Elizabeth: July 1566

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: July 1566', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp98-112 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1566', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp98-112.

"Elizabeth: July 1566". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp98-112.

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July 1566

July 2. 542. Christopher Rokeby to Henry Killegrew.
Is a poor gentleman of England in some adversity. Has this day received a letter which he sends. Desires him to use secrecy, and in talk with the Queen to speak nothing of him. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 2. 543. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Sends an enclosure touching the proclamations lately made in Scotland towards them. Hopes he will give some resolution for stay of Lady Rutland at home from that long voyage. Prays him remember the Laird of Grange, and also the matter whereof he wrote touching Lee and Johnson.—Northampton, 2 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
July 4. 544. The Queen to the Earl of Bedford.
Wills him to make choice of 300 arquebusiers only of the garrison of Berwick for service in Ireland, and commit them to the charge of Captains Cornwall, Gurley, and Brown, who are to have a prest of 500l. They are to be in the Isle of Man by August 4th, and to pass from thence with others under the conduct of Edward Randolph, the colonel of her footmen in Ireland. The captains are to lead their companies in good order through the country, paying justly for their victuals and other necessaries.
July 4. The Queen to the Earl of Derby.
As she is sending a regiment of footmen for service into Ireland she desires that he will see to their conduct and transportation, and also to their victualling at reasonable prices during their stay in the Isle of Man.
[July 4.] The Queen to
Commands them to see that the bearer, having commission from Bedford, be furnished with what he shall require for the transportation of soldiers to the Isle of Man, and from thence to Ireland.
[July 4.] The Queen to Valentine Brown.
Commands him to make payment to the captains and soldiers mentioned above of all that shall be due to them unto the 20th inst., and to advance unto them by order of (Bedford) pounds to serve as a prest for their transportation, &c.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 4.
July. 545. Affairs on the Borders.
Answers to some propositions made to Killegrew touching the affairs of the Borders and some other matters.
Endd. P. 1.
July 4. 546. Thos. Dannett to the Queen.
1. Has been marvellously well entertained at the Emperor's charges. The Emperor has been sick of the gout, and the Archduke of the smallpox. On the 23rd June he had audience with the Archduke, and excused himself not bringing communications from the Queen as he did not think that he should have passed Augsburg, and then told him the three points contained in the Queen's letter to the Emperor for certainty, religion, and provision for his maintenance. The Archduke answered that he had recommended the whole matter to the Emperor his brother, to whom he would refer himself, and that he would do what he could that all things might be made easy. Went with the Archduke at evensong to the church. Thanks the Queen for her gracious letter.
2. On the 25th he had audience with the Emperor, but they spoke only of his appointment to the Order of the Garter and of the Turks' army, the Emperor excusing himself from answering the matter which they had in hand for a day or two on account of the sickness of himself and brother. Thinks that all the difficulty is in the point of religion, and fears that something must be winked at by the Queen therein, as he has the use of Mass daily. As for his person he lacks a little of the height of the Emperor, of a sanguine complexion, and for a man beautiful and well faced, well shaped, small in the waist, and well and broad breasted; he seems in his clothes well thighed and well legged, the same being a little embowed; by use of stooping a man would think him a very little (fn. 1) round shouldered. He is courteous, affable, just, liberal, wise, and of great memory by all he hears.
3. He is well beloved among his people, active, and loves the exercise of arms, hunting, and riding.—Vienna, 4 July 1566.
4. P. S. (fn. 1) —Yesternight, riding with his Highness to see a regiment of lanzknechts, his cloak fell so from his shoulders that Dannett discerned that he was as straight in his body as any man alive. He has a fair seat and handles his horse like a gentleman.
Signature torn off. Add. Endd., and notes in margin by Cecil. Pp. 11.
July 4. 547. Thomas Dannett to Cecil.
1. Wishes as Cecil does his work well to go forward, but finds the point of religion more straight than he was persuaded he should. The Archduke refers himself in words to the Emperor's will, so a man can get no other answer. Suspects the Spanish Ambassador as well for obstinate religion as for the small desire that nation has been thought to have to the matter. The Emperor seems not to be hard, but looks that the religion his brother was brought up in should be permitted him, wherein Dannett cannot proceed, and that being not someways suffered sees not that this nobleman would win ten queens to lease or trouble one conscience.
2. Gaspar Pregher earnestly asserts that his master will never stir foot unless he may have one whole church for him and his.
3. The best hope he has is that the Emperor will moderate the matter so as with the Queen's winking at something the Archduke will come to England, and he may be brought (hearing that he never heard to yield to the truth.
4. As for the Archduke's coming secretly, Pregher told him that he would come like a prince, or not at all.
5. He cannot come by Michaelmas as he takes the field with the Emperor. If he has not answer within four or five days he fears then that the order of the matter comes out of Spain.—Vienna, 4 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
July 4. 548. John Bennett to Cecil.
Has received divers letters of suspicion that he should not do his duty in the Queen's service, (but) trusts he will not judge him before he has tried him. Mentions the disposal of munition, &c. sent from the Tower last. The rest here is in readiness to be sent to Berwick, and is not, as reported, taken up here to pay his debts.—Newcastle, 4 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1½.
July 4. 549. Tho. Jenyson to Cecil.
Amongst other complaints he makes against Rowland Johnson, master mason here, is that when he (Jenyson) was last in Ireland he slandered him with deceiving her Majesty in 5,000l. in last year's works. Beseeches him to be a means that Johnson may be called before such as shall seem to him convenient, and there put in writing all such matters as he has to charge him, and that he also may be called to the answering thereof.—Berwick, 4 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 4. 550. Henry Killegrew to Cecil.
1. Can in no ways find that Shane O'Neile shall be aided from thence. The Wardens of the Borders be sent for to receive straight charge for justice. Melville put this Queen in great joy that his news was so grateful to the Queen. The Prince is in good health. This Queen is advertised that the Earl of Morton is returned into England and will complain. Matters of their part be too openly handled, their letters come daily to their friends. Sees no end yet of their troubles. —Edinburgh, 4 July. Signed.
2. P.S.—Murray and his friends desire that the Earl of Leicester and Cecil should come thither.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
July 4. 551. Henry Killegrew to Cecil.
Rokesby is taken and all his papers, amongst which he fears is Cecil's letter. The Queen of Scots had misliked him before.—Edinburgh, 4 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 5. 552. William Rogers to Cecil.
1. Yaxley's man Harry who brought out of Flanders to the Queen of Scots "dishes of sugar and marmelade," also brought letters from Lady Lennox and Mr. Poole, who has given all his right to the King and Queen of Scotland that he had to the crown of England. He is looked for in Scotland before Christmas. Mr. Poole, who has been at the sea, is also looked for with divers gentlemen in his company to serve at their own charges. Harry also brought 2,000 crowns to the King. There be those in the north who practise with him to take Scarborough. There is one who every month comes to the King from certain gentlemen of the west country. There are certain barks who come to London out of Scotland with salt, who convey letters into Scotland, and have taken upon them to convey the King's brother out of England.
2. At the time he was in [Scotland] was always with the King, hunting and hawking, and was taken to be his man. Offers to go there again to inform Cecil of such news as he hears. Offers also to get the two Standens and Mr. Rokesby out of Scotland. The King of Scots sent 200 crowns to Shane O'Neile.—Oxford, 5 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2½.
July 5. 553. Sir Wm. Drury to Cecil.
Sends him herewith a packet from Mr. Killegrew, and the Comptroller's letter. Of the Queen's apprehension of Rokeby and other Scottish matters he refers him to Killegrew's report. James Melvyn arrived here the 2nd instant, and M. Le Croc and Thornton the same day.—Berwick, 5 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 5. 554. Marsilio Della Croce.
News from Vienna, Messina, Genoa, Naples, and other places during the month of July.—Venice, 5 July 1566. Signed.
Much injured. Ital. Pp. 8.
July 5. 555. John Keyle to Cecil.
1. Upon Sunday there came to the place of the preaching from the Regent Monsr. Hame, who commanded them to leave, which they refused. There is preaching in most of the towns about here.—Antwerp, 5 July 1566. Signed.
2. P.S.—A great many gentlemen of the Gueux party are at this town, to whom the best persons of the new church resort openly. Both sides are marvellously in fear. Armour and weapons are as fast bought up here as drink is drunk, which is fast enough.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
July 5. 556. The King of Sweden to the Queen.
Begs that she will give answer to the Princess Cecilia as to those matters which she had in hand to transact for him.— Stockholm, 5 July 1566. Signed: Ericus.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
July 5. 557. Advices.
News from Vienna of 28 June, and 5 July 1566, and from Corfu 2 Aug.
Ital. Pp. 5.
July 6. 558. Stopio to—.
Signature and date of a letter.—6 July 1566.
Endd. Ital.
July 6. 559. Questions to be answered by Bishop, Lassells, and the Priest.
They are to write the cause of their being in the place where they were taken, and what they had written or received out of Scotland.
Notes in Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 1.
July. 560. William Seres to Cecil.
Prays for relief from his captivity, and that his wife may be with him in the daytime to help him in his sickness. Has neither hose, doublet, or shirt to save him from the cold. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 6. 561. The Princess Cecilia of Sweden to the Queen.
Has not received any answer to her letter complaining of the seizure of the goods of certain of her servants by John Dymock, without any just cause, and desires that they may be restored.—Baden, 6 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2½.
July 7. 562. Captain Cockburn to—.
Sends a letter for Scotland. Believes that there shall not pass any Frenchmen into Scotland. D'Oysel is dead at Rome. Will try and learn when the Pope's [gold] departs to Scotland. —Paris, July 7. Signed: George Beaumont.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 9. 563. Dr. Mundt to Cecil.
1. There is to be a meeting at Erfurt of the Protestants on 1st September, to settle the question about the Lord's Supper, as the Papists do all they can to cause a schism amongst them.
2. The Papists endeavour to have the doctrine of Zwinglius and Calvin condemned, and to stir up a persecution against their followers, but by the intervention of the Princes that has been prevented.
3. The Elector Palatine is very desirous that his son should pass a year or two at the English Court.—Strasbourg, 9 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. Pp. 2½.
July 10. 564. Richard Clough to Gresham.
Has provided for him a wild boar and two roes, which are baken, which he will send to-morrow. There has been of late a marvellous stir throughout the country. There has been much ado between the Count of Meghen on the one side and Brederode on the other. Divers of the Lords of this town are in some danger, for that the common people are given to understand that a company of them should have betrayed the town. Proclamation was made at [Armentieres] that no man should go to the sermon on pain of hanging. Above 16,000 went, all with their weapons, and on their return delivered a preacher. At Hoogstraten the priests rang the alarm, but if their feet had not served them they had all been slain of the boors. This stir is general throughout the country, but for number of people Ghent passes all.—Antwerp, 10 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 5.
July 10. 565. Intelligence from Rostock.
Gives information of the capture of certain ships by the Swedes.
Endd. Lat. P. 1.
July 10. 566. John Keyle to Cecil.
Still tarries for a passage. Desires further order in the matter of the salt and copper. On Sunday, notwithstanding the great rain, there were in the forenoon about 12,000 persons at the sermon. The commons have refused to receive soldiers into the town. Most of the great persons of this country be of the confederacy and are assured of the aid of the Duke of Saxony, the Count Palatine, the Duke of Cleves, and M. D'Andelot.—Antwerp, 10 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
July 11. 567. The Earl of Murray to Cecil.
Is restored to his Sovereign's favour and will do all in his power to maintain the amity between her and the Queen of England. Argyll affirms that the intelligence between him and O'Neile is no greater than the use has been betwixt their houses of old. If the Earl of Leicester would repair hither it would greatly further the amity.—Edinburgh, 11 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 11. 568. The Earl of Murray to the Queen.
Thanks her for her benevolence and large favour bestowed on him, and begs her clemency for the liberty of Lord Keith his brother-in-law.—Edinburgh, 11 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 11. 569. The Earl of Leicester to Cecil.
The Queen wishes Sir John Forster to stay George Douglas and put him under guard, as she cannot forbear longer satisfying the Queen of Scots' request, also to warn the Earl of Morton of his dealing so indiscreetly, and that either he should convey himself to some secret place or else absent himself some other where.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 13. 570. Thomas Wright to Cecil.
Was taken prisoner suddenly with Mr. Rokeby, and was not only straightly examined, but offered fair promises of living, but they could not get out of him any knowledge of sach articles as he was examined of. Was commanded upon pain of death to depart out of Scotland, but has made suit to the King for service. Gives an account of his former life.— Edinburgh, 13 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July. 571. The Earl of Morton to Sir John Forster.
Upon advertisement out of Scotland that the King and the Earl of Bothwell were labouring for a remission for George Douglas, who had promised to declare that the Earl of Murray and the Secretary were the devisers of the slaughter of Davy, he sent to him that he thought it meet that the said George should be staid for a while. George Douglas will plainly testify in his presence that the King was the deviser of the slaughter, the place where it was done, and the manner of the doing thereof. He utterly denies that he ever promised any such thing to the King. The Earl of Argyll has license to depart out of Scotland. The King of France has written in their favour. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 13. 572. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Understands by the Lord Lieutenant that Cecil's pleasure is that he should stay George Douglas for going into Scotland, whom he trusts will not make haste home. The Earl Bothwell is come to the Borders practising to work them all the displeasure he can, insomuch as he has already given money forth of his purse to 24 men for the getting knowledge of the Earl of Morton and the rest to kill them.—Alnwick, 13 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 14. 573. John Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
The magistrates of Antwerp have sought all they could to stay the people from going to the sermon by intreaty and threatening, but it prevailed little. There has been a proclamation for all strangers not having business at Antwerp to forthwith depart, and also that no townsman should go to any sermon. Notwithstanding the proclamation there have been more sermons, with 200 or 300 horsemen keeping guard. Upon the rumour that a certain number of horsemen should have been brought into the town, the people called for the keys of the gates and ordained certain of them to be present at their opening. Would have liked Cecil's help for some venison for the Mercers' supper of which he is a warden. —London, 14 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4½.
July 15. 574. John Keyle to Cecil.
The Prince of Orange entered yesterday into this town with a great number of people. At the gate the most part of the town met him crying upon him Vivent les Gueux. This morning there were three sermons at which he is assured were above 25,000 people well guarded with horsemen, and many of them of the Prince's train. They go very stoutly to work. The best do not stick to say that in all things saving this they are the King's true subjects, but if he withstands them he may chance to lose his kingdom here, for they will stick to the Emperor. There daily come over of the Temple and other Inns of Court divers persons for religion.—Antwerp, 15 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
July 17. 575. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
1. Finds all things here in order. Means to go to see Lady Rutland. Mr. Treasurer is come with money, so that the 300 men to be sent towards Ireland shall be set forward. Prays him to have in remembrance the Laird of Grange, who must be the only means to bring things to him, if anything come thence. Prays him cause some order to be taken for certain gunners that they may be in wages, or rather serve in such places as they are willing. Prays him be a means that he may have license to give four or five horses or geldings to his friends in Scotland.
2. William Carre, late Abbot of Kelso, and brother to Sir Andrew Carre, was lately slain at Kelso; it is said they smote off his head and arms. The doers thereof were the young Laird of Cessford and the brothers of the Laird of Ferniehurst. —Berwick, 17 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3¼.
July 17. 576. The Earl of Bedford to the Queen.
Is told that the Scottish Queen now thinks as well of him as of any other that is of his place and calling. Mentions other matters whereof he wrote this day to Cecil.—Berwick, 17 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 17. 577. Edward Cook to Cecil.
On the 13th, being the day when the ambassador died, he went to the Court and declared the same. The Queen Mother sent one of the ladies of her chamber to comfort his sister, and afterwards her physician Castellano, an earnest Protestant. The Queen of Navarre and others also sent. The Admiral sent Mr. Stewart, the Queen of Scots' bastard brother, who told him that when the Admiral heard of the ambassador's death he said that now all his purpose was dashed. He was willed to tell his sister from the Admiral that within a month he looked that they should be together by the ears. On the 12th the King heard a dispute on transubstantiation. On the 14th he escaped a shrewd turn narrowly from the fall of a tower.—Paris, 17 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 18. 578. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
1. Understanding that George Douglas is not now in such danger of going into Scotland as he feared, he has stayed the open apprehension of him, least the same might minister further cause of trouble unto him and the rest, if he should be apprehended and kept in hold; then would the Queen of Scots demand to have him delivered into her hands.—Harbottle Castle, 18 July 1566. Signed.
2. The 16th instant the young Laird of Cessford, riding to Kelso with certain in his company, there met the Abbot of Kelso and killed him.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 18. 579. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
Desires his favour in obtaining pardon for the bearer, Robert Monkman, being desired by Mr. Edward Randolph to serve with him in this journey into Ireland.—Berwick, 18 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 19. 580. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
The bearer, Robert Monkman, has certain suits unto him, wherein he prays him to stand his friend.—Berwick, 19 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
July 19. 581. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Desires his favour for the bearer, Robert Monkman, one of the pensioners of this garrison.—Berwick, 19 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 20. 582. Francis Berty to Cecil.
Has seen the working of this new invention of saltmaking, but is not satisfied. The Prince of Orange came to this town eight days ago, and all this week has been busied with the Protestants. After some negotiation the Lords of this town have left all things unresolved, neither to permit preaching nor yet to forbid it, yet the Commons showed plainly enough that they would not have any restraint of liberty to the preaching. The Prince of Orange since Wednesday shows himself openly to take the Gueux part, and divers of his men wear their badge. This town is marvellously desolated; great riches are conveyed out chiefly by strangers. The watches have been doubled within these four days. The merchant strangers consult to retire themselves for awhile. About Cambray they not only preach, but have taken the preachers out of prison. These countries are wonderfully infected with Anabaptists.—Antwerp, 20 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3½.
July 20. 583. William Ackman to Cecil.
Desires to know whether he has received the letters from Captains Stewart and Cockburn which he has forwarded. Sends some more from Cockburn, together with seven tons of wine.—Dieppe, 22 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 20. 584. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
News from Constantinople, Rome, Genoa, and Vienna.— Venice, 20 July. Signed.
Add. Much mutilated, and injured by damp. Ital. Pp. 3¼.
July 21. 585. George Gilpin to Cecil.
On Thursday Brederode and three Earls met the Prince of Orange and Count Egmont, Commissioners from the Regent, at Duffel. This day there were at two sermons without the town above 12,000 persons, guarded with 200 horse and 500 harquebusiers. The Prince has used earnest persuasions with the chief here to stay their assemblies for a month or six weeks, offering them assurance that they might assemble 50 or 100 together within the town, which will not be accepted. The Spaniards and Italians have sent away most of their goods, and many of themselves retired.—Antwerp, 21 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
[July 21.] 586. Affairs in Flanders.
The Regent has required the Prince of Orange and the Count of Egmont to go to Duffel where ten or eleven deputies of the nobles are assembled; and to tell them from her that she has sent two gentlemen to the King of Spain to let him know their request. Desires that they will assist in repressing the insolence of the sectaries. The King will forget all these matters and wishes the States General to assemble. In the meanwhile she promises to do nothing against them directly or indirectly.
Fr. Pp. 2.
July 22. 587. Richard Clough to Gresham.
1. The nobles and gentlemen who met at St. Trou agreed upon all their matter, which was to die and live by the requests which they had given. It is given out that the Prince of Orange and the Counts Egmont and Horn declared themselves to be on their side. There has been much ado in this town. The town council and the guilds will not consent to have the people molested at the preachings until all the Estates of the country had met. The Regent is said to have prepared horse and footmen to overcome the people at the preaching. The Lords of Antwerp understanding thereof have sent to her, declaring that if she shed the blood of the poorest man at the preaching that before night there would not be a spiritual man or Papist alive in the town.
2. Most men judge there were 30,000 at the preaching; Clough thinks there were at least 20,000.
3. On Friday there was bought for the congregation 200 new "couriers" to give to poor men who were not able to buy their weapons. It is said that the priest of the head church in Middle borough and some of the principal abbots of these parts take part with the Reformers.—Antwerp, 22 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 6½.
July 22. 588. Dr. Man to Cecil.
Despatched Phayre on the 19th May with letters to him. Such suits as he has for the redress of the wrongs done to the English merchants and others be coldly heard and impertinently answered.—Madrid, 22 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 22. 589. Sir Richard Lee to Cecil.
Has received the Council's letters of the last of June blaming him for not writing unto them of the state of the works since his coming, which he has done, both to their Lordships and him, and asked for money for the same, which he prays may be provided. Johnson has made report that the Comptroller here has deceived Her Majesty of 5,000l. and half of 5,000l. in the charges of the last year's work.— Berwick, 22 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 24. 590. Edward Cook to Cecil.
1. Two or three days before Mauvissiere went into England they were talking about Calais, when M. Martignes said that even if the King were content to render Calais the nobility would not suffer it.
2. Sends proclamations touching sundry coins. — Paris, 24 July. Signed.
Add. End. P. 1½.
July 23. 591. Proclamation of the Value of certain Monies.
The ordinance decrying certain coins has been made solely for the guidance of the moneyers and changers. — Paris, 23 July 1566. Signed: P. Rossignol.
Printed. Fr. P. 1.
July 24. 592. Charges at Berwick.
Money paid thither since Michaelmas 1565, amounts to 38,074l. 6s. 6d., whereof has been paid out of the receipt at Westminster and by the receivers and others 38,074l. 6s. 6d., and of the sum of 14,992l. set down in the Lords book dated 11th of March 1565 (1566) as remaining unpaid to Berwick to Lady Day there has been paid to Valentine Brown 4,600l., leaving unpaid 10,392l., whereof the rents in the north due for Lady Day paid and to be paid amount to 4,388l. 16s. 10d. There remains to be paid at Lady Day 6,003l. 3s. 1d.
Endd. Pp. 2.
July 24. 593. The Duke of Châtelherault to the Queen.
Desires a passport for his second son John, Commendator of Arbroath and the Commendator of Kilwinning.—Dieppe, 24 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 24. 594. The Duke of Chatelherault to Cecil.
Desires that he will procure the Queen's license for his son and his cousin to pass through her realm into Scotland.— Dieppe, 24 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 26. 595. The Confession of Thomas Wright.
Gives an account of his dealing with the King of Scots, into whose service he endeavoured to get, and also with Mr. Rokeby. Was arrested and examined before the Privy Council, but confessed nothing. Had 20l. Scots given to him and his companion, and was ordered to quit the realm.— 26 July 1566. Signed: Delivered to the Earl of Bedford.
Endd. Pp. 4.
July 26. 596. Sir Thomas Gresham to Cecil.
1. Sends letters from Clough. Will make ready to go over sea.—London, 26 July 1566. Signed.
2. P.S.—Sends him a note of the prolongation of the Queen's debts due 20 Aug.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 26. 597. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
1. The Armstrongs, of the Broome Holme, are wholly loppen from the Master of Maxwell; he something doubts they will fall into disorder.
2. He has taken order in the controversy between Fargus and Richie Grames according to their Lordships' command.— Carlisle, 26 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 26. 598. Sir John Forster to the Earl of Bedford.
The Laird of Cessford has "shot" this day of March as he has done before. The Liddisdales being now agreed with the Scotts mind to ride and spoil what they can within England. Cessford not being able to discharge his bond to Bedford does what he can to procure a breach of the Borders. —Alnwick, 26 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 27. 599. Advices from Flanders.
The common council and others have consulted upon a demand of the Prince of Orange to have 1,500 or 2,000 soldiers for the safe guard of the town, which they will not grant but will themselves be ready to serve all turns. The like request has been made in other towns, but nowhere granted. The assemblies about Ghent and divers other places exceed those of Antwerp in numbers and strength.—Antwerp, 27 July 1566.
In Fitzwilliam's writing. P. 1.
July 27. 600. The Earl of Bedford to the Queen.
1. The numbers she appointed to be sent hence towards Ireland departed the 24th instant.
2. The Master of Semple has made means to him to utter great matters to her touching her and her service.—Berwick, 27 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 27. 601. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
1. The Master of Semple offers to disclose great matters touching the Queen and the realm. He desires her to grant certain things for his better assurance for dealing herein.
2. Some of the Lords would have the young Prince of Scotland christened in St. Giles Church, Edinburgh, and others would have it in the Castle. The Queen has prepared for the ceremony a new chrismatory of gold. Bothwell carries all credit in the Court, and the Queen has ended a controversy between Murray and Huntley for title of land. Bothwell is the most hated man among the noblemen in Scotland.— Berwick, 27 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
July. 602. The Master of Semple to the Earl of Bedford.
Offers to inform him of secrets of great importance if he will obtain for him the Queen's written promise not to reveal his council.—Signed: Charles O'Connor.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3¼. Enclosure.
July 27. 603. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
Having paid and despatched those bands for Ireland which departed hence three days past, he has noted unto him the prests there to take, beginning the 21st instant, which he beseeches him to send unto the Treasurer of that realm for answering thereof.—Berwick, 27 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 28. 604. Sir John Forster to Wm. Drury.
Understands that Bothwell came yesternight to Kelso to search for the killers of the Abbot of Kelso. The Queen of Scots hastens to the Borders, for she is of mind to be at Jedburgh within eight days.—From the house nigh Alnwick, Saturday, 28th July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal: P. ½.
July 28. 605. Maitland of Lethington to Cecil.
Desires his favour for the bearer Mr. Graham, who has been evil handled in his suit.—Ballot, 28 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 29. 606. Hugh Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
Whereas he is willed to attend the Court for the Queen's affairs he is unable to do so unless he is furnished of money. Is very unmeet to serve in this room and begs to be discharged from it.—Paris, 29 July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 29. 607. The Queen to Thomas Dannett.
Cannot find any consideration to alter her former instructions. He is to give the Emperor and his brother to understand that whatever common report has been, that her favour towards the Earl of Leicester was never other than was convenient for her to bear towards one holding the place of her natural brother; and that none about her is more addicted to this match with the house of Austria or more solicits the same.—Colleyweston, 29 July 1566.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 1½.
July 31. 608. Robert Melville to Cecil.
Requires him to move the Queen to put Seres at liberty, who is unworthy that she should have mind to think either good or evil of him.—Stamford, last of July. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 31. 609. The Duke Otto of Brunswick and the Hamburgers.
1566, 30th July. A certain fisherman having been drowned in the Elbe within the Duke's jurisdiction ships of Hamburg took possession of the corpse and refused to give it up for interment, and after some further negotiation fired upon the Duke and his party, but were in the end captured.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 10.
July 31. 610. John Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
Desires his favour for John Brown, who has become a new man and submits himself to the Queen's clemency.—London, last of July 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
[July.] 611. Remonstrance to Mr. Fitzwilliam for John Browne.
That it may please the Queen for contention of his debt either to take his goods, or employ him in some office the fee whereof might run towards the payment; or that he might give 40l. by year until the debt were paid. Signed: Jo. Browne.
Endd. P. 1.
July. 612. Confederation for the Low Countries.
Complain that through the introduction of the Inquisition if any Spanish priest or other wicked person wishes to injure anyone, he can accuse him and cause him to be put to death and his goods confiscated without his being heard. They therefore solemnly swear to aid one another with all their power to prevent its establishment. Protest that they intend nothing against God's honour or the King's power and will resist all popular seditions and tumults. Swear to stand by one another with body and goods.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
July. 613. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Letter of commendation for the bearer, Mr. George Carey, returning into England. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
[July.] 614. The Queen to Lady Hoby.
Condoling with her on the death of her husband, and approving her demeanour in the French Court.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 1.


  • 1. Note of importance by Cecil in margin.