Elizabeth: March 1564, 16-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: March 1564, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp80-92 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1564, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp80-92.

"Elizabeth: March 1564, 16-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp80-92.

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March 1564, 16-30

March 16. 250. Articles of the General Peace.
1. A firm and perpetual peace and league to be established between the King of France and the Queen of England and their subjects.
2. Free intercourse and navigation for the purposes of commerce to be permitted to the subjects of both powers.
3. No ships armed for war to be allowed to quit the ports of either nation without giving sufficient security for their good behaviour.
4. Neither Prince to grant letters of marque and reprisal except against the principal offenders, and that only in case of manifest refusal of justice.
5. If any of the subjects commit wrong, the offenders only are to be punished and the treaty to remain in full force.
6. No actions to be permitted to be brought by the subjects of either Prince for spoils or damages done from the 1st December 1562 till the time of the confirmation of the treaty.
7. The Emperor and the King of Spain shall be included in the treaty on the side of the Queen of England and the Queen of Scots.
8. The King of France shall take care that the treaty is confirmed by the Parliament of Paris.
9. All rights and actions on either side to be reserved.
10. The treaty to be sealed and signed within a given time, and both contracting parties to swear to its due observance on the Gospels.
Draft, corrected by Cecil and endd. by him: 16 March 1563. Articles of the general peace. Copia. Sent by Mr. Somers into France. Lat. Pp. 4.
March 16. 251. Instructions to Throckmorton and Smith.
1. The matters of weight are the following.—To have a good and perpetual peace.
2. To have reservation of all her rights, titles, pretences, and demands in the best form of words that can be devised.
3. There must be procured an article for extinguishing all actions and demands of either side for any ships, vessels, armour, victuals and such like taken since September 1562.
4. If the French make any difficulty in this article, alleging that by her entry into Newhaven she has lost her right to Calais, they may agree that the French may have a reservation in the same article of all other rights than to the restitution of such ships, and other things contained in the said article.
5. Whereas she sees that Throckmorton shall not be put to liberty without the delivery of the hostages here, they shall be permitted to return, so as it be specially covenanted that thereby her title be not prejudiced. About which matters she has caused conference to be had here with the French Ambassador, and has propounded unto him how the same might be accorded, which he does not mislike, he says, but yet has no authority to allow thereof. Yet by this article she does not lose her title to demand either new hostages or caution according to the former treaty, or the sum of 500,000 crowns.
6. Where communication has been in the last speech of Throckmorton with the Queen Mother for a jewel or a sum of money to be paid to her by the said King of his gratuity, and that he was offered at the most but the value of 60,000 crowns in hand, and other 60,000 crowns at a year's end upon the bond of the King, she has caused the Ambassador to be treated with for the amendment of both, and has demanded 400,000 crowns. To which he answered that he had no authority to enlarge the sum, but advised her that they there should treat therein. The sum to be first paid should be delivered at Dover or London, and the bonds also there given her before the said hostages should be enlarged, so as she would give assurance of merchants in Antwerp to repay the sum, and deliver the bonds with contentation for interest and reasonable charges if the said four persons were not permitted to depart according to the treaty thereof devised. In this matter she requires them to use all means they can to make the said sum to be no less than 300,000 crowns; which if they cannot attain she would that they should make some stay of concluding for that point, not by departing from the colloquy, but to say they will proceed and see how other things may come to an accord. And so to proceed to treat upon other matters requisite for the peace. And yet afterwards to do their uttermost to make the sum no less than 200,000 crowns.
7. She means that it should be accorded that Throckmorton should be put to full liberty as soon as they shall have sealed this treaty upon the conclusion of the peace.
8. There are certain other articles requisite for the continuance of the peace, the titles whereof are these:—For free traffic and intercourse of merchants. For bonds to be taken of all persons that shall go to sea with any ship armed. For avoid ing of letters of marque and reprisals in cases where justice is not denied. That no disorder of any private subject should be a violation of the peace. An article is to be added for comprehension of her allies, wherein specially the Emperor, the King of Spain, and the Queen of Scots are to be comprehended. If they shall find the dispositions of the French to comprehend the King of the Romans and the Duke of Savoy, they shall do the like. And do their best by some indirect means if they can that the Pope be not comprehended on their part. But if they shall find the French anything obstinate therein they shall not stick at it.
Draft, corrected by Cecil and endd. by him: By Mr. Sommers. Pp. 16.
March 16. 252. Draft of part of the above.
Corrected by Cecil and endd. by him: First copy. Pp. 13.
March 16. 253. Articles of Peace.
1. The hostages to be released from their present strict confinement, and within the space of three months from this treaty to be liberated altogether.
2. Before the departure of the said hostages from England the King of France shall pay [blank], 000 crowns of the sun to the Queen, and shall provide sufficient security for the payment of a further sum of [blank], 000 crowns within a year. The Queen to bind herself to restore the said money in case the hostages are not set at liberty.
3. As soon as the treaty is concluded Throckmorton shall be allowed to quit France.
Draft, corrected by Cecil and endd. by him: Articuli pacis posterioris missae in Galliam, 16 Martii, 1563. Lat. Pp. 5.
March 17. 254. Memorial for Smith and Throckmorton.
If it be certainly understood that the conclusion of the peace rests only on the contentation of the money, then they may agree to take 120,000 crowns. Somers is not to deliver this memorial until he perceives that for lack thereof a breach will follow.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him: 16 Martii 1563. Latter memorial for Somers. Pp. 2.
March 17. 255. The Queen to the King of Spain.
Although of late she gave the Duchess of Parma and his Council in the Low Countries to understand how careful she was to observe the amity that ought to be betwixt them, yet is informed that lately all her subjects trading to Spain with their ships and merchandise are arrested, and her subjects so straitly handled in prison that many of them are dead and more are likely to die; for the doing whereof it is pretended that sundry of his subjects have been by some of her haunting the seas robbed and spoiled. This violence done by her subjects she will not deny, because she knows not the truth thereof, nor yet can it be denied but that she has done as much to punish and redress such attempts as could be. Her Ambassador will show him copies of such orders as she has devised, and therefore she requests that hereupon her subjects and ships may be released.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 17. 256. Translation of the above into Latin.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 17 March 1563. Pp. 4.
March 17. 257. The Queen to Throckmorton.
Upon the receipt of his letters sent by Barnaby, she has had conference with the French Ambassador, who has been informed of his whole negociation, as he has reported the same in his letters. Upon consideration hereof, she has sent Somer with instructions.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 17 March 1563. Pp. 3.
March 17. 258. The Queen to Smith.
Sends John Somers with her whole intention for concluding this peace, wherein he and Throckmorton are to treat jointly; and therefore he shall procure that Throckmorton may come where they may confer together, and that some persons may be authorized to treat with them.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 17 March 1563. Pp. 2.
March 18. 259. Sir Henry Percy to Cecil.
Earl Bothwell has obtained the Queen of Scots' letters unto the Queen in his favour, with others of the nobility of that realm, and he has willed him to desire his favour and furtherance in his causes. For that his behaviour has been both courteous and honourable, keeping his promise, therefore, if Cecil shall think good to advance his suit, it will be well bestowed, considering the extremity of his cause, being young, and not left so well to maintain his estate as the same requires, as also that he might win again his Prince's favour and others of the nobility of that realm. Doubts not but this realm shall find him a friend for his usage here.—Tynemouth Castle, 18 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 18. 260. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Clerneau, the Cardinal's servant, has arrived, who, hearing of the Queen being at St. Johnston, came not to this town; by which occasion the Queen's letters of the 5th inst. came not to his hands before yesternight.
2. Finds it best to repair to the Court, and to make further declaration of his Sovereign's mind, and to see what answer will be given to that he purposes to say in that behalf. Wherein, though perchance the Queen here will think he might be satisfied with the answer received, until he hears again from his Sovereign, yet shall she know the Queen's plain dealing, that of reason the like must be showed of her part.
3. Of Clerneau's news by report, has heard nothing that is unknown to Cecil. This Queen is loth to have it thought that the Cardinal of Lorraine was suitor for her in marriage to the Emperor's son. He has written a letter himself unto the Queen testifying the contrary.
4. Mr. Knox has been twice proclaimed in the church to be married upon Palm Sunday to Margaret Stewarde, daughter to the Lord Ochiltree, whereat the Queen storms wonderfully, for that she is of the blood and name. If she keeps promise he shall not bide in Scotland. There will be much ado before he leaves it. In this the writer wishes that he had done otherwise.—Edinburgh, 18 March 1563. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 19. 261. Cecil to Challoner.
Translation into Spanish of a portion of Cecil's letter to Challoner of 19 March 1564, upon the interruption of commercial intercourse between England and Flanders, caused by the unfriendly dealing of the Spanish Council in Flanders.
Corrected draft. Endd. by Challoner: 20 March 1564. Span. Pp. 4.
March 19. 262. Fair copy of the above.
Endd. by Challoner: 20 March 1564. Span. Pp. 3.
March 20. 263. The Queen to Challoner.
Translation into Spanish of a portion of the Queen's letter to Challoner of 20 March 1564, in which she requests the King to deliver the English prisoners, their goods and ships, and proposes measures for the settlement of claims against them.
Corrected draft. Endd. by Challoner: Per Amb. Tysaac. Pp. 3.
March 20. 264. Somer to Cecil.
1. This morning he wrote to him of their embarking. They landed here between five and six in the evening. Here are but the ordinary garrisons of two ensigns, governed by Captain Mesny, in the absence of M. De Morvilier. No ships nor men-of-war in the haven. The people flocked about them for the hope they had of their coming with peace.—Boulogne, Monday, 20 March 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—For lack of horses they have tarried here this night.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 23. 265. Mason to Challoner.
Would they were at a point with the Low Countries, who complain of the traffic being taken from them by sundry statutes, and offer to them what seems reasonable. In the meantime the trade of merchandise ceases. They have prohibited the English to bring over their cloth, who, being afraid to resort thither because of this arrest of their ships, will be driven to seek Emden or some other place of vent. Their merchants break every day. The plague is so calmed that there is good hope that the next term shall be kept in London.—Salisbury, 23 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by Coldwell, 13 May 1564. Pp. 2.
March 23. 266. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
1. Mr. Treasurer of Berwick writes that on the 16th inst. he had no news of discharge of men or sending of money before the writer gave him knowledge by his of the 7th inst., so that before the pay and discharge are made, and before also Sir Ric. Lee is there, who he hears is not upon his way, knows not what he should do there.
2. Sir Thos. Gargrave says there are levied 2,000 men to be ready in case of necessity, who lack both armour and training; some are taken up as far as Doncaster. There are also five marks levied for every of the 2,000 men, wherewith the country seems not pleased. Has been with Lord Wharton, who is able to say much in the affairs of the northern parts.—York, 23 March 1563.
3. P. S.—Has found in these parts great courtesy among the gentlemen, and fears that the Popery rooted among them will bring forth evil fruit without some magistrate come among them to restrain them with authority. The Lord President's office, appointed to the Lord of Warwick, is needful to be supplied, as he may do much good therein. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 24. 267. Troops for the Relief of Berwick.
The names of Commissioners and number of men appointed to be in readiness for the relief of Berwick, as they shall be called by the Earl of Bedford, with the names of the captains appointed for the conduction of the 2,000 men levied in the bishopric and Yorkshire; also the names of places appointed for their quarterly musters, according to the Queen's letter of the 27th Feb., 6th of Eliz. Signed: Thomas Gargrave.
Orig. Endd.: 24 March 1563. Pp. 4.
March 24. 268. Copy of the above.
Endd.: April 1564. Pp. 7.
March [24]. 269. Relief for Berwick.
List of the 2,000 men raised in places named within Yorkshire, against 1563 and 1564, for the relief of Berwick, with particulars of the distances of such places from Berwick, and other observations.
Orig., in Sir T. Gargrave's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
March 25. 270. Charges at Berwick.
The charges of the garrisons there, with the extraordinaries there for one quarter, ending Lady Day 1564, 5,594l. 6s. Due for full pays and clearing of things unto that date, 10,342l. 12s.
Endd.: 12 of April 1564. Pp. 2.
[March 25.] 271. Charges at Berwick.
Note of artificers remaining in wages in the office of the ordnance and armoury in the North parts, and the wages for the same for one year, 225l. 1s. 8d. Signed by, Wm. Bromefeld, Anthony Anthony, and W. Painter.
Pp. 2.
March 25. 272. Guido Gianetti to Cecil.
Although Cecil is probably well informed on all points connected with the affairs of France, yet the writer has thought it his duty to communicate to the Queen the details which are embodied in his letter to her.—Venice, 25 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
March 25. 273. Guido Gianetti to the Queen.
1. Sends an account of the affairs of France since his last of 26 Feb., although doubtless she is already better informed upon these matters than himself. Proceedings of the Cardinal of Lorraine in the French Court and elsewhere in France respecting the acceptance of the Council of Trent and other matters, in which he was opposed by the Chancellor, which led to an angry altercation between them. The matter was brought before the Parliament of Paris on 21 Feb., which also discussed the acceptance of the Council of Trent, to which it objected upon various reasons here given.
2. Proceedings of the Pope upon the request of the Emperor and the King of the Romans, to allow Communion in both kinds, and the marriage of the clergy, in Germany, Hungary, Austria, and Bavaria.—Venice, 25 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 7.
March 25. 274. Advices from Rome and Constantinople.
1. Rome, 25 March. At the last Consistory the Pope spoke at length upon the question of residence, lamenting that the prelates and cardinals had not already departed. The disputes about precedency of the Ambassadors of Spain and France in the papal chapel, have been carried on with energy. A tumult has broken out in Naples about the Inquisition.
2. Constantinople, 4 March. (fn. 1) The prisoners taken at Gerbes have massacred their keepers and escaped towards Messina in a vessel which they had seized.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 3.
March 27. 275. Robert Brandling to the Earl of Bedford.
1. About Christmas last a ship, freighted with goods of certain Hollanders of Amsterdam, by tempest was put on land at Dunstanborough Castle, and by aid of the country thereabouts the ship and goods were saved.
2. Desires that Launcelot Lysle, who is under Sir Thomas Gray, as keeper of the said castle, and has the keeping of the ships and goods, may be called before him, and examined what cause he has to detain the ship and goods.—Newcastle, 27 March 1564. Signed: Rob. Brandlyng, Mayor of Newcastle.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 29. 276. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
Has received a petition from the Spanish consuls at Antwerp, begging that she will desire the Queen to punish those who have made depredations on Spanish subjects, and cause them to make restitution.—Brussels, 29 March 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 29 March 1564. Fr. Broadside.
March 30. 277. The Earl of Bedford to the Queen.
Came here the 27th inst., and this day received his oath according to her instructions. "I find the same your piece such for any force or strength, that a man in a very short space might make as much in the plain field;" therefore prays her to order some persons to make a perfect survey and report thereof. Touching the survey of the victuals he can as yet do nothing, because of the absence of Sir Ric. Lee.— Berwick, 30 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 30. 278. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
1. Yesterday came to Berwick. and this day, after taking his oath, Cecil's letters of the 27th inst. were brought.
2. Finds this piece weaker and less defensible than he conjectured, being between new work and the defacing of the old walls, a thing of so little strength as the field is more guardable. Desires that some persons of special credit be sent to view of lacks. Has not yet done anything concerning the state of the town, as neither Sir Ric. Lee, Sir Henry Percy, nor Sir John Forster, Commissioners for those affairs, are come. Sir Henry Percy (whom he met at the Bishop of Durham's) is going into Yorkshire about matters touching Lord Dacres, where will be also the Lord of Shrewsbury and others; he cannot be here before Wednesday in Easter week, when Sir John Forster will meet him here, and then they shall go into the charge committed to them.
3. Because of Lee's absence numbers of the discharged soldiers, having tarried here some time in hope of being entertained in the works, are for lack driven hence, and the year being so far spent, and such a number hard to be assembled, cannot but hinder the works.
4. The succours should be in the bishopric or some other place nearer than Yorkshire.
5. Finds here the Lord Warden given to justice, whom he can liken to Lord Wharton for knowledge and skill. Mr. Randolphe is come hither, who tells that the Queen of Scots is minded to send the next day of truce an especial person to offer justice, like as the Queen has for her part willed him to do.
6. In his way hitherward found great courtesy at the hands of divers, viz., at Lord Wharton's, also at York, Newcastle, the Lord of Northumberland's, the Lord Warden's, and other places.
7. Is come here in an evil time, for his credit is not great among the captains and soldiers, by reason they have been so straitly handled of late. — Berwick, 30 March 1564. Signed.
8. P. S.—For Lee's coming he stayed by the way, and now looks for him. Has felt not only the charges to be great, but also things dear. Touching the stones for Mr. Hobby he shall have his choice of them.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
March. 30. 279. Charges for Berwick.
Book of charges for artificers and labourers working in the office of the Ordnance, under Jos. Bennet, Master of the Ordnance of the North parts, from the 30th Sept. 1562 to 25th March 1564, due for the furniture of Berwick, Carlisle, Newcastle, etc.; total 427l. 14s. 0d.—Signed: John Bennet.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 16.
March [30]. 280. Walls of Berwick.
Plan of three different sorts of walls, (viz. of 11 feet, 5 feet, and 6¼ feet thick,) with calculations as to the expense of each.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: A comparison betwixt the walls at Berwick. Pp. 2.
March 30. 281. Randolph to the Queen.
1. On receipt of her letters from Windsor of the 5th inst. he repaired to the Court and let the Queen understand that now he was come so fully instructed so to deal with her that she should find nothing in him but plainness.
2. After he had somewhat said of the Queen's goodwill towards her he offered her the choice of the Queen's subjects in marriage, and named in special Lord Robert, saying no less of him than the Queen's letter imported. Upon this purpose they talked very long, and she heard him with meetly good patience. Her resolution was that she would think more of the matter for that he had taken her upon the sudden. The circumstances he has written more at length to Mr. Secretary. Has done her commendations to Murray, her most affectionate servant. Left nothing unspoken that she willed should be said to Lethington and took Murray to witness to the same. He takes all such admonitions in very good part from the Queen, and said that she would praise him in the end. He will now take another stomach upon him. Lethington had long talk with her Grace the night before the writer came his way. He told him in the morning he had longer purpose with her that night of her marriage than ever he had before, and from that day forward would be bolder than ever he was. He assures the writer (and said he never knew it before) that the Emperor is a continual earnest suitor to the Cardinal for his son. That he offers 2,000,000 francs by year during his life, and 3,000,000 after his death to live with her in Scotland. Lethington is willing that the Queen should know this as a great secret and a thing unfeignably true; adding that the Emperor looks for a resolute answer by the end of May. Lethington says, this is spoken for friendship's sake; and yet the writer must assure her that it does not agree with a letter which he lately saw of the Cardinal's where he protested that he was never suitor to the Emperor, which Lethington says is true, but the Emperor was ever suitor unto him. The Queen of Scotland having willed that he should do her commendations to my Lord of Bedford, trusts the Queen will allow of his being here for a few days. —Berwick, 30 March 1563. Signed.
3. P. S.—At this departure Her Grace gave him a letter unto her, and said she found great courtesy in her.
Orig. Hol. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 30. 282. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Since his last has been at St. Johnston's with Queen Mary, and declared what he had received in writing from the Queen, naming after many, Lord Robert. This purpose came so suddenly upon her that she seemed almost to doubt what to say, having in this meantime changed her purpose twice or thrice. She asked him whether he had talked with Murray or Lethington of that matter since his coming. He said he had not. She said that he had taken her at advantage. She thought little of such matter at this time as he now propounded. He said it was long since his Sovereign made the first overture unto her touching her marriage. She asked whether he thought this to be a matter so easily to be resolved upon ? He said as the matter was great so was the time long since it was first moved. Did he, she said, remember what her mistress wrote unto her touching her marriage; that in three points she ought to have special regard, whereof honour was the special ? And did he think that it may stand with her honour to marry a subject ? He answered that, as that was one of the points, so were there annexed others, and to have only respect to honour could never make a perfect marriage; and in his judgment greater honour she could not attain unto than by preferment of such a Princess as his Sovereign is, to match herself with such a one by means of whom she may perchance inherit such a kingdom as England. She looks not she said for the kingdom, for her sister may marry, and is like to live longer than she is. Her friends would hardly agree that she should imbase her state so far as that. He assured her that none were more careful of her state than his Sovereign. For those others whom she means, when they weigh her case they will find sufficient reason for her to accord unto this advice. She acknowledged, she said, her sister's good will, and knew by good report those virtues to be in the man he commends; but that is not enough. He asked what was further required? She thought not, she said, to have talked so long at this time of these matters; but seeing they are thus far entered, she would sit down and reason homely with him. The Lords were all at Council. The gentlemen were commanded to give leave, only a few ladies left.
2. "Now Mr. Randolph" says she, "does your mistress in good earnest wish me to marry my Lord Robert." He assured her it was so. "Is that," she said, "conformable to her promise to use me as her sister or daughter to marry her subject?" He said it might well stand with her promise, for there was not a worthier man to be found. "If she were," she said, "either of them, and at the Queen's disposition, was it not better to match her where some alliance and friendship might ensue, than to marry her where neither of them could be increased?" He answered that the chief alliance his Sovereign desired was to live in perpetual amity with Scotland. He rehearsed also the commodities that might ensue to her realm and how her people were desirous thereof. Was he, she said, so assured of her subjects' minds that he dare assure that. ? He said the wiser he esteemed her subjects to be, the further they would see their Prince's and their own commodities. The Queen, she said, being assured of her, might let her marry where she likes, and she always remains a friend to her as she does. For her time, he said, he doubted no breach, but then the posterity was not provided for. What if the Queen, she said, should marry herself and have children, what has she then gotten? Who will judge this to be wisely done of her, or who will allow it? Or if she would give her never so much what assurance has she? He said he doubted not but his Sovereign beforehand had thought of those matters and intended not so to deal, neither with her nor him whom she commended, and so well esteemed for virtue's sake, but he should receive honours and preferments conformable thereunto. These things, she said, were uncertain, and it was not safe for her to give any such adventure. She had, she said, conferred with no man herein, and in these matters can say less than in any other. He desired her to take shore advice of those whom she trusted best, as Lords Murray, Argyll and Lethington. She was content so to do. So long continued their purpose that the Lords came in. Some suspected her to be angry, others marvelled to find him so long there.
3. After supper he came again in company of these three Lords; having in the meantime told them the effect of his afternoon's talk with the Queen. She immediately called them to her, and showed them what new commission he had received. After they had conferred with her awhile he was called. After divers merry purposes proceeding as well from her as the Lord of Murray, at which she rather laughed than gave any answer, she left them. Lethington said his mistress had given them to understand that he had received charge from the Queen to deal more particularly in this Queen's marriage, which she liked. Lethington said the Queen takes not evil with his message, nor they assuredly for their parts. When it came to the point of resolution the Queen said that next morning he should know by Lethington, and spoke many good words of the Queen, and prayed him to continue by his reports the love that was between them, and gave him a letter to her.
4. Next morning he received by him this answer, with great protestation in his mistress's behalf of her good meaning. This matter coming upon her unlooked for, being of great importance, could not straight be answered. As she could not with honour grant unto it so would she not so little esteem the offer as straight receive it; and therefore desired to have further knowledge what the Queen would do. What should be the conditions, and what the assurance? For the person she could have no mislike, of whom the report was so good, and by her sister so recommended. Wherefore she desires that the Queen will appoint to come to Berwick one to confer with such as she will appoint to deal in this case. She thinks better of no man than the Earl of Bedford, or any other with him at Her Majesty's will.
5. Many terrors he has to deal with in so weighty a cause. He sees Lethington almost tremble to talk in the matter. Is assured that Cecil is many times in doubt what to do. Of himself it may be said, "Who is bolder than blind Bayarde ?" If Cecil will have this matter to frame well he must assist the writer with his advice.
6. Her Grace that day departed from St. Johnston's to Falkland; by the way he spoke with her and told what answer he had received by Lethington. She asked him to procure that she may hear again from the Queen and let her doubt nothing of her goodwill. He took his leave of her to be for a few days at Berwick to welcome Bedford. By the way he met a packet from Cecil with the safe-conduct for the Bishop of Ross. Is glad the Queen so well liked her journey towards the North. He will do what he can to move this Queen to meet her.—Berwick, 30 March 1564. Signed.
7. P.S.—In recompence of the two Spanish words he wrote to him, he sends a dozen written from the Basque. His luck was better than the writer's goodwill. He showed this letter unto this Queen, because of late she delights to read Spanish. Renews his suit to him for a licence for the Lord of Argyll for three geldings, and desires to know theQueen's will about the interview.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 8.


  • 1. This entry is in the handwriting of Shers.