Elizabeth: October 1559, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: October 1559, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp31-44 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1559, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp31-44.

"Elizabeth: October 1559, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp31-44.

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October 1559, 11-20

Oct. 11.
R. O. Forbes, 1.251.
63. The Queen to Throckmorton.
Licenses him, an account of the suit of his wife, who is vexed with ague ["and in more fear than danger, we trust," (fn. 1) ] to come hither by post to see her for her comfort and recovery. As this may seem somewhat strange to the French King and his ministers, she commands him to declare this matter to him, the Cardinal of Lorraine, or the Duke of Guise. For the continuation of her service there he shall give in charge to Henry Killigrew to remain there. Desires he will come hither by post and not remain past four or five days, and return again to his place with like speed.—Westminster, 11 Oct. 1559.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 11 Oct. Pp. 2.
Oct. 11.
R. O.
64. Another copy of the above, with corrections and alterations by Cecil.
Endd.: 12 Oct. Broadside. Pp. 2.
Oct. 11.
B. M. Sloane, 4135. 10.
65. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
Oct. 11.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 492. No. LXXV.
66. The Privy Council to Sadler, Croftes, and Abington.
Have received their letters of the 4th and think it reasonable that John Abington repair thither about the new supply of victuals at Berwick, leaving his charge to some trusty man, and giving to Sadler and Croftes a perfect declaration of the victuals remaining at his coming away. They also require him to bring with him such books and reckonings as will make them understand his accounts. And also at his coming up to repair by the way to Mounford, Waters, Sir Tho. Woodhouse, and others, with whom he has bargained for provisions, or else to write to them earnestly that at his coming, there be no delay.—Westminster, 11 Oct. 1559. Signed: W. Northampton, Arundel, E. Clynton, W. Howard, Tho. Parry, E. Rogers, F. Knollys, Ab. Cave, W. Cecil.
Oct. 11.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 481. No. LXV.
67. The Lords of the Council to Sadler.
They wish to know the present state of the account of Sir William Engleby, Treasurer of Berwick, and pray him [Sadler] to appoint some trusty man to take the declaration thereof, and to send it to them speedily.—Westminster, 11 Oct. 1559. Signed: W. Northampton, E. Clynton, Tho. Parry, Ab. Cave, E. Rogers, Arundel, W. Howard, F. Knollys, W. Cecil.
Oct. 11.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler 1. 493. No. LXXVI.
68. Sadler to Cecil.
Beseeches him to be good to Mr. Christopher Dacre, son of Sir Tho. Dacre, Knt. in the suit he now has before the Council, who as well as his father has received great injury by the Lord Dacre for six years past, as all the country can testify. And now, hunting in his father's ground, of an out-deer near the park of the said Lord Dacres, the said Lord committed him to ward, and would not deliver him until he and certain gentlemen were bound for his entry to the said Lord Dacre upon twenty days warning, as though he were a prisoner, as appears by the copy of the recognizance enclosed; wherefore the young gentleman repairs to the Court for the redress of this great wrong.—11 Oct. 1559.
Oct. 12.
R. O.
69. Anna, Countess of Oldenburg, to the Queen.
Her piety is generally acknowledged, and it is supposed that the letters of the writer may possibly encourage her to persevere in it. Of this opinion is Johannes Utenhovius, a nobleman of Ghent, who resides within the writer's state [comitatus], having been expelled from his own country many years ago on account of his profession of the Gospel. He resided in England during the reign of King Edward, and at that time lent a sum of money (nearly all he possessed), to one Jan Jansen, a citizen of London, from whom he has received no payment for some years past. The writer, trusting to the report of the said Utenhovius, believes that her letters may be influential with the Queen in the matter above mentioned.—Ex arce mea Lerana, 12 Oct. 1559. Signed: Anna, myn hant.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Contesse of Embden to the Queen. Lat. Pp. 3.
Oct. 12.
R. O.
70. Franciscus Burcartus to Cecil.
1. Count Volrad von Mansfeldt thanks Cecil for his kindness in procuring him a military service from the Queen, the conditions of which should be as nearly as possible to the following effect:—
2. The Count's annual stipend shall be the same as he had from the King of France, viz., 6,000 francs, exclusive of the wages usually paid to the captains and other officers serving under him. He shall raise, when required by the Queen, an army of 10,000 German foot soldiers, and also horsemen, it necessary, which he shall conduct to such northern seaport as shall be specified, whence they shall be shipped at the Queen's charges.
3. He sends these suggestions in reply to Cecil's proposals made last evening. Will be happy to know the Queen's pleasure before his departure, and will exert himself to promote the object desired.—12 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add., with seal. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. 12.
R. O.
71. Cecil to Throckmorton. (fn. 2)
1. Will perceive the Queen's goodness towards his wife, who indeed is not so well in health as Cecil could wish. The names of four new hostages have been presented to Her Majesty. These are the Comte de Russy, M. de Mirepoix, M. d'Avaugour, and also the Vidame of Amiens. This last is sufficient, the first is known, the other two not here well known. This was the pretence of the errand of M. . . ., but indeed even now, as it was judged, is Protestant arrived to go into Scotland.
2. It is understood that Scotland shall be in the field on the 14th inst. What will be, time will try. Last night the Bishop of Argyle arrived, who cannot have passport from the Queen because of the cavillation made by the French Ambassador in name of the Scottish Queen, as will be perceived by the enclosed copy of the Bishop's memorial. Nevertheless he shall be well used to his contentation. . . .
3. The Queen is pleased that he shall procure Portinary to come hither, where he shall have such entertainment as Throckmorton shall think meet. Cecil thinks 300 crowns.
4. To-day the Duke of Finland has had access to the Queen, and has very wisely and readily declared the occasion of his coming to her in good Latin. The French hostages stood so nigh the cloth of estate as they might hear what he said; but what was answered neither they nor any other could hear but the Duke himself. Wishes Throckmorton's return short and lucky.—Westminster, 12 Oct. 1559. Signed.
5. P.S.—"I pray you, sir, let one of yours bring me such indices as be to be had for books in Paris that I might make my choice at your coming. I am now and then occupied in Vitruvius de Architectura; and therefore if there be any writers beside Vitruvius, Leo Baptista, and Albert Durer, (all which three I have) I would gladly have them."
Orig. Hol. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Mutilated and in a very fragile condition. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 12.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 494. No. LXXVII.
72. Cecil to Sadler and Croftes.
1. All men think the slackness will cause the whole proposed matter to quail. The Duke d'Aumale comes to Scotland. There are 200 men of arms come towards Newhaven, and the ships are almost ready to convey them. One Leviston, a Scot, who passed lately into France, carried intelligence that the Earl of Arran lacked no favour from England.
2. The Bishop of Argyle, base brother to the Duke, has come to London without leave, from France, and yet the Queen may not license him specially with her own hand; but in favour of his lineage he shall depart in conduct of some Englishman. One Mons. Carrouge is come, now of the French King's chamber and before Master of the Horse with the Duke of Guise. His pretence is to bring the names of four new hostages, but really to consult with the Ambassador what advice may be sent to the Dowager; and to that end comes to-day one Anthony Guery, alias Protestant, a courier, with letters. Trusts Overton has reached them [Sadler and Croftes] with 3,000l. in gold. They must change the ryalls into crowns, as he could not for haste.
Oct. 12. 3. In France it is said that the Earls of Huntly and Morton remain from the Protestants. Mr. Croftes' matter touching the fine levied by his father is stayed there.—Westminster, 12 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Oct. 12.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 501. No. LXXXI.
73. Sadler and Croftes to Cecil.
1. Perceive by his letters of the 5th inst. that Overton is despatched thence with 3,000l. and are very glad. Have heard that the Regent wrote to reprove the Duke for joining the Lords of the Congregation, and charging them with practices made with the Queen; and yet the messenger had credit to talk of agreement and to offer the stay of the fortifying at Leith, and liberty of conscience, and the departure of the French. The Duke answered that he could do nothing without the Lords of the Congregation, and dismissed the messenger without hope of any agreement. La Brosse and the Bishop of Amiens by a gentle letter have required the Duke to be at Edinburgh on 6 Oct., which he has refused; and the Lords of the Congregation have been summoned thither on the same day by the Regent. They answered that so long as any French soldiers remained in garrison in Scotland they would not hazard themselves in her credit; and unless she desisted from fortifying Leith and sent away the Frenchmen, they would not obey or take her for the mother of their commonwealth. Lord Erskine has promised to keep the castle of Edinburgh, and it is thought will remain neuter for a time. The Protestants are slack in coming forward, but the harvest being late on account of foul weather in the west and north may be the cause. Now, doubtless, they will come forward and assemble; and there is much talk of the forwardness of the Earl of Arran, who rides to and fro from Hamilton, Stirling, and S. Andrews with 700 or 800 horse, of which 300 are of the name of Hamilton.
2. The Regent said of late to a gentleman that the Congregation rose at first for religion, but now intend to get the throne for the Duke and his son; that she will preserve it to her daughter, and therefore fortifies Leith to abide there until aid comes from France; and she has transported her goods from Holyrood House to Leith. But she is in great perplexity, and weak and sickly, and cannot last long. Randolph has safely arrived at Hamilton.—Berwick, 12 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Orig., in Railton's hol. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 12.
MS. Burton-Constable.
74. Another copy of the above.
Oct. 12.
MS. Burton-Constable, Sadler, 1. 496. No. LXXIX.
75. The Earl of Northumberland to Sadler.
1. Remembers that at their last sitting with the Commissioners of Scotland, it was agreed that all attemptates already filed should be delivered, and also that they should go through with the promises of spering, filing, and delivering of all attemptates committed before the 2nd of April. Yet the Earl Bothwell utterly denies the promises of delivering of the attemptates done before the 2nd April, and called for such writings as bear mention of it, agreed on at their last sitting, which the writer was not able to show, for he had not the articles that were written and assigned by them all; and he marvels indeed that the said articles have not been sent him.
2. It seems that the Queen's poor subjects are further driven off for justice now than if the last Commission had never sat. Would wish him to proceed for the relief of that poor country as soon as he conveniently can. The writer is sure that Sadler is not minded he [the Earl] should do any good when he keeps from him the original by which he should be directed. The bearer, Thomas Clevering, can declare the whole proceedings at this day of truce.—Warkworth, 12 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Oct. 12.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 497. No. LXXX.
76. Randolph to Sadler and Croftes.
1. Wonders, for that he sent a letter in cipher to them on the 30th Sept., that he has not heard before. All things have had marvellous good success. The Duke is very earnest and constant; the Earl has more friends than he looked for, all men's hope of him is very great, and his [Randolph's] nothing diminished. His entertainment has been very great in all places where he has been, and more than any subject ever had, though sore against his will, as Kircaldy told the writer, who is in good credit both with the father and the son, and is restored to his lands by the Duke. The resort of gentlemen hither is great, and letters daily full of fair promises, some of which he will bring with him at his coming, which will be in ten days, and also will bring with him secretly the Laird of Lydington. The Duke departs thence on Saturday towards Edinburgh. Their preparation is great, and hope no less. It is said the French steal nightly away. The Lord of Erskine will keep the castle of Edinburgh. The Archbishop of S. Andrews bade farewell to the Regent yesterday. The Duke has forbidden him his house, and that any man shall pay rent to him. The discord has been greater than he can write in few words.
2. The Abbot of Kylwynyng is as false a karl as his cousin the Archbishop. The Lord Maxwell takes their part. This day departed thence the Earl of Eglinton, who is the Duke's son-in-law. There is hope of the Earl of Huntly, whose eldest son has been with Arran, and promises fair. The Lord Somerville complains to the Duke of the Regent's unkindness; his own counsel was not to credit her, and he promised the Duke his own service. The Lord Minto told the Duke that the Regent was in hand with him to go and move the Earl of Lennox to be against him [the Duke]; this and such like tales are carried on both parts. The Regent has set forth a proclamation against the Lords of the Congregation, with many sore words against the Duke and the Earl of Arran, saying she will observe the league, though in her private talk and letters it is far otherwise, as by a letter to the Prior of S. Andrews (which the writer has) shall appear. The Lords of the Congregation have also set forth a vehement proclamation, with full determination to fall to no composition. It is thought their fort is of no great force, and the compass so great that 8,000 men cannot defend it. Some think the Regent will go secretly to Inchkeith, where three ships are preparing. Some say that she is very sick, others that the devil cannot kill her. The Prior of S. Andrews sent a letter to Arran, which he received, from France, with advice to seek aid from England, which he [Randolph] thinks savours too much of Knox's style to come from France, though it will serve to good purpose. Kircaldy and Alex. Whitlawe told him [the writer] that the Prior would speak with him of matters of importance. They have each of them but fifty horsemen. Has written thus much of what has passed since the departure of his messenger.
3. Prays for advice, for now is the time to act, when the Queen may have all the people at her devotion. The Papists stand in great fear. The Duke and the Earl desire that Mr. Secretary write to the Ambassador in France that he tell the Earl of Arran's lieutenant that he must leave France. Since Nesbet left, the Duke never heard out of France, nor of his son, Lord David. The Archbishop of St Andrews' castle will be taken to-day by the Protestants. No money was found in the Bishop of Glasgow's coffers. To-morrow an abbey of the Archbishop's will be visited. The Lord Temple's daughter, whom he has loved so long, seeks to marry him; her father will not promise what part he will take. Desires no less pleasure to Mr. Railton in deciphering his own new invented orthography, than he [Randolph] has had in writing of it.— Hamilton, 12 Oct. 1559. Signed: Thos. Barnaby.
4. P. S.—The Earl of Arran desires them to send this letter to Mr. Secretary. Prays Mr. Railton to be a travail with Sadler, to be a means to Sir James Croftes for him that was his constable, whom he hears is in displeasure.
Orig. in cipher, deciphered.
Oct. 13.
R. O.
77. Cecil to Throckmorton.
This morning he sent letters by one of Lord Gray's acquaintance unto him, with those of the Queen, licensing him upon signification thereof to the French King, to come home in post. Thinks the matter will seem very strange to the French both there and here; sed non ponendi sunt rumores ante salutem. Hears nothing from Scotland, except that the Protestants shall be assembled on the 15th, but it is also said that the Dowager has fortified Leith, "so as she shall not doubt them." The secret coming of Don Carolo, the Archduke of Austria, is looked for here shortly; omnes currunt sed unius erit bravium. To-morrow Carrouge shall take his leave. "And so do I now take my leave, half asleep."—Westminster, 13 Oct. (midnight) 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 13.
R. O.
78. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Has despatched letters hence on 27 and 31 August, and 2, 18, 19, 21, 27, and 29 September, partly to the Queen, partly to Cecil, to which he has had no manner answer. Desires to hear from the Queen or Cecil, the absence of whose letters has occasioned his own silence.
2. Nothing of any great moment has come to his knowledge in the meantime. But it is reported that the going of the new espouse into Spain is deferred until the beginning of March next, and the rendering, on either part, of the forts is slow. S. Quentin has been lately reinforced with victuals and artillery. These things make men mutter here as if the King Catholic would not proceed with the bargain. Others suppose that the going of the Queen Catholic is delayed until the King have reformed such affairs in Spain as now, through his long absence, are grown to importance, viz., for the cause of religion, wherein he and his are most "breemly" and earnestly occupied, with much and right severe assistance of those of the Inquisition, who have apprehended above 2,000 of all sorts, men and women, noble and unnoble. What he wrote of the Duke of Nazareth's bones is true. The Archbishop of Toledo, already condemned, upon his appeal to Rome, is kept in prison.
3. Does not know what to say of the report here bruited that Ruy Gomez, the King's best favourite, is committed to prison, "some say for the matter of hunting, for which Santoya was in displeasure, but others affirm that it is by authority of the Inquisition. Thinks that if he be so imprisoned it is of envy and cruel malice, for many of the great do not brook his greatness, as the Duke of Alva." The King has faciles aures. The like is also bruited by Gonzalo Perez, the secretary, by Don Luiz Quixada, sometime mayor domo to the Emperor, and certain others, with men and women of blood and reputation. The Inquisition in Spain are Domini dominantium, not without great indignation of the people. Of this thing he will travail to gain a greater certainty.
4. At Rome, a Spanish Cardinal, De la Cueva, by sly and secret practices has gained twenty-eight voices, well nigh Pope, if Cardinal Ferrare had not stayed it in time. "It appeareth there is hard hold amongst them."
5. Tarries to have the arms of the Toison well set forth; the whole Order of the Toison and also of S. Michel, with the chapters also of the Toison from the beginning. Mr. Governor makes haste already.—Antwerp, Friday morning, 13 Oct. 1559.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.
Oct. 13.
R. O.
79. Original draft of the preceding, with corrections.
Endd. by Challoner: Sent by Mr. Governour. Pp. 7.
Oct. 13.
B. M. Galba, C. 1. 42.
80. Abstract of portion of the preceding.
Oct. 13.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 495. No. LXXVIII.
81. The Privy Council to Sadler and Croftes.
The bearer, Ninian Menvile, gentleman, travels with the Bishop of Argyle, who desires to return to his own country. And because of his haste the Queen having given him no special safe-conduct, they require them [Sadler and Croftes] to show him such friendship as that he may pass into his country without molestation, and yet, lest it be evil interpreted, not more outwardly than is needful. They think that for this purpose he had better be directed by Norham or Warke than Berwick.—Westminster, 13 Oct. 1559. Signed: F. Clinton, Thos. Parry, W. Cecill, W. Howard, E. Rogers.
Oct. 14.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 503. No. LXXXII.
82. Sadler and Croftes to Cecil.
Have received a letter in cipher from Randolph, alias Barnaby, which they have deciphered, and the copy whereof they send, whereby he may perceive that within ten days the Laird of Lydington and he will repair hither secretly in post; but for what purpose or with what commission they cannot tell.—Berwick, 14 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Orig. In Sadler's hol. Add. by Railton. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 14.
MS. Burton-Constable.
83. Another copy of the above.
Oct. 14.
R. O.
84. English Prisoners in France.
Statement that on 14 Oct. last past, Jacques Lamide, the captain of a galeon named Le Merilon, took two English ships, the masters of which he has imprisoned in a fort near S. Malo.
Appended is a note in English, identifying the merchants to whom these two ships belong, as Henry and Nicholas Middleton of London.
Copy. P. 1.
Oct. 15.
B. M. Sloane, 4734. 197. Knox, vi. 83.
85. Knox to Anna Lock.
1. Received at Dundee on 13 Sept. her letter dated at Frankfort on 23 March, and on 20 Sept. received from his wife her [Lock's] questions. To both he has oftener than once answered. Wrote from Dieppe his full judgment on participation with a bastard religion, viz., that we ought not to justify with our presence such a mingle-mangle as is now commanded in our kirks. Those who, only for negligence absent themselves, shall bear their own burden. It is not the leaving off of the surplice, nor yet the removing of external monuments of idolatry that purges the kirk from superstition; for peculiar services appointed for Saints' days, collects in remembrance of this or that Saint, not used by the Prophets, nor commanded by Christ, nor found in the prayers of the Apostles, nor received in any well-reformed kirk, are, in his conscience, no small portion of papistical superstitions. What superfluous things are yet used in the Lord's Supper among them, because he has not seen their Book, he cannot give other answer than that nothing ought to be used that the Lord has not sanctified, either by precept or by practice. He will not bind himself further than he proves by evident Scripture, nor will he counsel her to do what he himself is nowise minded to do. If this was commanded in ceremonies which prefigured Christ, how much more in those mysteries which exhibit Him present? He cannot prescribe to her how far to expose herself to dangers for these imperfections in religion which she cannot remedy; but herein she will be instructed by God's Holy Spirit.
2. Fears a plague will follow this cold beginning after so manifest a defection. Prayer only remains to them. Salutes Mr. Hickman and his bedfellow, Mr. Michael Locke and his wife, brother Blase, Mr. Tho. Cole, and James Young. Requests that these other writings, after she has read them, be sent to Geneva, for the way of France is now stopped.— S. Andrews, 15 Oct. 1559.
3. P.S.—His increasing troubles would not suffer him to finish his letters to his brethren of Geneva. If they expel the French from Leith, she and they shall understand more. Asks her to excuse him to Adam Haliday for not writing; and to send this other letter to Dieppe to William Guthrie from his [Knox's] wife. Signed.
Oct. 16.
R. O.
86. Franciscus Burcartus to Cecil.
The Count Mansfelt is induced rather by his love of true religion and his regard for the Queen, than by any personal considerations, to devote himself to her service. He accepts the conditions proposed to him by the Queen, and mentioned yesterday by Cecil, and requests that the pension offered by her may be extended to 2,000 crowns. The writer having experienced the liberality of Henry VIII., whom he served, trusts that the Queen will not object to make the proposed addition of 500 crowns to the salary above mentioned.— 16 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. 16.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 504. No. LXXXIII.
87. Lord Wharton to Sadler.
Has received his two letters. His servant, taker of the young Lord Coldingknowes, is not with him presently, and so he [Lord Wharton] sends the bearer, his servant, who shall obey his [Sadler's] order herein. Thanks him for his favour shown to Sir Thomas Dacre and his son; is informed that Lord Dacre has appointed to journey to the Queen from Carlisle this day. It is said in these parts that his Lordship will leave his office, and that the writer sues for it; trusts that Sadler will be his witness that he did not make suit for it. Hears by report that the West Marches never were in such disorder for many years; and that more attemptates are made by Englishmen since the taking of the abstinence than were done against the enemies during the last war; that those subjects are not able to make redress according to the custom of the March in peace, and that sundry of them would rather fly the realm than be compelled to do that which the Princes by their treaties are bound to do. Has been suffering much lately, but begs Sadler to take pain and read this, his evil writing and troublous letter.—Wharton, 16 Oct. Signed.
Oct. 17.
R. O.
88. Franciscus Burcartus to Cecil.
1. The Bishop of Chichester having told him, in Cecil's name, that the Queen has consented to the proposals yesterday made by the writer, and requested him to draw up a draft of the agreement between herself and the Count Mansfelt, he has done so, and sends it to Cecil for his correction and approval. Hopes that the matter will be settled so promptly as that he may avail himself of the favourable wind which now prevails.
2. Nothing certain can be settled as to the wages of horse and foot soldiers; this must be left for future arrangement. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. 18.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 505. No. LXXXIV.
89. C. Gower to Croftes.
Recommends the bearers, John Wylding and John Stodart, the master bowyer and master fletcher of the office of the ordnance in the North, who were discharged on the last of June, and who now sue to the Council for relief. Also begs him to help a poor man who served as collar-maker and was discharged at the same time.—Newcastle, 18 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Oct. 19.
R. O.
90. Volrad, Count of Mansfeldt.
Conditions and articles agreed upon between the Queen and Volrad, Count of Mansfeldt:
1. He shall assist her to the utmost of his power, and should he hear of anything undertaken to her disadvantage, he shall give her warning thereof.
2. In case of war, offensive or defensive, he shall raise, at her expense, from the Protestant States of Germany, 500 horsemen and 4,000 foot, fully equipped, whom he shall lead against any enemy, except the Emperor of Rome and the Princes of the family of Saxony.
3. Should a larger number of German troops be required, he shall do his best to procure them.
Oct. 19. 4. When those troops are ready for the field, he shall have a fitting monthly stipend, equal to that usually given by the Emperor, the King of Spain, or the King of France, to one of his condition. The troops shall take an oath of fidelity, and the Count shall have an annual pension of 2,000 French crowns, viz., 1,500 to himself, and 500 to his officers.
5. This agreement may be terminated by either party on six months notice.—19 Oct. 1559, 1 Eliz. Signed: Volradus Comes, Dominus a Mansfeldt.
With a seal, on vellum. Endd. by Cecil. Lat.
Oct. 19.
R. O.
91. Another copy of the above. Signed by the Queen and countersigned by Cecil.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Oct. 19.
R. O.
92. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. 19.
R. O. 171 B.
93. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript. Lat.
Oct. 19.
MS. Hatfield House. Haynes, p. 211. Knox, 1. 437. Calderw. 1. 535.
94. The Lords of the Congregation in Scotland to the Queen Regent.
They remind her how, at the last convention in Hamilton, they required her in the most humble way to desist from fortifying the town of Leith, then enterprised and begun, which appears to be a manifest entry to a conquest and overthrow to their liberties, and against the laws and customs of the realm, seeing it was begun, and yet continues, without any advice or consent of the nobility or Council thereof. According to their duty they now, as before, humbly require her to cause all strangers and soldiers without delay to leave the said town, and make the same patent not only to the inhabitants but also to all Scottishmen, her liege subjects. "Assuring your Highness that if ye in refusing the same declare thereby your evil mind towards the common weal of this realme or nation, and liberty of the same, we will without delay mean (as of before) the cause unto the whole nobility and communalty thereof," and according to their oath they will provide remedy. Request most humbly her Grace's answer in haste by this bearer, because the fact proceeds daily to the conquest, as appears to all men.—Edinburgh, 19 Oct. 1559.
From a minute written by Randolph.
Oct. 19.
B. M. Sloane, 4734. 197 b.
95. Another copy of the above.
B. M. Sloane, 4737. 110. 96. Another copy of the above.
Oct. 19.
B. M. Sloane, 4734. 198. Knox, 1. 439. Calderw. 1. 536.
97. Purgation of the Duke of Chatellerault.
Understanding the false report made by the Regent that he and his son, the Earl of Arran, should pretend usurpation of the crown and authority of the realm, when neither of them pretended such things, he protests that neither he nor his son seek any pre-eminence either to the crown or authority, but are ready to concur with the nobility and others to maintain the religion and liberty of their native country. He exhorts all men not to credit such false reports, but rather to concur with him and the rest of the nobility.
Oct. 19.
B. M. Sloane, 4737. 110.
98. Another copy of the above.
Oct. 20.
R. O.
99. The Queen to Adolf, Duke of Holstein.
Commends the zeal and diligence of Adam Thrasiger his Envoy in furthering the treaty between them, who has delivered the Duke's letters dated at Gottorp, 31 July. Has committed his communication to her Council, and will send the result of their deliberations shortly.—Westminster, 20 Oct. 1559.
Oct. 19. Copy, in Ascham's hol. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
B. M. Reg. 13 B. 1. 19. 100. Another copy of the above.
Letter-book, in Ascham's hol. Lat.
Oct. 20.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 506. No. LXXXV.
101. Cecil to Sadler and Croftes.
1. The last letters that came to hand were dated 14th inst. All men of judgment think the Queen Dowager will utterly weary her enemies, who, having no great ordnance, shall in vain besiege Leith. If they obtain not their will shortly, the aid which is coming will be able to meet them in the field. Certainly 4,000 soldiers are in readiness, conducted by Damp Martin, a man of great knowledge, whose brother was slain at Peronne. The ships in Newhaven are ready for their embarking. People in that town [Berwick] told the Queen that he, Sir J. Croftes, had helped the Earl of Arran out of the town; whereof when the Ambassador complained to the Queen, she readily answered that it was an invented tale.
2. The Duke of Finland is here, on his brother's behalf. He is very courteous and princely, and well spoken in the Latin tongue. "How he shall speed God knoweth, and not I."
3. The Archduke of Austria is on the way hitherward, not with any pomp, but as it were by post in stealth. The King of Spain is earnest for him. Would to God the Queen had one, and the rest honourably satisfied. The Count Mansfelt, who came from the Duke of Saxony, is the Queen's pensioner, and shall have 2,000 crowns pension. He is bound to bring 4,000 footmen and 500 horse upon occasion. It appears by Randolph's letter that the Lord of Ledington will come secretly; there must be great secresy used, for there is too good spiall for the French. Of late two French soldiers and a Scot were taken about Trekford suspiciously, without passport; one of the French had a packet of the French Ambassador, and certain crystal beads and other trinkets, which he had stolen in London, on his own confession. Thinks the two will be suffered to depart, and the thief kept in prison. Is desirous to hear of Overton's safe arrival. Prays him to add to his cipher these things following:—Newhaven, navy, west seas, east seas, Lord of, Master of, Dunbarr, Inchkeith.—Westminster, 20 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered.
Oct. 20.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 508. No. LXXXVI.
102. Sadler and Croftes to Cecil.
Have not heard from Randolph since they sent the copy of his letter to him [Cecil] of the 12th, nor yet from Balnaves, nor from the Lords of the Congregation, whereof they marvel. Yet they will send the intelligence they have from their espials, viz.: That the Duke and his son with divers other Lords of the Congregation arrived at Edinburgh on Wednesday night last, and the Regent with the French have retired from Holyrood House and the suburbs of Edinburgh to Leith, which they think to defend until they have more aid. The Lords of the Congregation call a parliament, and have summoned all the gentlemen of the Merch and Tevydale to Edinburgh, upon pain of their allegiance. The end is uncertain. Overton arrived with 3,000l. on the 15th inst. It may like him to be a suitor to the Queen for Mrs. Elizabeth Bowes' licence to repair into Scotland, and to send it on to them.— 20 Oct. 1559.
Oct. 20.
R. O.
103. Munitions from Flanders.
"A brief note of all such munition and armour as that I, Thomas Gresham, hath bought and provided for the Queen's Majesty, to be delivered all by the last of October and the last of December 1559," consisting of corslets, corrirs, dags, hand-guns, morions, bowstaves, Collen-cleve staves, picks, saltpeter, corryne powder, serpentine powder, matches, sulphur, and pick heads. The sum total is 48,261l. Signed.
With a few marginal notes by Cecil, and endd. by him: 20 Oct. 1559. Pp. 2.


  • 1. From the corrected draft, see following, No. 64.
  • 2.
    Oct. 12.
    Teulet, 1. 357. MS. Paris. Angl. Reg. xiii. 645.
    Noailles to D'Oysel.
    1. As he was about to write by this courier, Protestant, M. du Croc arrived with D'Oysel's letter of the 3rd inst., by which he perceives that letters sent by the ordinary post linger on the road, of which he will complain when he sees Cecil to-morrow, as he is about to accompany Du Croc, who has been commanded to wait upon the Queen. He will no longer trust this mode of conveyance. Has received D'Oysel's letters of 22nd ult., and immediately sent M. de la Mothe (the writer's cousin) into France, to expedite the transmission of the men and money for whom D'Oysel is waiting.
    2. The person "of whom he knows" [Arran] has seen the Queen in passing, having been introduced to her by the Treasurer of her household in the garden at Hampton Court, where they were some time together. At his departure thence 500 or 600 crowns were given him. Has advised Du Croc to hint at this when speaking to the Queen, giving her to understand that the gentleman boasted of these favours. Will inform him of the issue.
    3. To-day the hostages have been with the Queen, and the Prince of Sweden has had his first interview with her. In the meantime Cecil complained to M. de Candalle that too easy credence was given to reports to her prejudice. She has no intention to assist these rebels, though they have solicited her thereto. She has greater cause to distrust the King of France, in consequence of his preparations, but she does not do so; will not he repose equal faith in her? Candalle answered that the man must be a dolt who could not see why the French King was forced to levy troops, but that they [the French] had greater cause for apprehension. Cecil remarked that nothing would be done by his mistress to interrupt her friendship with France.
    4. Is not inclined to trust these assertions of Cecil, especially if the Scots execute their plans; in which case he is fully persuaded that the Queen will side with them in the hope of uniting the two kingdoms. Thinks that at all events she will help them with money, so that she may have leisure to strengthen herself and settle her affairs, while her neighbours are weakened. She is becoming the most avaricious and contracted [retirée] Princess that ever was, "pour mettre tout en Espargne."
    5. The bearer will tell of the arrival of the Prince of Sweden, how he has been received, and what he hopes from his journey.—London, 12 Oct. 1559. Fr.