Mary: March 1554

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Mary: March 1554', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Mary: March 1554', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Mary: March 1554". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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March 1554

March 1.
162. Thomas Gresham to the Council. Sends schedules of the amount transmitted by his servant Sprytewell by his letter of the 24th inst., and of the amount forwarded by his servant De Tomazo, the bearer of this. The harness and all other charges deducted, has in hand 700l. which will remain with his factor Richard Clough, according to commission, for the purchase of 10,000 Collen cleve staves. Intends to leave Antwerp on the 3d March. Sends the treasure before coming only in order to get clear through the search of Gravelines without any charge, for he cannot escape but that the captain and searchers will banquet him, and all their cheer is in drink, which he can very ill away withal, but which must needs be done for the better compassing of his business hereafter. Sent the captain 12 ells of fine black velvet, and every customer and searcher 8 ells of black cloth for their new year's gift, making Sir John Masone privy to the fact that the gates of the town are open at all times of the night to his servants as they come with treasure. Incloses a copy by a notary of the bond of Andrew Lixshall, which he has collated according to their request. As for the others that have the like they say nothing, and he will wait until they speak themselves. [One page and a half.]
March 6.
163. Lord Grey to Queen Mary. Has received intelligence by a good and credible espial lately at the French Court, that 30 ships of war have been prepared under the command of De Cleres, and are ready to depart with a great number of men of war for Scotland as it is rumoured, but in reality to descend in England, in some part unknown to his informant; as also to lie for the Prince of Spain if he shall come to England, and for the Count of Egmont when he shall depart thence. The espial also says that he thinks the Count will not so easily escape now as he did last time, as the French King was much offended with his Ambassador because he did not give him due notice of the time when the Count would leave, all being then ready to lie for him. Further, that Captain Forsete is commanded to look to the gallies, which are all being rigged and prepared for sailing by the 20th of April, and are very numerous. [One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
March 10.
164. Lord Grey to the Council. Is credibly informed that Marshal St. André two or three days walking at Fiennes, went with two or three gentlemen into a house in the village of Caphiers, and in conversation with the inhabitants inquired whether they were the French King's natural subjects. Being answered in the affirmative, he said he understood from Roctim, the Captain of Fiennes, that the French King's subjects there were very loyal, and then proceeded to inquire how far it was to Guisnes, and if it was very strong and well furnished. They told him it was, for all the corn and bacon in the country was lately carried thither. Thereafter he asked how many men were in it, if they were sufficient to keep it, if the country round it was rich in victual and cattle, and whether if it were besieged it were possible to prevent it from receiving assistance from Calais by water ? Being told that 2,000 men were few enough for its defence, that the country was well supplied, and aid could be easily cut off by force of men, he whispered to one of his companions and departed. All this is suspicious and merits to be weighed strictly, considering the coming of the Marshal to Ardres, the superabundance of provisions continually brought to that town, which cannot be only for its furniture, and that they are said to bring also a great number of little boats, daily expected by ships to Newhaven. Entreats that more men and supplies may be immediately sent. In corroboration of the menaced danger, yesterday a man in this neighbourhood received secret warning from a friend of his, a man of arms in the band of M. de Montmorency, son of the Constable, to stand well upon his guard and put his goods and cattle in surety as soon as he could, to avoid the danger that otherwise might follow sooner than he should be ware of. Moreover, such Frenchmen as since the late breaking of the safe guards had brought their goods and cattle for safety to their friends to keep in this country, have within these two or three days covertly removed them on the pretext that the Burgundians, knowing these goods to be French, will not let to take them though they be in the Englishman's hands. [Two pages and a quarter. Indorsed by Petre.]
March 14.
165. Thomas Lord Wentworth to same. This night about 1 o'clock the Marquis Bargues, Chamberlain to the Prince of Spain, arrived here, to pass through England with diligence into Spain, and will embark hence this morning. Marshal St. André hovers about Guisnes, and has caused many boats to be brought to Newhaven by sea, and thence to Ardres. On the Marshal's first arriving, he sent one of his chief gentlemen to Wentworth declaring that the French King understood that the Emperor's Ambassador in England openly stated that the object of the Marshal's coming to these frontiers was to steal some of her Majesty's forts; with which report the King was very angry, as he meant in all points to maintain the peace and amity between her Majesty and him. Had replied to the Marshal that he heard of no such report, but that all the world knew how well the King intended to maintian amity, he not only maintaining the Queen's rebels within his realm, but furnishing them with money and munition against her. The gentleman said he had no commission to answer this, and was informed "nor I to tell it him, but in the way of parle." [One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
March 14.
166. Richard Blount to Sir William Petre. Sends a statement of money owing to her Majesty by various captains and others for armour and weapons, amounting to 132l. 0s. 6d. Trusts that he may have discharge for the same. Mentions his losses while serving the public these five and twenty years, and hopes her Majesty may find some relief for his poor wife and ten children, so that after his decease they be not forced to beg in consequence. Trusts to render as good service to her Majesty as he did to her father, so his purse may be holpen to encourage his heart. [One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
March 14.
167. William Duke of Cleves to Queen Mary. Thanks her Majesty for the great kindness shown to his sister the Lady Anne, and to his Councillor Dr. Herman Cruser on his recent visit to England. Cruser now returns to convey to Lady Anne the melancholy intelligence of the death of their sister Sybil Duchess of Saxony, and will wait upon her Majesty to offer his Grace's congratulations on her comparatively bloodless victory over some of her traitorous subjects. [Latin. Broadside.]
March 18.
168. Claud de la Sengle, Grand Master of Malta, to same. Credentials of Alonso de Solis, Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Envoy to her Majesty. [Spanish. One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
March 21.
169. Henry II., King of France, to same. Having heard that some of his messengers dispatched to Scotland have been arrested and detained on the English frontiers, that a frigate belonging to the Sieur de Villegaignon, one of his captains, has been spoiled at Margate, and that several of his subjects complain of delay in the administration of justice in England, he has instructed his Ambassador M. de Noailles to apply for redress. [Signed by his Majesty, and countersigned by D'L'Aubespine. French. One page.]
March 24.
170. Captain Thomas Crayer to Lord Grey. Sir Peter Carew, Sir William Pickering, Sir Edward Courtenay, John Courtenay, Bryan Fitzwilliam, and other English gentlemen have lately arrived at Caen. Sir William Pickering is going to the French Court, where he is sure to be well entertained by the King, who is providing a navy to the number of 200 sail of ships and gallies to meet the King of Spain. Thinks that Carew and Pickering shall have charge of them all. Three ships of Englishmen have already gone to the sea with Killegrew, who reports that they serve the French King, and are officered by Frenchmen. Is certain this is not true, but only to intercept the King of Spain, for having sent with them to the sea side a good wise fellow on purpose to know their pretence, he on coming there made his excuse that he could not brook the seas, but caused them to write the accompanying letter in his favour. Moreover, the French King has provided 80 ancients of footmen to send to the seas, and the Council stick not to say openly that if the King of Spain comes into England the French King will set in his foot to the aid of the commons. The whole navy will sail on the 20th of April. Has been at Court with the King, who very gently entertained him and gave him 500 crowns; howbeit, the Constable so used the matter that he had but 300. The King also promised him a house and land, but he does not greatly regard the promise. The Vidame goes incontinently into Scotland to raise the country there to come in on that side. Apologizes for not having sent the money for the old groats transmitted, but as soon as he makes his muster, which will be very shortly, he will come and bring it with him. Requests to be informed what money is due to his Lordship in his band, and he will stay it at the muster; also that he will be pleased to motion her Majesty and the Council for his return to England, of which he will be right glad.
P.S.—March 20. One Drury is at Rouen tarrying the coming of the Vidame to go with him to Scotland; the Vidame goes with all the haste and power he may. [Two pages.] Sending,
170. I. Letter, Sir P. Garew and Sir W. Pickering to Captain Crayer, recommending the bearer, John Adams, to be placed in his company. Caen, March 20.
March 27. (fn. 1) 171. A folio volume in the autograph of Dr. Wotton and his Secretary, entitled "Extracts out of the Antiquities of France," relating to the genealogies of many of the principal families of that kingdom, commencing with that of Dreux. For the loan of several of the books cited and documents copied, Wotton seems to have been indebted to Jean Feron.
March 28.
172. Edgar Hornyold to Secretary Sir John Bourne. No intelligence has passed from hence to her Majesty hitherto but what has been ordered by his pen. Has been in the habit of communicating with one of the Privy Council, and has been no less desirous to have gratified Bourne by this travail than his goodness has deserved. But whether matters at home have grown so great, as that these outward parts are become of less respect, or whether his experience is condemned, or his judgment is supposed to be of no more moment than at the time Bourne took him from the schools at Oxford, or whatsoever matter, he notes in him such small comfort to this thing, as he stays to acquaint him with that which is otherwise passed to the Queen. Nevertheless is induced to do so by the increase of Sir Peter Carew's retinue in France, where they are so treated, that it cannot be otherwise conjectured but that they practise with France. Carew is reported to have used this persuasion to his companions,—"Are not we allianced with Normandy ? In what ancient house is either there or in France, but we claim by them, and they by us ? Why then should we not rather embrace their love, than submit ourselves to the servitude of Spain?" Is in doubt whether the residence of these men in France is to subvert the realm or only to avoid the punishment which they have deserved in it. Thinks that if the fugitives were assured of their lives they would gladly return to England; enters at considerable length into the alternate consequence of their remaining in France, and offers to enter into a communication with the principals of the suspicion, either to discover their pretences or obtain their submissions, as thereby the realm would be quieted, and utterly discourage thievish people of their vain hopes and inventions. [Two pages and a half.]
March 29.
173. The Mayor and Aldermen of Calais to the Council. Requesting that the cordwainers of Calais may be restored to the privilege of repairing to England, for the purpose of purchasing and importing tanned leather, of which they were deprived by the Act of 6 Edward VI. [5 & 6 Edw. VI. c. 14.] directed against regrators. The effect of this Act has been, that the cordwainers have been constrained to break their households and discharge their servants and apprentices, a step which the few remaining here are like to follow. This not only depopulates the town, but the ready made wares brought hither by the cordwainers of London are sold to the inhabitants at such unreasonable and excessive prices as has not been seen. [One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
March 31.
174. Lord Grey to same. Sends two letters from Captain Crayer [No. 170, antea], touching the doings of Carew, Pickering, and their confederates, &c. Requests to know what answer shall be given to Crayer's motion of his return to England. [One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
March 31.
175. Same to Queen Mary. Has here with him his son, whose time loses, and might elsewhere be better spent. And as he would gladly that this time might be so bestowed as better to enable him hereafter to serve her Majesty and his country, intends to send him for a season to Louvain, if it shall meet with her Majesty's approval. [Half a page. Indorsed by Petre.]
March 31.
176. Dr. Wotton to Sir William Petre. The merchants' processes being terminated, Dr. Dale returns home, and having been the chief doer in them, can better explain all things thereto pertaining than Wotton can write. He has taken great pains, and Wotton believes that, all things considered, they could not have picked out of the Arches a meeter man for that purpose than Dale. For although there are among them, who for learning in law and practice would have been as sufficient as he; yet for divers other qualities, on the whole he was as meet as others. "The man is honest, and hath both the Greek and the Latin tongue well; his learning in law is competent; sober and discreet in his doings; he speaketh the French tongue well. Finally, he hath used himself so well in this Court, that not only men of learning as the Garde des Sceaux, and other learned men, as well of the Privy Council as other have him in honest estimation, and are glad to talk with him; but even the Constable himself (who is not omnium horarum homo) hath ever been content to hear him, and divers times to talk familiarly of other matters besides with him. And I believe he will prove one of the meetest men you have at home to do the Queen's highness service abroad; whereunto he should yet be the apter, if he had been a year or two in Italy." Requests Petre to introduce Dale to the Council. [One page.]
March 31.
177. Dr. Wotton to Queen Mary. On the 20th received her Majesty's letter of the 16th, and had an interview with the Constable on the 22d. Details at much length the particulars of their conference on the mutual complaints. The Constable's character of Noailles. The apprehension of Peter Carew, Sir William Pickering, and others promised: in the meantime they have escaped. Cardinal Pole honourably received at the Court. Sir Robert Stafford and many others have arrived from England. Has received a letter from Cardinal Pole, who is much offended by his nephew's unkind part towards her Majesty. [Ten pages. Printed, with the exception of a few lines, by Tytler, Vol. ii., p. 352.]
[March.] 178. "Articuli matrimoniales conclusi in Parliamento secundo anno 1° Mariæ." "Articuli in alio tractatu positi et in eodem Parliamenti decreto inserti." "Decretum Parliamenti in anno 1° et 2° Philippi et Mariæ." [Copies. Latin. Three pages.]
[March.] 179. Extracts from the Treaty of Marriage between Queen Mary and the Prince of Spain. [Latin. Three pages and a half.]
Abstract of the said Treaty in modern writing. [English. Half a page.]
Extract from the aforesaid Treaty. [Latin. One page and a half. Headed by Cecil.]
180. Tractatus matrimonii inter Mariam Reginam Angliæ et Philippum per Carolum Quintum Imperatorem et dictam Mariam Angliæ Reginam initus et conclusus. [Latin. Copy. Seven pages and a half.]
Copy of the preceding, and of several of the articles separately, with notes autograph of Cecil. [Twelve pages and a half.]
Extract from the preceding in English. [One page.]
181. Ratification of peace between Queen Mary and the Emperor Charles V., and articles of marriage between her Majesty and Philip, Prince of Spain. [Latin. Ten pages. Copy.]


  • 1. [A.D. 1554, 27 Martii, "Vespere circiter horam 7."]—Note on fly leaf.