Elizabeth: August 1560, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: August 1560, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp206-215 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1560, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp206-215.

"Elizabeth: August 1560, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp206-215.


August 1560, 1-5

August. 375. The Queen to Sir Richard Lee.
As it is thought necessary for the works at Berwick that the upper part of the old walls of the town, that is to say, the vamures and some part more, should be presently taken down, so as the stone thereof should serve to fill the new walls of the new fortifications now in hand, she authorizes him, with the consent of Sir Francis Leek, so to do, leaving the said walls in convenient height with their rampiers, that thereby the town remain not open until the new fortifications are put in more strength.
Draft, in Cecil's hand. Endd.: 1560, Aug. Pp. 2.
August 1. 376. The Earl of Arran to Cecil.
Has taken the boldness to write to the Queen, which letter he encloses, praying him to accompany it with his good commendation; so that, as before by Cecil's means the writer has been delivered from danger in his greatest troubles, even so now he may find the continuance of goodwill in him, which he dare not presume to repay with words.—Edinburgh, 1 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 1. 377. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Yesterday Forbes and the other gentlemen returned from Dunbar. According to their commission they visited the ships, which were laden with biscuit, cider, lard, and little other to any purpose, as also appears by a minute which the masters of the ships sent to the Lords of the Council. Their desire is to utter it where they can get most money. Sarlabois showed himself very gentle in receiving the Lords' message, and willing enough to observe all the points contained in the contract, and has sent to the Lords for a copy of the same. The fortifications appear to Forbes not sufficient demolished, or at the least that may not be restored within ten days.
2. The Bishop of Dunfermline has promised to be at the Parliament, and to purge himself of anything that may be objected to him. He is greatly offended with the inhabitants of Kirkaldy, a town of his own, for that they bent two pieces of ordnance against him when they heard that he was coming with so great a train as five or six score horse, for fear whereof he says he came to Dunbar. Is required to see that the letters enclosed be safely conveyed into Cecil's hands. Has no other means but by Sir George Bowes. Whatsoever is further to be advertised Cecil will have knowledge from the Laird of Lethington.—Edinburgh, 1 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 2. 378. Count Mansfelt to the Queen.
Hans Keckenn, the bearer of the present letter, will inform her more fully of certain matters in which she and the writer are mutually interested. Credit is asked for him.— Mansfelt, 2 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Germ. Pp. 3.
August 2. 379. Count Mansfelt to the Queen.
1. Gresham doubtless keeps her well informed about the state of affairs in Germany. The writer has been obliged to detain Keckenn on account of matters of business, as is set forth in his instructions to be delivered to Sir Thomas Gresham, of which Gresham will inform her more fully. The writer will perform any directions she may send him as faithfully as if she had commanded him personally. The French King by specious pretexts has craftily obtained the friendship of certain of the greater German Princes, whom he strives to conciliate by all the means in his power, and with equal zeal strives to ally himself with the King of Spain and other great potentates; and all this he does for the sole purpose of attacking her and the other Protestant Princes, and overthrowing the reformed religion. Although the writer cannot point out by what methods these designs may be frustrated, yet it is in the power of the Protestant Princes so far to defeat them, as that religion may not be injured, in which purpose he will aid them with all his ability.
2. The friendship of John Frederick, the old Duke of Saxony, should be retained, as the writer earnestly urged already, but concerning which he has received no reply, and on which account the said Duke is somewhat offended. Mansfelt has, however, caused him again to offer his services to her. He has promised to uphold the Protestant religion and obtain the assistance of those noblemen over whom he has any influence. He has also worked with the said Duke about the confederation of the Protestant states, by which religion might be preserved, and the designs of such enemies as wish to destroy them defeated. Moved by these reasons the Duke has agreed to join, if a league can be formed. Therefore on account of preserving her credit and inspiring fear in her adversaries, she should not neglect to avail herself of this occasion, and he begs that she will endeavour to retain the Duke's friendship. The Duke advised that the Queen should enter into alliance with the maritime states as soon as possible.
3. Hearing that she has a large sum of money at Frankfort-on-Maine, which is the most dangerous place in Germany for it, he advises her to remove it to some other place. There is a report that there will be another Council at Trent.— Mansfelt, 2 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 7.
August 2. 380. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
August 2. 381. Robert Cornewaylle to Cecil.
1. According to Cecil's direction he addressed himself to the Captain of Dunbar, to know how he would answer the letting of the demolishing of the fort there, who answered as he did in his letter to Cecil. Whereupon he made repair with the Laird of Spott to Lord James, who with the Earl of Moray appointed certain Commissioners for the commanding the country thereunto, whereof the Laird of Whittingham was the chief; who after three days tarrying took such order as he encloses. Notwithstanding the urgent charges he had to do with the Lord Lieutenant, touching the pay of his men and other order, he repaired to his Grace, leaving behind him at Dunbar Mr. Stafford by his consent to call upon the demolishing; who after four days perceiving no manner of person to come to the doing of it, has advertised him from Berwick, whereof he has made relation to his Grace, at whose hands he looks for his present despatch to return to Dunbar.
2. Considering what advantage the French had by their arquebusses de caliber, he has found three Frenchmen, the makers of those arquebusses, who have promised him service, but are now gone to France to receive their pay and other things due to them, and so to return. Fearing some stop that might hap to them he sends this bearer, his servant, to seek them in France, or in the way, if Cecil should think the same expedient. The charge of every piece will draw near to 26s. 8d., besides the charge of the shot to be double to other arquebusses; howbeit it draws double or triple effect. For where the ordinary arquebusses shoot but eight, ten, or twelve score, these will throw twenty or twenty-five score, which cannot be maintained without better allowance of the Prince. Desires that his servant may know Cecil's pleasure, and that he will take such order that none other may reap the fruit of his device, and that by his means he may still enjoy the entertainment of his 200 men, with whom he trusts to do good service.—Newcastle, 2 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[August 2.] 382. Demolition of the Fort of Dunbar.
1. "The manner and order of the division of the fort of Dunbar for the demolishing of the same, given unto these persons under written."
2. The Lord of Morton and the Lady Prioress of North Berwick, forty-six paces of rampire.
3. The Lord of Yester and his mother, forty paces of rampire.
4. The barony of Humby, Lords of Skogalle, Basse, and others, the rest of the rampire, with eighty paces of the counterscarp and ditch.
5. The Queen's lands of the lordship of Dunbar and Douglas and others, the great platform, with forty paces of the counterscarp and ditch.
6. The Lords of Innerwick, Thorston, and Thornton, from the great blockhouse to the next mark, with forty paces of the ditch and counterscarp.
7. The Lords of Whittingham, Spott, and others, from the said next mark to the flanker where the passage is.
[August 2.] 8. The Prioress of Haddington and others, from the said passage to the castle ditch.
9. The said demolition to be ended within six days following 26 July 1560, under pain of punishment by the Lords of the Council.
Pp. 2.
August 2. 383. Gresham to Parry.
Encloses letter from Brickendine. By letters from Antwerp of the 30th ult. they write that the Turk prevails in Hungary. Reminds him of the merchant adventurers and staplers, and to proceed first with the merchant adventurers, who begin to enter at the custom house, and who will be all laden by the 25th. If the Queen is minded to refine her base money within these three months, he ought to demand of the merchants at least for every 20s. sterling 26s. and 8d. Flermish. —London, 2 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[August 2.] 384. Gresham's Memoranda for Parry.
1. There are to be received of Count Mansfeld on the 15th August 300,000 dollars, which equal 75,000l. 40,000l. to be made over by exchange or transportation of money, 35,000l. to be paid to defray the Queen's debts, 50,043l. to be paid upon the cloths by the merchant adventurers, and 25,000l. by the staplers upon their wools in Antwerp. This is not to be moved till all be waterborne, when a note must be taken out of the customs book and 20s. or 30s. charged on each cloth, and to keep the ships and goods in arrest until they have granted at least 23s. 4d. Flemish for every pound. By a like practice Gresham raised the exchange in King Edward's time from 16s. to 23s. 4d.
2. Would have him practise with the Queen to give the merchants licences liberally, whereby they will be sooner laden, and suffer another way. If the merchants allege that they will be great losers, he is to deny it, and warn them lest the Queen be forced to seize all the commodities in the kingdom. When the exchange was at 17s. he made them pay 20s. on each cloth, and the next payment for every pound 22s. to the hindrance and damage of no one.
3. By twelve months for every penny lost they shall gain two by reason of the cheapness of foreign commodities, cattle and grain, "without vexing of the realm, but only the merchants, which in any case can do less hurt, especially when the Queen has their money in her hands, which, if she be not able to pay at the day, then to prolong it, allowing interest for the same, and so to use her own subjects as reason is." This matter must be kept secret.
4. Perchance with the payment of 35,000l. and the bargains with the merchant adventurers and staplers for 60,000l. the Queen's credit will be so raised that the merchants may be spared.
Orig., with marginal notes by Parry. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 3. 385. The Queen to Throckmorton.
M. De Randan and the Bishop of Valence have been with her at Richmond on Thursday last, and have earnestly requested that, (notwithstanding by this last accord they should have treated upon a difference left undecided at London within the space of three months,) they might be licensed to repair in speed to the French King, promising to return with authority to conclude the said difference. She thinks it meet that Throckmorton should advise the French King, or his uncles, of this matter, and (as he sees cause) remember both Randan and the Bishop thereof. Will send authority to him to demand the ratification of the said treaty, and to inform the Cardinal of Lorraine or any other of the Council by the next despatch. Has licensed De la Brosse and the Bishop of Amiens to depart, upon their faith either to pay within fourteen days such sums of money as they are bound in for the safe return of the ships which transported the French, (5,000 crowns,) or to return within twenty days. He is to speak with the Bishop of Valence or others of the Council touching the galleys reported to be coming from Marseilles.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 3 August 1560. Pp. 3.
August 3. 386. Guido Giannetti to the Queen.
1. The Pope having offered a General Council to the Emperor, to the King of France, the King of Spain, and other Princes, the King of Spain accepts the offer. Concerning the place where it shall be held, the town of Trent having been proposed to him, he defers to the Emperor and the King of France.
2. The Pope or his Council scarcely dares fix upon Trent, feeling less secure under the protection of Ferdinand than under that of Charles.
3. The Emperor does not approve of the continuation of the Council of Trent, on account of the irritation likely to be caused to that party whom the Council will have to compel to observe its decisions. He has therefore demanded a new and freer Council, believing the former to have only resulted in strengthening the Protestant party. And he warmly urges that it be held in a free city of Germany.
4. His coronation is not spoken of at present, as though it were sufficient that the Pope offers it; for the Pope would have wished to crown him in Italy, receiving in return from the Emperor the usual oath to maintain and defend the Roman Church, and would confer with him personally concerning the Council to be held and the enforcing of its decrees. In fact without such an agreement with the Emperor and the other Sovereigns, the Romans will not willingly consent to a Council.
5. The King of France would be satisfied, it appears, with the city of Constance. In this he must agree with the Emperor. The papal party will not have either Constance, Basle, or Strasburg, and they will have their own way, until the above mentioned Princes are better agreed.
6. A Roman gentleman named Santa Croce, has been sent as Nuncio to Portugal, and bears to the King of Spain the concession for three years of the fourth part of the ecclesiastical revenues of Spain, and permission to sell for 25,000 ducats the lands and castles which have belonged to churches.
7. The Duke of Savoy has been in treaty for the general command in spoiling Geneva. In this the Pope and the King of Spain promised their aid, as also the French, who afterwards excused themselves. The Swiss have held a Diet, in which the Ambassador of the Duke of Savoy has failed in renewing an ancient league between his predecessors and the Swiss cantons. This treaty binds them to mutual defence, so that the Duke is not likely to hurry into an undertaking in which he will be opposed by the canton of Berne, the most powerful of those which hold lands in the neighbourhood of Geneva. And it is said that putting arms into the hands of Princes would divert their attention from a free Council, which they might otherwise promote, and that the mission of the Abbate di San Salute tended only to the same end, viz., to arm Princes, who, if properly dealt with, would have no fear of a Council. But France has too much to do at home, with the change in religious sentiments, the hatred of their rulers, and the little esteem in which the person of the King is justly held. So that, France withdrawing, the undertaking against Geneva is abandoned. The Pope proposes in a few weeks to leave Rome for Bologna and perhaps Milan, to treat with the Dukes of Florence and Urbino concerning matters of importance. There is suspected to be some design against the Duke of Parma, now in Flanders, though the favour of the King of Spain, his brother-inlaw, will be to his advantage.
8. The Cardinals Tournon and Armagnac have set out by sea from Rome for France. Tournon is Legate de Latere for the kingdom of France, jointly with the Cardinal of Lorraine, he having made it a condition of his acceptance of the legation that it should likewise be given to the Cardinal of Lorraine. He declined to take with him the cross of the legation, having to pass through places where it would be treated with disrespect by the people. It will therefore be sent to him from Rome to France, where it is believed that after having given his opinion and good advice to the King, the Queen Dowager, and the Councillors, he will withdraw to the repose which his age and health require. So that to the Cardinal of Lorraine will remain the entire care of the Council of the French nation, which France declares to the Pope to be necessary; thereby rendering of no effect the proposal of a national Council, which, if held, might only result in more firmly establishing the persecuted doctrines, and this notwithstanding that the Legate's powers are limited to withholding his consent from anything that may be hurtful to the Papal See.
9. Armagnac, a learned and moderate man, has also the title of Legate de Latere, but is not far from holding the very doctrine against which he is Legate.
10. The Caraffi, the nephews of the late Pope, are persecuted to the utmost; and the Cardinal having produced a bull, by which his order was not liable to be imprisoned, except either for conspiracy against the life of the Pope, for heresy or schism, the Pope immediately abrogated this precious privilege.—Venice, 3 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
August 3. 387. Winter to Cecil. (fn. 1)
1. From "Orwell wause" he sent Cecil the book of the numbers of the French embarked in English ships, subscribed by himself, the French captains, the masters of the ships, and MM. D'Oysel and Martigues. He could not at that time advertise him of the just number that embarked at Leith, Dunbar, and Inchkeith; seeing that many embarked in vessels of their own at Leith. As he was specially commanded to advertise the whole number, he has been the more careful to travail therein, as may appear by the justness of a bill sent herewith. This day he arrived safe here with his fleet.
2. P. S.—William Holstake desires him to remind Cecil of the 175l. that the French owe for victuals in Scotland, that he is answerable for to the merchants.—The Lion, St. Helen's Point, 3 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[August 3.] 388. Embarkation of the French from Scotland.
"The names as well of English ships, as French and others, with the number of the French that were shipped out of Scotland from Leith, Inchkeith, and Dunbar into every of them, 17 and 18 July 1560, and landed at Calais;" together with the names of the French captains, and the place of embarkation. They amount to, men 3,613, women 267, children 315; total 4,195.
August 4. 389. Count Mansfeldt to the Queen.
As George Marker, agent for the Scherers, is too much engaged to attend to his business, he sends Sebastian Zulcher with full instructions to her, to whom he begs she will accord her credence.—Mansfeldt, 4 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
[August 5.] 390. Articles delivered to the Hanse Towns. (fn. 2)
The Queen grants the merchants of the Teutonic Hanse, commonly called the Teutonic Guildhall, the liberty of exporting cloth at the same duty as natives, provided none of it be taken to the Low Countries or Italy. Goods imported by them into England from other than their own states shall pay 1d. in the pound less than those imported by other foreign nations; and goods exported by them elsewhere than into their own states shall pay 12d. less Equal privileges are to be granted to the English by the Hanse towns. The treaty to be confirmed by August.
Endd.: 1560. Articles delivered by us to the Orators of the Hanz. Lat. Pp. 4.
[August.] 391. Another copy.
Endd. by Cecil: Aug. 1560. Lat. Pp. 4.
[August.] 392. Another copy.
Endd. by Cecil: Stilyard. Lat. Pp. 4.
[August.] 393. Another copy.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
[August.] 394. Another copy.
Endd. by Cecil: 1560, 2 Eliz. The concord between the Queen and the Stilyard. Lat. Pp. 4.
[August] 395. "The effect of the last conclusion with the merchants of the Hanse, 1560."
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[August.] 396. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript. Lat. Pp. 5.
[August.] 397. Another copy.
Lat. Pp. 7.
[August.] 398. Memoranda about the Easterlings and Italians.
1. How many cloths, kerseys, and other woollens have been by them transported out of the realm since the last treaty made in August 1560 ?
2. How many of the cloths were coloured and how many dressed?
3. Specially, to what places and in what ships they were conveyed, how many each merchant has shipped, and to whom they were consigned?
To be considered touching the Italians.
1. How many merchants of Italy be resident within the City of London?
2. How many of them be of Venice, of Lucca, Genoa, Florence, and other places of Italy? How many of them be factors for other merchants, and how many denizens? What number of kerseys and other commodities they have transported within this last year? To what places and persons the said commodities have been consigned?
P. 1.
August 5. 399. Norfolk to Cecil.
Has received Cecil's letters and the Queen's for his discharge, for which he thanks Cecil. Hopes to bring full declaration of the things required, and to set forward on Friday, his wife and household following on Monday. If the Queen is near London, his wife will come to do her duty to her, if otherwise, he hopes she will give her leave to repair home, "being so puling as she is unmeet to follow the Court."—Newcastle, 5 Aug. 1560. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[August 5.] 400. Garrison of Berwick.
Indenture between the Duke of Norfolk and Mr. Grimston, giving the names of the captains and the strength of their companies of soldiers at Berwick, viz:—Ordinary garrison 2,000, 2,000 more for the supply. Signed: Thos. Norfolk.
Endd.: 5 August 1560; and by Cecil: The garrison left at Berwick, mense Aug., by the Duke of Norfolk. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Lord Clinton to the Earl of Sussex.
    August 8.
    B. M. Calig. B. ix. 111. Wright, 1. 42.
    . . . The French Commissioners in Scotland on returning to France have been at Court on their way, that is to say, M. De Zaudant, M. De la Brosse, the Bishops of Amiens and Valence. MM. Martigues and D'Oysell went by sea, and were landed at Calais by ships of this realm by the Queen's appointment, but at their own charges, and 3,500 soldiers in their company. On landing, they made the English captains and others great cheer; gave chains to some, to others cups of silver and gilt, with great show of good will. But he trusts them not; when they find advantage, they will not lose it.—The Court at Farnham, 8 August 1560.
  • 2. Another copy of this document also occurs in B. M. Claud. E. vii. 240, which ascribes it to August 7. It also contains the following papers connected with the above treaty.
    August 7. A censure made upon the Articles delivered by the Ambassadors by conference with the former Articles delivered by the Queen's Commissioners.
    August 7. The English Commissioners (viz., Northampton, Arundel, Clinton, W.Howard, Parry, and Cecil,) to the Lord Keeper, the Lord Treasurer, and others, upon the Articles mentioned above. Signed.
    August 8. The English Commissioners to the Privy Council, approving of the previous answer to be given to the Ambassadors of the Hanse.—London, 8 Aug., 7 p.m.
    [August 8.] Abstract of the address by the Queen's Commissioners to the Orator of the Hanse towns.
    August 8. Answer of the Orator of the Hanse towns to the above address.
    August 17. A declaration of the order taken with the aldermen and merchants of the Stilyard for their shipping and customs for the time of the agreement made with their Ambassador.—17 August, 2 Eliz. "Read and mark the whole."
    [August.] The effect of the last conclusion with the merchants of the Hanse.
    See also B. M. Lansd. 141. ff. 199, 202, b. 274, etc.