Elizabeth: Febuary 1561, 26-28

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: Febuary 1561, 26-28', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp564-587 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: Febuary 1561, 26-28', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp564-587.

"Elizabeth: Febuary 1561, 26-28". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp564-587.


February 1561, 26-28

Feb. 26. 1027. Lord Grey to the Queen.
Sir Ralph Grey of Chillingham, his deputy-warden, being at the point of death, the writer desires to have the wardship of his heir, being of the same name and a kinsman.—Berwick, 26 Feb. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 26 Feb. 1560. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 1028. The Queen to Gresham. (fn. 1)
There has been appointed to him by the Lord Treasurer and Secretary the sum of 12,326l. 18s. 4d., due to Ottymer Rydlai, on 20 Jan. last, and which he has prolonged for one month longer, for which he requires warrant ; he shall make over his bills to the said Treasurer. Whereas she lately determined he should receive of her merchant adventurers on the 20th March, 30,000l. to be paid amongst her creditors for debts due this month, yet she is desirous to have 20,000l. of the said money put over by him without the merchants' knowledge, and only pay to the strangers so much as 10,000l. sterling will pay for. If it shall not seem meet to be done that way, then he is to do his best to borrow 30,000l. for three or six months upon twelve per cent. He is to do his best to accomplish the same with all speed, by one means or another, and thereof to return an answer.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 1029. The Duke of Guise to the Queen.
Has received her letter and heard the message sent by the Earl of Bedford, for which he humbly thanks her. The Cardinal of Lorraine and he profess their desire to preserve peace and good feeling with England.—Fontainebleau, 26 Feb. 1560. Signed: Francois De Lorraine.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 1030. Bedford and Throckmorton to the Privy Council.
1. The Earl wrote last on the 12th inst. On the 15th they departed in company with M. De Sault to Melun, and on the 16th arrived at Fontainebleau. On the way they met with a Knight of the Order, named M. De Cursolles, Knight of Honour to the Queen Mother, with five or six gentlemen of the King's chamber, sent to conduct them to his presence. At their arrival they were brought straight to the King's chamber, where were the King, his brother and sister, the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, the Duchess of Ferrara, the Constable, the Duke of Guise, divers of the Princes of the blood, the Admiral, divers Cardinals, and a great number besides of great estate, both men and women. The Earl of Bedford addressed the Queen Mother, saying that as she had the chief management of affairs, he thought it good to declare to her the matter of his legation, the first part whereof was for condolence and congratulation. The Queen Mother then took the King by the hand, and put him towards the Earl, to whom he did the Queen's hearty commendations and delivered her letter; and perceiving that he did not break the seal proceeded to condole with and congratulate him. The King answered that he thanked her for her kindness, and would be as ready as any of his ancestors to show the same, and to entertain good amity betwixt their countries.
2. This done, the Earl proceeded to the delivery of the Queen's condolence and congratulations to the Queen Mother, who returned thanks for the same on her own and her son's behalf, and professed their desire for the continuance of amity, and asked after the Queen's health. The Earl replied that she was very well, and desired the Queen Mother to appoint a time for them to proceed in such other things as they had in charge. Which done, he did the Queen's commendations to the King's brother and sister; and then pro ceeded with the King of Navarre, according to his instructions. The King thanked the Queen, and promised to endeavour to increase the amity, being moved thereto by the proofs of her goodwill towards him. The Earl answered that they had more to say to him when he would appoint a convenient time. He then performed that part of his instructions relating to the Duchess of Ferrara, who thanked him, and said that she was ready to prove her goodwill towards the Queen; he also did the same to the Constable and the Duke of Guise, who likewise thanked him. After these salutations he embraced the rest of the Princes of the blood, amongst whom was the Princess of Condé, to whom he used the Queen's commendations.
3. Throckmorton then declared to the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre that they had charge to declare the Queen's griefs and condolences to the Queen of Scotland, for the loss of her husband; whereupon the Queen Mother directed the Duke of Guise to conduct them to her chamber. At their coming they found her accompanied with the Bishop of Amiens, and divers other French Bishops, and many gentlemen and ladies. The Earl of Bedford having done the Queen's commendations unto her, and delivered her letters and condolence to her, she answered with a very sorrowful look and speech that she thanked the Queen for her gentleness in comforting her woe when she had most need of it; and considering that the Queen now shows the part of a good sister, whereof she has great need, she will endeavour to be even with her in goodwill; and though she be not so able as another, yet she trusts that the Queen will take her goodwill in good part. They then declared that at some other convenient time they had to say somewhat else to her. She said that whenever they would they should be welcome to her, and prayed them to advertise the Duke of Guise when they desired to repair unto her; and so commanded M. D'Oysel, her Knight of Honour, to conduct them to their lodgings.
4. After this they went to the Constable, being retired into his chamber, to whom the Earl of Bedford delivered the Queen's letter, and proceeded with him upon his instructions. He answered to the first part as he had done before, and said further that he had good cause to bear the Queen good affection, for the favour which her father showed him at his being in England, who, besides other great courtesy, made him a Knight of his Order, of which he thinks he is one of the eldest, and that he therefore reputes the Queen as his head. He also remembered the great goodwill which the Queen has shown him since her coming to her crown, and amongst other things the great courtesy shown to his son, M. De Montmorency, at his late being with her. He also said that he remembered with what hearty desire the late King Henry wished to assure a steadfast amity between himself and her, and desired nothing more than to see and speak with her; and he, being his minister, could not but follow his master therein. He said that he had good reason to bear goodwill to the Earl of Bedford, for that he and the Earl's father were counsellors at one time to the Queen's father and Francis I., betwixt whom great things passed.
5. On the 17th in the morning the King of Navarre gave them an audience, when the Earl of Bedford uttered that part of his instructions appointed to be said to him in private. The King thanked the Queen for her kindness, and also for reminding him to advance the true doctrine in France; and said that though he could not bring to pass all things that he might wish, yet he did the best he could. It is thirty years since reformation of religion was first talked about in England, and could not be brought to pass till now, and England has been vexed with troubles and tumults; and he, being about the King and his nearest kinsman, and joined with the Queen Mother to manage the affairs, had need be well advised in giving of counsel and proceeding in these matters for avoiding danger, and for this respect walked more coldly and advisedly. Then speaking to Throckmorton he said, that the best part of the realm were adversaries to the true religion, and that the cause had many puissant adversaries abroad. He also said that though the Queen Mother was a wise and virtuous Princess, to whom he was much beholden, yet she was not so earnestly minded towards the cause as he could wish, but he thinks that this proceeds as much from others as herself. There are not many in the King's Council who are well affected to this matter, and it was a great thing that they had caused all persecution to cease and such as were in prison to be enlarged.
6. Throckmorton told him that the Queen would be very glad to hear that they had proceeded so far, and that though she did not think that there was great need to solicit him in this matter, knowing his good inclination, yet she has thought good to cause them to say to him that now was the time to set forward this matter for many respects. The King is young and he [the Constable] has now a great authority in the realm, and many of good quality and credit within the realm are well affected to the cause, and such as have been and will be great adversaries have not now authority to impeach the means and progress thereof; but if they recover their authority, it is to be feared that they will use more extremity than they did before, and therefore the Queen cannot but fear his danger in this case. The King confessed that if they recovered what they had formerly, it was like that her judgment would come true, but that, like as God had preserve him, he trusted He would do still.
7. Throckmorton then said that if this Council pronounced at Trent took place, as the common bruit is, and they sent their clergy thither according to the Pope's desire, not only that which they had done would be overthrown, but they would exclude themselves from doing anything hereafter to the advancement of the cause. Therefore the Queen desires to know how the French intend to proceed touching this matter. The King answered that they meant to accept it, if it be general, and such one as the Princes of Germany would allow, and that they trusted that the Queen would do the like. The Earl said that if it was general in effect, no Prince in Christendom would be more glad of it than the Queen, as she has many ways showed; but many occasions move her to think that they will come to none other effect than the last held at Trent. He also said that he thought the Princes of Almain were too wise to accept such a Council. The King said that they had sent, and would send again, a personage of some appearance to the Emperor to know his determination in this matter, and also to understand the mind of the Princes of Almain for the same.
8. The Earl then said that like as they had in charge to declare the Queen's joy that he had the credit and authority due to him, being assured thereby that good amity would be maintained between the King and her, so likewise they were to remind him that there was no foundation so sure to establish a perfect friendship as to have a unity in religion.
9. The Queen also thought it meet to devise some good means how to testify to all the world the good inclination of both their Majesties, the Queen Mother and him, to live in friendship. The King assured them that they so desired, and reminded Throckmorton of what he had told him was the best means to establish this amity. Throckmorton answered that the King could not be ignorant of her great desire thereto; first at her coming to the crown, being left in terms of war, she was content at Câteau Cambresis to accept such conditions as they were to have peace with France, being well assured by the King of Spain that he would not make peace without her satisfaction. Since the ratification of the said treaty she has used all means to conserve the same. Nevertheless, upon occasion of certain injuries touching her honour and interests, the amity was somewhat shaken in the time of the late King, and remained in doubtful terms; but now that the nature of the case is changed by his death, and that the King of Navarre has the management of affairs, it may like him to prove his goodwill, for which cause it were not amiss to ratify again the treaty of Cambray, thereby to take away all occasions of quarrel in time to come. The King assured him that they meant a better friendship that was betwixt the late King and the Queen, and therefore he advised them to speak of no amity in King Francis's time, or ratification done by him; assuring them that the Queen Mother was well affected towards amity and that they all intended to proceed sincerely and to keep the treaty in all points, and therefore there needed no ratification, which would give occasion to the world to think that they made a doubt where none needed; the present King not being touched with the unkindnesses that were in King Francis's time. The Earl answered that because the promise to ratify the treaty of Edinburgh was not performed, the Princes might repute the amity to be but casual, and that Throckmorton had proposed the said ratification of the treaty of Cambray, not because the Queen doubted their amity, or the observation of the said treaty, but to satisfy the doubts that have been conceived of the terms betwixt the said Princes. He further said that, taking the King to be the Queen's good friend, they had moved this matter first to him, and that if anything should move him to accord to what they had proposed, they trusted that he would impart the same to the Queen Mother and the King's Council. The King thanked them, and said that he would do all the good offices of a friend. He also invited them to dinner, but because there was an honourable provision made for them at their lodgings at the King's charge, they refused.
10. In the afternoon M. De Cursolles brought them to the Queen Mother, whom they found accompanied as before, save that the Constable was absent. The Earl of Bedford then said to her that they had to communicate the fittest means to establish a perfect amity betwixt the two realms, which consist in two points; the first, unity of religion, and the other, that all contracts comprised in the treaty of Cambray might be observed. Although it was not in their instruction to speak to her in matters of religion, yet for that she had the chief management of the realm, and all that they could do with any other would little prevail, and being advised by men of authority in the Court so to do, they thought good to set forth the matter to her. And so the Earl told her that the Queen of England desired unity of religion, at least throughout Christendom, but chiefly betwixt such Princes as those whose amity she most embraces, esteeming the King her son and his realm to be principally one of them; and because she, the Queen Dowager, had the government both of his person and his realm, and was endued with the true knowledge of God's Word, the Queen left the means to be devised by her and the Council of the realm. As to the second point, for the observation of the treaty of Cambray, the Queen does not doubt of their good inclination to observe the same; but as Throckmorton was better acquainted with the unkindnesses that passed in the late King's time, he has to declare unto her how the same may be clearly wiped out and cancelled.
11. The Queen Mother answered that she thanked the Queen for her good affection, both in the matter of religion and in her desire to continue good amity with her son; and that she also wished that they were all of one mind in religion, but that there were great difficulties to bring it to pass, and the means which was aforetime thought best (which was the General Council) was now rejected of some. Yet she trusted that the Council accorded to be at Trent by the Pope, the Emperor, the King of Spain, and most of the Princes of Christendom, would take good effect, and bring to pass what the Queen of England desired. She also assured them that they meant to observe the treaty of Cambray sincerely, and to use all good offices that ought to be amongst friends, trusting to find the like on the other part.
12. Throckmorton then said that thereof she might be assured. And that there was nothing of so great efficacy as religion for good and evil, and that hardly might there be hoped a perfect amity betwixt Princes and countries different in religion. The Jews esteemed all that differed from them in religion as strangers, barbarians, and enemies; the Turks in like manner esteem all Christians as their enemies; and in the primitive Church the sundry sects of heretics occasioned great wars and garboils. In Germany the Emperor Charles had much to do with the Princes Protestants; at one time he caused them to take hard conditions, another time he was constrained to receive as hard himself. He therefore concluded that conjunction of religion passes all other bonds, and that the division separates most vehemently. Wherefore the Queen wishes that both realms were of one religion; and he [Throckmorton] would that he was sufficiently learned to make her understand who it is that is out of the way and in error. The Queen also doubted that the Council at Trent would not take such effect as she desired. The Earl of Bedford said that the reasons that moved her to doubt of the Council were, first, that the place was not indifferent, being a Cardinal's town, nor commodious for the access of Princes lying far off; and also that none were admitted to have voice there but such as be the parties accused; for that the Queen of England and her realm, the realm of Scotland, the Kings of Denmark and Sweden, and the Princes Protestant, and all others of that religion, charge the Pope and his clergy with polluting the Church with many errors, superstitions, and abuses; and it is to be thought that they will be favourable judges in their own cause. But if there might be such a Council assembled, as were many in the primitive Church, then the Queen would assist at it with her clergy, as they believed all the Protestant Princes would do.
13. The Queen Mother answered that if the Council, ordained as it is, can do no good, they knew not how to begin, for they used the same manner that had always been used. The King only meant to accept the Council if it was a free General Council, and such as all Princes ought to accept. The Pope did not do it alone, for the Emperor used his authority in the matter. To this Throckmorton answered that the Emperor had two authorities, one in respect that he is Emperor, and the other in respect of his own dominions. The Queen Mother said that they had sent to the Emperor and to the Princes of the empire to know their minds in this matter. Throckmorton mentioned again the great desire that the Queen had for amity, and used the same speech touching the treaty of Cambray as he had used to the King of Navarre. To this she replied that she thought there needed no new ratification; but that it would give the world to understand that there was some gall in the matter. As to the things passed in her son's time, his death had changed all that, and she trusted that there would be no recital of them, as she meant to observe sincerely the accord made at Cambray. The Earl said that the moving the ratification of the treaty was meant as an argument to testify to the world the good inclination betwixt them. It being somewhat late, they deferred their access to the Queen of Scotland until the next day. At their going from the Queen Mother she told them that for that they were desirous to see the house, order was given that they should see all, which afterwards was done.
14. That evening they had access to the Duchess of Ferrara in her chamber, to whom they gave to understand all their proceedings with the Queen Mother in the matter of religion. She thanked the Queen and said, as to the matter of religion, that since she last saw Throckmorton it had great hindrance, for that there had been many legations from great Princes, and a piece of every their errands has been to set that matter backwards; so that if their legation has not advanced the matter she greatly feared for its success. To be plain, said she, its chief promoters in this Court are the Admiral and the Cardinal of Châtillon, for if it were not for them no good would be done; the one travails with the Queen Mother, and the other with the King of Navarre. As for herself, she will do what she may. If they have not holpen to stay the Council at Trent, it will be accepted as the Pope desires. She prayed them to talk to the Admiral, who could inform them more at large of this matter; she comforted herself, however, with the fact of the King being, for his age, one of the towardest Princes in the world, and having a very good wit, and being like to do great things if well instructed. Throckmorton said that she could not do the realm of France so good a turn, nor God so great a service, as to procure him to be instructed in the true knowledge and fear of God, which matter would much consist in the choice of a good schoolmaster for him. The Duchess said that he had need of such a one, as his present one was a very beast and ill-affected to religion, and that the Cardinal of Châtillon had been in hand lately with the Queen Mother to remove him; but that now the matter is more backward than it was. He had also provided a man for that charge well instructed in the knowledge of God's Word.
15. Going from her they repaired to the Constable's chamber, where Throckmorton used the like words to him that he did to the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre, touching the ratification of the treaty wherein he was a principal doer, and on that account he said that the Queen trusted that he would employ himself to conserve and observe all the points thereof; also that he would give such counsel to the King that the world might perceive some difference betwixt his affection and those that ruled lately in King Francis's time. He promised to move the Queen Mother and the Council in this matter, and so made repetition of his great affection towards the Queen, and offered the Earl of Bedford all the kindness both of his houses and anything else to do him pleasure. Then the Earl did the Queen's commendations to the Marshal Montmorency, according to his instructions, who thanked the Queen and professed great devotion to her service.
16. On the same day they delivered the Queen's letter to the Duke of Guise, and also that directed to the Cardinal of Lorraine, who was gone to Rheims; and told him what they had to say to his said brother, and so proceeded according to their instructions. The Duke thanked the Queen for writing to him, and professed great desire to preserve the amity between the two realms, and between the Queens of England and Scotland; and assigned the next day for them to have audience with the Queen of Scotland.
17. On the 18th, in the morning, the King of Navarre received them in his cabinet, and commanded all his people to depart. The Earl of Bedford then reminded him of the three points that they had touched on, viz., the unity of religion; the ratification of the treaty of Cambray; and the Council to be held at Trent. The King answered that as for the first, he would do what he could; but as to the ratification of the treaty he would frankly tell them as the Queen's friend, that he thought that in requiring it they sought their own incommodity, as they gave occasion to the world to think that what was already done was not available, or that there is some other thing done which might tend to the breach of it. And further he assured them that they would find that the French would perform all that they promised. The treaty was made by a King who had power to do all that he liked, and to make it sufficient. As for things past they are forgotten, and now they meant to proceed upon a good ground. There was likewise another point which it was not his part to tell them, except for his friendship towards the Queen; namely, that the King being a minor, that which he should do would not be of great force. The best would be not to call his father's doings in question, or doubt them. As to the Council at Trent they might be assured that they meant not to accept it, unless it were accorded unto by the empire; and that they would communicate whatever should happen therein to the Queen, praying her to do the like.
18. Throckmorton answered that as religion was in his hands they would hope for the best. As for the new ratification, they only pressed it as a means to extinguish former unkindnesses and to witness to all the world the good disposition of the Princes to live in amity. As to the Council of Trent, because they had heard that the King, the Queen Mother, and the Council were resolved to accept it as it was published, the speakers thought meet to touch the inconvenience that might ensue. The Queen thought it not amiss to remind him that his greatest enemies were the adversaries to the religion, which in some case resembled her own state. She also wished that the Prince of Condé were discharged of his trouble and placed as belonged to him; for that nothing would stand the King in more stead than to put such in authority as are well affected towards God's cause and also his friends. The King said that he often thought of that matter, but that he would not that his brother should come forth to his dishonour, and that he would be shortly before the Parliament at Paris, there to be justified with honour. He also said that whatever good countenance other folks made, (meaning the Duke of Guise and his followers,) they were tractable enough at this day. The Earl of Bedford said that it were good to keep them in that state. Then the King commended to them the Admiral and the Cardinal of Châtillon as his most trusty friends. After which he asked them to dine with him, which they refused.
19. In the afternoon according to appointment, the Queen of Scotland sent M. D'Oysel to bring them to her presence; where the Earl of Bedford declared unto her all the points contained in his instructions, saving the ratification of the treaty made at Edinburgh. She thanked the Queen for her good advice, and said that she had need of good counsel considering the state in which she stood; and that there were more reasons to more perfect amity betwixt them than any two Princes in Christendom, for they were both in one isle, of one language, the nearest kinswomen that each other had, and both Queens. For her part she would use all good offices to move Elizabeth to think her an assured friend, trusting to find the like on the Queen's part. Throckmorton said that he was glad to hear these words from her, and trusted that she would make them good, and so would she find the Queen such a neighbour and sister as she desired. He further desired that she would ratify the late treaty accorded at Edinburgh without delay, whereby the Queen would have great cause to take her to be her good sister indeed, as she says that she will be. She answered that she was without counsel, the Cardinal of Lorraine being absent; and that the Queen advised her to take counsel of the wise men of her realm, none of whom were here; but she looked for them shortly, when she would make the Queen such an answer as she should be pleased with. The Earl of Bedford said that he was glad to hear her declare her intent to embrace the Queen's amity, but that he would be more so if she would put the same in proof by the ratification of this treaty, whereunto she was bound in honour. She replied that she had no counsel, and that the matter was great for one of her years. Throckmorton answered that she might take counsel of her uncle, the Duke of Guise, and others who were there; besides, that the matter was not such but that she might proceed without any great delay, seeing it had been promised so often. She replied that she was not to be charged with anything that was done in her late husband's time, and that now she would be loath to do anything unadvisedly. But because it was a great matter, she prayed him to give her respite till she spoke with him again. At their going away the said Queen said to Throckmorton that she had to challenge him with breach of promise, because although she has sent her portrait to the Queen of England she has not received hers in return, and desired him to procure it for her. Then the Duke of Guise conducted them forth, to whom the Earl of Bedford declared briefly the sum of what passed between his niece and them, and desired him to give her such counsel as might continue the good amity between her and the Queen. Throckmorton also told him what they had proposed to the Queen for the ratification of the treaty of Edinburgh, and that she had respited her absolute answer until their next access, and desired him to use that good office which might occasion continuance of amity between the two Queens; which he promised in general terms. This done, M. D'Oysel brought them back to their lodgings, who made a long declaration of his good will for the continuance of amity between the two Queens.
20. The same afternoon they delivered to the Cardinal of Tournon in his chamber the Queen's letter; adding, that because he had been a principal counsellor to King Francis, he knew the great amity that existed between him and Henry VIII., and therefore the Queen trusted that he would be the more inclined to entertain good amity at present. He answered that he would be glad to do the Earl all the pleasure he could for the old acquaintance between his father and him. In the evening the Queen Mother willed the Duke of Guise to send to them to know if they would come and see the dancing and mask that the King, his brother and sister, and some others of the Court were disposed to make to be merry, it being Shrove Tuesday; which they could not refuse, and so were brought into the King's gallery, where the King was, and much courtesy was shown to them.
21. On the 19th Feb. the King and the Queen Mother sent the Count De la Rochefoucault to accompany them to their presence; where the Earl of Bedford said to the Queen Mother, that before he took his leave of her and the King he would thank them for the great honour and courtesy that he had received, and to know whether they would command him any service to the Queen. Thereupon the King desired to be commended to her, and said that he would be glad to entertain perfect amity with her. The Earl of Bedford then reminded the Queen Mother that at the last audience they proposed three points as necessary to perfect amity. The one concerning unity of religion; the other touching the new ratification of the treaty of Cambray,; and the third concerning the Council at Trent. For the first, she answered as became them to be contented with; for the second, that it was not needful; and for the last, they desired to know their pleasure, if the Queen, the Princes of Almain, and the Kings of Sweden and Denmark will not accept the Council as free, legitimate, and general, whether the French minded to send the clergy of France thither to assist? Throckmorton also said that the good amity now between them required such friendly and mutual intelligences in so public a matter. The Queen answered that as to the matter of the treaty they stood in the same terms as the King of Spain; and if they ratified it with England, they should be obliged to do so with him, which he has not required. Besides the King, her son, does not intend the breach thereof; and to be plain, a ratification made by him is of no effect, as he is a minor; and for her part she would be loath to break the act done by her late husband. Throckmorton replied that they did but propose the ratification as a means to extinguish all former unkindness; and to witness to all the world the good disposition of the Princes to live in amity. The Queen Mother said further that they minded to accept the Council if the Emperor and the empire did the like, and that they would communicate with the Queen on this matter by a minister whom they were minded to send to her. The Earl then presented Throckmorton to them as the Queen's Ambassador resident, who "with grief enough" presented her letter for that purpose. This done, they took their leaves of the King and the Queen Mother, and all the Princes of the blood and great personages there present.
22. From thence they were brought by the Duke of Guise to the Queen of Scotland, whom the Earl reminded that at their last audience she was minded to respite her answer touching the ratification of the treaty of Edinburgh till their next access unto her, and therefore they now desired her answer. She replied that, inasmuch as she had none of the nobles of her realm to take advice of as the Queen of England had counselled her, she dared not ratify the treaty; for if she did any act that might concern the realm without their advice, it is like that she would have them such subjects as they have been. But for all such matters as are past she has forgotten them, and at the Queen's desire pardoned them, trusting to find her subjects better and more loving than they have been. Whether she has had cause to think amiss of them or no, she dares put to the Queen's judgment. She does not refuse to ratify the treaty because she is not minded to do it, nor does she use these delays as excuses to shift off the matter, for if her Council were here, she would give such an answer as would satisfy him. She trusts that ere long some of the nobility of Scotland will be here, for she learns that they mean to send some shortly; which peradventure he knows as well as she does. When she shall have communed with them, she minds to send the Queen such an answer as she trusts will please her. She wishes that they might speak together, and then she trusts that they would satisfy each other much better than they can do by messages and ministers. She assures the Queen that she will find none more ready to embrace her friendship than she is, and wishes that she would consider in what case she is, and what need she has of her amity. She wishes them to tell the Queen how desirous she is to see her, and what good hope she has that it will come to pass, and prayed them both to procure that she might have her picture.
23. They took leave also of the Duke of Guise, who desired them to do all good offices to entertain amity between the Queen and his niece; they thanked him for his good inclination and prayed him to do the like. From them they went to take their leave of the King of Navarre, whom the Earl of Bedford asked if he would command any service to the Queen; he used all the best words that might be, making offer of as much as the Queen could demand at his hands. For divers considerations they deferred the speaking of the Queen of Scotland's marriage till the last of all, and at this their being with the King of Navarre, Throckmorton said to him that there was a bruit of a marriage between the Prince of Spain or the Duke of Austria, and her; if either of which took place, they thought it might be cumbersome to the Queen, yet it was of much more importance to France, and most of all to him. The King replied that there was such a thing in hand, not with the Prince of Spain, but with the Duke of Austria, which was one of the chief errands of the Emperor's late Ambassadors coming to France, and not for demanding restitution of any places; and that he had been again lately with the Cardinal of Lorraine secretly about that matter since he went from the Court. He wished to know how they could let it, as she was out of their power. Throckmorton answered that her going to Joinville in the skirts of Lorraine, fast by Almaine, would greatly further that matter, for then they may practise as they list; but she continuing at the Court, there can be no such things done without knowledge. The King said that there should be no fault in him to hinder it, as much as in him lay. "But (quoth he) I told you, M. l'Ambassador, a remedy against this mischief, whereunto you make me none answer; you know what I mean."
24. Being returned to their lodgings, the Admiral came to them, and congratulated them on the Queen's health, and said that such things as he would say to them proceeded from the good zeal he bore the Queen and to the advancement of God's cause. He said that the Queen had done more therein than she knew, and that she was more honoured and prayed for abroad than she would believe, and so would be more and more if she continued as she had begun. He said that after the King, there was no Prince whom he honoured so much, and offered his services to her in anything that he might do. M. De Villeville came also, and declared how much he was addicted to the Queen's service. for the honour he had received from her. They then sent to know when they might take their leave of the Constable, who by no means would suffer them to come to him, but came and met them in the garden near their lodgings, and there made repetition of his former goodwill towards the Queen, with offer of himself and all his to do her service, praying the Earl to take all his houses as his own; adding that his houses should serve as inns for the Queen's ministers. After him M. De Montmorency came to the Earl's chamber, and with like good words declared his affection to the Queen.
25. On the next day, (the 20th,) as they were preparing to depart after dinner, the Duchess of Ferrara sent to tell them that whereas she had said to them that the General Council was like to go forward as the Pope desired it, since then she had heard that this morning the Queen Mother said in the affairs, that the great reasons she had heard of the Ambassadors of England why the Council ought not to go forward as it was published, gave her occasion to call the matter again in question, to have it consulted upon whether it were meet for the King to accept it or not. The Duchess said that their reasons were like to do much good, and wished that the Princes of Almain would take the same way as the Queen had done. Being moved by this advertisement from the Duchess, (and especially because the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre had referred their acceptation of the Council to the agreement of the empire, and also by other matters,) they thought it very expedient to send the Princes of Almain word thereof, with all the best diligence they could; and finding Emanuel Tremelle ready to employ himself in that service, they wrote to the said Princes by him and gave him instructions how to proceed therein, a copy of which letter and instructions they send presently. And for that the matter required speed, they sent him in post, and gave him 100 crowns. The said Emanuel was a suitor in this Court, recommended by some of the Princes of Almain, in the name of the people of Metz, to have some toleration for matters of religion, and to have places granted them to preach publicly the Gospel, and to get released certain prisoners imprisoned there for religion. This suit was never graciously heard until the coming of the writers; and since their talking with the Queen Mother, it is granted that the said prisoners should be released, and though their request for a place to preach in is not altogether granted, yet it is permitted for them to assemble to the number of sixty in places appointed by themselves, and there preach. In the afternoon, as they were ready to take to horse, M. De Sault came to them, and told them, from the King and the Queen Mother, that being appointed to go into England and waiting for his despatch he could not accompany them back again, but that the King had appointed M. De Civery instead, who was a gentleman of the King's chamber, and had been colonel of all the footmen in Piedmont. M. De Sault is of the country of Provence, a gentleman of the King's chamber, lieutenant to the Mareschal St. André, and of very good possessions; he is well esteemed at the Court, and though of no great title, (being yet young,) nor Knight of the Order, yet is next to that degree. He is a sober, wise gentleman, and void of the common bravery that commonly accompanies his nation. Besides his errand of congratulation and thanks, they take it that he will have in charge to talk with the Queen on such points as they propounded to the Queen Mother. For that they have been very honourably used and lodged at this Court, they beseech her that he may receive the like good entertainment in England. He will not reside as Ambassador, for they hear that the King still minds to send the President De l'Aubespine.
26. On the 20th they came to Melun, and on the 21st to Paris, accompanied by M. De Civery. Send this letter by Francesco Thomaso, the Queen's courier. The Earl intends to hasten back, returning by way of Rouen and Dieppe. The Queen of Scotland was appointed to go to- wards Joinville on the 24th inst., there to have remained for three or four months with her grandmother, the old Duchess of Guise; now they understand that this is broken off till (as some say) Mid Lent, others till after Easter, where- by they gather that their talk with the King of Navarre has stayed her journey. They hear that the Prince of Condé is coming shortly to Paris to have his process ended by the Court of Parliament, who would fain have it revert to the High Court before the Privy Council; but the Prince labours to have it done by the said Parliament. It is to be feared lest matters for religion should breed great trouble in this realm, and therefore the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre are to be borne with if they go somewhat more coldly to work than they could be content else to do. The Earl has been presented in Paris from the King with a cup of gold, with the cover, weighing 800 crowns of the sun.—Paris, 26 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig., with a few marginal notes by Cecil. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 48.
Feb. 26. 1031. Bedford to Cecil.
1. They [Throckmorton and himself] have done their charge, as he may see by their letters to the Queen and Council. The Ambassador is a very wise and expert man. The Court, since coming from Orleans, is in many things altered, and the Scottish Queen stayed from her purposed journey to Joinville; the writers being here has occasioned the same. Though their entertainment and courtesy is great, yet is France the dearest country he ever came in. Has been presented with a cup of gold, of about 800 crowns, but when their cards are told, he would be loath to fetch such another in France. Means to-morrow to set forward towards Rouen and Dieppe, and will praise France when he is in England.—Paris, 26 Feb. 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—Prays that promise may be kept for Throckmorton's coming home.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 1032. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Albeit the success of the legation will not sufficiently answer to the Queen's expectation and his desire, the same is not to be imputed to the minister. The Queen and her realm are in as good case as any Prince or state in Christendom, if there arise no inconvenience from thence. As for the non-ratification of the treaty of Câteau Cambresis, they stand in no worse terms than if it had been ratified, for he is greatly deceived if Calais shall ever be rendered, unless they come by it as they lost it. There is no occasion to move war or quarrel from hence. The French are as desirous of conserving peace as the English are, whereunto they are constrained of necessity, their King owing 43,000,000 francs. The danger that may grow will arise from the Queen of Scotland's second marriage, the remedy thereof he leaves to Cecil's foresight. Thinks that the Queen may as much doubt the amity of Spain and the house of Austria as the French, and for his part he more fears them.
2. The Earl of Bedford declared to him, as from the Earl of Pembroke and Cecil, their opinions concerning his advertisements heretofore signified, with some want of his discretion, and as though he had rather used some passionate affection than orderly duty in some of his writings. Reminds them of his unwillingness to enter to this charge, and though he knew many reasons to persuade him from this service, yet did he not mistrust that which is come to pass, that is to say, an interpretation of his doings otherwise than he meant. Will not spend many words on his purgation.
3. Wishes the Queen would call to mind what he has said to her of Lord Robert Dudley, when the terms were such as were betwixt the Sovereign and her subject; he never imagined marriage between her and any of her subjects, and accordingly furthered his credit and advancement, whereof he humbly desires the Queen to be his witness. Could say more for his purgation, and wishes that all others were as "net" as he himself is. Would be loath for the reverence due to their estates to concur in the evil conceit of Pembroke and him. If any man had been in this charge and heard of so many persons of divers qualities, estates, and countries, what he has heard, he believes that he [Cecil] would have done as the writer has done, if he had not said more. Wishes that those who have been in France would tell the truth, though it is not likely that strangers shall hear in ten days what he has heard in six months. Now that he knows the acceptation of his doings with sorrow enough, he will be more silent. Desires Cecil to help to rid him from this charge, wherein he is every way undone.—Paris, 26 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Feb 26. 1033. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Having spoken with Captain Forbes and the Laird of Craigmillar, he is the better able to discourse of the present state of Scotland and the French intents. Whereas the realm was before divided into two, that is, into those that hazard all for the liberty of their country, and into the neutrals, (for the open enemies were too few to make account of,) now there begin to be three factions at least. The neutrals continue ready to receive whatsoever command of the Prince, without examining from what counsel it proceeds, or what end it tends to; some however (who find themselves disappointed of what they looked for at the hands of the French,) begin to like their own country better. The other sort are divided into two, albeit all agree that (seeing, by the refusal of the overture lately propounded, the two realms cannot be joined together,) they must of necessity procure their Sovereign's benevolence towards themselves. In this they disagree. The Duke, and those who desire the advancement of his house, think that there is no surety for him unless his son marry the Queen of Scots; and that the danger is too great for his house if she come into her realm before that marriage be assured. The others (who are no small party either in numbers, degree, or power,) think it were good policy to persuade her to come into her realm, and that she ought to be favourably received, provided that she neither brings with her force or counsel of strangers, but trusts to her native subjects; and that there will be ways enough to induce her to favour the religion, and not to disallow the proceedings past, living in concord and unity with all men. These think it hard to propound any other conditions to her of returning home, and that it were not plausible in the world abroad. All is yet calm and will be, so long as men are content to be bridled with reason.
2. The four who came last from France, besides the seeds of sedition contained in their particular missives, have brought a commission to assemble the Estates in order to choose a number of great men who may pass into France, by whose advice the Queen may take order in all her affairs, and especially anent her home coming; whereunto she seems to have a great desire; they also desire the renewing of the league with France, for which purpose M. De Noailles will shortly be here. If that takes place, Cecil may judge what must shortly follow. Has conferred with Randolph the best he sees for the present. "Although some of the new corn seed is ordained to be planted in my garden, yet I change not." This league may by policy be delayed, but at length it must be renewed, unless Cecil looks circumspectly upon the matter. If they were altogether to refuse, then, besides their Queen's displeasure, they would have France perpetually to be their enemy. Discoursers say it were a perilous thing to break the league, and so have the protection of no foreign nation, being by a dry march joined to that realm which is so puissant; and that since the means of perpetual friendship is desperate, it is to be thought that time may make them enemies, and then will Scotland fall a facile prey to England. Prays him to remember the latter motion of two that the writer made to Cecil a little before he [Maitland] came from London, and to send word what he thinks in it, or what other remedy he can see; for unless the Queen of Scots be by some means allured to be friends with England, the intelligence cannot long continue. It is dangerous for him to write, so many eyes looking upon him, and his familiarity with England so well known and misliked, so he fears it will be his undoing unless the Queen be made favourable to that realm. Means nothing prejudicial to her obedience, or the liberty of his native country, yet is not ever men's true meaning taken in good part. Will serve his Sovereign truly, but wishes the two realms to continue in amity. Desire him to continue his favour to this bearer, Archibald Graham, as he has done heretofore.—Edinburgh, 26 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Feb. 26. 1034. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has had small matter to write, saving to signify the receipt of his letter of the 4th Feb., by which they had sufficient knowledge of the coming of the four Lords Commissioners. Opened to as many as he thought expedient Cecil's advice touching the receiving of them; and the bestowing of such stuff as they have brought with them. The Laird of Lidington did the like. All that at that time could be obtained was that, the Lords being absent, they could not determine what should be done. Whereupon both he and Lidington wrote to Lord Grey what they thought expedient for the time.
2. On the 20th all four arrived at Craigmillar, where Lidington met them to prevent some matters that he doubted, and to understand what he could of their errand. Before he left them he came so far within them that Randolph thinks most part of their store was spent. The effect of the whole tended to none other but the . . . . . of the Queen [?] . . . (fn. 2) though the same be never so well covered with fair words, which so sweetly flow out of their mouths, as though their tongues and teeth had been filed only to frame falsehood and tell lies. Of the whole pack (if any be better than other) the most hope is of Craigmillar, their tales so well accord that the one is ashamed of the others' lies. Their whole report is that the Queen intends shortly to be at home; that all offences are remitted; that the French King has given her six great ships and two galleys, and increased her dowry 20,000 francs; that the French also shall be paid their wages and retired out of Dunbar and the Inch. To the intent her subjects may know how much she tenders the weal and the honour of her country, she will not apply her mind to marriage, although there be already many noble Princes that sue unto her, (as the King of Spain for his son, and the Kings of Sweden and Denmark for themselves,) until she may use the advice of her nobles and have the assent of her people. If this were but truth, the matter were of no small weight. John of Lumbye (alias Blanerne) reports that he learned of the Earl of Bedford that he had commission to the Scottish Queen to entreat with her to take her voyage through England, with large offers to her honour if she would. One other point for which he was directed was to require her to give over her title and claim to the crown of England. This report he made to the Earl of Morton, who sharply reproved him and assured him that the Earl of Bedford was not the man to make him privy of such charges as he had. Cecil's entertainment of them is so much liked that they think the country much bound to him. Lord Grey handled them so friendly at Berwick that they speak little to his praise. They have brought well nigh 300 letters, with credit as they list to frame it, or as they find a fit mould to work mischief in. They have also two commissions, one to the Duke, the Earls of Argyll, Huntly, Bothwell, and Athole, the Lord James and the Bishop of St. Andrews, or four of them, to summon a Parliament, with knowledge that Noailles will be here with commission from the French King, and directions from the Queen to consider what may be done for the confirmation of the ancient league between France and Scotland.
3. Many well willers of this nation towards the Queen are in great perplexity. It is thought that the offers of the French will be such, and appear to this nation so reasonable, that he [Noailles] having the consent of the Queen of Scots, and she commanding the same, his request (with other means that he will use) cannot be refused. In this case if England be not so provided that it may at all times stand in equal case and terms with France, having in the opinions of men already rejected the most assured means that could be thought to have entertained amity between these two countries, he neither knows what the great charges that the Queen has been at, the loss of so many of her subjects, and the fame of her worthy doings shall come unto, nor what incommodities in process of time may ensue if things here return to their old estate. The Queen's benefits to this nation will never be so clean wiped away, of which she may as well assure herself as of her own subjects. Seeing, therefore, that the entry is fair and the difficulty not great, the next means thereunto should be embraced. Is assured that Cecil and the Council have thought hereof. The way is either to renew the late contract of Berwick, or to join with the French in their desire to be confirmed, in some such points as can be best devised, whereunto there will be many of this country well willing. Has in this matter as yet only conferred with the Earl Morton and Lidington. Both heartily wish that something were done therein. Lidington desires that it might be known in time that men might be framed thereunto. Morton is of opinion that the confirmation unto the French will not be granted before that the Queen be in her own country. He thinks that the Duke of Guise and that sort will hold up their heads by her, and make such traffic of her as they can to their advantage. Lidington believes that she will not be here so soon as it is reported. When she comes here it will be a mad world. Their exactness and singularity in religion will never concur with her judgment. Thinks that she will hardly be brought under the rule of Discipline, of which they can remit nothing to any estate or person. Every man is inclined well enough to obedience if she will maintain the Word of God, even such as have travailed most earnestly against it. The other commission is only unto themselves, with instructions unto the Lords of such matters as her will is to be done, with new commission to the Controller, as to receiving of her revenues, the maintaining of her houses, and disposing of her offices, wherein it is inhibited to make payment to any person until her will be further known.
4. On the 23rd inst. they went all four to Linlithgow to the Duke and Earl of Arran to signify the Queen's will touching those commissions. They received none other answer from the Duke but that he could do nothing therein until the Lords assembled, which will be in eight days. It is thought that Lord James will stay his journey until he see what will done at this Parliament, whereas he was resolved to have gone privately before, for that she was destitute of any of her own nation to advise her. Thinks that one or two others will be appointed with him. The Duke cannot be satisfied but that some dear friend of his must be one, yet can there not be found one of his own whom they think sufficient to concur with those who shall be sent. It is said that the Earl of Huntly will shortly be here. Robert Lyslaye is gone to Lord James, to the Earl of Athole, and other Lords of the North to utter some such ware as he has brought. Craigmillar and Findlater remain in Lothian; Blanerne is now in his own house. The Earl Bothwell is also arrived to work what mischief he can; knows not how the Earl of Arran and he will accord. Some difference there is between Lord Seton and him. Those that have arrived make no great vaunt of any great reward or gifts that they have received. Forbes' answer to as many as he carries letters to, contains as many fair words as matter of importance. What ever reasonably can be required shall be granted, so that in all points they will conserve amity with their ancient allies, and be obedient to their Sovereigns.
5. It is found straying in many men's heads that the Earl of Arran wrote into France without the advice of some other of the Lords, and bruited here that he seeks some way apart; upon which occasion he sent Mr. Balnaves and Forbes to St. Andrews, where were the Earls of Argyle and Athole, Lord James and Lord Erskine, to report such news as he had sent him out of France. The Earl of Glencairn wrote lately to Randolph to know if he had had any answer from Cecil concerning that point he wrote of him. It was bruited in his country that the Earl of Lennox's son had gone over with the Earl of Bedford. The Duke also heard the same before Forbes' arrival. They are glad that M. De Nemours is cast in his cause. Can write no resolute answer of the hostages and ship of Leith that took the Spaniards, before the Lords are assembled. There are in this town who intend to travail with the Portugals to have their letter of marque discharged for a sum of money as once was agreed, for 14,000 ducats. Wrote to Lord Grey that the Lords desired to know what the charges would amount to for the hostages. Francis Tenant has given him for his good services the offices of Conservator of the Chancery and Master of the Garde robe to the Queen; he excuses his falsehood by as many fair words as he can, but is not like so to escape.—Edinburgh, 26 Feb. 1560. Signed.
6. P. S.—Intends to-morrow to ride to the Duke, who in four days will be here. The worthiness that he knows in the R (fn. 3) and his deserts in furtherance of the Queen's service causes him the oftener to remind Cecil of him; he serves for many more purposes than to wear a jack.
Orig. Hol., with a P.S. of four lines of cipher, undeciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 8.
Feb. 26. 1035. John Somers to Cecil.
1. Throckmorton is now so strong that, if his successor were come, he is able to come home in post. The Earl of Bedford's assurance and the Queen's letters make him comfort himself to be at home in April next. According to Cecil's letter he has brought such books "de re navali" as are to be bought in this town, one in Latin the other in French in folios. He has also bought a book of gardening, planting, grafting, etc., very well commended by the skilful in those matters, in French. These three books, together with the King's ordinances, he sends by Francisco Thomaso. Among the ordinances there is a plat of the hall that was made for the assembly of the Estates late at Orleans.—Paris, 26 Feb. 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—There are no other sorts of pictures made but such as he has already sent, saving the King of Navarre and the Duke of Savoy, which are very evil made and not worth the having.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 1036. Creation of Cardinals.
A list of the Cardinals promoted 26 Feb. 1561, nineteen in number. A printed page with interlinear notes by Shers, as under.
1. Il vescovo Salviati, Prior di Roma. "This Prior was made at the old French Queen's request, and much against the Duke of Florence his mind."
4. Il vescovo de Vercelli, Legato e Nontio a Venetia. "This is he that persecuteth Guydo Janetti."
6. Il clarissimo M. Marc Antonio da Mula, cavallier, Ambasciator a Roma. "For these estates, and made much against their wills."
7. Il clarissimo M. Bernado Navaier, cavallier. " A Venetian."
8. Il reverendissimo Grimani, Patriarca d'Aquilegia. "Not yet certain whether he be, or shall be, a Cardinal or not, upon suspicion of heresy."
19. L'Abbate da Gambara, chierico di Camera. "A Bressane, and of this estate."
Ital. and Engl. P. 1.
Feb. 26. 1037. Another copy of the same list, varying in a few minor particulars, and without the comments of Shers.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 1038. Another copy of the above, in a contracted form.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 27. 1039. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. As Sir Ralph Grey's malady increases the writer renews his former suit touching the wardship of his heir. Encloses his petition to the Queen for the same; "assuring you I will consider your friendly favour herein as liberally as shall well content you, though I give it no name."
2. On the 24th he held day of meeting with Lord Home, and on the 25th with the Laird of Cessford, and found good inclination to justice in either of them, namely the Laird of Cessford. Trusts that they will make all these matters straight, for he has already driven Lord Home to so narrow a scantling that he had no plaint left to demand, but a bill of eight geese; saving that Sir Henry Percy's officers of Norham have grievously molested his fishers and wounded his men, in the prosecution whereof he is very earnest. Has divers times written to Sir Henry Percy to answer it, who promised to be present at the day of truce, which was not performed. Lord Home would have him write to the Queen, but he stayed him till next day of meeting, on March 17th. Desires Cecil to write to Percy earnestly; otherwise he will lose the estimation of Warden in not being able to bring gentlemen to places where justice is ministered as he does others.—Berwick, 27 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. The second leaf is torn in the outer margin. On the back is the rough draft of the commencement of a writ in Latin in Cecil's writing, respecting the petition of James O'Neal of Ireland. Pp. 3.
Feb. 27. 1040. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Has been forced to continue the office of under-marshal since his coming for sundry reasons; howbeit he has appointed him no special entertainment, but has promised to be a means that his service shall be considered, wherein he asks Cecil's help. Desires that the overplus of the wages of the twentyfour Marshal's men, amounting to 8s. weekly, may be paid to the under-marshal.—Berwick, 27 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig.. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 27. 1041. M. Morette to Cecil.
The anticipations which he had formed of the Queen's regard for his master, the Duke of Savoy, have been fully verified by the writer's experience. He will always remember with pleasure and gratitude her kindness and courtesy, of which he has written to the Duke of Savoy.—Fontainebleau, 27 (fn. 4) Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Portion torn off in two places in the outer margin. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 28. 1042. Maitland to Cecil.
Has of late written touching the coming of M. De Noailles into Scotland for renewing the league with France. Desires him to find means that the Queen, "our Sovereign," may be in friendship with that realm, otherwise the intelligence betwixt them can for no time endure. Cecil may easily judge what subjects professing obedience are able to do when the Prince is bent a contrary way. If she may be induced by good means to embrace an equal league with that realm, then the subjects of both should long live in ease. Desires him to show the bearer, William Henderson, reasonable favour for his passport to pass into France.—Edinburgh, 28 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 28. 1043. Jones to Throckmorton.
1. There has been somewhat discanted upon the errand he did at his coming over by them whom it touched nearly. Was a good time in great disgrace and much was devised against him to his great hindrance, if no worse had been meant, but in the end things were interpreted well, and "he" has shown himself since to him who gave him good countenance void of all grudge and discontentation. How it is taken at Throckmorton's hands he doubts not but he knows ere this. Nunquam laudata est a sapientibus viris in una sententia perpetua permansio, and the time which moved much was then more dangerous than it is now by the avoiding of the Guisians. Seeing it is every man's duty to advertise things touching the honour or surety of his Sovereign, so long as the same is not grounded upon malice towards any party, of which affection Throckmorton was always void, he is the more easily and reasonably to be excused. He, as messenger of so unthankful an errand, was like to pay for his folly, if some had not taken the matter in hand unknown to him, and said that he was smally beholden to Throckmorton for despatching him with the message.
2. Whereas he wrote that he doubted Mr. Secretary's good will towards him, he perceives that all those countenances which seemed strange, together with his long silence, proceeded rather by means of his continual business and affairs. The writer having something to do with his father-in-law for that which he minded to bestow upon his daughter, (because she seemed to accept him [Jones] for her husband,) before he was fully resolved in the affair, Mr. Secretary has shown himself so greatly his good master that he has brought the matter to a comedy and made the end joyful. Begs Throckmorton to thank him for the same on his behalf. Because there have passed some things between them which may through evil interpretations turn them both to some evil opinions of more persons than is necessary, he begs him to commit his letters to the keeping of Vulcan, preserving his protestation to the Queen. Lady Throckmorton goes to the Court to-day touching his revocation. Three days past Mr. Thomas Wotton spoke with Mr. Secretary, and talking with Jones questioned of the matters of the state of France. Has heard that he is likely to be sent. Lord Paget was lately at the Court, but now keeps the country altogether.— London, ult. Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: To my loving husband Sir N. Throckmorton, Knt., the Queen's Ambassador in France. Pp. 3.


  • 1. On the next page is part of a pedigree of John Carr, which is imperfect by a portion being torn off.
  • 2. A small portion in cipher, undeciphered.
  • 3. The Laird of Grainge [?].
  • 4. The date has been altered after having been written, but the endorsement corresponds with that given above.