Elizabeth: June 1559, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: June 1559, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp298-308 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1559, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp298-308.

"Elizabeth: June 1559, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp298-308.

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June 1559, 1-10

June 2.
813. The Queen's Marriage.
Gasper, Baron of Ravenstayn, the narrator, arrived in London 26 May, and having asked for an interview through Thomas Challoner it was granted on the 28th. He told the Queen that his master, the Emperor, having already perceived by her two letters and by the message sent by George Count Von Helfenstein her good will towards himself and his house, and desiring that the same might be confirmed by marriage, had proposed to offer her one of his sons. Understanding, however, that Philip, King of Spain, aspired to her hand, the Emperor had refrained to prosecute his suit, but this difficulty being removed, he now sends the present messenger to state that the Emperor now recommends the Archduke Charles in preference to his brother Ferdinand.
The Baron then asked the Queen to express her sentiments regarding the marriage. She answered in such terms as that he could understand no more than that she had so far determined that she would not marry. Although he believed her perfectly sincere yet he was persuaded that out of regard to the public good she would be urged ere long to depart from this her present resolution. He requested permission therefore to discuss the subject of his mission with the Lords of the Council. This she granted him, and appointed certain persons for the purpose. The answer, however, given to them by her was nearly identical with the former. As for the proposed embassy the Emperor might send it if he pleased; he would have no cause to regret it if he did. But as for marriage she had arrived at no decision save this, that she would never marry one with whom she had not previously been well acquainted.
He asked her to write to the Emperor to the effect that he had faithfully discharged his mission.
Endd. by Cecil: 2 Junii 1559. Summa legationis Gasparis Baronis de Ravenstayn. Lat. Pp. 4.
June 2.
814. The Queen's Marriage.
Inquiries to be made of Mundt respecting the age, stature, height, fatness, strength, complexion, nature, conditions, positions, studies, education, faculties, affections, temper, judgment in matters of religion, affection to the Protestants, &c., of some person not named. "Whether he hath been noted to have loved any woman, and in what sort? Whether there hath been communication for marriage with him, either privately or otherwise for any woman? What judgment he hath in matter of religion? How is he affected to Protestants? What company he most delighteth in? Wherein doth he spend his time most? How is he disposed in eating or drinking? What is specially and singularly noted in him for any property that he hath? [What judgment is of the second brother?] (fn. 1) What judgment hath the Protestants of him? What estate keepeth he? What numbers about him, and to what is he most addicted? What assignations of 'livelode' hath he? How many children hath the eldest? How loveth he the youngest? What judgment is had of the second? How loveth he the youngest? What is the opinion there of this matter? Who liketh it, and who misliketh it? What hope is there to attain it or not? What valour or credit is this Baron of? Who be named to com embassade? What is said shall be given unto him if this suit might be obtained?"
Hol. Draft by Cecil. Endd. by him: 2 Junii, to Christofer Mont, 1559. Pp. 2.
June 2.
815. Diet of Augsburg.
Eight conditions without which the Protestants refuse to consent to the Council proposed to them at the Diet of Augsburg.—2 June 1559.
Endd.: Protestationes Protestantium contra futurum Concilium. Lat. Pp. 2.
June 2.
816. Another copy of the above.
Pp. 2.
June 5.
817. The Queen to the Emperor Ferdinand.
Has received his letters dated Vienna, 8 May last, delivered by Casper Preyner, free Baron in Stibing, Fladnitz, and Rabenstein, whose credence she has heard, and who still remains in this country. Acknowledges the honour of the proposed alliance, but has no intention of abandoning the single life. Her age and position may possibly make this appear strange, but it is no new or suddenly formed resolution on her part. There were times when marriage (and it would have been an honourable one) would have rescued her from great griefs and dangers (on which, however, she will not expatiate) but she could not be moved thereto either by the apprehension of peril nor the desire of liberty. So much for the past; God will direct the future; she will act for the good of her realm.
His Ambassador has done his mission well. She will always regard with special esteem the noble house of Austria. —Westminster 5 June (fn. 2) 1559. Signed: Elizabeth R.,— R. Aschamus. A few passages cancelled.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 5 Junii 1559. Litteræ ad Ferdinandum imperatorum missæ per famulam Baro[nis] de Ravenstayn. Lat. Pp. 4.
June 5.
B. M. Reg. 13 B. 1, 16.
818. Another copy of the above.
June 5.
B. M. Sloane, 4144. 118.
819. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
June 5.
R. O. 171 B.
820. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
June 5.
821. The Earl of Northumberland to Cecil.
Has not as yet proceeded so far in the commission touching the peace that he can make any declaration thereof. The business between the Queen Dowager and the Commons of her realm is now pacified, for the Lords and Commons that kept S. Johnstone have departed home, every man to his own, and the Queen enters the town in two or three days after. They are contented to rest quiet until the Parliament, where the establishment of the religion shall be determined.
He and his colleagues met the Scottish Commissioners on 31 May at our Lady Kirk over against Norham, where they perused each others commissions. Next day the Scots proposed that all Scottish men might have free passage through England without passports, "which we in no wise mind to condescend unto." They also would have a dike plucked down which was made in these last wars in Berwick bounds for the safeguard of the castle, which the English Commissioners deny. They are to meet again on Tuesday.
They were ready to meet the Scottish Commissioners on the first day on the bounders that are in the mid-stream, but they claimed customs and caused the messengers to go to and fro so often that they forced the English Commissioners to come over the water into Scottish ground, or else would not have met at all. My Lord of Durham and all ancient borderers thought they did us much wrong. The business will apparently occupy fourteen days yet.—Berwick, 5 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Delivered at Berwick 5 June at 8 of the clock in the forenoon. Received at Alnwick the 6 day at 4 of the clock in the forenoon. Received at Newcastle the 6 of June at noon. Received at W . . be the 8 day of June at 1 of the clock afternoon. Received at Tuxforthe the 9 day at 6 of the clock afore noon. Pp. 3.
June 5.
R. O.
822. Sir J. Croft to Cecil.
The Regent of Scotland sent forth the Duke towards S. John's Town, where Knoxe and others did preach, which town was also manned for defence, "having thereof charge the Earl of Glencarn, accompanied with other gentlemen, and of that faction also many of the nobility ready to give assistance." When the Duke was come near the town, many of his company being of the same opinion as those in the town. the Earl of Argyll (one of the principal of the contrary faction and nephew to the Duke,) procured a conference; they fell to communication, and the matter ended as follows:—All who came to the assembly and to assist the preachers, as well as the preachers themselves, shall return home in safety, and all things in question shall be determined at a Parliament to be assembled for that purpose.—Berwick, 5 June 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Delivered at Berwick 5 June, at 6 of the clock in the morning. Received at Tuxforth the 9, at 6 of the clock afore noon. Pp. 2.
June 6.
823. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Since sending his last has learnt by one who has repaired hither out of King Philip's Court, that the news he [Throkmorton] wrote touching the preparation by the Emperor and the States of Germany for the recovery of Metz and its reuniting to the Empire is certain, and that they have levied 30,000 men, and have already sent the Cardinal of Augusta, with a duke, a marquis, and a bishop to summon the town, and to denounce war if it be not yielded.
2. The news touching Scotland are come to the Court, whereupon it is said that the King minds forthwith (under colour to suppress the Protestant preachers,) to send thither a number of men.
3. There is an uncertain bruit that the King of Navarre and the Earl of Arran will be at the great triumph. It is discoursed here that all sects of religion (as they call it) shall be utterly subverted, and that the French King minds to use all extremity against the Protestants immediately after the triumph. It will not be amiss to do the Protestants in Scotland to understand that there is meant utter destruction to their houses, that they may provide for the worst and make themselves strong.
June 6. 4. M. de Villebonne is Governor in Normandy in place of M. de Langaye, who is dead. The Turk's son prospers against his father, and is gone for reinforcing himself into Carnia, which is wholly at his devotion; this is a happy turn for Christendom, for thereby the Turk is disappointed from the invasion of Austria, which he meant to make this year. The writer is removed further from the Court to a lodging in the University.
5. A Frenchman, who is great with all the secretaries in the Court, has offered his services, who in Queen Mary's time made the same overture to Mr. Wotton, and for want of entertainment gave over his purpose. He says, that had he been entertained when he offered, he could have saved Calais. He demands fifty crowns a month, and is yet in good mind to do service. As he makes mention of nothing hitherto but in generalities, would like to know the Queen's pleasure herein.
6. The Queen of Scots removes this day out of this town but not to the Court; she minds to return in two days, and not come to the Court till the King's return.
7. It is said that the Duke of Florence's son shall marry the same daughter of Portugal which King Philip should have had before he married Queen Mary.—Paris, 2 June 1559.
8. P.S.—Since writing the above has learnt that there comes to reside at the Court from King Philip, M. de Chantonay, the Bishop of Arras' brother; with whom as he may chance sometimes to be at assemblies, desires to know how he shall behave for his place, and whether he shall look to take the upper hand of him or not.
9. M. d'Anville, the Constable's second son, who was sent with the order of France to King Philip, is returned'; having received there four jennets and a chain of 800 crowns.
10. Certain Siennese from Montalcino, are come as Ambassadors from Sienna, who are gone to Equan to desire the French King to take them into his protection, or recommend them to King Philip's protection, as they will rather kill themselves than come under the Duke of Florence's rule.
11. The artillery of St. Quintin's, Ham, and Castelet, and other parts to be restored, is retired to Cambray, and the said places are in readiness to be surrendered.
12. There come hither first the Dukes of Alva and D'Arcus, the Prince of Orange and Count Egmont, who remain as hostages, till the affiancing of the Daughter of France and certain other things contained in the treaty are performed. Ruigomez comes shortly after them, to bring the King of Spain's wife a present of jewels, which cost 133,000 ducats, and after him comes the Count of Feria to bring her into Spain, whither it is said King Philip goes by sea, embarking in Zealand in August next. He has given the Cardinal of Lorraine at this time in reward plate worth 15,000 crowns and a jewel worth 8,000 crowns.
June 6. 13. There is a truce taken for three years between the Emperor and the Turk, which was offered by the Turk. The Constable keeps his bed by reason of a humour which is fallen into his foot, which is supposed to be some spice of the gout.
14. The King has borrowed 1,100,000 crowns to defray the setting out of these triumphs and the entertainment of the Princes which come hither.
15. Prays (fn. 3) Cecil to augment his opinion to perfect a new substantial league between the Queen and King Philip. The Bishop of Arras is his greatest high councillor and has the principal management in all his affairs at present; he is in no good grace with the French.
16. "And since God doth serve Himself by you in a place of credit at this time in England, and by the Bishop of Arras in the greatest Christian Princes' Council, I doubt not but either of you will conceive that it is meet you should be in good grace the one with the other; yea, if it be lawful in particularity, so far forth as the service of Her Majesty may thereby be better advanced."
17. Hears that the Duke of Savoy goes hence into Flanders, and from thence to Lyons, and so to Milan and Vercell, whence, coming through his own country, he meets his wife at Chambery. It is not to be believed what great poverty and extremity this Prince and his country were in at the making of this peace. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 6 June 1559. Pp. 5.
June 7.
R. O.
824. Mundt to the Queen.
Here all [things] go "schlawfullie" [slowly] forward. The Protestants stand stiff for the maintenance of their religion; and will not consent to a Council except it be general, free, Christian, and held in Germany, concerning which they have yesterday given a libell to the Emperor. Catholici refer this whole controversy to a Council holden after the papistical and accustomed manner, and are now bolder and stubborner in their opinions than heretofore, knowing that both Kings and the Emperor are on their side. It is feared the Pope (notwithstanding protestations and exceptions made) will condemn the Protestants, tanquam inobedientes, contumaces et hœreticos. The Emperor and his adherents in Germany are not able to do the execution, and foreign aid will turn in the end to his own confusion. The Estates of all parts are "not lusty" to grant a new tax or impost of monies to the Emperor; there are owing as yet of old grants, for the fortifications of Hungary, consented to in the time of Charles, more than 600,000 guilders; "such restes" they intend to require shall be speedily paid.
The persons who shall go in the legation into France are as yet undetermined. The Duchess of Bavaria intercedes with her father that her husband may tarry at home. The French King is again building at Metz and has sent 1,500 fresh men thither. The Prince of Muscovia is returned backward, but has left præsidia in certain strongholds in Livonia. The Master of the Deutsche order in Livonia has been with the King of Poland, whose subject it is feared he will become, as the Duke of Prussia has done.
Has learned that certain noblemen in England treat with King P[hilip] that the realm be not brought under these usurped heresies. They have more affection for him than for the French King. They pray that he [Philip] will assist and provide for remedy in this case; if he will not, they will seek remedy by other ways. Cannot learn their names, but knows the communication not to be feigned. Does not hear certainly what the men of war do in Saxony. Many think that this assembly is not only begun against Ditmariam. Duke Adolphus of Holstein is "nusseld" in the old Emperor's Court, and has taken the part of these men for the King of Spain before the peace was made.—Augusta, 7 June 1559.
Orig. Hol., slightly torn. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 7.
R. O.
825. Mundt to Cecil.
The Protestants have presented to the Emperor the conditions and qualities upon which they will consent to a General Council, of which he will send the effect by the next post. Hears how Cecil's "neighbour" travailed to make new Bishops for the establishment of the Church and for the ecclesiastical discipline by the Inquisition. Wishes that all who are joined in the true religion would agree in the doctrine, ceremonies, and ecclesiastical laws. The devil will stir their adversaries to persecute them. God does not prohibit honest means to live in peace. Abraham made an agreement with Abimelich; David did not punish Joab on account of his homicide, but left the execution of the sentence to his son Solomon. Wishes that a friendly intelligence were established between England and the Oesterlings, in consideration that their ware and merchandises are necessary and commodious for the realm; by the sea they be good men and well furnished with ships; they are gross merchants, more given to drink and spend than to occupy and gain. These men might be more commodious for England than the Helvetians for France.
The Elector Palatine has signified to the Emperor that he will be shortly here.—Augusta, 7 June 1559.
Add. Endd. Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Pp. 2.
June 7.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 117.
826. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. On the 5th inst. M. de Montmorency arrived at the Court, then at S. Germain's, and made honourable report of his entertainment in England, and so did the rest of his train. This day the King is looked for to return to Paris from the progress.
June 7. 2. There remain at Paris the Cardinal of Lorraine, the King and Queen Dauphin, and the Duke of Guise, who prepare for receiving the Duke of Savoy and others from King Philip's Court. Under colour thereof they have had great consultation of Scotland, wherein, as yet, they have fallen to no determination. They are in doubt what to do and whom to send thither, being greatly perplexed with the news brought thence to the Court on the 22nd ult. Those on whom they deliberate are the Vidame of Chartres, the Rhinegrave, D'Andelot and the Marquis de Bœuf, the last of whom is thought the fittest to be sent into Scotland. In the meantime Anthony, the courier, is sent with letters by England into Scotland touching order for the appeasing of the garboil, with advice to the Queen Dowager to tolerate them for a time till they here may overcome these great matters here and so take order accordingly. The said Marquis shall ere long be sent into Scotland with great furniture of war, before the Queen Dowager comes thence. They will begin "to set up" 500 men of arms in that country, which he shall take with him.
3. During the French King's absence the Cardinal of Lorraine, the Duke of Guise, and the King Dauphin have used certain practices for the entertainment of the Englishmen here and begin to make offers again of new pensions, of which some were discharged before by their own offer, as the two Tremaynes. Cannot, by all that he can learn, conceive that they mind to break with us, at the least these twelve months. The Constable, (who rules all here as much as ever he did,) by no means minds to give advice to war, but will do what he can for the entertainment of the peace as long as he may. But since all that is like to be done for breaking with us is to be judged to begin towards Scotland, and therefore to be grounded upon the King Dauphin, (who is counted to be the head of all these doings in Scotland,) if the Constable be brought to grant to a war with us, it is for fear of displeasing the King Dauphin. A rumour of the death of the Queen Dowager of Scotland has lately come hither, but the Court gives no credit to it.
4. "I doubt not but you do consider how much it standeth the Queen to nourish and entertain the garboyle in Scotland as much as may be."
5. Those that were appointed to bring the matrimonial crown to the King Dauphin (viz., the Bishop of Glasgow, the Prior of S. Andrew's, and the Earls of Argyll and Morton) have refused to accomplish that journey.
6. Harry Dudley begins to practise again for new credit, especially with the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke of Guise. He has very good countenance showed and hope of his desire.
7. At the end of the last wars 200,000 francs were due by the French King to diverse companies of Scottishmen and but 12,000 paid, whereof they are much offended, and many are departed out of France, marvellously evil satisfied.
June 7. 8. The Cardinal of Lorraine has been inquisitive to know of such Englishmen as he has offered to entertain, how many ships the Queen has in readiness, and whether the same are laid up in dock at Gillingham, how many are on the narrow seas, and whether the new great ships are furnished with tackling and ordnance.
9. Advises that the Ministers in the north be warned to beware among others of the Lord Seton.
10. Though Knokes the preacher did heretofore unadvisedly and fondly put his hand to the book, yet since he is now in Scotland in as great credit as ever man was there with such as may be able to serve the Queen's turn, it were well done not to use him otherwise than for the advancement of her service.
11. If he have occasion to send letters into England by Antwerp, to whom shall he direct them? To Thomas Gresham, or to some other?
12. The Rhinegrave has come here and has paid 15,000 crowns for his ransom.
13. The Bishop of Nevers, who had a bishopric of a great revenue in France and is of a good house, has given up his see and has gone to Geneva, and the like has been done by an abbess of a nunnery not far from thence, who, with all her nuns, have likewise gone to Geneva.
14. The Admiral is sent to meet them who come hither from King Philip. Instead of Duke D'Arcus (who was to have come with the Duke of Alva) the Conte de Feria comes. Their train is marvellously great, for their harbingers demand room for 1,500 horse.
15. Has received by Cecil's son from Abbeville a letter from Mr. Wotton, whereby he says that he, being there on his way homeward, received letters from Cecil to return to Paris, where he arrived on the 5th inst. in company with a servant of Mr. Wotton's. Trusts that after these triumphs Cecil will help to bring his son and the writer home very shortly.
16. Diverse overtures have been made to him by Scottish men touching the Earl of Arran; has hitherto held them in suspense, thinking they are set upon these matters by the King and Queen Dauphin and the Cardinal of Lorraine to feel him. Must somewhat discipline them further.
The King this day arrived here.—Paris, 7 June 1559. Signed.
Orig., partly in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
June 7.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 272.
827. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
June 10.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 120.
828. Throckmorton to the Council.
1. Has not written to them since his arrival at this Court. The fourth hostage comprised in the treaty, M. de Neille, not being in case to go over, the writer made application respect ing the same to the Constable, who informed him this day, that the Vidame of Amiens is appointed the fourth hostage, a nephew of his own, a man of good estimation and great revenue, of whom the Lord Chamberlain and Dr. Wotton can give further information.
2. Solicited with the Constable the suit of a merchant of London, named Wotton, whose ship was taken on 3 April (after the treaty), lying upon the road of Jersey, by a merchant of S. Malos, contrary to the privilege of the island.
3. The Constable shows all tokens of amity, and desires continuance of peace, which, although it presently appears to be perfect, yet the worst should be provided for by the Council making themselves strong at home, so that the doing thereof may cause these men to execute in deed that whereof they make so great show in words.
4. On the 9th inst. the Council here sat "very hard" on matters of finance, whereof they have some lack, notwithstanding the great sums they have already borrowed. They intend by some other means to fetch as much as they can.
5. A great personage will shortly repair for the Emperor and the Empire to demand not only Metz but also Toul and Verdun. If they fall not to a point with the Emperor and the States of Germany for the restitution of these towns, the French are like to be displeased. The intentions of the French are uncertain, but they have sent to Metz, of late, 6,000 crowns.
6. They are much troubled here with the amity between the Queen and Ferdinando, Duke of Austria, whereupon it is discoursed that if the French mind any practice indirectly for our annoyance, by means of this great alliance, which (they here do marvellously mislike,) they will be frustrate of their purpose altogether.
7. King Philip has given the Conte Rhinegrave in reward, 20,000 crowns.
8. The Duke of Alva and the other Spanish Commissioners are looked for here within four or five days. Great preparations are made for them at Chantilly and Equan, two houses of the Constable's. "Here the King himself, the King Dauphin, and the noblemen and gentlemen of the Court do daily assay themselves at the tilt, to be the more ready and perfect to honour the feast of the marriages, which is like to be very grand and sumptuous, with great triumph and solemnity."
9. On Monday, 12th inst., the Duke of Buillon shall be married to the Duke of Montpensier's daughter.
10. Requests to be recalled, according to the Queen's promise at his departure. Things are dear here.—Paris, 10 June 1559. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
June 10.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 281.
829. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
June 10.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 123.
830. Throckmorton to Cecil.
On the 8th inst. received his letters of 28 May, by the escuyer of M. de Montmorency, who offered his good services and acknowledged the honour and courtesy he received in England. Cecil having written respecting the supplying of the fourth hostage by one as good as De Neille, on the 8th, the writer made application respecting the same, and also the case of Mr. Wotton, to the Constable. (fn. 4)
On the 9th the Council here "sat very hard" upon finance.
The talk of Metz is not so hot, as though the men of war were ready to approach the town. The restitution of Toul and Verdun shall be demanded. The French have sent to Metz of late, 6,000 crowns. They are much troubled with the rumour of the amity between the Queen and Ferdinando, Duke of Austria. King Philip has given the Conte Rhinegrave in reward, 20,000 crowns.
Hopes (fn. 5) Cecil will not long forbear his son, in whom he has cause to rejoice, he is so honest and so well stayed. "Mr. Somer doth take pain with him to make him a Frenchman."
After these triumphs the King goes from hence. Hopes before then to be able to present his successor at Court.— Paris, 10 June 1559.
P. S.—Certain Scottishmen here ask letters to pass through England into Scotland; many of them are very subtle and fine practisers; the most to be noted and taken heed to among the rest, is one called the Lord of Kricky, whose name is Beton. (fn. 6) Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
June 10.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 285.
831. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
June 10.
R. O.
832. D. Lewis to Cecil.
Has received his letters with the Frenchman's pardon enclosed, who had been condemned for robbing and spoiling of certain Flemings within the Queen's territory and jurisdiction in time of peace with us.—The Arches, 10 June 1559.
P. S.—It is against the law and the treaty that in time of war one enemy shall annoy another within the territory or jurisdiction of any power that is friendly to both.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. This entry is cancelled.
  • 2. Originally dated Secundo die mensis Junii. This letter, after being signed by the Queen, addressed, and sealed, was kept back, a few passages were altered, and it was sent on the 5th June.
  • 3. The remainder of the letter is in Throkmorton's hand.
  • 4. Expressed in the same terms as in the letter to the Lords of the Council, as are also the following paragraphs.
  • 5. This paragraph is in Throkmorton's autograph.
  • 6. This paragraph is written by another hand.