Elizabeth: August 1559, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: August 1559, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp490-501 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1559, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp490-501.

"Elizabeth: August 1559, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp490-501.

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August 1559, 21-25

August 21.
R. O.
1226. Arthur Grey to Cecil.
Arrived at Dover on Saturday at night, where he tarried all Sunday, looking that Savage should have returned to him. Fearing to lose so fair a wind he took shipping on Monday at 11 a.m. and landed at Boulogne about 5 p.m., where he learned that the Admiral and M. Senarpont had been at Calais; and having seen the soldiers (which Cecil heard had been at Newhaven,) shipped for Scotland, both returned immediately into France, on the 19th inst. Here remain three other ensigns, which daily look for ships to the number of ten, with more men likewise, to pass into Scotland. He is uncertain whether they embark here or at Calais.—Boulogne, 21 August 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 22.
R. O.
1227. Cecil to the Bishop of Aquila.
Hopes he is not annoyed by the delay, which has been occasioned partly by the Queen's illness, (which prevented him from troubling her with any business of moment,) partly by his own, having been confined to bed by pains in his back and thighs.
The Queen would willingly attend to the petition of the Portuguese merchant; but in order to avoid the appearance of partiality she requests that it may be delivered to the Judge of the Admiralty. Hopes that the Bishop is in better health than he himself is.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 22.
R. O.
1228. Expenses on the Borders.
"The monthly charges of all the extraordinary garrisons in the north parts, as well of the captains, officers, and soldiers serving upon the frontiers against Scotland, as also of the fortifications there, 22 August 1559."
"Sum of the extraordinary charges, 2,105l. 2s. 8d. Sum total of the numbers of men afore-mentioned, 1,620, whereof armed, 586, unarmed, 1,034."
Appended is a memorandum: The gunners of the great ordnance at Berwick to be better considered.
Endd.: The garrison of Berwick. Pp. 6.
August 22.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 386.
1229. Garrisons in the North.
"Debts owing by the Queen to all the garrisons in the North, as well ordinary as extraordinary; 22 August 1559;" viz., to the extraordinary, 19,817l. 7s., to the ordinary 1,500l. Emprested, 3,072l. . . . Total remaining debt, 17,745l. 7s. 6d.
[August 22.]
R. O.
1230. Suggestions for the Security of the Borders.
If the French King and Queen have issue, the Queen will not be without trouble upon the borders of Scotland, for the defence whereof the writer thinks good that the following be done:
1. Upon the end of the Bishop [of Durham], let the Queen keep the castle of Norham, and 1,000l. of the Bishop's lands towards the maintenance of a captain, lieutenant, 50 horsemen, 1,550 (?) footmen, and two porters.
2. Take Wark and make a great barbican with flankers to it, with stabling under the walls for 200 horse; put there the Lord Grey, a lieutenant, 100 horsemen, and two porters, and assign for his aid Richmondshire.
3. Of Berwick he speaks not, because the fortification is in hand. To that appoint Northumberland and the bishopric.
4. The ground within 10 miles of the borders in the East and Middle Marches, lay in small holdings of five marks and under, binding every tenant to horse and armour, and to plant [and] set his ground with the Queen's aid of two parts of that charge till it be made, and then the tenant to continue.
5. To see how many fords are upon the Tweed, "and mark how many of them may be made rise with a tumbling weyres shod with iron, and pikes set in several places, leaving but three or four riding fords, and to any of them make a blockhouse and a barbican for horsemen for defence of the fords."
6. To appoint to the West Marches, Westmoreland and Lancashire. (fn. 1)
7. To appoint out of Yorkshire, Nottingham, and Chester, 8,000 men to come to the said wardens.
8. To do this, provision must be considered, and many other things which should be done in time of peace.
Draft. In the hol. of the Marquis of Winchester. Pp. 2.
[August 22.]
R. O.
1231. Throckmorton's Address to the King of Navarre.
Since nothing tends more to preserve a good understanding among Princes than where they unite for the preservation of religion, the Queen, his mistress, will gladly join him in an alliance which shall have this for its object.
Fr. P. 1.
August 23.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 398.
1232. The Queen Dowager of Scotland to Northumberland, Sadler, and Crofts.
Has received their letter dated at Warkworth, 19th inst., in reply to which she now informs them that those persons she intends to appoint being absent on the borders, she has summoned them shortly to receive her instructions. She therefore cannot affirm resolutely the time of their arrival, but by her letters will certify them of the points they require.— Edinburgh, 23 August 1559. "La toute votre, Marie R."
Copy, in Sadler's hol. Pp. 2.
August 23.
MS. Burton-Constable.
1233. Another copy of the above.
August 23.
R. O. Tytler, vi. 452.
1234. Knox to Crofts.
Immediately upon the receipt of his letters he despatched one to the Lords, from whom he will receive answer with convenient expedition. The Queen Regent is marvellous busy in assembling all that she can. She has addressed ordnance and other munitions to Stirling. She has corrupted (as is suspected) Lord Erskine, Captain of the castle of Edinburgh, and hopes to receive it; but that will not so much hurt them as their enemies suppose, if all other things be prudently foreseen. She breathes nothing but treason and revolt from her daughter's authority, but men begin to foresee more than they did. Wrote before in favour of his wife, beseeching him to grant her free and ready passage; for his wicked carcase, now presently labouring in the fevers, needs her service. Desires a passport for the other man who comes for his wife's passport, to repair towards her for her better conducting.—Londye, in Fife, 23 Aug. 1559. Read right, and interpret all for the best. Signed: John Sinclair. "In the midst of the exess."
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: Mr. Knox. Pp. 2.
August 23.
R. O.
1235. Challoner to Cecil.
If it be thought he writes seldom let it be considered "where the King is here in an angle," and having spoken with him already has nothing more to write.
Desires that the warrant for his diets may be renewed, with a prest of three months ever beforehand. All things are dear here, "and dear again beyond any stint." Sends enclosed the names and styles of the Knights of the Order of the Toison, as the same were last set up in the great church at Ghent.— Flushing, 23 Aug. 1559. Signed.
P. S.—Is now repairing to Antwerp, where he will abide the return of this bearer with letters. Requests to be informed whether all his letters have come to hand.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 24.
B. M. Addit. 5754. 57. Sadler, 1. 405.
1236. The Queen to Sadler.
Has seen his and Sir James Crofts' letters to Cecil, dated the 20th, and, as well upon consideration thereof as upon certain letters sent from others there, whereof Sir James Crofts was privy, and which he had sent to her Secretary, thinks it convenient that he shall impart the money committed to him at his departure, in the secretest manner he can, to such persons as may further the service that has been specially recommended him. And he shall do at his discretion, using either the advice of Crofts, or Sir Henry Percy, or any other trusty servant.—24 August 1559.
August 24.
MS. Burton-Constable.
1237. Copy of the above.
August 24.
B. M. Addit. 5754. 52.
1238. Another copy of the above, attested by the signatures of Winchester and Wa. Mildmay.
Endd. Add. Pp. 2.
August 24.
MS. Burton-Constable, Sadler, 1. 402.
1239. Cecil to Sadler.
Has this day received his letter of the 20th, in answer to which the Queen has written at this present. It is thought that a pay of two months would well serve at this present, the year being so far spent, and 1,000 harquebusiers might be maintained two months at less than 2,000l., and 300 horsemen for 700l. Mr. Maxwell might be allured with some gentle letters, but to what end is not known.
In their conferences he thinks that the Protestants should be thus persuaded; that the English, being at peace with their enemies, and not being able conveniently to break with them without great injury offered, or evident commodity thereby ensuing, therefore they [the Scots] should devise such ways whereby they might be helped by the English, and yet the English to remain in peace as they do. As for injury offered, it is far off; the French make many shows of great goodwill; as for commodity, it is rather apparently doubtful than certain, "and so will be, except they [the Scots] shall make more speed hereafter than they have done. I will procure the young M. (fn. 2) to come thither in haste as soon as he cometh hither, which I think will be ten or twelve days hence. I wish Balnavuss there with you."
Little news from France. The old King was buried on the 13th and the new proclaimed, and no more but with the accustomed style, though they have a seal engraving with the arms and style of England and Ireland. The King of Navarre (who was expected at Court on the 17th), was offended at them hasting the Sacre of the new King, which will be on the 10th of next month. All the French Cardinals save Lorraine are gone to Rome at the creation of a new Pope. The King of Spain has not yet passed by. The French embarked on the 20th inst., being fourteen sails, but he has no certain knowledge of their passing. There are 1,000 pikes and 1,000 harquebusiers; one Octavian ("an old Millenor,") has chief charge. La Brosse and the Bishop of Amiens follow; the Bishop as Legate from Rome.
The Queen is half whole, half in doubt of an ague. Prays she may have as good health as she has heart. Asks him to send the enclosed letter to the Duke. If Mr. Lee be not already come, let him be told that he shall have his letter of licence at Cecil's house, by Stamford.—Hampton Court, 24 Aug. Signed.
Orig., in Cecil's hol.
August 24.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 404.
1240. Cecil to the Duke of Chatelherault.
Has received his letter of thanks for what the writer has done for the Duke's son, whose reported good qualities deserved more. Beseeches him not to neglect the present opportunity of doing good to his country, as the like was not offered this 100 years. Repentance does most harm where no remedy remains. Covets one thing: to see this isle well united. Sends enclosed a letter from the Duke's son's servant, to whom he has given the best advice he could for the accomplishing of this errand, whereof he trusts in God to hear within these twelve days. Trusts God will make the Duke an instrument against Antichrist.—Hampton Court, 24 Aug. 1559.
Orig. Add.
August 24.
R. O.
1241. The Queen Dowager of Scotland to the Queen.
Request letters of safe conduct for Robert Boig and six persons to pass through England to France.—Edinburgh, 24 Aug. Signed: [y]our gud suster and allya, Marie R.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 24 August 1559. Broadside.
August 25.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 206.
1242. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 19th inst. Sir Peter Mewtas arrived here in Paris. Received from him her letters to himself, a commission for confirmation of the treaty with Scotland, and a copy of the same treaty; and also her letters of credence to this King, with others to the King and Queen jointly, to the old Queen, the Duke of Guise, and the Cardinal of Lorraine.
2. Sent to St. Germain's to remind the Duke of Guise of his promise of restoring to him his virginal player (mentioned in his letter of the 15th inst.); instead of his man's delivery, there was brought him a letter from the Grand Prior to his captain at Marseilles, with further message that if the writer sent for his man thither, he should be sent to him, as on his apprehension he had been sent to the galleys. Believes they dally, and do not mean to restore him; however, has sent one to Marseilles, (distance 320 English miles) with the Prior's letters, to see the event of the matter.
3. The Duke of Guise has caused one Duke Francis Vander Loughenburg to be entertained, and a present of money is prepared for him; his country lies eastward of Hamburgh, along the seacoast between Ham and Megleburg. He has married Duke Maurice's sister, and has a haven thereabout, by which it be judged he may work some annoyance to the Queen by way of Scotland. There are sent from hence 25,000 crowns into Germany to be presented to some noblemen and gentlemen. The Ambassador of Sweden is secretly despatched hence; who declared to the Duke of Luneberg he had a commission for the taking up of 10,000 footmen and 4,000 horsemen; and one called Count Galhorn remains behind, and is thought stays for the matter of Sweden, and to bring the full resolution for the despatch thereof. For the understanding upon whom this money sent into Germany is employed, and of matters touching Germany, of which he will write presently, he desires a commission to be sent to Christopher Mount, that he may signify to her such knowledge as he may have of the same. A great portion thereof shall be bestowed either upon the Landgrave, the Palsgrave, or the Duke of Wirtemburg. Thinks the Queen need not so much regard the entertainment of the High Almayns, as of those upon the seacoast, who may only on the sudden annoy her.
4. On the 17th inst. MM. de Vielleville and de Noailles dined with him; when the former declared his good affection towards the Queen, and said that the young French Queen daily increases in sickness and weakness, but it was of no long continuance, and also wished it might so come to pass; but said he, "I wish but in vain, for the Queen's Majesty is too wise for a child." He declared also that upon the suspicion of the Emperor's Ambassador's arrival, he was appointed to repair to Metz. The Emperor's Ambassador's name is Baron Guillaume de Trucches, the Cardinal of Augusta's brother; who came hither to condole and congratulate the King, and departed hence the 22nd inst. Before whose departure, the writer went to visit him along with Mr. Mewtas, on the 20th inst., when the Baron told him he doubted not the amity of England was reciprocated by the Emperor. He told them that the Ambassadors named to come from the Emperor to this Court to require Metz and other towns shall not come at all; and inquired in what terms the matters of Scotland were; whereunto Throckmorton answered as he thought most meet.
5. Old M. de Lorges is displaced from the captainship of the Scotch guard, and in his place is entered one M. d'Ou, a mere Frenchman, which the Scotch do not like. The King left St. Germain's the 22nd inst. and repairs towards Rheims, where the Sacre will be the 5th of next month. On that day (because the King will not as yet leave off "the dueil") no one shall be apparelled with any goldsmith's work or embroidery, but only silk or velvet, without any great show, and on the next day go into "dueil" again, and so continue for this twelvemonth.
6. M. de Chantoney, brother to the Bishop of Arras, is arrived here to reside Ambassador in this Court from the King of Spain. He was presented on the 15th inst. to the King at St. Germain's by the Duke of Alva, who on the 17th departed towards Spain. The Marquis of Trans has written to the Cardinal of Sens, and the French Ambassador to the French King again, that the Earl of Arran is in England, and that she gives aid to the rebels in Scotland. The Spanish Ambassador seems to be a wise man, and is of the Order of Calatrava, and inclined to her service.
7. On the 20th the King of Spain's Ambassador was at Court; and on the 21st he sent a gentleman to the writer, advertising him that the Cardinal of Lorraine had said to him [the Ambassador,] that whereas the Earl of Arran was, under colour of religion, departed from France and had been at Geneva, and would endeavour to come through the Low Country to embark for England or Scotland, he required the Ambassador to write to the Duchess of Parma, or to such as the King of Spain left in authority there, that if the Earl of Arran should arrive in any of their ports or towns he may be stayed and kept till further order by the French King. The Cardinal further said that the King (his master) will write into England to his Ambassador to require the like of the Queen, and in case she refuse to do, or otherwise wink at the matter, (the Earl being a subject to the Queen of Scotland, and a vassal to the French King,) she shall consequently do contrary to the treaty, and set the French King free for the restitution of Calais, and for the payment of 500,000 crowns. This was spoken with such countenance by the Cardinal as if he wished the Queen to detain the Earl of Arran in England. It would be well if she signified to the Bishop of Arras what friendship she understands he and his brother, the Ambassador here, bear towards her.
8. One Signor Giovanni Capello has arrived from Venice to condole and congratulate. There are already shipping at Calais four ensigns of footmen, and three bands of men-at-arms are likewise to be embarked, being the bands of D'Albœuf, De la Brosse, and De Beauvois.
9. On the 20th inst. sent to the Court at St. Germain's to the Cardinal of Lorraine to know what time Mr. Mewtas and he should have audience; after much delay, M. de Noailles and La Marque were sent, and stated the 27th inst. was the day fixed.
10. On the 23rd, in company with Mr. Mewtas, visited the King of Spain's Ambassador, who said that, being at the Court after dinner with the French King and Queen, the latter looked very evil, and was so weak always after meal that she fell "on sounding," and was in very dangerous case, as she is. When she was with aqua composita recovered, the King of Spain's Ambassador said to the Cardinal of Lorraine that he thought the Earl of Arran would never adventure to come into the Low Countries and commit himself to imminent danger, knowing the French and Spanish Kings were earnest against those of his religion; but if he came that way the King of Spain would respect the amity; wherewith the Cardinal was satisfied.
11. The same Ambassador was also in hand with the Cardinal for the liberty of certain gentlemen of Spain whom the French had put in the galleys; to which the Cardinal replied he would send him a billet. The Ambassador then visited the old Queen, and saw the French King and Queen at the same time, when the Cardinal said that the King desired of him a favour, viz., to write to the Duchess of Parma to take the Earl of Arran, whereunto the Ambassador granted.
12. Since his return from the Court, De l'Aubespine, the Secretary, was with him to require the letter to send to the Duchess; to which he replied, that the Cardinal had promised him a billet. The next day the same Secretary, the Bishop of Limoges, and another (who should go to reside in Flanders, as Ambassador there,) came and entered into communication with the said Ambassador, and pressed him for the letter. He told them that he had written to the Duchess by one post, adding (to Throckmorton) that he had written by another to her and his brother, what he thought good to be done, contrary to their expectations here.
13. Throckmorton then told the said Ambassador that a gentleman had come from the Queen, who, upon his return, would report the friendship which he used towards them for her service. To which he replied that he liked it well, and wished her to be informed of these things by word of mouth, and not otherwise; for if once he and Throckmorton be suspected to have intelligence together, they shall not be able to do what they would one for another.
14. On the 21st, a man and woman being carried towards Meaux to be executed for religion were rescued by the way. There are in this town nineteen more condemned for the like, and shall be executed. The Duke of Saxe, on the 18th inst., departed into Italy, and from thence returns into Germany, where he has offered for the service of the French King to levy 5,000 footmen and 2,000 horsemen, when he shall have commission, and shall conduct the same into Zealand to be embarked in the King of Spain's ships.
15. Advises her to make herself acquainted with the certainty hereof, and all what is done on the seacoast eastward, whereunto the greater regard is to be had. One has offered himself for her secret service, who knows the officers of the sea here, the Masters of the Requests, the Secretaries of this Court, and the Governors of the frontiers. Begs to know how far he is to proceed with him for his entertainment. He presses Throckmorton for answer.—Paris, 25 August 1559. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Pp. 8.
August 25.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 455.
1243. Another copy of the preceding.
Forbes' transcript.
August 25.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 212.
1244. Throckmorton to the Queen.
Spake with the King of Navarre at St. Denis, three leagues from Paris, on the 22nd inst., about 11 o'clock at night, and delivered her letters and commendations to him, together with her letters giving him further credit. Incloses the very words which he used to him. (fn. 3)
For answer, he thanked her for so great amity, and praised God for her preservation to advance true religion; in which he would not fail to do the best he could. Asked the writer to rest there that night, who refused for fear of espial. He offered the writer conduct of his folk, who refused for the same reason. This talk was in the garderobe, where was only the King's secretary, who heard nothing that was spoken.
On the 23rd inst. the King of Navarre sent a gentleman to him, desiring him "in cape" to meet him, with a lacquey and a page, at the Augustin Friars, at 8 o'clock, in the cloister. When they met, the said King, after long declaration of his affection to the Queen, said he would write to her with his own hands, for he would trust nobody but himself, and wished she would do the like always to him, either in French or Italian; for if either the French or Spanish Ministers should know of the amity between the Queen and him, it would be dangerous for both, and hinder their good enterprise. He assured Throckmorton that the French and Spanish Kings have great intelligence of the doings in England, and such as he would little believe; he therefore desired him to let the Queen trust no one in the matters betwixt himself and herself. The King then said that he would speedily send to the Queen one whom he trusted, and begged that this person might be brought secretly to her.
Perceives by the King of Navarre's discourses that he would have her marry no one of the house of Austria, nor the Earl of Arran; thinks he will make an offer to her for some of his own friends, for he desires she will be advised by him in her marriage. He said the whole family of Austria were great Papists; that her marriage was the making or marring of all.
At length, after requesting Throckmorton to speak plainly, he asked if the Queen were at liberty; who answering that she was, and not yet resolved what she would do, he used many good words of affection towards her, and so bade him farewell; wishing Throckmorton to resort to him after his next audience with the French King. The King also told him that the Emperor's Ambassador, Baron Trucus, brother of the Cardinal of Augusta, had here made great instance to have the Lutherans punished, by which might be perceived the good devotion of the Emperor and all his. He further desired him, as he esteemed his honour, to let no one know their conversation but the Queen and the Councillor whom she best trusts.
On the 23rd the Constable sent his secretary to him with a letter to her and another to himself; both which he forwards. Desires her to signify to M. d'Arras her good acceptation of the affection of M. de Shanterry, his brother, the King of Spain's Ambassador, but in such sort as not to come to the ears of the French. Wishes she should honourably and graciously receive the Earl of Arran in her Court; "giving him as good hope as any other, for if he be the same that they here report of him, he is as well worthy as any other;" and give such orders that his being in England be most secret, so that the French catch no apparent occasion to say that she does not keep her treaty. The French Ambassador should have no knowledge where he is; for he will press her to apprehend him.
By his next letters will advertise her what is the discourse of wise men, and well affected to her and the advancement of religion, concerning the Earl of Arran and the King of Navarre. M. de Montmorency has sent her a dozen galyards for a present, which she shall herewith receive together with his letter to him. Recommends Sir Peter Mewtas as a fit man, who would serve her in the charge he occupies. Besides the good works that belong to a good minister, he has a faithful zeal to promote her work of religion, which, besides divine success, is now a great piece of her policy.—Paris, 25th Aug. Signed.
Orig., in Throckmorton's hol. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 25.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 465.
1245. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
August 25.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 216.
1246. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Has received his letters of the 17th by Mr. Grey, and on the 24th received his of the 20th, by Savage. Is much discomforted by the Queen's indisposition, which would seem by the manner of it to be a double tertian. She must be content a little to alter her diet, leave off travelling, and refrain her appetite. Is glad to understand of Cecil's recovery. "Your long sitting and writing do you no great pleasure in that behalf."
Is glad that those bruits of Scotland, whereof he [Throckmorton] wrote, prove untrue, and also of other matters out of Scotland. Understanding that he looks shortly for the Earl of Arran in England, the writer must most heartily require Cecil to be very circumspect in providing for his coming and abiding there. The Cardinal of Lorraine, in talk with the King of Spain's Ambassador, required him to write to the Duchess of Parma or other Governors in Flanders, that in case the Earl came there to cause him to be stayed and sent hither; and said also that they would require their Ambassador in England to require the like of the Queen, according to their agreements and leagues between the countries, and the same upon pain of breach of the treaty.
If knowledge thereof come to the French Ambassador he will not fail to prosecute that matter to the uttermost; requires him, therefore, to have such special regard thereto as the importance of the case requires.
On 17th of October expire his six months for remaining here. Recommends Sir Peter Mewtas to succeed him, whom he will instruct for the advancement of the Queen's service here and hide nothing from him.
Concio has been here these eight days (of whom Cecil's father-in-law and Mr. Wroth can inform him), and has spoken with him. He bears a good affection to their country, and is well affectioned in religion, and is otherwise very necessary to be entertained. He departs shortly for England. Refers him for further information to his letters to the Queen.—Paris, 25 Aug. 1559. Signed.
P.S.—Concio is not to be compared to Portenary for deep judgment; but of service in matters of fortification.
Orig. Add. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 25.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 472.
1247. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
August 25.
R. O.
1248. Throckmorton to Cecil.
The wife of his brother, George Throckmorton, after many devices and devilish inventions, has sought his destruction by poison, and finally has put that her malicious intent in execution upon him. In what case he is for his life Cecil knows better than the writer does. His brother was, and is, so dear to him that (affection set apart) he cannot judge wherein be conceived more felicity than to think that he had such a one to his brother. If some devices are sought to colour the matter to the woman's advantage, he heartily requires him, for justice and the example's sake, not to be too much pitiful nor remiss in this case, what suit soever be made unto him for her.
How the English law punishes such actions he knows not, but the civil law punishes by death and the canon law dissolves the matrimony. (fn. 4) —Paris, 25 Aug. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 25.
R. O.
1249. Anthony, King of Navarre, to the Queen.
Is flattered that she remembers him, and thanks her for the letters delivered to him by her Ambassador, for which he cannot adequately express his gratitude. Offers to serve and please her to the best of his ability.—Villiers-coste-Retz, 25 Aug. 1559. Signed.
Add., with armorial seal. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 25.
R. O.
1250. The Queen to the King of Sweden.
She has received his two letters.
To the first, congratulating her upon her accession, she replies that she will always retain sentiments of regard towards him.
The second were delivered to her on [blank] July, by Gustavus Johannis, Carolus Holgeri, and Carolus de Mornay, who, in a long discourse, expatiated upon the King's friendship towards her. On the one hand she rejoiced at the King's affection, on the other she was pained that he had solicited an alliance to which she could not by any means induce herself to assent. Would he only ask her goodwill to express itself in any other way, she would respond most promptly. She has explained herself more fully to the Ambassadors, to whom she refers him.—Hampton Court Palace, 25 Aug. 1559.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 25.
R. O.
1251. The Queen to Eric, King designate of Sweden.
Gustavus, and the King's other Orators, had brought to her Eric's letters, dated 30 March, in which they are recommended to the Queen.
She has heard what they had to say in his father's name and in his own, and is grieved that she cannot reply to them in a way to satisfy his wishes. Since they will state the whole circumstances of the case fully and faithfully, she will not write more.—Hampton Court Palace.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 1559, 25th Aug. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 25.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 413.
1252. The Privy Council to Northumberland and Sadler.
In answer to letters from Crofte that fifty soldiers might be removed from Wark to Berwick, they refer the consideration thereof to them. They shall also call before them Sir Ralph Grey, to whom the inheritance of Wark appertains, and charge him to repair thither and take order for the surety thereof.—Hampton Court, 25 Aug. 1559. Signed: Arundel, E. Rogers, Tho. Parry, W. Cecil.
Orig. Add.
August 25.
B. M. Harl. 169. 32.
1253. News Letter.
Note of a letter signifying "that the Queen is at Hampton Court arrested of an ague. No other news yet forth of Scotland than was at your departing. The French stayeth as yet the sending thither of their army. We attend the news of the young King's proceedings in Scotland, now that his father is buried and that his coronation is at hand."—London.


  • 1. Originally, "Richmondshire."
  • 2. The Earl of Arran.
  • 3. See August 22.
  • 4. The whole of this paragraph is in Throckmorton's handwriting.