Elizabeth: July 1559, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: July 1559, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp402-412 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1559, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp402-412.

"Elizabeth: July 1559, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp402-412.

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July 1559, 21-25

July 21.
R.O. Forbes, 1. 170.
1041. The Queen to Throckmorton.
It having pleased Almighty God to call to His mercy King Henry, unto whom he [Throckmorton] was sent as Ambassador resident; forasmuch, as his son King Francis being now come to the throne, and there having been some consultation concerning the publication of the French King's title, tending to her prejudice, and small demonstration of friendship of the King towards her, albeit she has addressed letters to him [Throckmorton] saying she has appointed him to reside as her Ambassador, yet, in case the King of France intends to put into execution the former deliberations, and touch her just title to the Crown of England, by usurping the style thereof, or otherwise, then he shall forbear to deliver her letters to the King, but shall remain there as a private gentleman, without seeking further upon them than shall stand with her honour, until he hear further.
But if he perceive there is no such thing certainly meant to be set forth, and they shall show a likelihood to embrace her friendship by open demonstration, then he shall deliver her letters of credence to the King, telling him, that for the continuance of the amity with his father, she has appointed him [Throckmorton] to be, as he was to the late King, her Ambassador resident with him, and shall be glad to do all that may be for the weal of both realms; and he shall signify his answer to her with speed. He shall deal the more circumspectly, as she understands the French Ambassador in England has secret order not to come to her unless she expressly sends for him, and therefore she greatly suspects their meaning, and would gladly be out of doubt. Has committed other things to the bearer, Henry Killigrew, in the new cipher. Recommends herself to the Vidame of Chartres, whom she will not forget.
Draft. Endd. by Cecil: 21 July 1559. The Queen to Sir N. Throckmorton, apud Cobham Hall. Portions underlined, to be expressed in cipher. Pp. 4.
July 21.
B.M. Sloane, 4134. 387.
1042. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
[July 21.]
Forbes, 1. 171.
1043. Memorial for Killigrew.
"A memorial for things committed to Killigrew's charge." He shall show the Ambassador all the proceedings in Scotland. He shall devise the most secret way of conveying the Earl of Arran from Geneva to this realm, or to his father, which he thinks the safest.
The Earl must not come into the possessions of the Emperor, the King of Spain, the Bishops Papists, nor others confederate with the French. He shall in nowise appear who or what he is, but pass as a merchant or scholar. As Flanders and the Low Countries are dangerous for him, so Emden is thought the best passage; and when he shall arrive in England, he must continue unknown, until he hear the Queen's pleasure. He must be informed that the Queen's inclination to help him is of her will to assist all noble persons in adversity and for his preservation. Leaves the whole cause to his discretion. For the relief of this matter the Ambassador has credit sent him by Mr. Howard, by a bill of Gresham's of 1,000 crowns.
Touching Portynary, the Queen allows his dispositions to serve, the rather as he served her father, and will allow him 500 crowns pension. Likewise she allows the good disposition of Florence Diaceto to serve her, and will retain him in her service; and considering his affection in religion and his intention of travelling into Germany, it may be considered if his acquaintance be good with Joannes Sturmius, or such like as could facilitate an amity, to be published to the world among all Princes, States, and Commonweals Protestant; and in such case his services were well bestowed.
Such Englishmen as Horsey, Laighton, Cornwale, Crokkett, the two Tremayns, and such other as shall serve their country, the Ambassador shall himself comfort them to return home. Circumspection must be used. Melven to return to England.
July 21.
B.M. Sloane, 4134. 390.
1044. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
July 22.
1045. Percy to Cecil.
As touching Cecil's letters of the 4th inst., the writer sent for William Kirkaldye, with whom he and Sir James Croftes spoke at large. Understood both from the Laird of Whitelawe and Sir James that it was Cecil's pleasure that he [Percy] should join in this matter. Showed Whitlawe the letter which he [Percy] had received from Cecil, of which he asked for a copy, which was given. Since that time there is come from the Congregation the Laird of Whitelawe, with letters directed to the Queen and also to Cecil, whom they send with all possible secresy.
Has also received on the 17th other letters for Cecil, dated 11th inst., and accordingly has written to Knox, (fn. 1) and looks to hear from him this day. Encloses, as required, the letter which Cecil desired him to send.
As Sir James Croftes by his wisdom and the apt place he lies in, is able to work much in these affairs, and as the writer cannot continually lie here for other business of the wardenry, has appointed William Kirkaldy to send all things to the said Sir James as unto himself.—Norham, 22 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
July 22.
1046. Croft to Cecil.
Has this day spoken with Whytlow, who is departed towards the Court. It seemed to the writer very strange that the Protestants of Scotland did not put the Frenchmen out of Scotland, for the loss of time makes him suspect greater peril than otherwise, considering what letters and instructions he [Whytlow] had. Told him that he thought the Queen would not enter to knit amity with a confused multitude; for though they who had written were noblemen, yet it was not for the Queen to join with any people but where there was an appearance of authority to be established. Neither more was there to be offered on the part [of] England than had been already offered, that is to say, by some of the Queen's ministers, to let them understand an inclination that England, upon good ground, would be willing to aid them in the setting forward of religion and keeping forth of foreign power. Cecil will now perceive what Croft lately wrote to him, that without the Earl of Arran they are not able to lay any foundation whereby their proceedings may be like to have continuance. These are too great matters for him to give advice in; but surely thinks that if the death of the French King have not made some delay in the preparation towards Scotland, the Protestants are in great peril by "tracting" of time. Of this he had warned them before and proved it by ensamples, in how small danger they were if the Frenchmen, which are now in Scotland, were expelled, and how otherwise by all likelihood they should be put to great cumber. Prays that he will let the greater care be had for Berwick.—Berwick, 22 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Chiefly in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
July 23.
1047. The Queen to Francis II.
Condoles with him on the death of his father, and intimates the continuance of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton as her resident Ambassador, if agreeable to His Majesty.—Datforth, 23 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Fr. Add. Injured by damp. Broadside.
July 23.
1048. Answer to the Ambassadors of Sweden.
"A summary of the answer to be made on the Queen's behalf to the Ambassadors of the King of Sweden."
The Queen accepts the King's goodwill with gratitude, and "is not a little sorry that the abundance of the good will both of the King and his son has been heretofore such in adverse times as she cannot in such sort and in such special kind of benefit reacquite the same as they do most desire, and as she cannot deny but the same deserveth."
"Her Majesty hath never hitherto had disposition or inclination to hear of such kind of friendship, neither presently doth or can find any towardness or liking to change this kind of solitary life." In any other matter she will gladly meet their wishes.
So far on the Queen's part; then such or the like words in the name of the Council.
"The Queen hath made a large declaration to them of the great offers made to her in her late sister's time by the said King and his son; and since she cannot think of marriage, she hopes that some other bond of friendship may be invented."
"The Council may certainly affirm that although they have both commonly and privately made many earnest intercessions to her to yield herself to the disposition of marriage, which they think of all other counsels the most necessary for the weal of this country, yet could they never hitherto induce her to incline thereto."
It may be remembered what answer was made in May last to the Ambassador resident, in this matter.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd. by him: 23 July 1559. Answer to the Ambassad. of Swevia. Pp. 4.
[July 23.]
1049. Answer to the Ambassadors of Sweden.
The Queen's answer to the Orators of the King of Sweden.
The speakers (commissioners from the Privy Council) are glad that the Ambassadors have arrived in safety, after their long and stormy passage, and regret that the accommodation provided for them is so far distant from the city and so poor. They will understand that it is occasioned by the Queen's summer progress.
Last night the Queen discussed with the speakers the letters and embassy of the King of Sweden, and Prince Eric, and charged them to convey to the Ambassadors her sentiments thereupon. They are as follows—
She values the congratulations of the King higher than those of any other Prince, and she consequently much regrets that she cannot respond in the manner which they have requested her to do. She cannot be persuaded (which is an occasion of regret to the speakers) to decide upon matrimony, or to listen to any solicitation thereupon. She desires therefore that some other mode of testifying her regard for the King and Prince may be suggested, different from that which they have now proposed.
She urged upon the speakers to be careful to exhibit all courtesy towards the Ambassadors, and to entreat them to interpret her answer in kindness.
So far they have been declaring the Queen's will; now they will speak in their own name.
Since the Queen is so resolute against this matrimonial project, she is all the more willing to enter into any other alliance which the King and Prince may think expedient.
The speakers are assuredly persuaded that the Queen was resolutely averse from matrimony, respecting which they have spoken to her frequently but ineffectually, both in public and in private. To themselves this her intention is fraught with peril, and it is to them a source of as deep regret as it could be to the Ambassadors.
Draft in Cecil's hand. Lat. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 23.
1050. The Lords of the Council to Croftes.
They having received from him sundry complaints of the dearth of victuals, and excessive price of the same by the victualler there [at Berwick], (who excuses himself by saying that the Treasurer fails to re-deliver to him such treasure, so that he cannot make such provision as is necessary,) desire him to examine into the bottom of the matter. If he shall find such default in the Treasurer, and that the said Abington's allegation be true, he shall give order to the Treasurer to re-deliver to Abington such sums as he was wont to have for the furniture of provisions. If in the providing hereof he is negligent, and have not the proportion lying by him that is requisite for the service of that piece, then shall Croftes signify the same unto them.—Otford, 23 July 1559.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 23.
1051. Percy to Cecil.
Has received answer from Mr. Knox by word of mouth, and as it appears that the Laird of Whitlaw is fully instructed with all such things as his purpose was to have "commed" up for, therefore thinks his travail of this journey be at an end. Has also "convoyed" a letter to the Lord Prior and others, by Cecil's commandment, as Sir James Croftes told the writer; and has received answer of the same, which he encloses. Percy having written his letter in his own hand, unsigned, so he received answer in like sort, written by the hand of the Lord Prior.
A day of meeting should have been at the Lady Kirk on Monday next, for the redress of the borders, but answer has presently "commed" from the Lord Hume to defer the same. Is informed by his neighbours that all the Merse and Tivdale goes towards the "dyogre" [Dowager] to-morrow, and that the Congregation minds to come towards Hathingtone with all speed.
The Queen having written unto him for the receiving of her castle of Tynemouth, he has not yet so done by reason of these affairs and the letters of Mr. Treasurer and Cecil, which forced him to be here for the better accomplishing of these matters. Hopes that herein Cecil will make his excuse, if necessary.—Norham Castle, 23 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Partly in cipher, deciphered, and endd. by Cecil. On the back: Delivered at Norham, the 23 of July, at five of the clock in the afternoon, 1559. Add. Dorso. Pp. 2.
July 23.
R. O.
1052. Reformation in Scotland.
Articles of agreement with the Scottish Protestants.
1. The Protestants, with the exception of the inhabitants of the town of Lislebourg [Edinburgh], shall depart as early to-morrow morning as it shall please the Queen Regent.
2. They shall give up all the stamps for the money, which they have taken, and shall deliver them to the persons appointed by the Queen, as also the palace situated near the abbey of S. Cross [Holy Rood] which shall be restored in the condition in which it was received. These two articles shall be done before they leave the town; and for their performance the Lords of Rufven [and] of Petalw [sic] shall be pledges.
3. They shall continue to be obedient subjects to the King and Queen, their Sovereigns, and to the Queen Regent, and shall obey the laws and customs of the realm as they used to do before this trouble and contention; excepting in matters of religion as hereafter specified.
4. They shall not trouble the clergy by violence in their persons, nor hinder them in the enjoyment of the rents, profits, and dues of their benefices, which the occupants shall freely use and dispose according to the laws and customs of the realm until 10 Jan. next following.
5. They shall not henceforth use any force or violence upon the churches or monasteries, which shall continue exactly as at present until 10 Jan.
6. The town of Edinburgh shall choose, without constraint, and shall use such form of religion as it pleases; the inhabitants having liberty of conscience until the day aforesaid.
7. The Queen Regent shall not interpose her authority to molest the preachers of the Protestants, either in their bodies, lands, goods, possessions, or persons, nor suffer the clergy having spiritual or temporal jurisdiction to trouble them, until the said day. And concerning this each one shall be guided by his own conscience.—23 July 1559.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 24.
R. O.
1053. The Earl of Northumberland to the Queen Dowager of Scotland.
Although the disappointment of the day of truce this day and others of the same sort before, give evil example to thieves and truce breakers, yet conceives the same to be done rather upon occasion of urgent affairs than upon purpose to delay justice, and in that manner will bear it. Asks her, for the better conservation of peace, to appoint her warden of the Middle Marches to meet him at Hexspethegatehead, where the former appointment was for the redress of attemptates since the last meeting. Upon advertisement by her of the day, will cause it to be kept.
She having said to Thomas Clavering that the Earl's servant was with the Congregation, and had brought message, or received from them, he assures her to the contrary.—Warkworth, 24 July 1559.
Copy, headed: Copy of a letter sent to the Dowager of Scotland; and endd.: Earl of Northumberland to the Lords of the Council. Add. Pp. 2.
July 24. 1054. The Earl of Northumberland to the Lords of the Council.
Notwithstanding all the appointments and fair promises of the Dowager and officers of Scotland, which have been delayed and disappointed, cannot ascribe the same to be of purpose, but rather by reason of the trouble amongst themselves, which presently is somewhat more than it was. Has written the letter to the Queen Dowager, whereof the copy is enclosed, and will advertise them of the answer.
Last night and this day all the power of the Merse and these frontiers of Scotland are drawn toward the Queen Dowager, either for that she assembles force against the Congregation for defence of herself, or else to take from them the town of Haddington.
The Keeper of Tynedale having no house or dwelling-place within that office (which has always been a principal cause of their disorder), the writer is forced to lay him as near as possible to them, viz., in the town of Hexham. Here there is no house for him save the Lady Carnabie's house, which was the abbey. Herein he has desired to have room and easement, and this she has partly denied him; much otherwise than has been seen heretofore that any subject should refuse the use of their houses to any the Prince's officers or captains for their abode and lodging for time of service. In which obstinacy and wilfulness if she persist, he must require the aid of the Queen and their Lordships.— Warkworth, 24 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. P. 1.
July 24.
R. O.
1055. Croftes to Cecil.
Of the sentence which Cecil wrote in Master Lee's letters, Croft finds no suspicion, nevertheless he causes all his letters, sent from the Court, for the surety of matters, to remain in his [the writer's] own hand, and his secretary writes his letters in cipher by his direction, as he names the letters, without knowledge of what he writes.
Doubts that the Bishop of Durham will resign his office at his coming to the Court. It were good to advise upon the disposition of Norham for the necessity of the service on the borders. Received Cecil's letters yesterday, and has used the contents according to the effect thereof.—Berwick, 24 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Partly in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd.: Received at Doncaster the 28 day of July, at 9 of the clock in the morning. Received at Crowbe the 28 day of July at 12 of the clock at midday. Received at Grantham the 26 of July, at 6 of the clock at night.
July 24.
R. O.
1056. [Kircaldy of Grange?] to Croftes.
On Monday 23 July the Queen and the Lords of the Congregation have agreed on this manner. The armies being both in sight betwixt Edinburgh and Leith, the party adversary sent mediators desiring them to cease from shedding of blood, if they were men that would fulfil in deed the thing which they professed, that is, the preaching of God's Word and forthsetting of His glory. The Lords of the Congregation, moved by these offers, were content to hear communing, so finally, after long talk it was appointed on this manner.
1. The Queen agreed that the religion here began shall proceed and continue in all places without impediment of her authority, and that ministers shall neither be troubled nor stopped. In all places where idolatry is put down it shall not be set up again. Until the Parliament be held to consult upon all matters (which is fixed for the 10th January next) no man shall be compelled by authority to do anything in religion that is repugnant to his conscience. Until the said Parliament, no man of the Congregation shall be molested in their bodies, lands, goods, nor possessions whatsoever.
Further, with all diligent speed the Frenchmen here present shall be sent away, and none other shall come in this realm without the consent of the whole nobility. The town of Edinburgh shall be kept free by the inhabitants thereof, and no manner of garrison be kept therein, neither French nor Scots.
2. It was promised, on the other part, that the Congregation would remove from Edinburgh to their own houses, that the Queen might come to her own palace, which they left void for her. They delivered again the printing irons of the coin, which they had taken, because of the corruption of money against their laws.
They believe that never word will be kept of these promises on the Queen's side, and therefore have taken bonds of my Lord Duke, the Earl of Huntly and the rest of the nobility on her side for the performance thereof; with this condition, that if she break any point thereof, they will renounce her obedience and join themselves with the party of the writer.
In the mean time they continue their men of war together within their bounds of Fife, Angus, Strathern, and Westland, "in adventure the appointment be broken;" and have no fear of becoming daily stronger, for by the forthsetting of religion and hatred of the Frenchmen, they get the hearts of the whole commonalty.
"Now to conclude, if it had not been for some noblemen's causes, who has promised to be ours, we had not appointed with the Queen at this time." From henceforwards Croft may send to him by the Laird of Ormyston, who will see all safely conveyed to the writer.—Edinburgh, 24 July 1559. Signature defaced and written over, but partly legible.
Orig. in Knox's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil: Advertisement out of Scotland, 24 Julii 1559. Pp. 2.
July 24.
B. M. Calig. B. X. 14.
1057. Abstract of the above.
Cotton's transcript. Pp. 2.
July 24.
B.M. Sloane, 4374. 178. Knox, 1. 377.
1058. Reformation in Scotland.
At the Links of Leith, 24 July 1559, it was appointed in manner following.
1. The Congregation and their company, others than the inhabitants of the town, shall remove themselves forth of the said town to-morrow at 10 o'clock a.m., 25 July, and leave the same void and ready for them and their said company, conform to the Queen's pleasure and desire.
2. The said Congregation shall cause the irons of the said "cuine-house" taken away by them, to be rendered and delivered to Mr. Robert Richardson, and likewise the Queen's palace of Holyrood House to be left and rendered to Mr. John Balfour, or any other having her power in the matter, as it was resolved; and that betwixt the making of these articles and to-morrow at 10 o'clock.
For observing and keeping these two articles above written the Lord Ruthven and the Laird of Pitarrow entered themselves pledges.
3. The Lords and members of the Congregation shall remain obedient subjects of our Lord's and Lady's authority and of the Queen Regent in their place, and shall obey all the laws and "lovable" customs of this realm, as they were before the moving of this tumult, excepting the cause of religion, which shall be hereafter specified.
4. That the Congregation shall not trouble nor molest a churchman "by way of deed," nor make them any impediment in the peaceable enjoyment of their rents, profits, and dues of their benefices until 10 Jan. next.
5. That the Congregation shall not use any violence in casting down of kirks or religious places until 10 Jan. next.
6. That the town of Edinburgh shall, without compulsion, use and chose what religion and manner thereof they please until the said day, so that every man may have freedom to use his own conscience.
7. That the Queen shall not molest the preachers of the Congregation nor their ministry, to them who please to use the same, nor any other of the said Congregation in their bodies, lands, or goods until 10 Jan. next.
8. That no man of war, French nor Scots, be laid in daily garrison within Edinburgh, but to repair thereto to do their lawful business and thereafter to retire to their garrisons.
Cotton's transcript. Pp. 2.
July 24.
B. M. Sloane, 4737. 100.
1059. Another copy of the above.
July 25.
R. O.
1060. The Queen to the King of Spain.
Has received his letter, dated Ghent, 9th July, by John de Ayala, which she regards as a token of his goodwill. Accepts his advice and admonitions. But they are expressed in general terms, and the bearer of them cannot explain them; she requests therefore that he would privately express his meaning to her more fully, more clearly, and more particularly. She has no wish to act with severity towards any one. Will act towards him like an affectionate sister.—Otford, "vicesima (blank) Julii," 1559.
P. S.—"I covet to see King Philip's letter to Your Majesty, for the date thereof, and the manner of his phrase to Your Majesty."
Draft. by Cecil, and endd. by him: 25 Julii 1559. Copia litterarum ad Philippum Regem Catholicum, per dominum Johannem Ayala. P. 1.
July 25.
R. O. 171 B.
1061. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
July 25.
R. O. Knox, 1. 380.
1062. Reformation in Scotland.
Proclamation of the Lords of the Congregation at Edinburgh.
The Lords of the Congregation and Secret Council being now to depart forth of the town [of Edinburgh] upon Compromise made between them and the Lords sent by the Queen Regent, which contains the following heads:
1. That no idolatry shall be erected where it is already suppressed;
2. That no member of the Congregation shall be troubled for religion or any other cause depending thereupon, in body, lands, or goods;
3. That their minsters shall have full liberty not only to preach, but also to minister the Sacraments publicly and privately without trouble or impediment.
4. That no band of men of war, French, Scots, or others, remain within the town of Edinburgh;
The said Lords notify the same by this proclamation to all, especially to their brethren of the Congregation now within this town, promising faithfully that if any of these points are violated the said Lords will, with their whole power and substance, assist to the relieving of every member that shall be molested, upon their honour, and as they will answer therefor in the presence of the eternal God.
"Proclaimed by voice of trumpet at the Market Cross of Edinburgh."—25 July 1559.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[July 25.]
B. M. Sloane, 4144. 177b. Calderw. 1. 488.
1063. Another copy of the above, adding the following article:
5. That the Frenchmen should be sent away at a reasonable day, and that none other should be brought into the country without consent of the whole nobility and Parliament.
July 25.
B. M. Sloane, 4737. f. 100 b.
1064. Another copy of the above, with the additional article.
July 25.
B. M. Harl. 289. 67.
1065. Reformation in Scotland.
The effect of the agreement between the Queen Dowager of Scotland and the Lords of the Congregation, published by proclamation at Edinburgh, the 25 jour (?) July 1559.
1. That the religion begun should proceed without impediment of the Queen's authority in any place of the realm.
2. The ministers thereof not to be troubled, and in all places where idolatry is suppressed the same not to be revived.
3. Every man to live to his conscience and not to be controlled by any authority to the contrary till the Parliament finished 10th January next, and in the meantime none of the Congregation to be molested in lands, goods, or possessions.
4. All Frenchmen to depart the realm forthwith, and not to come in without the consent of the whole nobility.
5. The town of Edinburgh to be kept free without Frenchmen with Scots.
6. Those of the Congregation to remove home to their houses.
7. The restitution of the "quynying" irons which they had in custody for fear of corruption of the money.
8. The Duke of Castelrolte, Earl of Huntley, and others of the nobility of the Queen's part bound to the performance, with conditions that if she break they to return their obedience from her and join with them.
9. The continuance of men of war in the lands of Fife, Eleyvles, Angus, and Westland for doubt of breach of the appointment to remain furnished.
Orig. draft. (?) Endd. Pp. 2.
July 25.
1066. Garrisons on the Borders.
"The debts owing by the Queen the 25th July to all the ordinary and extraordinary garrisons remaining at this present in the north parts," in Holy Island, Farne Island, Wark, Carlisle, and Berwick, amounting to 19,351l 0s. 10d.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: Debt at Berwick. And in another hand: "59." Pp. 2.


  • 1. This name is expressed by a cipher.