Elizabeth: March 1563, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: March 1563, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp205-225 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1563, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp205-225.

"Elizabeth: March 1563, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp205-225.

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March 1563, 16-20

March 16. 449. The Admiral Coligny to the Queen.
Had intended to send her an ample despatch by M. De Beauvoir, which he showed to Throckmorton, but matters have occurred to alter his mind, and Beauvoir is obliged to stay at Havre De Grace for his charge. He has therefore sent M. De Chastellier, who is instructed in all the occurrents on their side.—Caen, 16 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 16. 450. Admiral Coligny to Cecil.
Perceives his great goodwill by his letters sent by M. De Telligny, for which he and those of his party are grateful. Refers him to the bearer, M. De Chastellier, for news.—Caen, 16 March 1562. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
[March 16.] 451. Cecil to Admiral Coligny. (fn. 1)
Perceives by his letters brought by Du Chastiller in what good part he interpreted what he declared in his letters sent by De Teligny, of his zeal towards God's cause, and of his affection towards him, to both of which he is no less affected than if he were a native of that country. In the cause of religion he holds no difference between nation and nation, but that they are all of one city and country, bound to join together for the defence of themselves against Antichristians, of whatsoever country they may be.
Draft, in Cecil's hol.
[March 16.] 452. Cecil to Admiral Coligny. (fn. 2)
Received his letter by Du Chastellier, by which, and his messages, he thinks himself much beholden to him that he makes so good account of his goodwill towards the maintenance of his cause. Persuades himself that no end shall hereof ensue, but such as shall be honourable to God, sure for themselves, and not damageable for his friends, amongst whom he has good cause to accept the Queen among the best.
March 16. 453. Captain William Reed to Cecil.
The bearer, when serving at Harfleur, went to fill his flask at a barrel of powder, which one by negligence of his match set on fire, whereby he was burnt, lost his sight, and maimed of one of his arms. Begs that he may be relieved at Durham or elsewhere.—Newhaven, 16 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 16. 454. The Queen to the Princess Cecilia of Sweden. (fn. 3)
Has received her letter of 18th January. Thanks her for the expression of her goodwill; and if she comes she will treat her more like a good friend and sister than as a mistress. There are, however, some causes which move her to forbear to write to the King, her brother, which she has declared to some of her friends.
Corrected draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 16 March 1562. Pp. 2.
March 16. 455. Mundt to Cecil.
Since his last letter (of 2nd of March) the Duke of Deuxponts has again sent one of his Councillors to say that he desires to send into England to the Queen, if he can do so safely. Mundt said that the journey was quite safe, and gave letters of commendation to the messenger, one to a merchant of Cologne, another to Gresham, and a third to Mr. Knollys. The King of the Romans, the Electors, and the other Princes are preparing to recover Metz, Toul, and Verdun. The Duke of Deuxponts will perhaps join in their deliberations, as his territory borders on the diocese of Metz. They write that the Cardinal of Lorraine was at Inspruck, treating with the Emperor for the marriage of the French King with the daughter of the King of the Romans; and that of the Queen of Scots with the Archduke Charles. The Landgrave is making great preparations for the marriage of his daughter with the King of Sweden; she will be sent thither at the commencement of spring. The uncle of the Duke of Deuxponts married the sister of the King of Sweden on the 20th of last December. Two French captains have been sent hither by those of Lyons to levy 1,000 reiters for the defence of their city, which has nearly recovered its liberty, the Duke of Nemours having been recalled by the Queen Mother to Orleans. Duke Christopher of Oldenburg will lead a regiment of foot-soldiers into France for Condé. The King of the Romans is in Austria, whither the Emperor will speedily follow him.—Strasburg, 16 March 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
March 17. 456. M. De Foix to Cecil.
The difficulty which the Provost of Paris makes in answering does not proceed from contempt, but rather ignorance. Desires that he will urge the Queen to send one of the Lords of her Council with one of the Provost's servants, who shall tell him what he ought to do in the presence of the said Lord. Desires him to do so from the friendship that he bears to the Provost's uncle, who is one of the King's Privy Council, and was appointed by the late King of Navarre to be tutor to the Prince of Navarre.—17 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 17. 457. Condé to the Queen.
By his last letter she may perceive the preparations for the pacification of these troubles, which are eagerly aided by the Queen Mother. The question of religion is settled in the enclosed articles, by which (if the malice of men does not oppose) they will soon see it greatly increase. They fear rather want of preachers than of places to receive them. Has told the Queen Mother that he cannot conclude anything without the consent of the Admiral and the noblemen who are with him, till which time he has postponed to speak about the points which touch her.—Orleans, 17 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 17. 458. Smith to the Queen.
1. On the 12th inst. despatched William Cauthorne. Went on the 14th to the Ambassador of Spain, who had sent him word on the 11th that the peace was concluded. Sent him the articles which the Prince had sent. The Ambassador said that if he had not taken a little cold he would have come and communicated to Smith as much as he knew; and that the articles which he sent were but the same. With respect to the offices, Martigues should still be colonel in D'Andelot's room, and D'Andelot Marshal of France in the room of Montmorency, and Montmorency (who is a Huguenot, or little it lacks,) shall be Grand Master, which they take away from the young boy, the Duke of Guise. Châtillon shall continue Admiral; D'Anville shall be Admiral of the south; and the survivor shall have the whole. The Duke of Guise shall be Grand Chamberlain, his younger brother Grand Veneur. D'Aumale has nothing; and all the house of Guise shall retire to their houses. This last he would not affirm, but said that the King would avow both armies; as indeed at the first she commanded the Prince and his faction to arm, but afterwards they went too far, and would not disarm when bidden. He said that there was one sent into England to see if the Queen would take assurance to have Calais delivered at the end of four years. When the writer asked what assurance could they have of France, the Ambassador said that there was none, except they did as the Spaniards had done, and kept what they had until the French delivered it. He thought they never meant to deliver it, except by force. Condé said that he had never agreed to the delivery of Newhaven to the Queen, and that it was evil done; that he never bargained for the rendering of Calais; and that if she does not restore Newhaven he will be one of the first that will take arms against her. They think (looking at her expenses) that if the Prince and the Admiral do not perform their promises, the King must do them justice; which, if he refuse to do, she might justly by letters of marque take all French goods and ships until it be paid. Takes Calais to be as much the Queen's as Dover. The Ambassador thought that if the Queen had Caen, Dieppe, and Newhaven, the French must needs agree with her, for she could make more war in defending those three towns with 100,000 crowns than they shall recover with 2,000,000. But if all the power of France be bent on one town alone, it cannot long hold out, be it never so strong. Likewise, if they keep all the French ships which are in Newhaven and Dieppe, and retire them to England, and land now in one place and now in another, the French will be at such charge for defence that they shall be constrained to yield.
2. To this Smith said that the French were like to be troubled with the Emperor for Metz, Toul, and Verdun. The Ambassador answered that though the Emperor would gladly take some towns of theirs, he lacked money, and the Princes of the Empire were loth to contribute, and some of them were corrupted by the French. He expostulated that the Spanish Ambassador in England was urgently handled for keeping the keys of his house, and for some Spaniards coming to Mass, and was not ambassador-like treated when he came to the Court.
3. On the 14th, Percival, his steward, met a French gentleman of good quality who conducted one of those Spanish gentlemen to the camp, who came to show the Queen that Don Hernando De Toledo, bastard son of the Duke of Alva, would be on the next or third day at Amboise, accompanied with twenty or thirty gentlemen; and also that his coming was to ask leave from the King of Spain to bring through France 10,000 footmen and fourteen cornets of horse, who are now ready to arrive at Bordeaux or Blaye, and that Count D'Egmont has 10,000 men ready about Cambray. The French gentleman feared that it was against his own country, utterly to extirpate those of the religion; for the Spaniards say that if peace be so made that they may have preaching, or may openly profess the new religion, the King of Spain will denounce war to France. So, he thought, that either all this face of accord was but a treason wrought of the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Queen Mother to attrap the Protestants; or that the King of Spain will take his time that France is weakened, thinking with the help of Paris and the Papists to bring it into subjection. They say that the Queen Mother prays the Spaniards to go home again. The Cardinals of Bourbon and Lorraine are gone to Paris for money to pay the reiters, by whom the Admiral makes his excuse that he is willing to do all the Queen Mother shall appoint him, but the reiters will not suffer him to depart until they are paid. There is no talk but of war with England. On March 17 understood that the accord was sealed by both parties. This day it was proclaimed in Blois that no man be troubled for religion.—Blois, 17 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., portions in cipher, a few of which have been previously deciphered. Add. Endd.: By De Favoris. Pp. 6.
March 17. 459. Smith to the Queen.
1. Since he sent his letters by Barlow, he sent a despatch by his servant, William Cauthorn, on the 12th inst., with letters which he had received from Condé and others, and also the articles of accord. On the 14th inst. he sent Hans, his Almain, to Newhaven, with the letters which he received from Condé, and his answers thereto; also D'Andelot's letters and the same articles. Has entreated the bearer, De Favoris, to go to her.
2. The Queen Mother and all the Protestants and Papists are at an accord. One of their conditions is to set upon Newhaven and drive the English out of France. The King of Spain joins with them, and if they can they will take some port town in England, Camber, Portsmouth, the Wight, or Plymouth. Has received no letters from England since the 1st ult. but those which Lethington's man brought. As his men have not returned, he fears that they are stayed.—Blois, 17 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal, entirely in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd.: By De Favoris. Pp. 2.
March 17. 460. Smith to Cecil.
1. Marvels that he sends none of his [Smith's] men; he has now three, of whom he would have two again. If they are stayed in France (for all their passports), it is easy to know what is meant; but whether they be or no he may look to have war out of hand. As he has ever written, he sees now if they were once agreed together, they would all turn upon the English.
2. It is thought that the 4,000 or 5,000 Spanish footmen, and twelve or fourteen cornets of horsemen, which arrived about Bordeaux, (for whose passage through France Don Hernando De Toledo comes,) will be turned upon the English. Yet neither the Pope's Legate, nor the King of Spain, like the French, accord within themselves. Prays him to ask Gresham to send him credit for 1,000 crowns. Has no money. Cecil knows the bearer, De Favoris, whom the writer takes to be a spy. He will doubtless see him well rewarded if he does this message well.—Blois, 17 March 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—The English ports should be looked to and the way strengthened.
Orig., with seal. Entirely in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd.: By De Favoris. Pp. 2.
March 17. 461. The Queen to Shears.
1. Since his departure towards Brussels, she perceives that the King of Spain has stopped the ships of some of her subjects in Spain upon pretence that certain of his has been spoiled in the narrow seas. Considering whether it will be meet for her subjects to trade into the Low Countries, until she sees a full relaxation of her subjects, and the trade thither to be open and free, she alters his negociations there, after the following:
2. If before the coming of these letters he finds the Duchess and Council there ready to incline to his motion, (viz., to suspend the late prohibitions, and put the intercourse at liberty,) he is to say that he has received knowledge of the restraint made in Spain, and until she understands from thence of a free release, she cannot induce her subjects to resort to the Low Countries, but they must transport their cloths to Embden, Hamburg, Lubeck, and such like. He is to let them understand that this restraint in Spain is the cause that constrains her merchants to come into those countries at this time.
3. If he has not uttered his first charge at the receipt hereof, then he is to say that if they will suspend their edicts, and procure a full release of the restraint in Spain, she will refuse no means to minister justice to the King's subjects, sparing none of hers in any offence. If at the coming of these letters he has departed from the Duchess with a resolution that the edicts shall be suspended and the traffic opened, yet if he is on that side the sea he is to return and declare this new matter.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 17 March 1563. M. from the Queen to Mr. Sheres. Pp. 4.
[March 18.] 462. [The Earl of Arran?] to [the Earl of Murray?]
1. Is in danger of his life for revealing the treason against the Queen and him; "therefore succour me, and as ye take care of me, traist brother, and the innocent blood, and make you to come and seem as if I were guilty, otherwise I will have my throat cut here. Have compassion upon me, as ye would that God should have compassion upon you, my Lord, my brother." Signed: James Hamilton.
2. P. S.—Asks him to show this to Randolph and bid him visit him.
Copy, in Randolph's hol., and add. by him to Cecil. Endd.: 18 March 1562, Mr. Tho. Randolph to Mr. Secretary. Pp. 2.
March 18. 463. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Great sorrow here for the death of the Duke of Guise. The Queen is marvellously sad, and her ladies shed tears like showers of rain, and others for company, though their hearts be never a whit heavy. Before Monday the 15th inst., no knowledge came to her of the Duke's hurt, at which time they were assured of it by Cecil's letters to Sir Thomas Dacres. Murray and the Justice Clerk were the first openers of the matter. They assured Lethington to be the advertiser, and that the same was confirmed by his [Cecil's] letters.
2. The Queen sends the bearer, M. Raulet, her secretary, to Lethington with command immediately to pass into France with letters to the Queen Mother, her grandmother, the Duke's wife, and others, and also to see how to further the accord. Thus much he knows by others, but nothing by herself. She shall shortly find how much more the Queen's friendship may stand her in stead than any that bore the name of Guise.
3. Murray requires Cecil to ask the Queen to write some comfortable letters to this Queen, whereof great good will ensue. His whole purpose is now to bend all her affection that way. Trusts that Queen Elizabeth will so write, and give the writer authority to say some good.
4. There are here with her the Earls Murray, Argyll, and Marshal. This day she rides towards Falkland for eight or ten days.
5. They have heard nothing of the state of things in France since the death of the Duke, nor what has become of him that slew him. Prays that Somer or some other may advertise them.—St. Andrews, 18 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 2.
March 18. 464. The Queen to Sir Henry Percy.
Commands him to bring the Earl of Bothwell up here with all speed. Has ordered the Sheriffs between here and the Borders to aid him in his journey hither.—Westminster, 18 March, 5 Eliz.
Copy. Add. Endd.: 18 March 1562. Pp. 2.
March 18. 465. Horsey to Cecil.
1. The Admiral having employed Montgomery since his going to Caen, has sent hither Captain Gaunceville, (one of those who was with the writer when last in England,) to govern in his place. The Countess, his wife, left here last Saturday the 18th, when the writer sent a messenger to Cecil, but the wind has prevented his passage until now. The soldiers (having intelligence that the Admiral had prevailed against many towns in Bas Normandy) would all have gone thither with her in hope of spoil, so he was driven to persuade with them to take heed how they left this place so slenderly, as well for that the enemy was still lingering hereabouts, as for that the Queen had been at charge with keeping this place; so he has stayed them hitherto.
2. Since he wrote, this town has been attempted by divers alarms, thinking to have surprised it by treason; but such watch has been kept that their enterprise has been broken, and divers captains and soldiers of this town taken to prison upon suspicion of conspiracy, who are all (as they will confess nothing, and it is a hard matter to find witnesses,) condemned to be tortured. They have certain news that Rouen is in great fear. The priests, canons, monks, friars, and nuns carry baskets, and labour daily in the fortifications of the town. Has found the burgesses of this town as honest and trusty and to all occasions of service as ready and well appointed as any soldiers in the town. Here is now a new bruit of peace to be conclued, but it is not certain. Has sent to the Earl of Warwick to know what he would have him do.—Dieppe, 18 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
[March 18?] 466. Steward to Smith.
1. Condé goes to Amboise to see the King, where he has promised to devise with Smith concerning his last writing. The writer also intends to see Smith with him, where they will talk further of sundry matters; but if this voyage is stopped, he will send a gentleman of Smith's knowledge who shall certify him of all M. D'Andelot writes to Smith; he is not of the voyage. They received this day news from the Admiral, who departed yesternight from Caen to come here in all diligence; his voyage has been prosperous. He is not well contented with this peace, but the writer thinks he will be constrained to pass it as the rest. Has always been assured that their friends and allies will not be forgot. Touching the inconstancy that he has in suspicion, the writer hopes that it shall not turn into a miserable end, as he fears; yet it is more than it should be, and all remedies are used thereto, through which there may come some good success. The articles are all accorded except one, which he has noted. The form of the edict is made wholly by their advice and the Chancellor's; nothing rests but the coming of the Admiral, and thereafter it will be proclaimed.
2. Thursday, in the morning. Has sent him the form of the edict, which is the first draft of the original, corrected and "visited" by the Chancellor. Smith shall hereafter understand more. Signed in cipher.
Copy. Passages in Smith's cipher, deciphered. Endd. Not registered. Pp. 2.
March 19. 467. Smith to the Queen.
1. There will be most likely war with her and her realm. Sent Middlemore and three others of his servants, one after the other, each with a packet to her, but none have returned. Is in an agony to attempt to send always to England, because he is afraid that his men are stopped; and if they are, before long he will be commanded to keep his house. Sent her, on the 12th inst., copies of letters he received from the Prince, Steward, and one Coke, with the articles of their accord. On the 14th he returned his Almain with letters to the Earl of Warwick and the copies of the Prince's letters, the articles, and his answer to the Prince and M. D'Andelot, to be sent from thence to her. Sends doubles of the same herewith. Despatched Favoris yesterday with letters to the Admiral, Middlemore, Warwick, and two to her, whereof one is of a communication between the writer and the Ambassador of Spain, the double whereof he sends herewith. Takes Favoris to be D'Aubespine's spy. If he do well, and be well used, he may do her good service at this time. Sends her his letters to the Prince and M. D'Andelot, Steward's answers, and the copy of the edict, as it is drawn to be in print. What business he had to come by these it is easy to guess. Orleans is kept as strait as ever. The Queen has not yet entered, howbeit the pioneers on this side are sent home. Wrote to her before of 250 men who came out of Tours through this town, three weeks or a month past. Yesterday four score of them returned, and they not all at their ease. They say that the rest be all buried about the ditches of Portereau. Men say here that the Spaniards shall go to Jargeau. The camp is come to Beaugency. They look every day when the Queen should come hither, and so to Amboise to the King.
2. It is not known what the Spaniards will do who are to arrive about Bordeaux and Blois. They name still 7,000 or 8,000 footmen, and twelve cornets of horse. Some say they shall into Flanders; others that they come through France, others that they shall against England, and some that they shall be returned home again with thanks. At Portereau they are still busy making a new bulwark, and at Orleans they pull down churches and make platforms upon them, yet a part of the camp artillery is sent down the river again.—Blois, 19 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., portions in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 2.
March 19. 468. Warwick to the Queen.
The sudden departure of Throckmorton forces him to commit to his declaration their state and wants here. Sends a copy of a letter lately received from Smith.—Newhaven, 19 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: By Mr. Throckmorton. Pp. 2.
March 19. 469. Poulet to Cecil.
1. Sends a note of the 5,000l. brought hither in his charge, and refers the parcels thence prested to Montgomery and De Beauvoir to Throckmorton.—Newhaven, 19 March. Signed.
2. P. S.—Asks that the affairs of Jersey and Guernsey be had in remembrance.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[March 19.] 470. Poulet's Expenditure.
Of the 5,000l. brought by Poulet to Newhaven were delivered to Throckmorton 3,834l. 3s. 4d., and to Montgomery 2,000 French crowns (equal to 600l.), by warrants, and prested 355l. 16s. 8d. more to the Count, and 210l. to M. De Beauvoir by Warwick's order; total, 5,000l.
Copy. P. 1.
March 19. 471. Denys to Cecil.
1. The soldiers will not receive the money sent by reason of certain checks put upon them by the Controller, for not going to church, which they say is unreasonable and so un certain, because that some of the soldiers were always at church, and therefore they think it no reason that those that were there should pay as well as those who were absent. All the captains have been somewhat grieved, and Warwick a little troubled.
2. Repeats what he wrote in his of the 7th inst. about the beds, and adds that there has lately been such spoil at Honfleur that they have brought a great number of beds from thence to this town. Asks again for directions about them. Thinks it would be best to have them taken back. Again asks for leave of absence for causes stated in his of the 7th inst.—Newhaven, 19 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 19.
Forbes, ii. 359.
472. Articles to be considered.
1. Whether Warwick may stop or make restitution of goods in this town which have been taken by the French. Montgomery requests to have the Flemish prizes taken by him to be sent to Dieppe and there tried.
2. Whether he shall permit any Flemings or other merchants to pass into this river to Rouen or other parts with victuals or commodities; or stop the same, to be returned into England.
3. Whether the licences granted by the Admiral, Montgomery, or M. De Beauvoir, for passing fish, salt, etc., from hence to Rouen shall be permitted to pass.
4. Whether vessels of this haven shall pass, whether they belong to the French King or other, licensed by the Admiral to go to sea, not only for merchandise but also to the spoil of all enemies to the religion, being French, Spaniard, Italian, or others.
5. Whether Warwick may command the vessels and mariners here for the Queen's service.
6. Whether he has not full authority upon the burgesses and inhabitants of the town, in all things for the guard thereof, the lodging of the garrison, expelling of foreigners and others not burgesses, and suffer none others of the like sort to enter; and generally for all things appertaining to the surety of this town and garrison. Hereunto it may seem meet to require an oath of them for their fidelity to the Queen according to the capitulations passed between her and Condé.
7. Whether he may make proclamations to these effects and punish according to the same by martial law; and whether offences committed against any Englishman by the French, and whereunto any of the garrison is party, shall be determined only by the judges ordinary of the town, or shall proceed in such wise as the Lord Lieutenant or his deputies shall be participants of the same.
8. Whether it shall be most meet to reduce the numbers of this garrison, or have the bands filled up to their former numbers of 6,000 men of all sorts; with a supply of 2,000 soldiers to be sent hither upon the appearance of any siege.
9. Whether the Queen's galley here shall be manned for keeping this river and Seine head, or to lie void out of all charges.
10. How the Lord Lieutenant may succour Dieppe and Honfleur in men and munition upon occasion of danger.
11. What may seem meet to be done to Fécamp, Montivillier, and Harfleur.
12. What authority the Lord Lieutenant may use upon the French of this town in the Queen's behalf, and whether it shall be extended as far as was or ought to be incident to the French King's jurisdiction royal, when the town was in his possession; reserving unto the burgessess and inhabitants the use of their laws, etc., granted by the French King, agreeable to the Queen's confirmation of the same unto them upon the capitulations.
Other Remembrances.
13. This coast to be well guarded by the Queen's ships, whereby passengers may come or go in safety, part whereof has been lately intercepted by those of Fécamp, from whence vessels are already at sea, and more preparing.
14. This garrison to be provisioned with victuals three months in advance, wanting presently of the furniture of two months.
15. On Monday next there will be four months' pay due to the garrison, whereof there is great disorder.
16. For sending hither of Fleming's engines, and for twenty masons and carpenters, with planks and boards, heretofore requested.
17. For a civilian who understands French to hear and decide controversies; thinks John After, late of Calais, will do good service, if one that knows the language cannot be had; likewise a physician and surgeon, either Glaundfeld, Harry, Lord Robert's man, or the Portuguese.
18. Of the disorder in sending money to Dieppe for their pay.
19. Certain articles sent herewith touching the clerk of the market's office.
Copy, dated in margin: 19 March 1562. Endd. by Cecil: Articles sent from Newhaven. Pp. 4.
[March 19.]
Beza, ii. 17. Edit. 1841.
473. Edict of Orleans.
The King, with the assent of his Council, decrees religious toleration for the Huguenots under certain restrictions, in all places save Paris, and appoints the Prince of Condé LieutenantGeneral of the realm, with indemnity for any of the royal revenues spent by him during the troubles.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: Edict for the peace at Orleans. Fr. Pp. 7.
March 19. 474. Translation of the preceding into Spanish.—Amboise, 19 March 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 6.
[March 19?] 475. Supplication of the House of Guise.
Antoinette De Bourbon the mother, Anne D'Este the widow, and the children and brethren of the late Duke of Guise, beg (as it is notorious that he was barbarously murdered by a conspiracy, and as they have omitted to prosecute the offenders directly, understanding that such was the King's pleasure,) that now they may be allowed to pursue their revenge according to law before any of the judges.
Copy. Endd.: The supplication of the house of Guise, subscribed by the King and divers of the Council, amongst whom were the Cardinal of Bourbon and the Duke De Montpensier, sent to the Court of Parliament of Paris. Evoked from them by the King in his chancery to the Privy Council; and so the case standeth now. Both the houses, complainant and defendant, commanded to leave arms and a massing of men, and as appears commanded to be out of the Court. Fr. Pp. 2.
[March 19.] 476. The Assassination of the Duke of Guise.
The further answer of the Admiral of France for his purgation of the death of the late Duke of Guise.
1. He would at the beginning have answered more particularly the first depositions of John Poltrot (who otherwise named himself De Merrey), viz., to what end he gave him money twice? but he never thought that such haste should have been used in the executing of him (which was done of subtility and malice); nevertheless it serves him more for justification than anything they could have done for him. He assured himself that Poltrot should be kept as well for the verification of this act as for the trial of some others contained in his first interrogatory, who affirmed that there were some that conspired against the King's person. Yet since many wrongfully charge him [the Admiral] he now clears this point to the world.
2. Whereas Poltrot says that he offered to do the Admiral service; who asked him of the means he had to serve him, the Admiral declares that Poltrot answered that the Duke D'Aumale knew him well, as one that had long served under him in Picardy, and if he could find him in Guise's camp he could discover all Guise's designs. And even although he should not find the D'Aumale there, yet as he had acquaintance with sundry soldiers in that army so he should have sure access and entry. This brought the Admiral in some mistrust of him, and made him say to D'Aramont what is rehearsed in the first writing. There was occasion to think evil of it, seeing that the Admiral had seen him but three or four days before, when he brought him letters from M. De Soubize, from Lyons, and that he offered so willingly to go to Guise's camp.
3. Those who understand the art of war know that upon such occasions men do not stick at money, and the Admiral has spared little in those cases. This was the first occasion that moved the Admiral to give him twenty crowns, which he took to be hardly adventured, and he looked for nothing less than Poltrot's return, when M. De Traves came to him at a village named La Neufille, and told him that D'Andelot had sent him thither to conduct one to him that came from Guise's camp. Whereupon the Admiral retired into his chamber, without knowing who it was that was come, for he had many others in that army that gave him advertisements.
4. After he had examined him [Poltrot] upon sundry particularities (to which he answered very probably) he asked him whether Guise was not advertised of his departing from Orleans, and of the place he meant to go to? He answered that he had not heard precisely of the day he departed from Orleans, but that he knew six or seven days past that he would go into Normandy, where he would find many impeachments by the way, and that word had been sent to Vielleville and the Rhinegrave that they should furnish the towns of that country that he might find assistance in all places where he should pass. This might be easily done, since he carried neither footmen nor artillery with him; and the Duke had stayed all the horses to serve his own artillery. So with such other helps as he had he might put 4,000 arquebusiers on horseback, with which, together with the men at arms and light horse, he would give upon the tail of the Admiral's forces. Moreover the Duke said that the reiters were very evil contented, whom he would either have wholly at his devotion or else they should play the Admiral some strange pageant.
5. The Admiral fearing this most, said to Poltrot that he must return and advertise him what Guise meant to do. He answered that he would go, but was not well horsed. The Admiral said that he would he had a good horse to give him, but he had given them all to such as he sent into Almain to his brother D'Andelot. Poltrot said that if he had money he could recover a good horse. The Admiral said he would give him some, and if with haste he killed his horse he would give him money to buy another; but above all to use diligence to advertise him if Guise would follow him; and if he took any enterprise in hand against Orleans to let D'Andelot understand it. Hereupon he gave him 100 crowns.
6. On returning from the Admiral he would not pass through Orleans for fear of being stayed by meeting with some of his acquaintances there, but being at the town's end he desired M. De Traves (who came back with him again) to excuse him to D'Andelot for not speaking with him as he returned, and to tell him that the haste he made was to accomplish the Admiral's charge. So he went through the suburbs to the highway to Melun. The cause why he gave Poltrot the 100 crowns was to advertise him speedily if Guise intended to follow him.
7. When he told the Admiral that he would be glad to kill Guise he never answered one word, to say that it should be either well or evil done, and as little did he believe that either he could or would do it.
8. The cause he had to fear such a thing was that Guise was well advertised of his going, since he [the Admiral] was compelled, more than eight days before he departed, to speak it in open assembly of the reiters; nor could he depart sooner, for their waggons were to be left at Orleans, a thing never seen before amongst the reiters. Guise was well advertised hereof, considering the persons that were secretly sent to win the reiters, and some of them were already won, of whom the Marshal of Hessen had an evil opinion. Poltrot also told the Admiral that commandment had been sent into Normandy to impeach his passage. For proof hereof many letters wherein such was commanded fell into his [the Admiral's] hands, wherein was written that they should retire into their walled towns all the victuals, take off the irons from the mills (as it was found in sundry places), and destroy his army. If Caen, Honfleur, Pont Au-de-mer, and Touques, had been thus provided for, the Admiral could not have approached the seaside to receive the money which he looked for to pay his reiters, who, understanding this extremity, were ready to mutiny.
9. On the other side, if Guise had followed, the Admiral's army would have suffered greatly, and his utter ruin would have followed in a few days; for after the plain of Neufbourg is passed the country is so disadvantageous that 600 arquebusiers would have foiled 10,000 horsemen. These difficulties were well known to Guise, which made the Admiral believe that he would rather follow him than besiege Orleans. Hence everybody may judge whether he ought to have spared such a sum to be speedily advertised of Guise's determination. Others were employed for the like matter, and received good sums of money.
10. Having answered the causes for giving Poltrot money, he adds two articles. One is that Poltrot spoke lightly a long time before he went to Lyons, in every place, to his companions that he would surely kill Guise. And to show that it was long premeditated by him it shall be proved that as soon as two of his near kinswomen, dwelling in the country of Poitou, heard of the death of Guise (without knowing anything of him who had slain him,) they said within themselves immediately that they greatly feared it was Poltrot, calling to remembrance the resolution he had taken with himself long before for the execution of that deed. Since, then, he had thus concluded before he came near the Admiral, there is no likelihood that he was provoked thereto by him. For it appears by Poltrot's last answer that he never spake with him before he delivered M. De Soubise's letters to him at Villefranche. The other point is that Poltrot being near kinsman to La Regnaudie, (whom Guise caused to be murdered, as chief author of that last rebellion,) he might easily of his own accord do that he has done.
11. Those who persuade themselves that the Admiral gave Poltrot money to other end than heretofore mentioned argue very childishly, and know the Admiral very evil, for if he had done anything else he would not fear to avow it. He would fain know who constrained him to put in print the answer that he made. If he had done anything more why should he dissemble it, for was there ever a greater enemy to a man than Guise was to him? He came specially to besiege Orleans, to exterminate his wife and children and all that was most dear to him. And men of credit say he vaunted that he would not pardon any creature that he should find in it. Guise was the man of all others the Admiral sought most to meet with at the last battle, and if he could have planted a cannon against him to slay him he would have done it; and if he had had 10,000 arquebuisers at his command he would have commanded them to have shot at him before any other, had it been in a field, over a wall, or behind a hedge. In short, he would have spared none of these ways (which by law of arms are permitted in time of hostility) to rid himself of such an enemy as he was to him and many others of the King's good subjects.
12. For conclusion, the Admiral protests before God and His angels that he neither did nor commanded anything more to be done against Guise than he has written. And if there are any that would be made more certain, let them come and speak with him and he will answer them.
Copy, in Middlemore's hol. Stained by damp. Pp. 6.
[March 19.] 477. Copy of the above in French.
Pp. 4.
[March 19.] 478. The Assassination of the Duke of Guise.
A more ample declaration of the Admiral upon certain points whereupon some ground their evil thoughts and opinions.
1. His answer to the first deposition of John Poltrot presented to the Queen Mother, (and after printed and published in most places of this realm,) ought to content all of good understanding; the rather because not only has it satisfied all persons who had before a true knowledge of his past life, (specially of how great truth he has always been,) but also because all can mark that the colour of truth is lively and the language plain. Above all he instantly required that Poltrot might be kept to confront him as soon as time and place would permit, which he surely would never have done if he had not been assured that he should thereby be justified. He also protested that if he were not confronted by Poltrot, all proceedings against him ought to be holden for nothing, and all depositions false and suspected; forseeing that when they had wrested from Poltrot all that would serve their turns (under colour of saving of his life) he should be sent before the Parliament of Paris. He has done all he can to remove suspicion and make manifest the fact.
2. Some may say it had been enough for him to have informed the Queen Mother of what was requisite to be known in the case, and not to have put it forth in open writing. Two considerations specially moved him thereto. He trusted thereby to stay the hasty execution which he saw they would use in making away with Poltrot, and that some regard would be had to his request and protestation. The other reason was that (not knowing when those troubles might end,) he would in the meanwhile inform them in what manner this matter passed, so far as touched himself. And so for the rest to tarry till the said confrontation, which he assured himself could not be but conformable with what he then declared.
3. Since then the Admiral has understood that Poltrot always confessed that his first deposition was false, which gives a sure presumption that from the beginning he had been won to say so. Other depositions have been attributed to him, by some of which (now kept very secret) he has utterly discharged the Admiral, and by others (that have been openly spread) he has charged him; but, howsoever he was moved with the hope to prolong his life, the Admiral holds them for suspected of subornation, and doubts not but he was made to believe that saying so was the way to stay the execution of his sentence. At the least the Admiral believes that these depositions have been falsified, since it will be verified by the testimony of many honest men, that he (being in the prison of the palace of Paris, called the Conciergerie,) said to them there that he wholly discharged the Admiral before the judges, and did the like in the hearing of an infinite number of persons when he was carried to his death. And the said depositions were written by such as had declared themselves his enemies, and were made in their presence only. Hereof the letters (which have been seen) of the 6th and 15th of March, written to the principal judges to hasten the execution, will testify; which shall be brought to light when needed, and wherein it is said that such as had him in guard were nought, and that it should be well done that it were no longer deferred to despatch him, for he began to go from what he had said.
4. The Admiral has been advertised that upon his avowing by his answer to have given money to Poltrot, some conjecture that he could not but have some more secret intelligence with him. It is a mockery to allege that the Admiral would have given him twenty crowns for doing such an act, without promising him a further reward. He confessed without disguise all that passed between him and Poltrot, and how he employed him (which he was not constrained to tell); and it had been easy in answering Poltrot's depositions to have followed the manner of some crafty lawyer, but he gave every man to understand for what purpose he gave Poltrot the money. He desires by this to satisfy only those who make a profession of arms, for he knows that such a case happening in time of war is not subject to be purged by way of justice. He thanks God he hath means enough before him and the world. The uncertainties of the said depositions, a spirit troubled and confused with fear of so cruel death, viz., to be drawn to pieces by horses, a hope to prolong his life, show that he believed that the devise of making the Admiral a doer in this matter would serve him to escape.
Copy, in Middlemore's hol., and signed by him. Injured by damp. Endd. Pp. 5.
March 19. 479. Copy of the above in French.
Endd. Injured by damp. Pp. 4.
March 19. 480. Wolfgang, Count Palatine, to Cecil.
Asks an audience with the Queen for one of his councillors, a Frenchman, named Gallus Tuschelin, a doctor of laws.— Manheim, 19 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
March 20. 481. The Rhinegrave to Warwick.
1. Whereas he writes that he cannot interfere in the case of Du Menny, he reminds him that he promised that he should be well treated. Thinks that when the Admiral goes to Orleans the Duke of Longueville will speak to him on this matter, and in the meanwhile he begs that the Earl will stand between him and his enemies. The bearer, the brother of M. De Fontaines, has told him that it only rests with the Earl whether Captain Emery shall be at liberty; he desires therefore that he will not detain him, as the said bearer has come to an arrangement with M. Beauvoir. Desires that some horses of M. De Bacqueville, taken contrary to the laws of war, may be returned. Complains that, whilst he has not molested the Earl, the English omit no opportunity of attacking him. Begs that he will secure better treatment for certain of his soldiers, who are in the hands of Frenchmen. He could avenge himself if he chose, instead of preserving their houses and goods. They make a good business by betraying both the Earl and himself.
2. The Queen Mother has told him that peace is certain and ordered him not to take in hand any enterprise. If he thinks that the Admiral will demur at certain articles, they have already felt the advantages of peace and will not lightly break off. The conditions are that all gentlemen having authority to exercise any "justice" may have preaching in their houses, provided they do not trouble the ancient Church. Any gentleman holding under a lord may exercise his religion with his family. Towns holding the religion may have a temple, on restoring the other churches. Towns which have no preachers shall not have any hereafter, but in each balliage a place shall be set apart for the religion. The only point on which there is difficulty is that Paris with its suburbs is reserved. All decrees of the King are revoked, and he admits that all has been done for his service. Both armies are accounted as his own. Everyone is continued in his charge and dignity. Foreigners are to be removed from the kingdom. Is going to the marriage of the young Count Palatine and the sister of the King of Sweden.—Montrevilliers, 20 March 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
March 20. 482. The Queen to Mundt.
Understands by Henry Knolles how well he has executed her instructions. Will send him letters for the Count Palatine, the Duke of Wurtemberg, the Duke of Deuxponts, and the Landgrave. Sends two gentlemen of understanding in martial causes, who are to be directed by him how to come to the sight of the engine invented by certain persons under the Marquis of Baden, whereof she has heard such report by Toxites and Sturmius, that she covets to understand whether it ought to be bought. If it be of such efficacy as has been reported, she would be loth that for a matter of money any other Prince should prevent her. The messengers may by oath assure the inventors that they will never disclose the secresy thereof.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 20 March 1562. Pp. 3.
March 21. 483. The Lennox Family.
The Bishop of Chichester's declaration touching Lady Margaret Lennox.
In 26th Henry VIII., being sent on an embassade to the King of Scots, he had instruction to travail with the Queen Mother to renounce Lord Meffyne, whom she had married, and be reconciled unto her former husband, the Earl of Angus. When he had disclosed the matter in the presence of Lord Meffyne (for otherwise she would not hear him), she finally referred the answer to be made by Lord Meffyne, who two or three days after, in the Black Friars of Edinburgh, declared how the Queen was divorced from the Earl and lawfully married to him, showing also an authentic instrument of divorce made at Rome. (fn. 4) The cause of the divorce was grounded upon allegations and proofs that before the Earl married the Queen he was married to another gentlewoman of the country, whose name the writer does not remember. He requested him to certify the King of the premises. Being afterward in commission with Lord William Howard, now Lord Chamberlain, his Lordship declared to the writer that he had a special command of the King to inquire for the said gentlewoman, from whom he obtained a letter of her own hand, specifying her marriage with the Earl, which he told the writer he would deliver to the King. Testifies his knowledge, being occasioned thereunto by a pretended title motioned in the Parliament house for Lady Mary Douglas. Makes this declaration before the Lords of the Council, 21 March, 5 Eliz. (fn. 5)Signed: W. Cicestren.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
March 21. 484. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript. Pp. 3.
The Lennox Family.
[March 21.] 485. Memorandum to the effect that Archibald, Earl of Angus, married Margaret, Queen of Scotland; after the solemnization of which marriage, and the birth of the present Countess of Lennox, the Lady of Traquair, by process of ecclesiastical laws, procured a divorce between the said Queen and Earl, by force of which the said lady enjoyed him as her lawful husband and continued with him during her life. The Queen, during the life of the Earl and the Lady of Traquair, took to husband one Steward, and continued with him during her life, and died without issue.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: Earl Angus; against the legitimacy of Margaret, Countess of Lennox. Pp. 2.
[March 21.] 486. The Lennox Family.
The Duke of Châtellerault, bastard, (gotten upon Lady Wemys, concubine to James, Earl of Arran, his father,) fearing the objecting of bastardy by James Hamilton, his base brother, to save the earldom of Arran, resigned his whole possessions to James V. for a new infeoffment of the same to be made to himself and his son. Upon the death of the late King, Arran took the government (the Earl of Lennox being absent in France,) and kept a Parliament, in which was contracted the marriage of the young Queen with Edward VI. The Earl of Angus was also restored to his lands. Being apprehensive of the return of Lennox, Arran procured himself to be allowed the second person in the realm. He did not seek to be "re-abled," but used the colour of refeoffment aforesaid, nor was he "re-abled" by Parliament, nor made lawful. He has thus been reputed bastard by the people of Scotland, and Henry VIII. was fully satisfied (by the Earl of Suffolk and his Ambassadors in Scotland) of his bastardy, as also Francis I., the Queen Dowager of Scotland, and the late Cardinal.
Copy, in a Scottish hand. Endd.: A note of information; and again by Cecil: Inter Comitem Araniæ et Comitem Lennox. Pp. 3.
March 20. 487. Middlemore to Warwick.
This day, the bearer, an Almain, named Hans, servant to Smith, arrived at this town, with such writings as are herewith sent. The Admiral denies any full conclusion of the articles of peace as yet, and trusts matters will go otherwise, and that "it shall not be along of him," but that the Queen shall be satisfied in all her demands. Yet it will not be amiss for him [the Earl] to give order for all things belonging to his piece, with much secresy. The Admiral finds it strange about the putting forth of strangers. Trusts for all this to hear them speak other language ere it be long. The Emperor has sent for the rendition of Metz, Toul, and Verdun; to make them pursue this with more earnestness, it would not be amiss for the Queen to send to the Princes of Germany therein. Will have somewhat to do to send to Warwick if the Admiral be won from the English; for no man passes without passport. Asks him to let Mr. Secretary know of this, and to send him his old master's letter.—Mortagne, 20 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., a few words in cipher deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. On the same sheet of paper as the Admiral's letter to Cecil of the 16th March.
  • 2. Draft in Cecil's hol., written on the back of the Admiral's letter of March 16.
  • 3. On the back of this draft occurs, A list of the numbers of decayed fisher boats in different villages along the east coast, from Lynn and Snetsham (co. Norfolk) southwards.
  • 4. A copy of this sentence of divorce, pronounced at Rome 11 March 1528, and published 2 April following, by the Cardinal of Ancona, Papal Judge and Commissioner, occurs in the State Papers of Elizabeth, Scottish Series, vol. viii. p. 50.
  • 5. This last sentence is in Barlow's hand.