Elizabeth: March 1559, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: March 1559, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp181-193 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1559, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp181-193.

"Elizabeth: March 1559, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp181-193.

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March 1559, 21-31

March 21.
B. M. Cal. E. V. 51.
434. The Queen to the Lord Howard of Effingham.
He shall, as he may apart and with his colleagues, her Commissioners, treat with the Constable and other Commissioners for that in the concluding of peace, the case of Lord Grey may be more favourably considered than hitherto. He is indeed a baron of a noble and ancient [house], but yet of mean livelihood, and having lost at Guisnes all that he had of moveable goods, [and not] out of debt here at home, is scantly able to keep his degree without [selling?] his land, although he were made free of his ransom. The enforcement of a ransom so heavy may discourage noblemen to do service. For the same purpose she has written to the French King.—Westminster, 21 March, 1 Eliz.
Injured by fire. Add. P. 1.
March 21.
R. O.
435. Mundt to the Queen.
On the 16th inst. the French Ambassadors have done their ambassade, in Latin, before the Emperor, sitting on his seat, and about him the Electors of Magunts and Trier, and one of the deputies of each of those who were absent, as also the commissaries from other temporal and spiritual prelates and princes and agents of the free and Imperial cities. He regrets he cannot procure this oration, but was present at its recitation. Its end was as follows,—The French King required to be admitted to the assemblies and diets of the Empire as his predecessors had been of old time, but such admission had been of late usurped from him; that he bore always a singular love and favour to the Empire as to his ancient friends; that such confederacy should be an occasion and help to restore peace through all Christendom, which now is interrupted divers ways, as by the King of Spain, promising that their help should be at all times ready for the Empire.
The Estates, considering well what the French King intended by this embassy (which beside great promises and fair words contained little,) and that by this pretended amity he seeks nothing but to make men believe that the wolf will be a good shepherd, were little moved by these words, and made a short answer, thanking the King for his good will. The next night after the oration, was written on the Ambassador's lodging:
"Res dare pro rebus, pro verbis verba solemus."
Upon Palm Sunday the Emperor sent a gentleman to the French Ambassadors, expounding to them they abused their safe conduct by much conversation and practices with cap tains of horsemen and footmen within this town, and by giving money to certain captains. To this they answered, that the money they had paid was done by their master's commission for services done and to be done, and they had not transgressed the limits of their safe conduct. The Under-Marshal of the Empire has a secretary who has before served in France, and who came much to the French Ambassadors; "the Emperor having knowledge hereof hath commanded his master to let him go." The Emperor has complained to the Electors present and absent, that the Bishop of Rome will not confirm his election, and has required their counsel on this behalf. No answer has been made as yet to the Emperor's proposition. The States are not willing to give much money till they know how that which they contributed before has been employed.
The merchants have letters that the Turk will make no invasions upon Hungary this year. Maximilian has now an assembly with the Bohemians at Presburg for the contribution of money against the Turks, but they were unwilling to grant anything.—Augusta, 21 March 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 21.
R. O.
436. Mundt to Cecil.
Has written all occurrences to the Queen. The Diet goes "schlaefully" forward, and except the Princes be willinger after Easter than they have been before, it will have small success. Many men believe that the exequy done here for the Emperor Charles has been an occasion that princes have deferred to come hither before. The Emperor is now here in the third month, to his great cost and charges; his son Charles, who is now here, will depart hence, after Easter, for Inspr¨ck, to make money against the Turks in the Emperor's lands in Italy. His Majesty is at great cost divers ways with his great householdings and with continual and chargeable defence of his countries against the Turks, the which devours him, and unless remedy be adhibited as well by foreign powers as by the Empire, he will be unable to keep and defend his own.—Augusta, 21 March 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Endd.: 21 March 1558. Pp. 2.
March 21.
R. O.
437. Thomas Gresham to Cecil.
Since his coming over has been at the Court at Brussels soliciting the passport of the 200 barrels of saltpetre. On the 18th inst. had access to the King, who "put him over" to Doen Anthony de Tolledo for his despatch. On the 20th he was by the said Dowen Anthony again "put over" to the King's Secretary, Gowenssallus Perus, who said that the King had commanded him to move the Duke of Savoy, which could not be done presently, as the Duke was retired into a cloister, six miles from Brussels.
On the 21st he departed in post to Antwerp, leaving a servant to solicit the matter with the Secretary; and to morrow he will be in hand with the Queen's creditors for the contentation of her debts due in May next. Desires to have the Queen reminded about his suit.
The munition and armour already bought are in readiness to be sent away as soon as the Queen sends "wayfters."
Three Scotch ships of war have arrived in Zealand, of 100 tons, and with 150 men in each, and very well ordnanced. At Brussels it is said that the peaces are concluded; and on the 19th Sir Rewgomos came in post to the King with the report, but the particulars are not known. Encloses a letter from Mr. Monze.—Antwerp, 21 March 1558. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add., with fragment of armorial seal. Add. Pp. 2.
March 21.
B.M. Lands. iii. 175.
438. George, Count of Helfenstein, to Challoner.
Has not forgotten Challoner's kindness when the writer was in England, and regrets his unexpected departure. The day previous to that on which he had determined to bid him farewell, the Queen had caused to be delivered to him letters to the Emperor, a safe conduct and a princely present; he could therefore delay his journey no longer, but writes to explain his sudden departure. He arrived at Dover on the 6th, and having been detained there, embarked on the fourth day, and on the 14th inst. arrived at Brussels in good health. There he received letters from the Emperor, which informed him that he must remain for at least another month in Belgium, during which period he hopes to hear from Challoner. Sends, as he had promised, a good and accurate portrait [imaginem] done to the life of the person of whom Challoner had made such frequent mention in England, which he will use according to his discretion, and show it to whom he thinks fit. If the surpassing virtues and mental endowments of that personage were as well known to him as they are to the writer and others, it would be admitted that they eclipsed the graces of the body. Regrets that it has been soiled and torn by the carelessness of the couriers [vendariorum]; will take care however that a full length portrait of the individual and his brother shall be sent to him. Could he see the original, he would admit that the painter had not flattered.
The report is rife at Brussels that the King of Spain is about to marry the Queen of England, the truth of which he had heard much doubted by persons of great authority in England. Is sure that Challoner will tell him how the matter really stands, concerning which he most earnestly desires to be informed; and in proof of his own candour will not conceal from him that the Emperor contemplates a marriage between her and one of his sons, but at present is unwilling to interfere with the plans of his kinsman, the King of Spain. Thus much, however, is certain; that as soon as the suit of the King of Spain is found to be hopeless, the Emperor will forthwith urge that of one of his sons with all diligence. May he trust to Challoner's friendship to send him a full account of the present position of affairs? He may rely upon his discretion.—Brussels, 21 March 1559. Signed: Georgius comes ab Helfenstein.
Hol. Add.: Domino Thomæ Schalloner, . . . ad manus proprias. Endd.: 1558. Lat. Pp. 3.
March 22.
R. O.
439. The Queen to the English Commissioners.
Perceives by their letters of the 18th inst. how grieved they are by her reprehension of their letters of the 2nd. "Where ye write now in your last that neither did the Spanish Commissioners say unto you, nor you ever meant, that the French did require that we should expressly put to arbiters the examination of our title to the crown, the same being otherwise too plainly written in two or three places of your letter, ye must content yourselves to hear from us a reprehension, having cause so to do upon your writing." Upon their humble request however she remits her former displeasure, hoping that she shall see cause upon their return to accept in good part their long travail and pains on this behalf, whereof she always thought very well until this offence given to her by the foresaid letter.
She signifies to them two points which she wishes had been somewhat different (1st) regarding the sum of money nomine pænæ, which is very small to coerce the French to restitution, and in the opinion of the world not honourable; and (2nd) the article of the defensive upon any innovation during the year ought to be more clearly penned, as it gives occasion for the French to make void their pact of restitution. Consequently she wishes them to remedy these points if possible, for avoiding of all sinister cavillation, whereunto they know too well how properly that nation is given. Sir John Mason shall return unless required.
As several Scottish men, specially upon the west borders, have served England, and been assured to England, wishes that the treaty should provide generally that the subjects native of either country might be restored. On the completion of their commission they shall immediately return, and shall write if they have anything to communicate upon the two articles above mentioned.
Upon completion of this treaty (which shall be shortly) they shall return to her presence. In the mean season they shall inform her by Sir John Mason what they think she may look for further touching the foresaid two points.— 22 March 1558.
Draft, nearly wholly in Cecil's hand. Pp. 2.
March 22.
R. O.
440. Mundt to Sir John Mason.
Has not for long written to him because he has small news here. Is not well acquainted with the matters passed here, having been absent a while. Yesterday heard first of the peace, which gave great joy to all except the captains and soldiers, but it is much better they smart than honest and innocent men be afflicted, robbed, and murdered. Germany hath sent multitudes and numbers of such idle and inutile vagabonds, that the peasants dwelling out of cities and walled places be whole oppressed by such strong and sturdy beggars. They do esteem dishonesty and shame to fall to their old occupations and labours again, and when they have no war then they fall to stealing and robbing.
Begs him to be his patron and advocate in a cause in which Cecil will use Mason's advice. Desires to be remembered to Sir Anthony Cooke and especially to Lord Paget and Sir Thomas Wroth.—Augusta, 22 March 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 24.
R. O.
441. Sir J. Croft to Cecil.
The Queen having licensed Mr. Bowes, Marshal of this town, to repair to London upon such business as by the death of his father he had to do; nevertheless, owing to the communication of abstinence between the Earl of Northumberland and the officers of the borders of Scotland, the said Mr. Bowes thought it better not to depart hence till he should see to what effect the same communication would grow. When the abstinence was concluded and the Secretary of Scotland had departed towards the Court then the Marshal left, deputing his charge to his brother, a very towardly man. Requests him to let Mr. Bowes have his favour at his arrival, as he is an honest gentleman and his services deserve that consideration. His speedy despatch is very necessary, for the time of the year is near when services are worst spared.—Berwick, 24 March 1558. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 24 March 1559. Pp 2.
March 24.
R. O.
442. Lord Wentworth to Cecil.
Is now out of the enemy's hands, and has entered the Queen's realm; whereof he has written to her, yielding himself prisoner. Requests the letter may be delivered, and that Cecil will be a mean he may with speed come to his answer.—Dover.
Pp. 2.
March 25.
B. M. Calig. E. V. 63. Forbes, 1. 66.
443. The Duke de Vendôme to the Queen.
Professions of regard and anxiety to serve her, respecting which the bearer will be more explicit. Has been compelled to detain him since 14 Feb. last until this day by the command of the King, but he is now sent back to her, the writer having been informed as to the conclusion at which her deputies and those of the King, his master, have arrived. Asks credence for the bearer.—Calais, 25th March 1558. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Injured by fire. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 25.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 189.
444. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
March 25.
B. M. Calig. E. V. 63. Forbes, 1. 67.
445. The Duke of Vendôme to the Queen.
Instructions given by the Duke of Vendôme to Henry Killigrew, to be by him communicated to the Queen.
1. He shall tell her that the reason why he [the Duke] desires to withdraw the negociations between the King, his master, and herself from the conference at Cateau Cambresis, is a good one, having ascertained that all that she wishes to obtain she is more likely to secure by a conference between them two selves than by the mediation of the King of Spain.
2. The King, his master, has assured him of his desire to have peace with England, but that events which had occurred had occasioned them to be suspicious of each other.
3. As to the restitution of Calais, weighty reasons (as he (the Duke) has told the bearer) will prevent the King from consenting thereto, unless they appear to him to be more conclusive than at this present time they do.
4. He shall also say that the Duke has been unable sooner to despatch the bearer, in consequence of having waited day after day in the hope of hearing from the King.—Calais, 25 March 1558. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Injured by fire. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 25.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 190.
446. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
March 25.
R. O.
447. The English Commissioners at Cateau Cambresis to the Queen.
Had already advised her of their proceedings with the French and Spanish Commissioners in regard to the articles of peace. Since then, having sundry times assembled, they met together on 23rd inst., and then commencing of the matters of Savoy, they fell suddenly to such a disagreement that they were all up, determining to break off and to depart home next morning, being Good Friday. For this intent they sent away part of their carriages. Notwithstanding, by the intercession of the Duchess of Lorraine they met again in the afternoon, and having been together six hours at the least, their conclusion was to send to their masters some of their own company to know their resolutions upon the same. Accordingly the Cardinal of Lorraine is departed in post this morning to his master, and Ruy Gomez to the King of Spain. They have promised to return on Monday next. What will ensue they cannot judge; but the world misdeems the worst, as the bearer will declare more at length, for whom they ask credit. In case these men, on return of their colleagues, happen to break off for all, then they intend to draw towards the sea coast and wait her further pleasure.— Cateau en Cambresis, 25 March 1559. Signed: W. Howard, Thomas Ely, N. Wotton, John Masone.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
March 25.
R. O.
448. Treaty of Cateau Cambresis.
"Remembrances for John Somer, to be declared to the Queen, delivered unto him by the Queen's Commissioners of the peace at Chateau en Cambresis."
After divers meetings here betwixt the Spanish Commissioners and the French, on Thursday the 23rd inst., in the afternoon they debated of Savoy.
i. (1.) The French would needs retain five towns in Piedmont, with all the territories belonging to them, and in those five towns to keep their garrisons.
(2.) They required that the Spaniards should "avoid" all their garrisons out of Piedmont and re-deliver freely all that was in their hands to the Duke of Savoy.
(3.) They required that all gifts and alienations made by the French King in Piedmont, as well of the Duke's lands as his subjects, given not only to Frenchmen but also to the rebels of Savoy, who aided him, shall remain in their force and strength.
(4.) They required to keep the said towns three years, and then to re-deliver them if the actions and pretences which the French King has against the Duke of Savoy be then determined; or else to re-deliver them when the said contro versies are agreed upon, and not before.
ii. (1.) In answer to these demands the Spanish Commissioners offer that if the French will straight re-deliver all they hold in Piedmont to the Duke of Savoy, so will they do; but if the French keep any towns, so will they do likewise, not to the King their master's use, but to the Duke's use, by whose officers they shall be governed. If the French keep these five towns, and the Spaniards disarm them, the French will be lords of all Piedmont, and gain by their pen in one hour more than they have been able to get by the sword in twenty years.
(2.) The Spaniards say that if the French should keep these five towns, (of which some, as Chiere, have thirty or forty castles and walled towns under them, some, as Pinerole, have sixty castles and towns), they would retain as good as the third part of Piedmont.
(3.) The Spaniards say that the donations and alienations amount to large sums, Brisac only having assigned 14,000 crowns by the year in Piedmont.
(5.) The Spaniards say it is against all reason that such alienations and donations made to rebels against the Duke should take effect, as thereby many of his faithful subjects would be dispossessed of their patrimony.
(6.) The Spaniards say that if the French retain any towns in Piedmont till the actions and pretences made by their King against the Duke be ended, so they might keep them for ever, refusing to agree to reason. They would have a certain term, as three years, prefixed.
March 25. These are the chief matters in controversy betwixt them. The very point on which they break is this, "If the French will needs keep the five towns, that then the Spaniards will keep other like. For otherwise the Spaniards reckon assuredly that the French would not only take to them all Piedmont within awhile, but also put the duchy of Milan in great danger."
Endd. by Cecil: John Sommer's remembrances; 25 Martii 1559. Pp. 3.
March 26.
R. O.
449. Sir John Mason to Cecil.
The matters between the Spanish and the French are not like to grow to the end as hath a good time been looked for. The difficulties of Savoy are like to make a breach. Hereby the world shall be able to judge that Calais alone has not been the occasion of so long a stay from some good conclusion. The bearer can declare all the circumstances. It is not thought policy that at this time much writing should be used, so he refers to the sufficiency of the messenger.—Casteau en Cambresis, 26 March 1559. Signed.
P. S.—"If any meaning be to send my Lord Chamberlain again to the King it were well that the message were sent as soon as might be upon the receipt of these letters; for that such message as might have served in case of the conclusion of peace, will not serve if the breach thereof do ensue, as there is a great likelihood that it will."
Orig. Hol. Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 27.
B. M. Harl. 353. 161.
50. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 27 March 1559.—Present: the Lords Great Seal and Treasurer; the Marquis of Northampton; the Earls of Shrewsbury, Derby, and Pembroke; the Lord Admiral; Mr. Controller, Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, Mr. Secretary; Mr. Cave, Mr. Sackevill.
A letter to Sir James Crofts, signifying unto him the return to Berwick of Henry Bellingham and William Brode, captains of footmen there, to whose suit made here to have their bands each of them increased to a full ensign, he is willed to make them answer that the time serveth not now for any such increase to be made, and therefore to admit them to their former charge. And where the said Captain Brode made also a further suit touching one Collain, whom he allegeth to be his prisoner, that it might please the Queen either to take the prisoner to her behoof, and to consider him for the same otherwise, or else give him liberty to put his said prisoner to ransom; it is signified unto the said Sir James that in case he knows himself, or can otherwise learn, that the said Collain is of any such haviour in his country, as he is not in that respect meet to be let go, and to be such a one as he is rather to be detained still for the Queen's advantage, he is prayed so to signify hither to the Lords; or else if he think he be no such manner of man, then to write his letters to Sir John Tempest for his delivery, and to send the Council's letters presently sent him for that purpose, so as the said Brode may enjoy his prisoner to his most profit. There were also two others recommended in the said letter, viz., John Selby the younger, to be placed in Berwick, in a captain's room, and Symme Story to be placed in a soldier's room there, when any such shall chance next to be void.
A letter to the Earl of Northumberland, signifying unto him that the Lords do well like the cassing of the numbers of horsemen on the frontiers, of the abridging of the Queen's charges, wherein he is willed, if he shall perceive the same may be done without any danger to the frontiers, to proceed and to cass all such as may be conveniently spared, especially Northumberland men, and those that join upon them; wherein he is required, for the better understanding what he shall do in this matter, to have good espial of the Scotch doings, and therefore the whole consideration is referred unto him. It is also signified unto him that a mass of money shall shortly be sent down; and in the meantime his Lordship is willed to see if any merchants of Newcastle, or others thereabouts, having occasion to pay money at London, will defray so much there for the payment of the cassed soldiers, which shall be repaid unto them upon the signifying from his Lordship what shall be disbursed by them; which if he cannot bring to pass, he is required to cause the Treasurer to make all the provision he may for the payment of those that shall be cassed until the Treasurer may come down.
A letter to Sir James Croftes touching the soldiers of Berwick, of like effect.
March 27.
R. O. 27 VI. 56.
451. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
March 27.
R. O. 27 V. 104.
452. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
March 28.
B. M. Harl. 453. 162. b.
453. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Westminster, 28 March 1559.—Present: the Lord Treasurer; the Earls of Shrewsbury and Pembroke; the Lord Admiral; Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Secretary; Mr. Cave, Mr. Sackevill.
Brian Fitzwilliams, having of late come into this realm out of France, was this day committed to the Fleet, with a letter to the warden to keep him in safe custody.
A letter to Sir James Crofts, with a commission under the Great Seal for the captainship of the town and castle of Berwick during the Queen's Majesty's pleasure; and whereas he hath of late, by his instructions sent hither by Mr. Drurie, required a continuance of benevolence for the increase of the wages of the whole garrison granted the last year, it is signified unto him that, forasmuch as this is a new charge, the Lords do not think meet the same should be continued; and therefore he is required to persuade the soldiers to be contented with their ordinary entertainment until that Her Highness be of better ability to consider them. He is also required to make some means to get money of the merchants of Newcastle, or others, for the payment of the sick and unserviceable men there, to the end they may thereupon be cassed, which shall be repaid unto them at the coming down of the treasure, which shall be shortly. He is further required to take order with the Treasurer that he always stay some money in his hands to pay such soldiers as work in the fortifications.
March 28.
R. O. 27 VI. 61.
454. Another copy of the above
Modern transcript.
March 28.
R. O. 27 V. 104.
455. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
[March 28.]
R. O.
456. Treaty of Cateau Cambresis.
Cecil's memoranda of certain things required to be done by the treaty of Cateau Cambresis in order to give efficacy to the intentions. These regard:
(1.) France. The Dauphin must ratify the treaty before 28 May.
The hostages must be delivered before 28 May.
Eymouth must be rased before 25 June.
The ratifications must be delivered at each place before 1 June.
(2.) Scotland. Eymouth must be defaced before 25 June.
Commission must be procured from the Scottish King and Queen to treat, before 28 May, of the articles concerning the Scottish treaty not fully concluded.
A day and place must be appointed by both the Princes to treat for Scotland, so it be before 28 May.
It must be ratified by each Prince within ten days after request made.
Cecil's hol., and endd. by him: A memorial of L. Chamberlain, Mr. Wotton, and Mr. Throkmorton, Ambassadors to the French. Pp. 2.
March 29.
R. O.
457. The Emperor Ferdinand to the Queen.
Has understood by her letters of the 5th inst., and also from George Count of Helffenstein and Baron of Gundelfingen, her good feeling towards him.—Augusta Vindelicorum, 29 March 1559. Signed: Bonus frater et affinis, Ferdinandus,—V. Seld,—M. Singkhmoser.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
March 29.
R. O. 171 B.
458. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
March 29.
B.M. Galba, B. xi. 183.
459. Another copy of the preceding.
P. 1.
March 29.
B. M. Sloane, 4142. 2 b.
460. Another copy of the preceding.
Forbes' transcript.
March 29.
R. O.
461. Gustavus, King of Sweden, to the Queen.
Hopes that the friendship which has hitherto existed between their houses will be continued. Despatches to her his legates, Gostavus Johannis, Carolus Holgeri, and Carolus de Mornai, upon matters which affect the interests of both their realms. Recommends them and their affairs to the Queen.—Dat. Wastenis, 4 kal. Aprilis 1559. Signed: Gostavus.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
March 29.
R. O. 171. B.
462. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
March 29.
R. O.
463. Mundt to the Queen.
The Diet goes "shlawfully" forth, as the Princes whom the Emperor has required to come hither personally are in no great haste. The Emperor has written to them again to appear on the Sunday, "Quasi modo geniti" (fn. 1) The Protestants have required that the article relating to religion be taken first in hand, and therefore the Emperor has sent for such "tractise" as both the Catholics and Protestants have made at the Colloquium of Worms holden last winter; but it is supposed more to be done for the manner's sake than for any earnest handling therein. To obtain the money required in the proposition will be the chief point and study, but the delay of the Princes in coming to the Diet will cause a great difficulty in this behalf.
It is written from Venice that on the 1st Feb. last a truce was proclaimed at Constantinople between the Turk and the Emperor for three years upon the following conditions:— That the Emperor shall give every year 30,000 ducats to the Turk; that he shall in no wise molest Stephanum, Lord of Transylvania; that he shall give no aid to the King of Spain against the King of France; and that in six months Commissioners shall be elected to define such "debates as be for the confines of Hungary risen." It is signified in the same letters that the King of Spain has an Ambassador with the Turk. The Emperor has need of great sums of money, for he is at great costs and charges divers ways, and especially by the Turk compelling him to keep continual garrisons on his frontiers, and that even in times of truce he cannot trust them. His householdings be not small, and the best parts of his lands empledged.
The French Ambassadors do not go much abroad. If they shall obtain their desire to come to all assemblies in the Empire, the French King shall attempt and practise divers things within Germany, and chiefly in this time and in this Emperor's days, "the which is not Carolus." He has already some great princes on his side. Men are afraid if, out of the peace and affinity made between the two Kings, the French King shall have the bridle alone in his hand, whereof may come great trouble if they join their powers and forces together.
Sends her the oration of the French Ambassadors made to the Emperor and Estates. The Emperor's son Charles and the coadjutor Tridentinus have departed this day for the Tyrol to levy money against the Turk.—Augusta, 29 March 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Pp. 3.
March 29.
R. O.
464. Mundt to Cecil.
Has heard of the peace between England, Spain, and France, but of the conditions nothing as yet. "The Almighty God hath delivered England out of great jeopardies and perils by taking away Queen Mary; and I do not doubt but that the Peers and Estates of the realm will use this singular benefit to God's glory and to the public commodity of the realm. If ουτις had not been impeached by war, he would have enterprised, quo jure quoque injuria, that he might have apprehended summum rerum fastigium, having such a favourable adjutorium simile sibi. So now if peace and affinity and sanguinis necessitudo shall ensue between these two mighty Kings, then we had need to pray to God for a perfect concord and agreement amongst ourselves within the realm, that we should chiefly trust to our own strength, and give no credence to the promises, however tempting, of any one. But under the present head, all things shall be restored by God's grace, and the realm come to its former puissance. Prays Cecil to pardon his " licencious writing."
Desires to be commended to Sir Anthony Coke.—Augusta, 29 March 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 29.
465. Scottish Borders.
"Abstinence of war between the Earl of Northumberland and the Earl Bothwell." At a communication between James, Earl of Bothwell, Lieutenant of the Marches of Scotland, and Thomas, Earl of Northumberland, Warden of the East and Middle Marches, an abstinence for two months having been proposed, the Earl of Northumberland binds himself that the same shall be observed in the East and Middle Marches, and that he will write to Lord Dacre to make a like abstinence for the West Marches. The said two months to commence on the [blank] day of March inst.—Warkworth, [blank] March 1559.
Endd. by Cecil: 29 March 1559. Pp. 2.
March 29.
B. M. Calig. B. x. 4.
466. Another copy of the preceding.
Copy. P. 1.
March 30.
R. O.
467. Eric, Prince of Sweden, to the Queen.
Recommends Gostavus Johannis, Lord and Baron of Haga, Carolus Holgeri, Lord of Bircewich, Carolus de Mornay, Lord de Varennes, despatched by his father to the Queen.—Dat. Wasthenis, 3 cal. April 1559. Signed: Ericus.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
March 30.
R. O. 171 B.
468. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
March 31.
R. O.
469. Carne's Detention at Rome.
Mandate of Bernardinus, Cardinal of Trani (founded on the verbal command of the Pope) by which Sir Edward Carne, orator of the late Queen Mary, is forbidden to leave the city of Rome, and is further commanded to take charge of the English college within the same city.—Rome, last of March 1559.
Copy. Injured by damp. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
March 31.
B. M. Cal. E. V., 71.
470. Another copy of the above.
Much injured by fire.
[March.] 471. The Queen to the English Commissioners at Cateau Cambresis.
When their commission of treaty is finished they shall make their return home, with the exception of the Lord Chamberlain, who shall repair to the King of Spain to give him her most hearty thanks for his constant friendship showed to her and her causes in this late treaty.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Pp. 2.


  • 1. The first Sunday after Easter.