Elizabeth: December 1559, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: December 1559, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp179-195 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1559, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp179-195.

"Elizabeth: December 1559, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp179-195.

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December 1559, 11-15

Dec. 11.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 632. No. CLXX.
398. The Earl of Arran and Lord James to Sadler and Croftes.
Heartily thank them for their answer by Whitlaw, and have taken order to perform his credit. Have talked with the Barons, who are most willing to bestow their lives and substance to expel these strangers; have also given charge to the captains to list 1,000 footmen and 200 horsemen, and have promised them musters on 10 Jan. The Barons are ever ready to enlist on forty-eight hours warning. When all is ready the writers will let Sadler and Croftes know. They have in all points necessary ascertained the Council in Glasgow, and shortly look for their answer. The castle of Edinburgh is at good point, of which they look for advertisement shortly. It is reported there are 800 French in readiness; it would further their affairs much to have them cut off. They are travailing to have some ships at sea.—St. Andrews, 11 Dec. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Dec. 11.
MS. Burton-Constable.
399. Another copy of the above. Signed.
Dec. 12.
R. O.
400. Randolph's Memorial.
"A memorial of such things as are to be answered unto by Mr. Secretary touching the affairs of Scotland, if it please the Queen that Thomas Randolf return again."
1. Whether the Lords, being once assembled to consult upon these affairs, shall remain together, or divide as before?
2. If it cannot be agreed upon what hostages may be given, what answer shall be made in the Queen's behalf?
Answer. Without this, no open aid of entry of men can be given.
3. If there be any town offered into the Queen's hands, as S. Andrews or Stirling, what shall be said therein?
Answer. The Queen would rather maintain all the towns in the Scots' hands than have them out of theirs.
4. What shall be your advice to be said to the Earl of Huntly, Morton, or others, and how they are to be handled?
5. What offer may boldly be made unto the Lord Erskine if he will take openly part with the Lords?
Answer. To have as good provision as he had of France.
6. Whether any attempt shall be given to Inchkeith before the English power arrive?
Answer. Except it may appear tenable, being had, it were better forbear until English ships come thither.
7. What shall be done, said, or written unto the Earl Bothwell?
Answer. If he cannot be won from the French, to practise the taking of him.
8. What shall be advised if the commons and boroughs (fn. 1) can make no longer abode in the fields than fourteen or eighteen days, their purpose not being yet achieved?
Answer. Less than twenty-eight days shall not seem reasonable.
9. Whether any soldiers, Scottishmen, shall be entertained, and how they shall be paid?
Answer. As the Lieutenant of England shall see cause.
10. Touching the ensigns and "scharfes," what shall be your advice?
Answer. According to the ancient usage.
11. How the need of the Earl of Clancarne may be relieved, being the most necessary person to further their cause?
12. What may be said unto the Lord Maxwell for the offer of his servicè to the Queen?
13. What shall be said to Balnaves or Grange for their advices unto the Lords in some cases wherein Randolph may not himself travail?
14. What answer shall be given to Knox for preaching in the borders? What shall be said to Goodman?
15. How long is it the Queen's pleasure that the writer shall remain there? To what effect? (Hereunto he desires full instructions.) Asks for letters to Lord Dacre for his conveyance to Lord Maxwell, also to the Duke, the Earl, and the Prior.
16. By what day, if the hostages be agreed upon, the Lords shall put their force in readiness?
17. If need shall be of money for any special practice, what shall be done or said?
As for further general instructions. The Lord Lidenton's despatch is ready and attends only upon the passport. Asks where he may wait upon him.—From my house in Cannon Row.
The body of the document is in Randolph's hol., the answers in Cecil's. Endd. by Cecil: 12 Dec. 1559, Randall's questions. Pp. 3.
Dec. 12.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler. 1. 633. No. CLXXI.
401. The Privy Council to Sadler.
1. Whereas Captain Randall and others having been lately sent to Berwick for the Queen's service, the Treasurer shall give them meet entertainment. And if any of the captains coming with the 4,000 men fall sick, Sadler may appoint Randall and some of the rest to their charges, giving them in meantime good words to encourage them in the service.— Westminster, 12 Dec. 1559.
2. P. S.—Randall shall have charge of more than 200 or 300 men, considering the place of service he has occupied. (fn. 2) Signed: Bacon, C. S., F. Clinton, F. Bedford, Pembroke, W. Howard, W. Cecil.
Orig., with seal (Pulcher pro patria pati). Add.
[Dec. 12.]
R. O.
402. Soldiers for Berwick.
"A note of such numbers of men as have been appointed for Berwick; with the names of such noblemen as were appointed to levy them, the names of the shires and of the captains that have the charge of them," viz., from the counties of York, Chester, Lancaster, Nottingham, Derby, Stafford, and Shrewsbury.
Pp. 3.
Dec. 12.
403. Garrison of Berwick.
Monthly charges of Berwick from the 18th Oct. to the 12th Dec. 1559.
Captains seventeen, petty captains sixteen, officers sixty, horsemen 159, clerks four, great guides sixty-five, armed men 671, harquebusiers 1,198. Total 2,190.
Total charge 2,447l. 12s. 8d., whereof saved in check 109l. 10s.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.
Dec. 12.
R. O.
404. Stores for Berwick.
"The charges of the conveyance and packing of armour presently to be sent to Berwick." Total 71l. 22d.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 12.
R. O.
405. Mundt to Cecil.
Wrote to him from this place upon the 5th inst., giving him an account of the meeting of the captains who had served the King of France in the late war, and now had taken an oath to serve the French King and the Duke of Guise. Has understood in the meantime, that the King of Denmark has heard from various quarters that the French King is planning an attack upon his kingdom, to join in which he has invited the King of Sweden, to whom he has secretly sent an orator, much to the apprehension of the King of Denmark, who thereupon has sent one of his secretaries to inquire into the truth of the report. No intelligence of the kind has yet reached Mundt. Possibly the Guises, (such is their ambition) think that after having vanquished Scotland, (the conquest of which they have already promised themselves,) they will move their forces into Denmark, in order to put the Duke of Lorraine, their relative and the brother-in-law of the King of Denmark, into possession of his maternal kingdom. It is easy to guess how convenient this would be to King Philip and the whole of Lower Germany, to the cities of the Hanse, and to all the other states and realms on the Baltic sea. Cecil will doubtless investigate the subject. Many of the captains and officers of the horse reside in Lower Saxony; none can inform him more easily of the place than the Elector of Saxony, since the matter chiefly concerns him and the Danish King, his wife's brother.— Strasburg, 12 Dec. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Dec. 12.
R. O.
406. Commission of Otto, Duke of Brunswick.
Commission to Andrew Sawer, one of his Council, and Theobald Grummer, his Secretary, to solicit from the Queen the payment of a pension granted him by the late King Edward, her brother, by letters patent, and which since his death has not been paid.—Harburg, 12 Dec. 1559. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Germ. Endd.: Syngrapha quatenus Dux noster nobis potestatem negocium suum in Anglia conficiendi permittit. Germanice. Germ. Pp. 3.
Dec. 12.
407. Translation of the same into English.
Endd: by Cecil: 1560, Comitis Ottonis, Ducis Luneburgensis. Pp. 2.
Dec. 12 and 19.
R. O.
408. Francis Edwards to Cecil.
1. Wrote last on 30 Nov. signifying the departure of sixteen sail from Newhaven, since which time he has remained at Rouen about his affairs there. To-day has been advertised that of late much munition has been laden at Abbeville and upon the river of Somme, viz., of gunpowder and shot twenty lasts, morrispikes, shovels, [?] spades, mattocks, baskets to carry earth in, of each 5,000 or 6,000, and of other sorts to fortify with, also wheat and wines, all to be sent to Calais, to furnish the ships that go for Scotland and for the wars there.
2. There are departed out of Bretagne five or six ships laden with wheat for Calais and Scotland. Much provision is made in these parts of Normandy for victuals to be sent to Boulogne and Calais for their forts in Picardy, and to be sent from time to time into Scotland; like provision of wheat and such like out of Brittany. From Rouen they send wines into [the] Somme, and likewise to Calais and Boulogne; and from Rochelle and Bordeaux, small wines for Scotland; out of Caen and the bass country, hog's flesh, etc. for the shipping. Much provision they make for Calais and Boulogne. They have laden about Calais thirty great brazen pieces of ordnance. These will be with the victuallers, twenty or twenty-two sail, to convey the Marquis D'Elbeffe into Scotland. Better intelligence can be obtained from Calais. They have not yet departed, but the Marquis and his wife are upon their way riding towards Calais.
3. Capt. John Rose is departed from Dieppe in a ship of his own of sixty tons burden, in which the Marquis pretends to go. A ship laden with wines has gone from Dieppe to Calais.
4. Has been certified to-day from Newhaven, that all merchant ships there begin to rig, likewise at Dieppe, and all the coast alongst. The French say they propose to go to Newfoundland a fishing, as they yearly have done. Customably about Candlemas they go upon that voyage. Some think that when the ships are all ready the French King will take all such his merchant ships as may best serve for his affairs for Scotland; but of this matter the writer will shortly perceive more. Will have occasion to ride to Newhaven about his own affairs, and as he perceives will advertise. Does not hear that any of the King's ships rig as yet, excepting the Carrick at Dieppe, but she will not be ready this month. The Flower de lyce at Dieppe is in a readiness, but lies there still. Divers merchant ships at Dieppe are ready to depart, some for Spain, some for Rome, as they say, and as he thinks some will atheiving or they come home again. They are all well appointed, as if they had war, or feared it. The two row barges that are ready at Newhaven are now appointed to go to Guinea, to Castel de Mino for gold, and have taken in merchandise for that voyage. The profit of the same shall be divided in four parts; for the Lord Admiral, for the ships, the merchants, the victuallers, and the captain Sore and his mariners in both ships, viz. 150 men. Some men think that if they meet with a good purchase, they will not refuse the same. They are bravely rigged and have three tops apiece; they lack no cordage, great or small, crow's feet nor merlyn. By the rigging they may be known, if they go any other ways. Merchants who ship for Spain had need to take good heed. The French send their ships thither and into all places well appointed. They talk much of war, "and much doth fear the same with us." Their merchants come daily out of England, and our merchants go as fast home; by the last of this month there will be few Englishmen here or elsewhere in France. The French say they will not begin; the merchants and common people desire peace, wishing that the King had never married the daughter of Scotland. They fear the Queen will help the Scots, and that the wars shall shortly follow. They look here daily when we will begin the same. They are not in good quietness; they grudge and murmur at the Cardinal of Lorraine's proceedings and his government of their King. They fear not so much the war, and think the Cardinal has cause to fear the people, who (as the voice is) does not lie far from the King, and has a guard for his more assurance.—Rouen, 12 Dec. 1559. Signed.
5. P. S.—Came to this town on 13th inst. with as much speed as his horse could make, hoping to have overtaken a servant of Sir Anthony [sic] Throckmorton's, but he had entered into his passage an hour or more before the writer's coming; and the water gates being shut, could not come to deliver this letter. There will now be less passage because of Christmas, and also for that our merchants are and will be gone from hence. Since his coming hither has heard no less than he had written. The Marquis D'Elbœuffe departed from Rue on Saturday last, after dinner, and his wife with him, towards Calais; it is said she goes with him into Scotland. The number of men that go with him at most is 3,000, though some say more. This can be more perfectly understood at Calais. Some think M. de Termes and D'Andelot accompany him, who are both at Calais, and see the shipping of the soldiers. Since his coming hither the Carrick is had aground to be caulked and tallowed, she will not be ready before the 14th of next month. All ships rig here, some for merchandise, some for the fishing, and some he knows not yet for what purpose. Since he came four ships have gone from this town, they say to Spain; also two great ships for Rome and Marseilles. There has been much foul weather upon this part, the wind southerly; the French fear that some of their ships are driven upon the coast of England. The talk of war increases here, and much afeared they are.— Dieppe, 19 Dec. 1559.
6. P.S—This day he will ride some part of his way towards Newhaven.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 13.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 634. No. CLXXII.
409. The Queen to Sadler and Croftes.
By their letters of the 9th she perceives that 300 French come to Aymouth and 500 more, which is so directly against the treaty and the safety of Berwick, that it cannot be borne. Therefore if they fortify any of the said ground to their defence, Sadler and Croftes must use their wisdoms therein; and if they find that unless they be quickly stopped they will grow too strong, they must expel them. Should the matter be of more importance than may be done by the force with them, then Sir Ralph has permission to assemble further succours for the removal of the French. Let them with all speed advertise her of their purposes.—Westm., 13 Dec. 1559. Signed by the Queen.
Orig., with royal seal. Add.
Dec. 13.
R. O.
410. Armour at Berwick and Newcastle.
1. "A proportion of armour presently assigned to Berwick, by force of the Queen's warrant, 13th Dec., 2 Eliz.," with the prices.
2. "Armour remaining at Berwick and Newcastle."
Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 13.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 621. No. CLXII.
411. Debts due to the Queen.
"The names of certain of the Queen's debtors which are to be warned to appear before Mr. Rone, her auditor, 13 Dec. 1559, at Berwick, to answer to their several debts." The names of about forty persons are given, together with the four serjeants of the East and Middle Marches. Signed by Anthony Ratclif, one of the under-sheriffs of Northumberland.
Dec. 13.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 635. No. CLXXIII.
412. Cecil to Sadler and Croftes.
1. The time tarries not, as they see. This day their advertisement of the matter of Eymouth makes them stir. The truth is they had meant before that Norfolk should be at Newcastle before the end of this month, and Lord Grey at Berwick. The ships (twelve men of war, eight or ten victuallers, and eight others with munition, &c.) were appointed to depart on 20th inst. Now this day the writer understands that forty sail are past from France, so the English are like to come too late; yet they shall away and reinforcements follow. They all now at the last judge that the matter is too weighty to be trifled; wishes to God some had been of more speedy foresight. (fn. 3)
2. They will perceive by the Queen's letter that if the French fortify at Eymouth, Sadler and Croftes must be doing with them. If they do not fortify, they are to be forborne. One whom Lethington sent to them, will be with them three days before this letter. Barnaby departs this night by Carlisle.— From the Court, 13 Dec. 1559. Signed.
3. P. S.—They shall seem to the French that the force shown to expel them from Eymouth comes not of any public authority, the treaty requiring that the Prince offended shall first require address by word.
Orig. Add.
Dec. 13.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 274.
413. Killigrew and Jones to the Queen.
1. On the 6th inst. they despatched letters to the Queen by the French Ambassador's servant. They have travailled since to learn the confirmation of what they wrote before touching the commissions sent to Scotland by the Marquis D'Elbœuf; as they have obtained the minutes, they send them here enclosed, according to the copy of the original which they saw. Martigues is at Calais, to embark; whither the Marquis is gone from Paris in post; both which do forward into Scotland, notwithstanding their success there.
2. Having before signified that Lord Seton should have Châtellerault, they are now told the same is given to the Duke d'Angouleme, whose duchy was bound to the Duke of Châtellerault, for the enjoying of his dukedom. The two Queens have daily a sermon in the chapel, or their dining chamber, by a frere who can good skill; which some think is done by the Cardinal of Lorraine's means, to keep in the Queen Mother, who is rather a Protestant than otherwise. The Emperor is at Vienna, from whom Montpesat is returned, who was well entertained there. It was said Charles of Austria should go to England in post, and that Maximilian's wife has had a son.
3. News is come from Flanders, that all things to be rendered by the French in Italy and Piedmont are restored; and thereupon S. Quentin, Ham, and Châtelet are demanded by the French. There is some stay made; for several things in Luxemburg (which by the treaty are to be restored) are not yet rendered. Yet it is said, that on the 18th, S. Quentin and Ham shall be restored, and Châtelet kept by Spain, till all in Luxemburg be rendered to Philip's Commissioners.
4. It is reported here plainly that she minds to aid the Scotch. M. Ruby arrived on the 8th, and confirmed the overthrow of the Scots twice, the winning of Edinburgh per force, and 200 Scots taken, and more slain; and that in entering Edinburgh the Laird of Grange very narrowly escaped over the walls. Also that 1,500l. sterling were taken, sent to the Congregation in Scotland out of England. The Duke d'Aumale is absent from Court, to prepare for his journey into Scotland in the spring.
5. The King of Spain's Ambassador has told them that he is here entertained with good words. The Cavaliero de la Cieva will shortly be sent to England, they know not why. On the 11th the King and Court go to Chamburg, three leagues off, but will return on Christmas Eve. It is said that lately Lord Paget was two or three hours with her; and Secretary L'Aubespine said he was sorry for it, as Paget was a very wise man, and an enemy to the French nation.
6. Albeit their late letters have not arrived in time, yet they beseech her to impute it to the evil season there has been on the sea coast. They have written to the Lords of the Council. The Duke of Guise, three days past, sent the Queen's Ambassador a quarter of a wild boar.—Blois, 13 Dec. 1559.
Orig., with armorial seal Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Dec. 13.
B. M. Sloane, 4135. 58.
414. Another copy of the preceding.
Forbes' transcript.
Dec. 13.
R. O.
415. Killigrew and Jones to Cecil.
By their letters of this date to the Queen and Council he shall perceive the cause of their sending by this especial messenger. Have received on the 11th inst. a letter from the Ambassador dated 27th ult., signifying that since his coming thither, neither the Queen nor the Council have heard from them. There has been no negligence in them, for they cannot cause their letters to be conveyed speedily nor certainly, but by through posts; specially the Court remaining where it does, out of all trade towards England, the times also being so suspicious that no one may pass by Dieppe without let. Have essayed all the ways possible by express messengers, French couriers, and extraordinary ways, and by sending to Paris and so thence by the bankers, yet all without success. Weighing the anxiety of the time and the importance of speedy sending of advertisements, and there withal the depths of winter, whereby the ordinary journeys are shortened by the half, they think it more profitable than chargeable to send expressly.—Blois, 13 Dec. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 14.
R. O.
416. The Queen to Philip, King of Spain.
1. She intends sending to him one of her Councillors as speedily as possible upon matters of the highest importance. (fn. 4) But since the journey into Spain through France is not convenient at this time, and the voyage by sea is likely to be more tedious than the importance of the business will admit, she has determined that not only shall her own Orator proceed on his mission, but in the meantime she has explained the whole matter to Philip's Ambassador in England, the Bishop of Aquila, who has promised that he will inform his master thereof, which he can do more easily than she can, since to him there is uninterrupted communication through France.
2. She requests that if her Orator is detained on the way by stress of weather, and he receives this letter and the despatches from his own Ambassador which accompany it, he will be pleased to favour her with his advice, without waiting for the arrival of her English Orator. Farther, she requests that her orator immediately on his arrival may have easy access to Philip.—14 Dec. 1559.
Copy, in Ascham's hol., with a few corrections, two by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 2.
Dec. 14.
B. M. Reg. 13 B. 122 b.
417. Another copy of the above, In Ascham's hol. Lat. Letter-book.
Dec. 14.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 276.
418. Killigrew and Jones to the Council.
1. On the 11th inst. they received a letter from Throckmorton, dated the 27th of the last month, whereby they understand that since his arrival in England, neither the Queen nor the Council have received any advertisements from them. They wrote to Cecil the 10th ult., and on the 13th of the same sent two letters, one to the Queen and the other to Cecil; on the 15th another to the Queen, on the 18th a letter to Cecil, on the 29th a letter to the Queen and two others to Cecil, on the 5th inst., one to the Queen and another to Cecil, and lastly on the 6th a letter to the Queen and another to Cecil; thus making six sundry despatches, besides the present.
2. They think it not necessary to clog the Council with letters, having no other matter to write but what they signified to the Queen. They have drawn out minutes of all their letters to the Queen and Cecil, so that their Lordships may be better able to consider the reason of their doings and how things go on here.
3. The matters of Scotland are of great importance for England; and if the French are able to conduce to such effect as they mean their affairs there, and once having that realm in subjection, shall train its men in the discipline of war (a special point in the Marquis' commission) and reform them (as they call it) in religion, making their pretence to the crown of England, having no war anywhere else to employ their treasure, and all this joined with the disposition of the house of Guise,—undoubtedly when finances and pretences agree together they will have to do with the Queen and her realm. At present for want of treasure they are not able to do any great matter, being indebted above eighteen millions, their country poor, and their nobility and gentry not recovered since the last wars, having much to do for ordering of religion; but after two or three years they will be able to do what they list in Scotland and have more easy means than ever they had to annoy England. Their present poverty gives cause to desire that the occasion offered were taken to ask reason at their hands; but if the opportunity be passed, it will not so easily be done afterwards. For they think they shall be able to keep their present footing in Scotland at a charge of 5,000,000 of francs at the most, a small deduction from a revenue of 25,000,000. The common opinion is that if means are not taken to bring them out of Scotland, England will have unquiet neighbours, and now is the time for advantage over them.
4. It is incredible that they ever mean to restore Calais, and it is unlikely that they who pretend title to another state, by right, will be bound to restore anything within their own country. Therefore, seeing that ere long they will declare their courages, it is most reasonable that other ways were devised that might conduce thereto, and that with expedition. And as the occasion by Scotland is offered, the best means is to be had there, nor has any such occasion been given of the uniting in perfect friendship of the two realms.
5. This is the effect of the discourse made here upon these doings in Scotland, and conferring of the French towards the Queen and her realm. For the confirmation of their advertisements touching the use of the French King and Queen's style for their doings in Scotland, the writers have got copies of two commissions sent lately into Scotland by the Marquis, which they send presently to the Queen.
6. Wotton, the merchant (who is a suitor for the restitution of a ship taken in the road at Jersey by some men of St. Malo the 3rd of April last,) has returned to this Court to follow his suit; whereupon, they presented the said merchant to the Cardinal and his supplication. He promised at the next Council to remember the matter, which was accordingly done and the same was passed, but the Chancellor rejected it, and so Wotton has returned to Nantes without hope of recovering anything.
7. On 9th Nov. a poor man came from St. Malo, and informed them that certain English merchants with two ships were taken by a Frenchmen and the merchants imprisoned. The man said that the Frenchmen upon the sea coast, thinking war would break out, were advised to be beforehand. For the rest of the occurrences they refer them to their letter to the Queen.—Blois, 14 Dec. 1559. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Dec. 14.
B. M. Sloane, 4135. 62.
419. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
Dec. 14.
R. O.
420. Proposals by the King of Sweden.
"The following proposals were made by the King of Sweden, through the Duke of Finland, to Queen Elizabeth."
1. That before the Prince of Sweden comes into England, he shall be crowned King of Sweden, and the succession settled upon the issue of King Gustavus.
2. He shall give the Queen a sufficient present of ornaments and jewels, the value to be settled by the Ambassadors.
Dec. 14. 3. He shall settle upon her in dower (in the event of her surviving him) 40,000 dollars upon Westrogothia and the lands in Sweden which lie nearest the English ocean. Should he die before her, leaving no issue, the Swedish Commissioners may remove all the furniture and gold and silver plate which he brought with him; and the same privilege shall be granted to the Prince should the Queen die before him without issue.
4. He shall reside in England, which he shall not leave without the Queen's permission; nor shall he interfere in the affairs of England.
5. He shall support his own establishment (aula) at his own expense, which shall not exceed a certain number of persons specified to him beforehand.
6. England and Sweden shall each preserve its own laws and customs; nor shall either meddle with the affairs of the other.
7. If the Queen shall think good, then a treaty of offensive and defensive alliance shall be entered into between the two realms, each of which shall send to the other, when required, 6,000, or 8,000 armed men with a fleet for their transport, but at the expense of the party requiring the assistance.
8. The King of Sweden, on the consummation of the marriage, shall (if required,) send an army of 6,000 men with an armed fleet to help the English, both troops and navy to be provided for six months, at his own charges.
9. He shall also give pensions to those Germans resident on the sea coasts, who are obliged to aid the English with German troops.
10. The Duke of Finland shall swear that he will be faithful to his brother, the Prince of Sweden, and his issue by this marriage, and give letters to the same effect.
Copy. Endd. and dated by Cecil: 14 Dec. 1559. Oblata a Rege Swecorum per Dominum Finlandiæ Majestati Regiæ Dominæ Elizabethæ. Lat. Pp. 3.
Dec. 14.
Petrie's Church Hist. p. 215. (fn. 5) Keith, 1. 247.
421. Proclamation of Francis II. and Mary.
The Lords of the Council, in the names of Francis and Mary (understanding the hurt done in times past to Christ's Church by maintaining the laws of Antichrist, and his Consistory, boasting [terrifying] the simple people with their cursings, gravatures, and such like other their threatenings, whereby they sat on the consciences of men of long time byegone,) have ordained that no Consistory should be after- wards holden, there being enough of civil ordinary judges, to whom recourse may be had in all actions. Certain persons, however, (as the Lords are informed,) within the city of Brechin, malevolent members of the said Antichrist, contemptuously disobey the said Ordinance, cease not still to hold Consistory, and execute the pestilent laws of the said Antichrist within the said city; wherefore it is commanded that neither the commissary nor scribe of Brechin, nor any other member of the said Consistory, hold any Consistory or assist thereunto under pain of death.—Dundee, 14 Dec., 2 and 18 years.
Dec. 14.
MS. Hatfield House. Haynes, p. 213.
422–424. The Earl of Lenox to Cecil.
1. On the 10th of this present month, the writer received a letter with credit from his brother the Bishop of Caithness, by a Scotchman and a friend of his [the writer's], called the Laird of Gaston, who being desirous to return to the writer's brother, is repaired home; which letter and credit are enclosed, that Cecil may participate the same unto the Queen, according to his [the Earl's] duty. He desires her to be gracious unto him as her progenitors have been heretofore; and that his wife and himself may have her licence in manner and form as this other is, which the bearer, his servant, shall show to Cecil. And (as he wrote heretofore) that which she has done for the recovery of their living in Scotland, he trusts shall redound to her own commodity, and he shall be able to do her better service there than here, yea, better service than any in Scotland.
2. He desires the furtherance of his suit, for he intends to send a servant towards the Regent as shortly as may be after receiving the Queen's licence.—From his house at Settrington, 14 Dec. Signed: Mathieu Lenox.
Orig. Add.
Dec. 15.
425. Otto, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg, to the Queen.
Sends to her Andrew Saur and Theobald Grumer, two of his councillors and secretaries, with letters, for whom he requests credence and favour in the matter in which they are interested.—Harburg, 15 Dec. 1559. Signed: Otto, Dux B. et Luneb.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 2.
Dec. 15.
MS. Burton-Constable Sadler, 1. 636. No. CLXXIV.
426. George Heron to Sir John Forster.
Desires to be remembered to the Lady, Forster's bedfellow, and all other friends. The greater number of the people are obedient, and he trusts to use them so that they shall not be otherwise. Will ask for Forster's counsel or assistance when necessary. The true state of the country of Tynedale is this:—Is credibly informed that the country of Liddisdale is minded to make disorder, but cannot without aid from Tynedale and Redesdale, which they had on Friday, "when they did take up Smethop." For one part went through Tynedale with the prisoners, and another towards Redesdale with the nowt and thieves of Tynedale, that was going a stealing into Scotland, found the Scots with the cattle lying "in the shells at Uttenshop in Redesdale at fires." And perceiving the Scots were at rest, they stole the nowt from them; who came in the morning into Redesdale to borrow a dog to follow, and learned which of Tynedale had the cattle. Begs that the offenders may be punished. Perceives that some whom they both thought would have served justly, are very slow with the writer.—Chipchase, 15 Dec. Signed: Your loving brother-in-law, George Heron.
Dec. 15.
R. O.
427. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Now out of hand, St. Quentin and the other forts shall be restored to the French within two or three days, and in full complement. If the treaty had been longer delayed, the Prince of Orange and Count D'Egmont had gone, as they were demanded to render their persons to the French King as pledges; having only upon their faith been licensed by him to return hither, where now they shall remain fully quitted. The States here solicit earnestly the riddance of the Spanish garrisons; some talk is here of their being sent into Scotland to serve the French, which he does not believe, but will advertise him further in his next.
2. In all men's mouths here the news of Scotland are "breeme," and also the great numbers levied by the French in Germany. Sundry captains have offered him their services, as if they took it for confirmed that England and France should break. He has answered them that he knows of no such thing hitherto, but would write over for further instruction.
3. The late great tempestuous weather (in which none durst adventure the seas) hindered somewhat the delivery of his last letters of the 6th to Cecil, and has also put the Scots out of their fear of at least 1,000 Frenchmen, who, in four ships, about the coast of Emden, perished by shipwreck about Friday or Saturday sevennight, and their bodies cast on land in Zealand in great numbers. When the news arrived this Council sat that afternoon longer in council till dark night beyond their wont. A secretary of France, in manner of Ambassador resident here, has had often conference of late with them. News from Spain came none of late, but are daily expected. King Philip, on publishing this peace in the Indies, expects shortly at least 6,000,000 of divers private men's goods to arrive in Spain; who during the wars would not adventure the sending over; when that treasure comes, he will be so bold as to borrow it at a mean interest to stop other holes.
4. By letters of the 18th ult., the Conclave stand still at the pike; it is now thought that neither Carpi nor Mantua shall obtain. There is incredible dearth of corn in Italy as well as in Spain. The enterprises against the Turks in Tripoli have been stayed by the foul weather, which suffered not the ships and galleys to "engulph" from Sicily; but it shall go forward as soon as may be this winter, while no further reinforcement from Turkey is sent unto them.—Brussels, Friday, 15 Dec. 1559. Signed.
5. P. S.—Trusts he shall receive some letters from him. Doubts not the Queen is diligently advertised from Germany what stir the French make there, "and that some of her ministers there are entertained of purpose to that effect, in more than one or two places."
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 15.
R. O.
428. Copy of the above.
Endd.: Sent by the ordinary. Pp. 3.
Dec. 15.
B. M. Galba, C. 1. 43.
429. Abstract of a portion of the above.
Dec. 15.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 637. No. CLXXV.
430. Sadler and Croftes to Cecil.
Send letters from the Earl of Arran, the Lord James, and Alexander Whitlaw, (who has safely arrived with the 2,000l. lately received from the writers,) and also copies of their letters to the said Lords, which they wrote when they sent the said money by Whitlaw. Robert Mailville, sent from Ledington, arrived here on his way to Scotland on Wednesday night, where he tarried only three hours, and was conveyed into Scotland by Whittingham, whence he has written to Croftes, as by the letters enclosed. They have entertainment from divers of the gentlemen repairing hither with the 2,000 men. Desire that the Treasurer here may be furnished with money for the lodging and keeping of the same, who must be lodged abroad in the country and pay ready money.—Berwick, 15 Dec. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Railton's hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp.2.
Dec. 15.
MS. Burton-Constable.
431. Another copy of the above.
Dec. 15.
R. O.
432. William Cocks to Sir Richard Lee.
After having sent the furniture of steel, coals, and baskets, which Mr. Prety and Mr. Johnson willed him to send, they despatched him to Hull to lade a hoy with timber and ashes for Berwick, which he has done, although it has been to his utter undoing. Mr. Whalley has brought to the marsh a great mass of timber, and is now in London. Mr. Treasurer wishes to have warrant for the 100l. he gave to Mr. Whalley and for the 400l. laid out and owing for the provisions, and but 100l. paid.—Hull, 15 Dec. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. [?] Add.: To Sir Richard Lee, Knt., at his in Sopwelle. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Dec. 15.]
433. Timber for Berwick.
"Timber delivered and at the waterside ready for Berwick, and also remaining marked in the woods at Welbeck, ready unto the carriage," of the value of 568l. 13s., whereof Mr. Whalley's servant has already received 100l.
Endd. by Cecil: Mr. Whally, timber, 500l. Pp. 2.
[Dec. 15.]
434. Timber for Berwick.
"Timber delivered and at the water side for Berwick, and remaining in the woods at Welbeck, ready to the carriage, by the provision of Mr. Whalley;" amounting to 546l. Signed: Richard Lee.
P. 1.


  • 1. Originally "Lords and their friends."
  • 2. This P. S. is in Cecil's hand.
  • 3. Cecil to the Queen
    Lansdown, 102. 1. Wright, 1. 24.
    With a sorrowful heart and watery eyes, he, her poor servat, beseeches the Queen to pardon his lowly suit, that as the proceeding in the matter for removing the French out of Scotland does not please Her Majesty, and as he cannot give any contrary advice, he may, with her favour, be spared intermeddling therein. And he is forced to do this, for he will never be a minister in any Her Majesty's service, whereunto her own mind shall not be agreeable, being sworn to be a minister of her determinations, and of none others. It must needs be unprofitable service, to serve her in anything of which he does not approve, being loath that she should be deceived. But in any other service, whether in her kitchen or garden, he is ready from the bottom of his heart to serve her to his life's end. Wishes her to make some proof of this, and affirms that since her reign he has had no one day's joy but in her weal and honour.
    Orig. Draft, in Cecil's hol. P. 1.
  • 4. The Duchess of Parma to Philip II.
    Dec. 21.
    M.S. Paris. Angl. Reg. xxi. Teulet, 1. 467.
    1. The Bishop of Aquila has sent a packet to be forwarded to Philip, which has occasioned her extreme anxiety, as it confirms (what they have hitherto feared), not only the desire of the French to commence a war with the Queen of England, but further that she (without waiting to be attacked, as she ought to have done.) has began it herself, trusting upon the friendship of the Scots, and that Philip will not abandon her. Will not inquire whether it is Elizabeth's intention to involve him in a war with the French, and then to extricate herself, thinking thus to prevent more fully his carrying out his designs in her own realm, to do which, however, would be more difficult than she imagines. Moreover, a war would find the Low Countries unprovided with money and all other commodities. Since the arrival of this intelligence the writer has had no rest whatever, for she is aware that no sooner will hostilities have begun, than the Queen will apply to the King for assistance against the French. The treaty, however, specifies in what way an invasion must be made, and it may be questioned whether she can ask for assistance, she being the invader, nor has she given any previous notice to the King, as she is bound to do. And (in order to gain time) she may be reminded of the courtesy which England has experienced from the late Emperor and his present Majesty during eight years of uninterrupted war and during several invasions, in all of which it has received help without ever being asked to render it. Not that the writer would care whether the French and English were at war, were it not that the Queen of England is unable to carry it on and would soon be ruined, (nor would this grieve the writer much), and since her religion is what it is, herein would appear God's just judgment. The writer would indeed regret that the good Catholics should suffer with the others; but worst of all, the success of the French, thus having made themselves masters of Scotland and England (no difficult matter), would be the ruin of this country.
    2. Matters are in a worse position than when she last wrote to him, nor does she see any better remedy than what she then suggested. It is better, however, that this should have occurred at the present season of the year than at the beginning of summer.
    3. The King, as the friend of both parties, might offer to mediate, and might show Elizabeth that she has been in fault; that she has no foundation for her apprehensions; that she should not attempt to lay down laws for the Queen of Scotland by which to govern her subjects; that she herself, bearing the title of Queen of France, may suffer Mary to bear the title of Queen of England; that her kingdom is so weak that she cannot carry on a war; that she has no garrisons, no money, no troops, and that she cannot expect help from him, she having began hostilities without having previously acquainted him with her intention.
    4. The French might be told plainly that they would make Philip jealous if they ocoupied England.—Brussels, 21 Dec. 1559. Fr.
  • 5. From a MS. belonging to John Erskine, Laird of Dun, the present depository of which, if it be extant, is unknown. Keith's text is taken from that of Petrie, and like it is slightly imperfect.