Elizabeth: July 1559, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: July 1559, 11-15 ', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp369-382 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1559, 11-15 ', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp369-382.

"Elizabeth: July 1559, 11-15 ". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp369-382.

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July 1559, 11-15

July 11.
968. Original of the above, attested by the Queen.
Croker's transcript.
July 10.
R. O.
969. Throckmorton to the Queen.
Has written to her by Mr. Gray, on the 8th, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and also sent letters of the same date by Carew, written at midnight, touching the state of the King of France. Judging that she would be desirous to be further informed thereof, but thinking it not convenient to put in writing the whole discourse of such things as he wishes her to have knowledge of, considering the present time, thinks it best to despatch this gentleman to her, who can inform her of the state of the French King at this time at good length. Since his coming to this side he has done her diverse and sundry ways so good and painful service as he has deserved to be well rewarded. Beseeches her to be his good and gracious lady.—Paris, 10 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Entirely in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 8 July. Pp. 2.
July 11. (fn. 1)
R. O. Forbes, 1. 156.
970. The Queen to Throckmorton.
His service is very acceptable to her. Although he desire to return, yet must he content himself that for a season she have the use of his service there.
Last night the French Ambassador came to her, and with a letter of the Constable's, written to her, signified the French King's hurt, whereof she had heard the night before by Throckmorton's letters to the Council, and also of the preparation of the army for Scotland, whereof he had written three days before. She has now sent Charles Haward, the bringer, in post, to visit her good brother, to whom, showing his instructions, he shall give good advice how to proceed therein, for the demonstration of her good will and grief of mind for this mischance.
Has given order for the 300 crowns, and for a credit of 1,000, as need shall require.
Draft in Cecil's hand and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
[July 11.]
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 356.
971. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
July 11.
R. O.
972. Throckmorton to the Queen.
On the 8th inst., sent to her letters by Mr. Gray and that day at night others by Mr. Carew, and lastly on the 10th despatched Mr. Killigrew to her with such advertisements as he had. Having now the return of this bearer, young Mr. Cecil and Mr. Gressam, signifies to her that the Constable, the Cardinal Chastillon, the Mareschal S. André, and the Admiral, are appointed by order of the young King, to attend upon the dead corpse at the Tournelles; whereby it is gathered that the Constable and his shall even now at the first be excluded from all doings, and that the house of Guise is like to govern all about the King, who is much affected towards them; and that the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke of Guise do herein handle the Constable as the Constable handled the Admiral Hannebault upon the death of King Francis. But what is like to become of this State and the Government cannot be known until the coming of the King of Navarre, who is hourly looked for.
The Court disperses to-morrow; the Queen Dowager of France to Medune, the French Queen to S. Germains, the King himself to the Cardinal of Lorraine's house in Paris. It is doubted whether the King shall be crowned within these six weeks, or whether he shall stay longer. The Duke of Savoy within these three days departs for Flanders, leaving the Duchess behind; the Duke of Alva does so likewise.
Is informed that the young French Queen, since the death of the French King, has written into Scotland that as God has so provided, as notwithstanding the malice of her enemies she is Queen of France and of Scotland, so she trusts to be Queen of England also. Order is given by the French King that all the men upon the frontier and the sea coast shall be ready within an hour's warning.—Paris, 11 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: By Thomas Cecill. Last portion in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 2.
July 11.
R. O.
973. [Cecil] to Sir Henry Percy.
Did not receive his letter of the 4th until the 10th inst. whereby he finds great slackness in the posts. In it received the other letters mentioned. Percy's suspicion is well answered by the party's letter, "as we here suppose," considering all the other proceedings. Has imparted all this matter where it ought. Thinks that his [Cecil's] and Mr. Treasurer's letter of the 4th inst. is with the party by this time. All that is here misliked is that no better personages open themselves hitherward than these two, being but private; but thinks the latter [Knox] for his learning, as the matters now be, has no small credit, nevertheless his name here is not plausible. "He desireth in his letter to me to have licence to come hitherward, wherein it is ordered that he should thus use it. To answer him that without secret speech I cannot answer his letters heretofore written to me, whereof his last maketh in number but two, although he name that the fourth. Of one from S. Andrew's which he mentions I never heard. For his coming hitherward it may be permitted to him, so as it be used with secresy and his name altered; for otherwise the sequel will be fruitless, yea, very hurtful. Ye may appoint him to come to my house, called Burley, next Stamford (where I mean to be about the 24th or 25th inst); if he come, changing his name, he may be directed not to come through Stamford, but on the back side. If his chance should be to come before my coming thither, he may have this paper included, whereby he shall be there used to his contentation."
Notwithstanding this appointment for the 24th or 25th, hopes to hear from Percy as to the very day this person can appoint, for he [Cecil] can within a day and a night journey thither by post. Percy should advise him to come furnished with such intelligence and with such sure credit from the principal parties as thereupon some good foundation may be made, and a probable plat of the building that is meant; for otherwise the writer will have little comfort or honesty to deal in it, neither shall his return be liked. "So many slights and finesses have been used before time by that nation, that were it not that in this common case of religion there is no respect of nation, I would be loath to commit trust to any word or promise; and so may ye boldly, if ye think mete, write to them." Commits to Percy's discretion the secret coming of the person already mentioned; he may even stay his coming to Cecil's house, if, upon his letters of the 4th he sees it not needful. Sends a small "cross row" in cipher to be used towards the writer as Percy may see cause.—Greenwich, 11 July 1559.
P.S.—Their letters to be mutually preserved and inter changeably returned. At this present the Lords of the Council write to Mr. Crofte to call for the rasing of Aymouth.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: 11 July 1559. Copia literarum ad Henricum Percy. Pp. 3.
July 11.
R. O.
974. Croft to Cecil.
Encloses intelligence out of Scotland. Last Sunday sent to Aymouth Mr. Somerset, Mr. Vaughan, and Mr. Drury, and the surveyor of the works, to view the same; who reported that the flankers were defaced, and the vaumurs and part of the outer brink of the ditches was thrown into the ditch; that the houses were in pulling down, as well store houses as others, and the piece left void of artillery; but the very ramparts were for the most part left standing, contrary to the terms of the treaty, which declared that it must be made plain with the ground. Desires to know if he is to remind the late Commissioners for Scotland of the treaty, and to require the performance thereof in this part, or to leave the fort in its present state.—Berwick, 11 July 1559. Signed.
P.S.—Whereas he has heretofore informed him that certain Commissioners from the Protestants moved the Queen Dowager to call a Parliament wherein the matters of religion might be set forth as should be agreed upon by the Parliament; and that she would take order for the "advoyding" of all Frenchmen except such as attend upon her household. She is now contented that the Duke and others shall meet with certain of the Protestants to-morrow at Haddington to commune of the said matters; but whatsoever shall be said at that meeting, there is no other appearance but that which the Protestants will have shall go forward, except the French King send greater power than is yet in Scotland. All men look assuredly that the Duke will take plain part with the Protestants. "If the Earl of Arran were come, whom he believeth verily that he is gone out of France but knoweth not whither, and the Queen, with the Frenchmen, thinketh that he is yet in France, which is all the comfort that they have left, it were very necessary that it were known where he is, and so should it be seen which way the Dowager of Scotland would sit. In the meantime the Protestants have made the Prior of St. Andrew's their chief."
Orig. Add. Endd.: 11 July 1559. Latter portion in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 4.
July 12.
975. Eric, Prince of Sweden, to the Queen.
Had heard from his messenger with the most lively satisfaction, that she had received his letters (dated on the Ides [15th] of March), and that he [Eric] might be assured that the Queen by her countenance, her voice, her words, and gestures had evinced her good will and love towards him, ut omnino confidam eam benevolentia et amore me prosequi. The messenger established this fully, and it was confirmed by the testimony of the resident Ambassador. Not only does he thank her, but he is bound by an eternal love towards her. Has loved her hitherto faithfully and constantly without having had any certainty of her sentiments towards him; now his honest faith cannot be changed by any adversity which might arise, since she has given him these great tokens of her favour and affection. In order that he may more fully know her sentiments, that his anxiety may be mitigated, that his spirits may be raised, and that he may be enabled to apply himself to the affairs of state, he entreats her to send him some little writing declaratory of her feelings towards him. Affairs have been unpropitious with him hitherto, but now they promise to amend.
In his former letters he had promised that he would send another Legate, with power to bring matters to the issue which he desired; on the receipt of an answer to this he will despatch some one who shall have ample powers for this purpose. In proof of his earnestness in the matter, he informs her that his brother, John Duke of Finland, is on the eve of departing for England, in order to discuss and ratify the premises, accompanied by his Councillors Steno Baron de Greffnes and the learned Dionysius Burreus, perpetual Legate, the writer's former tutor. As soon as they tell him that he may set out there will be no delay; he will hasten to her through seas, through dangers, through enemies, confident that she will not chide his faith and zeal.—Holm, 12 July 1559. Signed: Tuæ serenitatis amantissimus Ericus.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
July 12.
R. O. 171 B.
976. Another copy of the above. Modern transcript
July 12.
R. O.
977. Mundt to the Queen.
Wrote last to her and to Cecil on the 5th inst. In the meantime the Protestants have presented to the Emperor their answer to his resolution in reply to their request for liberty and indemnity for such of their clerks as think fit to agree to the Confession of Augsburg, which document he sends. They have drawn up this reply, not only in the hope of obtaining the liberty for which they seek, but also as a protest against the idea that they will not press for it at some more convenient opportunity. All the articles are either settled or postponed, excepting that about money, to supply which all the States, without exception, are unwilling. Hears that it is agreed by a new law among them that the sum which yet remains unpaid for the former Diet shall now be levied from those persons who still are in arrear, and that this sum amounts to at the least 500,000 "aurei," which make 100,000l. sterling, but it is doubtful whether the claim will be agreed to. What will be done about the embassy which has been so long deliberated upon is uncertain; for [the Duke of] Wirtemburg (who has just returned) has refused to take part in it, and he of Bavaria demands 12,000 "aurei" a month, an expense which the States are not inclined to incur in a matter the results of which are so uncertain. It is probable that men of lower rank will be the Ambassadors.
All are now anxious to be off, and no wonder; this is now the seventh month that the Emperor and many of the Estates have spent here, to their heavy cost, for living is dearer here, even independently of the Diet, than elsewhere in Germany. The Elector Palatine, Wirtemburg, Bavaria, and Deuxponts are here at present, besides the two Electors of Mentz and Treves, and some Bishops. Wolfgang, Duke of Deuxponts, who succeeded Otto Henry in the duchy "Neoburgensi," now demands Ingolstadt and two other towns from him of Bavaria, which his grandfather is said to have unlawfully seized when Otto Henry and Philip were infants and orphans. [The Duke of] Wirtemburg and the Emperor are the arbitrators chosen to settle this dispute. John Frederic the younger, Duke of Saxony, is expected here, to receive his royalties. The Emperor is firm in maintaining that if he will, he can speedily break up the Diet. The article about religion and the Council is passed over. Yesterday the Elector Palatine received investiture of the Electorate in the Emperor's palace; there dined in the palace there on that day the Archduke Charles, the Duke of Wirtemburg, the Cardinal of Augusta, the Bishop of Saltzburg, the Master of the Tuetonic Order, and the Duke of Deuxponts. After dinner there was a long conversation between the Palatine, the Archduke, and the Cardinal of Augusta, who acts the part of Davus in the comedy.—Augsburg, 12 July 1559.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Lat Pp.3.
July 12.
978. [Sir Henry Percy?] to the Queen Dowager of Scotland.
Though he has always found her willing to give redress and justice in Border matters, yet he is forced to let her understand that there is no such meaning in her officers, who go back from their promises both by words and writings; so that unless she speedily take some good order herein it will grow so much misdemeanour that it will hardly be redressed. Has kept it thus long secret from the Queen, his mistress, hoping that they should have had justice. Requests her to send some wise and discreet gentleman to accompany the Earl Bothwell and the Wardens at the next meeting, which shall be the 20th inst., that they may proceed to justice. At the last meeting of the Commissaries for the peace at the Lady Kirk, it was appointed (the Warden being present), how the attemptates should be redressed, but this was nothing kept According to her last letters of the 3rd, met the Lord Bothwell yesterday, the proceedings whereof shall be declared to her by the bearer, Thomas Clavering. Trusts she will take order for justice.—Horton, 12 July 1559.
Copy. P. 1.
July 12.
R. O. Knox, ii. 26.
979 Knox to Cecil.
Prays that the spirit of wisdom may rule his heart to the glory of God and the comfort of his afflicted flock.
Requires him to deliver the enclosed letter to the Queen, containing in few and simple words his confession what he thinks of her authority, how far it is just, and what may make it odious in God's presence. Hears there is a confutation set forth against his "First Blast." Hopes the writer has sought no less the glory of God and the suitable commodity of his country than he who enterprised in that Blast to utter his conscience. When he has time, which now is dear and strait to him, to peruse that work, will communicate his judgment on the same to him. The time is come that all that thirst that Christ Jesus should reign in this Isle, the liberty of the same to be kept to the inhabitants thereof, and their hearts to be joined together in love unfeigned, ought rather to study how this may be brought to pass than travail for the maintenance of that whereof they have already seen the danger and felt the smart. If the most part of women be such as willingly they would not have to reign over them, and if the most godly and such as have rare gifts and graces be yet mortal, they ought to take heed lest that in establishing one judged godly and profitable to her country, they make interest and title to many by whom not only shall the truth be impugned, but also the country be brought under bondage and slavery.
Has received no favourable answer to his divers letters requiring leave to visit the north parts of England. The longer it is delayed the less comfort shall the faithful in those parts receive, yea the weaker shall the Queen be. If he were not an assured and unfeigned friend to her he would not so instantly beg such a liberty, in seeking whereof he does not greatly seek himself. Doubts not but that Cecil knows the common estate of things here. Some things he has, as oft he has written, which gladly he would communicate, but is not minded to commit the same to paper and ink; he therefore desires Cecil to find the means that he may speak such a one as he will credit in all things. Beseeches him to have his services most humbly commended to the Queen, and in his name say to her that whoever makes him odious for any work written by him seeks somewhat besides the glory of God and her prosperity, and therefore cannot be to her so unfeigned a friend as he is and yet remains.—Edinburgh, 12 July 1559. Signed.
Tytler, VI. 449. P.S.—Since scribbling the former lines, came Mr. Whitlaw, from whom, after conference, he understands the matters in which he has laboured ever since the death of King Edward are now to be opened unto Cecil. "God grant you and others wisdom with humility." Immediately after Whitlaw's arrival came a servant from Sir Harry Percy to Mr. Kirkcaldy, who, departing from Edinburgh to speak [to] the said Sir H. Percy, brought news joyful to the hearts of all whensoever they shall be divulged. It was expedient only to disclose the matter to the strongest till further knowledge of the Queen's good mind. Doubts not the good minds of the whole Congregation, which is great, but it is not thought expedient that so weighty a matter should be untimeously disclosed. True and faithful preachers in the north parts of England cannot but greatly advance this cause. If a learned and godly man might be appointed to Berwick with licence also to preach within Scotland, he doubts not but to obtain the most part of the friends of the gentlemen of the east Borders. If the hearts of the borderers of both parts can be united together in God's fear their victory shall be easy. Trusts that the fear of no man will cause any of those that have professed themselves enemies to superstition within Scotland to lift their hand against England, so long as it will abide in the purity of Christ's doctrine. Certain labours oppressing him, he is compelled to end with imperfection. He reverences Cecil's judgment so much that he wills him first to see his letter ere he delivers it, and therefore sends it open. He is to present it if he thinks meet.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
[July 12.]
B. M. Sloane, 4734. 181.
980. Abstract of portions of the above, without date and omitting the P. S.
[July 12.]
B. M. Sloane, 4737. 101.
981. Another copy of the above, without date and omitting the P.S.
July 12.
R. O.
982. Croft to Cecil.
Received his letters this day, dated at Greenwich the 6th inst., wherein the fault of the post ought to be reformed. Has instructed Whitlow in the advertisements he received, who came hither last night, which was in very good time, for this day the Protestants will be at Haddington to meet the Commissioners from the Queen of Scotland. Doubts not but that Whitlow will be there this night. Above all things thinks it most necessary that the Frenchmen be put away immediately, and is put in good hope that it will be so.
Whereas he had advertised the Council that the men which they commanded to be cassed had gone hence, he now finds that part of Captain Reade's bands that were discharged out of Warke and some others, are remaining here about and do daily receive wages; the bruit thereof nevertheless has not got abroad, if it did it would do more harm than good. Does not intend to abate any of the armour of the garrison, as it is so much strengthened thereby, and cannot be conveniently spared. If all things pass quietly this summer he may deliberate the better this winter what order is to be taken hereafter. If the French power be put out of Scotland, the number that shall come out cannot be able to prevail when they shall have no friends to receive them at landing, and they shall be void if the Protestants stand together.— Berwick, 12 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 3.
July 13.
983. The Queen to the Dowager of Scotland.
Upon the 11th inst. in the evening, has received her letter dated at Edinburgh the penult of June, by Ross, her herald. By this letter Elizabeth understands that the Dowager has been requested by her Commissioners to treat for the modification of the sums fixed for the ransoming of the prisoners on both sides. Of this Elizabeth approves, and means to appoint the Earl of Northumberland or his brother Sir Henry Percy, and in his absence, Sir James Croftes, the Captain of Berwick. Desires her to name her two Commissioners, with the day of meeting and the substance of their commission. Hopes that they will hear of the recovery of the King of France.—Greenwich, 13 July 1559.
Draft in Cecil's hand, and endd. by him. Endd.: Minute of a letter sent to the Queen of Scots, 12 July 1559. Broadside.
July 13.
R.O. 171 B.
984. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
July 13.
B. M. Cal. E.V. i. 79, i.
985. Throckmorton to the Queen.
Since the sending of his letter by Mr. Cecil, the state of things here remains in these terms:
Forbes, 1. 157. 1. The house of Guise rules; nothing further is known till the King of Navarre's coming, which is uncertain, being still in Guyenne, and yesterday one of his own gentlemen was sent to him.
2. On the 11th the Duke of Guise, the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Constable were with the Duke of Alva and Ruy Gomez, and amongst other things (as he is informed) required of them, on the French King's behalf, to confirm the treaty of late concluded between Spain and the late King. The Duke of Alva answered that his commission has expired; and that if he might, he would make them a direct answer. He was, he said, but a servant, but willed them to write themselves to the King of Spain, or their Ambassador resident with him. Whereupon they have sent specially for the confirmation of the treaty; whereby it is thought that the treaty already made is void by the French King's death; and when the French shall ask for its confirmation, it shall be answered that the amity between Henry II. and Spain caused this treaty, which now is void. It is thought that the King of Spain, seeing his advantage and knowing the state of France better than he did when he made that peace, will either make new demands, or constrain France to do as he will have them, who would be loath to break with him again. And for the more credit of the same it is said by Alva's secretary, that albeit the King of Spain takes it unkindly, that although he would, at the treaty, make no peace without England, and the Queen has sent no one to congratulate him on the peace; yet he thought, should the Queen send to the King of Spain, he would be contented to take his advantage. Thinks that this has been reported in order that he [Throckmorton] might write to her thereof, and he leaves it to her wisdom. This being a most propice time for the recovery of Calais, he puts her in remembrance of the advantages she now has for the getting of it into her hands, and of the commodity to send now to the King of Spain to be in league with him, and to be in hand with him for the recovery of Calais; which stands him in hand as much as it does the Queen. And if he may be brought to take upon him the restitution of Calais to her, no doubt Calais will be restored to her hands; for if he asks the same, it is supposed the French, as they are now, will not refuse to restore it.
3. Understands that the Cardinal of Sens, the late Garde [des]seaux is displaced; and M. Oliver. Chancellor heretofore, is likely to be so again, for he arrived at Court on the 12th with 100 horse. Some say the Bishop of Orleans will be Garde [des]seaux, and M. Oliver remain still Chancellor. The Constable is retired to his house of Meigret, in Paris; Secretary Burden is put out of office; and the Bishop of Meaux, who was almoner, is displaced. M. de Lorges, the young Lord of Montgomery, is discharged of his captainship of the guard, and banished the Court. And the Duchesses of Valentinoys and of Buillon are commanded that neither they nor theirs shall resort to Court. The Duke of Guise keeps the table the Constable used to keep. Was told that on the 11th there was great consultation whether the King should sign himself King of England or not. Whereupon two patterns of seals were brought in, one with the arms of France and Scotland, the other with those of England, France, and Scotland together. And after the first was showed, which had written round it Franciscus, etc., Francorum et Scotorum Rex; a Master of the Requests stood up and said it was not well, but should be amended thus: Franciscus, &c., Franciæ, Angliæ, Scotiæ, et Hiberniæ Rex, &c., which caused some controversy. Had it not been for the Prince of Condé, who advised to wait till the King of Navarre's coming, it had been done as the said Master of Requests willed.
4. Understands that on the 12th, at night, all the Norman gentlemen and sea captains were sent away with all diligence; the one to their houses, the other to the ports, and have commission to set forth to the sea for Scotland, where matters go worse than ever.
5. Hears also the Prince of Condé shall be Governor of Picardy, with the same charge the Admiral had, which argues that neither the Constable, nor any of his house, shall bear rule about the French King.
6. The French are greatly afraid of the King of Spain and others; and this time is very propice for such as have been wronged by France to seek their revenge.
7. The young French Queen has sent to the Duchess of Valentinoys to take account of the French King's cabinet and of all his jewels.
8. On the 13th, at 10 in the forenoon, Mr. Howard arrived, having been expeditious, considering the great impediment he had by the way by means of the Frenchman who came out of Scotland, De Fronet; who, passing over with him, caused his guide to lead him astray about a night's riding, between Abbeville and Amiens, and troubled him at divers posts as he came. Received from him the Queen's letter of the 11th of July, and also a bill of exchange for 1,300 crowns, directed to the banker of Paris.
9. Is told that on the 13th inst. the King intends to write himself King of England; but it is not concluded for the publishing of that title, notwithstanding that in their consultation of the 11th they had determined to await the King of Navarre's coming.
10. Is informed the Duke of Buillon will forego his lieutenantship in Normandy, in respect of his alliance with the Duchess of Valentinoys.—Paris, 13 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Injured by fire.
July 13.
B.M. Sloane, 4134. 358.
986. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
July 13.
R.O. Forbes, 1. 160.
987. Throckmorton to Cecil.
About 10 o'clock a.m. to-day, received by Mr. Charles Howard the Queen's and his letters of the 11th, together with bills of exchange and credit for 1,300 crowns. Requests means may be used for his revocation, the King being dead, and the house of Guise, with whom he is in very small grace, now ruling. Besides the Queen of Scotland, who is a great doer here and takes all upon her, has so small opinion of him as he shall be able to do small service with her. If he remains he must have new instructions, commission, and letters of credence; for though he had a letter to the King that now is, and the Queen, yet it was to them as King and Queen Dauphins of Scotland. Gave Mr. Killigrew a memorial of certain things to be declared to the Queen and Cecil. Neither the burial of the late King nor the coronation of the present are like to be so soon as was judged.
De Fronet, the gentleman that came out of Scotland, has caused Mr. Howard to have much impediment by the way. Begs that the French may have sometime the like courtesy at the English postmaster's hands, which was to be led a night's journey of purpose out of the way, and to be evil used besides for horses. On the 12th (in the midst of these great matters), two men and a woman were executed for religion; on the 13th proclamation is made that all who speak against the Church or the religion now used in France shall be brought before the Bishops, who are to do execution upon them.
Great diligence is used in setting forth of the ships. As for their number, burden, furnishing, &c., it is hard for him to learn. The men of Rye and the English coasts can ascertain the certainty from time to time. Assures him that these matters of the sea are set forward with as great speed as possible; for last night the young Queen's secretary was sent to Dieppe in post to hasten matters. Has taken order for Edward Horsey, who remains in Basse Normandy, that he shall signify what sea matters he knows to the Admiral, the Marquis of Northampton, or others of the Council. Recommends him to Cecil's favour, he earnestly desiring to be restored to his country. He has behaved well in France, and his wife, notwithstanding her living in France, favours religion, and would, if he were assured for his coming into England, sell all her living and come over.
One Spencer, a soldier of one of the bands at Portsmouth, is here, to seek service, as he says; and divers others of the same companies, who, with himself served under Lord Chidiock Poulet, at Portsmouth, have come on the same errand. Thinks it good to mention this, mistrusting the worst, for that they come at this time and from such a place as Portsmouth. Prays the French Ambassador may understand how De Fronet has used Mr. Howard.—Paris, 13 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 4.
July 13.
988. Original draft of the above.—Paris, 13 July 1559.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Per Barnabe to Diepe. Pp. 4
July 13.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 365.
989. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
July 13.
R. O.
990. Extract from the previous letter.
Williamson's transcript.
July 13.
991. The Queen Dowager of Scotland [to Sir Henry Percy].
Has received his letter from Horton of the 12th inst. and understands that he is "plantuous" of her officers touching redress and administration of justice. Hereupon she called before her and her Council the Earl Bothvill and Lord Hume, in presence of Thomas Clavering, the bearer hereof, and opened the cause to them. Their allegations on all hands were very different.
As he desires by his letter to have one of her Council sent to the next day of truce, she will satisfy him; but because Hexpethgathead is not a convenient place for meeting, (as she had declared to the bearer,) she has, by his consent, appointed Monday come eight days, the 24th of July, to the Earl Bothvill, Lord Hume, and Lord of Cessorde, who have the charge of these marches, to meet him at our Lady Kirk with forty horses on either side; at which meeting she will cause some of her Council to be present.—Dunbar, 13 July 1559.
Copy. Headed: Copy of the letter received from the Dowager. P. 1.
July 13.
Talbot Papers, Herald's College. E. p. 37.
992. Bishop Tunstall to the Earl of Shrewsbury.
The Queen having directed her commission to my Lord of Northumberland, the writer, Lord Dacres, and Sir James Croftes, to treat of peace with the Commissioners of Scotland, they have done so. He, being of the quorum, and having concluded a peace with the Scots, has made suit to her to come to her presence, and having obtained it, is thus far on his way towards her. Out of his way he may not go, having promised to come with speed, which is but small journies, "thofe they be great to me, carrying my old carcace with me." Will be ready to do him any service.—Doncaster, 13 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 14.
993. Croft to Cecil.
Has received his letters yesterday dated the 9th inst., with intelligence of the coming of the French Ambassadors to the Protestants of Scotland and of ships preparing to bring power out of France, of which the Protestants shall be shortly advertised.
This day Percy and he spoke with Kircaldy, who promised in a few days to inform them on what foundation the Protestants will work, and what amity they will offer, and to get the same confirmed under the hands of some of their nobility. Percy and Croft have persuaded them in anywise to put forth all the Frenchmen, whereby they may be sure that no French power can hereafter prevail, if they be constant amongst themselves; alleging that when they shall have no friends to receive them at landing, nor victuals within the realm, they can make no long abode. They added as an example, the first journey of the English to Leith and Edinburgh, how notwithstanding the great navy which they had, wherein was great provision of victuals, they could tarry only a few days; and likewise when the battle was won at Musselborough. Much more was said to this effect: what shall follow will shortly appear. Looks, however, for no good ground of this work except the Earl of Arran were in Scotland, nor any good preparation towards it till knowledge be had where he is, which he trusts Cecil will shortly learn and advertise hither.—Berwick, 14 July 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. In cipher, deciphered. Pp. 2.
July 14.
994. German Troops for England.
"The duplicament of the declaration and account of Sir Wm. Pikering, appointed by the late Queen Mary to repair towards King Philip, and by his order to retain 3,000 Almayns for her service in England; which being retained and prested ready to be transported over by the said Sir Wm. Pikering according to her instructions, were by commandment of the said late King and Queen stayed there," the said account being examined and determined 14 July 1 Eliz.
A parchment roll, damaged in the right margin.


  • 1. Dated 10 July on the endorsement, but 11 July on the face of the document, and that this is the correct date is proved by Throckmorton's letter to Cecil of the 13th instant in reply. See No. 987.