Mary: January 1555

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Mary: January 1555', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Mary: January 1555', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Mary: January 1555". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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January 1555

1554–5. Jan. 10.
314. Sir John Masone to Sir William Petre. The gentleman sent hither from the Cardinal has not as yet had audience, albeit Masone has not let to travail for him in that behalf as earnestly as conveniently he might. Since his coming several others have been heard and dispatched. Fears he must still tarry longer, the Queen, M. D'Arras, and the rest of the Council having gone to Antwerp, and the Emperor remaining as it were alone, somewhat troubled still with his gout. Cannot tell the meaning of this long deferring. Thinks it could not hurt to give the world to understand that this side could be content to talk of peace and upon reasonable conditions to come also to some conclusion therein. The French have had such experience that they are able to do, as better it had been they had not learned so much. Some here let not to say that this staying hangs upon hope of the aid of England. As God will ordain the matter, so must it be; but a great adventure will it be, being not yet recovered of their late sickness acquired by the like accident, to put themselves in danger of falling down again. If he hears not shortly of some aid of money out of England, extremity will drive him to make his refuge to her Majesty, who he trusts will either call him home or else see him so furnished with her allowance, or at least with his own, as he may be able to continue the place in such a sort as to her honour is requisite. [Two pages.]
Jan. 19.
315. Sir John Masone to Queen Mary. Having received her Majesty's letter of the 30th December, first communicating with the Count of Egmont, he repaired to the Duchess of Arschot and delivered the Queen's letter. The Duchess greatly rejoiced in the honour done to her by this appointment. The day of the christening was the 19th, at which time he resorted to her house a little before the hour and delivered to her her Majesty's cup and 40 angels. She was accompanied to the Count of Egmont's house by the Duchess of Lorraine and all the nobility of the Court, male and female. The baptismal ceremony was very solemn, a bishop executing it, and other things requisite so rich and well in order, as it was right worthy the sight and as appertained to the estate of such a nobleman. The other godmother was the Duchess of Lorraine, and the godfather Frederick the Count Palatine, whose deputy was the Count of Edstein sent hither on purpose. His present was two crosses of jewels, the one of diamond for the child, the other set with four fair rubies, one fair diamond and one emerald, for the mother. The christening was in the evening, so as by the end thereof it was supper time. The supper and banquet was right stately, in which her Majesty's cup so walked up and down from man to woman and woman to man as he dares answer few were there that carried not both their bellies and heads full freighted to bed. Had declared to the Countess in what good part the request of her and her husband to make their daughter a Christian woman had been taken by her Majesty, who would willingly have done the same in person had the distance not been so great. She desires her most grateful thanks may be given to the Queen. There had been some doubt as to the naming of the child, the Countess having already a daughter of the name of Mary; but at last it was resolved she should be called Mary Christiana, after her Majesty and the Duchess of Lorraine, whose name is Christiana. Letters of the 5th from Casale in Piedmont mention that the French have razed Mazin [Massa] and having attempted some other places had been well driven from them. No further fear need be had of them. Had the captain of Ivrea been a man, as he has declared himself a beast, that town had been saved, and then this had been as ill a journey as ever the French made in their lives. The town had been cowardly rendered to them by its captain, whose name is Moral, and who there for is imprisoned. Mazin was valiantly defended, and its captain has won much honour; had it been guardable he would have made good account of it. As it is, it was dearly gotten; the captain and soldiers in the end departing by composition with their bodies and baggage. The Emperor has sent thither 4,000 foot and 1,000 horse, which with the former garrison and some others from Sicily and Naples, it is trusted shall be able shortly to make the enemy weary. There have come from Germany to the Court four Ambassadors, viz., from Duke Augustus, Duke of Brunswick, Hans Frederick's son and heir, and the Landgrave of Hesse. It is thought they come on their own private matters. The Duke of Brunswick and the Landgrave are reconciled and a marriage between their children is settled. No news from Sienna for some time. [Two pages and a quarter.]
Jan. 27.
316. Dr. Wotton to the Council. Shortly before Christmas the Venetian Ambassador, Barbadico or Barbarico, after a very brief residence, was suddenly recalled without taking leave, on account of his selling a ship laden with corn to the Genoese; either because he ought to have sold it at Venice, where there is no great plenty, or because the French King had remonstrated to the Seigniory that he should sell his corn to the King's enemy. He is likely to be mulcted in great sums of money, and held incapable to occupy any such preferments as are usually the reward of Envoys who have served their time. The Scottish infantry are going back, and it is said that some French are to accompany them. The Earl of Huntly is said to be very straitly imprisoned. The King probably intends to be so strong, that though the Scots would make any business, yet the French shall be able to keep the fortresses in Scotland. There has been with the King an Italian, from the Duke of Urbino, who has made a piece of ordnance, divided into six or seven score pieces, so that so many men may with ease each carry a piece. This was tried at Paris in his Majesty's presence, with another piece of brass of the like size, viz., that of a sacre, and with like powder; and the Italian's shot farther and pierced deeper than the French piece. The Italian has offered to make his Majesty such a one as shall shoot a stone of 500 weight. The King has cassed 30 out of every 100 horse and foot in his service; and these 30 are to have no wages for the last five months and a half, for which, as they allege, they have served. Much talk here of a communication of peace by her Majesty and the Legate. The Marquis of Marignano has been repulsed in an assault on Sienna: Strozzi supposed to be still in Grosseto. A Lord of Germany, supposed to be one of the Duke of Brunswick's, has recently arrived at the Court, but he cannot ascertain who he is. He is believed to have come from Italy. Received on the 20th, by Francisco the courier, their letters of 5th December and 16th inst. On Wednesday the 23d had audience of the King, when Francisco received his passport and proceeded on his journey. Presented her Majesty's letter. Discoursed to the King of the evils which had arisen in England during the past 500 years, when the Sovereign was a minor, which had brought the realm into great danger, but never more so than in the late reign, when the governors had not only sought much more their own advantage than the King's benefit, but had travailed all that they could to fill the kingdom with the most abominable heresies that ever were in the Church of Christ. To remedy which the Parliament had passed an Act whereby, in case of her Majesty's demise, leaving issue, the King should have the government of the child and the realm. His Majesty received the communication very gently, and expressed himself highly gratified by these wise proceedings, the reduction of England to the Church, &c. The Constable had even exceeded the King's commendations of her Majesty, and has been more than usually courteous to Wotton, to whom next day he sent half a wild boar, killed by the King on the preceding day. Is frequently used to send him venison: begs they will cause the like to be done to the French Ambassador in England. The Constable had asked Francisco where Ruy Gomez was; and being informed that he was in England, said, "That is well," as though he had meant somewhat else thereby. Francisco met at Calais one of the Emperor's Secretaries going into England, and requested him to inquire of Wotton whether a Spanish gentleman sent from the Emperor passed this way towards Spain. Learns from the postmasters that a few days since one Francisco de Mendoza did so pass. Beseeches them to intercede with their Majesties for the liberation from the Tower of Sir Gawen Carew, who is married to his sister. [Seven pages and a half. The first portion in cipher, undeciphered.]
Jan. 28.
317. Nicholas Radzivil, Duke of Olika, to Queen Mary. In favour of [Laurence Fentzel], a citizen of Dantzic, whose business will be explained by Jerome Makowieczki, of the Chamber of the King of Poland. [Latin. One page and a half.]
January. 318. Queen Mary to Dr. Wotton. Desires him to inform the French King of the proceedings of Parliament, touching the restitution of the Pope's authority, and the establishment of matters of religion in the realm. [One page.]
[January.] 319. "Thomas Gresham, remembrance for the monies of Spain." [Three pages, with notes by Petre.]
[January.] 320. "A note of all the Queen's Highness' debts in Flanders," by Thomas Gresham. [One page, with notes on reverse by Petre.]