Elizabeth: February 1564, 16-29

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: February 1564, 16-29', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp48-67 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1564, 16-29', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp48-67.

"Elizabeth: February 1564, 16-29". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp48-67.

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February 1564, 16-29

Feb. 16. 158. Charges at Berwick.
Estimate of money due to Sir Thomas Dacre and his retinue, and to 578 soldiers and officers and ten gunners between Michaelmas 1563 and the Annunciation of our Lady next; 4,149l. 17s. 8d.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: Money to pay the guard of Berwick that shall be discharged. Pp. 2.
Feb. 16. 159. Antonio Bruschetto to Cecil.
1. Has forwarded Cecil's letters to Sor. Gurone, at Rome, on the 5th, whence he has received letters of Jan. 11 and 15. Sebastiano makes no mention of Sacville in his letter of the 15th.—London, 16 Feb. 1564.
2. P. S.—An English gentleman named Thomas Sakfelde, son of Sir Richard Sakfelde, was there. Cecil's friend can discover whether he is there with the Queen's commission or not. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 16 Feb. 1564. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 17. 160. Randolph to Cecil.
Since his last letter time has evilly served him to enter into any grave purpose with this Queen. So soon as she had recovered her health she determined to pass her time in mirth and such pastimes as were most agreeable for that time approaching unto Shrovetide. She sent for most part of her nobility to be here against Sunday last, and on that day made them so solemn a banquet as in the remembrance of men here (except at the marriage of a Prince) the like was not seen. Both days following were little inferior to the first. Of this banquet he must defer writing for a day or two. Perchance she will write herself.—Edinburgh, 17 Feb. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 17. 161. Randolph to the Privy Council.
1. Yesterday he received theirs of the 10th inst., concerning advertisements come to them of the arriving here of certain ships laden with artillery. Sent an English merchant along the coast under colour to buy herrings, as far as Aberdeen, by whom he is assured that there is none such come, nor any artillery between Berwick and Aberdeen. The Lord of Glencarne and Lord Boyd assured him upon their honour that there are none such arrived in the West.
2. The bruit hereof rests upon this. Lethington at his last being in France sued the Queen Mother for certain elm timber (whereof there is none here), to stock such artillery as this Queen has here dismounted, and certain shot for great pieces. These were then promised and not sent. More are promised unrequired, but not looked for. For the arrival of any Frenchmen here he neither can perceive it to be the Queen's mind nor the will of any of her Council that any should come; believes also that they should be evilly welcome by the people themselves.
3. Assures Cecil he never heard better words, nor ever saw in Queen Mary better tokens of goodwill than at this present. Finds not as yet any act done by her that may give him suspicion to the contrary. Sometimes has occasion to complain for lack of justice to his countrymen, which he knows to proceed rather of the tediousness of the suits, and perverseness of the people than want of goodwill in her. Only the East Marches can complain; and that rather for want of a fit and upright man to minister justice than lack of goodwill in this Queen and her Council. If the room of Governor for Berwick were supplied, they should hear as few complaints of the East as they now do of the Middle and West Marches.
4. Fears trouble here amongst themselves.
5. He lately heard this Queen say, that it were wisdom for the Queen to take heed to the Isles of Wight, Jersey, and Guernsey.
6. It is thankfully taken here of some with whom he has conferred that their Lordships do not cast off all their cares from this nation, unto whom (by their advice) his Sovereign has been so good. Asks how he shall deal with these men here.—Edinburgh, 17 Feb. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Feb. 17. 162. Randolph to Lord Robert Dudley.
Received his of the 10th inst. Finds no such matter as is doubted there. Has written as he finds the matter. Trusts that he is not deceived in this Queen's goodwill towards his Sovereign nor in that of her Council for the continuance of amity.—Edinburgh, 17 Feb. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 17. 163. Throckmorton's First Proposals.
1. Peace to be made, with general articles for the reservation of rights.
2. The four hostages to be set at liberty on swearing that they will not quit England without the permission of the Queen.
3. Throckmorton to be set at liberty.
4. The hostages at present in England to be recalled at the King's pleasure on his providing sufficient substitutes.
Copy. Endd. 17 Feb. 1564. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 17. 164. Throckmorton's Second Proposals.
The same as the first; with the exception of that which regards the French hostages, who are not to quit England until the King gives security for the payment of 500,000 crowns according to the treaty of Cateau Cambray.
Copy. Endd.: 17 Feb. 1563. The second degree. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 17. 165. Throckmorton's Third Proposals.
To the same effect as the two former; with additional articles providing that hostages shall not be mentioned in the treaty, and that the King and Queen shall promise to set at liberty Throckmorton and the hostages on the same day. The 500,000 crowns to be paid by the day specified in the treaty of Cambray.
Copy. Endd.: 17 Feb. 1563. The third degree. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 18. 166. The King of Sweden's Marriage.
Some of the letters of the King of Sweden to the Queen of England having been intercepted by the King of Denmark, copies have been sent to the Landgrave, whereby he perceives how lightly the King has behaved towards his daughter. The King ought to have told his mind at once. The Landgrave has always been ready to complete the marriage, but the King has always delayed it. The Landgrave therefore considers that he and his daughter are free from this engagement.—Cassel, 18 Feb. 1564.
Endd. by Cecil: Recusatio matrimonii pro filia Lantgravii. Lat. Pp. 4.
[Feb.] 167. Goods seized in Denmark.
List of goods belonging to John Dymock, citizen and merchant of London, seized by the ships of the King of Denmark, amounting to 9,206 thalers.
Orig. Lat. Pp. 2.
Feb. 18. 168. Challoner to Clough.
This day received Clough's packet of the 17th ult. Marvels at Mr. Ellyott's evil usage of him; encloses a letter to him. Has written to Mr. Secretary of that matter. Would not he should pay any part of 397l. made over for him in discharge of any interest which Ellyott should have paid. Further details and directions about money matters.—Barcelona, 18 Feb. 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by the ordinary courier by the means of Gamboa. Pp. 4.
Feb. 18. 169. Challoner to John Elliot.
Perceives by Clough's letters that of the 170l. 6s. 3d. Flemish, by him to have been answered at Antwerp before Michaelmas last, he has discharged only 61l. 16s. 8d. ster., and that 100l. is running there in the Bourse upon interest. Prays him to let it run no longer, and look not that he will bear the loss of that interest; and if by the next he perceives it is not quitted, will mention it further than will do him pleasure.— Barcelona, 18 Feb. 1563.
Draft, in Challoner's hol. Add.: To Mr. John Elyott, purveyor of the Queen's ships. Endd. by him: Sent in R. Clough's packet. Pp. 2.
Feb. 19. 170. The Proposal of the French.
The following article was delivered to Throckmorton by the Cardinal of Lorraine, viz., that the Queen of England, within fifteen days after concluding the treaty, shall set at liberty the four French hostages without any conditions whatsoever.
Copy. Endd.: 19 Feb. 1563. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 19. 171. Intelligences from Abroad. (fn. 1)
1. Warsaw, 17 Jan. News respecting the Muscovites and Lithuanians.
2. Rome, 19 Feb. The disputes between the Ambassadors respecting precedence.
3. Sicily, 29 Jan. News respecting the Turkish galleys, Tripoly and Gerbes.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 20.
Labanoff, vii. 292.
172. Queen Mary to the Queen.
Asks for a safe-conduct for her councillor Henry, Bishop of Ross, to pass into France to remedy certain maladies wherewith he is diseased.—Holyrood House, 20 Feb., 22nd Mary, 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Seal. Broadside.
Feb. 20. 173. Instructions for the Earl of Bedford.
At his entry Sir John Foster, Sir Henry Percy, and Sir Richard Lee shall make a survey of the state of his office, the numbers and state of the garrison and the condition of the fortifications and the bridge, the office of the artillery and the state of the victuals. They shall also inquire in what state Lord Grey left the East Marches, and what prisoners and bills remain to be adjudged.—Windsor, 20 Feb.
Draft. Corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 23 Feb. Pp. 8.
Feb. 20. 174. Orders for Berwick.
Instructions to the Earl of Bedford on his being appointed Governor of Berwick, together with the oaths of the different officers and soldiers.
Draft. Endd. by Cecil: 20 Feb. 1563, apud Windsor. Pp. 29.
Feb. 20, 175. Charges at Berwick.
1. The yearly charges for the wages of the officers and soldiers at Berwick, showing the difference between the former and the present establishment. The charge there for 863 men is 10,794l. 7s. 6d., for fifty-nine pensioners 1,256l. 1s. 8d., allowances at Tynemouth and Wark Castles 695l. 5s. 0d. Total 12,745l. 14s. 2d.
2. The reward of 10s. by the day given by the Queen to be distributed amongst the worthiest soldiers amounts to 180l.
3. The charge for 200 soldiers entered at Michaelmas last, for half a year is 2,047l.
4. The charges for a year besides the works is 16,970l.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: The difference betwixt the old and the new establishment. Pp. 4.
Feb. 20. 176. Throckmorton's Proposal.
Throckmorton delivered the following proposal to the Queen Mother, viz., that the French hostages be set at liberty, provided that the King pays 400,000 crowns of the sun, and gives good security for 400,000 more. Throckmorton to be liberated without any conditions.
Copy. Endd.: The qualification of the Cardinal of Lorraine's motion delivered by the Ambassador Throckmorton unto the Queen Mother by the hands of the Cardinal of Lorraine. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 20. 177. Instructions to Sheres.
1. He shall repair by way of Antwerp to the Duchess of Parma at Brussels, to whom he shall say that certain ordinances have been made which tend to the destruction of the intercourse of merchandise betwixt England and the Low Countries.
2. Upon a pretence of the infection of sickness in London this summer, a restraint was made there in November last that none of her cloths should be brought in those Low Countries before Candlemas last. Next month followed another prohibition, that no manner of stuff whereof certain handicraft works are made should be brought out of that country into England. After which last general prohibition, the Duchess sent hither Secretary De la Torre to declare to the Queen upon what occasion the last prohibition was published, and with what intention, and in the end he moved her Council that some meeting of commissioners on both sides might be thought upon for the reformation of all things prejudicial to the treaties of intercourse. She now perceives that where the first restraint of the cloths of her country was made but until Candlemas, it is enlarged till Easter, and so may be further prolonged; and thereunto is added that no wool of her countries should be transported before that time; of which new prohibition, although the cause notified be the sickness in London this summer past, yet there are arguments that it is added for some colour. Herein she thought there is no better way to redress things past, and to establish the ancient treaties of the intercourse, than to have a Diet of commissioners, whereunto Secretary La Torre did accord.
3. And whereas it is alleged that she has also lately made two laws prohibiting certain merchandise made by handicraft to be brought into England, and ordaining that if any of her own subjects shall lade any merchandise in any vessels not their own they shall pay more custom, which laws, they say, are not only new but against the treaties; to show herself conformable to have this intercourse maintained, she is content to have it agreed on both their parts that these laws of hers shall be suspended until the end of the next Diet.
4. After this he shall require that this motion may be put in speedy execution; but if he shall perceive that the Duchess will refuse it, he shall say that he has no commission to deal therein, but that these matters were fully answered to M. D'Assonville at his being here, or that they may be treated upon at the next Diet. If they refuse, he may say that she can provide for her subjects, who shall not find the lack thereof.
5. If they demand of him whether she means to trade with Emden or Hamburgh with her cloths, he shall say he knows not, but that her commodities are of that nature that wheresoever they shall be carried they will maintain a mart.
6. Finally, she directs him, if he finds them tractable, to use words tending to amity; but, if otherwise, he shall use such plainness of speech that they may perceive that it is not necessity that moves her thus to do, but that she can provide for her country.
7. If before his departure D. Dale shall not be returned hither, but that he shall meet him, he shall confer with Dale about this message, so as if there be any occasion to inform him how to proceed herein to better purpose, he may follow that order; but if he shall by him perceive cause to alter the whole scope of this message, or to forbear dealing therein, he shall return with Dale to England.
Copy, corrected by Cecil, and with additional passages by him. Endd.: 20 Feb. 1563. Pp. 10.
Feb. 20. 178. Another copy of the above, imperfect, dated 20 January 1563.
Pp. 2.
[Feb. 20.] 179. Challoner to King Philip.
Reminds him of the petition presented on 20 Jan. at Monçon in favour of the eight English ships arrested at Gibraltar by Don Alvaro de Bazan, and of the 240 English sailors in the galleys, who are dying of cold and hunger. Complains also of the general embargo laid upon the English shipping.
Draft, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Span. Pp. 8.
Feb. 20. 180. Challoner to Secretary Erizzo.
To the same effect as the previous article.
Draft, in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: 20 Feb. 1563, at Barcelona. Span. Pp. 3.
Feb. 21. 181. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Wrote last on the 17th inst. For the continuance of the amity there lacks no goodwill neither in the Queen nor in the wisest about her. The reasons against this Queen's marriage are these; she can never imbase herself so low as to marry in place inferior to herself, therefore, to persuade her to marry any under the degree of a Prince (be he of England or elsewhere) can neither be honourable to herself nor wisdom for any that is subject unto her to give advice in. The chief commodity for England is that in England there might be found a fit personage to match with her. Of all that are therein it is known who is most worthy, but how evil-willing the Queen would be herself to depart from him, and how hardly his mind could be diverted or drawn from that crown where it is placed, let any man see. Herein it cannot be thought, but it is so fixed for ever that the world would judge worse of him than of any living man if he should not rather yield his life than alter his thought. Wherefore they conclude (as well for her part as for him, that is so happy to be so far in her favour) no such thing is meant of his Sovereign, and that these offers bear a greater show of goodwill than good meaning. Has left nothing unspoken of Elizabeth's sincere meaning in these cases, yet it is hard, when such impressions are entered into a Prince's heart, to weed them out. Has liberty to speak freely his mind to this Queen, but doubts how he shall be able.
2. Among the rest, this has been cast in: Suppose this Queen would marry at Elizabeth's will; her title and right is published thereupon; the person whom she shall have is honoured with princely dignity, and somewhat else. Wherein for all this is her estate advanced? A husband she has well qualified. Many like are in the world, possibly in her realm, and Queen Elizabeth is as apt to marry and to have succession as this Queen herself, whereby this Queen's marriage with a subject loses for her the honour that may fall unto her.
3. It has been further demanded, (since his mistress requires that this Queen should abstain from marriage in the House of Austria,) why she will not name whom she would that she should marry, but rather signify her mind by circumstances and description. Seeing she takes away the choice of a couple, she should name one. To this he could answer sufficiently, being directed by his instructions what to say, though he could not satisfy her.
4. Upon Thursday last (she being recovered of her sickness, and the banquets ended,) he let her understand the desire he thought the Queen had to hear from her, and how needful it is that some resolution should be taken of those matters. She resolved to confer within two days or three with Murray and Lethington, and then say further unto him. He conferred with them. There wants no goodwill in them, but he found them more doubtful than he liked. The Queen said unto him (and Lethington confirmed the same) that the last message he brought was to less effect than the former, and that nothing was answered to what was chiefly desired, which makes her the more doubtful what to answer. Signified as much of Elizabeth's mind as his instructions would bear him to do. How well soever they take his meaning, they will acknowledge nothing but difficulties and doubts. They press him to see what private instructions he has, but he adheres only to what he has said. They gather that his Sovereign desires much that this Queen should marry in England. He acknowledges it to be her mind. They desire to know the person. He says that the Queen will not take from her that charge. They cast in "the Lord Darlie," though of him they mean nothing, nor find in him any great thing. He disallows no man. Has gone thus far with them, that they nothing doubt of the Queen's mind, nor can they perceive but there is good liking enough in this Queen, both of the person and his qualities. Sometimes she likes to hear of marriage. Many times the widow's life is best; sometimes she may marry where she will, sometimes she is sought of nobody. He pities many times unto her her state and case, and moves her that at the least she will take compassion upon her four Marys, that for her sake have vowed never to marry if she be not the first.
5. Assures him that no such man as she looks for looks this way. She is deceived in her expectation, and more besides her. This people greatly desire that she were married. Divers suspect that overtures have been made by him in behalf of some Englishmen. Many believe it to be for "Lord Darlie." Few think upon the other, for the reasons he wrote before, but they would be content with either, and rather with this than the other, for the great "combers" he shall bring with him by both his father's and mother'a titles here. If that which is reasonably offered be refused in order to bring in a stranger, the authors thereof shall find themselves beguiled. Lethington once was of mind that she might have her choice of Christendom, and liberty to bring in whom she would, but now he says he finds no man in the world so fit as he whom they desire. Has pressed him thereupon to work stoutly, but he alleges the dangers and difficulties. Murray is plain and faithful; his desire with Lethington is one. Argyll finds it good, and wishes that it were plainly so said unto her. The Duke may suspect more than he can know by anything that has yet been said unto him. Cecil knows how dangerous dealing it is with so unassured a man as he is. Knows that he doubts the coming of Lord Darlie. For the rest the writer cares not what they think, for these are they that will rule the roast when it comes to stirring the coals. Of her own affection he cannot but think well, not only towards his Sovereign, but the whole nation. Will now more earnestly press the answer promised.
6. Some unkindness there has been a good space between the Queen and Murray. The beginning proceeded of the defence of John Knox, augmented by a request made by the Lords that she would leave the Mass. Murray got leave for eight days to pass his time in Fife, tarried twenty-one, and returned not unsent for. In this meantime he met with Argyll at Castle Campbell. This augmented the suspicion, where no evil was meant. There rose hereupon a rumour that he was gone by sea out of Pittenweem into England, which was over hastily believed of her. (This, of all her faults, is the greatest, that she conceives evil where none is thought.) After his return her usage of him was good, only the quarrel made that he refused the honour that she thought him worthy of, and that which might take care from her, being weak and sickly. The banquet ensued hereupon. What devilish devices are imagined upon it passes almost the wit of man to think. Little good, some say, is intended to some or other. The banquets made by her mother a little before she went about to suppress God's Word, made at that season of the year, are called to mind; this was the Shrovetide before the troubles. News herewith comes that many sail of ships were coming out of France to land in Scotland; this bruit had almost spilt the whole pottage. This confirmed all the rest, that no good was intended to the Protestants, nor amity to be kept with England. To what end are all their banquets? For twelve or fourteen days together every nobleman had his day about, and Lethington's excelled all saving the Queen's, but while they pipe and dance their enemies shall land, and they have their throats cut. He was content to let this rumour run so far as no suspicion could be gathered of the Queen that he was a mover of it.
7. What men suspected to find amongst the banquet dishes he speaks not, or what they remember of the like, and what parts have been used at such times it skills not how little is spoken, seeing in his conscience there was no such thing thought of. So suspicious are they of themselves, that they give credit almost to no man alive. The banquet continued with joy and mirth, marvellous sights, and great shows; nothing left undone that might either fill their bellies, feed their eyes, or content their minds, and that whole day Queen Elizabeth received no small honour. The Queen dined privately with the chief of the Lords and ladies, where she willed that he should be placed at the Lords' table, so near that she might speak unto him, which she did much of the dinner time. They that served her were the four Marys. The Lords were attended upon by the rest of her own gentlewomen, maidens, apparelled as the other four, all in white and black, as she herself wore at that dinner. The solemnities of the supper are too long to describe. Remembers three courses were brought in; the last was served by gentlemen apparelled in white and black. Divers that could sing amongst them sung the verses he herewith sends. His Sovereign was drank unto openly. Not one of 300 persons or more but heard the words spoken and saw the cups pass between. He thanked her in his Sovereign's name in as good words as he could. She answered that it was more in heart than in show, and that shall these verses testify which she gave him, the same that were sung, and willed him to do with them as he liked. Trusts Cecil will present them to the Queen.
8. Touching the advertisements of the Frenchmen's arrival, and of ships laden with artillery, their meaning is not hitherward. The Queen denies it herself, and the whole councillors affirm that no such thing is known to them. Upon a new bruit thereof, he desired upon Friday last to speak with their Lordships together. He complained for lack of justice upon the Borders only against the Lord of Cesforde and for other injuries done by sea to his countrymen. These people are so fast holding of whatsoever they get, that the Devil can wring nothing out of their hands. The Basque is departed without anything done against him. A Londoner, a merchant named Harry Browne, has been a great hinderer to the rest of his countrymen by reason of such bargains as he made with the Basque. Has caused him to be stayed at Newcastle. He sold his horse here, having no licence; the price was 30l. Scotch.
9. Within eight days this Queen will to St. Johnston. This day, Monday, she took a sudden purpose, and, with not twenty in her company, rode to Dunbar, where the Laird of Craigmillar is captain. Of this journey men already begin to speak their fantasies, because Murray was not made privy, but followed after, accompanied with a man or two.
10. Wrote to him touching certain coiners of money, and now understands that Rowland Foster is of that company. This Scot is condemned, but reserved, he knoweth not to what end.
11. "Such as have written (and I amongst the rest) in the favour of my Lord Bothwell (saving the Queen and Mary Fleming) repent their haste. It is found out that this way it is purposed to bring him home. How willing somever they be, I may not write to the contrary, but wish him out of the country, where, if he remain in beggary, my Sovereign shall be forced for pity to supply his necessity, for all is sold here to the uttermost penny."
12. The Queen shall be sued for a passport for the Bishop of Ross to pass into France to be cut of the stone. The Lord of Arbroath has licence to go into Italy for two years. He is great in Court, well favoured of the Queen, which is much marvelled at of many. The Bishop, his uncle, gave ashes upon Ash Wednesday. Asks him to remember a licence for three geldings to the Lord of Argyll. Advises Lord Robert to send hither to the Queen three or four geldings; her store is so small that she now rides in the coach. Has also written to his Lordship himself.—Edinburgh, Monday, 21 Feb. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. by Cecil, and in another hand: Best letter. To write out Knox's letter. Pp. 13.
Feb. 21. 182. The Queen to the Treasurer of Berwick.
Warrant to pay 100l. to William Drury, appointed to succeed Sir Thomas Dacre as Marshal of Berwick.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 21 Feb. 1563. Pp. 2.
[Feb. 21.] 183. The Queen to the Marshal of Berwick and Others.
Has resolved to have only 800 soldiers in Berwick and 500 workmen. As many as may be shall be taken of those of the new crew that are discharged. The captains and men of service to be retained in pay. What (fn. 2) rooms are vacant since October? Captains Lambert and Bamburgh to have only 100 men between them.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Pp. 6.
[Feb. 21.] 184. [Garrison of Berwick.]
The names of eight persons that desire entertainment.
Orig. with notes by Cecil. P. 1.
Feb. 22. 185. Charges for Berwick.
The yearly charges at Berwick in the time of Henry VIII. and Edw. VI. were 2,332l. 16s. 4d., of Queen Mary 33,452l. 2s. 4d., second year of Eliz. 20,041l. 10s. 0d., and in the sixth of Eliz. 12,100l. 15s. 10d. The charges for Holy and Farne Islands for the same times were 292l., 448l. 10s. 0d., 362l. 17s. 6d., and 362l. 17s. Od.; for Wark Castle 57l. 15s. 10d., 57l. 15s. 10d., and 57l. 15s. 10d.; and for Tynmouth Castle 415l. 6s. 8d., 274l. 11s. 8d. and 274l. 11s. 8d.
Orig. Endd.: 22 Feb. 1563. Pp. 4.
Feb. 22. 186. Jobson to Challoner.
The Earl of Rutland is departed this world. The Earl of Warwick is Lord President of the North, and the Earl of Bedford is Captain of Berwick. They hope the Scots will not break with them. His ship is ready which he meant to have sent in May to Spain, but this embargo will stay it till August. Will be glad to ride to Gisborough for him. Asks him to write to Mr. Swetyng.—22 Feb. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: From Mr. Jobson of Hull, 10 March 1564. Pp. 2.
Feb. 22. 187. English Merchants in Friesland.
Anne, Countess of East Friesland, and Erdtzard, Christopher and John, Earls and Lords of the same, give to the merchant adventurers full passport, free abiding, and safe-conduct in Emden, and license them at their pleasure to depart with their ships and goods.—Auwerich, 22 Feb. 1564.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 6.
Feb. 22. 188. Another copy of the same.—22 Feb. 1564.
Endd. Pp. 6.
Feb. 23. 189. Smith to Cecil.
1. On Ash Wednesday, at night, Sir Nicholas told him in part as he had written. On Thursday early he went to the Court where he has been all the while. This night he sent him word that to-morrow he would dine with him. What he has done he writes to the Queen.
2. Sir Nicholas read the despatch himself even as it was sent, as Mr. Somer can tell, who went to St. Germain with the writer to show it to him. But he did well to make himself ignorant of it to the Queen to learn of her what she would say.
3. The matters betwixt him and Sir Nicholas are English belike, not French. To this hour there was never unkind word betwixt them in France, nor ever before in England. How he was misused and misreported in England now of late by him and his, Cecil can tell better than he can. All piques betwixt him and Sir Nicholas have been by letters, the copies whereof he sent him by Somers. Could have done much better for the Frenchman of whom Cecil writes if he had known Cecil's mind when he resided in Paris twenty-seven weeks together; yet he thinks to speed him to his contentation. Has "a couple" promised, which he intends to essay awhile and then send them. Cecil's rider will be harder to get.—Melun, 23 Feb. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Feb. 23. 190. English Ambassador in Spain.
Notes by Challoner of various matters touching his conference with the King, more especially upon commerce between England, Flanders, and Spain. "Deduction of the Queen's intent in this entreated accord with France not to conclude aught whereby her right to Calais should be hindered." "The last point, of breaking off." "Hawkins' matter."
Orig., in Challoner's hol., and endd by him: Capita rerum, 23 Feb. 1563. Pp. 2.
Feb. 25. 191. Smith to Cecil.
1. On the 24th inst. Sir Nicholas came by him here from the Court and told him what his negociation has been. Is glad he had his traffic alone. Understands by him that he has perceived that which otherwise he would hardly have believed, whereof he gave advertisement but thinks he was not believed.
2. Desires to know whether he should treat of peace in any other place of France than in Paris. Would take it dishonourable for the Queen, seeing they once agreed upon Paris. Asks for further instructions on other points. Asks that his men may be returned from England.—Melun, 25 Feb. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 25. 192. Memoranda for Berwick.
1. The yearly charge for the garrison of 860 men is 10,715l. 5s. 10d.
2. Soldiers not to be displaced without the consent of the Governor and Council. Surgeon's stuff and instruments to be reviewed quarterly. Pensioners to be reduced to fifty-six. The powder for the use of the arquebusiers to be defalcated from their wages. The eight constables to have 80l. and each of them the charge of twenty horsemen.
Draft, corrected and dated by Cecil: 25 Feb. 6 Eliz. Pp.4.
Feb. 25. 193. Memoranda for Berwick.
The yearly charge for the garrisons in the East Marches shall amount to 12,697l. 0s. 5d. Certain articles for the officers and for the Master of the Ordnance. The inhabitants under the governance of the Mayor, between sixteen and sixty, are to be mustered and order taken that each shall watch one night in every fortnight until the fortifications shall be further advanced. Pp. 11.
[Feb. 25.] 194. The latter portion of the above document.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 7.
Feb. 26. 195. The Queen to Queen Mary.
Has appointed Commissioners to hear the complaints of certain Scotchmen of Dundee (mentioned in hers of the 20th ult.) respecting a ship of theirs stayed at Harwich.—Windsor, 26 Feb. 1563.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 26. 196. The Queen to Sir John Foster and Sir Henry Percy.
They shall repair to Berwick before the entry of the Earl of Bedford into his charge and view the same according to his instructions. Percy shall have regard to the better order of Tweedmouth, parcel of the shire and liberties of Norham, under his government, which, being out of the jurisdiction of the Governor and Council of Berwick, is "the receipt, and as it were the den of all disordered people hanging upon the garrison."
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. by his secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 197. Garrison at Berwick.
1. Remembrances on behalf of Sir Richard Lee. To procure commissions for pulling down the castle and old town wall where convenient.
2. Also for impresting artificers and labourers. A warrant for money. A commission that all his orders in the works be observed. To procure a warrant for his entertainment and a commission for post horses.
Orig. Endd.: 26 Feb. 1563. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 198. Garrison at Berwick.
Instruction for the Marshal and other officers of Berwick how to proceed in the alteration of the garrison there, for the diminution of certain extraordinary charges set there in time of war. Mr. Drury is appointed Marshal in the room of Sir Thomas Dacre. The new crew is to be reduced to 500 harquebusiers under eight captains.
Draft, corrected and endd. by Cecil, and dated by him: 26 Feb. 1563. Pp. 8.
Feb. 26. 199. Guido Gianetti to the Queen.
Narrative of the interview of the Earl of Elfestain, Ambassador from Maximilian, King of the Romans, with the Pope. M. D'Oisel (otherwise Villeparisis) goes to Rome as Ambassador resident from the King of France; he is said to have advised, in the time of the late Queen Mother of Scotland, that the Scotch should be permitted to use the reformed religion. Detailed account of the proceedings of the Cardinal of Lorraine in France. Forwards a paper showing the financial condition of the Court of France.—Venice, 26 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add.: 26 Feb. 1563. Ital. Pp. 5.
[Feb. 26.] 200. Revenues of Charles IX.
The King immediately on his accession (finding the debts incurred by his predecessors so excessive that it was impossible to pay them by ordinary means) communicated the fact to his Three Estates assembled at Orleans. The clergy granted 1,600,000 livres Tournois annually for six years for the redemption of the alienated domains, aids, and gabelles, and agreed to pay the charges upon them until they are redeemed. As the other estates have offered nothing, the King has laid a tax of five sous Tournois on every muid of wine entering any town in the kingdom for the next six years. He has retrenched the expenses of his household and those of his brothers and sisters, as also the pensions, and abolished certain new offices. He has been obliged to sell the temporal revenue of the clergy, equal to 100,000 crowns of rent, for which he has promised ample compensation. He has reserved 1,100,000 livres Tournois annually for nine years, to pay off 10,000,000 owing to certain people in Lyons; also 700,000 livres for 100 years to pay certain Germans, and 600,000 for the Swiss cantons; reserving 1,300,000 livres annually for the redemption of his alienated domains, etc., which he hopes to get back in ten or twelve years.
Orig., in Giannetti's hol. Fr. Pp. 3.
Feb. 26. 201. Stopio to Mason. (fn. 3)
Wrote last Saturday. The plague is diminishing. Sends the citation of Signor Pointz.—Venice, 26 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: 26 Feb. 1564. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 27. 202. The Queen to Sir Richard Lee.
Having determined to employ 300 men upon the works at Berwick, he shall repair thither and consider in what way they may be most profitably employed.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by his secretary: 27 Feb. 1563. Pp. 2.
Feb. 27. 203. Instructions for the Earl of Bedford.
Instructions to the Earl of Bedford (the same as those of 20th inst.), with copies of orders to be observed in Berwick of the same date and the oaths to be taken by the officers and soldiers.
Copy. Pp. 16.
Feb. 27. 204. Another copy of the first portion of the above.
Endd. Pp. 4.
Feb. 27. 205. Henry Xarpe [Sharpe?] to Wm. Fayer.
Received Fayer's letter on the 15th inst., and thanks him for the good news in it. Sends forty-eight crowns by the bearer, John Caryllo, and will send the remainder speedily. —Seville, 27 Feb. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Fayer, at Toledo, by John Caryllo, "coreo of Conte Tayson howsse." Pp. 2.
Feb. 28. 206. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Finds no alteration in this Queen's good mind towards the Queen. Looks daily to receive the Queen's answer. Touching this Queen's going to Dunbar on Monday last to pass her time, immediately arose a bruit that two ships were arrived there that night, either that there was some nobleman come out of France or that the Queen (taking a despite against this country) would again into France, and for that cause Martigues came to Calais to receive her and the ships to convoy her. To augment this suspicion, it was said that in the night there were conveyed out of the Abbey four great chests, and that she, being on horseback, said to Lord Morton, "God be with you, my Lord Morton, I will bring you other novels when I come again." The next day cometh the news that one of the two ships that are laden with artillery to come into Scotland was arrived at Dunbar, and the other was taken by the Englishmen. That night, Wednesday, sudden warning was given to all Murray's servants and friends in this town to ride out and to lodge themselves about Dunbar, for that Bothwell was come secretly to speak with the Queen, with many horses, and that Murray (being without any company) might perchance have fallen into some danger. The last news was that Murray was commanded to ward there. With these news there was one ready to have ridden to my Lord of Argyll, of whose stay the writer thinks he was himself the occasion. If the writer had believed these bruits to be true, he would have gone to Dunbar; but finding not one of them true, he thought it best to seem as he never heard of them.
2. Fears more the dangers that may rise amongst these men themselves than any foreign power that is like to arrive here. These rumours, and the liberty that men have to speak and write what they list, puts him in doubt of greater mischief.
3. The Bishop of Ross deserves well, better he must say, in goodwill to help his countrymen in their suits than some that have had better cause to do them good. Of that sort of men he is the best in Scotland.
4. It is reported that the Basque has taken three English merchants since he went into the seas. There is also a saying here that the French have taken a couple of the Queen's ships.—Edinburgh, 28 Feb. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Feb. 29. 207. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 11th, deciphered her letters. On the 14th the Queen Mother sent a coach for him to go to Court, under the conduct of Capt. La Salle. On the 15th he was brought to Paris, and on the 16th to Melun, where he went to Smith (with La Salle and a dozen others of the guard) with whom he discussed the articles. On the 17th arrived at Fontainebleau, where after dinner he found the Queen Mother in company with her secretaries and others. He proponed to her the first degree of his instructions, on which there was much dispute between her and him, he enforcing that the peace had small affinity, or none, with the hostages. Then he moved the second degree, on reading which she laughed and said he proceeded with her like a crab, for he goes backwards and declares more plainly that he means the ratification of the treaty of Cambresis; and that as neither the King nor his Council would agree to these conditions, he lost his labour to speak of them. Answered that no peace could be hoped for unless these conditions were accepted. He then presented the third degree, to which she objected in regard to the caution of merchant strangers, but said she would communicate it to the King and Council, not that she thought they would accept it.
2. The writer then demanded to be set at liberty, and produced the papers of the French Ambassador and the letters of the Queen Mother. She said she would speak with the King and Council. Herewith she arose, and he was conducted to his lodging. Understands of the jealousies of those at Court, and how the Queen is governed (being irresolute) sometimes by the Cardinal of Lorraine, sometimes by the Constable and Condé, sometimes by a petty band of her own. He therefore addressed himself to the Constable, whom he found in bed, sick with the gout. The Queen Mother had communicated the writer's overtures to him. His dolour was so great that the writer left him, the Duchess of Ferrara being in his chamber, who embraced him. These things occurred on the 17th.
3. On the 18th, Mauvissiere and La Salle advised him to speak with the Cardinal of Lorraine. He said he had no commission, but within an hour Mauvissiere brought him word that the Cardinal was in the garden to attend him. The Queen Mother he said had told him of his overtures, which he saw to be difficult. The King and his Council will not consent to the third degree, which implies the ratification of the treaty of Cambresis. The writer used his best arguments, but could not move him.
4. He next went to the Chancellor, who said that all the Council were of opinion that the Queen of England had forfeited her right to all she might demand by the treaty. Of this they had long dispute, the Chancellor saying that if she persisted in that opinion it were folly to talk of peace. The writer said that in the last degree he had proposed that no mention should be made of the hostages. On this they had long discussion. Then he made means to speak with the Cardinal of Bourbon, with whom he had conference (by order) in the King's garden. The Cardinal said that the Prince, his brother, would not take it ill that the writer did not repair to him. That day and night he was always accompanied to his lodging by Mauvissiere and La Salle, with eight or nine guards. They pretended that he must return to prison; they presented themselves before him booted and spurred, and the farce of the preparation of the coach to carry him away was not forgotten.
5. On the 19th, at 6 p.m., the Cardinal of Lorraine came to his chamber alone, and said that by the advice of the Queen Mother he had put something in writing, to see what was thought of it. To the first article the writer said that he thought (not speaking as an Ambassador) that Queen Elizabeth would not refuse the arbitration of the King of Spain. He was sure the second would not be accepted, for it was contrary to the article of saving of rights; but that if they were framed to the contentation of both the Princes, he did not think it right that they should be inserted in the treaty of the peace.
6. Whilst the Cardinal was thus in his chamber, De Mauvissiere and La Salle (he thinks) were with the Queen Mother, for within an hour after the Cardinal's going from him, La Salle questioned him of their proceedings, and in what towardness the peace was, and as of himself said that the King and Queen would be glad that Queen Elizabeth would send Lord Robert hither to ratify the peace, and that if she would suffer the hostages to return with him, the King would give his Lordship 100,000 crowns in present, and unto him [Throckmorton] 20,000 crowns. The writer said they were far from the ratification of the peace, and that in regard to the King's liberality to Lord Robert and himself, he saw no likelihood that it would be accepted.
7. On the 19th La Salle brought him the articles which the Cardinal had shown him.
8. On the 20th he was brought to the Queen Mother, who was in her cabinet with Secretary Bourdin, and three ladies. She said that finding the King and his Council were resolved to break off, she (without their consent) had desired the Cardinal to employ himself in this matter. The writer answered that, as a private person, he had modified his article, not knowing whether Queen Elizabeth would accept it, for she would have war if she did not attain the last degree proposed. The Queen Mother said the Council were fully bent to hear of no peace without the free rendition of the hostages, to which he replied that his mistress would hear of no peace without the ratification of the treaty of Cambresis. She said that the proposal of the Cardinal moderated these two extremities, and discussed the answer made to it by the writer. She said the King would not consent to give money for the surrender of the hostages, which would impair his right to the greater matter, and also their honour. If Elizabeth, in token of her amity, would send home the four gentlemen, the King would not be ingrate, but that he will never give one crown for the hostages. The claim was founded upon the pretence of the English to Calais. However she would confer with the Council, and in the mean time he could see the King's pastime from her son's chamber. He heard her "round" Bourdin in the ear to heed that he and the Spanish Ambassador did not meet and confer together. In the King's chamber were the Cardinals Bourbon and Guise, and the Duke of Montpensier. The King, his brother the Duke of Orleans, and four gentlemen, were challengers against all with the pike and sword on foot. The King and his brother, for their age, behaved very well. The same night the Cardinal of Lorraine desired to meet him in a gallery of the garden covertly, who said that the Queen Mother had good will to satisfy Elizabeth, but not one of the Council. Of herself she will offer 120,000 crowns of the sun; half on delivery of the hostages, and the other half in twelve months. The writer said it would not be accepted.
9. On the 21st, he asked to speak with the Constable, in whose chamber he found the Cardinals of Bourbon and Lorraine, the Prince of Condé, Montpensier, Roche-sur-Yon, the Chancellor, and the Bishop of Orleans. Throckmorton having read the articles sent from the Queen Mother, together with his alterations, they were objected to by the Bishop of Orleans and the Chancellor, who said it were better to endure the fortunes of war than by paying money to give validity to the Queen's title. The Constable said that whereas Elizabeth has forfeited her title, she now demands 500,000 crowns of the King. He required that the arms and title of Sovereign of France should be resigned by Elizabeth, and said he would never accord that the King should make amends where he had done no fault. The writer answered that the payment of the 500,000 crowns did not affect her right or the King's title. The Constable said it was to no purpose to spend more time. Throckmorton asked if they would be satisfied to give a bond (in which no mention should be made of Calais), for the payment of 500,000 crowns on 20 March 1566? The Cardinal said that even if the King would agree, no merchants would consent to be bound. The Constable broke up the assembly and in great bravery called La Salle to carry the writer away to his lodging, pretending that he must needs away that night.
10. On the 22nd, the Bishop of Orleans came and said that he was sent by the Queen Mother to tell him that as there was now no remedy, he might depart when he would. The Bishop then took his leave, but within three hours returned to say, from the Queen Mother, that if the Queen would send home the four gentlemen, the King would give her the best jewel in his cabinet. The same night he met the Cardinal of Lorraine in the gallery where they last talked, who asked him how he liked the offer made through the Bishop ? The writer said a jewel could not counterpoise the treaty of Cambresis. The Cardinal said that if the Queen would have money, they would not go beyond 120,000 crowns. The writer said that the offer of the jewel was worth more than that; the Queen has twenty, the worst worth 500,000 or 600,000 crowns. To speak of such a sum is to mar all. A jewel valued by those here at 120,000 crowns will not be worth 40,000l.
11. After dinner on 23 Feb. he saw the Queen Mother in her cabinet, who said that if the Queen would send home the four gentlemen, the King would send her a present of 120,000 crowns. Said this offer would do more harm than good, it was a contemptuous work. Elizabeth would have only the ratification of the treaty. The best jewel in the King's cabinet which was offered to him, is worth more. He asked what order they would take for the payment of the money? She said 60,000 crowns should be paid at once, and the rest in twelve months. And so he departed.
12. On the 23rd he took his leave of the Constable, who promised much in general words, but he found small comfort in him in particulars. Spoke with the others altogether in the Cardinal of Bourbon's chamber, by the procurement of Condé. The same night talked with the Cardinal of Lorraine, who said that the Ambassador who goes to London to ratify the treaty shall pay the first sum. The writer asked him to withdraw this offer of 120,000 crowns, which he was sure would do much harm. The Cardinal asked him to send a safe-conduct for the physician of the Queen of Scots, and her esquire, and desired to be commended to Lord Robert.
13. On the 24th, Secretary Bourdin repeated the same language about the 60,000 crowns, to whom he replied in the same terms. Said he would write to Queen Elizabeth hereon about the last of the month. Went from Fontainebleau to Melun, where he talked with Smith, and was carried to Corbeil. On the 25th he passed through Paris to St. Germain, where he is treated as before. Was well received at Fontainebleau, at the King's Court. The Cardinal of Lorraine cannot obtain the recognition of the decrees of Trent.—St. Germain, last of Feb. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Two passages defaced. Pp. 68.
Feb. 29. 208. Throckmorton to Cecil.
The French are now come to an issue. His overture could in nowise be acceptable unto them. If he allow the French overture mentioned in his last, (which shall be renewed unto Her Majesty by the French Ambassador,) or if Cecil can amend and increase the offer by his treaty with the Ambassador, he prays him to let him hear. It should be thought of if the peace be concluded, whether the King of Spain or any others of the Queen's allies be comprehended. In case he accords, he prays him that she will have him put to liberty and to return immediately after the conclusion and sealing of the peace, and not to have him tarry here until the hostages come, or he whom Her Majesty will send to ratify the peace; also to mention what term shall be limited for the ratification of the treaty. The Cardinal of Lorraine prays Cecil to procure a passport to pass through England into Scotland for M. De Clarveault, servant to Queen Mary, who accompanies Barnaby thither at this despatch. Also another passport for M. De Usery, the Queen of Scots' physician, and for M. de Montyniak her esquire. This passport is pressed to be sent with the next despatch, because Queen Mary desires his advice for the recovery of her health. If Queen Elizabeth accords with the French, he asks that she will give him charge to declare it first to the Queen Mother and after to the King; and also to say that Smith shall conclude the peace formally. Asks him to return the bearer Barnaby, for he has none with him that can write either English or French.—Castle of St. Germain, last of Feb. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.


  • 1. On the same sheet with Shere's letter of Feb. 26.
  • 2. From this point to the end is in Cecil's hand.
  • 3. On the same sheet with the intelligences of 19 Feb.