Elizabeth: March 1564, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: March 1564, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp67-80 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1564, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp67-80.

"Elizabeth: March 1564, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp67-80.

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March 1564, 1-15

March. 209. English Prisoners in Spain.
Memorial presented to King Philip at Barcelona by Challoner in favour of the English mariners imprisoned in Spain at the suit of Don Alvaro de Baçan, and others.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: March 1564.
March. 210. Treaty with France.
Memoranda for articles to be considered in the first and second treaties with France respecting peace, intercourse, shipping, delivery of prisoners, and liberation of Throckmorton, etc.
Orig., in Cecil's hol. and endd. by him: March 1563. Pp. 2.
March 1. 211. Border Affairs.
A list of "writings delivered to the Earl of Bedfordat his going to Berwick," having reference to the affairs of the Scottish Border. Signed: F. Bedford.
Orig., with an addition by Cecil. Endd.: 1 March 1563.
March 2. 212. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Thanks him for the despatch of the 5,000l. Asks him to get him his warrant for the 2,000 crowns and also the Queen's letter to Sir Thos. Cotton to waft it from Dover to Dunkirk.
2. This morning received letters from Clough of the 23rd and 27th ult. with one to the Queen from Challoner and two to Cecil, which he encloses. "From my powre dowffe howsee'— 2 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.
March 2. 213. Challoner to Mrs. Stradlyn.
Is her debtor for one or two letters received since his departure from Madrid. Has obtained his revocation as he has signified to the Lord and Lady of Feria. Will leave as soon as the King returns to Madrid, about the midst of April. Is sorry that he cannot start to Zaphra as he promised. Desires her to commend him a thousand times to Mrs. Clarentius and to Mrs. Mary Semper. Assures her that they lied in their reports that went about to disgrace him unto her. Bids her advertise Mr. Kempe that he has delivered over his schedule of 300 ducats to Sir Richard Shelley and taken his writing of the same.—Barcelona, 2 March 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: 3 March 1563. Pp.3.
March 2. 214. Challoner to the Count De Feria.
Has been seriously ill and scarce able to proceed on his journey, and has been urgent with the Queen for his revocation, which at length he has obtained. Asks him to intercede with the King and Don Alvaro de Bazan in favour of the poor English prisoners. Hears there is to be war between England and France. Commendations to the Countess and Don Lorenzo.—Barcelona, 2 March, 1564.
Corrected draft in Challoner's hol. Endd. by him: 2 March 1563. Span. Pp.6.
March 3. 215. The Queen to the Duchess of Parma.
Letter of credence for John Shers, one of her Masters of Requests.—Windsor Castle.
Draft. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
March 3. 216. Challoner to the English Prisoners.
Since he first heard of their trouble has solicited the King and Council for their release. Blames them for taking such an enterprise in hand in these parts, where their nation finds so short courtesy, and having begun it, to suffer themselves to be so vilely taken, which, if they had held together, needed not have been. Accuses them most of all, that whilst every man goes about to shift for himself and pinch a penny, they are loth to make a common purse to help their cause. If a courier had been expressly sent him immediately after their arrest, he could have assured their release by Christmas last.—Barcelona, 3 March 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: 3 March 1563. Pp. 2.
March 4. 217. Charges at Berwick.
The charges due to the garrison at Berwick for one year ending Christmas 1563, viz., for the garrison, 21,071l.; works, etc., 14,725l. 6s. 10d.; total, 35,796l. 6s. 10d., whereof was received towards discharge of same, 31,048l. 0s. 11d., so there remains due to that date 4,748l. 5s. 11d.
March 5. 218. Frederic II. of Denmark to the Queen.
This winter a certain Swedish vessel was taken, on board of which was an Englishman with two letters from the King of Sweden to her. The one begged her assistance against the writer, the other was an offer of marriage to herself. For the first, knowing her friendship, he does not care; but has thought fit to inform the Landgrave of the second, as the King was seeking his daughter in marriage, and hopes that she will excuse him.—Copenhagen, 3 non. Martii 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
March 5. 219. Frederic II. of Denmark to the Queen.
Desires that she will release Henry Billinghausen, his subject, who is a captive in England. He was engaged against the King's enemies at Revel, and has offered to restore or pay for any goods belonging to the Spanish King's subjects which he may have taken. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
March 5. 220. Mason to Challoner.
Has received his letters, the last dated 20th Dec. Since 15 Nov. has not written to him. Has been a continual suitor for his return; Master Petre and he were devisers of the means. Left all things in such readiness as he thought he might have been at home before this. Was taken sick a little before Christmas, and to refresh himself is at Salisbury. Albeit their men upon the sea have done otherwise than appertained to the amity, yet a special commission has been appointed for these complaints, for the Admiralty was had in suspicion. The plague in London is in effect ceased, for the certificate thereof was last week but six. They are in good hope of peace with France.—Salisbury, 5 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: 5 March 1564. Received in Madrid, by Coldwell, 13 May 1564. Pp. 3.
March 6. 221. Smith to the Chancellor of France.
Hieronimus Osorius having printed a book in Latin (which has been translated into French), in the form of a letter to the Queen (in which he traduces the customs, laws, and religion of England,) Walter Haddon has written a refutation of the said book, which Smith has endeavoured to have printed by Robert Stephens. Stephens, however, desired to know that there was nothing in it against this realm, and then, having obtained permission from the Queen Mother, promised to print it. A certain De Val having taken the copy from Stephens, it has been seized. Desires that Stephens may have leave to print it, or at least that it may be restored to him.—Melun, 6 March 1563.
Copy (fn. 1) Lat.
March 6. 222. Joachim, Marquis of Brandenburg, to the Queen.
Desires licence for his procurator at Hamburg to purchase 300 cloths in England free from export duty.—Colonia ad Suevum [Berlin], 6 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
March 6. 223. Challoner to Erasso.
Requests his assistance with the King in favour of the English mariners arrested and imprisoned by Don Alvaro.— 6 March 1564.
Orig. draft. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 3.
March 7. 224. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
Complains that an English captain, named Anthony Courtenay, has taken a ship of Amsterdam called the Enfant Perdu, plundered it of its equipment, and tortured a merchant named Jehan Pieters until he confessed that he was a Frenchman, and that the cargo belonged to him. The ship has escaped, but Pieters is in prison at Exeter.—Brussels, 7 March 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
March 7. 225. Gresham to Cecil.
Is furnished by Martyn for the sum of 5,000l. To-morrow departs for Dover himself with it, and takes order for shipping Mr. Candiller, so upon Tuesday or Wednesday trusts to attend upon him again, and bring Martyn and Homfrey, the assay master, with him for him to take order with them for the provision of the other great mass.—7 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 7. 226. Anthony Crewes to Challoner.
A ship of his has been stayed in Gibraltar, being unjustly accused of having taken part with the eight ships against the Frenchmen. After the eight ships went away the Frenchman took from him his best anchor and cable, worth 80 ducats. —Madrid, 7 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Challoner, at Barcelona, and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
March 8. 227. Thomas Randolph to the Queen.
The effect of the Queen of Scots' answer he sends to her; the circumstances he has written to Mr. Secretary. Her Grace desires her to judge better of her meaning than her words. Princes at all times (as she says) have not their wills; but her heart, being her own, is immutable, and without evil meaning towards the Queen. In these terms she stands with this Queen; he trusts as earnestly meant of her part as it is affectionately spoken. Of her people he can write none otherwise than he has done before.—Edinburgh, 8 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
March 8. 228. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Upon Sunday last the 27th ult. he had long purpose with this Queen, as well of her own estate as his Sovereign's, touching their marriage. As for this Queen, the remembrance of her late husband is so fresh in her mind that she cannot think of any other. Her years are not so many but she may abide, and, that which is most of all, she is neither sought nor desired of any. Was better content to hear her talk of these purposes than to say much again, and seemed also to believe what was spoken. She uttered many words of affection towards his Sovereign. Let bruits run, she will be assuredly hers without suspicion of anything that shall alter her mind. He confirmed her in that opinion.
2. Touching his answer, he was somewhat earnest with her. It grew at length unto this point, that he should next confer with the Lords Murray, Argyll, and Lethington, by whom he should know further of her mind.
3. Next day being Monday, and Tuesday also, he applied to these Lords, who yet had received no commandment. On Wednesday the Queen went herself unto "the Towbothe," to what effect he shall know. Upon Thursday, they having no knowledge of the Queen's mind, let him understand the same as in effect he has written, and after showed the same to them. Great protestation was made by Lethington of this Queen's good meaning to satisfy his Sovereign's demands. The case was full of difficulty, fitter to be talked of among the Queens themselves than to be handled between subjects. Rehearsed unto them so much as his instructions gave him assurance to say. They, seeing his proposition, as they said, was only general, thought that their Sovereign, for lack of full knowledge of his Sovereign's mind, could but give as uncertain an answer as he came with a doubtful message. They desired that he should plainly understand their Sovereign's mind, that she desired nothing more than the Queen's contentment, with her own honour and weal of her country, and with that gave him that answer he sends herewith.
4. On every point of this answer he took occasion to say somewhat. Of this Queen's goodwill to his mistress he would not seem to doubt, having heard so much by her and these noblemen confirming the same. Of the obscurity of his mistress's mind, he said there was enough said to them that had will to understand. To the answer he found himself no way discontented, saving that it was formed upon false grounds, alleging his message to be so doubtful that they could give but uncertain answer. This might as well have been given on the first or third day as now, at the end of three months that he has waited for the same. For his return, which they wish should not be hasty, he alleged his command. By their advice, two days after he communed with the Queen herself. She confirmed all that the others had said. Further conference he had with Lethington apart. He confessed unto him that this answer came chiefly of his part, that by often recourse matters might be the better weighed before they should be published. There is also not one fit man to be found here to be a doer in these causes whom she will trust but himself, and to have him absent from her she has no will, nor he himself to be away.
5. The occasion of this Queen's coming to the Tolbooth proceeded upon the rumours of the Frenchmen coming in, which, indeed, had such appearance of truth in the judgment of those that knew not her mind, that they believed it for certain, insomuch as divers letters were written to noblemen and others to know what their parts would be if they should arrive. These things being brought to the Queen's ear by the advice of her Council, she let the people understand that there was no such meaning in her, and how much they were to blame to have any such thought of her, using herself as she has done since her coming into the country. One other occasion of her being there was that divers bills have been given into her by the poor that had actions depending before the Lords of the Session, whereof there could be no end given for great men's actions that either were judges upon the Session or had their friends there. Order is taken by her command that for the expedition of the poor men's causes the judges shall sit three days in the week, as well afternoon as forenoon, and for that cause they have their stipend augmented. This being done on Wednesday, on Friday afternoon she came again to the same place to hear some poor men's causes pleaded. Upon Tuesday last she took her journey towards St. Johnstone, where she purposes to remain until almost Easter; then to Falkland, and so to St. Andrew's. She has still a great misliking to this town. It is feared that her Mass will yet breed cumber in Scotland. She has been advised from the Cardinal of Lorraine to attempt, if she can bring her people to receive an Interim. This matter is yet secret. Her mind is greatly bent thereunto. What she means by putting twenty-four men and their captains into the Inch again he knows not.
6. Asks him to have the safe-conduct for the Bishop of Ross in remembrance. Thinks daily better and better of the Bishop, for justice's sake. Also to remember a licence for the Lord of Argyll for three geldings; Her Majesty shall find it well bestowed. The writer's charges so far exceed his allowance that 100l. will not bring him out of debt since his last arrival.—Edinburgh, 8 March 1563.
7. P. S.—Yesterday he conveyed Lethington to Musselborough, towards his father's house, whole and well. This day word came here that he is extremely sick. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 6.
March 9. 229. The Chancellor of France to Smith.
The Queen Mother is displeased that the book of Osorius should have been printed by their people. Desires him to send a copy of the same, Returns Haddon's book by the bearer. —9 March 1563. Signed: M. Hospitalis.
Copy. (fn. 2) Lat. Pp. 4.
March 9. 230. Sir Thomas Smith to Cecil.
1. The French make ready all the ships they can, although they have no war nor mistrust of war, but they say it is to go to Terra Florida.
2. That false alarm the Flemings gave Cecil of the French coming came not of nothing, although nothing then was to be seen nor is greatly yet. Trusts the English will prepare their navy, and if, peace following, the French send theirs into Terra Florida, they may send theirs into Iceland, or else as they do into warmer countries. They have agreed of late with their bankers which will serve them for credit and discharge void soldiers. It is almost all one to them to have moderate war as to have peace. The bruit at Paris is that a great navy of English ships is before Calais, and it is also at the Court. Takes this but a pretence to hasten their preparation and drive their ships and men to sea.
3. Has sent a brief draft of the Cardinal of Lorraine's negociation here at the Court. He and all that suit save the Cardinal of Guise went from the Court on the 26th ult. greatly displeased. All the excuses and reasons of the nonacceptation of his offers are not put in this French note. They said he brought no Bull from the Pope, nor commission authentic from the Council to offer any such thing, and therefore they knew not how to accept it. The Pope should have sent a Nuncio or the Council some stranger with commission, not one of their own. Others said they took the Council of Trent to be no free nor lawful Council, nor indifferent to the Crown of France, in which the King's Ambassador wrongfully was put from his precedence, and His Majesty abased. In the end they came to this that they would see what King Philip and other Princes did for the matter, and they would advise and do as they had cause. President Seguier gave final answer.
4. La Motta, secretary to the French Ambassador in Spain, came from the Court by him to Paris on the 27th ult. He tells that all is quiet in Spain. The King by this had received the King of the Romans' children at Barcelona, and from thence would to Valence and Madrid. He said that Challoner had been sick but was now in health; and that Mr. Somerset was well accepted there, who came to sue for certain English ships taken at Cadiz. Don Francisco, the new Spanish Ambassador, offers him, by Saron his secretary, all friendship, and affirms that if the French make any war to invade England, the King of Spain will denounce them war. He confirms this preparation of ships here, and warns him that the English should not be unprovided.
5. Has sent him also certain edicts whereby he may see how they reform their commonwealth. De La Biche, called Captain De Galeres, is despatched to Rouen to have the galley there, the galeasse and four great ships with him to the sea. They have of late taken up about 100,000 crowns at Antwerp.
6. Shall have much ado to get a rider for Cecil; there are not two left in France, four or five of the best in France were slain in the battle of Dreux. For one to teach his young Lord French he fears not to speed. He has one who is a good player upon the virginals, and desires to go into England a serving man. Has taken also another who is somewhat learned in Greek and Latin, but younger than the other.— Melun, 9 March 1563. Signed.
7. P. S.—He may perceive by letters enclosed what business he has to get Mr. Hadden's books printed.
Orig., with seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd.: By Sadler. Pp. 6.
March 10. 231. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
1. Received a letter from Randolph concerning the Earl of Bothwell, a copy whereof he encloses. The Earl showed the writer the direction of letters to the Queen from the Queen of Scots, from the Earl of Murray to Lord Robert Dudley, and a third to Cecil from Lethington. Bothwell having all time of his abode here behaved himself as to him appertained, the writer has licensed him to repair to Court for delivery of the letters.
2. Upon Tuesday last was kept the day of March at the Redesweir, where he met the Master of Maxwell, at whose hands he received justice, and many of the "Liddisdales" were delivered him for redress of attemptats by them committed. Had also one Robsone, alias Foulmouth, an English rebel, who has continued in Scotland these seven years, in which time he has committed many spoils within this realm.—Alnwick, 10 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 10. 232. Gresham to Cecil.
Sends a note of the bullion by Candeller. This is the most profitable way by ten in the 100, the exchange being so low at Antwerp as 19s. 8d.—London, 10 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 10. 233. Candeller's Receipt.
"The number and weight of fourteen bullets of silver, with gold coins and Spanish rials.—10 March 1563." Signed: Richard Candeler.
March 10. 234. Reasons for a Peace with France.
Reasons which have induced the Queen to accord with the French upon a peace, consisting chiefly of want of money, the danger of employing privateers, the interruption of trade, the fears of losing Jersey and Guernsey, and the danger that might arise from Ireland.—Windsor, 10 March 1563.
Williamson's transcript. Endd. Pp. 8.
March 10. 235. Maitland to Randolph.
Received yesternight the enclosed letter from the Queen to the Queen of England, to be delivered unto him with command to say many things upon her behalf. Queen Mary loves none better and trusts none better.—Lethington, 10 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Pp. 2.
March 10. 236. Advices from Italy.
1. Milan, 3 March. The Duke of Sessa has made a magnificent feast at Porto Romano.
2. Rome, 6 March. The Pope has heard of the death of the Cardinal of Mantua with great regret, in whose place he has appointed Cardinals Morone and Navigero. Cardinal Carpi is recovering. The recovering of Cardinal Puteo is doubtful. Intelligence respecting other ecclesiastics.
3. Trent, 10 March. The death of the Cardinal of Mantua is much lamented. The discussion of the question of matrimony has led to many disagreements. Certain articles are said to have been forwarded to the Council by the Emperor, but this is denied by the Archbishop of Prague.
Copy. Ital. Pp. 2.
[March 10.] 237. The articles (twelve in number) referred to in the previous number.
Copy. Lat. Pp. 2.
March 10. 238. Smith to the Chancellor of France.
Sends him a copy of Osorius's book in French, the printer having sold all those in Latin, to the number of 500. As those who published it cannot be punished (being protected by their privilege,) nor the book suppressed (it being already distributed,) it is but fair that the other side should be heard. Desires permission that Haddon's work, which contains nothing prejudicial to the realm of France, may be published with a similar privilege.—Melun, 10 March 1563.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
March 10. 239. Clough to Challoner.
Has disbursed for him 42l. 17s. 3d. Commodities out of England are prohibited to come into any part of the King of Spain's dominions until Easter. Sheres is coming to the Regent touching the intercourse. The plague is ceased in London, where died last week thirteen persons, so good hope that it is wholly ceased. The Queen and Council are well, but lately they were afraid in the Court, for a servant of Master Leisfelld's died of the plague.—Antwerp, 10 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
March 11. 240. Advices from Italy.
1. Milan, March 3. The Duke of Sessa is selling land to the amount of 50,000 crowns, and is troubled for lack of purchasers.
2. Rome, March 12. In the Consistory holden on Wednesday Cardinal Morone was appointed Ambassador to the Emperor to treat of the execution of certain articles of the Council, and to carry the grant for the Communion under both kinds to such of his subjects as desire it, with foresight that it be used in due and convenient sort, and that it be not made to all people. The Ambassador of Spain doubts that the Spaniards, hearing of this grant, will be suitors to King Philip for the like.
3. Vienna, March 5. Duke Charles went from Vienna the 3rd inst. to Grassi, to receive the fealty of the countries assigned him for his partage, and from thence goes to do the like in the provinces in Carinthia and Carniola. The Emperor sits daily in Council, together with the King, his son, and thrice a week goes to the sermon.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 12. 241. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Yesterday he received a letter from Lethington and in it a letter to the Queen from his Sovereign. Has sent them to the Queen. The occasion perchance of their writing may proceed upon this. Some of her own people have said that the writer is but fostered with fair words, far from the heart, which in time may turn his Sovereign to scaith and evil hap to him, for that nothing is meant as it is spoken. If he were as hasty to believe, or as sudden in his reports as they are unadvised in their judgments, he might soon overthrow a well laid foundation to the continuance of a perpetual amity between two great countries; for of late suspicion is risen between this Queen and her people of her part, that in all things she has not her will upon their side and that some great matter is brewing against England that has done them good, to work something that might be an overthrow to religion. And they, seeing him daily in Court entertained and made of, fear he should be either forgetful of his duty or not so vigilant as he ought in matters of such importance. Her people are thus moved that they begin to mislike her strange behaviour (as they call it) from that it was wont to be, and her earnestness in her religion more than was accustomed; and not being ignorant that such like sayings are brought unto him, she thought it best to write to the Queen, and for him to confirm the same unto her by writing. But, because his Lordship's own writing shall best declare his own meaning, the writer sent Lethington's letter to the Queen.
2. What is meant by putting men again into the Inch, or in what sort she intends to establish her Interim he knows not, but believes when she goes about it she may be put from her Mass and all. Never talked with Lethington touching this Interim, for he heard it by other means than him, who thinks that there are not four in Scotland that know her mind therein.
3. Touching his charges he must continue his suit, seeing he trusts shortly to leave this place.—Edinburgh, 12 March 1563.
4. P. S.—Lethington has leave for eight or ten days to tarry on this side the water about his own affairs. He has augmented his living by this Queen's preferment almost 3,000 marks sterling in Lothian only. His disease was only a cholic, and he is now well. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
March 12. 242. Randolph to the Queen.
Upon Tuesday last the 7th inst. the Queen departed out of this town towards St. Johnstone. By the way, passing to the water side, she talked with him of those matters he last wrote unto her. She found fault with herself that at this time she had not written unto the Queen, but promised that within four days after he should receive a letter to be sent to her. It came first unto Lethington, who sent it to the writer from his father's house, with his to him, which herewith he sends to her. Lethington would have him write much more unto her of his mistress's goodwill. He never had more earnest talk with him than he had within these four days. It passes the wit of man to think there should be so much dissimulation in man as is in him, except his mind, heart, and will be to perform what he speaks, that is to prevail with all his power to unite her realm with this in perpetual amity.—Edinburgh, 12 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 12. 243. Mundt to Gresham.
Madame Du Roye has required him to give the bearer a letter of recommendation to him. Both parties in France make provision for new forces. Desires him to salute John Abel, his old friend.—Strasburg, 12 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol, with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 13. 244. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
Is sorry to trouble him about the affair of M. le Provost. Desires that he will hear from the bearer what has happened, and give him a letter to the Lieutenant directing him to do nothing without the express command of the Queen, seeing that yesterday she declared her intention of appointing him some lodging here. Will speak again to her to morrow. Desires that in the meantime nothing may be done to the prejudice of his health, which he understands is in a bad state.—Colnbrook, 13 March 1563. Signed: Paul De Foix.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 13. 245. Challoner to the King of Spain.
Requests his favourable consideration of the case of the English sailors who have now been imprisoned for four months by Don Alvaro de Baçan.
Corrected draft, in Challoner's hol. and endd. by him: M. of my letter of 13 March 1564, sent jointly with the third memorial to the King Catholick. Span. Pp. 3.
March 13. 246. Stopio to Mason.
Wrote last Saturday, since which time nothing of importance has occurred. Affairs are troubled at Trent in consequence of the deaths of the Cardinal of Mantua, and Cardinal Seripando is in extremis.—Venice, 13 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Ital. Pp. 2.
March 13. 247. Challoner to Clough.
Has concerted with Nicolas Palavicini for 1,020 crowns and has delivered to him three bills of exchange for the repayment to the hands of Alexandro Bonvisi in Antwerp consigned upon Clough.—Barcelona, 13 March 1563–4.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
March 13. 248. Clough to Gresham.
Sent his last by Leonard Tadde on the 11th, and enclosed a letter from Zealand. The Cardinal with all his brethren depart either yesterday or to-day from Brussels, who goes to visit his mother in High Burgundy and from thence departs to Italy, and his brethren return. Wrote before of a livery, which it was said the nobles would give; and now understands by divers from Brussels that most of the nobles' pages wear it, which is made with small fools' heads on each side of the sleeve, and in the midst a great fool's head with a cardinal's hat on it. It is not much liked by the wise, for they doubt small goodness will follow it. It is doubted that here they will not have the English ships to come at Easter, for the three ships that came with cloth are commanded to depart. And (as one of them says that were suitors for them), one of the Council at Brussels said that if it were not for breaking off the intercourse, there should no cloth come out of England into this country. Letters from Zealand state that two English pirates (one is Lord Cobham's brother), were come in with a Spanish ship, whereof is much ado here. Here is much talk of the ill-usage of their officers in England generally, who are all in rags. Hopes the Queen will shortly make some royal payment, which will increase her credit for ever. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 14. 249. Cuerton to Cecil.
1. Being an Englishman and married in Biscay, considers it his duty to advertise him that an English man-of-war met with a ship of this town upon this coast, and hurt ten Spaniards. After of this came Phetipas with two ships of war out of Ireland, and came into Santander and was well entreated; and a Spanish ship coming into the port laden with iron and rosin, he went aboard her and carried her out of the port. One of his ships (wherein his brother was) came to Vermeo and brought the Spaniards in his ship under hatches. When this was known they were put in prison, and there died one of the Phetipases upon Christmas Day, and divers others have died there. There are three pieces of brass that have the Queen's arms upon them. Since that another ship of this town has been spoiled by Cobham, and a friar and another man killed. And since, about Christmas, two ships of Passages coming out of Flanders met with Cobham upon this coast, who killed the owner of one of the Spaniards' ships and another man, and hurt many of the Spaniards. One ship escaped and the other they carried to Ireland. She is esteemed to be worth 50,000 ducats. Upon this the justices stayed all English ships, men, and goods on this coast. But within eight days all were put at liberty saving in the province of Guipuscoa, where divers are imprisoned. The justice is in fault, who loves not their nation.
2. Other Spaniards have been spoiled at sea by English men-of-war. What the Spaniards have lost in French bottoms is much, but had the English not touched the Spaniards' ships all had been well. Now, what with losing their goods, and divers slain, and again for religion, they think that what hurt they do to Englishmen they get Heaven by it. Challoner looks daily to come hither to embark for England. The King comes from Barcelona to Valencia and from thence to Madrid, and before Easter is looked for in Castile. That Cecil may know who he is, refers him to Lord Montague, Sir Henry Sidney, Sir Thomas Chamberlain, or Master Henry Cobham.—Bilboa, 14 March 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 14 March 1564. Pp. 4.


  • 1. On the same sheet with the reply, see 9 March 1564.
  • 2. On same sheet as Smith's letter to him of the 6th.