Elizabeth: June 1559, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: June 1559, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp308-322 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1559, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp308-322.

"Elizabeth: June 1559, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp308-322.

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June 1559, 11-20

June 13.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 126.
833. Throkmorton to the Queen.
1. Wrote to her on the 10th inst. The King, the Constable, the Cardinals of Lorraine, Sans, and Guise, and others of his Council, went to the Court of Parliament, kept now in the Augustine Friars, the Palace being appointed for these marriages and feasts. The King seldom attends the Parliament. There being about six score Councillors and Presidents present, the Cardinal of Lorraine earnestly enveighed against the Protestants, requesting execution to be made of them and confiscation of their goods. Whereupon the opinion of the Councillors of that Court being required, six of them, Bourg, La Porte, Du Forte, Fume, and De Foix (who is cousin to the King of Navarre), and another, spoke in order against the Cardinal's discourse. Bourg declared that the Cardinals of this realm had great revenues, and were so negligent in their charge that the flocks committed to their cures were not instructed. The Cardinal was so dashed that he stood still and replied not, the King likewise was offended, and the Constable (with these terms; "Vous faictez la bravade"), asked how they durst say so to the King? They answered that being admitted Councillors of that Court, they must discharge their conscience, the rather as the King was present; that the reformation must not begin with the common sort, but must touch the greatest persons of the realm. The King being offended, the guard was appointed to apprehend two of them in his presence; four others were afterwards appointed to be taken, whereof one escaped. All the rest were committed to the Bastillon.
2. As for the causes of these proceedings they are as follows:—
Some say it is to pleasure King Philip and the Duke of Savoy.
Some say that the Cardinals gave advice to the King to proceed with this expedition, and in this sort to give the greater terror to others.
Some say that the King, being in necessity of money, was counselled to erect a new Court of Confiscations, hoping to repress heretics (as they call them in this realm), and to levy a great sum of money from the goods of such as should have been condemned.
Has been informed (by secret means) that the cause is that one of the Presidents of the Parliament, Siggier, a very wise man, is a Protestant, and one of the chiefest favourers of the rest against the Cardinals. There were in the Assembly six score Presidents and Councillors; one of the Presidents, called Magistri, and fourteen others were on the side of the King and Cardinal; but Siggier, Rancongnet, and another President, with the rest of the Councillors, were against the Cardinals. It is judged that the house of Guise has taken this occasion to weaken the Constable, who, in his judgment chiefly stays upon Siggier, against whom, in the examination of the others, some matter may be gathered.
Though all these considerations be of importance, yet this is as great as the rest; the Protestants meant amid these triumphs to use the means of some nobleman to exhibit to the King their Confession, of which he will receive a copy herewith. The King being loath that at the arrival of the Dukes of Savoy, Alva, &c., these matters should appear so far forward, has thought good before hand to prevent their purpose by handling these Councillors in this sort. This proceeding has offended many, and got the King some evil willers.
3. These matters have hastened the marriage of the Duke of Buillon with the daughter of the Duke of Montpensier, which was appointed to be on the 13th, but was solemnized on the 11th at the Louvre. The King led the bride to and from the church; the French Queen, the King and Queen Dauphins, and the greatest states of all this Court, who were very brave and sumptuous. No Ambassadors save the Pope's Legate were present. The latter has been every day at the Court since the committing of these men, and on the 12th has been all the forenoon in secret council to consult with the King and Council on these matters of religion.
4. The attempt is made to persuade the Duke of Saxe that what has been done to these Councillors is not from matters of religion but for the reformation of the Parliament, in which there was great want of justice, the further because the Duke of Wirtemburg and the Cardinal of Augusta shall come hither touching the matter of Metz.
5. The King of Navarre is offended because he is not mentioned in the last conclusion of peace, touching the kingdom of Navarre, as also for the strangling of his servant De Bee, at Bois de Vincent, and for these matters of religion; and further because the French King has sent to have his chief preacher taken, a Frenchman, named Sherwick, who is by the said King of Navarre withdrawn and kept out of the way.
6. The Earl of Arran not yet arrived; he will rather at this time, notwithstanding often sending for, be absent than present.
7. On the 11th inst. had a visit, when at supper, from La Brule, a gentleman of the King's chamber, who was in England with De Montmorency, sent from the Constable and the said De Montmorency, apparently to see how he was occupied and accompanied. He set forth with good words the entertainment which M. de Montmorency and his train had in England; and also said that passing by Dover, and bearing in their top a White Cross, certain of the Queen's subjects shot cannon shot at them, for which she would have had them executed, but pardoned them at the suit of M. de Montmorency.
8. The wife of Knokes, the preacher, and her mother are at Paris, who shortly depart into England. They have made means to apply to him [Throckmorton] for letters in their favour, which he has promised to send by them to Mr. Secretary. The Queen should consider what Knokes is able to do in Scotland, which is very much, (all the turmoil there being by him stirred up as it is.) his former faults should be forgotten, and no means be used to annoy him for the same; but that his wife should perceive, before she depart into Scotland, that there is no stomach borne to her husband therefor, but that he may have good hope rather to look for favour and friendship at her hands than otherwise, which may work somewhat to good purpose.
9. On 11th inst. arrived here, in post out of Scotland, one De Butomcourt, maitre d'hotel to the Queen Dowager there. He keeps his intelligence secret, a token that all does not go well there. Yet he reports that the Earl of Argyle and others with 20,000 men are risen up in defence of the preachers, and are assembled at St. Johnstown, and that the Queen Dowager and the Duke of Chatallerew have levied 5,000 men against them, and as yet have not increased their number. The Queen Dowager doubts whether she may trust the said Duke.
10. M. de Montmorency has gone to meet the Duke of Alva, the Prince of Orange, and the Comte d'Egmont at Chantoly, the Duke Darcus and the Comte Feria are not coming in their company.—Paris, 13 June 1559. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
June 13.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 291.
834. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
June 13.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 125.
835. Throkmorton to Cecil.
In his letters of the 10th to the Lords of the Council and him [Cecil] had erroneously said that the Vidame of Amiens was named De Nesle instead of Nantouillet. Apologizes for this mistake, that being the first letter he had written to the Lords since his coming over. Recommends the bearer, M. de Noailles, who conducted my Lord Chamberlain and Mr. Wotton to Boulogne homewards; and who also sent word to him [the writer] that his brother, Ambassador in England, has advertised the King, his master, of their safe arrival and honourable entertainment in the English Court.—Paris, 13 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 13.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 289.
836. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
June 13.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 132.
837. The Council to Throkmorton.
1. Yesterday the French Ambassador requested the easing of the impositions set in the late Queen's time upon the wares coming into the realm of England. These impositions are tonnage and poundage.
Tonnage, upon wares sold by measure. French wines were charged by the late Queen four marks per tun.
Poundage, upon wares sold by weight, upon which the charge was 6d. the pound.
2. The Queen removed the payment of tonnage by foreigners, keeping it as due by her own subjects, and the poundage was clearly taken away from the conclusion of the peace. She refused to annul the payment of tonnage by her own subjects, as requested by the French Ambassador.
June 13. 3. Cecil (fn. 1) has been informed that amongst the triumphs is one made for the King Dauphin, "having in it certain scuchions of arms wherein is in one part the arms of England and Scotland quartered, and in the other the said King Dauphin's with an inner half scuchion of the arms of England in the middle of the same, wherein not only his wife but himself also, if these matters should go forwards, doeth the Queen and this realm of England manifest wrong." The matter shall be opened to the Constable and he shall be requested to travail to have it redressed, taking care to give no cause of suspicion to have heard thereof from hence, but so that either the King or the Constable, understanding the wrong that should thereby be done to the Queen, and the inconvenience that might grow thereof, may give order that no such thing be suffered to be set forth either now or at any other time.
4. As to precedence over the King of Spain's Ambassador, he should forbear to come to the meeting with him. If that cannot be avoided, then to seem rather negligent of missing the preferment than to receive any derogation by accord or consent.
Draft, Endd.: 13 June 1559. M. of a letter from the Council to Sir Nicholas Throkmorton, Ligier in France. Corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 12.
June 13.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 302.
838. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
June 13.
R. O.
839. Another copy of the above. Signed by N. Bacon, Cust. Sig.; W. Northampton; F. Bedford; W. Penbroke; E. Clynton; T. Parry, E. Rogers, F. Knollys, and W. Cecil.
Orig. Add. Endd. In very fragile condition. Portions in cipher. Pp. 8.
June 13.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 131.
840. Cecil to Throckmorton.
Has received his letters by Mr. Hynd, bearing no date by occasion of haste, along with his letters to the Queen. His suit for return shall not be forgotten.
Throkmorton having written to the Queen of the coming this way of the E[arl] of A[rran] (fn. 2) it neither can nor shall be denied him in this time of peace; but how secretly and circumspectly that ought to be done Throkmorton shall give good advice.
The first beginning of the innovation in Scotland was at Donfrese, where Knox and others began to preach, and the religious persons left their habits both there and at S. Johnstowne. The Queen Dowager used none of any name to the dissolution of the assembly but the Duke and the Earl of Huntley; the other part had the assistance of the Earls of Argyll, Marshal, Glencarne, and Arrell, with the Lord Ryven and of Dunne. It is now accorded that every man shall be free for anything done herein, and that the cause of religion shall be ended by Parliament. The Commissioners have met upon the frontiers, but hitherto they have not concluded their treaty, nor are they like to do so for fourteen or sixteen days. The Scots wished that the subjects of each nation should traffic with the other without safe conducts, but the innovation thereof is not convenient.
The state of religion here (which by force of law must alter on the 24th inst.) rests in the points as when he left it, saving that the Queen is determined by advice of her Council to have a general visitation throughout the realm, whereupon the injunctions and articles of inquisition are already formed, and when printed, copies thereof shall be sent to him.
There has come to Cecil's hands a scutcheon set forth on behalf of the Dauphin, wherein principally the Queen is much prejudiced, for that the arms of England are there quartered with Scotland; next, the realm of Scots is damnified, for that their arms are put to a quarter of the Dauphin's coat. As this thing is not to be passed over in silence, Throckmorton (as of himself by some indirect means) should cause the Constable to be spoken unto, as one who has so much professed to be an upholder of this amity. Having proceeded thus far, Cecil has thought it very necessary to impart it to the Council. In his last letter to the Queen Throckmorton neglected to send a paper of advertisements of which he made mention. Touching the question of precedence with the Spanish Ambassador, he is referred to the letter of the Council.
Draft. Endd.: 13 Junii 1559. M. of a letter to Sir Nicholas Throkmorton from Mr. Secretary. Pp. 4.
June 13.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 299.
841. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
June 13.
842. R. Jones to Sir W. Cecil.
Professions of zeal. Requests that the Queen would give him a new passport so that he may remain in Paris after the revocation of the Ambassador, for his perfection in the French tongue, and that he may exercise his office by a deputy.— Paris, 13 June 1559. Signed, with armorial seal.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 13.
B.M. Sloane, 4734. 170.
843. Reformation in Scotland.
Assurance by James Duke of Châtellerault and the Lord d'Oysel, Lieutenant for the King of France in these parts, whereby they promise to Archibald Earl of Argyll, and James, Commendator of S. Andrew's, that they and the Frenchmen with them will forthwith retire to Falkland, and that no Frenchmen or other soldiers of theirs shall remain within the bounds of Fife but so many as before the raising of the last army lay in Dysart, Kircaldy, and Kinghorn. This shall have effect for eight days exclusive, that in the meantime certain noblemen may talk of such things as may make good order and quietness. Further, during this space they will not invade the said Lords nor their assistants.—Garlebank, 13 June 1559. James,—Meneits. (fn. 3)
June 13.
B. M. Sloane, 4747. 97.
844. Another copy of the preceding.
June 13.
MS. in Offic. Armor., No. 51. Strype's Annal., 1. 9.
845. Arms of England borne by Queen Mary of Scotland.
Judgment of the College of Heralds upon the coat of arms lately brought out of France and delivered to them by the Duke of Norfolk, being the arms borne by Mary Queen of Scotland. They find the same prejudicial to the Queen, her state and dignity; and that it does not appertain to any foreign Prince, what marriage soever he has made with England, to quarter, bear, or use the arms of England otherwise than in pale, as in token of marriage. Although James IV. married with one of the daughters of Henry VII., yet the said Scottish Queen, being one of the collaterals, cannot, nor ought not, to bear any escutcheon of the arms of England, nor yet the Dauphin, her husband, in the right of her, or otherwise. They further find the said escutcheon falsely marshalled, contrary to all law and order of arms.
June 14.
R. O.
846. Mundt to Cecil.
Has received, on 10 June, Cecil's letters dated Westminster, 17 May, a considerable delay being occasioned by their being addressed to him at Strasburg. Since his last letters, dated 7 June, the Emperor desires to hold a Council, of which Mundt has sent a notice to the Queen, translated out of German into Latin, but the Protestants, rendered cautious by experience, (having been taught that Councils are governed by precedents rather than laws) have consented thereto not absolutely but under certain conditions, to which the Pope and his adherents will never agree. Therefore if the Pope summons a Council and we refuse to appear, we shall be condemned as disobedient and contumacious, the execution of which sentence will lead to the direst results.
Thinks it of the highest importance that all who are joined in the true religion should agree in a confession of the chief articles of the Christian doctrine. Their adversaries continually object to them their own dissensions and conflicting opinions. These disputes should be restrained by the authority of the magistrates.
June 14. Cannot say what will be the issue of this Diet; it is to be feared that the parties will not agree either in matters of religion or in the summoning of a Council, for no one will yield to the other.
Has written at this time to Mason on his own private affairs, in which he solicits Cecil's co-operation. Is anxious to return home.—Augusta, 14 June 1559.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
June 14.
R. O.
847. Mundt to Sir John Mason.
Has received on 10th June his letters of 28th [May] dated from London, the first which had reached him from 23rd Dec. either from Cecil or Mason. Is now spending his fourth month at this Diet. Is often asked by the Dukes of Wirtemburg, Mecklenburg, and Bipont, and the Legates of the other Dukes and States, respecting the reformation of religion in England. Has satisfied them by mentioning the reports commonly current. Perceives that all the Protestant Princes and States are well disposed towards the Queen. The Emperor and the Kings of France and Spain, being excited thereto by the Pope, will probably deliberate about holding a General Council. The doctrine of the Gospel is daily making such progress in their realms that there is no more fitting way for them to arrest its advance than by a General Council. It would be worth while, therefore, that they who profess the true religion, should agree among themselves upon its chief doctrines. Upon what conditions the Protestants will take part therein he has stated in writings now sent to the Queen.
On 19th April he sent letters to the Queen and to Mason, which were intercepted by robbers, along with many jewels which were then sent by post into Lower Germany upon the report of the peace and the intended marriages.
Thanks for the intelligence of the intended restoration of his pension. On his departure, the Queen caused M. Gresham to pay him 100 crowns for his expenses. His stay at Strasburg [Argentina], and his journey and residence here, (which to-day has reached 216 days,) have caused him to expend more than he has received; he is obliged to spend a ducat a day for himself, his servant, and two horses, to say nothing of his other expenses. Since he was thirty years old has served the Kings of England, Henry VIII., and Edward VI. Entrusts his wife and children to the Queen's liberality.
Is uncertain how long the Diet will last, but he will return home when the article of religion is disposed of. Desires to be remembered to the Bishop of Ely, the Earl of Bedford, Lord Paget, and Mr. Petre.—Augusta, 14 June 1559.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
June 14.
R. O.
848. Croft to Sir Thomas Parry.
Has written two letters, one to the Privy Council and one to Cecil, upon the matters of religion in Scotland, which seemed to him to import much, as well for the setting forth of God's Word as otherwise for policy. "When our neighbours next adjoining be in like cases, the matters at home be to be temporized accordingly." Not hearing how the Council has accepted his advertisement, or how he shall behave himself, (as when a realm groweth towards division, one or both the parties will seek some open or secret assistance of their neighbours,) he writes again.
The nobility wholly join together in matters of religion, few or none excepted. A great number of them are now at S. Andrew's, holding a Council by common consent how to proceed in these matters. They are fully bent to set forth God's Word; wherein, if they be letted, they intend to make resistance. He is well assured that in these godly proceedings they look for the Queen's assistance, as by diverse presumptions he conjectures, and something has been said to him herein by Scottish men. Thinks verily some means will be made therein shortly after the nobility shall have ended this consultation. It is not doubted but that the Duke shall be of this faction.
The better to make themselves stronger they are devising how to have home the Duke's son out of France. Some think he is already gone to Geneva. He is very well bent in religion, and next his father he is the only hope of the realm. If all their imaginations may take place, they intend to presume to motion a marriage, "You know where." These matters seem to him to be weighty, and worthy of deep consideration. Some man able to handle such affairs should be sent hither, devising some occasion for the view of the works and the state of the borders. Asks what he shall do if anything be motioned to him, or secret assistance be required at his hands.—Berwick, 14 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. On the back: Delivered at Berwick, 14 June at 3 of the clock in the afternoon. Pp. 3.
June 14.
B.M. Cal. B.x. 11.
849. Extract from the above.
Cotton's transcript.
June 15.
R. O.
850. The Earl of Northumberland to Cecil.
Trusts that Cecil shall hear within these few days of the full agreement for the peace, for the Commissioners are like to sign, seal, and deliver to-morrow. Asks what time he is like to remain in London when he comes up. Will assemble the justices, gentlemen, and other ministers of the shire under his charge. Hopes that the licence may be for three or four months; he will leave his brother in his absence; then he would take up his wife with him, who is very desirous to do her duty to the Queen. This, if his abode were short, would be very chargeable, to take her up with him, which truly may not be borne; otherways he might lock up his house for that time, and save that at home one way which he shall spend in the other. If his licence is for three or four months, during one half of that time they will give their attendance upon the Queen, and the other half remain in Yorkshire to look after that little living he has there, which as yet he has never seen. Would be occupied the most part of the summer were he to take his musters. Is much driven behind hand and greatly indebted to diverse, as Mr. Abington, surveyor of the victuals, for the provision of his house.—Berwick, 15 June.
P. S.—Sent up in Lent a perfect muster book of the whole country of Northumberland. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 15 June 1559. Pp. 3.
June 15.
R. O.
851. Throkmorton to Cecil.
Passport for John Bourtewyke, John Ansterwither, John Peyntlaue, and Wm. Englishe, gentlemen of Scotland, and archers of the French King's guard, for their better passage from the sea coast to the Court.—Paris, 15 June 1559 Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[June 15.]
Sloane, 4734. 170 b. Knox, 1. 355, Calderw., 1. 468.
852. Reformation in Scotland.
The Earl of Argyll and the Lord James to the Queen Dowager.
Having informed on 13th inst. that they had spoken irreverently of her Grace, they ask her to let them know the sayers thereof, and they will do the duty of true subjects to defend their own innocency. They take God to witness of the good zeal and love they bear towards her, both to serve her with true hearts, and with all they have, desiring nothing for their service but liberty of their conscience to serve their Lord God, as they shall answer Him.
They ask her to remove the French soldiers and their captains from the town of Perth, that it may be ruled freely, as it was before, by the Bailly and Council, according to the right and custom of this realm.
[June 15.]
B. M. Sloane, 4737. 97.
853. Another copy of the above.
June 16.
R. O.
854. Treaty of Upsetlington.
Proclamation of the treaty at Upsetlington, made at the church of Norham, charging all subjects of England to serve and keep the articles of peace framed at the Castle Camerace 2nd of April last.—16 June 1559.
Endd. Pp 2.
June 16.
B.M. Cal. B. x. 11.
855. Another copy of the above.
June 17.
B. M. M.S. Reg., 13 B. 1. 11 b.
856. The Queen to Anne, Countess of East Friesland.
Requests that Thomas Thomson, merchant of London, and his agents may have permission to purchase within her jurisdiction and export munitions and other military stores.— 17 June.
Add.: D. Annæ comiti Orientalis Frisiæ, heredi in Oldenburgh et Delmenhorst. Letterbook. Lat.
June 17.
B. M. Sloane, 4144. 13.
857. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
June 17.
R. O.
858. William, Lord Dacre, to the Lords of the Council.
According to their letters of 20th March, has sent to them a book of the particular names of the assured Scotchmen, with the article of their assurance, of which he advertised them by his letters dated 4th April, requiring to know the Queen's pleasure touching their usage. To this he has received no answer.
The Commissioners of Scotland in treating of the peace, demanded the deliverance of all the Scottish pledges into their hands, or that he would answer for all the assured men's deeds. This, he said, was not reasonable, but he would write for instructions, which he now does.—Norham, 17 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add., with armorial signet. Endd.: Delivered to the post at Berwick, 17th June, at 7 of the clock in the afternoon.
Received at Crowbye the 19 day of June at 8 of the clock at afternoon.
Received at Tuxforth, the 19 day, at 10 of the clock at afternoon. Pp. 2.
June 18.
R. O.
589. The Queen Regent of Scotland to the Queen.
Asks for letters of safe conduct for John Hart, of the Canongate, Edinburgh, and his two factors or attornies, to pass into England and thence beyond the sea.—Edinburgh, 18 June 1559. Signed: [y]our gud suster and allya, Marie.
Orig. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Broadside.
June 18.
R. O.
860. The Commissioners on the Borders to the Queen.
According to her instructions they have met the Commissioners of Scotland, who deferred their meeting from the 28th to the last day of May, when they met at Our Lady church in Scotland beyond Tweed; and after the sight of both their commissions, (because the treaty made beyond the sea for lack of instructions could not be perfectly made betwixt the two realms, which lack they had commandment to supply,) they agreed to preserve the last peace made, 1 Edw. VI., sent to them by her instructions, not varying from the effect of that peace, only changing that the boun daries of both the realms shall stand as they be now agreed this day. After briefly conferring upon the articles contained in their instructions, they found them confirmable not to change them. In the article of safe conduct heretofore used between the two kingdoms, they would have so enlarged it by certain words that there might be common concourse between the realms, that a man might pass through England into France without the Queen's knowledge, or from France into Scotland. In this point at last they were content to let it stand as it was before in the former treaty. So they have made perfect the peace by supplying the lack that those Commissioners there left to be supplied here, which whole treaty concluded into articles they send her; delivered unto them by the Scotch Commissioners as they have given them theirs likewise.
This confirmation they have agreed should be had within three months after the date of the treaty; for if the confirmation should have been within ten days, as by the first treaty made at Cambray, then she should have confirmed it by her subscription and oath; and the Queen on the Scottish side would have only had the oath and subscription of the Dowager of Scotland, which was not equal; for they demanded the oath and subscription of the Queen of Scots herself and of her husband being in France, to make equality for the better confirmation of it; this they did not deny, but desired longer time to advertise their Queen of the treaty. If she send into France to the Queen of Scots for her own oath and subscription with her husband's, she shall have more equality for the treaty.
They remain till Thursday next, and then to see the execution of it, appointed on Monday next by the Wardens by consent of the Commissioners of both realms; lest like effect contrary to peace should ensue as did the last year of the peace proclaimed at Carlisle. Trust good peace and tranquillity will ensue.—Norham, 17 June 1559. Signed: Northumberland,—Cuth. Duresme,—Willm. Dacre,—James Croft.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 18.
R. O.
861. The Earl of Northumberland to Cecil.
Sends the treaty of the peace, which the Commissioners of Scotland and they [the English Commissioners] have agreed upon, to be delivered to the Queen. The Bishop of Durham caused him to send it by a messenger that he should not hazard it by post. The business between the Dowager of Scotland and the Lords and subjects there is not altogether pacified; for the Earl of Argyll and the Prior of St. Andrew's have defaced divers churches with plucking down the images, and changing the monks' coats into other apparel, and are presently going to one of the richest churches in Scotland to spoil. The Dowager is greatly offended with them; yet they say she has not kept promise with them to put men of war into St. John's Town, where they were contented before to go forth of it quietly. Will advertise him hereof from time to time. His servant will declare the occasion of his [the Earl's] repair up, which he requested in his last letters.—Alnwick, 18 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 20.
R. O.
Croft to the Lords of the Council.
1. Has received the Queen's letters respecting the discharge of soldiers, &c., according to a schedule signed by her, which he will endeavour to put in execution; but in which there will be difficulty unless money be sent before the end of the month for their pay. Does not know what persuasions to use, for at every pay their captains are answerable to the victualler, the master of the ordnance, the shoemaker, the tailor, the draper, and besides that, an account between them and the soldiers for armour and weapons. In the end, whatsoever remains, the poor soldier must have to return home, for hence without his money he cannot go. If he remains here he will have nothing delivered upon credit; what then can follow but a mutiny? The rest of the town, both soldiers and labourers, will be apt to join in it; for it requires some care to keep them quiet as their case now stands. For lack of payment they are not only driven to receive of the surveyor of victuals that for 6d. which in the market will be bought for a groat and under, but also are served with some so ill victuals as men thereby become sore in the mouth and swollen in the legs and other parts, as it were men poisoned, whereof divers die and others are lamed for ever. They must endure this or fly from the Queen's service. In such extremity there will be some trouble how to govern men. If the matter had not been foreseen, and had there not been sundry here of good governance, the town would not until this time have continued without some stir. For the danger that is to come upon this discharge without payment, this town may be put in great peril. Thinks he would do the Queen very ill service to proceed herein without signifying to them the harm that may ensue and thereupon receive answer.
2. Mr. Lee dare not depart hence before money is come for the works; for if he did, the more part of the labourers would run away, and the whole order of the works be put quite out of frame.
3. Has received a letter from them to discharge 200 soldiers over and besides those mentioned in the schedule, unless he could show cause to the contrary. Cannot say that these can be spared, considering the good guarding of this town, being 10,000 or 11,000 feet in circuit, and what the winter watch is in this cold country, where in the short days the watchmen shall continue eighteen hours upon the walls. The loss of Calais should also be remembered; does this town stand in better or worse case to be relieved, if need shall require ? The Court of Scotland is within forty miles, and the whole strength of the realm bordering upon these frontiers. The Court of England is far distant. At the beginning of the last wars, Lord Wharton, being Warden of the East and Middle Marches and Captain of this town and castle, could not bring into the town 200 men in ten days, "which I myself saw."
4. Their Lordships having mentioned that the Scots have withdrawn their forces, remarks that since the conclusion of the peace they have not cassed one band nor withdrawn them from the frontier, other than removed them from the waste villages of the Mershe and laid them in Lowdyen, which he counts frontier, when with one day's march they can be at this town. The French bands remain wholly in Scotland; one ensign remained at Aymouth until it was called away upon some stir upon matters of religion, when the Queen and M. Dosel assembled their power.
5. Since the matter pacified at S. John's Town, the Earl of Argyll, the Prior of S. Andrew's, the Lord Ryven and others, have held a Council at S. Andrew's how to proceed in matters of religion. There they have put down the priory of S. Andrew's in this sort: altering the habit, burning of images and mass books, and breaking of altars. The "Lardes of Lowdyan" determined to hold a like Council, whereof Ormeston is one of the chief; but being sent for to S. Andrew's by the Congregation, they went thither; and as the Dowager and M. Dosel in their home coming had rested at Falkland, and from thence determined to go to Couper, and had sent harbingers there, the Congregation hearing thereof, lodged themselves there that night, being the 13th of June. Whereupon, by the motion of the Bishop of S. Andrew's, the Queen commanded the Duke and M. Dosel to enter Couper by night, offering the lieutenancy to the Duke, which he refused, (but offered otherwise to serve her,) whereupon it was committed to Dosel; and passing over that night, they took journey in the morning. Before they offered to fight sundry messages passed between, and because the Congregation was supposed to be small, about 800 men over night, the Frenchmen in the time of passing of messages drew nearer than was looked for; howbeit when the bands of each party was discovered, the Congregation was increased to 4,000 or 5,000 men. The latter, not minding to shed blood, suffered the Duke and the Frenchmen to retire to the Queen, and assurance granted of either party for eight days. Since then the Queen, M. Dosel, and the French bands are come to Edinburgh, but the burgesses have refused to receive the Frenchmen. By this time 8,000 or 10,000 of the Congregation are marching to Stirling, minding to come to Edinburgh.
6. Notwithstanding by the treaty Aymouth should be rased, and the Commissioners for Scotland said they had begun to rase it, but a small part being yet done, the bands of Frenchmen came there on Sunday. Herein he has con ferred with my Lord of Durham, and they have sent a messenger to the Scots Commissioners, whose answer they look for shortly.
7. Notices the coming of the Frenchmen, and all the bands remaining uncassed, and the coming forward of the Scotchmen, amongst all whom there will soon enough be friendship, "if any advantage may be had of this town." Asks credit for his bearer.
8. P.S.—Has now been advertised that the Frenchmen at Aymouth are not so many as was supposed, and that therefore my Lord of Durham has stopped the messenger about to be sent to the Commissioners of Scotland, intending to inquire further between this and the 22nd of the month; and then if need be, to move the Commissioners at their meeting at Our Lady Kirke.—Berwick, 20 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
June 20.
R. O.
863. Throgmorton to Cecil.
Passport for Mr. William Hay, Lord of Ester, passing into Scotland.—Paris, 20 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Portions are underlined, as if to be written in cipher.
  • 2. Certain words are here underlined, as if to be expressed in cipher.
  • 3. "The other subscription," remarks Knox, "we could not read; but the simile is this: Meneits." Probably Cleutin, i. e., Henri Cleutin d'Oysel, Seigneur de Ville-parisis, Henry's Ambassador and the commander of the French troops in Scotland.—Laing, Knox's Works, 1. 354, note.