Elizabeth: August 1559, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: August 1559, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp482-490 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1559, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp482-490.

"Elizabeth: August 1559, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp482-490.

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August 1559, 16-20

August 16.
R. O.
1201. Montmorency to the Queen.
The letter which she has written to him and the good opinions which she has expressed towards him by Throckmorton, her Ambassador, have given him great pleasure, and have increased the affection which he has always entertained towards her. Will serve her whenever he has the opportunity. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
August 16.
R. O.
1202. The Queen to the Regent of the Low Countries.
Having heard that the Catholic King, being about speedily to depart towards Spain, has appointed her his Governor of his Low Countries, the Queen has commanded Sir Thomas Challoner, her Ambassador with her said good brother, to congratulate her, the Governor, upon the part of the Queen, and to request that she will give credence to what Challoner may have occasion at any future time to say to her.—Hampton Court, 16 Aug. 1559.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: This was sent to you, 17 August. And by Challoner: Received at Antwerp, 28 Augusti, by a man of Bruges. A previous memorandum by him has been cancelled: Received by Jones, at Antwerp, ultimo Augusti, 1559. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 16.
R. O.
1203. Cecil to Challoner.
Sends the Queen's letters of credence to the Duchess of Parma. As it is unknown what order the King of Spain has taken with Challoner, therefore it is uncertain what message he shall do to the Duchess, beyond the expression of hope for the continuance of concord between the two countries. "The bearer hereof must be treated with secrety."—Hampton Court, 16 Aug. 1559. Signed.
P. S.—"I have made a stay of Steeple Claydon."
"The Queen was in doubt of a fever, and is now, I trust, clear thereof, which God hold! We hear that all the French Cardinals go to Rome, saving the Cardinal of Tournay, for the choice of a new PP. (Pope), the old being near or dead. The Ambassadors of Sweden have taken their leave, re infecta. The Portugals that were robbed by Strangwish have brought letters from the King there requiring restitution, which is against all law and example."
Orig. Hol., with seal. Endd.: Received at Antwerp, by a man of Bruges, 25 Augusti, 1559. It was brought to Bruges by Mr. Randall; the costs, 30s.—6 dal. Pp. 2.
August 16.
B. M. Galba, C. 1. 39. b.
1204. Abstract of the above.
August 16.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 395.
1205. The Earl of Northumberland to the Queen Dowager of Scotland.
Before the arrival of her letters Queen Elizabeth had made commission to such as shall commune of those affairs, viz., Sadler, Croftes, Captain of Berwick, and himself, as will appear by the Queen's letters to her. And further he is told that Sadler will arrive on Friday next, therefore it will save time if all things are put in readiness, whereof she shall have advertisement of time and place. Her deputies have been at Alnwick, where he hopes they have received justice. And because they were not in such forwardness to answer the English complaints, they accorded them a day longer.—Warkworth, 16 August 1559.
August 16.
R. O.
1206. D. Ferboys (fn. 1) [Forbes?] to Cecil.
Prays him "to gar send this little writing" with Cecil's own to the Duke [of Chatellerault]. Thought to have spoken with Cecil or he went away, and hopes that he will himself write to the Duke of some of his news, for he would be very glad to understand some of them.—London, "this Fursday."
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 16 Aug. 1559. Mr. Ferbosh. Pp. 2.
August 16.
R. O.
1207. Jehan de Faubusson to M. Louvet.
Is sorry that he has not been able sooner to send his pills as he had promised; but now sends him a mass of two drachms weight, which he may take in two doses, each consisting of five pills. Asks after the state of his deafness. Desires to be remembered to M. le General and Mme. la Generalle.—Edinburgh, 16 August 1559.
No signature, but endd.: 16 Aug. 1559. M. Jehan de Faubusson, hipoticarye a la Raine d'Ecosse. Add.: A. M. Louvet, Secretaire a M. le General et Gouverneur du chasteau et ville de Baruis. Fr. Pp. 2
August 17.
B. M. Galba, B. xi. 236.
1208. The Emperor Ferdinand to the Queen.
The Prince of the Muscovites, whose territories border on Livonia and to whose inhabitants he is an ancient enemy, has invaded that province under pretext of levying tribute from the bishopric of Dorpt, and has attacked the forces of William Firstenberg, Master of the Teutonic Order, and a Prince devoted to the Emperor; and is laying waste the province with fire and sword, hoping to reduce it into his power, and take it from the Roman Empire.
He hopes that Firstenberg may be able to repulse the Muscovites, and keep so great a danger from Christendom; still his forces are too small to contend against the power of so great a Prince without external help.
Since it would be difficult for the Emperor to succour Livonia, it being so distant, it has been determined in the Imperial Council to raise money, and to send a letter to the Muscovite Prince, warning him to desist from waging war on Livonia, as it belongs to the Holy Roman Empire, and calling upon him to restore all the places he had taken, and to abstain from injuries for the future. It was intended also to ask the Queen and other Christian Princes, whom the danger as much affected as the Emperor, to assist in repelling the Muscovite, since the forces of the Master and the Imperial subsidy will scarcely suffice if he proceed further; besides which, he may go on till he reaches the shores of the Northern Ocean, which will be injurious to the Queen, whose subjects trade there. If he shall conquer the Livonians he will not be content, but will turn his arms against the Queen and other Christian Princes; but if the Livonians, who act as a sort of bulwark, are helped to repulse him, and are still kept in the Holy Roman Empire, there will be no danger of such a calamity. Besides, the Muscovite, seeing the league formed against him, will be more ready to listen to proposals of peace.
He therefore begs she will consider all this, especially the danger that might arise to the Princes of Christendom, and afford him all the assistance in her power by counsel and by sending Envoys, which if she does he will be for ever grateful. —Augsburg, 17 August 1559. Signed, Ferdinandus,—Singkhmoser.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 7.
August 17.
B. M. Sloane, 4142. f. 11 b.
1209. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
August 17.
R. O.
1210. The Queen Dowager of Scotland to the Queen.
Has received her letters dated at Nonsuch, 7th Aug., to the effect that the French King's Ambassadors there resident had given her [Elizabeth] to understand that of late certain of the English Ministers upon the borders had given some intelligence, in those late times of the disquiet in Scotland, unto certain of the disobedient party here, the very truth of which Elizabeth had desired the Queen to declare to her. The writer is fully persuaded in her heart that as these disorders can in no wise be pleasant to Elizabeth, who would in nothing allow the authors thereof, nor yet suffer her subjects to favour them, so being more amply assured of her goodwill herein by her said letter, is glad for the same. Requests that she will be "outwart" and declare how far she has been grieved, and that she will give credence to the said Ambassador in the matter.—Edinburgh, 17 Aug. 1559. Signed: [y]our gud sestur and allya, Marie R.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
August 17.
R. O.
1211. Croft to Cecil.
Understands by his letters received yesterday, that Sir R. Sadler is departed from the Court. He will be here to-morrow or on Saturday. Mr. Lee is very glad of his coming. The enclosed letters he received this last night, which he opened because he would be happy to inform Sadler how those matters both stand, and he has detained the messenger till his coming to learn what comfort he has brought [for the] Protestants, whom Cecil may perceive are in despair.
As a number of Frenchmen shall shortly come into Scotland, this town must be the more looked unto. Asks him to procure letters that fifty men of Capt. Read's, which now remain in Wark, may be removed hither to join with the rest of his band. As Wark is Sir Ralph Gray's, asks that he should be charged with the custody thereof, according to his covenants with the Prince.—Berwick. 17 Aug. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2. Portions in cipher, partly deciphered by Cecil.
August 18.
R. O.
1212. Treaty of Upsetlington.
Commission of Francis and Mary, King and Queen of Scotland, authorizing the Sieur de Noailles, their Ambassador in the English Court, to deliver to the Queen the ratification of the treaty of Upsetlington.—St. Germain en Laye, 18 Aug. 1559. Signed: Francoys, Marie,—De Grantrye.
Orig., on vellum, with seal. Endd. by Cecil. Fr.
August 18.
R. O. Fœd, xv., 539.
1213. Treaty of Upsetlington.
Confirmation by Francis and Mary, King and Queen of France and Scotland, of the treaty concluded between their Deputies and those of Elizabeth, in the church of Our Lady at Upsetlington, on the last day of May last past, explanatory of certain articles contained in the treaty of Cateau Cambresis. —S. Germain en Laye, 18 Aug. 1559. Signed: Francoys, Marie,—De Grantrye.
Orig., on vellum, with seal. Endd. by Cecil.
August 19.
B. M. Galba, C. 1. 57.
1214. The Inhabitants of Middleburgh to the Queen.
The son of a citizen of the town, named Jacques Dirricx, who was in the service of Martin Vanderleur and his brothers of Ghent, having been captured by two of the Queen's sea captains named Edward and Robert Dinnis, during the late war with the French, the writers have been requested to appeal to her upon the subject. The said captains have taken him prisoner into Dortmund [Dartmouth], have kept him in a castle called Hockum, near Exeter, and demand 1,000 crowns English for his ransom.
They request his release without ransom, as he is a subject of the King of Spain, and no Frenchman, besides being only sixteen years old and an orphan, his father having died in his absence.—Middleburg, in Zeeland. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Slightly injured by fire. Fr. P. 1.
August 19.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 397.
1215. The Queen Dowager of Scotland to the Earl of Northumberland.
Having received a letter from the Queen of England, and another from himself, she hears that he, Sadler, and Croft repair towards the borders, and desire all things may be in readiness. She will give order immediately to advertise the Commissioners and the Earl Bothwell, that they may put themselves in readiness, and give the English warning on what day they shall meet.—Edinb., 19 Aug. 1559. Signed: La toute vostre, Marie R.
Orig. Add.
August 19.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 396.
1216. The Earl of Northumberland to Sadler.
As the instructions declare that they shall send one with the Queen's letters to the Queen Regent, and that speed may be used, the Earl has written a letter in his name, and that of Crofts and Sadler, (which he here encloses,) with the Queen's letters to the Regent, which they may sign and send it away by Henry Ray, the pursuivant of Berwick.
Thomas Claveringe, for diverse causes, and specially for the meeting at Jedworth, for the answer of their bills, may be very evil forborne at present.—Warkworth, 19 August 1559. Signed.
P. S.—Sadler will receive also here inclosed a copy of the Earl's last letters to the Regent of Scotland, according to such letters as he received from the Council and Cecil, to which as yet there has been no answer. Has written to Thomas Clavering; if any answer comes, he [the writer] will send it to Sir Ralph to peruse.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Delivered at Warkwork, 19 Aug., at 3 of the clock in the afternoon. Received at Alnwick, at 5 of the clock in the afternoon. Received at Belford, 19th day of August, at 9 of the clock at night.
August 19.
R. O.
1217. Cecil to the Bishop of Aquila.
Has received his letter of 15 Aug. Regrets that he cannot answer it as he would, for, in consequence of the Queen having an attack, of fever, he has been unable to present to her the letters of the King of Spain, which have reference to the same subject. Hopes, however, to do so very shortly.
Draft in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 20.
B. M. Sloane, 4734. 185 b. Knox, 1. 395. Calderw. 1. 504.
1218. The Queen Dowager of Scotland to the Barons, Lords, and Gentlemen of Scotland.
Doubts not they have heard of the appointment made beside Leith betwixt the Duke [of Chatellerault], the Earl of Huntley, and M. Dosell, on the one part, and the Lords of the Congregation on the other. She has approved it, and is minded to keep all the contents of it on her part.
Nevertheless she is informed that the said Lords of the Congregation intend shortly to convene all who will assist them, for enterprising some high purpose against herself, her authority, and the tenor of the said appointment; of which she gives warning to her special friends, and to the person addressed among the number. (fn. 2)
August 20.
Sloane, 4737. 103 b.
1219. Another copy of the above.
August 20.
R. O.
1220. Sir Richard Lee to Cecil.
All our workmen and labourers are clean discharged, save a few who remain at taskwork, and the hard hewers and lime-burners. Expected to have received by Sadler the Queen's licence; but as it is omitted, and he ready to depart home for the better recovery of his health, which he has lacked these twenty days and more, asks Cecil to procure the same to be sent to his house at Stamford, which the writer intends to view.—Berwick, 20 Aug. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 20.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 399.
1221. Sadler and Croft to Cecil.
They have much conferred together about the secret affair they have in hand; though (considering the state of perplexity thereof,) they cannot judge what is to be hoped for certainly, yet they think it good policy to encourage and comfort them to follow their enterprises. Therefore, thinking it best that they should hear of Sir Ralph's arrival, forasmuch as at his coming hither there was here a secret messenger sent by Knox, Sir James Crofts has by him signified Sadler's arrival by letters to Knox, wishing that Mr. Henry Balnaves, or some other trusty man, might secretly repair to some secret place, to the intent that the writers might confer with him touching their affairs. They will advertise him [Cecil] of an answer.
And for the furtherance of the matter they think the Earl of Arran should be hastened into Scotland, where he should have more estimation than his father. For albeit the Duke has withdrawn himself from the Regent's party, yet is he not so fully inclined for the other as they desire; albeit they be in good hope of him.
It seems they make little or no account of the French power which is looked for out of France, wishing it may rather come than not, as the same would so stir and irritate the Scots as that they would all stick together, and the better achieve the rest of their whole purpose. Then, as Knox said to Croftes they will require aid of the Queen for the wages of 1,500 arquebusiers and 300 horsemen, which if they may have, then France shall soon understand their minds.
The writers intend to answer them so that they shall not be without hope, yet would they be glad to know the Queen's pleasure; wishing that she should not, for paying more, pretermit such an opportunity.
To say their poor minds, they see that the Queen must be at some charge with them; for 2,000 or 3,000 crowns will be help to them who have spent all, and if there is not the effect hoped for, the Queen must account this money as thrown into the sea.
Beg to know from time to time the Queen's pleasure; and also what news come from France, that they may better know how to act.—Berwick, 20 August 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
August 20.
MS. Burton-Constable.
1222. Another copy of the above.
August 20.
R. O.
1223. Stores for Berwick.
John Abington to the Lord Treasurer.
Has received his letters of the 10th inst. wherein he directs him to spare Mr. Treasurer 2,000l. or 3,000l. out of such money as is due to the Queen for victuals delivered to the soldiers and labourers, which he promises to pay again to such men and at such places as it is owing for provision for this place from time to time. After this sort he can spare 3,000l. if the pay be made until 20 August. If he will appoint purveyors for corn, beef, &c., and prest them money from time to time to send provisions hither, he may always take and account the money due for victuals at every pay as parcel of the pay.
Whereas Mr. Anderson has written to him that he [Abington] will neither pay him such money as is owing to him, nor take his book and account, certifies that Anderson remains in debt to him 90l. of above 900l. prested to him by the writer. Nevertheless, Mr. Bashe owing Anderson certain money for the victuals of the ships, the writer willed Anderson to signify the debt unto Mr. Bashe, or else to send a copy of his book to him, both of which proposals he refused. Although unwilling to meddle with a matter which touches another man's account, yet on receipt of his Lordship's letter of August 3, he and Sir James Croft will take pains about this account and will write respecting the same. Desires to be discharged of this place and to come home.—Berwick, 20 August 1559. Signed.
P. S.—Has served the soldiers and labourers with the butter and cheese that he had of the last year's provision and such as he bought in Lent. All his store is done, but he could make no provision of new because he wanted money. Is now driven to send to Stourbridge Fair, if he may have his Lordship's help with money to pay for it. If not, asks him to write to Wm. Forster, fishmonger of London, (who will be there for the provision of the Queen's household,) to borrow among his company 500l., which will buy 500 weighs of cheese and 100 barrels of butter, which is as much as is to be looked for at that place. What is wanting must be supplied by Arthur Malbye out of Suffolk.
Orig. Add.: To the Lord Marquis of Winchester, High Treasurer of England. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 20.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 401.
1224. Crofts to Knox.
Has received his letters with others addressed to Cecil, which he has forwarded. Will send him the answer when it comes. Has staid Knox's messenger until Sadler's arrival, who being now here, would be glad (as he would himself,) of a conference with Mr. Henry Balnaves, or some other trusty man, for the better expedition of this great business, whereupon he [Knox] shall understand how much his cause is tendered, and receive comfort. If Mr. Balnaves comes, he had best come by sea to Holy Island, and there remain quietly with Captain Rede, until the writer may have him secretly conveyed thither. (fn. 3) — 20 August 1559.
Draft, in Sadler's hol.
August 20.
R. O.
1225. Montmorency to Throckmorton.
Encloses his answer to a letter which the Queen of England had written to him, which he begs may be forwarded. Professes his desire to serve her.—Escouen, 20 August 1559. Signed.
Add. Fr. P. 1.


  • 1. The signature is uncertain, but the writer was a Scotchman.
  • 2. "And so forth, as in the other letter above sent to the Duke, word after word."—Knox, 1. 395.
  • 3. The original sentence was more definite, standing thus: "To be addressed hither by sea to Holy Island, from the Lords, with some instructions from the Lords of the Congregation of their minds and intents, how they intend to proceed, with whom we may confer what is to be done in this great and weighty business which they have in hand. Whereupon they shall understand by the said Sir Ralph and me how earnestly the Queen doth tender their cause; and also shall receive such comfort at her hands as thereby they shall well perceive that she doth no less tender their cause than they themselves do, and will do as much for the furtherance of the same godly action as she well may with her honour, and as the equity of their cause requireth."