Elizabeth: August 1560, 26-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: August 1560, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp261-273 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1560, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp261-273.

"Elizabeth: August 1560, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp261-273.


August 1560, 26-31

August 26. 455. The Queen to Throckmorton.
1. Has received his letter dated Melun 22nd inst., and spoken with Mr. Somers, whereby she understands the resolution taken for ratifying the late treaty according to her device with the Bishop of Amiens and La Brosse, for which purpose before the coming of Somers her commission was ready sealed, which she sends with letters to the French King and Queen and a true copy of the treaty, which he is to require to be confirmed before the [6th] September, being the sixty days appointed in the same, and also to require the French King and Queen to give their oaths for the same, which is to be testified by their secretaries.
2. As for the disarming, there is no need to have any interview, as their doings are notorious to her, and her ships departed from Portsmouth on the 15th, and arrived at Gillingham on the 18th or 19th, where they are laid up, of which the French Ambassador has had knowledge. As for the fault found by the Cardinal that the Scottish Bishops are not permitted to enjoy their possessions, he answered well, that he knew nothing therein. None have been expelled from their possessions by any council, or order, but every one of them is freely licensed to come to Parliament, where the assembly and appearance is greater than has been accustomed. He is to assure the King that whensoever any of them does otherwise than becomes subjects, she will not show herself contented therewith. She complains of the slanderous reports against her, and thinks that those who make them should be notably punished. She wishes all other Princes were as clear in this matter as she is. He is to press the Cardinal, his brother, and the King and Queen, to punish such false reporters.
3. The money is paid by Cavalcanti for which MM. D'Amiens and De la Brosse were bond. (fn. 1) He is to tell the Bishop of Valence and De Randan that she finds it strange that, according to their promises, they have not procured commission to return, and also shall say the like to the Cardinal and his brother. He is to procure the coming of these two, but if not, the time lost since their departure is to be allowed. Has written very friendly to the French Queen, and mentioned her great kindness offered to him. He is to tell the Duke of Nemours that she did not know of his desire to come to England when she sent her opinion.
Draft by Cecil, slightly torn, and endd. by his secretary, 26 August 1560. M. from the Queen to Sir N. Throckmorton by Mr. Sommer. Pp. 5.
[August 26.] 456. The Queen to Throckmorton.
Commission for him to ratify the treaty made between her and the King and Queen of France.—August 1560.
Copy, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
August 26. 457. Gresham to Parry.
Wrote on the 18th by his servant, by whom he sent the "cortall horse," which he thought to have passed at Dunkirk without passport by the old statute, being not above twelve hands high; but the Regent having given order that none may pass, it remains at Dunkirk. He will obtain passport for it. Sent likewise four dozen black buttons, and also forty dishes of silver; twelve saucers are in hand. Trusts Cecil has made him [Parry] privy to his [Gresham's] letters about Count Mansfeld not accomplishing his bargain for the 300,000 dollars. Perceives, by one word that Hans has cast out, that the money is let out upon interest to the town of Antwerp of long time, nevertheless he [the writer] has so travailed that he has given full contentation to all the Queen's creditors. This day there arrived all the fleet of ships laden with cloths, but he has heard of no bargain made with the merchants for the payment of the Queen's debts.—Antwerp, 26 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 27. 458. Cecil to Throckmorton.
1. Has told the bearer, Mr. Somers, many things meet for Throckmorton to understand, but cannot tell him what they both privately covet, who is to be his successor; Mr. Knolles and Mr. Danett, though both meet men, will not be able to step into France without the Queen's relief. Sir Thomas Challoner is moveable, but without relief he will not be content to go. Sir Thomas Smyth is deemed meet in all things saving the language. However he must needs return. Within a few days they will be at Windsor, where resting will license more earnest speech.
2. Has imparted to Somers all the matters of Scotland. He [Throckmorton] has advised the Queen to bestow somewhat on the Scots. The Earl of Glencairn is poor, honest, constant, and wise; Maxwell is very wise and religious; Hume would be caught with a hook of a few ducats; Ledyngton is a rare man for all good qualities; the Lord James would be gratified; Kircaldy has need and reason to be remembered. They mean to purchase no good thing; like evil freeholders, they had rather farm their own land than purchase an incumbrance. With 1,000l. durst undertake to save 20,000l. in five years, with 2,000l., 40,000l., yet it is no good counsel. For what are they to expect when the Duke of Norfolk (a rare nobleman, columen familiœ reginœ) is thanked and sent home without allowance in credit or promise?
3. Will himself be worse this seven years for this northern service, where (besides his charges amongst men of war) he saved the Queen in one day 15,000l. as follows. The peace was made on the 6th of July, he discharged the army on the 18th, borrowing money, and persuading the Captains to pay their soldiers on his promise. "The army stood the Queen in 1,000l. per diem;" one-half was cassed betwixt the 10th and 18th, and at the 18th the rest; yet came not the treasure till the 1st of August, until which time, if it had abiden, it had cost her 20,000l. All this is but duty. Begs him either to return this letter or keep it safe; for letters may be misinterpreted.—Basing, 27 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Injured by damp. Pp. 4.
August 27. 459. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript. Pp. 2.
August 27. 460. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Since his last letter, the Lords of Parliament assembled "in the Tawbowth," in like sort as the first of their meeting, and confirmed divers Acts agreed upon by the Lords of Articles. The first was the confirmation of the treaty of Berwick, which by the Laird of Lethington was notably commended to the Lords, with ample declaration of the necessity of the time, and the goodwill of the Queen to their relief in the time of their extreme necessity, and almost utter ruin of the whole country. It passed with the common consent of all; divers even said that they would be content to seal it with their blood. Some exhorted all men never to swerve from the same. Others praised the first motioners, and prayed for the life and welfare of the Queen. This ended, Lord James protested in his own name and others of the contractors that they might have an instrument that their act was lawful, and not prejudicial to the crown of Scotland, and confirmed by common consent of Parliament. The next was allowance by Parliament of the twenty-four, of which number the fourteen Councillors must be chosen; for of the two numbers whereof the Lords had choice, they have taken the greater. They (fn. 2) have deposed the Pope, and abrogated his authority without contradiction. Many penal statutes against heretics are taken away. The Mass is utterly abolished and pains appointed both to the sayers and hearers; the first confiscation of their goods, the next banishment, the third loss of their lives. The three Bishops of St. Andrews, Dumblane, and Dunkeld, being called to pursue their Bill appeared not; whereupon a decree was made for the stay of their livings. The other Acts passed concerned either the commonwealth or some private cause. The Parliament is prorogued until it seem good to the Lords to assemble again. Divers are now departed, and many like to follow, saving such as shall remain for the despatch of common causes.
[August 28.] 2. Lady Fleming has obtained the Lords' letters to the Queen for her passport. The Duke requested him to write to Cecil how that she might have favour and expedition therein, and how it might be returned unto her by the next post. The Earl of Arran also requires the same. Lord James would be glad that for her son's sake she should receive some favour. The letters sent by him that came out of France are received. The news is none such but as he knows; no matter of importance is contained in them. The Duke's son is out of prison, with liberty to go where he lists, and live as he can. The manner thereof was thought very strange. No advertisement given thereof, but from one Scottish gentleman that wrote unto the Duke; who intends very shortly to send for him. The copy of the Bill against the Bishops he sends not, for that it is long and contains no matter in special.—Edinburgh, 27 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
August 27. 461. Maitland to Cecil.
Wrote before how the Estates had devised some Ambassadors to come to the Queen, as well for giving thanks as suing for a continuance of further amity, and prays him to hasten his advice therein. Although the Parliament is not ended, it is for the present dissolved, and many principal matters past, with a more uniform agreement than was looked for. There is in a manner no controversy in religion, and much less anent maintenance of amity with England, which all earnestly wish may endure for ever. The treaty of Berwick is by Act of Parliament confirmed; which he doubts not will highly irritate the French. The twenty-four for the Council are chosen. The Lord of St. John goes to France, the first with the ratification of the treaty and names of the Council, and to assay what countenance they will make to the Scots there. Sends his due commendations to the Treasurer, Dr. Wotton, and Cecil's bedfellow.—Edinburgh, 27 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 28.
Burgon, i. 348.
462. The Queen to Gresham.
During her progress she had given order that the ships of the merchants should be stayed till she had been able to conclude some bargain with them for the payment of 30,000l. on the 15th November, and 30,000l. on the 15th March; but by negligence of those in whom the trust was reposed, they have departed with 34,000 cloths, and no bargain concluded. The Treasurer seemed not to allow the payment of her debts by Gresham's means, and would rather put over the debt of November to March; she means him to come to Windsor to her on Saturday next. In the mean season Gresham is to confer with Fitzwilliam, to whom she sends letters, that she may be furnished before the next show day. He is to obtain from 23s. 4d. to 25s. Flemish for every 20s. sterling. If this, her reasonable request, be not granted, she will be occasioned to seek some other mean that shall be so hurtful perchance unto the company as she will be sorry to be forced thereto. She is informed that the show will be about the 4 or 6 of September. Has not heard hitherto of the receipt of the money from Count Mansfeld.—Basing.
Draft by Cecil Endd.: 28 August 1560. Pp. 3.
August 28.
Burgon, i. 351.
463. The Queen to [Fitzwilliams].
Whereas she has to pay great sums of money at Antwerp by the 15 of November and of March, and is unable to transport over the same in ready money or by exchange without loss, by the advice of her Council she requires the merchant adventurers (as they will have much money by the sale of their cloths,) to pay 30,000l. by the 15 November and 30,000l. by the 15 March, to such persons as Gresham shall declare. These sums shall be repaid them in the City of London at the manner of double usance, and according to the exchange for every 25s. Flemish 20s. sterling. They are to take order that the younger merchants be more easily assessed.
Draft by Cecil. Endd.: Aug. 1560. M. from the Queen to the merchant adventurers. Pp. 3.
August 28. 464. Another copy of the above.
Endd.: 28 August 1560. M. to [blank] Fitzwilliam, governor of the merchant adventurers in Antwerp. Pp. 4.
[August 28.] 465. Memorial for the Lord Treasurer.
The Queen, wishing to have her merchants adventurers and staplers pay 40,000l. for her in Antwerp in November next, desires that they be communed withal before the ships depart.
Cecil's draft. P. 1.
August 28. 466. The Queen to Leek.
1. Finding that the charges continue as great in time of peace as they were in war, at Berwick, and purposing to accomplish the fortification thereof, which requires great sums of money, she authorizes him to discharge all but 1,000 of the extraordinary bands, but to keep the old ordinary garrison, amounting to 145 horsemen and 88 footmen. The gunners are to remain as part of the said 1,000 extraordinary in this manner; a master gunner at 3s. 4d. per diem, his mate at 20d.; four quartermasters at 12d. and forty-four gunners at 10d. per diem. If any shall be deceased, the Master of the Ordnance and the master gunner shall not place any one in their rooms, until they advertise the Captain of the Town, who may advertise the Council; because there are divers good cannoniers who served at Calais and Guisnes who are to be first placed there before any new be taken.
2. As for the manner of the discharge, she perceives from notes of the Duke of Norfolk, that there are left twentytwo captains, whereof but four have 200 men and the rest 100, and some but 50; there must either be discharged some whole bands, or else these must be diminished. Respect is to be had to retain the most ancient soldiers, so that they also be of good order, and also those who have shot; and to dismiss those that are mutinous, and such as are inhabitants of the town or born in Northumberland and the frontier counties, and who being discharged may live there. In cassing these he is to use the advice of the muster-master, Edward Grimstone; and when pay is made to them he shall provide that the Treasurer see that the Queen is answered for all things due, as armour, victuals, etc., and the inhabitants' debts satisfied. He is to discharge them from time to time as he can procure money. She has ordered a mass of money to be sent forthwith to pay all her debts there. If any being well armed seem loath to be defalked of their wages for the armour, the armour may be received again, if it be not mangled or defaced, and only a meet recompence taken for any hurt or lack. He is to cause the old ordinary garrison to be mustered and a certificate made to the Lords of the Council how they are employed; and his opinion is to be sent as to what were convenient to be done for reformation of the same. He is only to impart this letter to Grimston and the Treasurer. Sir James Croftes was discharged of his entertainment of 20s. per day from the [blank] day of July and was wholly discharged of his office of Berwick.
Draft, in Cecil's writing and endd. by his secretary: 28 August 1560. Pp. 4.
August 28. 467. De Seurre to Cecil.
Has received his letter of the 20th inst. and is grateful for the honour which the Queen has shown him. Desires, (Throckmorton having received permission to send three of his people to view the French ports,) that this bearer may be allowed to visit Portsmouth, Southampton, and other places on the coast; as for the mouth of the river and Gillingham the writer will send persons from London. Spoke to him before his departure from Richmond, about the restitution of the French ships captured during the late troubles. As there remain several to be given up, he would rather, for the sake of expedition, have the matter proceeded in by ordinary course of law than by the Admiralty; and wishes for an order in Council to restrain the captors from consuming the goods.—London, 28 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by 'Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 3.
August 28. 468. H. Barnsleye to Cecil.
On the 25th inst. a sermon was preached at Rouen in St. Vivians church by a doctor of Paris, when there was a great tumult between the Protestants and Papists, and certain were slain and many hurt; the magistrates proclaimed that under pain of death and loss of goods no sermons should be made till the King's pleasure was known. At 2 o'clock [next day] there assembled in the new market place 7,000 people singing psalms, with their preacher in the midst on a chair preaching to them till 4 o'clock, when they departed quietly; there were 500 harquebussiers about them to guard them from the Papists. On the 17th inst. at the opening of the great fair of Jumiège a friar began to make a sermon according to custom; the people, not liking his doctrine, pulled him out of the pulpit and set another in his place, and afterwards printed a proclamation which he encloses. On the 27th was restraint made that no wine should go out of France, as the new grapes come but homely forward and they have small store of old wine. Wine is at seventy francs a tun, that he bought for forty-five this summer. On [Midsummer] Day there was such a frost at Burdes [Bordeaux] as has not been all winter. Signed, but signature defaced.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 28 August 1560. H. Barnsleye to my master. Pp. 2.
August 29. 469. Maitland to Cecil.
1. Received his letter from Winchester the 22nd inst. Thanks him for his advice, and for the pains taken to form such an Act of Parliament for the confirmation of the treaty of Berwick; before the receipt whereof, upon a five days, the treaty was by the Estates confirmed, in form nothing disagreeing from the advice contained in Cecil's letter.
2. It will be nigh to the end of September before they that shall come to the Queen may be at the Court, for that they come by journey and not by post. Is sorry for the disgrace of Croftes, specially for that it has chanced to him for matters concerning Scotland, for which the writer wishes that no Englishman should receive displeasure; seeing they have had some good turn from every one of them that were here. Prays Cecil to be good to him. The Master of Maxwell has gone to the West Borders to put good rule on that country, the inhabitants of which have kept no good neighbourhood with the countries of Scotland next adjacent to them this twelvemonth past. Will do what he can to prepare his mind to come to some accord with Lord Wharton, though he thinks it will be hard to bring to pass, seeing that in that matter he is not very tractable.
3. Perceives by Sir Francis Leek's letters from Berwick that many false reports are brought to him of their doings here, which he fears upon mis-knowledge of the truth may be written to Cecil. There is no appearance amongst them but of very good concord; if anything should chance to the contrary, he will advertise Cecil. Sends his commendations to Mr. Treasurer, Dr. Wotton, and Cecil's bedfellow.—Edinburgh, 29 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 29. 470. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has received Cecil's letter of the 22nd and thanks him for his favour and expresses his good will to serve him. Is very glad to hear of Throckmorton's return. Is sorry at his heart for Croftes' deserts; whatsoever enchanted him, he assures Cecil that when the writer had to do with him at Berwick he never found man franker than he was to set forth the purpose. Cecil's favour may stand him greatly in stead.
2. It is determined that James Ormiston shall shortly be with Cecil, he is sent from the Duke to convey secretly his son out of France. His servant Nesbit shall ride straight away before to bring the Duke's son to the Borders, or into Flanders, where James Ormiston shall receive him. The Duke takes it marvellous evil that he was so spitefully set out, (for so he terms it) shaken off like a dog out of a kennel. It will content the French very little to hear that he shall so be conveyed away. The Earl of Argyll, who by all means seeks to retire the Duke's affections from those parties, was the persuader hereof before his departure. The writer is required by the Duke to let Nesbit have his letters to his [Randolph's] brother-in-law, Mr. Crispe, Lieutenant of the castle of Dover, in case any impediment be made for his passage. Thinks that the Lord of St. John's will shortly be with Cecil. The others will follow as soon as they may. All things are well and quiet. Desires to know his will for his return. The Lords that go hence at this present have been in hand with him to have his company. The Earl of Glencairn spoke to the Duke for the same. The Earl of Arran withstands it for some other purpose, whereof he can neither be counsellor nor would enterprise to take it in hand in his company, except he knew how well it might stand with the advice of wiser heads; it were as mad a journey as any that ever was made.—Edinburgh, 29 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 29. 471. Leek to Cecil.
1. Yesterday received his letter of the 22nd, with a small packet for Randolph, which he immediately despatched. Mr Marshall is absent by the licence of the Duke, as is the Treasurer for seven days; on their return he will declare Cecil's pleasure to them. Whereas he writes that Croftes' ordinary wages are to be allowed him until the 21st of August, he had extraordinary pay allowed by warrant at 33s. 4d. per diem. And whereas from the 29th March last, at his going to the camp, he was allowed by the Duke's warrant for his diet 40s. per diem, and for twenty servants 12d. a-piece, and at that day Sadler entered on the charge of the town and castle, and then Sir George Bowes until Leek's coming, so that Croftes was not charged with the artillery, etc. at all; he inquires whether he is to be allowed both ordinary and extraordinary wages; for Sir George Bowes had by the Duke's warrant 100 marks for the time of his keeping the castle; and then, considering his entertainment in the camp and that neither he or his servants attended the castle, it was thought meet to stay his allowances for the castle.
2. Sends herewith a brief of the wages ordinary and extraordinary of the captain and garrison of Berwick. Beseeches him to consider for the government of the spies the choice of some true and diligent man, who will not by corrupt means enrich himself. Double the entertainment that Croftes had will not defray his charges. He also asks for four carts to carry away his baggage on his revocation.
3. As of necessity some severe punishment, by losing a hand or other member, must be used for the terror of those who daily do fight, the officer must not be discredited on every complaint, until his case be thoroughly considered. Has already sent to the Duke the books wherein the mayor and constables complain of the alteration of the old orders of the town. Would therefore have the old orders of Calais and Berwick printed and sent thither, and that one table should be written on parchment or metal and fixed on a post in the "towle boothe," or town council house, that every soldier may know his duty. Has found the little avail of imprisonment without severe punishment. He daily calls on the captains to keep their watch themselves, and finds that the lack of their personal attendance and of their lieutenants is cause of much evil, especially in suffering the soldiers to go over the bridge and fight at Tweedmouth, which happens daily, but they will not assent. Therefore he desires that in the Articles there may be one that if any captain or lieutenant keep not his watch and ward and attend the gentleman porter and bring the keys to the castle, for the first offence he shall lose his day's wage, and for the second double, and two constables be appointed to search the watch in the night. Has sundry times desired the gentleman porter to bring the keys with the ward according to ancient custom, but it will not be, nothing being more unsavoury here than the observation of the ancient orders. Desires that every officer and soldier should be sworn at his entry either to take any charge or enter any band.
4. Whereas some captains have 300 men and can well maintain their calling, whilst others have but fifty, and if they live truly cannot help themselves or keep any officer, and all kinds of silks, clothes, shoes and other things which must of necessity be occupied, are of such extreme price that they can scarce keep the countenance of a captain, ("and their profession is to be brave,") or a horse to ride abroad on, he would have every captain have 200 men, and the captains of fifties brought to their former calling of lieutenant, ancient, or sergeant, and if any will not serve in this sort, then let him go play till his money be spent. Amongst the 2,000 soldiers there are many born in Northumberland, Durham, Westmoreland, and especially in Cumberland, who for lack of horsemen have become footmen; he desires therefore that it may be in the Articles that if any native of these counties, or Scotchman, muster before the muster-master, he should not only lose his wages but be imprisoned for one month.
5. As for the book in paper for the reformation of the town, preferred by Sir John Brend to the Parliament last session, he thinks the greatest part convenient, but would only keep Sir George Bowes in his place of all the officers.
6. Sir Richard Lee has shown him a letter from the Queen wherein it appears that his advice should be partly used touching the demolishment of the Vanmures; a great part of the earth from the Snook to St. Marysgate is already taken away, and a good part of the Vanmures between the Bell tower and St. Marysgate already taken down, so as in divers places the passage for the watch is not two feet broad; there is no small doubt how the watch shall be continued during the winter when the wind is so extreme as it is here; besides the search cannot pass, the way being so narrow.
7. Is forced to take order that on any alarm, the bands should be divided; one, and the greatest part to assemble on the Greens, and so to aid the castle, or any attempt between the Bell tower and the castle; one to assemble at the watch hill, to aid the Cowgate; and the third near the new fort, to answer all attempts between it and the bridge, where stands the Marshal's band. Hopes that in case the enemy mind any attempt to this piece he shall hear of his coming.
8. On the 17th inst., at night, Zerlebouze [Sarlebois] was within three miles of the town with only four men. Is informed that he has a plat of the town. On the 25th inst. the young Lord of Liddington, having written for him to give a safe conduct to an Italian named Josepho Carvyall, a banker in Scotland, for his passage to London, he accordingly appointed him and a Scotchman who was with him to lodge in Captain Brown's house. On the next day, the 26th, they departed; and in their riding between Belford and Alnwick four footmen set upon them and slew the Italian and took from him 300 French crowns, his horse, and goods, and also robbed the Scotchman of 12l. and his horse. Sir Francis Leek therefore called a muster suddenly, but could find no cause of suspicion against any soldier. On the 13th two Albanois, soldiers of Captain Cornwall, were likewise robbed beside Belford; the poor also complain of robberies done in Northumberland, therefore he prays for a careful Warden.—Castle of Berwick, 29 Aug. 1560. Signed.
9. P.S.—The preacher is almost weary; Leek cannot bring Mr. Somerset and Captain Reade to hear a sermon. It is requisite that the town should have continually a preacher.
10. Has received a packet from Scotland with a letter for the Queen, a packet for Cecil, and a letter for Mr. Windebank, which he sends herewith; has also received one for himself.
Orig. The P.S. (9 and 10) in Leek's hol. Endd. by Cecil, and with marginal notes by him. Pp. 4.
August 30. 472. The Privy Council of Scotland to Elizabeth.
They ask in the name of the Queen, for letters of safe conduct for David Hamilton, son of the Duke of Châtellerault with twelve persons, to pass from France through England into Scotland.—Edinburgh, Penult day of August, 1 of France and of Scotland, 2 and 18 years. Signed: James Hamilton, Morton, Glencairn, A. Galloway, W. Maitland.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
August 30. 473. Norfolk to Cecil.
According to the Queen's commandment he has answered the Articles, which he sends herewith. Thinks that things will not come into the wished for state in the North, until one man be President, Warden, General, and Captain of Berwick ; but would have never a meaner man serve as Deputy than such as be now named. This would be 3,000 or 4,000 marks more charge to the Queen, as the Deputy must have the whole fee and commodity belonging to the chief office, and the chief cannot be without some assistance of council, besides some one lawyer and another civilian. Suggests the Earl of Shrewsbury for the office. "There is no such way for a continual establishment of the North as this."—Thetford, 30 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
[August 30.] 474. Government of the North.
Instructions from the Duke of Norfolk to be answered by the Lord Warden of the East Marches.
1. To consider upon what occasions the frontiers are become weak of English, especially of horsemen.
2. How the enclosures are keep up for strengthening the country.
3. How the decayed houses are maintained in reparation.
4. Whether the freeholders and officers dwell upon their charges and houses.
5. What numbers of Scotch people are inhabiting within the frontiers.
6. Upon advertisement of these things he will take order for the reformation thereof.
Endd. Pp. 2.
August 30. 475. Leek to Cecil.
1. Encloses a small packet from Randolph. This bearer, Mr. Treymeyne, being required by letters from Lord Grey to make his speedy resort to him to London, Leek has despatched him by post with these letters. Upon the sending of any letters from Scotland he requires immediate despatch.
2. The Scotch daily buy gold, new money, and Spanish money in Berwick of merchants and captains ; they pay 20d. in the pound for new money, 4d. for every French crown, and 2s. in the pound for Spanish money, and return for it English testoons.—Castle of Berwick, 30 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 30. 476. Edward Grimstone to Cecil.
The captains and bands have been discharged according to the orders of the Duke of Norfolk and Cecil. Some alteration of the appointment grew by Mr. Knevet's desire to leave his charge, all which he is sure have been advertised by Sir Francis Leek. There are many young gentlemen and old soldiers that were officers in the cassed bands, who are now entertained on soldiers' ordinary wages, whose captains daily crave him to relieve them by way of double pay. The greatest number of them are under Captains Somerset and Reed. Thinks that their relief should be committed to some man of credit, to have consideration upon each man according to his quality and service rather than to the disposition of the captains, as he does not think they will employ a benevolence properly. Begs that he will move the Queen to give him licence to depart into the country at Michaelmas.—Berwick, 30 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[August 30.] 477. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
"The note of such money as is taken up from the payments of the Syngzon 1560, till the payments of the Cold Marte 1560, which is twelve months; total 443,025 florins."— Signed by Gresham.
Endd. by Cecil : Pentecost Mart. Pp. 4.
August 31. 478. The Queen to John Bennet.
Licence to discharge the Mayor and Aldermen of Newcastle of the value of certain munitions, amounting to 96l. 1s. 0d., which were lost in the time of Queen Mary at a landing enterprised by Sir John Clere, Knt., deceased, then Admiral of the fleet in the north, in the Isles of Orkney, for which they remained bound in the office of the ordnance.
Draft. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Ult. August 1560. Pp. 3.
[August 31.]
Teulet, 1. 620. (fn. 3)
479. The Estates of Scotland to the King of France.
1. The writers, having regard to the present condition of England, their near neighbour, and considering that its Queen is sought in marriage by Princes from every part of Christendom, were persuaded that it was for the mutual benefit no less of France than of Scotland, that the matter should be discussed by the Estates. In their opinion it would be equally prejudicial both to France and Scotland were she to marry a Prince who was neither a friend or an ally to the former of these realms. This consideration has induced them to think that if possibly she might be satisfied with one of his subjects, the peril would be avoided, and an acceptable service rendered to France, which would thus be assured of the friendship of England.
2. Hence it is that they have determined to send an embassy to her expressly to solicit a marriage with the Earl of Arran, who, not only on account of his near relationship with the Queen of Scotland, but also from his early education in France, is most bound to Francis. They leave it to His Majesty to consider the advantages which may result to himself and his realms if through his instrumentality the Earl may attain this honour. They therefore request him to direct his Ambassador in London to assist and advise their agents who are sent thither for this purposes. They are despatched with the greater speed because it is reported that the Prince of Sweden will speedily arrive in England upon a similar mission; and they would be sorry to have such a powerful neighbour as he will become should he be able to join the power of England with his own. (fn. 4)
Copy. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Copy of a letter sent from the Lords of Scotland to the French King. Fr. Pp. 2.


  • 1. The Lord Treasurer to Cecil.
    August 24.
    Haynes, p. 361.
    Mr. Gonston being with the French Ambassador for 1,000l., lent at Berwick, and for 1,727l. 10s. lent here at London, had answer of the Ambassador that the money was ready, and that Cavalcanti should pay it; demanding such obligations as the Bishop of Amiens and M. De Broch stand bound in for the said money, and for such victuals as were delivered to them in the North. . . . . . . —Saturday, 24 Aug. Signed.
  • 2. See Act Parl. Scot. ii. 534, 535 Keith, i. 324; Knox, ii. 123.
  • 3. The copy from which Teulet prints is dated 31 August.
  • 4. To the copy from which Teulet has printed his text, the following signatures and date are appended:— Edinburgh, last of August, 1560. Signed: John, Archbishop of St. Andrews. W., Bishop of Dumblane; John Stuart, Robert Stuart, D. De Cuper, KilwinningJames Hamilton, Archibald Argyll, Andrew Rothes, Erskine, Ruthven; Patrick Ruthven, Provost of Perth ; Archibald Douglas, Provost of Edinburgh; James Haliburton, Provost of Dundee ; John Erskine, Provost of Montrose; Thomas Menzies, Provost of Aberdeen; Patrick Leirmouth, Provost of St. Andrews.