January.? |
46. Memorial of Lord Ochiltrie to the King. On the 10th Sept. [1629] Capt. Daniell, of Dieppe, accompanied by threescore soldiers and a number of savages, arrived in six shallops upon the coast of Capbritane [Cape Breton], and surprised a colony he had seated there by virtue of a commission from the King of Britain. "Barbarous and perfidious carriage" of the French, who said they were friends because of the peace. The sufferings they endured, being inclosed in the hold of a ship, where they were forced to lie one upon the other, and were thus carried to Dieppe. His losses, above 20,000l., proved before the Admiralty Court of Dieppe, where he was kept close prisoner for a month, and only liberated by means of His Majesty's Ambassador. Has presented the relation of his injuries to the Council [of Marine], but his wrongs cannot be repaired, his losses repaid, nor the offences be punished, but "by the contrary." Capt. Daniell has a new commission from the King of France to go with French ships to America, and make good his possession of Cape Breton. Prays that some remedy may be provided for his wrongs and losses, and refers to Capt. Constance Ferrar, Lieut. Thos. Stewart, and others, witnesses to the actions above. [In a despatch from Paris, 22 Jan. 1629–30, Sir Thos. Edmondes states that he had complained of Capt. Daniell's cruel usage of Lord Ochiltrie, who had been set at liberty by the Council of Marine, as they could find no cause for his longer detention. Capt. Daniell alleged, in justification, express warrant from the Cardinal, from whom he had shown a commission to recover, for the French, all the plantations between 40 and 60 degrees. [See Corresp. FRANCE.] |
January.? |
47. "Lord Ewchiltree's [Ochiltrie] information." Pretensions of the King of France to Canada, and all Acadia, including New England and New Scotland; that King assumes the sole privilege of fishing in those parts, whereby in a few years, he will be able to raise a nursery of sailors better than any in the world. Capt. Daniell, in his letters, has publicly confessed that it is the French King's intention this year to supplant the English in all those colonies, and to make prize of the English ships going thither. Insists upon the "King of Britain's" right to those countries; above 7,000 of His Majesty's subjects there. Capt. Daniell, the agent of the Jesuits, is said to be the whole projector and plotter. The French ships start from Dieppe on 20 Feb. The King of France only intended the peace with England to last two years, until he had secured America. |
January. 27. |
48. Sir Henry Marten to Sec. Dorchester. Has granted a commission to the persons named by M. M. De Caen and Mullins; two Frenchmen for De Caen, and two English for the Canada merchants. Subsequent dissatisfaction of the French induced by "the busy intermeddling of Mr. Chamberlayne, the merchant," and refusal of M. De Caen to proceed upon Dorchester's order. |
1630? |
49. Petition of the adventurers to Canada to the King. By virtue of His Majesty's right to Canada, they first set out Capt. Kirke in 1627 to plant and trade there, who returning in 1628, a commission was granted to the petitioners to send him out again, "this last year" with a fleet for that purpose. The French pretend a claim to the goods that have been brought home, from which the petitioners are not only debarred, but likely to lose their trade in Canada in time to come, to the great prejudice of other plantations in America, and the loss of 200 British subjects, who must perish unless they have speedy relief. Pray that their goods may be delivered to them upon giving security to the Judge of the Admiralty to answer any pretended right thereto, or that they may have a legal proceeding. [Warrant was obtained by the French Ambassador for recovery of these goods out of the Admiralty Court, and for putting them in sequestration. See Council Reg. 1629, Oct. 28] |
Jan.? |
50. Petition of Edmund Rossingham to the Privy Council. The King having taken the government of Virginia into his own hands, on July 11 [1629] he petitioned against Ralph Yeardley, apothecary of London, and administrator to his brother, Sir Geo. Yeardley, deceased, to give an account of the estate, as also satisfaction for the petitioner's services. [See ante, p. 98, No. 15.] Prays that his cause may be finally determined. On 19 Feb. 1630 the Privy Council ordered Ralph Yeardley to pay 200l. to the petitioner out of his brother's estate, 1,200l. having already come into the administrator's hand. See Council Register.] |