Elizabeth: February 1561, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: February 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp543-560 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp543-560.

"Elizabeth: February 1561, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp543-560.


February 1561, 11-20

Feb. 11. 983. Chamberlain to Cecil.
Since closing his letters to him and to the Queen, more matter was ministered to him, as he may perceive by the postscript, wherein he has declared word for word what was said. Moreover the party told him that the King would be glad to show that he was able to do something in friendship with the Queen rather than men should note her to stick with him for trifles. Besides, he said that the Count De Feria, bearing as good will to the amity and service of the Queen as any man, and having made the alliance that he has, looked for more favour both in his own respect and his friends. The King would also be content that it should be known that the Count was the man whom he favoured, and would accept right well any pleasure that might be shown him. He also said that it was a point of wisdom for one Prince to have regard to the other's minsters. The Regent also said to him that the King having conceived well of him, would use him to be a means for him. If the Queen yields to his request it will give the King great pleasure and advance Chamberlain's credit. Prays Cecil to help his successor forward, and begs to be commended to his wife.—Toledo, 11 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 11 Feb. 1560. Pp. 3.
Feb. 11. 984. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
1. Since his arrival eight days since, he has tarried for Throckmorton, whose sickness is in better case, so that he has been able to travel hither with much ado. They mean to set forward for Fontainebleau as shortly as they can. The Queen Mother does most things here, and in manner all, saving that sometimes she uses the advice of "the Vandôme," who is bruited to do much. Religion for this little time has had good success, and a certain liberty is granted rather by toleration than by any common order as yet published, so is there no persecution awhile.
2. Don Juan Manriques, the King of Spain's Ambassador, has earnestly moved the Queen Mother to take into her hands the absolute government, and that for better aid therein his master will die at her feet. It is hard to judge how religion would prosper if this took place. The young Queen's going to Rheims is deferred, because of his coming, yet it is thought she shall thither afterwards, and so to Janville. The Prince of Condé is looked for daily at the Court. Manriques is departed, rewarded with 1,500 crowns. One is appointed to come over into England to congratulate with the Queen; it shall be either M. Vielleville or M. Dampville. Guido Cavalcanti is also appointed to come over; but the writer does not know the effect of his message. The Duchess of Ferrara has appointed a Knight who attends upon her to come over to visit the Queen shortly. Throckmorton uses great discretion. Has been very often and friendly visited, and is lodged in M. Dampville's house. They have despatched a letter to Mr. Mundt, and mean shortly to write to Chamberlain. The Cardinal of Lorraine is gone to Rheims, there to lie all the Lent season. He says he will preach this Lent, because they find so much fault with unpreaching Cardinals.
3. The wife of the Admiral of France was lately delivered of a child, which he caused to be baptized openly in the vulgar tongue, after the manner of Geneva; the Admiral was present thereat himself; the doing of the same was much commended by many. He comes not to Mass in any open assembly, but the King of Navarre does. There is a certain suspicion of the Duke of Nemours brought and uttered to "the Vandôme," for that he should beget with child a cousin of "the Vandôme," called Demoiselle De Rohan, whom by law he should marry, which he utterly refuses. The brother of this gentlewoman, M. De Rohan, came yesterday to the Court with 200 horse, and it is thought there will arise some faction, for that Guise takes part with De Nemours. The Vandôme has sent for M. De Nemours. M. De Rohan is a great Protestant. Word has been sent by the Vandôme and the Constable that they shall lie at Fontainebleau in a lodging of the King's called the Pavilion, so they will be at the King's charges, which will cause them to stay the shorter while there. Notwithstanding they have refused the same two or three times, yet must they take this offer.—Paris, 11 Feb. 1560. Signed.
4. P.S.—Throckmorton will follow Cecil's and his other friends' advice. "You know what I mean." Desires to be commended to Lady Cecil.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Feb. 11. 985. Thomas Jenyson to Cecil.
1. Made his repair hither to provide coals, iron, steel, baskets, nails, hoops, and clapboard, wherein he found as much aid of Mr. Bertram Anderson as he required. Has already two ships laden with coals waiting for a southerly wind. Yesterday his ministers at Berwick advertised him that the coals of the store were clean spent, whereby the lime kilns are like to stay work; and that some that were doers in divers things there at his coming, (whom he bridled in the liberty they had both in spoiling and converting to their own use the Queen's provisions,) would impute the present want to him. Mr. Anderson, at the coming home of his ships, will send three or four laden with coals and other furniture, and has already hired two ships, in one whereof he has abated in the price of coals and freight 12d. per chaldron, and in the other 20d., for which the writer has promised him [Anderson] payment at Mr. Brown's coming. For that the limekilns and smiths' fires consume yearly 1,500 chaldrons of coal, which are not wholly provided in summer, the Queen is burdened with 200 or 300 marks yearly that might be saved. First, in summer time the coals which are delivered by weight, or freight of a keel, (and not by measure,) are dry, and the keel also, which makes the same lighter in the lading than those laden in winter by two chaldrons at least in every ship's lading; secondly the coals are more plentiful in summer than in winter, whereby they and the freight are better by 2s. 6d. in every chaldron at least; third, the owners and masters of the ships are not willing to serve almost for any money in the winter to Berwick (the coast is so dangerous); whereby the limekilns may oftentimes stay, and yet the burners continue in wages. Authority should be given to confer and bargain with them that will the best cheap serve the Queen with 800 chaldrons of the best coal, called Darewen coal, and as many of the best Northumberland coal, to be delivered at Berwick, half by mid August and the rest by the last of October next; for that their stowage will not stow the whole together, all of which might be at 13s. the chaldron the first sort, and 12s. the next. Has communed with Mr. Anderson, who will not be brought under 14s. 6d. the chaldron, and to be monthly paid, who is as able as all the rest of the merchants to serve the turn.
2. For want of convenient close yards about the store houses, the carpenters and sawyers not only work abroad and "slow" their work by working every trifle for others, but also purloin the Queen's timber and stuff, and so do others he therefore recommends that three or four yards should be enclosed.
3. At his coming hither there was a robbery in the bishopric by two soldiers who came abroad without passport whereupon he required the Mayor to charge his inferior ministers once or twice in the week to search the victualling houses in the town for soldiers without passports, and to imprison them till he heard the Governor's pleasure; which he listed not to do, unless with such as he should find criminous. Is informed that much of the base money is conveyed into Scotland, and worth at Edinburgh 18d. in the lb. In Berwick, money hardly can be had in exchange for gold, except Scotch money; the price whereof is current for 15d., albeit five of them are but an ounce and are scantly sterling. If the same were rated according to its value, he thinks that it would be some let to the conveyance of English money. If 10,000l. of new money were sent to this town it would wholly take up the base money in the bishopric Northumberland, Westmoreland, and Cumberland; which being gathered up in those countries, he thinks very little would be conveyed from any other place. Trusts to Cecil's memory for the lodgings in the store house, whereby he will not be occasioned to be absent from his charge.—Newcastle 11 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. A small portion of the bottom corner of the first leaf is torn off. Pp. 4.
Feb. 12. 986. John Frederick II., Duke of Saxony, to the Queen
Has received her letters by Mundt, who he perceives has been commissioned by her to speak to them. They have therefore desired him to declare their minds to her.—Weimar, 12 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 12 Feb. 1561. Lat. Pp. 3.
Feb. 12. 987. Throckmorton to the Queen.
Has received her letter of the 23 Jan. by the Earl of Bedford, containing her pleasure for his joining with him. Will strain his best to accompany him to Court. Guido Cavalcanti goes shortly towards England. The good affection that he is deemed to bear towards her has greatly hindered his suits here. Refers her for other occurrences to the Earl of Bedford's letter.—Paris, 12 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 12. 988. The Earl of Bedford to the Queen.
1. Received her letter of the 4th on the 9th inst., by Francisco Thomaso. Since his advertisement of the state of Throckmorton, and his arrival in Paris, he has received letters from him to the effect that he will be able to come to Paris before his [Bedford's] going to the Court. By small journeys he arrived at Paris on the 10th inst. His labouring hitherwards through foul ways and unpleasant weather has much hindered the way he was in to health, but yet he trusts to accompany him [the Earl] to the Court within a while in a litter coach; therefore she need not send anyone to join him in this legation. Has not failed, according to her commandment, to comfort him with the best persuasions he could, which have somewhat revived him.
2. As soon as the French King was advertised about what time the writer would be at Paris, he sent a gentleman of his chamber, named M. De Sault, to meet him, with offer of all pleasure and courtesy. The Constable caused a house of his in St. Antony's street in Paris to be prepared for him, where he is very well lodged. Hears that the King is minded to send M. Dampville into England. Don Juan Menriques, and the Baron of Boullewiller, (who was sent by the Emperor to condole,) are both returned homewards; neither of them had the favour shown them that is prepared for him. The King has commanded that a pavilion adjoining to his palace of Fontainebleau shall be sumptuously appointed for him, and has given order to defray him for his table during his abode. Takes these extraordinary courtesies to proceed from the good affection of such as have the charge and order hereof, and therefore humbly beseeches that the same may be in like case considered towards M. Dampville. The French Ambassador in England, M. De Seures, will be shortly revoked, and the President De L'Aubespine, brother to the Secretary De L'Aubespine, shall succeed him.
3. The Princes of Germany have assembled themselves together, for what purpose he hears not certainly. He and Throckmorton have taken the opportunity to write by James Melvill to Mundt to inform himself well of that matter, and to travail that the Princes depart not without concluding something amongst themselves for the advancement of religion; and find means either to procure a free General Council, or at least to impeach the Council of Trent. He is also asked to travail that they advertise her of their doings in that behalf, to have her opinion thereupon; and to solicit them to send hither some to travail with the Estates here for the same matter, where they will find many very well affected.
4. The Estates held at Orleans are ended, and nothing concluded but a money matter for the acquitting the King's debts upon interest, the whole amounting to about 18,000,000 crowns. The King has received in writing the doleances and requests of the said Estates, which are respited to be answered by him till the first of May; at which time part of them shall repair whither the King shall appoint, both for answer to their requests and to decide how the money shall be paid, and that within six years.
5. Guido Cavalcanti is upon his departure towards England. Has heard a good report from the Lord Ambassador of his affection towards her. He [Cavalcanti] has been long suitor here; but being suspected by the Guises to be too well affected towards her, he departs hence ill satisfied; recommends him to her favour. Sends a proclamation defending the French to cavil one against the other in religion.—Paris, 12 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
Feb. 12. 989. The Earl of Bedford to the Council.
Repeats the information contained in his letter of the same date to the Queen. The Queen of Scotland has despatched a gentleman of this country for Scotland, who put himself in order to depart out of hand. He minds to pass by England. Sends the proclamation against religious cavilling. —Paris, 12 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
Feb. 12. 990. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Commends Francis the post, who has received no payment from the writer. Retains the other Francis till their next despatch. M. Noailles visited him yesterday, and shortly takes his journey hence. All pensions about the Court are abridged of the third part of their stipends, for that the King is so greatly indebted; and therefore all tables and such allowances, as well as the stables and the office of the hawks, are taken away and sold, both horses and hawks. Has kept Francis one day longer than he thought to have done.— Paris, 12 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 12. 991. John Somer to Cecil.
Is rejoiced to see Throckmorton so well on the mending hand. The Earl of Bedford's coming and comforting for his revoke has been his best physician. Believes the Queen would do him more pleasure to tell him plainly that he shall not be revoked, than to keep him hovering between hope and doubt; for thereby she will rid him away at once, whereas by these lingerings he dies living. Has had no leisure to accomplish his desire for such books as he writes for.—Paris, 12 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 13. 992. The Queen to Gresham.
1. She allows of his doings in obtaining of the Company of Merchants the loan of 30,000l., which they shall pay for her the 20th March. The greater part of her debt is due this month, he is therefore to put over all the rest, excepting such part as 30,000l. sterling will defray after the rate of twentytwo shillings and sixpence Flemish, for six months, and so much as the said sum will discharge to put over only for this month until the 21st March, and herein, with the rest, if he can, to bring the charge of her interest to ten or twelve, or to as mean a rate as he can.
2. As he writes of the service of Gilpyn, his secretary there, the Queen will be good to him in any reasonable suit. The Queen trusts (after this February debt is prolonged) his leg will allow him to go aboard ship to return to her; where for his own recovery, and for intelligence of his doings, she will be glad to see him.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by Cecil's secretary: 13 Feb. 1560. The ink is much faded. Pp. 2.
[Feb. 13.] 993. The Queen to the Merchant Adventurers.
She thanks them for aiding her with 30,000l. on that side the sea, for discharging of part of her debts due this month; and assures them of repayment according to the rate of twenty shillings sterling, for twenty-two shillings and sixpence Flemish. Whereas they require that the same shall not be paid by them until the 20th March, she will be pleased if her creditors will forbear till that time upon her charge.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by his secretary. The ink is much faded. Pp. 2.
Feb. 13. 994. The Earl of Bedford to the Queen.
On Saturday next they mind to take their journey towards the Court; of what they shall have done he trusts to be the messenger himself. Cavalcanti, this bearer, desires his letters to her in his favour.—Paris, 13 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 13. 995. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Letter of recommendation for the bearer hereof, Guido Cavalcanti, who can satisfy them of the state of things at this Court.—Paris, 13 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 13. 996. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Announces his intention of proceeding to the Court on Saturday next, where they will arrive on the following day, and desires him to show friendship to Guido Cavalcanti.— Paris, 13 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 13. 997. Conference at Naumburg.
1. John Frederic, Duke of Saxony, having heard what the Queen of England had been pleased to communicate through Dr. Mundt, returned the following answer.
2. Perceives that her friendly warning towards the Princes and states of the Confession of Augsburg proceeds from Christian zeal and goodwill towards them, and accordingly thanks her. She is not ignorant of the fraud by which the Pope seeks to restore his power, and to extirpate pure and Christian religion, chiefly among the professors of the Confession of Augsburg.
3. The Duke has received letters from the Pope through his Nuncio at Naumburg, concerning the Council, which he has answered by declaring that he will have no intercourse with him, and thinks that after this he will be free from all Papistical meddlings. The Protestant Princes should oppose the Council, and he will do so himself as far as he can Thinks also that whenever the French King hires German troops, it should be provided that no injury shall be inflicted upon Protestants by their means. Was extremely glad to hear that the Estates of Scotland had renounced the authority of the Pope last August, and that this had been done with her assistance and help; and is sure that nothing will be left undone by her to further religion. Care must, however, be taken lest, under pretence of religion, errors and schisms creep into the kingdom. As the Queen has offered (in the event of being required to send to the Council,) to communicate her answer to the Protestant Princes, he hopes she will do so and that in all matters concerning religion a good intelligence may be kept up between them.—Weimar, 13 Feb. 1561 Signed.
Orig. Add. by Mundt. Endd. Germ. Pp. 7.
Feb. 13. 998. Another copy of the above.
Translated into Latin by Mundt, and in his hol. Endd. 1560. Pp. 4.
Feb. 13. 999. Another translation of the preceding.
Endd. by Cecil: 13 Feb. 1561. Lat. Discoloured and injured by damp. Pp. 4.
Feb. 15. 1000. John Shers to Cecil.
1. Advices this week from Rome and other parts state that the Pope has won the Emperor's assent for this Council at Trent.
2. M. Della Cava, Commissary General appointed by the Pope for this Council, has left Rome for Trent to prepare there, and the Pope has sent thither eight of his principal musicians for the solemn Mass of the Holy Ghost at the beginning of the Council.
3. The Cardinal of Mantua has accepted the legation. From Mantua they write to the contrary. Concerning this Council it is thought by some to be nothing to the purpose. They write that the Pope has imprisoned the Cardinal of Pisa in his castle with the Caraffas, and that a brief is sent for the Cardinal of Trani, who were made Cardinals by Paul IV. Some say it is because the Duke of Paliano has confessed that these Cardinals poisoned Camillo Ursino, and another Cardinal (whose name he has not), in Paul IV.'s time.
4. The Pope will needs have the Duke of Savoy to be General over this Council with a certain number of men, so that they may not be disturbed until they have concluded.
5. They write from Milan of the Duke of Savoy's proceedings, and that a certain vale of his called La Proyna [Pragelas] has rebelled. The Duke lately subdued this vale from their religion (which was the same as at Geneva) back to the Pope, and forced them to build three fortresses at their charge, which the Duke manned to keep them under; but now, with the help of certain French subjects of Dauphiné, which surrounds the vale, they have overthrown M. Della Trinita and his 3,000 men, recovered the fortresses, slain all the Papistical preachers whom the Duke sent thither, burned all sorts of images, and are stronger in themselves.
6. There is news that the Switzers have agreed amongst themselves, in their Council at Bada, and that the Duke of Savoy promised much, and (provoked by the Pope) sent his Ambassadors thither, to request to have all such places as of old belonged to his estate; adding, that if they would not restore the same, the Duke would then request them with arms. To this answer was made that if he did so, he would find the Switzers the same men as the Dukes of Savoy had found them.
7. The Council of France has changed the wards and furnished the fortresses they hold in Piedmont with as much or more strength as was in them before. Berne and other cantons have promised to assist for the defence of Geneva.
8. Letters from Constantinople affirm that the Turk's provision for the Goletta is set forth, and perhaps for Malta.
9. News from Messina state that one of three ships that were sent with men and victuals towards the Goletta was driven into Africa, and fell amongst the Moors, who took and impaled all the soldiers and mariners, and put them to death after the Turkish manner, as a terror to all Christians that shall make that voyage hereafter.—Venice, 15 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 15 Feb. 1560. Pp. 4.
Feb 15. 1001. The Laird of Cessford to Sir John Forster.
Perceives by his letter of 1 Feb. (dated at his house beside Alnwick) that he [Forster] has considered all the points of his [Carr's] last writing, dated at Edinburgh, January 17, touching the twelve bills promised between them. The truth is, there is part of his twelve bills upon Liddlesdale which he has noted into his roll sent to him, notwithstanding Forster shall receive it again with the twelve bills of Teviotdale. Therefore he asks him to reform his roll and send it again. As for his meeting with Lord Borthwick at Jedburgh for answering the bills of Liddlesdale, it is not needful. Desires him to appoint a reasonable day at the Staweford for their meeting; he must not appoint Tuesday in the first week in Lent, because Lord Grey has agreed to meet him at the Ridingburn. Desires that he will send in his twelve bills; and if he would proceed with those of Liddlesdale, that he will send in as many as he can that they may be sent to the Lord Borthwick.—Hallyden, 15 Feb. 1560. Signed: Walter Carre of Sessforthe.
Copy. P. 1.
[Feb. 16.] 1002. Money and Plate conveyed into Scotland.
Note of money and plate (chiefly new money) sold and conveyed into Scotland, by Edward Barwicke, Leonard Stockdale, John Harrison, and Thomas Carne of Kendall.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 17. 1003. Guido Cavalcanti to the Queen.
Cecil having been commissioned by her to answer what the writer had previously advanced respecting his mission into Italy, had remarked that the chief obstacle to this design arose from her unwillingness to be the first to originate such communication. The writer has already anticipated that objection, and has proposed that he should be despatched nominally upon his own private affairs, and not to do harm to the Venetians. He will have no great difficulty in procuring such information as will be important for her service. As he has been told by the Secretary that his despatches have hitherto been considered satisfactory by the Queen, he conceives that they will be equally so hereafter. Advances reasons for thinking that he can render her further service which will be useful, and expresses his wish to be employed by her.—London, 17 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Feb. 17. 1004. Edward Grimstone to Lord Grey.
Upon a second conference with the Lord Treasurer, wherein the office of customer of Berwick was brought in talk, his Lordship disposed the same upon College, his man, for which Grimstone not only thanks Grey, but further asks him to thank the Treasurer. Thinks it well for College to be sent to give bonds and receive instructions, of which the Treasurer will probably write to him. It will be well for him not to deal with the office till he receives the Treasurer's commission; yet it were good for him to require a copy of the customs' book, which he is sure that Thomas Barton, whom he left to fill the office, will not refuse.—London, 17 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 18. 1005. Chamberlain to the Lords of the Council.
Since his letter of the 9th he has received theirs of the 7th Jan., touching Champneis and Poole, who arrived in the Isles of Canaries about last September, with a French ship richly laden with linen cloths, meaning to have made sale thereof; but certain French merchants saying that they were pirates, they were stayed of their purpose and their prize sequestrated. Whereupon they wrote hither, desiring the help of the Count and Countess of Feria, to procure from the King that their prize might be restored, alleging letters of marque given them by the nobility of Scotland. Wherein the Count travailed, but could obtain nothing; so that it is likely that they have ere this received their deserts.—Toledo, 18 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 18 Feb. 1560. Pp. 2.
Feb. 18. 1006. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Received his letter with a copy of a grant whereby Thomas Carlile claims a fishing in controversy between them, albeit the benefit of the grant does not appertain to him but to Widow Barrow, as her dowry from her husband, Robert Barrow, who died seized of the same, and whose interest he [Lord Grey] has purchased. That is not the present matter of controversy, but the payment of six barrels of salmon, which he ought to yield for a standing place on the castle ground, where use is to launch and draw their nets. For, notwithstanding the waters have been transferred from the office of the castle by lease granted to Sir Thomas Clifford and Sir George Lawson, yet has there customarily appertained a duty to the captains in all times since, for the said landing place, though not recited in the grant, no more than is the contrary specified. Sir James Croft for his time took 4l. and four barrels of salmon yearly. The six barrels of salmon, which he now desires to pay, he covenanted with the writer for, as Sir Thomas Grey can witness. Asks Cecil to favour his right that he might receive no foil at his hands who has behaved himself as is not sufferable, and who should not slide without due punishment but for the reverence the writer bears to the Duke his master. Whereas he says that the writer ministered punishment towards him, although in communing thereof he [Carlile] has sundry times used ill language, yet did the writer spare him till, in presence of the Council, he spoke very opprobrious words uncomely of Sir James Croftes; and being warned to attend upon the day of march, did twice obstinately neglect; which were the causes the writer committed him to ward and released him incontinent. Now at his repair to London, being warned to attend the writer before his departure, he went suddenly, so that Grey could not write by him the matter of the controversy; and at his coming spoke untruly of him. All which he trusts that Cecil will consider, that the writer may be encouraged to serve like a governor, without receiving such checks.
2. The four Scots stayed here four days, "and at their departure understood such reason and courtesy in staying them, that they be nothing at all grieved therewith." Wishes that he had been appointed sufficiently from the Court to have prevented them of such mischief as their hearts imagine. Without doubt they have conveyed in their hearts and budgets a great mass of treason. God confound them and it together!—Berwick, 18 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 18 Feb. 1560. Pp. 3.
Feb. 19. 1007. Lord Grey to the Privy Council.
Has received their letter of the 6th with a copy of a letter from the Duke of Norfolk touching the ransom of St. John. Answer whereof is, that at the time of his journey last in Scotland he was required by Cecil to grant to the Duke his part of St. John, having bought the one half of him from his nephew Somerset for 300 crowns, whereof he paid one hundred, and is daily called for the other 200. He yielded the said part over to the Duke, so that he should content his nephew of the said debt, and Mr. Marcham for his half. Has never swerved from this promise; albeit he would have gained 10,000 crowns towards the payment of his own ransom if he had not surrendered his part. Desires them to regard the terms that he is in, that for his good will he may not be endamaged. The Lairds of Craigmillar, Findlater, and Blanerne have declared that St. John paid 600 crowns to Barkley. If that is true he uses no courtesy to be both winner and plaintiff.—Berwick, 19 Feb. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 19 Feb. 1560. Pp. 7.
Feb. 19. 1008. Immanuel Tremellio to Cecil.
Having understood from the Duke of Bedford that Cecil is now even more influential in the Court of Queen Elizabeth than he formerly was in that of King Edward, he congratulates him thereupon. The writer was one of the earliest of the Evangelical foreigners who were patronized by that King, from whom he received the gift of a free denizenship, a salary, and a canonry in Carlisle. But the publication of an edict concerning the restitution of the Mass, upon St. Thomas's Day in December [29 Dec.], 1553, induced him to set out from England about Christmas, along with a large body of English merchants, leaving his wife and family to follow him into Germany in the spring, after having sold the furniture of their house. In the meantime the sedition broke out headed by the Duke of Suffolk; whereupon Master Mor, the guardian of the Church of the Minories, (near which the family of the writer resided,) obtained from the Chancellor [the Bishop of] Winchester authority to confiscate the said furniture and goods, which he contrived to appropriate to himself. For the truth of this statement, Cecil is referred to George Medele. The writer was also deprived of his annual stipend of fifty marks payable by the Treasurer of the Augmentations, Sir John Williams, and the prebend which had been given him by King Edward, with leave of nonresidence. He asks Cecil to cause a reasonable compensation to be made to him for these losses.—Fontainebleau, 19 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 20.
Labanoff, 1. 92.
1009. Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Queen.
Thanks her for her expressions of friendship conveyed by the Earl of Bedford. She will do her utmost to preserve the Queen's friendship.—Fontainebleau, 20 Feb. 1560. Signed: Votre bonne cousine, Marie.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Broadside.
Feb. 20. 1010. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Thanks her for her good offices expressed by the Earl of Bedford and by her resident Ambassador, and assures her of his desire for amity between the realms.—Fontainebleau, 20 Feb. 1560. Signed: Charles,—De L'Aubespine.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Feb. 20. 1011. Catherine De Medicis to the Queen.
Acknowledges the receipt of her letters by the Earl of Bedford; thanks her for her good will and expresses her own friendship.—Fontainebleau, 20 Feb. 1560. Signed: Caterine, —De L'Aubespine.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Feb. 20. 1012. The King of Navarre to the Queen.
Thanks her for her letters by the Earl of Bedford, and assures her of his affection towards her, and his desire to co-operate with the King of France and the Queen Mother for the preservation of amity between the two realms.—Fontainebleau, 20 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Feb. 20. 1013. The Dowager Duchess of Ferrara to the Queen.
Thanks her for her good opinion expressed by her letter conveyed by the Earl of Bedford and her Ambassador. Has asked the Earl to express her sentiments more fully.—Fontainebleau, 20 Feb. Signed: Renee de France.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 20. 1014. The Dowager Duchess of Ferrara to the Queen.
Letter of credence for the Chevalier Rimynalde, a gentleman of Ferrara, (who had accompanied the writer into France,) now proceeding into England in company with the Earl of Bedford.—Fontainebleau, 20 Feb. 1560. Signed: Renee de France.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 20. 1015. The Constable of France to the Queen.
Has received her letter from the Earl of Bedford, and thanks her for her friendship towards him. Offers his services to preserve the amity between her and the French King, who is a gentle Prince, and one who loves virtue.—Fontainebleau, 20 Feb. 1560. Signed: Montmorency.
Orig. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 20. 1016. Francis Edwards to Cecil.
The payments for the gold crowns and pistolets are above their valuation, as may appear by the enclosed proclamation. All foreign coins still go at a high price. Gives the prices of English rose nobles, six francs 12 sous, and angels, four francs six sous, and also of imperials and Philipps, four francs six sous. The prices aforesaid makes gold to come hither. The winds are calm, and the coasts all clear. Sends such printed matters as are set forth. French wines are very small this year and dear. The small sort is worth fifty-one francs the tun, and good wines few to get, and worth sixty-eight francs the tun, and few to be found that will abide to the latter end of the year. If Cecil will have any bought, Edwards desires him to write shortly.—Rouen, 20 Feb. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 20. 1017. J. Dymmak to Cecil.
1. Immediately after the delivery of his last letters of the 9th inst., written at Lubeck, being informed that the Chancellor of Sweden would be here within four or five days, he remained until he came to this town, on the 15th inst. Since then he has had two interviews with the Chancellor, who declared to him that at his leaving Stockholm, the King with his brothers and sisters was in good health, and that there was never greater amity between the King and Duke John his brother, notwithstanding the reports which have been noised. Dymmak perceives the Chancellor has commission to go into England, and will remain there six or eight weeks at least; he will be accompanied with twenty horses. Boreus, the Ambassador now in London, will upon this man's coming return again to Sweden. The Chancellor intends to leave Lubeck on the 22nd inst. He [Dymmak] cannot perceive that this King's good will towards the Queen has abated, but has rather increased; he has been offered great marriages, as the Emperor's daughter, the King of Poland's sister, with other Princesses, which he has refused, living still in hope the Queen will not deny him. In consequence he has sent this man to know her pleasure, and in the meantime great preparations are being made both for his coronation, and his journey to England as soon after as possible, providing this man is not denied of the Queen. The King will not leave his realm unless he has some comfortable answer beforehand, for other Princes would laugh him to scorn if he ventured so far, and then be denied. He sends enclosed the order of the burial of Gustavus, late King of Sweden.— Lubeck, 20 Feb. 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—The King of Sweden's Chancellor desired to know whether Cecil was not against the marriage of the King and Queen. Dymmak answered that he thought Cecil indifferent, so that it pleased the Queen. The Chancellor then desired him to write to Cecil not to take this in evil part. Whereas he wrote that George Guildenstern came with the Chancellor, he wrote amiss. The Chancellor's name is Nicholas Guildenstern.
Orig. The P. S. in hol. Injured by damp. Add. Pp. 2.
Feb. 20. 1018. English Pirates.
Depositions of certain piracies committed by the English, taken before Regnier Van Urssele, echevin, and Jehan Van Asseliers, secretary of the city of Antwerp.
1. Bertelmieu Pauwelson, mariner of Antwerp, deposes that after last Christmas as he was voyaging towards London with several other ships, and had arrived off Margate, where were eight or nine English merchant ships lying at anchor, the mariners of the said ships cried out to them to strike sail, and when he took no notice, fired on him, and shot arrows after him, and shot away the halliards of his ship, nevertheless by setting all sail he escaped. Being asked if the English had ever before committed the like outrage, he answered that about nine years ago, they took out of his ship 900 kersey cloths. A year ago at Christmas, certain Englishmen boarded him at night and took from him two guns, gunpowder, bread, meat, and cheese, together with all the money that the merchants, his passengers, had about them.
2. Adrien Pietersson, mariner of Antwerp, trading to London, declares on oath, that on his passage to London, being off Margate, on the 24th of last Jan., about an hour after sunset, he was boarded by eight or ten armed Englishmen out of a certain "flouin," (fn. 1) who beat one of his mariners and compelled him to run below to save himself, and who was hid by his master in the hold, as otherwise the English would have killed him, for they had given him many blows and had wounded him in the arm. The English afterwards entering the hold spoiled the deponent of all his money, and drove him with his servant and two others into the galley, whilst they plundered the ship of merchandise to the value of more than 200 gros livres of Flanders, and of his own property to the value of ten livres. The deponent could not recognize any of the robbers, but they were English by their language. They wore caps before their faces like masks, and were otherwise disguised. Three or four years ago a similar thing happened to him. He daily hears like complaints against the English.
3. Berthelmieu Cornelisson, mariner of Antwerp, declares on oath, that throughout the whole year he has been unable to make a voyage to England peaceably, without the English robbing him of his victuals, clothes, shirts, or other things; which they do not only on the coast but even in the Thames. Even before the Queen's palace at Greenwich, they fired at him four or five cannon shot, which tore his sails, which the Queen might have seen from her windows if she had been there; and which was done chiefly because he would not allow them to board him for the purpose of plunder.
4. Jehan Verdonck, mariner of Antwerp, declares that about two years ago, as he was leaving London, certain English boarded him in the river and took thirteen barrels of beer, a quantity of herrings and other victuals, and beat him and his people like dogs. He has heard several others complain of the like violence which the English perpetrate daily on the Low Country mariners. As he was lying at anchor off Margate he heard of their plundering Adrien Pietersson; and was obliged to lend him some bread, as the English had taken all his victuals.
5. Gerard Roosen, mariner of Antwerp, declares that he saw about two months ago certain English board the ships of Adrien Adrienson and Anthony Willemson, and take thence beer and other provisions; but they were not able to take the deponent, as he outsailed them. About three years ago as he was coming from London, they took away from him a chest of sugar, his clothes and provisions. Hears that they are in the daily habit of doing the like. About two years ago he was boarded and attacked with daggers, and stabbed in the face, to the great danger of his eyesight, because he had no money to give.
6. Corneille Moon, mariner of Antwerp, deposes that he has not traded to England for two years; but that before that time, certain English boarded him and took all the provisions, goods, and stores in his ship, and gave him a good beating, which they are notoriously in the habit of doing daily to other seamen.—Sworn the 4th Feb. 1560.
7. Oliver Robertz, mariner of Antwerp, declares that about a year ago a certain English ship (as far as he could make out by their language, for he could not learn her name,) boarded him, and took one hundred bundles of dressed flax, belonging to Pierre Moucheron, worth 150 livres gros of Flanders, and also his clothes, and the greater part of his victuals. About the same time they boarded the vessel of Michael Vanden Wrele and took three packages and a half of dressed flax, a package of spices, and also his best cable, together with his clothes. This happened opposite the castle of Folkestone on their voyage towards Honfleur. And on their return towards Antwerp the same English vessel, which carried a flag with the arms of England, took out of the ship of Michael Vanden Wrele fifty casks of wine, but was unable to take anything from the deponent, as he outsailed them. About a year and a half ago, however, he was pillaged.
8. Albert Jacobsson, mariner of Antwerp, deposes that about six weeks ago as he was coming from London, and was near Erith, eight or nine English in a large row boat came alongside about midnight, and pretending that they were going to put some passenger on board, by that means got on deck, and cutting and thrusting at them drove all the people in the ship (to the number of eighteen) below, and then took all the garments and money which they could find, both that belonging to the passengers as well as to himself and crew, to the value of forty livres de gros. And the said deponent being able to recognize them, because one of their number named Guytelier had no nose, he caused them to be arrested and taken before the justices, who allowed them to depart with a simple caution. Moreover the deponent is certain that it was the same persons belonging to Redriff who pursued him as far as Erith on Saturday last, so that he was compelled to fight in his defence, to prevent them from plundering his vessel. Nevertheless they shot so sharply at him that they wounded two of his people, one with an arrow that penetrated his back to the depth of four fingers, and the other in the arm, which arrows he has preserved to show to the Commissioners. Moreover he hears that the English daily do the like.
9. Corneille Jorisson, mariner of Antwerp, deposes that on the 29th of last January, as he was coming from London and was off the English coast, he fell in with three or four vessels lying at anchor, whom he knew to be English by their ensigns and the language of the crew. They hailed him to bring to and strike his sails, and on his approach seven or eight men in a brigantine, armed with bows and arrows, shot at his vessel, but not being able to board him, on account of the high wind, fired ten or twelve cannon shot at him which would certainly have sunk him if they had hit the ship; and those in the brigantine kept up so sharp a fire that ten or twelve of their arrows stuck in his ship. A little more than a year ago certain Englishmen plundered him of his sails, his boat, and his provisions, and broke his compass. These things they do so frequently that no one can sail with safety into England.
10. Jacques Wolffaert, mariner of Antwerp, deposes that last Saturday he sailed from London in company with Albert Jacobsson, and that when they were near Erith, a bark, or chaloupe, full of men tried to board Jacobsson's ship, who called on deponent to assist him; whereupon he steered towards him, when the English withdrew, keeping up a sharp fire of arrows. Moreover, about six weeks ago on his voyage from London, as he was in the Downs near the castle, certain Englishmen in a bark assailed him sword in hand, and took from him four shirts and all his money, together with that of another young man on board. They did not meddle, however, with an English vessel that happened to be lying there. A year ago last Easter an English man-of-war, named the Mary Rose, boarded him, and took away a barrel of beer. Declares further that these outrages are of frequent occurrence.
11. Nicholas Cornelisson, mariner of Antwerp, deposes that yesterday week on his voyage from London, when he was off the North Foreland, an English vessel lying at anchor there signalled him to bring to, but seeing as he was doing so, a boat approaching to plunder him, as he heard they had done to others, he made all sail; whereupon the English fired a great gun at them, which missed the ship by less than six feet, and which would have sent them to the bottom if it had hit them. However, as it blew strongly, he escaped without damage from them. About a fortnight before last Christmas, as the deponent, in company with other ships of Antwerp, Flanders, and Flushing, was voyaging from London, one of the Queen's ships called the Double Rose, (fn. 2) which was at anchor about thirteen leagues from the said town, commanded them to bring up, which after they had done, the English went from one vessel to another and took what they chose, namely, beer and other provisions, clothes, and money. Coming to his ship, in which there happened to be fortunately two English merchants, who knew some of those in the boat, after they had spoken to them they went away without plundering the deponent.—Sworn the 21st Feb. 1560.
French translation from the Dutch. Endd. by Cecil: Sent by the Spanish Ambassador, 14 April 1561. Pp. 11.


  • 1. A bark of forty or fifty tons, higher decked than a galley, and lower than an ordinary bark, and going both with sails and oars, (without banks,) and fitted both for fight and burden; we may call it a Ryboat or Ryman, (for the fashion of it came from Ry says Nicot).—Cotgrave.
  • 2. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
    March 21.
    B.M. Galba, C. 1. 75.
    She complains of the injuries which are daily inflicted on the merchants [of Antwerp] by the Queen's subjects, chiefly in the Thames. The English ship called the Double Rose is specified as having taken a prominent part in these exploits.—B[russels?] 21 March 1560. Signed.
    Orig. Add. Endd. Injured by fire. French. Broadside.