Elizabeth: May 1568, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: May 1568, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp448-457 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1568, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp448-457.

"Elizabeth: May 1568, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp448-457.

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May 1568, 1-15

May 1. 2154. Petition.
Touching the goods of a certain Spaniard deceased in 1563 that they may be given over to his heirs.
Endd.: May 1. Broadside.
May 1. 1255. Another copy of the above.
Endd.: April. Broadside.
May 1. 2156. Petition of Gonsalvo Alvares to the Queen.
Desires compensation for spoils committed upon him by certain English pirates.
Endd.: 1 May 1568. Broadside.
May 1. 2157. Advices.
Intelligence from Rome of 1st May and from Vienna of the 29th April.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 3½.
May 2. 2158. The Queen to Sir Henry Norris.
Directs him to demand explanation of the King of France of the secret preparation of a number of ships on the coast of Brittany and Normandy pretended to sail into Muscovy, but as she is informed certainly intended to pass into Scotland with numbers of men of war. He is to say that she finds this manner of dealing very strange, having regard to such things as have passed between her and the King of France about this matter of the Queen of Scots, for whose delivery she has always shown herself as careful as any person; and offered to concord with him in any thing that should be thought fit for her aid and relief. As the bringing of strange powers into Scotland has always heretofore bred troubles betwixt her dominions and the same, he is to desire the King that she may be made partaker of his intention before any such thing be put in execution. He is to send some person of good understanding to the coast and advertise her with diligence.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 6.
May 2. 2159. Petition of John De Cuellar and others to the Queen.
Complain of spoils done to them by one Edward Cook; and pray that he may be brought up to answer without delay, and the judge of the Admiralty be written unto to proceed severely against the receivers and buyers of their goods so spoiled.
Endd.: 2 May 1568. Broadside.
May 3. 2160. Mr. Elphinstone's Remembrance.
Desires sharp charges to all the Wardens of the opposite Marches to Scotland that they assist with such as the Regent of Scotland shall appoint either for apprehending or putting good order to the disturbers of the frontiers. Also that Lord Scrope suffer none of Liddlesdale to have access to the market or town of Carlisle; nor no victuals or commodities to be transported to them, because they are the chief troublers of both frontiers, and presently reset the murderers of the King of Scotland. Also to write to all the Wardens that no Scotchman be suffered to pass through England unless he be recommended by the Regent.
Draft. Endd. P. 1.
May 3. 2161. Proclamation in the name of the King of Scots.
The Queen of Scots having escaped from Lochleven and repaired to Hamilton, where sundry have come unto her for what purpose is uncertain, all lieges are to repair to Glasgow armed with fifteen days' provision for the preservation of the King's person and authority and the establishing of quietness.—Glasgow, 3 May 1568.
Draft. Endd.: 3 May 1568. Broadside.
May 6. 2162. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Desires the restitution of a vessel belonging to one of his subjects which has been seized by certain English.—Paris, 6 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Royal letter. Fr. Broadside.
May 7. 2163. Alexander Clark to Cecil.
The Protestants, especially in this town, are in great bondage; sundry great and cruel murders are done within the realm and specially at Rouen and no redress therein. The King not well obeyed in any his towns, and his proclamations and edicts not regarded. The Prince and the rest of that faction are at their houses very quiet. The King's men are put in all towns in garrison, especially in those which hold for the Protestants.
2. The Prince and his adherents think them within the country [to be] of themselves half party, which makes them care the less for the King. The Guisians are all at Court.— Dieppe, 7 May 1568. Signed.
Endd. P. 1.
May 7. 2164. Proclamation in Scotland.
Orders Martin Uddart, Pursuivant, with his assistants, to go to the market crosses of certain towns and there in the King's name charge all subjects that none of them assist or obey the conspirators or any pretended authority of the King's mother. If any of the said conspirators within forty-eight hours after the proclamation comes to their ears shall come and confess their error to the Regent, the King will receive them into his favour and mercy. All who shall persist in their treasonous conspiracy will have the ancient laws and pains thereof executed against every one of them.—Glasgow, 7 May 1568.
Printed. Broadside. Endd.
2165. Another copy.
2166. Another copy.
May 7. 2167. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Heard on Monday that the Queen of Scots was got at liberty, and thereupon sent a man into Scotland to learn the truth thereof. Hears that they are assembling on both sides. —Alnwick, 7 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 8. 2168. The Duke of Alva to the Spanish Ambassador in England.
Loys Thieryn a merchant of Bruges has complained to him of a spoil made upon his ship by Sir Arthur Champernown in 1563 at Dartmouth of certain sugars and ostrich feathers, and a sentence given by certain judges delegate that the said goods were good prize. Seeing this sentence so apparently unjust he is to pray the Queen of her royal power to restore the goods.—Brussels, 8 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 3½.
2169. Brief of the Duke of Alva's Letter.
An abstract of the above in English.
P. ¾.
May 8. 2170. Bond of the Nobility for the Defence of the Queen of Scots.
Promise to serve and obey the Queen against her enemies and her disobedient and unnatural subjects with their bodies, lands, goods, and friends to the setting forth of her ancient honour and the common weal of the realm; they also bind themselves to refer all grudges amongst them to the commandment of the Queen and the Lords of the Council.—Hamilton, 8 May 1568. Subscribed by 9 Earls, 9 Bishops, 18 Lords, and others.
Endd., by Cecil. Broadside.
May 9. 2171. The Regent Murray to Sir John Forster.
Notwithstanding the "event" they doubt nothing but that the action shall be conducted to a comfortable end, for they are well accompanied with all the noblemen who were with them at the beginning. Is sorry that his good meaning should be impeded towards the repressing of their disordered subjects.—Glasgow, 9 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 9. 2172. News out of Scotland.
1. Upon the second day of this Instant a servant in Lochleven who had since his birth been nursed in the same place, and by reason thereof having credit there, stole the keys in the time of supper and thereafter passed and [received] the King's mother forth of her chamber and conveyed her to the boat and locked all the "yetts" upon the rest who was at supper, and spoiled the rest of the boats of their furniture, so that none was able to follow them; and when they were come to land George Douglas, brother to the Laird of Lochleven, who was in fantasy of love with her, and had provided this money of before, met her at the Loch side, accompanied with the Laird of Riccarton a friend of the Lord Bothwell's, and with them ten horse. They took away all the horse which pertained to the Laird of Lochleven. Within two miles Lord Seton with James Hamilton of Ormiston met her with thirty horse. In this company she passed the Ferry and was met by Claud Hamilton with thirty horse, who conveyed her to Niddry, where she made some dispatches with her own hand, namely, one to John Beton to send to France, and another to the Laird of Riccarton commanding him to take the castle of Dunbar, who however failed of his enterprise. At her departing Lord Herries met her accompanied with thirty horse, and altogether conveyed her to Hamilton to the castle thereof, where she now remains, accompanied with all such as were of the motion of this conspiracy, which are not a very great number, and earnestly repents that ever they had meddling therewith. The principals of that faction are the Archbishop of St. Andrew's, the Hamiltons, Herries, and Seton; since they have drawn to them Eglinton and Fleming with some mean gentlemen friends to Bothwell. Their force is not great and very evil "frayed." They intend to have all their force about Monday or Tuesday at Hamilton. They cannot agree who shall be lieutenant. The Regent's force will be ready against that day, which will exceed their's very far in numbers and goodness of men.—Edinburgh, Sunday, 9 May 1568.
2. P.S.—Proclamations in the King's name are well obeyed; but the Queen's are riven and the officers punished.
Endd. Pp. 2¼.
May 10. 2173. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
There has been sent to him from divers heads of the Borders of Scotland messengers who not knowing what England is minded to do stand doubtful to whether side to incline, and send to require his advice herein. Has answered them that it is beyond his warrant to intermeddle or advise. Perceives many (if England minds to be a party for the Queen) would run to her Grace who now stagger, and so the contrarywise on the other side. Will not say anything until he may know what course shall best please the Queen. The Earl of Murray has already assembled 3,000, and the Queen scant a thousand. —Berwick, 10 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 10. 2174. Memorial for Berwick.
Notes of certain doubts and requests of William Drury for the advancement of the Queen's service within his charge; as to what entertainment shall be used towards the beaten side in Scotland; how order shall be maintained on the Borders; and desiring provisions of men and money. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 1½. Enclosure.
May 11. 2175. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Sends news from Scotland. Desires him to remember the twenty men for Harbottle.—Alnwick, 11 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 11. 2176. Advices.
Intelligence from Rome of the 8th May, and Rimini of the 11th May concerning events passing in the Papal Court and depredations by the Turks; also from Vienna of the 6th of the same month.
Ital. Pp. 4.
May 12. 2177. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. The Duke of Montpensier the 29th April declared to the King that he much feared great inconvenience would grow for want of good observation of the Edict and ministering of justice generally to all men. The Cardinal of Lorraine standing by said, "Sur ma conscience il n'y a rien plus necessaire." The Duke Montmorency taking occasion here upon repeating his words said there was nothing more necessary for the maintenance of the King's estate than the sincere observation of the Edict of Pacification, and such as labour to the contrary are neither friends to the King or his crown; and for his own part if the King did not forsee in time with due execution of justice this growing mischief, he was resolved with his leave to depart the court with his friends and allies, and so to withdraw himself from such as under the pretext of maintenance of their religion, continually nourished this division, and in the end put out the glory and renown of the French empire; devices so pernicious and strange that he must needs conclude that they proceed from the malice and rancour of strangers. And this ended he said to the Cardinal, "I must partly tax you in this behalf, for you have well declared in open council (whatsoever you have done by secret practices) your endeavour herein." The Cardinal coldly answered that whatsoever he had done in the Council was for the advancement of the King's service, and what in secret he intended no man was so privy as himself; and if he should presently declare his meaning it was sufficient to purge himself before the world. The King now as aforetime promised speedy redress of such disorders as he was advertised of.
2. The 2nd of May the Queen Mother being sick the Council was held in her chamber, where the three Marshalls Montmorency, D'Anville, and Vielleville, made certain oppositions against the lieutenantship of Monsieur the King's brother; that it had not been seen heretofore that the King being sufficient of himself should have a lieutenant, and that they being Marshalls knew what appertained to their charges, and that it was meet that every one marched in his rank. The Cardinal of Bourbon adjoined that in case the King would take no better order than he had done he would depart the Court, and give the world to understand how he had to heart the honour of his house and the welfare of his friends. Which all was said to no other end than to ruin to the ground the platform of the Cardinal of Lorraine's devices, who hopes to procure the continuance of Monsr. D'Anjou in this his lieutenantship, and so the principal affairs of this realm again into his hands. Monsr. D'Anjou has marvellously stomached these dealings, and has kept his chamber, having uttered most despiteful words against them of the religion, saying that he hoped to march upon their bellies. So the end of the war gives no end to this mortal hatred between the Houses of Guise and Montmorency. Fears their particular quarrels will the sooner cause this realm to turn unto its former division; for first he sees the King easy to be seduced; the Queen wholly bent to entertain these partialities; and M. D'Anjou so perilous a matter to work upon and so addicted to follow the Cardinal's advice as he doubts the other faction shall be forced for their sureties to have again recourse to arms. The Queen Mother perceiving these two factions thus to begin to play their parts, and not assured of either, hopes by her uncertain dealings to nourish their enmity to her commodity without profit to either, and so proceeds giving countenance sometimes to the Guisians and other whiles to them of Montmorency. And although the principal affairs of the realm be dealt in the body of the Council, yet is that propounded which is not meant, nor that executed which there is determined, but every man's opinion heard she makes her profit thereof, and resolves what she thinks best to serve her turn. And in secret dealing she sometimes uses Limoges, other whiles Morvillier or Sens, and some other times the Cardinal of Lorraine when the matter serves to his humour; but having experience of his readiness to take great enterprises in hand and doubting his too much forwardness imparts her mind to the Chancellor, undoing in one day what the Cardinal had intended long afore. Besides these she uses some men's advice who are of meaner calling, who are reported to be of greater practise for her commodity than benefit to this country. With these she not only confers of the government and policy here, but also is directed by them in raising extraordinary taxes and impositions, which has greatly withdrawn the goodwill of the people from her. It is suspected that these men have been instruments in causing this sedition that lately chanced in this realm; whereupon it is doubted whether it were directly done by this confusion to maintain the Queen's government, or else moved hereunto by secret intelligence had with some other foreign prince. The jealousy which he before advertised has again appeared between the King and Monsr. D'Anjou. The Chancellor has endeavoured to withdraw all such occasions as might increase this mischief, and finding himself to strive against the stream, and willing to eschew that no decay should fall in this state as long as he is in government, has made suit to be discharged of his office; the which falls out according to the Cardinal of Lorraine's desire, for this one man's authority has been the greatest countermand of his devices.
3. The reiters and other foreign soldiers saving the 6,000 Swiss who lie at Villeneuve St. George are despatched. There is not a town or village in the Isle of France that is not furnished with soldiers, which makes men think that there is some great matter in hand to the hindrance of religion. There was of late a bruit of a conspiracy to seize the King's person; and to persuade the world that there was some such thing meant, and so make them of the religion the more hated, the Queen Mother has caused to be built two porches at both the gates of the Court, where shall be placed a new guard of harquebussiers.
4. Hears not that the Prince of Conde and his companions have any great assemblies or men prepared to take arms about them, for they are fully bent to observe the Edict.—Paris, 12 May. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4¼.
May 12. 2178. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
These here go about to strengthen themselves and weaken the religion, and that the devices they have now in hand may not be disclosed they have cassed all them that be of the religion, with intent to rid the King's house of all that be suspected thereof. All things are ruled now by Monsr. D'Anjou, who though young is a most earnest and cruel enemy against the favourers of religion, and has his privy counsellors, the Cardinal of Lorraine being the chiefest, and further has his Chancellor, who seals all such things as the good old Chancellor of the King refuses to seal; who neither for love or dread would seal anything against the statutes of the realm. The King's garrisons in the Isle of France are thought to attend no other thing but till the corn be off the ground to begin where they left off.
2. Was advertised on the 7th inst. of the arrival of one Fleming of Scotland, who keeps himself very secret and has recourse to the Cardinal of Lorraine. Since the Edict was proclaimed the Lord of Arbroath, the Abbot of Kilwinning, and their Ambassador endeavour by all means to get force for the delivery of the Queen of Scots. The King's answer was that he had so many irons in the fire, that until his own were well framed he could not attend to others.—Paris, 12 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
May 12. 2179. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester.
There is small appearance that they mind to deal according to the Edict of Pacification, for they have divers bands unbroken. The King has the towns that were in the Prince's hands rendered. The Prince's reiters attend yet for the receipt of their pays. News of the Court. Understands that Mons. De Foix late ambassador in England is commanded home, being suspected to be of the religion. The Queen Mother is sick of a catarrh. Has stayed ten mules for the Queen for carriage and litter; they are very dear at eighty crowns a piece.—Paris, 12 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
May 13. 2180. Battle of Langside.
Lists of the Lords on the Queen's and Regent's sides, with names of the principal that were slain on the Queen's side, and also of those who were taken prisoners.
Endd. Pp. 2.
May 14. 2181. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The Queen's power and the Regent's met yesterday, when the Queen's had the worst of it. She with 100 horse has escaped into Dumbarton. Lord Home showed great courage. —Berwick, 14 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 14. 2182. Botolph Holder to Cecil.
Perceives by Cecil's letter that it has pleased the Queen to think well of and to accept his services, for which he is very thankful. The most talk here has been this winter past about such ships as departed out of England in October last towards Guinea, of which they had large intelligence, and whereof they make not a little ado. Has told them that they were bound upon adventure with their merchandise and not to the Mina. Notwithstanding they provided an armada of ten sail, which departed towards Mina in February. There is news that the English ships took a couple of caravels upon the coast of Barbary. There are here eleven poor men who were taken at Terceira, against whom it is laid that they with others have robbed and spoiled about the same islands. The black money coined by the late King is decried from the value of ten to three, whereby the common people received great loss, and are marvellously moved against strangers, especially the English, slanderously saying that there were two streets in a town in England where they did nothing but coin black money.—Lisbon, 14 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., by Cecil. Pp. 4.
May 15. 2183. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Gives the names of the noblemen taken prisoners on the Queen of Scots' side. The Earl of Murray did his best to stay bloodshed. Home is hurt with a spear in the leg. There is of the March some lairds who deal with him to shroud themselves in England who doubt that the Earl's victory will turn to their evil, not that they were in the field with the Queen in person but in heart, and minded within a few days to have led the rest there; to whom he gives but a deaf ear until he knows the Queen's pleasure.—Berwick, 15 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 15. 2184. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Sends the Regent's letter to him and a proclamation. Is practising with the gentlemen of the Borders of Scotland for the keeping of good rule this busy time.—Alnwick, 15 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 15. 2185. William Douglas of Bonjedwart to John Mow.
On Thursday the 13th was a battle between the Queen and the Regent with great slaughter, 2,000 slain on the Queen's side and 1,000 on the Regent's, to whom was given the victory. The Queen is said to be in Dumbarton. Gives names of some of the slain and hurt. The Regent has a great spoil of the Queen's munition and other great riches left in the field.— Bonjedwart, Saturday. Signed.
Add. Pp. 2.
May 15. 2186. Advices.
Intelligence of the events passing in the Papal Court.— Rome, 15 May 1568.
Ital. Pp. 3½.
May 15. 2187. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Rome May 8th, 1568. Death of Cardinal Simonetta. Roses for the last year sent by the Pope to the Duchess of Parma and the Princess of Florence. Intelligence from Vienna, 6th May 1568. Capture of a Turkish galley and release of eighty captives.—Venice, 15 May 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.