Mary: September 1553

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1861.

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'Mary: September 1553', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558, ed. William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Mary: September 1553', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Edited by William B Turnbull( London, 1861), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Mary: September 1553". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary 1553-1558. Ed. William B Turnbull(London, 1861), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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September 1553

Sept. 1.
28. The Duke of Florence [Cosmo de Medicis] to Queen Mary. Offers his condolence on the death of her brother, King Edward, and his congratulations on her Majesty's accession to the throne. [Latin. One page and a half. Indorsed by Petre.]
Sept. 2. 29. Dr. Wotton to the Council. Has received their letter of the 15th ult., with the supplication and articles put up to the Queen by the English merchants, who have their causes hanging at Rouen before the Commissioners of the depredations. Although some of the surmises in their supplication are not strictly correct, yet they have been so cruelly spoiled and handled, that they may be excused for setting their complaints forth to the best advantage they can devise. The King has appointed all the Ambassadors to remain here, within two leagues of St. Germain-en-Laye, where the Queen and some of the Council, such as Cardinal Tournon, the Garde des Sceaux, and others lie, and to whom they are appointed to resort for all matters of business. Has been in hands with the Council for these matters of the merchants, but as yet has received no answer; and although he does his utmost to obtain all the merchants' requests, he must plainly say that he rather wishes than hopes to succeed, because it seems to him that in some points they require more than ought to be granted to them. Will nevertheless do the best he can. On Sunday last the Queen sent to inform the Ambassadors that the King and his army had crossed the Somme, and marched straight to the enemy, who on hearing of this, broke up their camp where they were strongly quartered and retreated a great day's journey, with some disorder. From this the Queen conceives good hope of the rest. At first they doubted whether the King would continue with the army, seeing the Emperor was not in his camp; but it seems that he will remain not only for the better encouragement of his troops, but because that otherwise it is much to be feared so many great Princes together, as Vendôme, Guise, Montmorency, and a sort of lusty young Cardinals, will not well agree among themselves. The French army, though not so great as they would have it appear, cannot consist of less than 30,000 infantry, including the Swiss now arrived, and about 7,000 horse, who consider themselves far superior to the cavalry of the Burgundians. The Pope had intended to have recalled the Legate sent to treat of a peace, but perceiving the advance of the two armies has extended his mission two months longer; wherefore the Legate and Nuncio have gone to Amiens, as the risk of a battle may, perhaps, better move the Princes to some accord. The Italians here say that the Turks' navy, and the French troops that were at Sienna, have gone to besiege the fort lately built at Elba, a small island, lying against Piombino, the young Lord of which, having, by his father's will, been made a ward of the Emperor, had, by his means, sold the island to the Duke of Florence, by whom this strong fort has been constructed. If this is true, it shows that the French King has declared himself hostile to the Duke of Florence; and if, as is to be feared, the fort is taken, it will put the Duke and the Genoese in great danger of their estate, the place being of very great importance. As the charges of this embassy are such as cannot be borne but by her Majesty, trusts that her pleasure is that he shall have diets appointed for him, meet for him to occupy that room. [Two pages.]
Sept. 8.
30. Christopher Mount to the Council. The Marquis of Brandenburg is still at Brunswick in great lack of money, and his troops require their stipends. Augustus and John Frederick agree very evil, and although the former offers him honest conditions and recompence which he might never have obtained from Maurice, the latter will accept nothing but the electorship, which Augustus will not surrender. The displeasures and griefs of both have so increased that Augustus has now in his country 4,000 cavalry, and daily raises more, and John Frederick makes preparations, so that open war between them is to be feared. Augustus is in federe Egrensi, like as his brother has been with the Duke of Brunswick, &c. John Frederick has a privy intelligence with the Marquis of Brandenburg, but if he shall join in any league with the Marquis his love and estimation will be stained and blotted, as the Marquis is odious and hated of all honest men. The city of Nuremberg and the Bishops are now besieging Sueinfort, in which the Marquis has eight ensigns of foot. The Count Palatine has gone to Munich to christen a child of the Duke of Bavaria. The Elector agrees much better with the Duke than he did with William, the Duke's father. The city of Nuremberg have imposed a large contribution on their territories to maintain the war against the Marquis, who still possesses one castle and town. [One page.]
Sept. 9.
Mons in Hainault.
31. The Emperor Charles V. to Queen Mary. Being desirous of communicating on certain matters relating to the safe navigation of his realms with Captain Cabote, formerly pilot of his kingdom of Spain, and who, by his permission, has for some years been resident in England, requests her Majesty will give Cabote leave to visit him. [French. Signed by the Emperor, and countersigned by Bavé. Broadside.]
Sept. 9.
32. Peter Vannes to the Council. A battle had been expected between the Imperialists and the French, who are both very strong in Piedmont, but news have arrived that a truce has been concluded for one month and longer if the Emperor and the French King agree thereunto upon the restoration of certain places by the one to the other. The Bishop of Rome has greatly laboured for peace between the French, the Siennese, and the Duke of Florence, but ineffectually, as the latter will not agree to certain articles proposed by the French. The Turkish and French gallies conveyed 4,000 soldiers under M. de Thermes from Sienna to Corsica, belonging to the Genoese, well furnished with men of war; and they no sooner arrived than all the soldiers in arms turned to the service of the French King, whereupon the French obtained Bastia and other places on the coast, taking prisoner the two Governors of the Genoese and divers other merchants. M. de Thermes landing, appointed his General San Pietro Corso, Captain of the island. Bonifacio and Calvi, two strong places, are not yet taken, but it is thought in some process of time the French will have the whole island. By reason of the commodious and extensive harbourage the island may very much impeach Genoa and other places, their supply of provisions requiring to be brought by sea; wherefore the Genoese make great preparations for their own defence, mistrusting the Turks and French army, against the spring of next year. Letters from Rome mention that Transylvania in Hungary has revolted, and called in again their late King's son, a child thirteen years of age and nephew to the King of Poland: also that labour was made for him to the Turk to have his friendship and assistance, and that the Turk had made a truce with the Persians for three years. If this be true it cannot be without some danger to Christendom. Begs they will be suitors on his behalf for her Majesty's favour and good will. [Two pages and three quarters. Indorsed by Petre.]
Sept. 10.
33. The Bishop of Norwich to the Council. Information has been received from Italy that the French and Turkish fleets having unsuccessfully attempted to take Elba, a fort kept by the Duke of Florence, had sailed for Corsica, the people of which having on their landing declared for the French, that island is now in the hands of the French and Turks, with the exception of two strong towns which yet hold out. But it is feared, unless aid come to their rescue, that they shall follow the rest. In Piedmont the Imperialists and the French have taken a truce for 30 days. The French army in these parts have come towards Cambray, into which part of the Imperial troops have been placed for defence of the town and castle, and the Emperor's army is quartered for protection of the frontiers. It is thought that there will be no set battle, and nothing of consequence has been done, except that in a skirmish at the approach of Cambray and the burning of its suburbs, two or three gentlemen of the Emperor's camp were taken prisoners. In his letter of the 2d inst. had mentioned that the Legate Dandino should return home, but his absence had been only temporary to see the adjacent country, and he will return here to-morrow. The Emperor is in good health, and leaves Mons in Hainault for the camp, accompanied by the Regent, who, as she has been a good and necessary minister for the government of these countries, so is she the best nurse that ever he had. [One page.]
After the 12th.
34. Queen Mary to Dr. Wotton. Having heard, by her Ambassadors recently returned from the French Court, that the King wished her Majesty to mediate a peace between him and the Emperor, desires Wotton to ascertain whether the King remains in the same mind, and to express her readiness to do so, and wish to be informed upon what foundations and conditions she might begin to commune of the matter. [Draft, holograph of Secretary Petre. Two pages.]
The same abridged. [Holograph of her Majesty. One page.]
Sept. 13.
35. Conrad Penny [Pfening] to Queen Mary. Offers to her Majesty a continuance of the same services which he rendered to her late father and brother, requests his pension may be still allowed, and that such arrears as are owing, and will be specified by his friend Peter Schinckel, may be paid to him.[Latin. Three pages.]
Sept. 14.
Monsin Hainault.
36. The Emperor Charles V. to same. Revoking his Ambassadors the Sieurs de Coroceres and de Tholouse, Chevaliers, and Messire Jehan Scheyffue, Master of Requests of his household; and nominating as Ambassador Resident the Lieutenant Dumont, presently at her Majesty's Court. [French. Signed by the Emperor, and countersigned by Bavé. Broadside.]
Sept. 18.
37. Maximilian, King of Bohemia, to same. Is delighted to hear of the good success of her affairs, confirmed by the bearer, Mr. John Sheres, gentleman of the household of the late King, her brother, and expresses his reciprocal desire of amity. [French. Signed by his Majesty. Broadside.]
Sept. [18.]
38. Ferdinand, King of the Romans, to same. Congratulates her Majesty on her accession, recommends the bearer, Mr. John Sheres, gentleman of the household of the late King, her brother, who will inform her of his sentiments of amity, as she has probably already heard from his Great Chamberlain the Baron Martin de Guzman. [French. Signed by his Majesty. Broadside.]
Sept. 19.
Citadel of Cleves.
39. Mary, Duchess of Cleves and Juliers, to same. Congratulates her upon her accession, and recommends to her Majesty's notice Dr. Herman Cruser, whom her husband had sent to his sister the Lady Anne. [Latin. Signed by her Grace, and countersigned by Lindeman. Broadside.]
Sept. 20.
40. John III., King of Portugal, to same. Credentials of Lorenzo Piz de Tavora, sent as Ambassador to congratulate her Majesty on succeeding to the throne. [Portuguese. Broadside. Indorsed by Petre.]
Sept. 20.
41. Dr. Wotton to the Council. As yet has received no answer concerning the merchants' complaints. Acknowledges their letter in reference to the matter of William Winter, which he has declared to Cardinal Tournon and the rest of the Council at St. Germain, who desire Bochetel to forward all the letters and documents connected therewith to the King at the camp, whence he waits for a reply. By reason of his Majesty's absence, and beside himself there being only the Ambassadors of Portugal, Venice, and Sienna at Poissy, they hear very few news, and these by the time they reach them have lost their name. Fearing that the Turks and French should combine against him, the Duke of Florence has garrisoned Piombino and Orbitello strongly, and levied other 12,000 soldiers either to resist them or enter upon the Siennese as may be required; but by interference of the Pope it seems they have forborne to attack the Duke. The Italians here say that Cardinal Pacheco has been reconfirmed by the Emperor Governor of Naples for three years longer, with an annual salary of 10,000 ducats. The suspension of arms between Ferrante Gonzaga and Brissac for the present month, to enable the people to gather their vines peaceably, is likely to be more beneficial to Gonzaga than to Brissac, it being expressed in the suspension that Chierasco shall be victualled and succoured in the interval, which otherwise could not have been done, except by adventure of battle, Brissac having besieged it and being in possession of the passes in the vicinity. The Portuguese Ambassador has received intelligence that the Turk had sent a navy from Suez by the Red Sea to take a fort belonging to the King of Portugal on the island of Ormus, at the mouth of the Persian Gulf, which prevents navigation to India that way, except by licence and payment of tribute to the King of Portugal. But the Turks have been defeated by his Majesty's Viceroy of the Indies, who has taken and drowned 28 of their gallies, and taken prisoner their chief captain, called Pirrh Rey. Had this fort been lost, the King's other possessions in the Indies would have been in great danger. Details his conversation with Cardinal Tournon in reference to her Majesty's mediation between the Emperor and King of France. The Legate has been to the camp, but failed in his efforts to arrange a peace, as the Emperor's conditions are deemed most unreasonable by the French King. For the Emperor requires, 1. The restitution of all places in Luxembourg taken since the war commenced; 2. The same in Piedmont; 3. The restitution of all the Imperial towns; 4. That the King give over the protection of Parma and Sienna; 5. That he swear never to practise more with Germany, secretly or overtly. "These requests seem so strange to the French King, that he hath sent the Legate back again to the Monastery of Orcan, which is by Noyon, a good way from the camp; and the Nuncio hath written hither to a friend of his, that these two princes are like to agree together, as two men are like to come together; the one going east and the other west." The Turk's navy has returned without performing any notable act; but whereever they landed, they have carried off a number of souls. The Prince of Salerno, the Baron de la Garde, and other French captains are much discontented with the Turks for not landing in Naples where they were required to do, and where they might greatly have assisted the French King. These officers have returned with the French gallies from Corsica to Marseilles, M. de Thermes remaining in Corsica, for whose troops the vessels are supposed to have come to fetch provisions. Were the Genoese to lose Corsica, it would be very serious not only for them but for the Emperor. It had been rumoured, but erroneously, that the Turks were with the French in that island. Incloses the intended movements of the French army, sent to him by the French Queen for good news. The King of Portugal has appointed to send an Ambassador to her Majesty of England; he is expected to come this way in seven or eight days. Cardinal Tournon informed the Portuguese Ambassador to-day, that, after leaving the French, the Turk's navy returned to Corsica and have besieged a fort there, whereof they say they will make a present to the French King ere they depart. [Five pages.] Incloses,
41. I. The intended movements of the French army. [French. Two pages.]
Sept. 22. Duplicate of the preceding letter. [Six pages.]
Sept. 21.
42. Lord Grey to the Council. On the 18th, the French King having departed from before Cambray came in person with his army of 30,000 foot and 10,000 horse within half a mile of the Emperor's camp and offered battle. This the Imperialists refused, and kept within their entrenchments: nevertheless they sent forth their cavalry, which skirmished all day with the French, but on both sides not more than 30 were slain or taken. Among the rest it is said that Mons. le Prince, brother to M. de Vendôme, had his head struck off with a piece of ordnance from the camp of the Imperialists, whose fire of any other thing did most annoy the French. He who reports this of the Prince says that he saw him. After this entire day's skirmish the French King retired at night to the place whence he came, where he had left a portion of his forces; and he is now there within five English miles from the Emperor's army, which is said to be at Valencia [Valenciennes], where he and the Regent are in person. [One page. Indorsed by Petre.]
Sept. 23.
43. Peter Vannes to Queen Mary. Both parties, Imperialists and French, hearken to some rest toward winter by the means of some truce or suspension of arms. The Turks and French attempt the entire conquest of Corsica, minding if they succeed to sojourn there all winter; but as yet they are rather in hope, than in any assurance thereof. Has been informed by recent letters from Rome, as is doubtless better known to her Majesty, that Commendone, one of the Bishop of Rome's Chamberlains, who had been sent by Cardinal Dandino to endeavour if any way could be had for reducing England to the obedience of Rome, has lately and with great diligence arrived in Rome, despatched by the said Cardinal. On his arrival a consistory was held on the 15th, whereat the Cardinal's letter and Commendone's relation were read, and agreeable to the said letter it was not thought meet at present that Cardinal Pole, or any other Legate, should be sent into England. Many causes wherefore he should not be received there were alleged, the schismatics there, according to Commendone, being greater in number than the heretics, and all they enemies to the Church of Rome. These matters had been much debated between the Bishop and his Cardinals, the opinion of some allowing of Cardinal Pole's going, seeing that he being an Englishman, noble, learned, well expert and well friended, might find some good mean for that good purpose especially as the Parliament was nigh at hand, when some order in the religion might be taken there, and this once concluded, might not hereafter be altered or revolted without great difficulty and hardness. But the Bishop was so persuaded by the letters of Dandino and Commendone's relation that he did in no wise think it good to send any Legate, for having no hope of succeeding according to their expectation, it was to be feared that the going of any Cardinal should be in vain. Therefore without any resolution the matter was referred to the next consistory. Has by divers worshipful men been inquired what he thought her Majesty would do herein, and had replied that he had no commission to speak, and of himself could say nothing, but of one thing he was well assured, that her Majesty was wholly inclined, by God's grace, to set forth all things that might stand to God's true service, the augmentation of His honour and glory, and the establishment, wealth, quiet, and tranquillity of her realm. [Three pages.]
Sept. 25.
44. Peter Vannes to Sir William Petre. Is unable to congratulate England sufficiently on the late provision of God's manifold goodness. Is as glad of Petre's good health and estate as any friend or servant which he has; moved thereto not only by his virtues and worthy qualities, but by the great gentleness and assured friendship at all times declared. Becomes him rather to wish than to crave any letters from England, for he has received none since long before the King's death, and does not know what service and wherein he shall be commanded to do, but comforts himself with a prompt and faithful heart to serve and obey her Majesty and her councillors; reputing in the stead of a great gift to be so esteemed in their good will and favour. Has commanded his servant, the bearer, to do in his name reverence and most hearty commendation to Petre. [One page and a quarter.]
Sept. 25.
45. Same to Francis Yaxley. Occurrences in Venice being few or none, will be the cause of wearying him less, but will not suffer the opportunity of testifying his affection to him to pass. Has written him partly by way of Lyons, and partly under cover of the Ambassador; these, or Yaxley's replies, as sometimes happens, may have strayed on the way. They contained nothing but general occurrences and official gossip. At present not knowing where Yaxley is, sends this by his servant Lilgrave who, to his great delight, is returning to England, whence Vannes has received no letters for five months. [Italian. One page.]
Sept. 25.
46. Lord Grey to the Council. Has received letters mentioning that the French King has retired to St. Quentin, intending there to bide the recovery of the Constable, who is very sick; and thence to repair to France, there to appoint all his army into garrisons, reinforcing strongly the frontiers of Picardy near this. He is said to have received a great sum of money from the Towns of Cambray and Chateau-Cambresis to stand void of any his attempts. The Emperor is reported likewise to have dispersed his camp, proposing to go to Brussels. [Half a page. Indorsed by Petre.]