Elizabeth: September 1568, 15-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: September 1568, 15-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp549-559 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1568, 15-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp549-559.

"Elizabeth: September 1568, 15-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp549-559.

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September 1568, 15-30

Sept. 16. 2531. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Complains that Forster took assurance with the principal disturber of the East Borders, not letting any of the Queen's officers to wit thereof. Lord Hunsdon has called the gentlemen of the country together before him and admonished them to apply themselves to a more orderly life, and has caused to be noted in writing special duties to be by them inviolably observed. Mr. George Carey has entered into a bare soldier's pay, and refuses no duty, watching and warding as every private poor man, and to-morrow goes into the country to lie with Drury, where he will be sure to find hard lodging and as ill fare.—Berwick, 16 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 16. 2532. Cecil to the Cardinal of Chatillon.
Expresses his goodwill towards him, and refers him to the bearer, M. De Luzy.
Hol. draft. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
Sept. 17. 2533. Sir Henry Norris to—.
Desires him to have consideration for the bearer, who having been spoiled by a pirate to the amount of 500l., is unable to obtain justice in France.—Paris, 17 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Sept. 17. 2534. Sir Francis Knollys to Cecil.
1. Thinks the fortifications of Berwick to be but weak, notwithstanding the great costs which have been bestowed thereon. The East Marches are weakened partly by reason that the landlords have retired themselves within the land, and to raise their rents have made Scots and other simple men their tenants, who for lack of horses and armour stand in such awe of the Scots, that they are rather ready to serve the enemy's turn against the inner parts of England for their own gain and safety, than to resist their invasions. Were it not for the garrison of Berwick the Scots might spoil the Border of England at their pleasure. The best remedy is for the landlords to dwell on the frontiers, and for the houses of strength to be repaired. Such houses would always be a safe refuge for men and cattle, if they should recover their goods in Scotland and be pursued homewards by a greater number.
2. Is now void of sickness, and for recovery thereof has wanted no princely courtesy nor princely medicine, nor princely music, but the music was singing of psalms to the virginals.—Bolton, 17 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Partly hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Sept. 18. 2535. Advices.
News and reports current at Rome on the 18th Sept. 1568. News of the bad condition of the Turkish fleet. Constantinople, 25th Aug. Intelligence from Vienna 16th Sept.
Ital. Pp. 4.
Sept. 18. 2536. The Regent Murray to the Queen.
Has received her letter containing the complaint of the King his sovereign's disobedient subjects. No process of law had been attempted against any of that faction if they had left attempting to stay the Parliament by their own force. As soon as it came to his knowledge that the several companies of that faction had retired to their houses he has not only stayed to proceed further by order of law, but has since forborne all hostility against them.—Edinburgh, 18 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
Sept. 18. 2537. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. The Bishop of Rennes, who aforetime was of the religion, has in his company one who has letters to the Queen of Scots and other Papists there, of whose delivery it is very necessary to take heed, as also to the number of letters which the Queen of Scots sends from thence. Here are daily preparations for the surprise of the Prince and the Admiral, and others of the nobility. The Prince of Condé is presently not far from Poitiers, where is Captain the Marshal Vielleville. The town has been twice summoned by him. Cannot for all his suit get delivery of his packet, or liberty of the party imprisoned. If the like extremity is used to them Cecil will find matter of great importance. By this great injury he has good occasion to use them like.—Paris, 18 Sept. Signed.
2. P.S.—There is an ambassador despatched from the Duke of Prussia towards the Queen. There is great bruit of a battle stricken betwixt the Prince of Orange and the Duke of Alva.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
Sept. 20. 2538. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Cecil.
Sends by the bearer, Pierre Gottier, servant to the sheriffs of Rochelle, two letters which he has received from the Count Rochefoucault and Mons. Chastillier. The bearer's special errand is to recover gunpowder and saltpetre, for which purpose he has brought a bark of forty-five or fifty tons, and therein merchandise to the value of 7,000 or 8,000 francs and 500 crowns in money. Desires him to further his request.—At my poor farm at Carshalton, 20 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Sept. 20. 2539. Maximilian II. to the Queen.
Desires her to show favour to the bearer, William Gorge, who has well behaved himself at his Court, and during the last expedition against the Turk.—Vienna, 20 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 20. 2540. The Queen of England to the Regent Murray.
Hears that certain reports are made in sundry parts of Scotland that whatsoever shall fall out upon the hearing of the Queen of Scots' cause to convince or acquit her of the horrible murder of her husband, she has determined to restore her to her kingdom and government. Assures him that the same is untruly devised. If the Queen of Scots be found to be guilty it would behove her to consider otherwise of her cause than to satisfy her desire in restitution of her to her kingdom.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Incomplete. P. 1.
Sept. 20. 2541. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Informs him of the receipt of letters from different persons. The coming of Châtelherault into England was here before Cecil's letter, and if it be well looked to perhaps some Englishman may be found to bring a good number of French crowns. They come from the Cardinal of Lorraine. It is given out to all the Scottish Queen's friends that within twenty days she will be at liberty again in Scotland as well as ever she was, which caused Ferniehurst and all that band to hold from the Regent. Good "wayght" [watch] should be laid for the changing or selling of horses to the Scotchmen, for there will a number come for no other purpose.—Berwick, 20 Sept. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Sept. 22. 2542. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Met the Laird of Cessford yesterday, when they were 2,000 horse of a side. They consented to answer bills delivered in the Earl of Bedford's and Mr. Marshall's time. Proclamation was made to set all prisoners at liberty. Hostages enterchanged to keep good order. Hunsdon refused either hand or friendship to Ferniehurst, for that his brother was at the killing of the scout within the bounds. Ferniehurst protested that he knew nothing about it, and that he would be the first to deliver up the guilty. Mr. Justice Clerk said that the foundation of all these disorders both in England and Scotland is by the Scottish Queen's too much liberty, and the Queen's over well dealing with her.—Berwick, 22 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 22. 2543. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Gives an account of the meeting between Hunsdon and the Laird of Cessford. Desires license to pass two geldings into Scotland to such as have pleasured him.—Berwick, 22 Sept. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Sept. 23. 2544. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
If order be not presently taken for the artillery, munition, and armour at Newcastle it will be utterly marred and cast away. Recommends Mr. Banks for that office.—Berwick, 23 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Sept. 23. 2545. The Cardinal of Chatillon.
Desires him to expedite the bearer, who comes on the part of them of Rochelle.—23 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Sept. 23. 2546. The French Ambassador to the Queen.
Announces the arrival of his brother, the Bishop of Rennes, sent from the King of France, and desires that they may have an early audience.—London, 33 (sic) Sept. 1568. Signed.
Fr. P. ½.
Sept. 24. 2547. Francis Walsingham to Cecil.
1. Has been requested by a friend to advertise him of certain talk that passed between him and the Bishop of Rennes of late here arrived, who is as evil an instrument as any who ever came into this realm, and has come in effect from the Cardinal of Lorraine. The discourse between them was long, the greatest part whereof passed in clouds for that he seemed to have Walsingham's friend in jealousy, knowing him to be of the religion and no well willer of the said Cardinal; notwithstanding by contrarying him in heat he caused him to utter somewhat unawares. The end of his coming tends to persuade Her Majesty that the last Edict was faithfully observed and that the Prince had no just cause to take arms, whereby his present attempt tends to some other end than the enjoying of liberty of conscience or safety of life as he pretends. Further he will seek to discredit the Cardinal of Chatillon, and as he will boldly affirm anything be it ever so untrue that may tend to that end he may perhaps abuse her. He has brought an Edict set forth by the King offering liberty of conscience and enjoying of goods and livings to as many of the religion as will withdraw themselves during these troubles into the houses of such of their friends as are Papists. The benefit of this he means to offer to the Cardinal Chatillon with choice of place and friend where to remain within the King's dominions.
2. Hereupon Walsingham's friend replied that this Edict would seem to the Queen to be a mockery, as she was not ignorant of the great murders committed in France and no redress had; and as for the Cardinal he was wise and could well weigh what measure was liked to be measured to him, seeing that the King's promises are slenderly performed in this present government, where he rather bears the name than the authority; and when the Bishop asked him whom he thought to be in fault he answered that the Cardinal of Lorraine should be only guilty thereof. The Bishop said that this was a Huguenot's reason, and compared the Cardinal to a physician, and complained that some went about to breed suspicion in the Queen of England of some evil attempt meant against her by the French King.
3. Walsingham's friend answered that he knew the Queen judged the King innocent thereof, and also the Queen Mother, and that she had sure advertisement that the practice should come from the Pope and the Cardinal of Lorraine, and marvelled that the latter should soil his honour in so indirect practices, and asked the Bishop what hope he had of a grateful audience who was well known to be sent from so notable an enemy of this state. The Bishop answered that the Cardinal for his authority in France, his intelligence in Italy, and his alliance in Germany was not to be lightly accounted of; and confessed that the whole government was in his hands, by the consent of the King and Queen and as many of the nobility and commons as keep themselves in true allegiance to their Prince. In his heat he uttered that he knew that all men here who seemed to be, were not contented, which one day would break forth; also he said that if the Queen failed to use the Queen of Scots well, though the French King did not intermeddle she lacked not friends of the best calling to redress her wrongs.—London, 24 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4½.
Sept. 24. 2548. Mr. John Wood to Cecil.
Spake with one Robert Lauder, who promised to signify to Cecil of the letters which he carries from the Queen of Scots to the King of France and the French and Spanish Ambassadors.—London, 24 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Sept. 25. 2549. Sir Henry Lee to Cecil.
1. The hearing of Cecil's sudden and dangerous sickness did not a little grieve him. Craves the banishing from his ears of such tales as the Court with envy brings forth, and that he will command him as one that desires to serve him. The Duke of Saxe is revolted from the part of the Prince by the enticement of the Emperor putting him in hope to be King of the Romans.—Padua, 25 Sept. Signed.
2. P.S.—The King of Spain has written to the Emperor and noblemen of Germany declaring the causes of his proceedings.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
Sept. 25. 2550. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. On the 19th inst. there chanced in the King's Privy Council holden in the Queen's presence great dissension between the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Chancellor upon this occasion: The King to support his great charges resolved to alienate 100,000 crowns of annual rent of the clergy lands, and the Pope having granted the same by a bull with certain clauses that it should be employed against such as had retired from the obeisance of the Romish church, and that the Edict of Pacification should be revoked; the Chancellor refused to put the King's seal to it, without which the Pope's writings are of no force in France, whereupon he was called to come to Council. The Cardinal of Lorraine asked him for what cause he refused. The Chancellor alleged divers reasons, and amongst others that to break the Edict was the direct way to cause open wars and to bring the Almains into the realm. The Cardinal being herewith much stirred reproached him to be a hypocrite, and that his wife and daughter were Calvinists, and that he was not the first of his race that had deserved evil of the King. The Chancellor replied that he had as honest a race as he, whereupon the Cardinal gave him the lie, and rising incontinently out of his chair to take him by the beard, the Marshal Montmorency stept between them. The Cardinal in great choler turning to the Queen said that he was the only cause of the troubles in the realm, and that if he were in the hands of the Parliament his head should not tarry on his shoulders twenty-four hours. The Chancellor said contrariwise that the Cardinal was the original cause of all the mischiefs that had chanced as well to France within these eight years as to the rest of Christendom, and reported [sic] him to the common bruit even of those who most favoured him.
2. Notwithstanding this debate the King's letters patent were sealed and sent to the Parliament of Paris with the bulls. The Queen Mother essayed to appease the matter and caused them to speak together. D'Andelot going to the Prince has been surprised and defeated. Has written to the King and Queen Mother in behalf of the bearer, Sir Robert Stafford, but can get no redress. Recommends that his cipher should be changed.—Paris, 25 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
Sept. 26. 2551. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Recommends his brother-in-law, Mr. Banks, for the charge of the munition at Berwick and Newcastle.—Berwick, 26 Sept. 1568. Signed.
P. ½.
Sept. 27. 2552. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Commends Drury's good service and government, without which the whole East March had been utterly spoiled. Desires a license for him to come to London for six or eight weeks. Has called home the footmen who lay in the country. The Regent Murray came this afternoon accompanied with 300 horse at the least. Had some inkling of one who came from the Queen of Scots to be a spy over the Regent, whom he found with divers letters which he sends, wherein he will find the Queen's promise of her delivery into her former state. Stays the bearer and his man until he hears from Cecil, for in questioning it falls out that the servant is better gentleman than the master. They die fast of the plague at Edinburgh. List of those who go with the Regent Murray: the Earl of Morton; the Bishop of Orkney; Lord Lindsey; the Lord Secretary; the Abbot of Dunfermline; Mr. James Macgil; the Laird of Lochleven; Mr. Henry Balnevis; Mr. George Balquhanane [Buchannan]; Captains Stewart, Cockburn, and Borthwick; the Lairds of Powrie, Ogilvie, Moncrief, and Cambo. —Berwick, 27 Sept. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Sept. 27. 2553. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Sends him a brief account of the demeanour both of the Catholics and of those of the reformed religion in France since the last peace, which he assures him is correct.—De Sching [Shene], 27 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Sept. 28. 2554. The Bishop of Rennes' Embassy.
Has charge to declare how strange and full of ambiguity the speech lately used by her Ambassador before the Council appeared to their Majesties, who in some parts gave them to understand that his mistress meant to deal in the cause between the King and his subjects. The King and Queen desire to know whether he had commission to use that talk, and if he had that she will declare somewhat at more length how they may take the same. In the meantime the King protests that he has no other intention but only to establish his kingdom in better state, and to take from his subjects that have risen against him the means that they have had hitherto to maintain themselves in their disobedience. The King will not receive either judge, arbiter, or mediator between him and his subjects, and prays the Queen and all other princes not to intermeddle therewith. Moreover, the King and his mother admonish the Queen of England not easily to give ear to those who counsel her to favour the disobedient subjects of another Prince, and to have suspect those who approve their fault, the consequences of which are very dangerous for her realm specially; seeing the same has not always been obedient, and the disease is very contagious. Nevertheless whatsoever it shall please her to do they pray to speak clearly and frankly of her part. Signed: B. Bochetel, E. De Rennes.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2¼.
2555. English translation of the above.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Sept. 28. 2556. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. Desires leave for two months to make some survey of his "domesticks;" and also for payment of his diets and allowance for his extraordinary charges.—Berwick, 28 Sept. 1568.
2. P.S.—Has promised to two persons in the Scottish Court for their true and diligent friendship some token of thanks. Desires license for two geldings, which will be more acceptable, and to him less charge than money, which either of the two he must gratify them with. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Sept. 28. 2557. Sir John Tamworth to Cecil.
A ship being ready to sail to the Narva he desires that the Lord Treasurer will permit them to send in her 500 marks either in dollars or bullion; and for restoring of so much treasure again into the realm the fellowship will not fail to bring much more hither from foreign parts.—London, 28 September 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Sept. 28. 2558. The Regent Murray to the Queen.
Has received her letter of the 20th inst. purporting that she was not altogether disposed to make such end in this great cause touching the King's mother, in case the matter of the murder shall fall out against her, as their adversaries have reported. Albeit for his own part he never conceived any such opinion of her inclination, he must confess that the bruits given out have done great harm to the cause. She is better informed than he is what is intended by the adversaries of true religion throughout Christendom against the same; and is too wise to wink at their doings or to suffer them to gain time.—Berwick, 28 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Sept. 30. 2559. Dr. Man to Cecil.
Announces his arrival in London and desires to know his pleasure when he would have him repair to the Court.— London, last of Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Sept. 30. 2560. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Defends himself against certain charges of exceeding his commission in apprehending and executing a notorious thief and rebel; and also of using great extremity towards the Earl of Northumberland's tenants.—Alnwick, 30 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3¼.
Sept. 30. 2561. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. Notwithstanding the Edict of January and the other two of pacification they have broken them all the 28th inst. with straight charge to all ministers to avoid the realm of France within twenty days, and forbidding under pain of death all exercise of religion throughout the same, and to all other officers of the religion within the same time to rid them of their offices and resign them into the King's hands. The Chancellor was so unwilling to seal it that he made suit to the King to depart, which was soon granted and the seals delivered to the Bishop of Sens, one of the Cardinal's training up, a cruel and severe man against the religion. The King has not celebrated his Order as he was wonted, only on Michaelmas Eve he heard evensong at La Sainte Chapelle, and the day following went in procession with the principal relics of Paris and St. Denis in such order as he did on the day of his coronation and as the ancient Kings were wont to do when they took wars against the infidels, whereunto Norris was required, but as he has done [with] all other their like devices so did he deny to come to this.
2. Monsieur is much hasted forward to Orleans by the Cardinal of Lorraine; but worse willing people to take an enterprise in hand have not been seen, who stick not to say, as it is their duty to spend both life and living for their Sovereign, so is it unnatural to destroy their country, friends, and parents for the private quarrel of a stranger, meaning the Cardinal of Lorraine, inasmuch as a great number absenting themselves from this service, the King is persuaded to go in person to Orleans, hereby to assemble his nobility. The Prince of Navarre is at Bergerat where he assembles forces to assist the Prince of Conde. Lignerolles being sent into Spain from the Queen Mother with a packet is taken and remains prisoner at Rochelle. At Orleans they have burnt two fair temples where they of the religion according to the King's permission made prayers, and use with all abomination their wives and maids, nor will suffer any to depart the town.— Paris, 30 Sept. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Sept. 30. 2562. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. Sends the same information as is contained in his letter of this date to the Queen. Is informed by one of the religion that there are fifty Italians, whereof everyone has received 1,000 crowns to empoison wine, wells, and other victuals to the destruction of the Prince of Condé and the Admiral.
2. Writes in behalf of one Standen, who has been so beaten with his own rod as shall be occasion for him for ever to beware the like which has passed.—Paris, 30 Sept. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
Sept. 30. 2563. The Queen's Answer to the Bishop of Rennes.
1. The writing in French containing a message done by her Ambassador to the French King does not differ in substance from her letters directed to him and written in English, and therefore he is not to be charged as one that was otherwise instructed to speak than as he was from hence directed.
2. If the King will cause the words of the message next before the "particule" complained of or following to be read by persons not captious, the speech now pretended to be doubtful will appear very clear and void of all misliking. At the time of sending this message she had heard of no arms at all taken in France, but only of sundry bands and forces gathered in sundry corners of the realm, reported to have been collected to have destroyed divers of the principals of the religion reformed.
3. The later clause noted offensive is drawn out of the end of the message, where it is said that if the King will not treat with her in friendly sort touching the disorders in France, that then she should see the danger like to follow to her own estate, and that other Princes and states consenting with her might also judge the same. Her Majesty finds it ambiguous indeed how any offence may be gathered thereby, seeing so many good messages had passed these sundry years betwixt their two Majesties, for in all this there is nothing else but a declaration what she thinks to be dangerous to her estate.
4. As for the other clauses she cannot find anything that should move the King but that she well allows of all that is in them, for having cause to think that the King and Queen Mother were abused by some capital counsellors whereby these intestine troubles are nourished, thought it not an unfriendly part to admonish the King thereof.
5. Declares that she will never provoke or maintain any subject to rebel against his Prince.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, with Sir Henry Norris' seal attached. Endd. Pp. 5.
2564. French copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 3.
2565. Another rough draft of the above in French.
Endd. Pp. 4½.
Sept. 2566. Edicts against the Protestants in France.
Notes of the Edict of 23rd March 1568, confirming the Edict of Pacification of 19th March 1562, and also of two Edicts of September 1568 revoking the same and discharging from all offices those of the reformed religion.
Rough draft. Endd. P. ½.
[Sept.] 2567. Daily Expenses of the Cardinal of Chatillon.
An estimate for one day's expense for the Cardinal of Chatillon at Shene, amounting to 4l. 5s. 3d.
Endd. P. 1.
[Sept.] 2568. Civil War in France.
Account of the successes obtained by the Huguenot army under the Princes of Navarre and Condé and the Admiral of France.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 8.
2569. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 8½.
Sept. 2570. Complaint of the Spanish Ambassador.
Has been attacked in the streets by a certain swashbuckler (clipeatus nebulo), who was taken by his train, and lodged in prison, and whom he desires may be made an example of.
Hol. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
[Sept.] 2571. Articles to be answered by Lord Hunsdon.
Certains questions to be delivered by the Duke of Norfolk to Lord Hunsdon, together with Hunsdon's answers relating to the causes of the weakness of the English Borders in serviceable men and strongholds, with the proposed remedies.
Endd. Pp. 2.