Elizabeth: December 1558, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: December 1558, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp24-37 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1558, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp24-37.

"Elizabeth: December 1558, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp24-37.

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December 1558, 11-20

Dec. 11.
74. Instructions for Sir Richard Shelley, sent to the King of the Romans.
He shall proceed to the place where the King of the Romans is, whether at Vienna or elsewhere.
He shall deliver his letters and declare his credence as follows:
1. The Queen since her coronation (fn. 1) having had an assembly of her nobility, prelates, and whole estate of her realm, has by them been persuaded to marriage. At the end of this consultation, not only many of her Council have privately moved her, but in the behalf of the Parliament, the prolocutor, and others specially appointed for that purpose, have prayed her to apply her mind thereunto for the tran- quillity of the realm and true succession of the crown. Besides this, the Emperor has given her semblable advice both by his letters and Ambassador, recommending her to marry, wherein if she would make him privy, he would give her his best advice. And now she having begun to assemble her Parliament, being often times called upon by her subjects for marriage, has in the end, after conference with certain of her most trusty councillors, been content to yield to their desires and to incline her mind to marriage, being contented to hear the overture and advice of the Emperor, as of him who has always declared himself as careful for her affairs as for his own.
The overture propounded by him was that if there were any fitting and eligible personage within her realm, to whom her mind might give her to bear affection that way, he would set forward the same alliance and marriage. But in case there could be no such personage found within her realm, and she could find in her heart to fancy some other out of her realm, he offered her the Prince his son, with such conditions as well declare the good affection he has always borne her. These conditions being seen by her Council and well digested by the most part of the nobility of her realm, with consideration of the present estate of the commonwealth, they have found the offer, party, and conditions so profitable and reasonable that they have been of opinion to follow so faithful and fatherlike counsel to accept the said party, being so honourable, and to enter further communication upon the said conditions, to put them in writing, and to resolve with his Ambassador resident with her upon ambassadors to be sent for the other further treaty and conclusion of the said marriage. To this she has been the rather inclined by the sight of the letters which the King of the Romans has written to her, whereby he confirms the advice of her acceptance of the Prince his nephew, and, therefore, according to the last letters written unto him by Alonzo (blank) his secretary, she advertises him particularly of her proceedings in this matter.
He shall visit the King and Queen of Bohemia, the Archduke, and the daughters of the King of the Romans, declaring at good length the occurrences of things passed here and what has passed in the Parliament; opening in a generality the communication that has been made of the alliance and marriage aforesaid, and noting well the answers that shall be made thereunto by them.
In passing through Brussels he shall advertise the Ambassador of the King of the Romans, resident with the Emperor, of his journey, that he may have his letters of sure passage through Germany.—Westminster, 11th Dec. 1558.
Copy. Pp. 2.
Dec. 12.
R. O.
75. The English Commissioners to the Queen.
The Earl of Arundel, being certified of the death of the late Queen, considering that thereby their commission for the peace was expired, departed from them from Arras on Friday 25 Nov., on his way to Dunkirk, where he embarked on Saturday, 3rd December. With him they sent a letter to the Queen, a letter from the King in answer to one of their's (of which a copy was sent over by Mr. Copley) and the King's said letter.
About six or seven days after the departure of the Earl, they, being still at Cercamp, heard that the suspension of arms was to continue for two months longer, and consequently despatched (on Thursday, 1 Dec.) Francisco Thomas, one of the Queen's couriers, to certify her of these matters. A report has reached them that Lord Arundel has either been driven by tempest upon the French coast, or has perished at sea, and probably the said Francisco with him. They therefore send herewith copies of all the aforesaid letters. Trust that these heavy news of the Earl of Arundel will not prove correct, he being (as they have well perceived) a faithful, true, and most addict subject to her, and one that bare a special care and zeal to the weal of his country.
The letter sent by Francisco shows the difficulty made by the French respecting the terms of the prolongation of the suspension of arms.
On "that self" Thursday that Francisco left (1 Dec.), the King and the French Commissioners agreed that the suspension should continue until the last of January, and so all agreed to remove therein "that self and the next day." They, for their part, determined to go to Arras. On that Thursday night they received a letter from Lord Cobham signifying that he was come to Arras, where they met him the next morning (2 Dec.) and received her letters of 25 Nov., with two commissions and instructions directed to the Earl of Arundel and themselves giving them power to proceed with the French. But the French having departed on the same Thursday, and the other Commissioners on the Friday, and they likewise coming that day to Arras to meet Lord Cobham, the Dean of Canterbury went with Lord Cobham towards the King according to his instructions, and the Bishop of Ely followed likewise to Brussels to understand what should further be done touching their said commissions and instructions. They do not know when the next meeting with the French shall be, but it must take place before Jan. 31. Probably they will not appoint a day of meeting until they have received the Queen's answer to the letter which the King sent them.—Brussels, 12 Dec. 1558. Signed: Thomas Ely; N. Wotton.
Orig. Add. with armorial seal. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 12.
76. The Bishop of Ely to Cecil.
When sent with my Lord of Arundel and Mr. Wotton by the late Queen, had received upon a warrant 200l., to be allowed after 5l. by the day, which 200l. were "run forth" on 7 Nov., so there is due to him from 8 Nov. his said allowance and no warrant for its payment. Desires him to help to procure it for his said diets.—Brussels, 12 Dec. 1558.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 12.
R. O.
77. Wotton to Cecil.
Is uncertain whether he should congratulate him being now called again to the Court, but is sure that it is for the public good. There is a difference between his former experience at Court and his present. He has now greater liberty in offering advice, and what he advises is more likely to be followed.
Wishes that the new commissions, in which his name is included, had come three or four days sooner than they did. Was never wearier of any place ("saving only of Rome after the sack") than he was of Cercamp. If the commissions had come sooner, by likelihood all that matter by this time had been made or marred. The French Commissioners have all returned to their Court, where there will be grand feastings for the joy they have for the death of so many Kaysers and Queens. They have no cause to rejoice at the death of the King of Portugal, (if it be true, for the news is not much confirmed here in this Court,) since that realm and the Indies depending thereof would now devolve upon the Prince of Spain, Don Carlos. They pass not much of the death of King Christiern, the quondam King of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, who was but a dead man while living. It may now be said, "Multœ Francorum aures," for the French, while at Cercamp, had intelligence of the death of the Emperor and of the King of Portugal, also of the death of the late Queen within six or seven days after she died; they also knew the clauses contained in the proclamation on the accession of her present Majesty, in which they most misliked the last clause, (fn. 2) being so far contrary to their expectation, upon which expectation they would have builded many a vain device and conceit to compass that thing which all the world perceives they now go most earnestly about. If the French had no more ears than St. Peter left to Malcus, though they were as long as Midas' ears, it were much to be wondered how they should have knowledge of all such matters, "nisi quod, quo non penetrat aurum?
Urges the claims of Mr. Butler, who was formerly commissary of Calais, and there might spend in benefices seven score pounds by year and better; these he lost because he was married, as also a fair house upon the taking of the town, so that he escaped nudus et egens. Requests that he may have a prebend in Christ Church, Canterbury, which now sede vacante, ought to be of the Chapter's gift.
The bearer, Wotton's cousin, Shelley, commanded at an unseasonable time to depart out of England and to go straight to Malta, fell sick at Brussels on his journey thither, and remained there on intelligence of the sickness of the late Queen. He desires to have access to the present Queen. Wotton will consider it a favour if this be granted.— Brussels, 12 Dec. 1558. Signed.
Orig. Add. with armorial seal. Pp. 4.
Dec. 12.
78. Sir Anthony Cooke to Cecil.
Has received his kind and loving letter of 11 Nov. Thanks God that he has escaped the dangerous sickness of this year, that has taken away so many and yet keeps so many sick. God has sent him health, declaring thereby His good pleasure that he should do Him and the Queen that now is faithful service at this time of need; of whose proclamation with such great joy and gladness, all true Englishmen have much cause to rejoice and give most earnest thanks to Almighty God; "and we not the least, that have long and sorrowfully lacked our country," and now have good hope to enjoy the sight of her grace and it.
Has written to him before this, after the news heard in these parts, which letter he trusts is, or will be shortly, come to his hands.
In respect to his body, has cause to doubt to travel at this time of the year, but is so desirous to return that (God willing) within these eight days both Mr. Wroth and he will depart from hence homewards. Sooner well they could not, whereunto his provocation is not of little force with them both. Thus minding (God willing) to divert the tedious weariness of a long journey with hope to see him and others, whom he ought most desire to see, for this year takes his leave of him.—Strasburg, 12 Dec. 1558. "Your loving father-in-law, Anthony Cooke."
P.S.—Mr. Mount desires to be commended.
Orig. Hol. Add. with seal. Pp. 2.
Dec. 12.
79. Munitions from Flanders.
"A memorial of the foreign provisions drawn out of the great book containing the provisions to be made in Flanders and in England, 12 Dec. 1558," consisting of saltpetre, serpentine powder, cornpowder, sulphur, hacquebutts, copper, collyn-cliffes, daggs, corslets, murrions, burgonets, and halberts.
Pp. 2.
Dec. 13.
R.O. Wright's Eliz. i. 1.
80. The English Commissioners to the Queen.
On Thursday 1 Dec. Lord Cobham came to Arras, trusting there to find the Bishop of Ely and the Dean of Canterbury, but they were yet at Cercamp, and, as it was reported at Arras, were not minded to come thither, but to depart from Cercamp to Bethune and so homewards; the assembly at Cercamp being dissolved. Hereupon he sent in post to inquire where they could meet, and they came on Friday to Arras, where he delivered to them the Queen's letters, their commission, and other writings.
Next day, being Saturday, Lord Cobham and Dr. Wotton departed thence towards Brussels, the former "in post" the latter "in journey." Lord Cobham arrived there on Wednesday 7th inst., having been delayed by the way, weather, and great floods of water. The King was then at the monastery of Grunendale, in a forest, two great leagues from Brussels.
The next day "being our Lady Day," (fn. 3) they sent to the King, asking for an interview, who, in reply, desired the Bishop of Arras to bring them on the following day to Grunendale. Upon their admission into the King's presence Lord Cobham presented the Queen's letters and delivered her message. The King welcomed him very goodly, and replied by the Bishop of Arras. The late Queen, he said, was "such a virtuous princess and so loving and well affectioned towards him as any wife could be towards her husband." Since neither kings nor queens are exempted from death, seeing it has pleased God to call her to His mercy, he had no other remedy but to take it as patiently as he could, and to conform his will to the Almighty will of God. He rejoiced at the accession of the Queen, and that with the universal agreement and good will of all the realm of England, "to whom he had ever borne his good will," and would preserve the leagues with England.
The Dean of Canterbury then spoke upon the importance of "this amity and strait confederacy betwixt England and the King's Low Countries," especially at this present season, when "their common enemy from time to time did nothing else but go about to oppress all their neighbours, and so had by deceit, falsehood and force increased their limits very much, and being now puissant and strong annoy both the Low Countries and England more than ever he did before. It was therefore now more necessary than ever before that the said amity and strait league were duly and truly observed and kept." The King answered by Mons. d'Arras that all this was very true, that the common enemy by oppression of all his neighbours was now very strong, and therefore for his part he had done all that he could for the conservation of the amity and league with England.
Lord Cobham then declared to the King that the Queen had sent new commissions and instructions to proceed in the conference. As the King had hitherto refused to conclude anything with the common enemy without the satisfaction of the late Queen, so the present Queen trusted and required that he would conclude nothing with the French without the restitution of Calais. The King caused answer to be made that as the assembly was dissolved for a while, and not having as yet spoken with his Commissioners who had been at Cercamp, (the Duke of Alva and Ruy Gomez remaining still at Arras), and as he had now for the first time spoken with the Bishop of Arras since his return from Cercamp, he did not know perfectly what had been done there. The English Commissioners, however, should have further information when he was more fully informed. And thus the communication ended. This was the effect of the communication had with the King at this time.
Sir Richard Shelley is here and has recovered of his long sickness. Being anxious to return home and to do his duty, he is despatched to the Queen.
On the next Monday after having been with the King, having heard nothing of the answer which was promised to be given them, Lord Cobham went to the Bishop of Arras to inquire when the King would let them know his pleasure upon the last matter propounded to him by his Lordship. The Bishop answered that the Duke of Alva and Ruy Gomez had not yet arrived at the Court, but that an answer would be given when the King had talked with them.—Brussels, 13 Dec. 1558. Signed: W. Cobham—N. Wotton.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Dec. 13.
Galba, C. i. 28 b.
81. The English Commissioners to the Queen.
Another copy of the above, in an abridged form. Pp. 3.
Dec. 13.
82. Lord Cobham to the Queen.
In addition to the letters sent to the Queen from himself and his "cousin Wotton," (whereby it appears in what sort he has been admitted into the King's presence), he forwards this private letter.
To the Queen's message to the King he could get no other answer than that the King could not absolutely resolve thereupon, until he had talked with his Commissioners, who yet remain at Arras. Fears therefore his despatch will be deferred until the coming hither of these Commissioners.
Has heard that there has passed some talk between Rigomes and the Bishop of Ely, in which the former used divers persuasions for the conclusion of a peace at this time, although the demand for England were not fully answered. It was necessary, he said, considering that neither the King of Spain nor the Queen of England had funds sufficient to carry on the war. It were meet now to make some honourable composition and cease war for a year or two, and then move sharp war to the annoyance of the enemy. To this or like effect tended all his communication.
At Cercamp the French did not let to say and talk openly that Her Highness is not lawful Queen of England, and that they have already sent to Rome to disprove her right. Thinks it were expedient that either a personage of some reputation be "suborned" and sent to the Pope, and so to learn further what the French do practise there in the matter, or that she should at home provide to frustrate their attempt in that behalf.
The French show themselves very hault, and do make great brags that they have assured friends in England, to use when time and occasion shall be offered. Of this at his return he will make more ample discourse to her.
As touching his entertainment here, both of the King and the nobility, it has been very honourable.—Brussels, 13 Dec. 1558. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 13.
83. George Ackworth to the Queen.
Commendation of her father Henry VIII., who at his death left the succession so firmly established that no disturbance took place. Edward VI. followed his father's system of government, was endowed with rare gifts of mind and body, and realised the promises of his childhood. He was thoroughly conversant in Latin and Greek literature, and expressed himself with fluency and elegance. His personal appearance was pleasing and his address to his inferiors in rank kind and affable, uniting love and authority. Misfortunes followed his death; an outbreak occasioned by some ambitious and wicked citizens, whose attempt was punished without recourse being had to arms. Other evils followed which he will pass over cursorily, chiefly the cruelties perpetrated by those in authority. Congratulates himself and his country on the accession of the present Queen, who having been trained in the school of adversity has profited thereby. When he heard of her accession could scarce contain himself for joy. The news reached him when he was at Padua, whence he proceeded to Venice, where he was congratulated by all who knew him, and some who did not know more of him than that he was an Englishman, the affairs of that country exciting such general interest.—Venice, idibus Decemb. Signed: Georgius Ackworthus, Londoniensis.
Orig. Lat. Pp. 4.
Dec. 13.
B. M. Harl. 169. f. 10 b.
84. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Strond House, 13 Dec. 1558.—Present: the Earls of Arundel, Bedford, and Pembroke; the Admiral, Chamberlain, and Vice-Chamberlain; Mr. Cave, Mr. Mason.
The Lords of the Council, by the Queen's special order, signed a passport to the Mayor and Jurates of Dover to suffer Henry Middlemore to pass into Flanders without any search, being sent thither for the provision of things against the Queen's coronation.
Dec. 13.
R.O. 27 V. 27.
85. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Dec. 14.
R. O.
86. Vergerio to the Queen.
Thanks God for her accession, and expresses his desire to take a share in restoring the new religion. He is now living under the protection of the Duke of Wurtemberg, whose councillor he is. Has communicated with Henry Chillegrue. True religion in Germany is now in a better condition, and it never enjoyed greater liberty; the kingdom of Poland embraces the true doctrine; the King of Bohemia (with whom he had resided some time this year) warmly enters into our church, and war has been declared against Antichrist.—Heidelberg, 14 Dec. 1558. Signed: Vergerio.
Orig. Add. with armorial seal. Pp. 2. Ital.
Dec. 14.
B.M. M.S. Reg. 13 B. 1. f. 2, 6.
87. Mundt's Commission.
The Queen having confidence in the fidelity and diligence of Christopher Mont, LL.D., (of which he had given ample proofs in the time of her father and brother,) intimates to the states, cities, and others of the empire, that any services rendered to him will be regarded as a favour to herself. She recommends him to their good offices.—London, 14 Dec. 1558.
Contemp. copy. Letterbook. Lat.
Dec. 15.
R. O.
88. Chaloner to Cecil.
Arrived safely at Antwerp, "where for my bank I was fain a season to remain." The Emperor with the States of Germany will meet about the beginning of next month at Augusta respecting a general resistance against the Turk, who proposes to invade them next summer with such a force as never before. Uncertain where the Emperor would keep his Christmas, whether at Isebroke, Ratispone, or elsewhere. Leaves Brussels this morning by post.
Lord Cobham (who looks for his short despatch) will forward all intelligence; he is welcome and well entertained with great feasting, such as shows that the King here makes account of the Queen's amity. "The Conte de Feria is a personage (as I learn here) like another Ruy Gomez touching his being in favour with the King; as he is used in England so will he report. I trust and wish it be something after their sort of usage here."
"Much expectation here dependeth how things proceed with us at home. Sundry talks and opinions of this and that. Glad we should do well for their own sakes, and glad to hear of our dealing hitherto."
Will make all good haste to Augusta. The ways difficile through the extreme frost, and dangerous from the men of war who on either side have been dismissed.—Brussels, 15 Dec. 1558. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Pp. 3.
Dec. 17.
R. O.
89. M. D'Assonleville to Cecil.
The friendship which has begun between them encourages him at the hour of his departure to request that Cecil will procure for the bearer an order of the Council, "touchant aucunes bieres," about which one of the subjects of the Queen has spoken to him.—Westm., 16 Dec. 1558. Signed.
Orig. Fr. Pp. 2.
Dec. 17.
90. Adolphus, Duke of Sleswick-Holstein, to the Queen.
His Chancellor, whom he sent as envoy to England, has, on his return, brought him two letters from her, which are most acceptable. Is glad to see from them that she approves of his exertions in promoting commerce between his subjects and hers, in which he will co-operate. Has read the letter in which her Commissioners reply to his articles, and is pleased that she is desirous of continuing the alliance into which he had previously entered with King Philip in regard to certain military arrangements. Common fame and the report of his envoy have spoken highly of her virtues; he is glad therefore that there is at length an opportunity of showing his regard towards her. His envoy not having had sufficient authority to conclude his business, thanks her for having consented to suspend matters until he should have obtained the requisite powers; but the writer will himself come to England, and will explain and arrange all things. He begs therefore that she will write and tell him if the time is convenient, as he has already begun to prepare for his journey. Thanks her for her kindness to his envoy, and is ready to show his regard towards her even to the extent of his life and fortune.—Gottorp, 16 kal., Januar. 1559. Signed: Adolphus Noruagiæ et Holsatiæ Dux.
Orig. Endd: The Duke of Holst to the Queen. Add. Broadside. Lat.
Dec. 17.
R. O.
91. Adolphus, Duke of Sleswick-Holstein, to Cecil.
His orator, Adam Thraciger, on his return from England mentioned the regard which Cecil entertained for the writer, for which he is much obliged. The Queen wishes him to serve her in a military capacity, as he was previously retained in the service of the King of Spain, for the completion of which arrangement he will hasten into England as soon as he is informed by her letters that this is her wish.— Gottorp, 16 kal. Jan. 1559. Signed: Vester amicus, Adolphus dux, &c.
Orig. Add. Broadside. Lat.
Dec. 17.
R. O.
92. Adam Thraciger to Cecil.
Writes in accordance with his promise made before his departure that he would send him news from Germany, and thanks him for kindness received when he was in England. The following intelligence may be depended on. The Livonians being pressed by the Muscovites have surrendered their strongest towns to the King of Poland and placed themselves under his protection; the King has therefore stirred up against the Muscovites a tribe of Tartars who the autumn before had taken "Casanum" [Cazan] from the Muscovites, and slain nearly 60,000 Muscovites and Russians.
The Emperor has made a truce with the Turk, and also a treaty with the Pope. There is a report of a league to be entered into against the Princes who profess the true religion; but hopes that God will confound their projects.
His Prince desires Cecil's assistance for certain of his subjects engaged in the exportation of cloth, in which adventure Thraciger also has embarked his money.
The Duke having in a former letter announced to the Queen, and also to Cecil, his intention of setting out for England as soon as he had received her reply, the writer begs that it may be sent as soon as possible. He commends himself and the Duke to Cecil's kind offices.—Gottorp, 16, Calend. Jan. 1559. Signed: Adamus Thracigerus, Holsatiæ Cancellarius.
Orig. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Dec. 17.
B. M. Galba, B. xi. 258.
93. Another copy of the above.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 17. 94. Lord Cobham to Cecil.
Although he has sought to have his despatch from hence, yet hitherto he can neither get it nor have answer when he shall have it. There has been wanting on his part no goodwill to depart hence. Asks him to procure an answer to the letters sent from the Queen's Commissioners here; which received, it is thought the King would appoint some shorter time to assemble again for the treaty. Trusts that Cecil has received two several letters from him. Sir Thomas Challoner was here with him and departed yesterday.— Brussels, 17 Dec. 1558. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 17.
B. M. Harl. 169. 11 b.
95. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Strond House, 17 Dec. 1558.—Present: the Earls of Arundel, Bedford, and Pembroke; the Admiral, the ViceChamberlain and Secretary; Mr. Cave, Mr. Masone, and Mr. Sackville.
A letter to Thomas Gower, master of the ordnance in the north, to set all things in his charge in good order, and thereupon to repair with speed hither, bringing with him all such books and writings as serve for declaration of the state of his charge.
A like letter to John Abington, surveyor general of the victuals at Berwick.
A letter to the Mayor of Rye, requiring him in the Queen's name to make his undelayed repair hither, to the end he may at his coming declare unto the Lords the causes that moved him to suffer the prisoners to pass from hence into France that were sent away the 12th of this month, contrary to an express order heretofore taken with them in that matter.
A letter to the Lord Mayor of London, that whereas yesterday night last an assault was made by certain disordered persons upon the house of the Ambassador of the King of Swevia and certain of his servants, he is willed to send to the said Ambassador to learn the circumstances of this matter and the doers thereof, and thereupon to cause them to be committed to ward and further punished according to the quality of the fault. And for that the said Ambassador may understand that it is not otherwise meant but that he and his should be courteously entreated here, the said Lord Mayor is willed to signify to him when he minds to proceed to the punishment of the offenders, that he may send some one to see the doing thereof. He shall also signify to the Council what he shall have done herein, with the whole circumstances of the matter.
Dec. 17.
R.O. 27 V. 30.
96. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
[Dec. 17.] R.O. 97. East Marches against Scotland.
Sixteen "Notes according to the which Mr. Abington is to make his declaration to the Queen's Majesty's Council," relative to the purchase and sale of victuals for the garrisons in the East Marshes against Scotland, chiefly at Berwick and Holy Island. Provision to be made for victualling in Berwick for 4,000 men from 1 March to 30 June, and 5,000 men from 1 July till 31 Oct. Pp. 2.
Dec. 18.
B. M. Harl. 169. 12 b.
98. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Strond House, 18 Dec. 1558.—Present: the Marquis of Winchester, the Earls of Arundel, Shrewsbury, Bedford, and Pembroke; the Admiral, Chamberlain, Vice-Chamberlain, and Secretary; Mr. Cave, Mr. Masone, and Mr. Sackville.
A letter to Dr. Lewis, judge of the Admiralty, with a note of certain complaints made by the merchants of Flanders touching wrongs and delays of justice, and exhibited here by Dassollevylle, the King of Spain's Ambassador; which he is willed to consider, and to signify hither the state of every of the same suit in the Court of the Admiralty.
[Dec. 18.]
R.O. 27 V. 32.
99. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Dec. 19.
R. O.
100. The Marquis of Winchester to Cecil.
Had conference yesterday for an obsequy for the late Emperor to be done in Paul's; and having been this day at Westminster and taken order with my Lord Abbot and others for the hearse and other things pertaining to that church, and considering that the hearse stands very fair and may well serve these obsequies, "and in such other things as is to be done at this time because of the two sisters," (fn. 4) thinks good to advise him that the doing of these obsequies in Westminster, where the hearse stands, will be a saving of much money to the Queen. Hereupon prays his present advertisement, for otherwise the hearse must be taken down, for avoiding of spoil that will ensue. To this letter are privy Sir Wm. Mildmay and Mr. Garter.—"From Westminster, where we sit for the end of the burial matters, 19 Dec. 1558."
Hol. Add. with seal. Endd. Pp. 2.
Dec. 19.
B. M. Harl. 169. 13.
101. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Strond House, 19 Dec. 1558.—Present: the Marquis of Winchester, the Earls of Arundel, Shrewsbury, Bedford, and Pembroke; the Admiral, Chamberlain, Vice-Chaberlain, and Secretary; Mr. Peetre, Mr. Cave, Mr. Masone, and Mr. Sackville.
A letter to Sir John Mason, Treasurer of the Chamber, to content and pay Tho. Harvye, Esq., 12l. 12s. 10d. due unto him for the diets and lodging of Captain Mallysart, a Frenchman, for twelve weeks and odd days, with a schedule thereof enclosed in the said letter, whereunto he is referred.
[Dec. 19.]
R.O. 27 V. 32.
102. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.
Dec. 20.
R. O.
103. Sir Thomas Challoner to Cecil.
Has arrived to-day at the post of the Rynehouse, a village beside Spire, on this side of the Rhine towards Augusta. Having had no word of the passage of Sir Anthony Coke toward England he thinks he is yet at Strasburg; whereupon he delivered Cecil's letter to one William Rickthorne, on his way through Strasburgh towards Besançon in Burgundy, to his master, Lord Wentworth, who is kept prisoner at Digeon [Dijon], so that the letter will be either safely delivered, or returned to Cecil's hands if the bearer misses Sir Anthony.
Dec. 20. His posts from Brussels hitherto have been very bad, partly by cause of the frozen roads, partly by means of sundry companies of Italian lords who met him on the way. The Duke of Wirtemburg has passed this way by post, Don Juan Menricquez, Viceroy of Naples, Marco Antonio Colonna, the Count de Santo Fiorre, and three or four others, earls and marquesses, all to Brussels, with ears open to harken after the peace, and if peace be, some to sue for recompence at King Philip's hands for their losses in the late wars. "By the way, if ought be well or amiss chanced of the King of Spain, I hear none other name but of die Kunnyg van Engellant, so that it appeareth the title of England beareth stuff with it." Thinks to find the Emperor at Ratisbone, according to his advertisements from Antwerp, but is uncertain where he will keep his Christmas; however, it cannot be far from Augusta as the Diet is so near at hand. Uncertain also whether the King of Bohemia and the Elector will be there personally or by deputy.
The Pope is "now but overwell recovered of his late sickness, and of old faction all French." This letter is written "half in post."—Rynehowes beside Spire, Tuesday evening, 20 Dec. 1558.
Hol. with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Dec. 20.
B. M. Harl. 169. 13 b.
104. Proceedings of Privy Council.
Strond House, 20 Dec. 1558.—Present: the Earls of Arundel, Shrewsbury, and Bedford; the Admiral and Chamberlain, the Vice-Chamberlain and Secretary; Mr. Cave, Mr. Peetre, Mr. Masone, and Mr. Sackville.
A letter to Thomas Alrede, customer of Hull, requiring him in the Queen's name to suffer one Edward Robartes of that town to pass into Berwick with 500 quarters of wheat and as many of malt, provided for the better furniture of that piece by John Abington, general surveyor of the victuals there; the said Robartes to bring back from Abington a certificate of the delivery at Berwick of the said corn.
A letter to the Earl of Northumberland, with a copy of a proclamation made here, that all captains and soldiers having charge upon the frontiers, being absent from their charge, should repair thither upon pain of forfeiture of all such wages as are due to them from the last pay until 1 Jan. next, if they be not found there at that day; which proclamation he is required to put in execution upon such as shall not accomplish the contents thereof.
A like letter, with a copy of a like proclamation, to the Lord Evere, and he is required to do ut supra.
Dec. 20.
R.O. 27 V. 35.
105. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript.


  • 1. As the Queen was not crowned until 15 Jan. 1559, the date of this document must be incorrect.
  • 2. The concluding paragraph of "Queen Elizabeth's proclamation upon her accession to the crown" is the following:— "And further, we straitly charge and command all manner our said subjects of every degree to keep themselves in our peace, and not to attempt upon any pretence, the breach, alteration, or change of any order or usage presently established within this our realm, upon pain of our indignation and the perils and punishment which thereunto in anywise may belong. R. O. Domestic Series of Elizabeth, vol. 1. No. 1. See also Strype's Annals, vol. 1. Appendix, No. 1.
  • 3. The Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 8 Dec.
  • 4. In this year 1558, there died two of the Emperor's sisters, that went with him into Spain after he had resigned the empire; to wit, Queen Eleanor, first married to Emanuel, King of Portugal, and after his decease unto the French King, Francis, the first of that name; she deceased in February last past. His other sister, Mary, Queen of Hungary, late Regent of the Low Countries, deceased on St. Luke's day, 18 October, last past. And so the one preventing him, the other tarried not long after him; in so much that King Philip did celebrate the exequies in the town of Brussels of his father the Emperor, of his aunt Mary, Queen of Hungary, and of his wife Mary, Queen of England, in this present month of December, subsequently, after the most pompous and solemn manner.—Holinshed's Chronicles, iii., 1171.