Elizabeth: June 166

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: June 166', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp78-97 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 166', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp78-97.

"Elizabeth: June 166". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp78-97.

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June 166

June 1. 443. Sir John Forster to Randolph.
Sends him a letter from Lord Morton to him, which he desires him to forward to Mr. Secretary.—Alnwick, 1 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
June 1. 444. Reception of the Pope's Nuncio in France.
On the first of June the Pope's Nuncio, Michel De la Torre, Bishop of Ceneda, came in coach from Paris to the Court. No one was appointed to receive him. He dined with a few people of no great account. Afterwards he had audience, the King, Queen Mother, and others of the Court being present. He recommended to them the Pope's Church, which was sore afflicted, and urged the King to purge himself of the ravening vermin of sectaries and heretics, and also to publish the late Edict of Trent and cause it to be received throughout the realm. The King and Queen gave attentive ear. Nevertheless a man might now and then easily perceive by the sour countenance the Queen made that she liked not all he had said. After he had saluted divers persons the King made him somewhat too short an answer for so long a demand.
Endd. Pp. 2½.
June 1. 445. The Queen to Lord Montague and others.
Approves of their answer to the other Commissioners touching poundage and the rest. As to their request to have a certain price set upon the wools and a certain number of serplers transported yearly, they may answer that the price of all things is increased and become uncertain, and as for the quantity that the wools are not her own proper merchandise. As for the complaints of piracy in the Thames she has given straight order for the conservation of every port and creek. One Furbisher and his partners have been committed to prison and his ship arrested upon suspicion.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 1. 446. John Fitzwilliams to Cecil.
Sends copy of a resolution by the States of Flanders at their last meeting upon that which was propounded to them for establishing the Inquisition in Flanders. Sends also news out of Italy and other parts. Begs his favour for one Thomas Brown.—Antwerp, 1 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 1. 447. Advices from Antwerp.
News from the Low Countries and also about the Diet at Augsburg; from Antwerp, 1 June.
Ital. P. 1.
June 1. 448. Resolutions of Flanders.
1. An abstract of the requests of the four provinces for the abolition of the Inquisition, that the publication of the placards shall not be to the prejudice of any privileges, that people shall not be arrested or their houses visited except by the proper magistrates; that after any person has been punished by the magistrates that the bishops may not proceed against him by citation.
2. Attached is a small piece of paper with the nicknames of the leaders of the Gueux party in French.
Fr. Pp. 2.
June 2. 449. Montague, Wotton, and Haddon to the Privy Council.
Have agreed after the holidays to peruse all the articles and not their agreements or dissentings to each, and require their Prince's final pleasures. Touching the principal matters they have always told the Commissioners that they look for no change from the Queen.—Bruges, Whit Sunday, 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
June 2. 450. Sir Wm. Drury to Cecil.
Is glad to hear of his recovery and health. If he knew the occasions which moved him to stay in the execution of his orders he would think him not to have done it without reasonable cause. There is an end made between the Treasurer and Burford, and those who seemed to allow his doings have condemned their opinion, and he has made his submission. Sir John Forster is somewhat amended. Sends him Rokesby's letter. It is evil taken in Scotland that the Earl of Morton and his complices are not suffered to tarry in England.—Berwick, 2 June. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
June 2. 451. Drury and Valentine Brown to Cecil.
Briefly recite Rokeby's letter to Drury of the 27th ultimo and desire to know the Council's pleasure therein.—Berwick, 2 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
June 2. 452. Sir Wm. Drury to Cecil.
Burford's fault was not so heinous as was supposed at the first examination, and as he confesses himself sorry for it, and has submitted himself to Mr. Treasurer, he has not inflicted punishment, being required to the contrary by Mr. Treasurer and others, until he knows the Council's pleasure.—Berwick, 2 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 2. 453. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
Sends a letter from the Earl of Morton, in which he requests to have the Queen's safe-conduct that they may depart with more surety and make it better known that they will away. Has stayed him from sending to the Court or writing to the Queen. He requests that the Queen will be a means for the restitution of himself and friends.—Berwick, 2 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 31. 454. The Earl of Morton to Randolph.
Desires the Queen's safe-conduct for their sure departing. As he has ever been their friend and special "convoyer" of their case, they request him to be an earnest suitor to the Queen for a special letter to their Sovereign in their favour. —Newcastle, last of May 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 4. 455. The King of Denmark to the Queen.
Amongst others has detained the ship of Gregory Parmort, one of her subjects who was carrying corn to the King of Sweden. If any complaint is made hopes that she will refer him to his courts of justice.—Copenhagen, 4 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
June 5. 456. The Queen to Sir Thomas Hoby.
Directs him to motion M. De Foix and the French King to have L'Estrille sent over to England to answer for his ransom according to the law of arms.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 5. 457. Montague, Wotton, and Haddon to Cecil.
1. Thank him for his letter, and refer him to theirs to the Council for the case in which their affairs stand.
2. Desire the Queen's speedy answer.—Bruges, 5 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
June 5. 458. Montague, Wotton, and Haddon to the Privy Council.
1. Told the Commissioners of the Queen's pleasure to persist in the articles of poundage; custom of cloths; licence for unwrought cloths, and customs of wools without any hope of change.
2. They said that they would inform the Regent and require speedy answer.
3. Also declared the Queen's answer touching the price and quantity of wools and her care for the suppressing of these pirates.
4. The Commissioners said that the Queen not relenting in anything they could not hope for any other than a breach of the matter; they also said that they esteemed the intercourse expired. Perceiving them earnestly speaking of the manner of departing, they opened to them the best degree touching the carrying out of unwrought cloths. Are expecting the Regent's last answer.—Bruges, 5 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
June 5. 459. The Queen to the Earl of Bedford.
Discharging him of the sum of 3,000l., of which 1,300l. was given to the Earl of Murray and 1,700l. to the Treasurer of Berwick.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. P. ¼.
June 7. 460. M. De la Forest to the Queen.
Desires in the name of his master that the Sieur De Savigny may be arrested and sent into France.—London, 7 June. Signed: Bochetel.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
June 7. 461. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
1. The Earl of Murray assures him that he will do what he can that Shane O'Neile shall have no kind of comfort from thence, and would have him believe that it comes not of Argyll's self. Lethington is commanded to ward at Caithness.
2. The Queen has made her will thrice written. Upon Monday she took her chamber. The Queen and Darnley are reconciled. Argyll and Murray lodge in the Castle. Huntley and Bothwell were refused. The Earl of Bothwell has the whole inheritance of Dunbar given to him, the castle reserved. The Bishop of Ross has the chief management of affairs. Is specially content that he is thought faultless of writing the Phantasy. Thanks the Queen that he shall be shortly recalled.—Berwick, 7 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
June 7. 462. Sir Wm. Drury to Cecil.
The packet to the Queen of Scots is now sent away. Hears that she has made her testament in three parts; whereof she keeps one, another she has sent to France, and the third she means to deliver to some person of trust. She fears the entrance of the Earl of Morton and his complices to disquiet her in her travail. The Earl of Arran has recovered in part his speech.—Berwick, 7 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
June 8. 463. Duke John William of Saxony to the Queen.
Commends Philip Speigel to her favour, who desires to be taken into her service for the wars.—Coburg, 8 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
June 8. 464. Advices.
News from Venice, Messina, Genoa, Rome, and Antwerp.
Ital. Pp. 6.
465. Copy of a portion of the above.
Ital. Pp. 5.
June 8. 466. Otto Duke of Lunenburg to Cecil.
Thanks him for his kindness to Andreas, and sends him according to his wish a copy of the precise terms of his pension.—Harburg, 8 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
June 8. 467. The Queen to the Governor and Treasurer of Berwick.
Authorises them to make payment to certain soldiers and their captains, and also to see that her allowance of 2d. per day to the whole garrison is paid.
Endd. Pp. 2.
468. Copy of part of the above.—Greenwich, 8 June 1566.
Endd. P. ½.
June 9. 469. The Queen to Thomas Danett.
Directs him to thank the Emperor for his letter. Commends him for his diligence and for the discreet and circumspect uttering of his message.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 1.
May and
June 10.
470. Advices from Sir Thos. Hoby to Leicester and Cecil.
1. May 24. There being a secret bruit of a practise to kill the Admiral, D'Andelot, and the Count Rochefoucault, arising upon the continual resort of captains and men-at-arms, &c. to this city, whereof by estimation, beside footmen, there were counted 20,000 horsemen, to the assisting of both factions, notice was given of this concourse of people to the Queen Mother.
2. May 25. She sent in the morning four companies of the King's guard to remain within the town; and directed a commission to Marshal Montmorency, the Governor, to take order for to drive out of the city such as were not of the ordinary household with each nobleman and gentleman.
3. May. 26. He diminished the company and train of the Cardinal of Lorraine and his faction, but displaced not a man of the Admiral's or of his friends.
4. May 28. The King sent MM. De Lansac and De la Garde to take order for removing of the great trains that the Admiral and the rest his faction had about the city.
5. May 29. The Marshal complained to the King and Queen Mother of any intermeddling in his Government.
6. The Cardinal required justice at the King's hand against the false surmise and slander of the Admiral that he should attempt to kill him. The Admiral alleging such proofs of the attempt required the King to see it punished.
7. June 1. The Duke of Guise departed toward Hungary with 80 horses. The King gave toward his journey 40,000 crowns. De Nemours went to his charge.
8. June 2, Whit Sunday. The Prince of Conde wrote to the Queen Mother that there were certain lying in wait for his life.
9. June 4. Marriage between the Count Dauphin and Damoiselle Mezieres, procured chiefly by the Admiral and his faction for firmer friendship between the house of Bourbon and them.
10. June 8. It is said that the French King means after the delivery of the Queen of Scots to send thither a guard of Frenchmen.
Add. Pp. 3.
June 10. 471. John De Alsenburg to the Queen.
Desires licence to export 6,000 undyed and undressed cloths, paying the same custom as a citizen of London.— 4 Id. Junii 1566. Signed.
Add. Lat. Pp. 2.
June 10. 472. Christopher Mundt to Cecil.
1. On Whit Sunday asked leave of the Emperor to depart, who granted it to him very graciously.
2. On the following day the Emperor and his Court left Augsburg.
3. There is much base money in Lower Germany.
4. On the fourth Mundt left Augsburg and went to Stutgard to the Duke of Wirtemburg. The Duke told him that the Emperor in his presence and that of several of the other Princes had said that he was of that religion which was contained in the confession of Augsburg.—Rastadt, 10 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil., with seal. Lat. Pp. 3.
June 10. 473. Sir Thomas Hoby to Cecil.
Is grieved at not being thought worthy to enjoy his country. There was lately a secret practice to have killed the Admiral, D'Andelot, and Rochefoucault by a great concourse of people drawing out of all parts of the realm.— Paris, 10 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Much mutilated. Pp. 2.
June 10. 474. Montague, Wotton, and Haddon to the Privy Council.
1. Have with the other Commissioners perused thoroughly all such articles as had been before taken and delivered between them, and sends books of the same whereby they may perceive in what state they stand with these men.
2. Until they have some further answer from their Princes they have no cause of meeting.—Bruges, 10 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 10. 475. Conference at Bruges.
Abstract of the proofs shown by the English Commissioners at Bruges in favour of certain imposts, &c.
Lat. Pp. 6.
June 10. 476. The Queen to the Governor and Treasurer of Berwick.
Appoints Nicholas Harrington clerk of the ordnance, who is to keep perfect books of the state thereof and to receive 2s. per day, which is now allowed to John Bennet for a clerk. There are to be no artificers or labourers or any extraordinary expenses taken up or incurred but such as shall be limited by warrant.—Greenwich, 10 June 1566.
Endd. Pp. 3½.
477. Copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 2.
478. Another copy.
Endd. Pp. 2½.
June 11. 479. Charges for Berwick.
Account of money disbursed for causes mentioned for the Queen's service by warrant from the Lord Governor, amounting to 220l. 9s. 8d.
Endd. Pp. 3.
June 11. 480. Sir Thomas Hoby to Cecil.
1. His charges come not under 5l. the day, which is half as much more as the Queen's allowance. The price of all things since Smith's departure is augmented from 100 to 160. Informed the Queen Mother of the increase of the factions in this town, who thanked him. The practise was that Charlebois and Attine should have slain the Admiral, D'Andelot, and Rochfoucault.
2. The Duke of Chatelherault said that if their quarrel was good for Calais that the Scots would not meddle.
3. Is sorry to hear their stir which is noised to be for the maintenance of Popish attire.—Paris, 11 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3½.
4. P.S., on separate slip of paper.—M De Foix's porter hoped now to have more rest than he had in England, for he was many mornings raised to open the gate to his master's spies. There was one called Pope very brave in his apparel and had intelligence even from some clerk of the Council.
5. Desires him to burn this.
P. 1.
June 12. 481. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Trusts that the Queen will not restrain his coming up, and if she does, that Cecil will continue his favour to him in prosecuting his suit. Last week they had a child shamefully murdered by its mother, who is fled. Last night, certain of the garrison meaning to impound some cattle which they found within the bounds were set upon by the Scots and one man overthrown and the cattle taken away. Rokeby was within this town last year, and had conference with Rowland Johnson, who was also with him in Yorkshire, pretending buying of land. He has also lent Rokeby money. —Berwick, 12 June 1566. Signed.
Pp. 3.
June 12. 482. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
End of a letter.—Imperfect. Berwick, 12 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Eudd. P. ¼.
June 12. 483. A Memorial for the Intercourse.
1. If they of the Low Countries refuse the continuance of the intercourse because they may not impose upon the Queen's subjects like charges as they paid here, they will not fail to levy such customs as will make the said equality.
2. The Flemings should be removed from the water side, or else it will be hard to keep them in any order.
3. It will not much hinder the staple of wool to keep the mart at Feversham.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 1½.
June 13. 484. Queen Elizabeth to the Queen of Scots.
Will search out the truth regarding Randolph's Phantasy. The punishment shall be worthy of the crime. Has banished her evil subjects. Is much displeased to hear that one of her open rebels has been so well received by her and her councillors. This is not the way to obtain her wishes. Is not so foolish as to suffer such wrong without revenge, but if she removes this stumbling block she will find her all that she wishes. Hopes that she may have "courte peine et heureuse heur."—Greenwich, 13 June 1566.
Draft. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2¼.
June 13. 485. The Confession of John De Freyburg.
1. John of Freyburgh having made a confession, partly freely and partly through torture, at Dresden, in the presence of certain officers of Duke Augustus of Saxony, freely confirms the same on oath in the following points:
2. That he is a servant of Count Grombach, and was with him in the attack on Wurtzburg. That the said Count has given him a gun to kill Duke Augustus when out hunting; and that he had sworn to do so in the presence of Duke John Frederick, Grombach, and Wilhelm De Steyn; and, moreover, that Grombach had practised to poison the said Duke. 13 June 1566.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 4½.
June 13 486. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
Hears that O'Neile has above 5,000 men, and 600 or 700 Scots. Sarlebois serves him. The assistance he gets comes by other means than the Earl of Argyll. Has received the safe-conduct for the Earl of Morton, who departs for Flanders; the rest are departed. Sends Rokesby's man's confession.—Berwick, 13 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 4. 487. Confession of Humphrey Anderson.
Touching the conveying of Christopher Rokesby into Scotland. Signed by Sir John Forster. Enclosure.
P. 1.
June 14. 488. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
1. The Earl of Argyll has liberty to suffer as many of his country as will go to O'Neile to let them pass.
2. The offers made unto him have been great, as well for present commodity of cattle as hereafter to enjoy any portion of land that may be profitable to him in the same isle. Upon this matter he has had conference with Murray and Grange, who find his determination not so godly as they wish. They have been earnestly in hand with him to become O'Neile's open enemy, and reminded him of the benefits their country had received of the Queen.
3. He has now consented to Murray and Grange, that if the Queen will procure at the hands of their Sovereign that the banished Lords may be restored, and that the religion be not altered, he will not only become enemy to Shane O'Neil with all his force, but also will hinder what he can all such practices that are now in hand between the Queen his Sovereign and the Papists of England, with any other lawful service; whereunto Murray gives his consent, and promises his assistance, by whom Randolph is willed to advertise their minds and resolution, and return the Queen's answer. It is hard to understand the bottom of Rokesby's practices as he deals so circumspectly.
4. There is great talk of Frenchmen to arrive in Scotland.
5. Straight order is taken that the news, of the Scottish Queen's delivery shall not out of the castle before James Melville is past Berwick; he may be beguiled if Randolph's friends serve his turn, then shall Cecil have it in writing before any haste he can make.—Berwick, 14 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3½.
June 14. 489. Sir Thomas Hoby to Cecil.
1. Rouzier, one of the preachers of Orleans, has been committed to the Bastile for a certain book which a familiar friend conveyed out of his study, being vehement against such princes that have known the word of God and afterwards fall from it, wherein he seems to touch the Queen Mother. He denies that ever he made, saw, or heard of any such book before.
2. On Corpus Christi Day the King and the Court went in procession about the town. His audience for L'Estrille's matter is appointed for to-morrow.—Paris, 14 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
June 14. 490. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Rokesby was here about Allhallowtide last, and tarried two days. Of late, without leave, a soldier of this garrison departed hence, and is now a follower of Rokesby, who goes to Mass, and has a servant of his at London. He was desirous to speak with one of this garrison, whom Drury is accustomed to send with the Queen of Scots' letters (which he refused), but he has given him leave to hear him, and instructions how to deal. With this soldier there departed this town one named Wryte, servant and clerk to Mr. Udall, a Justice of the Peace in Richmondshire. He has been a traveller, and has the French and Latin tongue, and (is) not of the best conversation. There be Scots that think Rokesby's being in Scotland proceeds of great practice.— Berwick, 14 June. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 15. 491. Instructions for Henry Killegrew.
1. He is to repair to the Queen of Scots and declare the Queen's desire for amity and friendship, but is to complain of the comfort given to Shane O'Neile, the reception of Mr. Rokesby, and the wilful carelessness of the Wardens on the East Borders. He is also to complain of private wrongs done to English merchants by pirates, and to require a direct answer to his complaints. The Queen of England's doubts are also increased by Robert Melville seeming to make it part of his service to solicit her subjects to make a determination of the Queen of Scots' title without orderly disquisition. Where the Queen of Scots is offended with the making of certain books against her, the opening of her letters, and the staying of Melville at Berwick, he is to reiterate the Queen's intention fully to satisfy her. As to the motion made by Melville for a meeting to be held this summer betwixt them, if it is renewed by the Queen, he may say, that he heard the officers of the household allege it to be impossible to have such provisions as were meet for the honours of both the Queens upon so short a warning.
2. Besides his dealing with the Queen, he is to understand truly what Shane O'Neile has done with Argyll, or any of the Irish Scots for his support. He is to say that Shane is aided principally by those who uphold the Pope's authority. He is not to make his power appear too great.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 13.
June 15. 492. The Queen to Sir Thomas Hoby.
1. Understands that there are great preparations of men, munitions, and ships made about St. Malo, and cannot but enter into some jealousy for Jersey and Guernsey. Directs him to require the King to give her to understand the truth hereof, and also to procure meet persons to repair to those parts.
2. Savigny has departed by sea before he could be taken; at his coming he made suit to her to intercede with the King.
Orig. Draft, partly in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 15. 493. A Remembrance for Killegrew.
Different grievances on the borders for the redress of which he is to move the Queen and secret Council of Scotland.
In the writing of and signed by Sir John Forster. Endd. Pp. 4½.
June 16. 494. Advices.
News from Turin, Naples, and Rome during the month of May, and from Antwerp, 16 June.
Ital. Pp. 4.
495. Copy of the above with the exception of the intelligence from Antwerp.
Ital. Pp. 3¼.
June 16. 496. Captain Cockburn to the Earl of Bedford and Cecil.
The death of Davye has changed the great traffic had of long [time] between Scotland and the Cardinal of Lorraine, the Scotch bishops, the Pope, and Spain, yet matters were so far advanced that they still continue their labours. On the death of Davye, there was a little ship sent from Scotland with one called Blacater, to the Cardinal of Lorraine, and three days after the Bishop of Dunblane and others departed to Rome, and the Cardinal sent a secretary into Scotland, who arrived back on the first inst. The coming of the Bishop of Dunblane from Rome has stayed De Crocq for certain days. The Queen of Scots employs no Scotchmen in worthy matters, but Papists.—Paris, 16 June. Signed: George Beaumont.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 16. 497. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
1. The Earl of Morton departs forth of Newcastle to-morrow in one Mr. Anderson's ships.
2. The Warden of Scotland still "shoots" the days of March, both upon the East and Middle Marches, and writes unto him that the occasion thereof is that the Lairds of Ferniehurst, Bedrowle, Hunthill, and others under his rule will not answer for their men, albeit they have been commanded by the Council of Scotland thereunto, so he has ridden to Edinburgh to make complaint upon them to the Queen.—Alnwick, 16 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 17. 498. Sir Wm. Drury to Cecil.
1. Minds to keep secret his advertisement of 300 to be sent hence into Irelend. Captain Read is much desired by the Lord Lieutenant to come thither.
2. He that he sent to Edinburgh is returned and cannot hear of Rokeby, so gathers he is drawn into Tyvidale to Sir Andrew Carre, who sends and receives from him. Hears that one Chambeley is come to him and it is judged some great practice is in hand. A servant of Lady Lennox's arrived from Flanders at Leith with two coffers. It is thought Robert Melvyle had conference in his going up with Christopher Lascelles.—Berwick, 17 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 17. 499. Charges at Berwick.
The charges for 300 soldiers with their captains and officers there from the Michaelmas 1565, to Midsummer 1566, amounting to 3,041l. 16s.
Endd. P. ¼.
June 17.
500. Thomas Parker to Lord Morley.
On the 5th there departed seventy galleys from Carthagena, who entered the haven of Oran upon a sudden, and took all the navy of Argell (Algiers) and landed 4,000 soldiers who pursued the camp upon the land and took thirty-two pieces of artillery and slew 7,000 men. Desires that money may be sent to Challoner.—Eversa [Ibica], 17th June. Signed.
Add., with seal. Pp. 1½.
June 17. 501. Montague, Wootton, and Haddon to the Privy Council.
1. This morning they met the other Commissioners, who declared that the Regent marvelled upon consideration of the Queen's resolution that she made no more reckoning of her offers, namely in poundage, where they had offered to pay what was required; with divers others complaints, all which being weighed by her she had commanded them to persist resolutely in all these things.
2. The first repeated in how many and weighty things the Queen had agreed to them, and complained that these offers were not accepted, and that she had commanded them to spend no further time in these matters. In the end they were content to a prolongation of the colloquy, and all things to continue in the same state as they were then.—Bruges, 17 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 17. 502. Montague, Wotton, and Haddon to Cecil.
Thank him for his letters. They are well agreed though not in their principal matters, yet for the manner of their departure.—Bruges, 17 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
June 18. 503. The Queen to Gresham.
He is to take up 6,000l. in Antwerp, and pay them to the Lord Treasurer.—Greenwich, 18 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June [18]. 504. Earl of Murray to Cecil.
As it has pleased the Queen upon this happy succession to direct Mr. Melville towards the Queen of England, he sends this and exhorts him to continue his accustomed goodwill and diligence to maintain and further the mutual intelligence between their two Sovereigns.—Edinburgh, June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 19. 505. Sir Thomas Hoby to the Queen.
1. Has spoken to M. De Foix in the matter of L'Estrille, who said that it would be well done to speak to the King in it.
2. After the procession on Corpus Christi Day news came that at Parniers the Protestants had slain in their defence 300 Papists. The Queen Mother the next day gave him audience, and said that the King would take advice about L'Estrille with his Council.—Paris, 19 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp 2½.
June 19. 506. Sir Thomas Hoby to Cecil.
The Cardinal of Lorraine's secretary went into Scotland about the 10th of April disguised like a merchant who had been spoiled by pirates, and repaired to the Queen's presence daily. Sends news of the procession and the slaughter at Parniers. The King is recompensed with 300,000 francs by the city of Paris. The Scottish Duke perceiving that he has but delays desires leave to depart into Germany. Mentions his proceedings in the matter of L'Estrille. Has been visited by divers people of good credit, accompanied with the schoolmaster to the Duke of Anjou, who had a long conversation on the use of altars, organs, crosses, copes, etc. in England which they said must needs argue a change shortly there. Complains that crosses, copes, and Sir John's caps discredit their doings with both factions here.—Paris, 19 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 19. 507. Thomas Fitzwilliam to Hugh Fitzwilliam.
Sends him reports of news from different foreign countries. —Chancery Lane, 19 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 20. 508. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. One Thwaites who has fled here for hurting a man of the Chief Justices has offered to employ his life in anything that might serve his country. Has caused him to be told that Rokeby is fled into Scotland, and if his purpose could be secretly learned and advertised hither he would do his best in being suitor that the same might return to his good. He promised that he would enter into familiarity with him and do his best. James Melville yesternight arrived here, who has been appointed to bring the news to the Queen of her delivery.
2. It is thought the Lord (Bothwell) minds the death of Lethington. The quarrels and slaughters begins again between the Scotts and the Elliotts, and the Scotts have the worst, and so are likely to continue, for they want Murray's aid. George Douglas has secretly dealt to make his peace by Lord Darnley's means, and has declared his knowledge of such as were acquainted with the slaughter of David, and, as he hears, charges Murray to be acquainted therewith, and that he should give him a parsonage or title worth a hundred marks by the year for bringing the same to pass. The Bishop of Ross is greatest in favour and acquainted with most secrets. The Parson of Fliske declares the reason is for that he will take a cup too many. David's brother is growing fast into favour.—Berwick, 20 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 18. 509. The Queen of Scots to Drury.
Desires that he would further James Melville with horses in his journey to the Queen.—Edinburgh Castle, 18 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Copy. P. 1.
June 20. 510. John Keyle to Cecil.
Excuses himself for his delay on his journey. Of the Lady Cecilia he hears nothing but that she talks largely, and that she goes shortly into Lorraine.—Sluys, 20 June 1566 Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
June 20. 511. Sir Thomas Gresham to Cecil.
Has taken up 3,600 li. Flemish, and sends him a note for the making of the bonds, and desires to know the Queen's pleasure for the rest.—London, 20 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 21. 512. Sir Thomas Hoby to Cecil.
There is nothing in the preparations at St. Malo. The matters of Scotland are kept very secret here. Order shall be taken for sending over L'Estrille with speed. Has visited the Duchess D'Estampes a grave, godly, wise, sober, and courteous lady, one of the stays of the reformed religion in France.—Paris, 21 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 21. 513. Edward Cook to Cecil.
Finds much courtesy at the hands of divers of the French Court. The King uses much to go about in divers places disguised. He and the Duke of Anjou were at St. Denis disguised in pages' apparel to see the fair.—Paris, 21 June. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
June 21. 514. Sir Richard Lee to the Privy Council.
For that he would accomplish his promise to bring up the vanmures and galleries to be serviceable for the watch in winter, he has taken in above the number of men they appointed. Beseeches them to direct order to the Treasurer here for their payment.—Berwick, 21 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
June 21. 515. Sir Richard Lee to Cecil.
1. Desires him to appoint some order for payment of the workmen here.—Berwick, 21 June 1566. Signed.
2. P.S.—There has been no, pay for the works here since October 1564.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 22. 516. The Lords of the Privy Council to the Commissioners in Flanders.
Have received their letters of the 17th and like well their doings. Notwithstanding the letters addressed to them within these two days they are to proceed according to their last letters.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Pp. 2.
June 22. 517. The Queen to the Commissioners in Flanders.
Refers them to her former letters for instructions. They are to press the agreement for poundage and for impost of cloths according to their former instructions and not to yield any further. They are to let the English merchants understand that they persist in the articles which concern them.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 22. 518. The Princess Cecilia of Sweden to Cecil.
Complains that her furniture has been detained in England by the Queen's subjects.—Baden, 22 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1¼.
June 24. 519. Dr. Nicholas Wotton to Cecil.
Seeing that they cannot agree upon the principle there is a prorogation concluded, but not until any certain day. Advises that the English merchants should send some of their cloth to other places, and make a countenance as though they would traffic elsewhere. Intends going to Spa.—Bruges, 24 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 24. 520. Sir Wm. Drury to Cecil.
Mr. Killigrew arrived here on Thursday the 20th, and the next forenoon he had conference with Randolph and departed towards Edinburgh. Has given him instructions touching the matters wherein the Queen of Scots has complained against him. An Irish Ambassador is come to the Earl of Argyll to Edinburgh. The evening after the birth of the Prince there were a number of bonfires in Edinburgh, about 500.—Berwick, 24 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1.
June 24. 521. Henry Killigrew to Cecil.
Arrived at Berwick within three days after his departure from London, and arrived here yesterday. Went to the sermon, where he found the Earls of Huntly, Argyll, Murray, Mar, and Crawford, and afterwards dined with the Earls of Argyll and Murray. The birth of the young Prince has bred much joy here in general, the Queen in good state for a woman in her case, and the Prince a very goodly child. Cannot perceive that O'Neile is like to have any great aid. There are divers Englishmen in this town. The Earls of Argyll, Murray, Mar, and Athol are in the Court linked together. The Earl of Bothwell and the Master of Maxwell are on the Borders, bearing the Queen in hand that there is some practise to bring in the Earl of Morton, but the truth is that Bothwell would not be in danger of the four abovenamed who lie in the Castle. Bothwell's credit with the Queen is more than all the rest together. The Earl of Lennox has sent Killegrew offers of courtesy for the Queen's sake. Lethington being ready to go into Flanders had word that Bothwell laid wait to take him by sea, whereupon he is gone into Argyll. The Bishop of Ross does all the Queen's affairs of state.—Edinburgh, 24 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 24. 522. Henry Killigrew to Cecil.
1. This afternoon he was brought to the Queen of Scots' bedside, who received thankfully the Queen's letters. Was brought to the young Prince, whom he found sucking his "nouryee." Afterwards did see him as good as naked, his head, feet, hands, all to his judgment well proportioned.
2. The Queen spake faintly, with a hollow cough.
3. By Murray's report his credit is not much better than when he looked for banishment. Two great chests and eight or ten letters brought out of Flanders for the Queen and her husband. Rokesby has taken a chamber for three months, and keeps himself secret.—Edinburgh, 24 June. Signed.
Add. Endd.: 23 June. Pp. 2.
June 25. 523. Memorial by Bedford.
Concerning certain points to be ascertained for his guidance in his government.
Endd. P. 1.
June 26. 524. Sir Wm. Drury to Cecil.
Asks him to procure a warrant that a store house for the munition and artillery may be finished before Lee's departure hence.—Berwick, 26 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 26. 525. Sir Wm. Drury to Bedford.
Proclamation was made of late at Kelso Dunse, and yesterday at Foulden, being their feast and fair day, that no Scotsman upon pain of death should have conference with any Englishman, and if any of theirs were found or taken in Scotland to be holden as prisoners, and for proof they have detained a man who was sometime a soldier.—Berwick, June 26, 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 27. 526. Sir Thomas Gresham to Cecil.
Sends certain letters and his general account. Also a ring with his arms. Has given order for the taking up of 2,000l. —London, 27 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
June 27. 527. Advices.
News from Lublin, 20 June 1566; and from Vienna, 27 June.
Endd. Pp. 2¼.
June 28. 528. The Earl of Bedford to the Queen.
1. At his leaving he forgot to put her in remembrance of the matter touching Sir Henry Percy, the cause and ground whereof she understands, wherein for his purgation and her better service hereafter he asks her to make declaration to Mr. Secretary.
2. Asks her to have in remembrance his discharge from Berwick at Michaelmas next.—London, 28 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1½.
June 28. 529. Dr. John Man to Cecil.
Spoke to the King of the wrongs done many years in sundry parts of Spain to the Queen's subjects, who said that he would treat with his Council about the rest. There was a sudden report that Calais was besieged by Flemings and Englishmen. The Duke of Alva assured him that the King would have care for the restitution of Calais. Talking to the Count De Feria for the King's answer to the Queen's letter for the restitution of the eight ships seized at Cadiz, he answered that for all the matters past he would have Man lap them up. The Duke of Alva appointed Secretary Vasquez De Salazara to answer, whose answer was so impertinent that he knew not what to make of it.—Madrid, 28 June 1566. Signed.
Partly in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
June 28. 530. Henry Killegrew to Cecil.
Had audience with the Council on the Border matters and merchants' causes, who said that they had no doubt but that the Queen would answer to their contentation. The Queen's health daily increases to more strength. The Earl of Argyll and Macconel have sent into Ireland 2,000 or 1,200 men, to a parley with O'Neile about Macconel's lands, yet have they no commission to join him in service. The assembly of the clergy exhibit a supplication as well for the confirmation of their religion as for the relief of ministers. Many be troubled about the baptising of the young Prince.—Edinburgh, 28 June. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 28. 531. Sir John Forster to the Lord Hume.
Requires that their meeting appointed to have been held on Monday next, 1st July, may be that day twenty days, and also that he will take order that those under his charge give no occasion of evil until their meeting.—Alnwick, 28 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
June 29. 532. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
1. More ships of war be making to the seas. It grieves him when he hears England prayed for in the Reformed Churches, saying that they are beginning to fall from religion.
2. Sends news of the movements of different French noblemen.—Saint Maur des Fosses, 29 June. Signed: George Beaumont.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June. 533. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
Sends a letter for Robert Melvin, and desires to know whether he shall write freely to him. It were well to send an express to the English Ambassador here, when the Queen of Scots is delivered, or when any great thing is done in Scotland. Believes there be great things to be done there shortly.—Paris, June. Signed: George Beaumont.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
June 29. 534. Advices from Italy.
Intelligence from Messina, 29 June 1566; Genoa, 21 June; Naples, 25 June; Rome, 29 June.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 3½.
June 29. 535. Sir Wm. Drury to Cecil.
The Earl of Athol somewhat mislikes the state there (in Scotland), and is in purpose to depart. There be that conjecture an amity to be lately grown between him and Murray. Standen has had so good proof of Scottish manners as he wishes himself at home. The Queen is occupied in building within Edinburgh Castle.—Berwick, 29 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
June 30. 536. John Keyle to Cecil.
Has been to see certain inventions for making salt. People talk to him of the great liberty that the English have here, and that they have none in England. There were two sermons outside this town by a Frenchman and a Dutchman, at which were 10,000 or 12,000 people.—Antwerp, 30 June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
June. 537. Petition of the Nobility and others professing the Evangel to the King and Queen of Scotland.
1. That all papistry, idolatry, and the Pope's jurisdiction be universally supprest, not only in the subjects but also in the Queen's person, and that the people be instructed to resort to prayers and preachings.
2. That provision be appointed for the sustentation of ministers out of the bishoprics, abbacies, etc.
3. That none be permitted to have charge of schools but such as shall be tried by the superintendents of the kirk.
4. That all lands founded for hospitality, etc. be applied to the sustentation of the poor.
5. That all such horrible crimes as now abound without any correction may be severely punished.
6. That some order be devised for the ease of the poor labourers of the ground concerning the reasonable payment of tithes.
The Queen's Answer.
1. As she has not nor means to press anyone's conscience so she desires that her own may not be prest. If she should change her religion she would lose the friendship of the King of France and the ancient alliance.
2. Cannot defraud herself of so great part of the patrimony of the crown as to put the patronage of the benefices forth of her own hands, but is pleased that special assignment may be made to the ministers.
The rest of the articles are referred to Parliament.
The Kirk's reply to the Answers.
Are grieved, considering that the trumpet of Christ's Evangel has been so long blown in the country that the Queen remains unpersuaded of the truth of their religion, and offer by preaching and disputation to prove that the Mass is nothing but a mass of impiety from beginning to end.
Do not mean to defraud her or any other of their patronage, but require that the persons appointed be tried and examined by the learned men of the Kirk. Affirm that the tithes are the patrimony of the Kirk.
Endd. Pp. 5½.
June. 538. M. Damours to Cecil.
The French Ambassador desires him to assure Cecil that the preparations of ships are not intended against England.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
June. 539. Affairs of the Borders.
Notes touching the affairs of the Borders which have been mentioned in letters of late from Berwick and elsewhere.
Endd. P. 1.
June. 540. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
1. Received his of the 6th instant. The charges due for 300 soldiers meant to be employed towards Ireland amount to 1,198l.
2. This place is so factious as neither patience or lenity breeds any order, and if his displacing might amend it, it were not amiss though he desires to serve. Is upon his journey to Yorkshire, and so to Lynn, to take reckonings of his purveyors. —Berwick, June 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1¼.
June—July. 541. Advices.
Intelligences from Madrid, Rome, Lyons, and Corfu. Endd. Ital. P. 6.