Elizabeth: June 1562, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: June 1562, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp90-109 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1562, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp90-109.

"Elizabeth: June 1562, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp90-109.

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June 1562, 11-20

June 12. 181. Margaret, Countess of Lennox, to Cecil.
Understands by his answer that as long as her husband uses himself as he does, the Queen would not grant him any more liberty, which is strange and grievous to her, considering thereby that such wicked and envious reports are now credited. He will not deny anything laid to his charge which is true. Cannot perceive any way in which he offends, unless, perhaps, Cecil, with the rest of the Lords of the Council, would have him agree to false matters by him never known, meant, or thought, when they may long keep him as as he is to the encouragement of his enemies.—Shene, "this Friday." Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 12 June 1562. Pp. 2.
June 12. 182. Randolph to Cecil.
Desires a passport for Signor Pompeo Cyntheo, an Italian, who is well known to many of the Queen's Council; also that he may have the presence of the Queen.—Edinburgh, 12 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
June 13. 183. William, Duke of Cleves, to the Queen.
Recommends his relative Francis Count Waldeck, who is going into England.—Cleves, Id. Junii 1562.
Add. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
June 13. 184. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
1. This day received his letter of the 6th inst., containing news from France.
2. Will understand by the enclosed abstract what was done by them in the execution of the Queen's late proclamation. Does not perceive as yet that the country people are willing to obey it.
3. Would be glad to understand his opinion touching the letters to the Lords of the Council concerning their [the Council here] proceedings for the enclosures at their next going to Newcastle.—York, 13 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 13. 185. Edward Horsey to Cecil.
1. On the 12th inst. he arrived at Dieppe, where M. D'Aumale (who was repulsed at Rouen with the loss of a hundred men in killed and wounded,) is daily expected, but those of this town do not fear him. Two hundred soldiers well appointed came to Dieppe on the 12th inst. from Rouen. There are 2,000 soldiers in Dieppe, and 200 horsemen, who are well paid, as well as those at Rouen. M. De Lanquetot (who in the late wars was Master of the French King's camp,) is Governor of Dieppe, who invited him to supper, and was very inquisitive to know of news in England, and inquired what the Queen meant to do with twenty ships that are prepared for sea. He answered he was not aware of any such preparations, but if it was so, he thought it was to aid the Protestants if needful. He finds by their conversation here that they have some doubts of the English. On the 12th inst. M. D'Aumale sent a herald and a trumpet to Newhaven, requesting them in the King's name to surrender the same to him as Lieutenant for the King in all Normandy. M. le Vidame De Chartres answered he would keep it for the King. He intends to go this night to Rouen. Baron De Clere's men rob all that pass that way. It is not possible to get to Newhaven, for the Papists have got Caudebec, Harfleur, Mount Villiers, and all those parts in their subjection. D'Aumale is accompanied with M. De Villebon and the Barons De Clere and De Neubroque, and has twelve ensigns of footmen and 600 horsemen, well appointed, besides a great number of peasants. These men are badly paid, and rob as they go, both Papists and others.
2. At his leaving this town he left a man belonging to Rye, named Peter Adryan, servant at present to the Lord Warden, who has served the old Lord Warden, and speaks French very well, to whom he gave charge to inform his master from time to time of such news as shall occur here. It was offered that if he could get one hundred Englishmen hither they should be well entertained. If the Queen intends to do anything here she must seem to support the Protestants. The Duke of Bouillon has got possession of Caen Castle, who does not meddle with either party. The Protestants have great courage; and those that are rich do not spare their goods, in hope of good success.—Dieppe, 13 June. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
June 13. 186. Advertisements.
1. Constantinople, 20 May 1562. Reception of the Ambassadors from the Sofi and their reply respecting the application for the surrender of Bajazet. Salviati, in the name of the King of France, has ineffectually asked for the deliverance of Alvaro De Sandi.
2. Prague, 1 June. The Turkish Ambassador has asked for a truce of eight or ten years, but the King has not yet answered him. The King of Sweden has offered his daughter to the King, but the offer is not acceptable, on account of the Lutheranism of the father. Last Friday Prince Charles had a fall from his horse, which might have been dangerous.
3. Milan, 10 June. Angela, the daughter of the Marquesa De Marignano, is dead. News about the Huguenots from France. The Prince of Spain is better. Account of a broil between Don Cæsar, the brother of the Marquis, and Don Hernando De Vega.
4. Rome, 13 June. The Prince of Spain is convalescent. The Pope is going to Loretto. It is reported from Avignon that the Huguenots have got possession of Orange and Aix. It is reported that at Rome a renegade Greek Bishop has been burnt. Letters from Toulouse are full of particulars about the conflicts between the Huguenots and the Catholics. Yesterday the Pope cancelled the Bull respecting the subsidy. The Abbot of San Salute has set out for France. The Pope has given large gifts to the Cardinal of Naples, and in anticipation of the heats has withdrawn to S. Mark. Letters from Naples of the 6th inst. announce the return of the thirty-two galleys from the Goletta.
Ital. Pp. 5. (fn. 1)
June 14. 187. Sir H. Sidney to Throckmorton.
1. Thanks for his letter of the 9th. Lethington arrived since his last despatch with letters of earnest desire from his mistress of the interview, which since he has diligently solicited, and thereby brought the Queen in such a liking of the same, as albeit at a full Council, (the Queen being present, and the matter objected against by each Councillor,) she answered them all with such fineness of wit and excellence of utterance as for the same she was commended; and not allowing replication, she concluded that if she had not such advertisement from Throckmorton that justly might cause her to stay, go she would. It is both groaned at and lamented of the most and wisest. If any help be, it is in Throckmorton's hand, and therefore he begs him to enforce the stay of this journey as much and as cunningly as he may, whereby he will save amongst the nobles and gentlemen of England above 40,000l. There are some decipherments for Horsey to execute. Desires to be commended to his cousin, Harry Dudley, Mr. Carey, and Windebank.—From the Court, 14 June 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Sends his thanks to Captain Cockburn for his letter, "but aleass for a cote, I shall never forget."
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 14.
Haynes, p. 386.
188. Throckmorton to Challoner.
1. Received his letter of the 24th of May enclosed to Middlemore, the writer's steward, on the 8th inst., brought to him by a lacquey of M. De Chantonet's, the copy of which he sent to Mr. Secretary on the 9th inst. by a courier of his own. Herewith he [Challoner] shall receive a packet from the Queen, which came on the 13th inst. Thereby he will understand the state of matters of England, which is quiet. The Spanish Ambassador there has not been idle, as he will perceive by this despatch. He [Challoner] will see hereby how much it imports to see as far as he can into their doings there. They mean ill to the Queen and the realm. The Laird of Lethington is at Greenwich, to solicit an interview between the two Queens this summer. It is greatly desired by both, but is not so thoroughly allowed of by the Council for the respect aforesaid.
2. The Queen Mother and the King of Navarre have had some conference with the Prince of Condé of late between Orleans and Etampes, but the matter is broken off uncompounded, and small hope left now for any composition but such as the sword shall force. The King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and the Marshal of St. André are encamped three leagues beyond Etampes. They are stronger in horsemen than the Prince of Condé, but weaker in footmen. The Prince has not as yet caused his camp to march from Orleans, but will within three or four days. The Order of France at present is cheap, for lately there were nineteen new Knights made. There is a bruit in England that Sir Maurice Berkeley shall marry Mistress Sandes. He prays Challoner to send him two pairs of gloves, perfumed with orange flowers and jasmine, one pair for his wife the other for himself. Anything in this country he [Challoner] desires he shall have in recompence for the same, or else the money they cost, provided they are of the best choice. He would be glad if they be sent by Mr. Henry Cobham, who will be in those parts ere long.—Paris, 14 June 1562.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2. (fn. 2)
June 14. 189. Richard Clough to Challoner.
Sent his last letter about fourteen days since, wherein was a packet. The Prince of Condé and the Duke of Guise are in the field. Where the Papists find any Protestants there is sure to be death, as the bearer Gambo [?] can declare. Yesterday he received from Robert Farnham a letter containing three bills of exchange for four hundred pounds sterling. From England there is no news except that Lethington is sent as Ambassador from Scotland, principally (as he understands) for that the Queen of Scots is desirous to have an interview with the Queen. Seventeen of the best ships in England are made ready, and lack nothing but men; what they are intended for is not known.— Antwerp, 14 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by Gamboa, 28 June. Pp. 3.
June 15. 190. Answer to the Portuguese Ambassador's Replication.
1. Where he offers to name the places of the new conquered countries, he may do therein as he shall think good, so as by rehearsal of them it may appear in which of them the King of Portugal has obedience, dominion, and tribute, from the haunting to which she wills her subjects to abstain.
2. To the second. She has declared by deeds her good will to the King in that which she has already granted.
3. To the third. She cannot but much commend the King's meaning to reduce the Indians and Ethiopians to the knowledge of God, to which nevertheless few of them have been framed; albeit she has heard that in some places of Ethiopia the Christian faith has been these many years received and used before this navigation of the Portuguese.
4. To the fourth. It may well be that the Queen has not seen all that has been written of the said navigation, neither does she mislike the King's contentation with his possession, meaning not to impeach any part thereof that he actually possesses, nor to confess that he has more than she knows he has.
5. To the fifth. Albeit she finds some of the Ambassador's words very strange touching some Princes who should seem to have impeached the good doings and meanings of others against Turks and infidels; yet, not knowing whom he means, she minds not to judge the worst thereof, thinking that the King of Portugal has done like a Christian Prince, and deserves the great praise of all other Princes.
6. Touching the first point of the seventh. She is in good peace with the King Catholic, having with him no question of debate in these or other matters, and what answer soever she makes to any Ambassador of Portugal, she means not that any part thereof shall extend towards the King Catholic. She intends not to call in question how lawfully his master has conquered all the countries which are said by him to have been discovered, nor whether he or his progenitors were the first that discovered the same. She does not deny that it is lawful for a Prince to restrain strangers from viewing the fortifications, or to carry out some special kind of merchandise which the country may not well spare, or to corrupt the subjects to the disobedience of their Sovereign; which is no argument, but that otherwise friends may traffic together, and no commandment ought to be given to the contrary. The Portuguese have liberty of traffic in all places appertaining to her without exception; and the like liberty she thinks reason would to be given to her subjects in the dominions of the King of Portugal.
7. To the second. Her meaning in the said grant is, (as the words plainly express,) to restrain her subjects from haunting any new found land in Ethiopia, wherein the King of Portugal had obedience, dominion, and tribute, and not from all places discovered, whereof he had no superiority at all. And touching right and duties due to the said King, she knows not that any subjects of hers go about to defraud him, wherein she will by no means bear them. She cannot expound the words of her grant otherwise than they plainly signify. Where it is said that her subjects never resorted to those parts in so open a sort as they do presently, the truth is they have sundry times made their preparations and departed as openly as they have now done. In the time of Queen Mary in the sight of the world they made their preparations; albeit in the end, upon certain respects, and upon promise of sufficient recompence, (which was never performed,) they were ordered to abstain from that enterprise.
8. To the third. Her subjects have done nothing contrary to the said grant, nor otherwise interpreted her words than her meaning is. She never meant any kind of cautel, which is an unfitting word to be used to a Prince, yet she is content to pass it over. As for the re-delivery of the said letters of grant, if the Ambassador thinks it good, she will be well content that they be delivered to the Lord Chancellor or the Principal Secretary.
9. To the fourth. Albeit King Francis granted for the time a prohibition to gratify Queen Elinora, to whom he was newly married, yet in his time the said navigation was afterwards used, and at this day is permitted without inhibition.
10. To the fifth. She does not think that her subjects use any such spoil or other insolency as is declared by the Ambas sador; neither is it likely that they, being but merchants, would misuse the people in that sort, which might be a hindrance to their traffic. For the rest of this point, she means not that preaching and disputing (wherewith she thinks her subjects, being not learned, will not much meddle,) is the only means to bring the said people to the knowledge of God, but therewith all good ensample and honest conversation, besides some godly communication and conference as may fall out. Finally, she trusts that he wrongfully charges them with carrying arms to the infidels. She prays that he will inform her of the offenders, whom she will not fail to cause to be punished, as an example to all others. As concerning the Bibles in Hebrew, she wonders where her subjects should come by so many, seeing that here so few can be found when they are sought for; and yet she knows not but that Bibles may be well sold to Jews, Saracens, and all other nations, seeing they contain God's true law. And to the conclusion, she thinks clean otherwise in that point, and that rather it is reasonable that all the King of Portugal's friends should traffic freely everywhere in his dominions; which liberty nevertheless she does not mind to give her subjects otherwise than she has granted already.
11. To the sixth. If she had charged the King of Portugal with monopolies, (as indeed she did not,) the Ambassador ought to bear the burden thereof. She said only in clean terms that it is not reason to have more respect to the enriching of any particular person by monopolies, etc., where the King of Portugal is not named or meant, whatsoever sense it may like. The complaint is superfluous, proceeding more of passion than of any manifest cause.
12. To the seventh point. She has not said that the Emperor Charles used any dishonourable words of the King of Portugal. To the request made to the conclusion, answer is made already. To the five objections, no matter therein is in effect answerable by the Queen, she having not made any such objections in her answer.
13. This was the Queen's resolute answer to Don Emanuel last year, who was sent for the same purpose, with which the King, not being satisfied, has sent his Ambassador.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, and endd. by him: 15 June 1562. Pp. 15.
June 15. 191. Copy of the above document in French.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 15 June 1562. Pp. 17.
June 15. 192. Lord Grey to the Queen.
Received with her letters of the 29th ult. a copy of the Queen of Scotland's letter to her, wherein she asks that the ransom for Lord Gray of Scotland might be set by two gentlemen of England and two of Scotland, or else to deliver him home upon bond. Trusts that she considers the mean estate of the writer, and how his hands are tied to her for his ransom; and therefore hopes that she will allow Lord Gray to remain with him for his relief, or else grant the desire of the Queen of Scots that he [the writer] may be relieved of his ransom by her. Trusts she will grant him licence to repair up for his safeguard and stay of the poor and mean relief which he has for his wife and children.— Berwick, 15 June 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 15. 193. Passport for Pompeo Cyntheo and Others.
Passport for Pompeo Cyntheo, Pompeo Tent, an Italian, John Davyson, John Hynderson, Adam Spyttell, and Sande Were, Scotsmen, to the Court.— Berwick, 15 June 1562. Signed by Lord Grey.
P. 1.
June 15. 194. Passport for Janott Rowsarte. (fn. 3)
Passport for Janott Rowsarte, a Frenchman and merchant of Nantes, who is repairing to the French Court.— Berwick, 15 June 1562. Signed: John Selby.
Orig., with seal. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 15. 195. Armigil Waade to Cecil.
1. Departing from the Court on Sunday last, at 2 p.m., arrived at Rye yesterday about 3 p.m. On his way he met Mr. Yong of Rye, and perused those parts from Newenden Bridge to Rye, and has seen some things that may serve to some purpose for the amendment of this haven, which if it takes place may save the Queen 2,000l. or 3,000l., which he will explain at his return. Since his arrival here the wind has been continually in the south-west, and has been so boisterous that no passenger can leave the haven for the other side. They expect every hour the arrival of Peter Adryan, a "passager," of Rye, by whom he will be informed of their doings the other side.
2. He spoke this morning to the master of a shallop, and the master of another boat that came yesterday from Dieppe, of whom he learns that M. D'Aumale came not to Dieppe, but only made a show that way; and when most expected, he suddenly turned his force towards Newhaven, which is in a good state of defence. The Duke marched by way of Caudebec, where he spoiled the town and turned out the Protestants. Others say he put a few men into the town, without doing any further harm. Another account is that the Duke turned the Protestants out of Fécamp, and gave to the Papists their houses and goods, whereupon those Protestants repaired to Newhaven, whom the governors received and turned the Papists out of the houses there, and gave them to the Protestants. Others say this is not so, but report only; for news comes from Fécamp that the abbey there holds strong for the Papists.
3. They say that upon the Duke D'Aumale going towards Dieppe, those of Rouen sent thither the men of Dieppe who came to their aid, with some more men, who arrived at Dieppe last Sunday, which place is well furnished with men (4,000), ordnance, and victuals.
4. These men know nothing of what passed at the conference betwixt the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Prince of Condé.
5. There is no certainty of truth in these mariners' reports, but they all agree that the passages between Rouen and Dieppe, Rouen and Newhaven, and all Protestants towns, are so kept that one cannot send to the other without great hazard.
6. Upon Peter Adryan's report he intends to form his further proceedings.— Rye, Tuesday, 15 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
June 15. 196. John Cuerton to Challoner.
Has answered all Challoner's letters, and now sends his cloth, doublet, and two cheeses; in all there are four cheeses, two for the Countess De Feria and two for him. No butter is to be had here. The great cheeses came from Bristol and Shropshire. Here is news that on the 5th of August the King would come by this way, if he does he hopes to see Challoner with the Conte De Feria in his house. Sends his commendations to Master Cobham; "My woman hath her recommended to you both. I would I had Master Cobham here for eight days to go a hunting, to refresh him among the green trees."— Bilboa, 15 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 15. 197. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
The prolongation of the debt due to Christopher Prewne on the 15th June 1562 until the 15th December 1562, will amount to 49,082 florins. Signed: Thomas Gresham.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 16. 198. Armigil Waade to Cecil.
1. The wind has been so contrary that he has not been able to do so much as he wished in the matter committed to him, always being circumstanced that whatsoever he does he keeps secret. He always ministers such talk, be it with English or strangers, as may introduce some matter for his purpose which he converts into wax or honey.
2. This night he had a long conference with a mariner of Rye named Lochar, a right handsome and skilful man, of whom Cecil may be informed by the Lord Admiral, he being his man. He has learnt from Lockar that the shallop nentioned in his former letter was undoubtedly a spy, and favoured by the Papists to resort hither for some purpose. The non-arrival of Peter Adrian, notwithstanding the wind being in the south-west, engenders cause of suspicion that all is not well the other side. He also learnt from Lockar that every time he resorts to Dieppe the Captain there (M. De Fort) sends for him, and always makes mention of aid from hence. At one time he said that in case of necessity he had rather the town were the Queen's than the Papists should have it.
3. This the writer intends to make the groundwork of his business. He has commanded Lockar to depart this night at 11 o'clock to the sea, and see what he can do to attain to Dieppe, for since writing his last letters the wind has failed them again.
4. As soon as he comes into the road, and before proceeding farther, he is to ascertain the state Peter Adrian is in, if all is not well; and having sufficiently informed himself of the cause, and such other news as he can learn, he is to return immediately to Waade, without entering the haven. When he shall speak with the Captain (who always sends for him), he shall allure him into the wonted talk of aid, and shall so order the same that he may say that Waade being sent hither by the Queen for her affairs, Lockar (having conference with Waade) perceived in him great inclination to do the town good, especially as their case stands, and that he thought the Queen would not deny them aid, rather than the other party should prevail, if they would make her privy of their state and sue for the same, and that Waade if needful would travail therein. Waade having heard that the Duke D'Aumale bends his force that way, is very anxious about them, being of the same religion, and not hearing from them for certain days of their state; so having finished some certain business he had in hand here, he would make a step over and salute the Captain and know from him his state, so that he might at his return to Court inform the Queen thereof.
5. If this does not fall out through some circumstance in talk, then he has willed Lockar to say at all adventure to the Captain that he [Waade] being here has in manner half determined to take some passage to come and see how he does.
6. He told Lockar these things were without the compass of his commission, yet if he would use therein secresy and diligence he would endeavour himself to perform the rest.
7. If he has not done well he desires Cecil to advertise him thereof, so that he may the better order his doings. He despatches from hence one Knaplock, a skill mariner, to Horsey, with his letters to him in cipher, praying him to appoint some convenient place for their meeting, or to inform Cecil or him, by letters.
8. He, of this town, to whom Cecil wrote his letters, has failed Waade.— Rye, 16 June 1562. Signed.
9. P. S.— Desires Cecil to let the bearer, Mr. Yong, understand that he has recommended him to Cecil for his readiness to serve the Queen, and that he will solicit the Lord Admiral that Th. Maye and his brethren may be despatched to return home.
Orig. Hol. Add. Pp. 9.
June 16. 199. Armigil Waade to Cecil.
The wind being more favourable he departs this night for France. Knows of no other news than what he sent yesterday by Mr. Chute. Has despatched a special man to Horsey at Dieppe or Rouen to find him out, and learn of him some convenient time and place of their meeting. — Rye, 16 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. A few words in cipher. Add. Pp. 2.
June 16. 200. John Cuerton to Challoner.
This day the coffer belonging to the Countess De Feria's gentlewoman, and Challoner's cloth were sent, and with the same four cheeses, two for the Countess De Feria and two for himself, which his wife sends from her dairy. He shall have some butter when it is to be had. He must also pay six rials for carriage of the same. He has written to the Countess and him, by the "molateyro." There is no remedy found for lading their ships as in times past. He thinks the King ought to understand that ships of fifty or sixty tons coming to this coast with goods and victuals should not be stopped. Sends his and his wife's commendations to him and Master Cobham, and desires Cobham may be partaker of the cheese.— Bilboa, 16 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
June 17. 201. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has received Cecil's letters with the packet of Lethington to his Sovereign. Their long delay (eight days) makes him think that the posts do not their duties, and many times he has marked the like. These letters being delivered at Edinburgh at the end of his dinner, he delivered them himself to the Queen at her rising from supper at Dunfermline. In the packet there was a letter from the Queen of England, which she read, and after put it into her bosom next her skin. After she had read Lethington's letter (which contained the whole discourse of his negociation), she declared to the Earl of Mar and Randolph the effect of both letters. She seemed in all things well contented. Seeing that in her whole letter from Lethington there was no news of France, she desired to know what they had heard, whereupon they showed both their letters. After this she entered privately with the writer whether the interview were like to take effect this year; to which he said that he thought Lethington had written more than he could give judgment on. The chief impediments were the shortness of time and the troubles in France. With this she seemed somewhat satisfied, and said above anything she desired to see her good sister; and next, that they might live like good sisters together; and that she purposed to send La Croc with a ring, with a diamond fashioned like a heart; that her meaning should be expressed in a few verses which the writer should see, and whatsoever lacked therein should be reported in his writing, and she would witness the same with her own hand. She was as much rejoiced in this continuance of friendship as in anything. With these words she took out of her bosom the Queen's letter, and after she had read a line or two put it again in the same place, and said that if she could put it nearer her heart she would; and also, that she must either alter the letter she purposed sending by La Croc or write a new. Somewhat also she said that Lethington had written to her of the difficulty that was found by divers of the Queen's Council.
2. The noxt morning she delivered to him a letter from Lord Hume, advertising that the Queen of England had her ships in readiness with 8,000 men to the support of the Protestants, except that under that colour there was any other thing pretended. When she saw the writer laugh at that, she said that Lord Hume had a castle to keep, and that she would not be very hasty to believe such danger as he meant. There are many such tales as these, and no day but some news or other to put her in doubt either of the continuance of amity with England, tumults among themselves, or some other mischief. In all these things she is so well resolved that she promises never to give hasty credit to the like. She required him to stay his writings one day that La Croc might have the delivery of them, lest some news of her present might come to the Queen before his arrival. Having taken his leave towards Edinburgh, she removed next day towards Alloa, a place of Lord Erskine's, and thence to Stirling, where she required him to meet her in four or five days.
3. The Earl of Mar desires to be well esteemed by Cecil; he likes the resolution taken upon the meeting marvellously well; the one may be better deferred than the other; as he says amicus Socrates, amicus Plato, magis amica veritas. The hope of all godly men is that as the Queen of England was an instrument to replant the true Word in her own realm, so she will not see them destitute of aid who are in like danger. Though there can be nothing more agreeable to all honest men of this country than to have the two Queens see each other; yet the other so much surmounts the affections of men, that all other considerations ought to be set apart. This is the opinion of as many of the godly as he has spoken with, since the cause was first thought of. There is little appearance as yet that this Queen will easily alter her mind in religion. With the Earl of Mar and many others he laments it with his heart. Peradventure Lethington in his earnest desire to see his legation take good effect remembers little what is to be considered in this case. Assures him that a great many hope that the Queen of England will be a means to change her opinion.—Edinburgh, 17 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
June 17. 202. Throckmorton to the King of Navarre.
The Queen has commanded him to inform the King of her great desire for the prosperity and tranquillity of France; and also to communicate to him certain matters tending to this effect. He therefore has given charge to the bearer to declare the same.—Paris, 17 June 1562.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 17. 203. Throckmorton to the Prince of Condé.
Counterpart of that sent to the King of Navarre of the same date.—Paris, 17 June 1562.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 17. 204. Throckmorton to the Admiral of France.
Counterpart of that sent to the King of Navarre of the same date.—Paris, 17 June 1562.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 17. 205. Throckmorton to the Duke of Guise.
As the Queen has given him charge to treat with him, the King of Navarre, and the Constable, for the purpose of endeavouring to pacify these troubles, he sends the bearer to communicate something tending to that end.—Paris, 17 June 1562.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 17. 206. Throckmorton to the Constable.
Sends the bearer to communicate something tending to the pacification of the present troubles.—Paris, 17 June 1562.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 18. 207. The Queen to the Archbishop of York.
Commands him to be ready to accompany the Earl of Rutland, to receive the Queen of Scots at the water of Tees.
Copy. Endd.: 18 June 1562. Pp. 2.
June 18. 208. The Queen to the Earls of Northumberland and Cumberland.
They shall be ready with the Bishop of Durham and the Sheriffs and gentlemen of Northumberland and the bishopric, to meet the Queen of Scots, either in Berwick or at the bridge thereof, and conduct her from thence to the Tees.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 18. 209. The Queen to the Earl of Norfolk and Others.
1. Requires that he and his wife will put themselves in order to the number of at least twenty-four persons, for the interview with the Queen of Scots.
2. The like to the Earls of Salop, Oxon, Derby, Huntington and Viscount Montague. Adding that the train of the Earl of Derby shall number at least twenty-six persons.
Draft. Endd.: 18 June 1562. Pp. 2.
June 18. 210. The Queen to the Earl of Rutland.
As the meeting between her and the Queen of Scots shall take place about next Bartholomew Tide, either in the city of York or on the side near the River Trent, she has determined that he, being President of the Council of the North, with the Archbishop of York and the nobility and gentlemen of Yorkshire shall receive the Queen of Scots at the water of Tees, and conduct her to the place of meeting, wherefore she requires him to put himself and them in good order by the beginning of August.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 18 June 1562. Pp. 2.
June 18. 211. The Queen to Lord Dacre and Others. (fn. 4)
1. He shall attend with the Earls of Northumberland and Cumberland to receive the Queen of Scots, and conduct her either to Newcastle or to the Tees.
2. The like to Lord Ogle and Sir John Foster.
June 18. 212. The Queen to the Barons of Yorkshire. (fn. 5)
Requires the Lords Scrope, Evers, and Darcy, and the Ladies Evers and Darcy, to be in order to attend the Queen of Scots in August, of the day whereof they will be advertised before the middle of July.
Copy. Endd.: 18 June 1562.
[June 18.] 213. Proclamation on the Arrival of the Queen of Scots. (fn. 6)
Form of an intended proclamation directing the nobleman addressed to be ready to form one of her train at the approaching meeting with the Queen of Scots.—Greenwich, [blank] June, 4 Eliz.
Copy. Endd.
June 18. 214. Proclamation on the Arrival of the Queen of Scots. (fn. 7)
As it is agreed that the Queen and the Queen of Scots shall meet at Nottingham Castle in the beginning of September next, she requires the person addressed to go to Nottingham before the 4th September with his wife and train.—Greenwich, 18 June 1562.
Draft. Corrected by Cecil.
June 18. 215. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
1. Received the Queen's letter and his, and has forwarded the enclosures. As the noblemen of these parts are preparing for the service appointed, he cannot holo the sitting at Newcastle on the 1st of July next as appointed. Requires him to procure the Queen's licence to keep it at York; and as the gaol delivery at Newcastle is very small, the Justices of Assize in their circuit may well deliver it for this time. Touching the enclosures of Northumberland, there shall be precepts made to the Surveyor thereof to proceed therein according to the book made last year.
2. Will speedily advertise him of the state of the lodgings here; thinks the Palace will not serve, and that the best lodgings will be in the Prebendaries' houses, about the Minster.—York, 18 June 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 18. 216. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
1. As he minds to go towards Newcastle on the 28th inst., would be glad to hear soon what determination the Queen has come to touching her progress, and whether she will come to Beavoyer or Nottingham.
2. Is anything more to be done about the inclosures of Northumberland?
3. Mr. Comptroller wrote to know what preparation might be made here of certain things, and at what prices. Whereupon the writer caused the Mayor and Aldermen of this city to declare the same in notes, which he sent to Mr. Comptroller, a copy whereof is herewith sent that he may understand the dearth of these parts, and the charges of such as serve here.
4. Thanks for French news, which gives much pleasure here. His wife desires to be remembered to him.—York, 18 June 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
[June 18.] 217. Provision for the Queen's Household.
1. Certificate by the Mayor and Aldermen of York of what provision may be had upon twenty days' warning to serve the Queen's household for twenty days.
2. 100 dozen of bread per day, at 1l. 1s. 4d, the quarter of wheat; the market price is now 1l. 4s. Seven tun of ale and beer, by the day; ale at four marks and beer at 2l. the tun. Thirty tuns of Gascoigne and French wines; there is none in the city fit for the service. Four butts of sack, at 4l. the butt. Hops may be had at 1l. 8s. the 100, if thirty sacks be occupied. Twelve load of tallwood per day, and 1,000 of fagots per day, to be had and delivered at the water side for 3l. 6s. 8d. the 1,000. 100 quarters of charcoal per day; none to be had in the city. Fifty tons or thereabout of empty casks may be had for 5s. 8d. per ton.
Endd. Pp. 2.
June 19. 218. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
Has according to request viewed the best houses here, and found the merchants' houses not meet for either of the Queens, nor could they be made so, as they differed in height and are not together; but they may serve for the train. The palace is not meet for them, as it has been so defaced that only one large chamber remains, and certain new works are begun there, as will appear by the plat thereof sent by the bearer. Thinks the Prebendaries' houses about the Minster are the meetest to serve the purpose required. Viewed and made a note of the best of them, which is herewith sent.— York, 19 June, at seven in the afternoon, 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 19. 219. Margaret, Countess of Lennox, to Cecil.
Complains of being kept here as a prisoner, and put off with delaying answers, that so long as her husband uses himself as he does and will not confess things manifestly known he shall have no more liberty than he has, nor shall she come to the Queen's presence. Will again humbly beseech the Queen to release them out of their miserable trouble, and suffer her husband and her to come together; or at least let the Earl have the liberty of the Tower for his health.—Shene, 19 June. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 19 June 1562. Pp. 3.
June 19. 220. [The Duke of Wurtemburg] to Mundt.
According to his promise informs Mundt of the intended meeting of the Protestant Princes at Fulda for the purpose of finishing and publishing an answer to the Council of Trent. The meeting will be held on the 19th July. Hopes he will inform the Queen of England of this, in order that she may send her delegates thither.—Stutgart, 19 June 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Germ. Pp. 2.
June 19. 221. Chamberlain to Challoner.
According to Challoner's letters received by King, late servant with Doctor Wotton, he requested of his servant Farnham such stuffs as Challoner said he should deliver to him, who says he has received no order from Challoner. Has more cause to think of Challoner's forgetfulness since these ships have come from Biscay. Desires Challoner to let him have his things according to his promise, which was to send the same at his cost and adventure. "Of occurrences here you want not better advertisements than I can make you, being rather a countryman than a courtier." Sends his commendation to my Lord and Lady of Feria, and Don Lorenzo. —London, 19 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 15 Aug. Pp. 2.
June 19. 222. Second Replication of the Portuguese Ambassador.
1. As the Ambassador has already given his master's titles at full, he does not think it necessary to name every single place over which he has dominion. The Crown of Portugal will never consent to share with others the discoveries and conquest which have been so dearly purchased. It has con verted to Christianity more countries during the last hundred years than all the Princes of Christendom together. The King's right to and possession over his dominions are notorious to all Christendom.
2. He joins the name of the King Catholic to that of his master, because in this matter the rights of one cannot be violated without prejudice to the rights of the other. As the Queen has admitted that it is lawful for Princes to forbid strangers from going to places where their presence may be prejudicial, the King of Portugal permits all to have access to Portugal, Algarve, and the Azores; and therefore they should be obedient to his laws, which forbid any person (even Portuguese) from going to these newly discovered lands without express leave.
3. The Queen declares that she will allow her subjects to trade to places not under the authority of the King; the Ambassador says that his master has absolute dominion, not only over those lands already discovered, but over all those which may hereafter be discovered within the limits of demarcation made between the Crowns of Portugal and Castile, and solemnly approved of by the Holy Apostolic See; in defending which rights the King does no injury to any other Christian Prince. The compensation granted to the merchants in Queen Mary's time has been paid by one who was sent over expressly for that purpose. The Queen says that the words of the grant were rightly interpreted by her subjects; he thought it would have been agreeable to her to have the cause of the wrong attributed to her subjects. He will also inform his master that she desires not to be pressed any more on that matter, but hopes that when she has heard other reasons she will accede to his request. In the meanwhile he places her grant of last year in the hands of the Secretary, together with this writing. The prohibition of Francis II. was the second or third which he had provided for the punishment of those who had transgressed his former proclamations. The reason why none were punished in their bodies was the same as that why no pirates are hanged in the same kingdom, although many of all nations complain of them. The Portuguese vessels never commit spoil or piracy, because they are not allowed to go armed in fashion of war. The people that go on these voyages are hired by the merchants of London. The Ambassador has not come here to prosecute those who sell arms, etc. to the infidels, nor to dispute whether it is right for Christians to sell Bibles to Jews, but merely to present the remonstrance he has done, and then to return to his embassy in France. The twenty-six chests of bibles and books were brought from Flanders. The King of Portugal can do no wrong to her subjects by prohibiting them from the same thing that he forbids his own subjects. Is glad to hear that the word "monopoly" was not intended to be used in connexion with his master. He again affirms his master's absolute superiority over the whole of Ethiopia; and therefore his right to make such regulations with respect to it as may seem most to his advantage.
4. Excuses the expression "deguisements par arguments sophisticques," in his former answer, and assures her of the goodwill of his master.—19 June 1562.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 12.
June 20. 223. The Earl of Lennox to the Lords of the Council.
Has been oftentimes before them, and cannot declare more than he has already done, which he intends to rest upon during his life. Hears that there is more matter against him, which may very well be true, so long as he remains in captivity, his enemies in favour and at liberty, and their "exploritors, hired men, and other fantastical persons" allowed as his accusers. Desires to know what the new matter is. Although his offer of service is not received, yet heretofore it has been somewhat regarded, when he did such service as his enemies will never do the like. Wishes that the Queen would consider that he came not hither as a vagabond, or for lack of living, as some of his accusers did, but to serve her father. As his living here was granted only for the marriage of his wife and for what he had lost in France, and not in recompence of his inheritance in Scotland, he wishes that the Queen would receive it again, and license him to depart her realm quietly, as he came into it, and not to receive this wrong and undeserved punishment.—The Tower, 20 June. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 20. 224. W. Patten to Challoner.
Sued the Queen to forego his office to his deputy, Arthur Dakyns, and to Harry Alford. She answered she knew him well enough, but not his deputy. She goes towards the north, where she will be about the 20th of August, and stay there eighteen days. The journey will cost her above 40,000l. The Queen of Scots will meet her; at this present there is great amity between them. Challoner probably hears frequently and certainly of the matters in France. Our friend Anthony Stringer is sick. Meeting Dr. Cotton the last day, he said, "By God's Body, my nephew Smith," (meaning the footman that had St. Diego's disease,) "and Mistress Colly would needs be laid for their pleasure in Southwark; and by the Mass the 'morbe' had so soon measured them that one died one day, the other the next; and by God's Body I fear me my nephew Anthony be not well within. I fear me the morb fret him inwardly, but he must have a potion of me; he must have my quintessence." All this Ferrers and he told Anthony. "By God's soul," quoth Anthony, "[he is] a very knave."—Mincing Lane, Saturday, 20 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. (apparently the concluding sheet only). Add. Endd. by Challoner: 16 [sic] June, received 15 Aug., by the post of Flanders. Pp. 4.
June 20. 225. The Duke of Guise to Throckmorton.
Has received his letter, and heard from the bearer of the Queen's good disposition towards them with respect to pacifying the present troubles. He is very thankful for the same, and declares that the troubles are not his doing, as the Prince of Condé has declared; but are solely on account of the disobedience of the King's subjects. Hopes that a pacification may be brought about by the intervention of the Queen Mother. Thanks him for the news that he has sent about the Queen of Scots.—The camp at Vernon, near Beaugency, 20 June 1562. Signed: François De Lorraine.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 20. 226. Guido Jannetti to Cecil.
Wrote eight days ago about the Council of Trent. Thanks him for sending the Queen's diploma, which will be for the honour and security of the writer. Sent with his letter a speech made at Trent by one of the three French Envoys Grimani, the Patriarch of Aquileia, a man of great virtue, withdrew from Rome without the Pope's knowledge, who was about to hand him over to the Inquisition, because sixteen years previously he had written a letter, in which he affirmed it to be sound doctrine, that those whom God predestines to eternal life cannot fall from it, and those who are foredoomed cannot be saved. He has sent letters to the Presidents of the Council, asking leave to go thither and stand his trial. They have consulted the Pope, who has ordered the Patriarch to come to Rome by a certain day. There has been a discussion respecting the residence of Bishops. Pius tries to make a league for the extirpation of the heretics, and has engaged the King of Spain and the Dukes of Savoy and Florence. He complains that he is deserted by all the Princes of Christendom. "Truly these Lords of Venice have until this day answered wisely unto him, that the arms and battles of a Pope must needs be the holy learning and good General Council." (fn. 8) The Ambassadors of the Emperor and the French King at Venice speak of some intercepted despatches, in which one of the chief Cardinals at the Council of Trent tells the Pope of the state of the Council, and warns him of the dangers that threaten it, and also that the adversaries are going to send a fleet into France. A Greek Bishop was burnt at Rome a few days ago for heresy, together with the effigies of three other accused, who were absent. By the last letters from the Emperor's Court it is reported that he has complained of the manner in which the Council of Trent has been conducted, so that the Pope fears lest more trouble come of it. The Turkish Ambassador has left the said Court, a year's truce having been made.—Venice, 20 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
June 20. 227. N. Stopio to Sir John Mason.
Wrote last Saturday as usual. Yesterday, happening to go to the shop of Henrico Rizzo, he was informed that thirty ducats sent from Mason was there awaiting him, which he has this day received. Had no previous advice of it from Mason. Sends this week's news. Account of disturbances at Florence, Bologna, Parma, etc. Several vessels have been taken.—Venice, 20 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 7. (fn. 9)


  • 1. With Stopio's letter of June 20.
  • 2. The copy printed by Haynes contains the following P.S.:— "The Earl of Arran is not dead, but remains still in prison with the Earl of Bothwell and others accused."
  • 3. On the back of this document is a draft (blank) for a passport for a Frenchman, and a letter for the Earl of Sussex, to deliver to John Revell thirty timber trees out of the Forest of Rockingham for the repairs at Collyweston.
  • 4. On the same sheet as the letter to the Earls of Northumberland and Cumberland.
  • 5. On the same sheet as the letter to the Archbishop of York.
  • 6. On the same sheet as the letter to the Archbishop of York.
  • 7. On the same sheet at the letter to the Earls of Northumberland and Cumberland.
  • 8. This passage is in English.
  • 9. On the same paper as the Advertisements given under 20 May.