justice was done.—Berwick, 16 July 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 16. 571. John Duche to Challoner.
Challoner's servant, Mr. Ryce, delivered his letters unto his [Ryce's] unkind sister, of whom he had not so loving entertainment as either answered his [Challoner's] expectation or her own honesty. After much ado she gave him a horse and money to bring him back, and promised her mistress and Duche that if he continues in his favour and service he shall find her a good sister. Thanks him for having by his means obtained his Lord's favour, who is not contented that he should remain a yeoman, but maintains him as one of his gentlemen. Craves his word to the Queen that she will show her clemency towards him. He served her father and brother truly in the wars these thirty years. Was sick for two years, and in the midst of it was put to a pension of 6d. a day, having nothing to live upon but that and his wife's labour, notwithstanding eighty-six were pensioned at the same time, and not sick, yet most of them had 8d. and 10d. a day. And when they came to be paid quarterly out of the Exchequer by warrant they could never come by it except they would give in a manner one half to have the other. Asks him to reveal this and other complaints to the Queen, and ask her to pardon him for having departed without licence. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 8.
July 17. 572. Boundaries between England and Scotland.
Commission for the Earl of Bedford and Sir John Forster to treat with the Master of Maxwell and Mr. Justice Clerk of Scotland for determining the boundaries between England and Scotland on the East and Middle Marches.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 17 July 1564. Lat. Pp. 3.
July 17. 573. Draft of the above in English.
Corrected by Cecil, and partly in his hand. Endd.: 17 July 1564. Pp. 3.
July 18. 574. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Was told that at Barcelona among other forces they put in their account their English prisoners, but the King bade them not trust to that account. Seeing the Ambassador Don Diego De Guzman is arrived, would wish him so used that his report may make them here ashamed to have delayed. "For the rest, I wish my masters of Flanders were well jerked." (fn. 1) Begins to put himself in way to return.—Madrid, 18 July 1564. Signed.
2. P. S.—The secretary of the Council says that the charges for keeping the ships and prisoners must be discharged by our folk.
Orig., with armorial seal. The P.S. in Challoner's hand. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 18. 575. Draft of the above.
In Challoner's hol., omitting the P. S. Endd. by him: Per Farneham. Pp. 7.
July 18. 576. Leonard Chilton to Challoner.
1. At Saffra he delivered his letters to the Count and Countess. At Seville he was informed of the sale of three of their ships. At Cadiz he presented the King's provision to Don Alvaro's deputy, Gasper Curtes, avezino of this city, who next day liberated all their men, most of whom came forth in that sort that if he had tarried but eight days longer half of them would have followed their fellows.
2. At their delivery here certain ships being ready for Flanders, they found shipping among them for forty and odd mariners; and here may be thirty, most of them sick, and the rest are strayed abroad to get passage.
3. His [Challoner's] letter was read both in Seville, St. Lucar, and Cadiz to the whole nation, but the contents are not well observed. The most part excuse themselves, and the men are neither clothed nor yet so refreshed as he would wish they were. Has a warehouse full of them and other English.
4. Three of the eight ships were sold before he came, whereof one is Mr. Sackford's, which he has stayed, and hopes the sale shall be nothing. Sends copy of the order of Alvaro, under colour to sell the ships to his friends for half that they were worth. The armado is preparing, it is thought for Velez De Gomera.—Cadiz, 18 July 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 4.
July 18. 577. English Shipping in Spain.
Relation of proceedings in Cadiz respecting the English ships seized by Don Alvaro De Baçan.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 4.
July 19. 578. English Shipping in Spain.
Copy of the memorial presented to the King of Spain by Challoner in the matter of the English ships and prisoners detained in Spain.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: 19 July 1564. Span. Pp. 2.
July 19. 579. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Challoner: 19 July 1564. Span. Pp. 3.
[July 19.] 580. Copy of another memorial to the same effect, but with additional particulars.
Draft, partly in Challoner's hand. Endd. Span. Pp. 7.
July 20. 581. Oliver Leson to Challoner.
1. This morning received the enclosed letters from Chilton to send him. Mentions the delivery of the men in Cadiz and their lack of victuals, etc. They have seen the King's letters for the delivery of the ships. Doubts whether they shall find sureties, for the Spaniards will take none but landed men here, and when the ships are gone they shall stand in a weak case if Don Alvaro demands anything.
2. The Spaniards have brought also a vessel of Bristol from the islands, in which they use much cruelty. The English have had great loss by them within these four years, and small redress, and are daily cruelly handled.—Seville, 20 July 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
July 22. 582. Hieronymo Brun to Challoner.
Has married the daughter of one of the chief men of this town.—Barcelona, 22 July 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 3.
July 24. 583. Proclamation against Pirates.
1. All vessels which have gone to sea without giving caution not to injure the subjects of the French King shall be recalled immediately; and no vessels allowed to sail without giving security.
2. Prohibits the harbouring of pirates in any port of England.
3. The Queen's officers shall not be allowed to retain any part of goods recovered from pirates, but shall be paid their expenses in money.
4. In order to avoid expense, whenever any goods are recovered, a schedule shall be sent to the Judge of the Court of Admiralty.
5. No recovered goods shall be sold by the officers until after six months.
Copy, sent by the French Ambassador to Cecil. Dated and endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 3.
July 27. 584. Maitland to Cecil.
Could not sooner answer his of the 20th ult. What danger can come to either of them writing freely to each other he does not see, specially as it was Queen Elizabeth's mind that by letters betwixt them their Majesties' matters might be somewhat digested. Knows the matter is just and profitable to both countries, and that the best sort of both countries do not mislike it. His own mind goes with that of his mistress. —S. Johnston, 27 July 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
July 29. 585. Challoner to the Queen.
1. Despatched to Seville on 23rd ult. the King's scedola for the release of her subjects, of whom Tipton writes that they are at liberty, but nothing of the ships. Is told that three of the ships are sold to pay the charges of the keeping of the prisoners. Of the prisoners at Saint Sebastian three are dead of penury, which he will declare to the King. The amity of these men with France cannot long continue, and then she will be prayed to join with Spain for the recovery of Calais.
2. Sends the protestation made by the Spanish Ambassador at Rome on the precedency, which is here highly taken. The Pope takes it highly that the acts of the Council are not published in Spain.
3. The marriage of the Prince of Spain is concluded with the King of the Romans' daughter.
4. The Queen is said to be with child, which is kept more secret because three months past the like was more plainly spoken, and it failed. If it takes success the King would be glad, misliking the properties and sickly disposition of his son.
5. Emden, Hamburg, or other ports more to the north, shall prove incommodious for winter trade, the seas being half the year frozen. Has heard nothing out of England since the 20th of March, not so much as of the peace concluded, whereof the Duke of Alva and others have asked him to his discredit.
6. Hears that from this part some secret solicitations have continued towards the Queen of Scots. The Prince here has been very inquisitive of her estate and partly at himself, and as appears his own affection bends most that way. His marriage with Maximilian's daughter is no less pressed on her father's part.
7. The King has willed Don Garcia De Toledo to repair to Malaga to set upon the secret enterprise he wrote of. Their number shall be eighty galleys and 10,000 soldiers.— 29 July 1564.
Draft, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: From Madrid. Pp. 28.
July 29. 586. Challoner to the Duke of Alva.
Asks the Duke to forward his memorial to the King in favour of the English at Saint Sebastian.
Corrected draft. Endd. by Challoner: 29 July 1564. Span. Pp. 2.
July 29. 587. Intelligence from Abroad.
Venice, July 29. The Duchess of Mantua has been brought to bed of a girl. Don Garcias Di Toledo has left Corsica for Spain. The seven galleys of Malta, which had taken a Turkish ship, being nearly surprised by Dragut Reis, with difficulty saved their prize in Syracuse. The Duke of Nemours tarries at Lyons, finishing a new fortress. The Protestants preach and are as hot as ever they were. The merchants have agreed with the French King to take 5 per cent.
Orig., in Shers' hol. Endd. Pp. 4.
July 31. 588. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
Desires that, according to promise, he will let him have the reply made to his demands in writing, and also the Queen's letter to the Queen Mother.—London, 31 July 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 31. 589. Henricus Husanus to Cecil.
Having reached London to day he sends him letters from his master the Duke of Saxony, and desires him to inform the Queen of his arrival. — London, Prid. Cal. Augusti. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.


  • 1. In cipher.