Elizabeth: November 1568

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: November 1568', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp569-576 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1568', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp569-576.

"Elizabeth: November 1568". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp569-576.

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November 1568

[Nov.] 2615. Requests of the French Ambassador.
Has assured his master on the word of the Queen of England that Winter was not sent to sea to succour the Prince of Conde at Rochelle with artillery, munitions, and money, but only for the safety of the navigation. Desires to know what he shall reply to the King his master touching those of his subjects who have been taken at sea; and also for those ships which have been stayed on the West coast. He has also charge to require her not to permit the Queen of Scots' subjects to oppress her in person, honour, or estate. Also that she will cause to be recovered the boy who enabled the Queen of Scots to escape, who has been carried off by certain persons whilst he was at the Court. Also that he may be able to send his people and dispatches without hindrance, that he may have access to the Spanish Ambassador, and be exempted from the payment of duty on a certain quantity of French wine in the same way as his predecessors.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Nov.] 2616. Sir Henry Norris to Lord William Howard.
Perceives by his letter that he is not unmindful of the small courtesy shown to his daughter, Mrs. Francis Howard. With much grief advertises him of the unfortunate battle stricken between Mons. D'Anjou and the Admiral, in which was slain at least 6,000 persons.
Rough draft. Endd.: To my Lord Chamberlain. P. 1.
Nov. 2617. Advices by the Spanish Ambassador.
News from the Low Countries, Paris, and Vienna, chiefly about a great defeat given to the Protestants by the Duke of Alva.
Endd. Span. Pp. 2½.
Nov. 2. 2618. The French Ambassador to the Queen.
Having been informed that the Prince of Conde's people have seized fifteen or sixteen vessels belonging to the French King's subjects, which they have taken into Plymouth for the purpose of disposing of their plunder in safety, he sends the bearer his nephew to request her not to allow such injustice to be committed in her kingdom.—London, 2 Nov. 1568. Signed: Bochetel.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 2. 2619. The Duke of Norfolk to Cecil.
Has passed as ill a journey as ever he had in his life with the unreasonablest weather that ever was seen in this country so early in the year. The waters were so high in all the fords in Northumberland that some of his men were in danger of drowning. Will stay hereabouts till he hears the Queen's further pleasure.—Kirk-Oswald, 2 Nov. 1568. Signed.
Hol. Add. Endd. P. ¾.
[Nov. 2.] 2620. Articles for Berwick.
Articles to be answered by the Duke of Norfolk for the government of the North parts.
Endd. by Cecil. P. 1.
Nov. 2. 2621. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Is most bound to him as well for answering for him, as in letting him understand the devices of his enemies, for though they seem to come from York and Bolton they spring from above. As it has pleased Cecil to answer most friendly in his behalf that he is not privy to any such matter, so he assures him that he has answered truly. Protests that if the Queen and both the other parties were agreed he would not willingly consent thereunto. For his son he dare answer that it is no part of his thought.—Kirk-Oswald, 2 November. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 4. 2622. Don Guerau Despes to the Queen.
In behalf of William Gillis of Zealand, whose ship and cargo has been seized by a certain French pirate, who keeps possession of them within her realm.—London, 4 Nov. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ½.
Nov. 4. 2623. Advices.
News from Vienna of the 4th Nov.
Endd. Ital. P. 1.
[Nov. 4.] 2624. The Portuguese Ambassador to Dr. Wilson.
As he was aware of the answer which Cecil was going to give to his secretary he considers that he has been guilty of very great contempt both towards the King his master and himself. Complains that Cecil has always shown himself adverse to the King, which has been pleasing to the Queen. The unicorn's horn which he wishes to show to Leicester belongs to the King. The bezoar stone belongs to himself and he may have it.
Copy. Lat.
Nov. 4. Doctor Wilson to the Portuguese Ambassador.
Perceives that he is offended because he concealed the answer which Cecil intended to give to his secretary in the Queen's name. Could not tell him that which he did not know himself. Complains that he should have been found guilty without being heard. Denies his charges against Cecil and the Queen.— St. Catherine's, London, 4 Id. Nov. 1568. Signed: Thomas Wilson.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Nov. 5. 2625. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
1. Has received a letter from his brother Knollys, by which he perceives that the speech that is of the Queen of Scots and his son proceeds from him, as Cecil will perceive by the copy of his letter sent herewith.
2. Trusts that the Queen will not conceive such a want of discretion or knowledge of his duty as to deal for any marriage with such a personage either for his son or anybody else.— Kirk-Oswald, 5 Nov. Signed.
3. P. S.—Where Knollys writes for the rest of Captain Reed's band, he will not send any from thence without the Queen's special commandment.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Oct. 27. 2626. Sir Francis Knollys to Lord Hunsdon.
Desires him to send the residue of Mr. Reed's band forthwith, for the number of Scots here are far greater than all his company. Besides if this Queen shall once perceive that the Queen will deal plainly with her to her disgace she will attempt any practice to escape away; and from this house she might pass into Scotland and never come into town or village. As for the country they look for no diligent rescue at their hands, but rather fear that they would laugh in their sleeves if she should escape. Has said to the Duke of Norfolk and to Mr. Secretary that he sees no way how Her Majesty can reconcile this Queen and her subjects to Her Majesty's commodity and safety, and to preserve the Earl of Murray from his overthrow and such as are her friends in Scotland, and to avoid the marriage of the Hamiltons with this Queen, aad thereby the coming in of the French, to whom the Hamiltons are wholly dedicate, unless it be by an English marriage. Also said that he thought this Queen to have Her Majesty's favour would not stick to marry one of her nearest kinsmen of the mother's side. Assures him that he supposes that she would be well content to match in this case with George Carey, or if Her Majesty like not of an elder brother she would not refuse one of his younger brethren. —Bolton, 27 Oct. 1568. Signed.
Copy. Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
Nov. 5. 2627. Otto Duke of Brunswick and Lunemburg to Cecil.
Sends a copy of the reply of the Emperor to the Electors and also of the Duke of Alva's letter to the Emperor, written in German, which he has not had time to translate into Latin.— Harburg, 5 Nov. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
Nov. 5. 2628. Otto Duke of Brunswick and Lunemburg to the Queen.
Complains of the troubled and calamitous state of the Low Countries through the tyrannical government of the Duke of Alva, also of the disorders of his soldiers, who after the defeat of Count Louis of Nassau invaded the boundaries of the Empire and plundered and ravished the inhabitants. The Princes and Electors complained to the Emperor, whose reply, written in German, he sends herewith.—Harburg, 5 Nov. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Nov. 6. 2629. Advices.
Reports at Rome about different states of Europe, 6 Nov. 1568.
Ital. Pp. 2.
Nov. 6. 2630. Munitions for the Prince of Conde.
Instrument by which M. Arnold De Cavaignes, as agent for the Prince of Conde and others of his party, covenants to return at the end of the war to the Queen of England certain artillery and munitions furnished to the said Prince, or their value in case of loss.—6 Nov. 1568. Signed.
Written in French and Latin on parchment.
Nov. 9. 2631. Don Guerau Despes to Cecil.
Thanks him for the pearls and rubies promised to be restored to Emanuel Tegede.—London, 9 Nov. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ¼.
Nov. 9. 2632. Inventory of Jewels.
Note of the jewels taken from Emanuel Tegede, the Portuguese.
Endd. Span. P. ½.
Nov. 11. 2633. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. Since his last of the 29th October to Cecil and Leicester there has been some hope of treaty of peace, wherein should have been employed the Duchess of Ferrara, who is a very meet personage to deal herein, being both affectionate to the house of Guise and zealous in religion, but this is lately broken off by reason of her sickness.
2. In those parts of the realm where the King has the stronger hand he seizes all the goods and possessions of such as are in arms with the Prince of Conde, likewise all officers of religion are suspended to exercise their offices. Understands that Monluc has withdrawn himself to Bordeaux upon discontent.
3. Defeat of a part of M. De Mouvans' force. M. De Montmorency having notice that the Parisians intended to apprehend all them of the religion requested a garrison to be placed in the Bastile and Arsenal, which they utterly refused, whereupon he despatched one to the King to know his pleasure. On the 9th he received a letter from the King requesting him to repair to Orleans, minding as he writes to go in person to his camp.
4. Mons. Anjou has been honourably entertained by the Duke of Montpensier at Champigny, from whence he goes to Poitiers and Limousin, where the King's camp joins all forces together.
5. On the 7th inst. the King's agent in Flanders advertised that the Duke of Alva assembles all the garrisons throughout the Low Countries, approaching the Prince of Orange and cutting off the victuals from him wherever he comes. They have sent to the Duke D'Aumale that if the Duke of Deuxponts makes any levy of soldiers to come into France he is to spoil his country. Both the King here and the Duke of Alva set their greatest hope of victory in temporising, hoping that both the Prince of Condé's and the Prince of Orange's forces will upon necessity sever of themselves.
6. It is talked of here that fifty English gentlemen are arrived at Rochelle. There is preparation made to let the course of certain ships that she has set forth to preserve the Bordeaux fleet from depredation, which they suspect are made towards Rochelle. The Cardinal of Lorraine, fearing lest upon the ending of these civil wars the amity of the Kings of Spain and France will be but of small continuance, intends to maintain his glory by the Spanish friendship.—Paris, 11 Nov. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4.
Nov. 11. 2634. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. There has of late been some motion to reduce these troubles to accord, but he is out of hope that they can grow to any pacification, and gives as reasons the former wars, religion, and the want of keeping faith on the King's side. Gives the same information as in his letter to the Queen of this date. The bruit of the defeat of Montpensier by D'Andelot which he advertised in his last is but a rumour.— Paris, 11 Nov. 1568. Signed.
2. P. S. — The gentleman who accompanied Mistress Howard to the Queen on his return was willed by the French Ambassador to declare to the Governor of Dieppe that the Queen armed three ships thinking it most necessary that they were let of their enterprise which is to aid them of Rochelle.
Add. Endd., with seal. The postscript in cipher. Pp. 4¼.
Nov. 12. 2635. Sir Henry Norris to [Leicester].
Repairs this day towards Orleans. There is great joy made of a defeat given to M. De Mouvans, who being sore charged by M. De Montpensier lost to the number of 1,000. He has now joined the Prince, and has a marvellous fair band of infantry. It is determined that the King's army shall march towards the Prince.
Rough draft, with draft of the first portion of his letter to Cecil annexed. Pp. 4.
Nov. 12. 2636. The Count of Montgomery to Cecil.
Assures him of his readiness to serve him, and of his gratitude for past favours.—Champagne, 12 Nov. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Nov. 20. 2637. "Joane" Clark to [Cecil].
1. King Eric of Sweden, moved by some occasions done unto his brother Duke John of Finland in the month of August last past one year [came] into the prison where he was, and fell down upon his knees and required of him pardon and would no more govern, but gave the said Duke place and athority to reign, and styled him Governor of Swedes, Goths, and Vandals, and so put him to liberty. And thereafter by council of "Urene" Person, his chancellor, caused the said Duke to resign the authority of government that of before he had given. Within a short time after the King required the nobility to come to his marriage, and "concluded" to slay at the banquet both his brothers with 300 of the principal men of the country whom he suspected to be their favourers, who being warned did not come.
2. The King sent for his men of war to come to him, which many did, and in the meantime his brother took the castle of Vacstene.
3. Thereafter he sent an army to fight against his brother, who for the most part rendered themselves to the Duke without battle, who beseiged the town of Stockholm. The King sent the old Queen, his two sisters, and twenty other ladies to the Muscovite, by that means to have succour. Duke John of Saxony being with the King in the town seeing that his wife should pass that way with 100 horsemen conveyed the said gentlewomen out of the town, and rendered himself to Duke John before the town.
4. The King in his fury went out to skirmish with his brother's army, and at their returning his men of war took Urene Person and went their way out of the town to the number of 2,000, and rendered the said Urene to Duke John, where he was cruelly put to death.
5. Within two days the Duke laboured so with them of the town that they suffered Hare Stephain Ericson, his mother's brother, to enter with 2,000 men; the King came against him in his robes royal with but forty halberdiers, and when he spake to the said men of war they were all so abashed, and the King caused to slay the said Hare Stephain Ericson; and thereafter came Dukes Carolus and Magnus and charged upon the King, who was constrained to render himself, and is now put in prison in the Castle of Stockholm, with his wife and children. This was done on Michaelmas Day, and the eighth day after Duke John was crowned king "by promise," but is not yet crowned. He has sent here two Lords of the Council to make peace, which is almost concluded. Sends copy of a supplication written by King Eric to his brother.
6. The King's grace has delivered to Clark both Bothwell's servants, and has promised to deliver Bothwell himself in like manner, but nevertheless has granted to the said Earl three months to see if he may justify his cause by the three Estates of the realm, as he alleges he was once justified and made clean; and thereafter the King will condemn him here, and deliver him to be sent into Scotland to justice to be executed.
7. There is appearance of great troubles betwixt the Emperor and the Princes of the Empire, who have required him to employ his forces against the Duke of Alva, who has taken the town of "Treer" [Breda] pertaining to the Empire and has declared war against sundry Princes.— Roschild 20 Nov. 1568. Signed.
Pp. 8.