Elizabeth: August 1559, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: August 1559, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp450-467 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1559, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp450-467.

"Elizabeth: August 1559, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp450-467.

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August 1559, 6-10

August 6.
1130. The Queen to the Earl of Shrewsbury.
Having sent at this present Sir Ralph Sadleyr, to Berwick, as well to view the state of the fortifications there as also to consider the reckoning of the Treasurer there, and having put him in commission with the Earl of Northumberland and Sir James Croftes, Knt., to meet with the Commissioners of Scotland for the reformation of disorders upon the Borders, she has willed him to visit the Earl by the way, in order to confer with him concerning the same affairs. He is to give credence to Sir Ralph and afford him advice and assistance.
Draft. Endd.: M. to my L. of Shrewsbury, 6 Aug. 1559. Pp. 3.
August 6.
R. O.
1131. The Queen to the Earl of Northumberland.
Since, notwithstanding the late treaty, divers disorders and attempts have been committed by the Scots upon her frontiers, for which no redress has yet been had, she sends Sir Ralph Sadleyr to join in commission with him and Sir J. Croft to meet like Commissioners of Scotland, whereof she requires him to certify the Queen Dowager. Has declared the manner and order of their proceedings to the said Sir Ralph, to whom she requires him to give full credit.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd: M. to my Lord of Northumberland, 6 Aug. 1559. Pp. 3.
August 6.
R. O.
1132. Knox to Croft.
They have arrived safely, (but not without some danger, for their brother A. W. was chased three miles) "with the Lords to wit, with two." Because of the absence of the rest, a convention is appointed at Glasgow to begin this 10th inst., in which shall all things be proponed and to their knowledge determined upon, whereof will inform him of the certainty with expedition. Must signify unto him that unless the Council be not forward in this common action they will utterly discourage the hearts of all here, who cannot abide the crime of suspicion. They will not trifle; but if they cannot have present support they will seek the next remedy (not that he means that ever they intend to return to France) to preserve their own bodies, whatsoever become of the country, which his enemies may easily occupy; and when they have so done he may make his account what may ensue towards himself. Asks him to thank the gentleman heartily for his benevolence touching his horses, whereof he [Croft] shall deliver him one again, and will send the other with the next messenger. Commits him to the protection of the Omnipotent. —Stryveling [Stirling], 6 August 1559, in great haste.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
August 6.
R. O.
1133. The Earl of Argyll and Prior of St. Andrew's to Croft.
Have understood by their last messenger as well the good minds of their friends as the things which offend them; and have great cause to magnify God that He bows the hearts of men to favour truth, equity and justice; which (God is witness) they only mean. Are sorry that they are judged slow, negligent, and cold in their proceedings; especially by those whom they most especially favour. It is difficult to persuade a multitude to the revolt of an authority established. The last time they were pursued, their enemies were in number thrice more than themselves, "besides that the Castle of Edinburgh declared the self plain enemy to us at our utmost necessity, which was one cause of our appointment."
They pray that God will grant their friends no less fervency in this common action than has appeared among themselves, their strength, substance, and number considered. Have appointed a convention at Glasgow, where all things shall be resolved fully, whereof he shall be certified. Have received his commendations from their last messenger, and by him understand his good and fervent mind; which they desire him to continue to the advancement of God's glory and comfort of both realms.—Stryveling [Stirling], 6 Aug. 1559 Signed: Ard. Ergyll, James Sanctandr.'
Orig. in Knox's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[August 6.]
B. M. Sloane, 4734. 182. Calderw. 1. 495.
1134. Knox to Cecil.
Two causes have impeded him from visiting Cecil in any part of England; (1) no signification of Cecil's mind has been made to him, for only Sir H. Percy willed Knox to come and speak with him (which conveniently at that time he could not do; and (2) the Frenchmen did then most furiously pursue them, while their company was dispersed. Durst not then be absent for diverse inconveniences, nor did he think his presence greatly necessary, considering that the matter which he most desired was opened and proponed. To which he would have wished that a more plain and special answer should have been made; for, albeit Mr. Quhytelaw by his credit, Mr. Kirkaldie by his letter, and the writer, both by letters and by that which he had received from Croftes, did labour to persuade them [the Lords of the Congregation] of the good minds of the Council of England, yet he could not be otherwise persuaded but that this alteration in France had altered the former purpose of the English.
Since it is known what favour these three bear to England, wishes that rather Cecil's pen, or anything written to any of them, should assure the Lords and others (who are now but 500) of the good minds of the English. Unless money be furnished without delay to pay the soldiers for their service past, and to retain another 1,000 footmen and 300 horsemen till some stay be had in this danger, these gentlemen will be compelled to leave the field. Some of them will take a very hard life before that ever they compone with either the Queen Regent or France; but this he dare not promise of all, unless in Cecil they see greater forwardness. To support them [the Scotch] will seem excessive, and to break promise with France will appear dangerous; but the expenses ought not to be esteemed from the first payment, nor the danger from the first appearance. France is most potent to conquer them, and vows that against them she would spend her crown; so did his ears hear Buttoncourt brag. They think by Scotland to make an entry to England. They labour to corrupt some of the great men of Scotland by money, and some of them are poor. Some they threaten, and against others they have raised a party in their own country; and in the meantime, if the English lie as neutrals, what will be the end he [Cecil] may easily conjecture.
Requires him, in the bowels of Christ, to make plain answer what the gentlemen here may trust to.—Saint Johnston.
[August 6.]
B. M. Sloane, 4737. 102.
1135. Another copy of the above.
August 7.
R. O.
1136. The Queen to Sir Richard Lee.
Whereas he in his letters has heretofore requested that she would send thither some trusty person to take a view of the fortifications at Berwick, she, sending presently into these parts Sir Ralph Sadleyr, appoints him to take a view of the same. Requires Lee to speak unto him what he shall think necessary, and also to give credit to his communications.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 7 Aug. Pp. 2.
August 7.
R. O.
1137. The Queen to the Queen Dowager of Scotland.
Although by the treaty of the last of May, held at our Lady Church at Upsatlingtone between her Commissioners and those from France, good orders were agreed upon for the redress of misdemeanours committed upon the frontiers of both her realms, yet the said misdemeanours daily increase. Notwithstanding the Earl of Northumberland, Warden of the East and Middle Marches, had called upon the ministers of the opposite Marches for days of meeting, no such success has followed as was desired on both their parts. This she ascribes to the travail the Queen Dowager has sustained by the unruliness and dissension of diverse there, whereof the writer has been very sorry. But these matters being now (thanks be to God) well appeased and brought, by the good wisdom of the Queen Dowager, into terms of quiet, and because she addressed letters to Elizabeth by Rosse, the Scottish herald, requiring her to give some order for the naming of certain Commissioners to treat with others on her part for delivering and redemption of prisoners, she therefore sends an expert man in all frontier affairs, Sir Ralph Sadler, to join with the Earl of Northumberland and Sir James Crofts, Captain of Berwick; and has sent also her commission authorizing them to conclude a reformation of the said disorders.
Draft, corrected by Cecil and endd. by him: 1559, Aug. 7. Pp. 5.
August 7.
B. M. Cal. B. x. 19 b.
1138. Another copy of the above.
Copy, by Cotton's transcriber. Pp. 3.
August 7.
R. O. 171. B.
1139. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
[August 7.]
R. O. Sadler, 1. 388. "Letter." (fn. 1)
1140. Instructions to Sadler.
By the way [from London to Berwick] he shall repair to the Earl of Shrewsbury, if he be at York, or near the highway, and having delivered the Queen's letters, shall confer with him concerning certain payments arising from the subsidy due to the Queen, to be made to the Treasurer of Berwick. Before his departure from London he shall confer with the Lord Treasurer, and shall also take to the said Earl further instructions for the levying of the debts due to the Queen. If the Earl is not nigh the way Sir Ralph shall communicate by writing.
"Letter." 2. On his way to Berwick he shall confer with the Earl of Northumberland and declare unto him the causes of his sending down.
3. From thence he shall go to Berwick, and survey the fortifications, and obtain an estimate as well of the total charge of work done during the reign of King Edward and Queen Mary, as also during the present reign; specifying further what yet remains to be done for those parts yet unfortified.
"Letter." 4. He shall confer with Sir Richard Lee and understand the matter whereof he wrote to the Queen in July last, and for which purpose he desired to have some singular trusty person sent thither.
5. He shall understand privately and apart the complaints of the Treasurer and Abington, touching the victuals, and shall set the matters of the victualling in better order.
6. He shall consider with the Earl of Northumberland what had best be done with the castle of Wark, and shall require a copy of the indentures between the late Queen Mary and Mr. Gray.
"Letter." 7. If he see cause he shall deliver a letter to the Lady Carnaby for the lending of her house at Hexham to the Keeper of Tynedale.
8. He shall cause things at Berwick to be better governed for the Queen's weal and commodity, shall take the musters of the garrisons there, and see how the old garrison of the town is in order of service. (fn. 2)
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him: 7 Aug. 1559. Pp. 4.
August 7.
B. M. Cal. B. x. 21.
1141. Another copy of the above.
Copy, by Cotton's transcriber.
August 7.
MS. Burton-Constable.
1142. Another copy of the above.
Aug. 7 & 8.
R. O.
1143. Francis Edwards to Cecil.
Wrote last upon the 3rd inst., since which time he has sent one to Newhaven, who on his return to Rouen on Sunday last at night, stated that on the Saturday before there departed from Newhaven Road four great merchant ships which made sail to the eastward. Men said they went to Calais. Two of these were of Feckame and two of Newhaven, appointed as merchants. At present supposes they must be at Calais or Boulogne, where it is said they shall meet the Lord Admiral of France, who will appoint them their voyage.
On the same Saturday the King's ship named the S. John came aground in Newhaven and "tallowed," and is making ready with all speed, along with other three merchant ships, which will be ready to go to Calais within five or six days, where they will take in 1,000 men (of which 200 shall be horsemen) or 1,500, as others say. It is secretly said that in the King's ship there shall go a Bishop of this country, or some other great personage, into Scotland to Dunbar. The chief captain of the ship is named John Rose, who at present is at Dieppe, there awaiting the Lord Admiral and the making ready of the ships. M. la Broche, a Gascon, shall be captain of the footmen. These men aforesaid will be ready at Calais on 14th inst. to depart for Scotland, to furnish the holds there and to help the Scottish Queen at Dunbar until a greater number may be made ready here to be sent unto her. The ships detained here and others shall make ready shortly as many as will convey 8,000 or 10,000 men into Scotland. The ships would soon be found, but the men he thinks would scarcely be found here who could be spared. They are in doubt of the Queen, for they learn that her ships are in readiness. Their fear is that she will aid the Scots and that war should follow of the same; thinks therefore that they will not spare so many men to send into Scotland, though they say that so many shall go, and that the Marquis d'Elbæuf shall be chief head of them. As much as he can perfectly learn is that there shall be six or eight ships more, which shall make ready at Newhaven to convey as many as they intend to send at this time.
Within two days intends (God to friend) to ride to Newhaven, whence he will write. Cannot always hear the truth in these affairs, but will send the voice of the people from time to time.
On Sunday last past M. de Villebon, Governor of Normandy, was met riding to Newhaven with thirty horsemen in his company. Thinks he will ride "alongst" the coast and see the setting forth of the ships, and also the town of Newhaven and others furnished. Will write more of his doings.—Rouen, 7 August 1559. Signed.
P.S.—Has learnt at Dieppe that Captain Rose is abiding, and has sent to Newhaven to know how near the ships are ready, and also to Calais to the Admiral, and looks for answer every day. Since his last being here there is laid without the walls all along the sea coast at every gate certain brass ordnance, at some four at others five, from the castle gate to the haven's mouth. Men say it is to salute King Philip as he sails by; but as far as he can learn they do it for the more assurance of the town, as they hear that the English ships are in readiness.—Dieppe, 8 August 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 7.
R. O.
1144. Fray in London.
The Marquis of Winchester and the Lord Mayor of London to the Council.
Upon receipt of Mr. Mason's letter they have examined the matter of discord moved between the Marquis de Noale's servants and those of Mr. Watson. The fray, which began a month ago, was resumed yesterday, when M. le Marquis coming from the company where he supped between nine and ten at night, Mrs. Wynkefeld requested him to desire his servants to rest quiet from uncourteous words and frays. In talking gently together, there came an English gentleman with his servants by, that understood the French tongue, standing still to hear what was said; whereupon one of the servants of the Marquis was moved, and spake coarsely to the gentleman. "Go, thou villain, thou hast nothing to do here;" and he said, the street was as meet for him as for them, and rather meeter, and prayed them to be content. The Frenchmen entered the gate of Mr. Watson's house and hurt two of Mr. Watson's servants and slew the third, and put Mr. Watson in jeopardy. They require their Lordships' pleasures to be known for the continuance of "the croner's queste."—7 August 1559. Signed: Winchester,—Thomas Leigh. With a seal.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 8.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 196.
1145. The Queen to Throckmorton.
The bearer, Sir Peter Mewtes, is sent to condole with the French King on the death of his father. This has been deferred, because since the death of his master, until the 6th inst. the French Ambassador has forborne either to come or signify the same in such order as was requisite. Sends ac ommission to require confirmation of the last treaty concluded with the Scottish Commissioners, which is required before the last of August. Refers him to the bearer for further information. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
August 8.
R. O.
1146. Draft of the above.
Endd. Pp. 2.
August 8.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 437.
1147. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
[August 8.]
B. M. Cal. B. x. 15.
1148. Treaty of Upsetlington.
Commission to Throckmorton, authorizing him to receive from Francis and Mary, King and Queen of Scotland, their letters and oaths confirmatory of the treaty of Upselington, concluded on 31 May last past. Dated [blank] Aug. 1559.
Copy. Pp. 4.
August 8.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 192.
1149. Throckmorton to the Queen.
The Duke of Alva has liberty given him to depart hence in small journeys towards Spain; and is appointed to remain within the limits of France till the 20th inst., at which time, in case he shall be informed of the restitution of Corsica to the Genoese, and of Mont Alcino with the other appendances of Sienna, to the Duke of Florence, he is bound to return back again and continue as a pledge in France till the rest of the things are done by King Philip according to the treaty. If at that day neither Corsica nor the other things to be rendered by the French are restored, he may depart.
Does not understands there is any new commission for Noailles continuing Ambassador with her. M. Bassefontaine, Bishop of Limoges, Ambassador to this King in Flanders, is retired thence into this Court for a new commission for his legation with the King of Spain, (whom he shall follow by land,) and also to set his private things in order before his going. The house of Guise use all their policy to insinuate themselves to the King of Navarre; and intend at his coming (which is daily looked for) to do him all the honour they may; and before his arrival the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke of Guise appoint to ride to meet him by the way. How things will succeed touching the government of this state is uncertain till his arrival, which is thought will make a perfect show of the same.
The matter of Scotland causes the French to be much busied and perplexed. They assay all possible means to continue Scotland to be at their devotion. To which end they sent by Botuncourt's last despatch divers blanks to the Queen Dowager, signed by the French King and Queen; with an order that she shall, as she sees cause, not only make donations and gifts of the lands and goods of those who have offended her to those who have served her, but also to despatch such lands and goods as have fallen within her disposition upon those who deserve the same; the said blanks to be filled up after her appointment. They intend also to try to win the borderers by bestowing on them pensions and rewards; and think they shall find means by one way or other to bring the inland men to their order. The men of war which the French send presently into Scotland are appointed to go under one Adrian, a gentleman of the King's chamber, late governor to the late French King's pages. He takes with him but four ensigns, who shall assay to land. After knowledge sent by Adrian of his success, Labross shall go into Scotland with some men and carry money thither; with whom, or immediately afterwards, the Marquis d'Albæuf shall go to reside there as Viceroy of Scotland. They determine, after taking footing by degrees, to use cruelty towards the noblemen and gentlemen in Scotland, to take their lives, and to annex their lands as forfeited to the crown of Scotland.
Has learnt at his hands that graves the seals, that there are indeed to be two seals made, the one with the arms of France alone, with which the King has only to do; the other with the arms of England, France, and Scotland, quartered and set out, which is not used, but the same is meant to be employed in all such matters as concern Scotland. This has moved him to stay hitherto the delivery of her letters to the French King and others about him, according to her instructions, and asks her to signify her further pleasure to him.
The King hath required the Count d'Egmont and the Prince of Orange to depart upon their words, so according to their promise they will return hither again. All the Cardinals of this country, except the Cardinal of Lorraine, are appointed to repair towards Rome for the election of a new Pope; as the last Pope is either dead or on the point of it. One of these Cardinals, Carpi, Moroni, Sancta-Fiore, or Ferrara shall have the election at this time to be Pope. The 6th inst. the young King was at the Tournelles, where as yet the late King's corpse lies, to do such ceremony with holy water and otherwise as the Kings here in like cases are wont to do. The interment shall be the 13th inst. and the King's consecration soon after. The Duke of Guise has caused 2,000 corslets to be laid up in the house of Bourbon near to the Court, to serve in case of innovation, if any such matter should happen upon the arrival of the King of Navarre. Yesterday evening an herald brought him as much cloth as makes eight English yards, to mourn withal; sent by the Constable, who prayed him to receive it. The like is done to the other Ambassadors here.—Paris, 8 Aug. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Several passages in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 4.
August 8.
B. M, Sloane, 4134. 429.
1150. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
August 8.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 195.
1151. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Has written heretofore of one Nesbet, a gentleman of the Earl of Arran, who is returning into Scotland by the Court of England; and that he [Cecil] shall do well to find the means, if the Earl of Arran happen to be in England at his return, for him to speak with the Earl, as he comes from the Duke of Chatelherault, and do him to understand of what he has treated with the Duke his father, and of such other occurrences as are in Scotland. The bearer hereof brings letters to Throckmorton from Mr. Calvin and Peter Martyr; also letters from Calvin to Cecil's father, Mr. Cooke, and others there, which induces him [Throckmorton] to despatch this packet by him; the rather for that he seemed affectioned to religion.—Paris, 8 August 1559. Signed.
P.S.—Had written to the Queen that one Adrian should conduct the men of war to be sent into Scotland, but now understands that it is one Octavian, who is Groom of the Chamber, and is well known to Lord Pembroke and the Lord Admiral. He has heretofore taken upon him in England to be a "Millenor," thereby to gather such advertisements as he has had in charge to learn there.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
August 8.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 435.
1152. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
[August 8.]
R. O.
1153. Instructions for Sir Peter Mewtys, sent into France.
1. Sir Peter Mewtys shall repair into France, and having delivered the Queen's letters to Throckmorton, shall arrange with him for an interview with the French King. Having obtained credence, he shall deliver her letters and say that she, having had no certain knowledge of the very truth and manner of the late King's death, until she was assured thereof by the report of M. de Noailles, the French Ambassador, could not sooner send to condole with him upon the common loss of Christendom by the death of his father. She trusts the present King of France will maintain the peace and amity of Christendom, and continue the friendship established before by his father.
2. Sir Peter Mewtys and Throckmorton shall next deliver the Queen's letters of commendation addressed to the Queen Dowager of France, and if she be established Regent, then shall that title be added in the superscription of the letters to her.
3. Sir Peter Mewtys may also be present with the said Ambassador at the delivery of the Queen's letters of commendations to [the Constable of France] (fn. 3) the Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Lorraine, using to each of them friendly speech. If any talk should arise touching the obsequies of the said late King, Sir Peter may generally say that he left the same in preparing, and in such towardness as they are meant to be very shortly celebrated in the cathedral church of St. Paul's in London. In the setting forth of all matters he shall use good words declaratory of the Queen's wish for the entertainment of the amity.
Endd. Pp. 6.
[August 8.]
R. O.
1154. Copy of the same.
Pp. 2.
[August 8.]
B. M. Cal. E. V. 79.
1155. Another copy of the above.
Transcribed by Cotton's copyist. Injured slightly. Pp. 2.
August [8].
R. O.
1156. Queen Elizabeth to the Cardinal of Lorraine.
Recommends Sir Peter Mewtys, whom she sends to offer her condolence to King Francis II., on the death of his father. —[Blank.] Aug. 1559.
Draft. Add. Endd.: 8 Aug. 1559. Injured by damp. Pp. 2.
August 8.
B. M. Add. 4754. 51. Sadler, 1. 391.
1157. The Queen to Sadler.
She, having conferred certain special service to be done by him upon her frontiers towards Scotland, authorizes him to confer, treat, or practise with any manner of person of Scotland either in Scotland or England for these purposes, for the furtherance of her service, and for any other thing that may tend to make a perpetual concord betwixt the nation of Scotland and hers. She also authorizes him to reward any manner of person of Scotland with such sums of money as he shall think meet to be taken of the sum of 3,000l., which she has ordered should be delivered to him in gold, wherein such discretion and secresy are to be used as no part of his doings may impair the treaty of peace lately concluded betwixt her and Scotland. Refers him to a memorial of certain articles to be delivered to him by her Secretary, whereunto he shall not need to have further respect than the opportunity of the time will require.—Nonsuch, 8 Aug., 1 Eliz.
" This is the true copy of the Queen's letters remaining with Sir Ralph Sadleir.—Winchester,—Wa. Mildmay."
Copy. Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 8.
B. M. Add. 5754. 57.
1158. Another copy of the above, omitting the attestation and signatures.
August 8.
R. O.
1159. Draft of the above.
In Cecil's hol., omitting date and signature. Endd.: 8 Aug. 1559.
August 8.
MS. Burton-Constable.
1160. Another copy of the above.
August 8.
R. O. Tytler, VI. 453.
1161. Instructions for Scotland.
Memorial of things to be imparted to the Queen.
The matter of Mr. Sadler.
1. To understand how the proceedings there differ from the intelligence here, and thereafter to proceed either the quicker or the slower.
2. The principal scope shall be to nourish the faction between the Scots and the French, so that the French may be more occupied with them and less busy with England. The means thereto are as follows;—
To provoke all who have stirred in the last assembly to require the Queen Regent to perform her promises, both for restoring religion and sending away the French, and to persuade them, though they may be reconciled with promises and rewards, yet shall they never be trusted by the French.
To procure that the Duke may, for preservation of his expectant interest to the crown, (if God call the young Queen before she have issue,) withstand the governance of the realm by any other than by the blood of Scotland; as the King of Spain in Queen Mary's time allowed no office to be given to a stranger. Nor does he otherwise in his countries of Flanders, Brabant, &c., leaving them to be governed wholly by their own nation. For the Duke may be assured that the French, under pretence of subduing of religion, will also subdue that realm and extirpate his house.
3. If this be compassed, then may the nobility of Scotland also require of their Queen that a perpetual peace be made between England and Scotland, so that no invasions be made by their frontiers. If answer be made to disturb this purpose, it may be well said that though the Scottish Queen falsely pretend title to the crown of England, yet she does it but as descended from the blood of England; whereunto none of Scotland can make pretence, and therefore none ought to be abused by any such persuasion.
4. The Duke may pretend as good cause to arrest M. d'Oysel and some other of the French for answering for his two sons, the Earl and Lord David, as the French have done in driving away the one and imprisoning the other, being neither his subjects, nor offenders against him.
5. He shall explore the very truth, whether Lord James means any enterprise towards the crown of Scotland for himself, or no; and if he do, and the Duke be found very cold in his own causes, it shall not be amiss to let Lord James follow his own device therein, without dissuading or persuading him anything therein.
Finally, if he find any disposition in any of them to rid away the French there, he may well accelerate the same, with the persuasion that if they tarry for aid out of France, they shall find these to abide longer than they would.
Endd. by Cecil: 8 Aug. 1559. For the Queen; Sir Ralph Sadler. Pp. 3.
August 8
R. O. Sadler, 1. 387.
1162. Instructions for Scotland.
Instructions to the Earl of Northumberland, Sadler, and Croft.
There having been no redress of divers attempts committed in Scotland, and as the same might tend to so great an enmity that in time it would be remedyless, she has thought necessary to provoke the Queen Regent to appoint some of her ministers to meet with the above and to determine some better order, according to their last treaty then concluded.
For this purpose they shall send one with her letters to the Regent to move her that some expedition herein might be used, and they shall employ themselves with the ministers of Scotland to the mutual redress of disorders upon both parts, or anything else tending to the quiet of these frontiers. And for the ransoming of persons of both sides, they shall do their endeavour, forseeing that without the Queen's advice, Lord Grey, nor the Earl Marshal's son (who are persons of great value) be not acquitted; but if it be necessary, that both be revoked into the realm.
Cecil's hol. draft, and endd. by him: Aug. 8, 1559. Pp. 3.
August 8.
B. M. Calig. B. x. 22.
1163. Another copy of the above.
Copy, by Cotton's transcriber. P. 1.
August 8.
MS. Burton-Constable.
1164. Another copy of the above.
August 8.
R. O.
1165. The Queen to Challoner.
Perceives by his letters of 3 Aug. that he has spoken with the King of Spain, who is well contented. Approves of what he has done, as also of his conference with Mons. d'Arras. As for his going with the King into Spain, or his remaining in Flanders, her will is (as it was expressed two days ago in answer to his former letters) that the matter be referred to the pleasure of the King himself. Should he be embarked, this message is to be signified unto him, with the addition that any commodities that may serve him in his passage by sea upon any of her coasts, or in any of her ports, the same shall be at his commandment.—Nonsuch, 8 Aug. 1 Eliz. Signature cut off.
Orig. Endd.: Received by Farnham, at Bruges, upon Sunday, 13 August 1559. Add. Pp. 2.
August 8.
R. O.
1166. Draft of the same, with corrections by Cecil.
Endd. Pp. 2.
August 8.
B. M. Galba, C. 1. f. 39 b.
1167. Abstract of the above.
August 8.
R. O.
1168. Challoner [to Cecil?]
P.S.—Hora noctis octava. Had written that the King would this night take his barge downwards, but now finds that he has changed his purpose and remains here all tomorrow. His stay may be further prolonged, but this delay is not without great cause, for verily he meant to have departed. "All his stuff was embarked, yea, even to his own drinking wine, which was fain for his supper to be disembarked again. And moreover the privatest about him had trussed their own night beds, which were again returned to land."
"The Prince of Condé, the Duke of Vendôme's brother, this day took his leave of the King, having in post repaired hither. As yet his errand I know not."
"At Calais they say the French embark for the French Scottish succours. The King yet dischargeth not his garrisons." —8 Aug. 1559.
Hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 8.
R. O. Gachard, Corresp. de Philippe II. tom. 11. App. 474.
1169. Philip's Instructions for Flanders.
Instructions given by Philip II., King of Spain, to the Duchess of Parma for the government of the Low Countries during his absence.
1. Although by his letters patent he has entrusted her with the entire government of the Low Countries, yet it is his wish that in all things she should rule herself by the advice of the Council of State and the Privy Council, from whose decisions she shall not depart without urgent and necessary cause affecting the safety of the said countries. In such case she shall remonstrate with them with all modesty, but if she deem it necessary, may adopt the opinion of the minority.
2. In matters of finance she shall manage all things in conjunction with the Council especially appointed for all questions of finance.
3. Although by the above power she has been entrusted with the absolute appointment to all vacant beneficies and offices, which shall become vacant during Philip's absence, yet it is his will that herein she shall be guided by a roll on which he has entered the names of certain persons whom she shall promote in succession, yet promoting at her discretion such as are not therein named.
4. As regards abbatial and other dignities which belong to him as hereditary Lord, she may dispose of abbies for women, (with certain exceptions here specified) and of those for men which are under 3,000 livres per annum; but for the others she shall await his decision, as also for those of Burgundy which exceed 2,000 francs per annum.
6. He reserves to himself the appointment to all governors general, of the Admiral, and of captains and officers of men at arms. If the urgency of the case makes an immediate appointment imperative, it shall only be provisional.
7. All pardons for treasons and all other grants of importance, either to towns or individuals, shall be reserved to himself.
8. She shall take care that the Council of State and of Finance do not intermeddle with each other's affairs.
9. In the event of war happening with France, which will cause the interdict of commerce between the two countries, she shall take care so to arrange that any communication that may be allowed shall be to the advantage of his states.
10. She shall, generally, consult the interests of the said countries, and shall frequently communicate with him respecting the same as occasion shall require.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
[August 8.]
B. M. Galba, C. 1. 58.
1170. Another copy of the above.—Ghent, 13 Aug. 1559. Signed: Philippe,—Vander Aa.
Copy, by Cotton's transcriber. Slightly injured by fire. Pp. 9.
August 8.
R. O.
1171. Philip's Instructions for Flanders.
The King of Spain, for the better ruling of the Low Countries during his absence, after deliberation with his Council, establishes this form of government.
1. He appoints his sister, Margaret, Duchess of Parma, and, besides other public and secret instructions, assigns to her these ordinary Councils for her assistance: viz. (1) the Council of Estate, for the affairs and public occasions of peace and war, for the protection and defence of the said country; (2) the Privy Council, for the affairs of grace, justice, and other politic matters; and (3) the Council of Finance, for the administration of the domain and revenue of the Queen. All these Councils have their several instructions, with an express commandment that the one should not intermeddle with the other, so as to avoid confusion.
August 8. As the Privy Council and Council of Finance have been long established with good and convenient order, the King being desirous that the Council of Estate, being principal, should also be furnished with principal persons, did appoint as ordinary Councillors in that Council the Bishop of Arras, the Prince of Orange, the Count Egmont, the Lord of Glaison, M. Barlamonte, (who was also Chief of the finances) and Dr. Viglius, Chief President of the Privy Council, to whom were after joined the Count of Horne, and the Duke of Arschot. Besides, the King ordained that all the Knights of the Golden Fleece should have access into the said Council of Estate, being at Brussels and called by the Duchess. Also that the Great and Privy Council at Mechlin should hold good intelligence with the Privy Council in matters of justice.
Besides this general order, the particular provinces were also provided with governors and provincial councils, and men of war on horse and foot necessary for the frontiers.
As the particular government of Brabant remained to the Duchess of Flanders and Artois, so to others were assigned various districts, here specified.
Copy. Endd.: Abstract of the order that was by the King of Spain left in the Low Countries for the government. 1559. Pp. 3.
August 8.
B. M. Galba, C. 1. 69.
1172. Another copy of the above.—Ghent, 8 Aug. 1559. Signed: Philippe,—Vander Aa. The signature of Charles [V.] is prefixed.
Copy, by Cotton's transcriber. Slightly injured by fire. Pp. 6.
August 8.
B. M. Galbe, C. 1. 72.
1173. Abstract of the above, in English.
Copy by Cotton's transcriber. Slightly injured by fire. Pp. 2.
[August 9.]
R. O.
1174. Philip's Voyage to Spain.
The Queen to the Lord Treasurer.
Being advertised that the King of Spain presently is ready to embark at Flushing in Flanders, to pass by long seas into Spain, requires the Treasurer to give order to all manner of ports upon her narrow seas that her officers there be ready to show the King, or any of his train, such honour and courtesy as they may, touching any manner reasonable request to be made, and that they show them that they are so expressly commanded by her. If the King shall come into any port and there require to remain for some time, notice shall be given with all speed to the gentlemen of the parts next adjoining, to come to him with speed and offer to him that honour that to such a Prince belongs, and specially to one with whom she is in firm and assured amity. In this matter she has also written to the Warden of the Five Ports, to her Lieutenants of Sussex, Dorset, Devonshire, and Cornwall.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 1559. Pp. 3.
August 9.
R. O.
1175. Philip's Voyage to Spain.
The Queen to the Earls of Arundel and Bedford, and Lords Cobham and Mountjoy.
Having heard that the King of Spain is ready to embark at Flushing, to pass by her narrow seas into Spain, and may be occasioned by wind to come into some of her ports for harbour, she directs that order shall speedily be given by their means to the gentlemen of the country near the said seas, within their charge of lieutenancy, that in such case they make their repair to the place in their best array, and offer the King the honour that to so great a Prince appertains, and to one with whom she is assured in firm and perfect amity.
Further, in her name they shall offer him any commodity of the country, signifying to him that they have received express commandment from her so to do. They shall cause her to have advertisement hereof with all diligence possible.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 9 Aug. Pp. 2.
August 9.
R. O.
1176. The Duke of Chatellerault to Cecil.
Thanks him for his great kindness shown towards the bearer in his coming to the Duke for weal of his son, the Earl of Arran; and begs him to obtain a passport for his son to pass through England into these parts, conform to a writing which the Duke has directed to the Queen herself, which he believes she will show to Cecil.—Hamilton, 9 Aug. 1559. Signed: [y]our loving and assured good friend lawfully, James.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
August 9.
R. O.
1177. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Since his last letter of the 8th has gotten a whole book (fn. 4) full of news and discourses containing the Continuation of the Commentaries of these last wars, which he sends by the bearer, a stationer in Paul's Churchyard. Has not read all, and cannot see far into it, yet has happened upon some places to be laughed at, and others declaring the ignorance of the foolish writer. Among others, may read what he has written on the leaf 165 verso (fn. 5) which refers to his wisdom to be showed to the Queen or not. He should not forget to show my Lord Chamberlain what new dignity and promotion the author giveth him on the 272 leaf; never heard that he was a Bishop before. (fn. 6) May hence see what busy heads these men have to be ever doing they care not what, so they may gather a heap together and therein to glory themselves, not regarding what or how they write of others.
Must not forget to say that since the 19th ult. he has received no letters from him.—Paris, 9 Aug. 1559.
P.S.—As our country has the praise to bring forth the best greyhounds, the Constable has asked him to help him to a brace of good ones, to kill the wolf and the hart withal. They will be more esteemed now than a greater present at another time. Signed.
Orig. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 10.
R. O.
1178. The Queen to the Queen Dowager of Scotland.
Perceives by letters sent from the Earl of Northumberland, (written 6th inst. and brought to her the 10th of the same,) that he has received letters from the Queen Dowager, dated at Edinburgh, 1 inst., by the hands of James Mocgill, signifying that she had appointed the Earl Bothwell, the Lord Hume, and the Laird of Cesford, to treat with the English Commissioners upon the frontiers. But because she hears daily of complaints made for lack of reformation of disorders upon these frontiers, she has prevented the Queen Dowager herein, and has already two days past despatched Sir Ralph Sadler, with commission to the Earl of Northumberland, to the said Sir Ralph and Sir James Crofts, to meet such Commissioners as the Queen Dowager shall appoint like to them. In case she does not receive the letters sent by post, wishes these her letters to be delivered by the said Sir Ralph, now upon his way towards her.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 10 Aug. 1559. Pp. 2.
August 10.
R. O. 171 B.
1179. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
August 10.
R. O.
1180. The Queen Dowager of Scotland to the Queen.
Begs letters of safe conduct and passport be granted to "Maister Patrik Wause," to pass through England to France with eight persons, and to return into Scotland through her realm.—Edinburgh, 10 Aug. 1559. Signed: [y]our gud sustir and alya, Marie R.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
August 10.
Knox, 1. 394.
1181. The Queen Dowager of Scotland to the Duke of Chatellerault.
Is informed that the Lords of the Westland Congregation intend to make a convention and assembly of their friends upon Govan Muir, near Glasgow, on Monday, come eight days the [21] Aug. inst., for some high purpose against herself. They have no occasion on her part so to do, she being minded to keep stable all things promised by the Duke in her name. Thinks that it is his part to require them that they do not contravene their part of the agreement, and if they break their promise she believes that the Duke will, to the uttermost of his power, compel them to do as they ought. Prays him to have himself, his kin, and friends, in readiness to come to her, as he shall be advertised by proclamation in case the Congregation assemble for any purpose against her. The bearer will show him the fervent mind she bears to have concord with the said Congregation, what offers she has made to them, and how anxious she is to draw them to the obedience of their Sovereign's authority.—Edinburgh, 10 Aug. [1559].


  • 1. This and the following marginal notes occur in the draft.
  • 2. In the margin Cecil has here written, "L. Grey."
  • 3. In the draft as originally drawn, but cancelled.
  • 4. The book to which Throckmorton here refers is, "Continuation des Commentaires des dernieres Guerres en la Gaule Belgique, . . par François de Rabutin. 8°, Paris, 1559."
  • 5. This passage is as follows:—"Peu de jours apres le departement de ceste assemblee, nouvelles vindrent de pardeça que la nouvelle royne d'Angleterre Yzabel avoit envoyé un millord devers le Roy Phillippes pour se soubmettre et son royaume en sa protection; qui ne fut sans faire penser à plusieurs personnes, et comme la publique renommee le publoit par tout et faisoit croire, que le mariage se pourroit redresser entre luy et elle, pour de tant plus stabiliter les premieres alliances et rendre ce royaume de plus en plus fortifié et mieux appuié du support de ce grand roy; combien que le faict semblast fort difficile et estrange d'espouser les deux sæurs. Il fut dict pareillement que icelle royne envoya devers l'Empereur et les Electeurs pour se soubmettre et ses pais en leur protection, à quoy elle fut receue; et que depuis l'Empereur envoya devers elle le Conte Laderon, pour entamer les propos du mariage de l'Archiduc Ferdinand, son filz, et d'elle. Toutefois le bruit estoit tel, qu'a sa reception et coronement elle avoit promis et juré ne prendre à mary aucun Prince estranger, ains un qui fust de ses pais et origine." P. 265 b.
  • 6. "Pour la royne d'Angleterre se trouverent à ceste assemble, l'evesque Thauart, millord et Grand Chambellan de la dicte royne, l'evesque Dore et le Doyen de Cantorbie." P. 272.