Elizabeth: June 1564, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: June 1564, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp146-158 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1564, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp146-158.

"Elizabeth: June 1564, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp146-158.

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June 1564, 1-15

June 1. 448. The Queen to Bedford, Forster, Percy, and Lee.
1. Authorizes them to examine any persons upon oath, both for the state of the victuals in Valentine Browne's charge, as of other things in her former instructions.
2. Has sent thither Portinary, Pelham, and Concio, to consult upon her fortifications, and the causes for taking down the Bell tower, which (if necessary,) they may cause to be taken down and employed to her service there.
3. Hears scant good report of the Governor's charge of the East Marches and of Sir John Foster's upon the Middle Marches, whereupon she charges the Governor and Foster to confer together upon them, and to proceed to the amendment hereof.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 1 June 1564. Pp. 4.
June 1. 449. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
1. Arrived here this Thursday afternoon with all his company, and was very well met by M. De Mouy, lieutenant to M. De Morvilliers, Governor of this town, and conducted to his lodging, after whose departure came M. Octaviano Bosco, from the King, a valet de la chambre.
2. Means to morrow to pass forward, and to abide two or three days at Paris. At his arrival he was saluted with four or five pieces of ordnance, out of the "Old man."— Boulogne, 1 June. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 1. 450. Somers to Cecil.
Last night he embarked for Calais, and this morning got the latter payment brought aboard and despatched the hostages, and by 8 a.m., came his way. By the same tide M. De Gonnorre embarked in his ships, and they arrived here this afternoon. Gonnorre to-morrow night will be with the Archbishop of Canterbury. The rest of his train must lie at Canterbury. On Saturday the gentlemen will bring him to Sittingbourne, and Sunday to Greenwich. There is a plague at Rochester and Gravesend. Has brought over the latter payment, and delivered it to Mr. Gresham. Lord Hunsdon departed hence this morning towards Boulogne. Gonnorre's train comes to 120 horses. Dover, Thursday, 1 June 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 1. 451. Retinue of MM. De Gonnorre and Brissac.
List of the gentlemen who accompanied MM. De Gonnorre and Brissac, together with the number of their horses, amounting to 123. 1 June 1564.
Orig. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 1. 452. Eric XIV. to the Queen.
Informs her of his war with the King of Denmark, whom he has defeated both by sea and land, and taken several of his castles and towns both in Livonia, and Norway. As he intends carrying the war into the enemy's country, he desires that she will encourage her subjects to bring victuals and other necessaries for the use of his army.—Stockholm, Cal. Junii, 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
June 2.
Labanoff, i. 216.
453. Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Queen.
Desires redress for certain of her subjects whose ship, returning from Rochelle, being driven into the haven at Carlingford in Ireland, was there plundered and spoiled by O'Neil ard Fardarroch Mac Neish, and their followers.— Holyrood, 2 June 1564. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
June 4. 454. Memorial to the King of Spain.
Memorial to the King of Spain, presented by Challoner, 4 June 1564, in favour of certain English mariners imprisoned by Don Alvaro De Bacan, more than forty of whom have died through ill treatment.
Corrected draft in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Span. Pp. 16.
June 4. 455. Fair copy of the above.
Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 4.
June 4. 456. Advices from Abroad.
Advices from Rome, 1 July; from Genoa, 23 June; from Constantinople, 4 June; from Vienna, (no date); respecting various matters, chiefly connected with those localities.
Copy. Endd by Mason. Pp. 6.
June 5. 457. Scrope to the Queen.
He and the Master of Maxwell have kept divers March days, and they have redressed and delivered the bills saving four, and on the 27th inst., will deliver these also. Likewise all attemptates committed since his government here, being but five bills on either part. Commends the Master's execution of justice, and his entertainment of her commissioners at Dumfries. Has caused divers of the most notable and disorderly persons to be apprehended, and has them ready to abide their trial.—Carlisle, 5 June 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 5. 458. Scrope to Cecil.
1. Has received the licence for entertaining the Master [of] Maxwell in her castle here, and for giving him and other Scottsmen three geldings, together with Cecil's advice in writing to the Queen, for which he thanks him.
2. Recites what he wrote to the Queen this day touching the Master and his entertaining him here, and adds that he came here about noon on the 2nd inst., and departed at 6 p.m., his Sovereign having by letters commanded him to repair immediately to her Court with such prisoners as he had lately apprehended in Liddisdale.—Carlisle, 5 June 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 5. 459. Randolph to Lord Robert Dudley.
By his last he promised to be with him within twenty days, and yet must pray him to add to his former promise ten or twelve days more. Within six days after this Queen's return from Lady Murray he hopes to be with him. Edinburgh, 5 June 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 5. 460. Randolph to Cecil.
Yesterday full resolution was taken by this Queen and her Council that the interview for this year is not like to take place. This day she is gone over the water to visit the Lady of Murray, not being yet well of her late travail, besides the sorrow she takes for the death of her son.—Edinburgh, 5 June 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 5. 461. The Privy Council to Challoner.
The same as that of 5th June. Windsor, 9 April 1564. Signed: W. Northampton, R. Dudley, W. Howard, E. Rogers, F. Knollys, W. Cecil, and Ab. Cave.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
June 6. 462. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Is not less affected towards the amity betwixt the two Queens and nations than he has always been. It is true that he has not these last twelve months dealt so rashly in these cases as he was wont to do, not for any change of mind, but for avoiding of danger. Nevertheless he is ready to return to his accustomed manner of proceeding whensoever it shall be likely to do any good. Cecil knows in what terms he left him at their last communication. In the same he yet stands. If a conjunction be earnestly meant, and Cecil will draw it on as was opened up by his mistress's last answer, Cecil shall find conformity enough on this part; but if time be always driven without further effect than has yet followed upon any message passed betwixt them these three years, he shall in the end think himself most happy who has least meddled in the matter.
2. The place which they both occupy in mending their Princes' affairs requires another kind of conference than the common sort use. In these great cases betwixt their Sovereigns the writer has ever found this fault with Cecil that, as in his letters he always wrote obscurely, so in private communication he seldom uttered his own judgment. So he fears in giving advice Cecil walks too warily, observing rather to speak nothing which may hereafter hurt himself than to speak what might further the matter. Lochleven, 6 June 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
June 6. 463. Challoner to Mason.
1. His Chancellor, Coldwell, (who brought him the unwelcome packet for his longer stay here,) delivered also Mason's letters of the 5th and 23rd of March. The English consume their time in framing and reframing laws for pins, and such like, and never at a point; whereas they of Flanders espied out their time to buffet them. Is sorry to see a nation that lives by their bread kick against them. But Mason knows Cardinal Granvelle's word "durate." Takes Emden most to the purpose, for though their dealing is not to be forgotten yet it is not by this way to be requited, for it seems they are to be made of for their own sake, and afterwards dispelled for remembrance's sake.
2. Sends a few verses, which, if he likes, prays him to give to the Queen. Hopes to expel himself hence shortly. Prays him if any at home rise to keep him here, to stand hard to the helm that he turn not sails. Trusts to bring with him a cuero or two of so good wine as, when he drinks it with him, he [Challoner] shall make verses extempore.—Madrid, 6 June 1564.
Corrected draft, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Bottom corners torn off. Pp. 4.
June 6. 464. Thos. Nicholas to Challoner.
Repeats his letter of the 20th ult. Here are four English ships in the river of Seville, which will be ready to depart for England in fifteen or twenty days. Seville, 6 June 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add.: To Challoner, at Madrid, and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
June 7. 465. Cecil to the Magistrates of Antwerp.
Theirs of the 27th ult. brought him into admiration in that he should be solicited to intermeddle in what was brought to the hands of the Princes. These prohibitions of late published by both the Princes much hurt the ancient intercourse betwixt these two nations, and will probably do more hurt if more moderation be not used. Sees no reason why his Sovereign should be by him, upon their solicitation. first moved to alter her purposes without some signification of the goodwill of the Prince there. Has received theirs of the 27th ult., entreating that those former edicts on both parts might be suspended; and at the same time new edicts in the King's name dated the 30th of the same, of extremity against their nation and of severity against the intercourse. The remedy for these evils must grow from themselves.
Copy. Endd.: 7 June 1564. Pp. 4.
June 9. 466. Challoner to the Queen.
1. Yesterday, Sunday, had audience with the King, and, perceiving his countenance not bent on severity but rather smiling on him, said when he was most desirous to all good office, impediments either by delay of time or otherwise hindered him. He lamented that his sickly disposition moved him by easy journeys from Barcelona to anticipate his coming hither, leaving the following him to Valencia for the prosecution of suits. The King said he was sorry for his sickness, and allowed his departure afore him. Challoner then presented her letters of the 20th March last, which, after he had read. he said, howsoever matters here or out of Flanders have been set forth unto him, yet he has hope that by the tenor of her letters he conceives the sincerity of her meaning both towards himself and his subjects, the redress of whose complaints she has commanded to be looked to.
2. He began at the cause of her enterprise, viz., that she had hoped through the pawn of Havre de Grace to have recovered Calais, which exploit no reasonable judgment could otherwise than allow. The French, attributing her abandoning the place more to their chance than the case deserved, not only continued their wars, but possessed the seas with armed ships, endangering her subjects all they might. Therefore she was driven to give licence to her subjects to arm to the seas, but meaning nothing less than that any of them should touch or molest the subjects of King Philip; which, though in some part it had otherwise fallen forth, yet as soon as she understood thereof she put all such order for the remedy as she could, and as he doubted not the King would allow.
3. The writer exhibited to the King three copies of her edicts for the repression of such insolence of their adventurers against his subjects, and translated into Spanish a clause in her letter (of which he encloses a copy) considering her offer to him to follow what reasonable means he should himself devise herein for the expedition of justice to his subjects. He delivered the clause to him, and endeavoured to persuade him that he could not wish more to be done for the indemnity of his subjects than she was willingly bent unto; adding that more than 400 sail of adventurers had served during these wars at their own charges, which could not contain less than 25,000 or 30,000 mariners and soldiers. It were scarce possible among so many (what order soever she took to the contrary), but some would in such a scope of the seas abroad play some lewd parts.
7. From this he came to the matters of Flanders, repeating to him the whole context thereof, following therein a great part of the instructions sent in Mr. Secretary's letters, such as amongst other papers translated into Spanish he presented to him, of which he sends her herewith a copy. He also presented sundry other papers on the same question. He exhibited so many papers, because he had learned by experience that the King is very diligent in perusing such writings every night when he retires, and afterwards endorses them to such of his ministers as the cases import.
5. From this the writer fell to speak of what hurt ministers about Princes might do, though the Prince were never so well bent, in giving wrong suggestions or in the depraving of matters committed. The King in reply remarked that whereas since Aquila's death his room has 10 months rested vacant, it was no marvel that most part of things lay hid in clouds.
6. This was in effect the whole of Challoner's conference, not without some short answers of the King, but those very few and in few words at some such points as he thought meet. This is not to be marvelled at, seeing to all Ambassadors he uses the like. For as he has great patience to hear at length and note what is said, receiving gently what memorials or papers are presented to him, so hardly (as I have hitherto perceived) shall a stranger by his countenance or words gather at any time any great alteration of mind either to anger or rejoicement, but after the fashion of a certain still flood. Nevertheless both his looks and words unto him gave show of a certain manner of extraordinary contentation, where he seemed tenderly to regret Challoner's sickly disposition. He excused the delay of his audience, and promised that when they were come to a settled place the matters he complained of should be heard and determined with expedition. He commended him for deferring to present his letter of revocation, which, whensoever he should think it expedient to put in use for recovery of his health, he would gladly accept.
7. They say that after Midsummer the King, Queen, and Princes will remove hence to his house called El Bosque, besides Segovia, to spend the rest of the summer in hunting; and chiefly to avoid the pestilence which from Aragon creeps hitherward and is come to a town not ten leagues hence. For this cause yesterday proclamation was made that all suitors at law should avoid this town, and repair to the ordinary Court of Chancery at Yalladolid.
8. Wrote thus far on Monday the 5th, but thought meet to stay three or four days longer to see the resolution of the Council in the matter of these arrests. In the meantime he visited here the Prince of Spain and the young Princes of Bohemia, who showed great hope and towardness. The eldest is like the King, who makes much of them, and the younger like the Emperor Charles with a chin of Austria. The Prince is not pleased with their coming hither. Yesterday from Italy came a courier with letters of advice that the Pope by decree of the Consistory in the matter of precedence pronounced in favour of France.
9. The Emperor is "Ethicke" and but draws away. The Turk by the last letters from Constantinople was removed to Adrianople on hunting, and is not arming for this year any of his galleys. This has been the occasion that since March last they have concluded upon some exploit by sea kept secret; nevertheless, supposes it will be against some piece in Barbary, either Engia or Pennon de Velez. Has been informed that ten or twelve of their venturers are about the isles of Azores, being the trade homewards of their fleets coming from the Indies. The King has caused fifteen ships to be armed and set forth from Cadiz to apprehend them.
10. The King of Algiers and Dragut Raiz have been abroad these six weeks with forty sail upon the coast of Italy.
11. The King since Tuesday last has had a tertian. On Tuesday (being the ordinary day of assembly for the Council of the Wars) nothing was treated touching the arrests, and yesterday they treated thereof but awhile, and having put it over till another day, thought not good to stay the bearer longer.—Madrid, Friday, 9 June 1564. Signed.
12. P. S.—As he was ready to despatch this on the 10th, Secretary Erasso sent to ask to speak to him and he went to his house, where he digressed to him how the Council treated upon the matters he had propounded to the King respecting three special points. The writer answered much after his former conference with the King.
13. Sends copy of the letter he sent Erasso on the 11th. The Duke of Alva returned hither yesternight, whom he will visit and prove, he being of the contrary faction to Ruy Gomez.—12 June 1564.
14. P. S.—Has spoken with the Duke of Alva, who made himself ignorant of what had passed in his absence, but he informed him of the substance thereof, and of her good opinion of his ministry about the King; and he seemed to hearken to his reasons better than any of the other did. He told him he would move the King for the release of the prisoners (a few of the principal excepted) till the matter were more fully discussed, and that he should have sight of those processes he desired.—Madrid, 14 June 1564.
15. P. S.—Complains of the delay which has occurred here in the conclusion of her business. Her subjects here have been treated cruelly, as may appear by the paper he sends; yet their insolences during the last wars have been great and many, and such as he prays God he may hear no more complaints. The Council's delay is to hear from Flanders and England. Urges his recall.—Madrid, 15 June 1564. (fn. 1)
Orig., partly in Challoner's hol. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 19.
June 9. 467. Challoner to Cecil.
1. When he read Cecil's letters condoling his troubles, and his own a great deal more at home, the compassion he took of him made him in a sort forget what he felt himself, albeit what he complains of in his letters is not nothing. Asks him to think whether it is not to a free mind an insupportable burden two years and three quarters together to bear his cross in Spain, a place and nation misliked of all others save themselves. Seeks not to come home of purpose to live idle, but will be ready always to serve again after a breath taken. Has reason to suspect his health. Complains of the Spanish white wines, which they mix with lime and other filthiness to make it look the whiter. Complains of his countermand, where if it had not been for his pity and compassion for their poor countrymen's cruel handling here he had been at home some four months past.
2. His stay here is not further tolerable, both for his sickness and for the want both of money and credit.
3. This Arragon journey since the beginning of September last has cost him above 75,000 reals, whereof what he owes yet upon interest it is needless to recite.
4. Begs that upon the receipt of this he will forthwith let him have some letter from the Queen, to the end he may have his leave taking reconfirmed with all the rights appertaining.
5. Congratulates the peace ex animo. They need never fear the re-having of Calais, for these two great Princes can never long agree, as he will see when the French King grows a little more in years. These men's pride will at last give them a fall in their turn, and make all their friends weary of them. In the meantime, for the greatness and reputation of the Queen and England the right part is the accrue of their finances, without which they need never think of conquests, nor yet to keep their own. No country has so apt or many means thereof as England without straining, and that know others well enough.—Madrid, 9 June 1564.
Hol. Passages in cipher, deciphered. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 10.
June 10. 468. Bedford to Cecil.
Three days since received the Queen's letters, by Portinary and Contio, and the second day after came Mr. Pelham hither. They have not yet proceeded with this comission regarding the victuals. Mr. Marshal here having brought his wife hither, the writer has spoken with Sir Thos. Gray for his house at Horton to place her in.—Berwick, 10 June 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 10. 471. Stopio to Mason.
Has heard from Florence that Don Garzia had passed to Leghorn, with thirty-seven galleys, thence to various other places, with what design is uncertain. The Duke of Urbino has gone to Pesara.—Venice, 10 June 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
June 11. 472. Fortifications at Berwick.
1. Articles agreed upon between Lee, Portinary, Pelham, and Contio, before the Governor at Berwick.
2. The N.E. bulwark above Cowgate shall be finished as it is begun; the flankers, called the casemate, of every bulwark shall be thirty-four feet in breadth and fifty in length.
3. From the middle bulwark beneath Cowgate, Portinary and Contio mean to fortify to the Snowke, according to the plats they send, with their opinions thereupon.
4. The opinion of Lee and Pelham is to have the new work go forward as it is, with a cut only overthwart the Snowke, from the north-east bulwark to the sea, according to a plat sent together with their opinions; which fortifications and the cut, with repair of the old walls of the base town, will be sufficient.
5. Should the Council determine to take in the Snowke, according to Portinary's plat, the fortifications of the base town will be slender; and if no part of the Snowke be taken, then the new fortifications of the base town to go forward to be fortified as strong as the high town.
6. It is agreed that as soon as the works shall come to any perfection, the castle, Bell tower, and the rest of the old works, shall be laid flat to the ground.
7. It is agreed that the bridge shall be of stone.
8. The entry into the flankers being thought by Portinary and Contio too narrow, for that the cannon cannot be conveyed into the same, and by Lee and Pelham thought to be large enough, the same is left to the Council's determination.— Berwick, 11 June 1564. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 3.
June 11. 473. Copy of the above.
Pp. 3.
June 11. 474. Frederick II. to the Queen.
Desires her to pay as soon as possible the money due in February last, to his agent Henry Rantzowe.—Copenhagen, 11 June 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
June 11. 475. Challoner to Secretary Erasso.
Statement of the arguments for the liberation of the English prisoners detained in Spain under the charge of piracy, urged against them by Don Alvaro De Bazan.—Madrid, 11 June 1564. Signed.
Corrected draft in Challoner's hol. Endd. by him. Span. Pp. 10.
June 12. 476. Proposed by the French.
Articles proposed by MM. Gonnorre and De Foix, chiefly as to the liberation of the French prisoners in England; also of John Pybaud, Augier, and Estrille, and of those detained by Capt. Appleyard's lieutenant.
Orig. Endd.: Given 12 June 1564. Fr. Pp. 4, with a rider.
June 14. 477. Lord Hunsdon to Lord Robert Dudley.
At Boulogne he was met by the lieutenant of the town, who brought him to his lodging. Afterwards came Octaviano Bosco, by M. Gonnorre's command. At Amiens, M. Movysyer came to him from the King, who brought him letters from the King and Queen Mother. Has been well used all the way, and perceives he shall be so. Was this afternoon at St. Denis, where he saw at least 2,000 horses of all sorts, and at such prices as, if he had been there, is sure he [Lord Robert] would have bestowed 1,000 or 2,000 crowns. The fair lasts till Midsummer. They come daily out of Flanders, Germany, Denmark, etc., saving Italy and Spain. —Paris, Wednesday, June 14. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 14. 478. Conference with France.
Answer made by way of conference between MM. De Gonnorre and De Foix on the one part, and the Marquis of Northampton, Cecil, Mason, and Dr. Wotton, on the other part, chiefly respecting the delivery of the French hostages in England and other matters at issue between the two realms.
Orig. Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 14 June 1564. Pp. 6.
June 14. 479. Translation of the above into French, together with a schedule in Mason's hand.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.
June 14. 480. Corrected draft of the above.
Endd. Pp. 7.
June 15. 481. Bedford to the Queen.
Received on 6th inst. by Portinary and Contio her letters of the 25th ult., the contents whereof he recites, as also the articles agreed upon between Lee, Portinary, Pelham, and Contio, and sent to her, dated the 11th inst. Thanks for her care of this piece and for advancing the number of pioneers here. Trusts that she will send some persons of credit hither, that they may consider and view the ground, whereof (albeit he has some understanding by seeing the plat of Berwick) he finds a great diversity between that on paper and that viewed; and also may advance the number of pioneers here next spring, that the thing so well begun by her may go forward. Portinary means to return within three or four days.—Berwick, 15 June 1564. Signed.
Orig. Pp. 4.
June 15. 482. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Lee and Portinary have varied in some points and agreed in others, but in all they have proceeded quietly and deserve praise. So do Pelham and Contio. Concerning the Treasurer's doings, shall be void of malice and affection.—Berwick, 15 June 1564. Signed.
2. P.S.—Asks for money, and also resolution for the Snowke.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[June 15.] 483. Portinary to the Queen.
Report by John Portinary upon the new fortifications at Berwick; his opinion as to the strength of the fortress, and suggestions as to the mode in which the works should be continued.
Orig. Hol. Endd. Ital. Pp. 8.
June 15. 484. Portinary to the Privy Council.
Similar report to the Lords of the Privy Council.—Berwick, 15 June 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 8.
June 15. 485. Lee to the Privy Council
Perceives by the commission to Bedford the complaints touching the fortifications, and recites certain articles agreed upon between him, Portinary, and others touching the same. Portinary showed here three plats for fortifying the Snowke, which the writer thinks a marvellous charge for such a purpose. Has made two plats, and sent them by the bearer; either will be enough to defend the Snowke without any other charge upon it.—Berwick, 15 June. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 15. 486. The Queen to Lord Hunsdon and Smith.
1. She caused M. De Gonnorre and the Ambassador to dine with her on Wednesday [blank] of this month, and to see certain pastimes of running at the ring, hunting and killing three stags upon the green at Richmond before her gate. The next day was spent by Gonnorre at Hampton Court in viewing the house and hunting there, and at night beholding the barriers and other pastimes in her hall. On Friday she appointed the Marquis of Northampton, her secretary, Mason and Wotton, to hear these matters, who (because on Saturday the French departed to London) could not confer with them before Sunday, at which time they heard them. After this the matters were by the French put in writing, to which she caused answer to be made yesterday (Monday), which was also put in writing. Herewith both the request and answer shall be sent to them, of all which she sees no great cause for them to deal in, but in the matter of the prisoners.
2. Would have Smith help that her subjects, who are prisoners, be delivered from the galleys, where they are cruelly used.
Orig. Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 15 June 1564, Pp. 5.
June 15. 487. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
1. Octaviano Bosco met him by M. De Gonnorre's command, but he was very well used thereby, for the country is very bare of horses. At Amiens came M. De Movissier, who brought letters from the King and the Queen Mother, which he sends herewith. Has been very well used by the way, and presented with wine and fowl according to the custom of the country in every town.
2. Came hither yesterday, and immediately after alighting came one of the provosts and a dozen of the chiefest of the town by the King's command, and after sent him a present of conserved fruits and comfits, etc. Then came to him from Marshal Montmorency M. De Rayson, to tell him that the Marshal had been at St. Denis to meet him, and would visit him this day.
3. Barnaby, the bearer, tells him that M. De Ramboulliet came here to accompany the writer to Lyons. Perceives by Movissyer that he shall be met by divers noblemen ere he comes to Lyons.
4. Wishes that the King's Garter had been better considered of, for it is neither rich nor fair; and besides it is so great as he can neither put it on nor wear it. Asks Cecil if it be possible to get one of King Edward's or King Philip's sent. Has had divers chains here to buy one for the King, and as yet can see none that can for shame be given him. He would scant wear any of them himself; those of stone are too dear for him. Asks him to desire Her Majesty to consider these things, for they touch her honour more than any chain or garter or George is worth. "I assure you if I had such as my Lord Robert hath, a should have one of mine." The Duke of Savoy will be there, who had so fair a garter, chain, and George, sent him by Queen Mary, which he will wear now.
5. As he was writing this came M. De Montmorency with a great company to see him. Not being ready he prayed to be excused.—Paris, Thursday, 15 June. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 15. 488. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Prays his help that he may be stayed here no longer. Has not a penny to speak of left him. The weather is outrageously hot, and this is like to be a pestilent year here towards August, when fruits come in. Trusts by the way of Flanders he will send some answer to his to the Queen.—15 June 1564.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 15. 489. Copy of the preceding entry.
Pp. 2.


  • 1. A separate copy occurs of this P.S. of June 15.